Maria Silva
June 2, 2015
Facing History: Michael Brown
Another event our school did with facing history was a march and presentation about
Michael Brown. For this event our school was brought together and learn about what had
happened to Michael Brown. He was shot and killed by a police officer. This had brought a lot of
attention to our school because of how unfair it was to kill a person for know reason. In this
event the facing history class did a small march where they commemorate Michael Brown and
showed that they wanted justice for him.
When this activity was happening I noticed how everyone was intrigued to learn about
Michael Brown and what had happened to him. I noticed this activity also brought us more
aware of the current events that has been happening in the world around us. This activity for
Michael Brown also brought us tears and sadness to school community, and showed us we
should fight for his justice.
This activity was probably one of my favorites. I was able to learn about the current
events that is important to our community. This also made me me sad and angry because it shows
what what the world is coming to and how history is repeating itself.
This activity made me learn about the about what the world is coming too. It showed me
that not everyone was get justice. Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, and other black men never
got justice for their death. Also say that not everyone gets justice because my cousin and his wife
havent gotten it either. About two months ago they were both killed by a man who in a wrong
way, and under the influence. My cousin and his wife didnt get justice. Not only did a white rich
man killed them, but also a white rich man killed these black men.