Text Book of Human Parasitology

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The document discusses the importance of studying parasitology and some common human parasites like lice, cockroaches, and their lifecycles.

The objectives are to study the way or the measurement of parasitic diseases control and the morphology, life cycle, the relationship with host and environment of medical parasites.

According to WHO in 2001, some major parasitic diseases are malaria, African trypanosomiasis, Dengue, Leishmaniasis, and others like Schistosomiasis and Lymphatic filariasis.

Text Book of

Human Parasitology
Edited by Lu Gang


Parasitology, the study of parasites and their relationships to their
hosts , is one of the most fascinating areas of the biology. While it is entirely proper to
classify many bacteria and fungi and all viruses as parasites, parasitology has
traditionally been limited to parasitic protozoa, helminthes, and arthropods
, as well as those species of arthropods that serve as vectors for parasites. It
follows, then, that parasitology encompasses elements of protozoology, helminthology
, and medical arthropodology.
Human parasitology, an important part of parasitology, study the medical parasites including
their morphology(), life cycle, the relationship with host and environment. The
objectives are to study the way or the measurement of parasitic diseases control.

Why do students need to learn the course now? In past time, parasitic infections or parasitic
diseases were the most common diseases in the world. Therefore, parasitology played important
role on the medicine and public health, none neglect the important of parasitology. With the nearly
simultaneous develo pment of antibiot ic drugs, synthetic pesticides , and various
antiparasitic agents, it was for a time widely believed that the infectious diseases would for all
practical purposes disappear from the clinical scene. Someone has asked the question, why do
medical students still need to learn parasitology?
Before answer the question, let me review the epidemic situation of parasitic diseases in the
world. According to the WHO 2001 year report, parasitic diseases is still an

important huma n diseases. In the world, 210 million people reside in the endemic areas of
malaria , 10 million cases with malaria occur every year; 20 million infected individuals
was estimated in the world. So TDR/WHO has procla imed that 10 major unconq uered

huma n tropica l diseases, African trypanosomiasis, Dengue ,

Leishmaniasis , Malaria, Schistosomiasis, Tuberculosis
, Chagas disease, Leprosy, Lymphatic filariasis
, Onchocerciasis . Among them 7 diseases are parasitic in the

traditiona l sense. In addition, DDT and other insecticides not only have failed to
eliminate the vectors of malaria, schistosomiasis, and other parasitic diseases but have themselves
brought on problems too well-known to require mention here. The development of resistance to the
synthetic antimalarials has been an ominous occurrence in recent years. The increased mobility of
large segments of the population, and popularity of the tropics and subtropics as vacation areas,
exposes them to a largely undiminished threat of parasitic infection, and the speed of transportation
ensures that many return to their native shores before their infections become patent. For these
reasons it remains necessary that all physicians have some familiarity with the parasitic diseases,
no matter how exotic.
Modifications of the environment maybe have brought about major increases in parasitic
diseases, flooding of vast areas has resulted in new habitats for the snail hosts of schistosomiasis.
Global warming is suggested as a possible reason for the eventual spread of diseases now seen
primarily in the tropics to more temperate climes. An important development of recent years has
been the appearance of the human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) and its sequel, the acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS), which results in greatly increased prevalence and severity of
a number of parasitic, viral, and bacterial diseases. As immunosuppression becomes more
widespread, not simply because of AIDS, but also as necessitated by organ transplantation, the
result of cancer chemotherapy, or the indiscriminate release of toxic chemicals and carcinogens
into environment, heretofore unknown or extremely rare infections are being reported from human.
These are the reason why the course on Human or Medical Parasitology has been keeping
Table--1Current disease portfolio(from WHO report 2001)
TDR disease

Disease burden


DALYs* (thousands)














40,213 19,237 20,976 1,080


Female Total

















35,792 21,829 13,962 1,660 1,048

Chagas disease





















* DALYdisability-adjusted life years()

In our country, various parasites have long been recognized as one of the important
endemic diseases for many years. In the early 1950s, the estimated number of people suffered from
schistosomiasis totaled cases 10 million, and that from malaria and filariasis, 30 million each.
Since the founding of the Peoples Republic , the Chinese government has paid great attention to
investigation and control of parasites, with particular emphasis on the five major ones, i.e.
schistosomiasis, malaria, filariasis, hookworm diseases and kala azar. Through 50 years endeavor,
outstanding achievements have obtained.
Nevertheless, schistosomiasis is still prevalence in lake-marsh and mountain regions along
Changjiang River; at the present, falciparum malaria has not been under effective
control in several southern provinces due to the emergence of multi-drug resistant strain and
ecological characteristics of the vector mosquito, Anopheles dirus , as well as
population migration. Besides, a nationwide survey conducted in 1988-1992 disclosed a striking
number of parasite-infected population, and a high proportion of polyparasitism as
well, e.g., overall prevalence of parasites was 59.67%(62.632 0.339%), and more than 700
million cases of infected individuals was estimated in China Although soil-transmitted
parasites infection have been reduced significantly with improvement of living conditions, foodtransmitted parasite infection, such as infection of clonorchis,

have been become a

new public health problem for dietary habits.

