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Public Administration by Dr Sultan Khan is the best book present in market which has

references of Pakistan as well

sociology:j.j Baloch
Journalism:Abid Tehami (it was my own subject so i had background knowledge
for it)
islamic history:M.Arshad's book (you will find it with difficulty though) I made my
own notes after consulting various sources, two of which are the books by Mazhar ul Haq,
second was M.Arshad's book but the second one is hardly available in the market as it is an
old book. Watch documentaries regarding Islamic History, they will really help you in general
understanding and it will keep maintaining your interest in the subject.
English: Exploring the world of English+Wren n Martin's book of higher English grammer
Islamiyat: Prof.Khurshid's Islami Nazriya-e-hayaat
Pak Affiars: Trek to PAKISTAN, Ikram Rabbani's book also easy to understand
Current affairs:For current affairs never consult a single book or source, explore the
knowledge through newspapers, internet, magazines, discussions, talk contain archives of all talk shows
EDS:Kashmiri's book is good one but soliving past papers for this particular paper would be
a good exercise, use internet for the topics like pesticides, Solar system, genetic
engineering so that you get recent facts. Encyclopedia of Every Day Science by Dr.
Zafar Saeed Chouhadry Published by Bhatti Sons.It covers JUST every thing an
examinor may set in E.D.S paper.

Essential parts of your answer/general ingredients of outline

Body (including the broken parts of question)
Justification of your stance
Flow sheet/ Graphical or diagrammatic demonstration if any (additional impact)
Real life situations
Positive and negative aspects of a given situation

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