Editing: 1. Discourse Level Editing I. Thematic Editing

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1. Discourse Level Editing

i. Thematic Editing
Ask appropriate questions to make sure that children have understood the theme.
ii. Discourse features: Which refers to dicourse

2. Syntactic Editing (Sentence level editing) word order, using excess words or missing words
Word order: Eg. The boy banana ate.
Ask the question Do you want to change in the word order?
Excess words: The boys are ate banana.
Ask the question- What is the extra that is to be removed from the sentence?
Missing word:
The boys banana.
One word is missing in sentence, what is it?
What do you do with the banana?

3. Morphological Editing
Aspects: Children commit errors in three areas- progressive, perfective and passive.
The boys is playing. (Is it is or are? )
Which sentence makes sense- The boys are playing? Or the boys is playing?
The story was write by a boy.
Error in PNG (Person, Number and Gender)
Subject and verb agreement in person , number and gender.
I is not hungry.
The boys is playing football.
She smiled at himself.
Ask them to give other forms of the word so that they identify their mistakes and correct themselves.
Errors in affixes (Prefixes and suffixes)
Eg: unproper for improper - for this ask them to check with dictionary.

4. Editing related to Conventions/ Punctuations

Tell them that some words are wrongly spelt. And ask them to check.

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