So it is considered that parasitic infection /or parasitic diseases are still one of the important
problems in public health in our country. As a candidate for doctor, to learn some knowledge of
parasitology is necessary.

Medical (human) Parasitology consists of medical protozoology
protozoology, medical helminthology
and medical arthropodology

Symbiosis means living together of both members of species. Any

organism that spends a portion or all its life intimately associated with another living organism of a
different species is known as a symbiont( or symbiote), and the relationship is designated as

symbiosis . The term symbiosis , as used here, does not imply mutual or unilateral physiologic
dependency;rather, it is used in its original sense(living together)without any reference to benefit
or damage to the symbionts. There are at least three categories of symbiosis whose are
commonly recognized: commensalisms, mutualism and parasitism.

Commensalism It was from Latin for eating at same table, denotes an association
which is beneficial to one partner and at least not disadvantageous to the other. The two partners
can survive independently.


Mutualism is an association in which the mutualist and the host

depend on each other physiologically. It is seen where such associations are beneficial to both


Parasitism is onother type of symbiotic relationship between two

organisms: a paras ite, usually the smaller of the two, and a h ost , upon which the
parasite is physiologically dependent. The relationship may be permanent ,as in the case of
tapeworms found in the vertebrate intestine, or temporary, as with female mosquitoes, some
leeches, and ticks, which feed intermittently on host blood.

In other words, it is a symbiotic

relationship in which one animal, the host, is to some degree injured through the activities of the
other animal, the parasite.


Its biolog ical definition is an animal or plant which lives in or upon

another organism(technically called its host) and draws its nutriment directly from it. By this
definition all infectious agents, viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and helminths are parasites, but
traditionally protozoa , helnimths and medical arthropod , so called parasites, are
studied in medical or human Parasitology. Therefore,, the textbooks of parasitology today deal only

with protozoa, helminthes and some arthropod.

The parasites broadly are of two types: endoparasite and Ectoparasite
. The parasite which lives within the host is called the endoparasite(e.g, leishmania).
Invasion by the parasite is called infection. Usually, the endoparasites cause most human diseases.
The endoparasites include 3 types, such as obligate parasite, facultative parasite and accidental
Obligatove parasites
parasites( ) are physiologically dependent upon their hosts and
usually cannot survive if kept isolated from them(e.g., Toxoplasma gondii ). Facultative
parasites()on the other hand, are essentially free-living organisms that are capable of
becoming parasitic if placed in a situation conductive to such a mode. An example of a facultative
parasite is Strongyloides stercoralis . Accidental parasites
parasites , the
parasite which attacks an unusual host. Ectoparasite, the parasite which lives on the outer surface or
in the superficial tissues of the host(e.g., lice). The infection by these parasites is called


Host is defined as an organism which harbours the parasite and provides the

nourishment and shelter. These hosts, in comparison to their parasites are relatively larger in size.
The hosts may be of the following types: definitive host, intermediate host, reservoir host and
paratenic host etc.
1) Definitive host

The hosts which harbour the adult parasites(e.g., Taenia

saginata causing intestinal taeniasis), most highly developed form of the parasite(e.g.,
Trypanosoma cruzi causing African sleeping sickness) or where the parasite replicates sexually(e.g.,
Paragonimus westermani) are called the definitive hosts. The definitive hosts may be human or
non-human living things.
2) Intermediate host

The hosts which harbour the larval stages of parasite

development or the asexual forms of the parasite are called intermediate host. Some times two
different hosts may be required to complete different larval stages. These are known as the first and
second intermediate hosts respectively(e.g., snails are the first intermediate hosts and fresh
water fish are the second intermediate hosts for Clonorchis sinensi s ).
3) Reservoir host

The animal which harbours the parasites and serves as an

important source of infection to other susceptible hosts are known as reservoir host(e.g., water
buffalo is the reservoir host for schistosomiasis ).

4) Paratenic host or transport host

The larva of some parasites can invade a

non-normal host, but can not develop, and only keep the larva stage. If the larva enter a normal
definitive host, it can continue to develop into adult worm. The non-normal host is called paratenic
host or transport host. It functions as a transport or carrier host.

According to the biomial nomenclature as suggested by Linnaeus(Systema
Nature 1758),each parasite has two names: a Genus( ) and a Species name . These
names are derived either from
Greek or Latin words
Names of their discoverers
Geographical area where found
Hosts in which parasites are found, or
Habitat of the parasite
The correct scientific name of the parasite consists of the genus and species to which it belong ,
the name of the designator and the year in which it was discovered(e.g., Angiostrongylus

cantonensis (Chen, 1935) Dougherty, 1946).

The animal parasites of human and most vertebrates are contained in five or more major
subdivisions or phyla.

Phylum Sarcomastigophora( ). This phylum is divided into two subphyla: the

Mastigophora or flagellates(), and the Sarcodina or amebae.

Phylum Apicomplexa()

Members of this phylum are tissue parasites..Apicomplexa

have a complex life cycle with alternating sexual and asexual generations.

Phylum Microspora( )

Members of the Microspora are minute intracellular

parasites of many kinds of vertebrates and invertebrates, and they differ significantly in structure
from the Apicomplexa. Microsporidia rarely cause diseases in immunocompetent persons, but
many do so with greater frequency in immunosuppressed persons.

Phylum Ciliophora()

The ciliates include a variety of free-living and symbiotic

species. The only ciliate parasite of human is Balantidium coli, found in the intestinal tract.
Although rare, it is important, as it may produce severe intestinal symptoms.

Phylum Platyhelminthes( )

The Platyhelminthes, or flatworms, are

multicellular animals characterized by a flat, bilaterally symmetric body. Most flatworms are
hermaphroditic, having both male and female reproductive organs in the same individual. The sexes
are separate in the schistosomes. The classes Trematoda and Cestoda contain parasitic forms only.

Phylum Aschelminthes( )

The nematodes, or roundworms, are elongate,

cylindrical worms, frequently attenuated at both ends. The sexes are separate, the male frequently
being considerably smaller than the female. A well-developed digestive tract is present. While most
nematodes are free-living(e.g., Caenorhabditis elegans), a large number of species parasitize
humans, animals, and plants. Intermediate hosts are necessary for the larval development of some
forms. Parasites of humans include intestinal and tissue-inhabiting species.

Phylum Acanthocephala( )

The thorny-headed worms are all endoparasite

organisms. While thorny-headed worms are widely distributed among wild and domestic animal,
only three genera have been reported in human beings including Macracanthorhynchus

hirudinaceus ().
Phylum Arthropoda( )

The phylum is subdivided into a number if classes,

many of which are of medical importance. The classes main include the Class Arachnida( )
and Class Insecta(). The Arachnida, or spiderlike animals, possess a body divided into two
parts, the cephalothorax and the abdomen. Adults have four pairs of legs. Included in this class are
the scorpions, the spiders, and the ticks and mites. Certain ticks and mites many transmit diseases.
Insects have three pairs of legs and a body divided into three distinct parts: Insects head, thorax,
and abdomen. Included in this class are mosquitoes, flies, lice, and bugs etc.

The protozoa are small, unicellular organisms which are morphologically and functionally
complete. A single cell carries out all the functions such as digestion, respiration, excretion,
reproduction, etc.
The helminths are larger organisms. A particular function such as reproduction, digestion or
excretion is performed by a group of special cells.
Arthropods are segmented and bilaterally symmetricalanimals with a body enclosed
in a stiff, chitinous covering or exoskeleton and bearing paired, jointed

appendages. The digestive system is well developed. Sexes are separate.

The life cycle of a parasite may be simple or complex. In a simple life cycle all the
developmental stage of the parasite are completed in a single host such as man. Change of host is
required only to propagate the parasite in the community (e.g., E.histolytica ,

Trichuris trichiura , etc). Some of the parasites require two different hosts to complete their
various stage of development (e.g., Schistosoma japonicum , etc). In a complex life
cycle many parasites require two different hosts, one definitive host and one intermediate host to
complete their life cycle(e.g., Schistosoma species require man as definitive host and snail as
intermediate hosts). Few of the parasite require two different intermediate hosts apart from a single
definitive host(e.g., Paragonimus westermani

requires snails as the first

intermediate host and fresh water fish and crabs as the second intermediate host, apart from man
and the fish eating mammals as the definitive host.).

It depend upon: Source or reservoir of infection, and Mode of transmission.

Source of infection
1) Humans

Humans is the source or reservoir in a majority of parasitic infections(e.g.,

taeniasis, amoebiasis, etc). The condition in which the infection is transmitted from one infected
man to another man is called anthroponoses().
2) Animal

In many of the parasitic diseases, animals act as the source of infection. The

condition where infection is transmitted from animals to humans is called zoonoses

(e.g., hydatid disease ).

Mode of transmission

Transmission of infection from one host to another,

cause by a certain form of the parasite is known as the infective stage . The infective stage of
various parasites many be transmitted from one host to another in the following ways.
1) Oral route

Ingestion of food, water and vegetable: The infection is transmitted orally by

ingestion of food, water or vegetables contaminated by the faeces that contain the infective stages
of the parasite. This mode of transmission is referred to as faecal-oral route(e.g., cysts of Giardia

intestinalis and Entamoeba histolytica ova of Ascaris lumbricoides ,

Trichuris trichura and Enterobius vermicularis ).
Ingestion of raw or undercooked meat: The infection is transmitted orally also by ingestion of
raw or undercooked meat harbouring the infective stage of the parasite(e.g., pork containing

cysticercus cellulosae , the larval stage of Taenia solium ).

Ingestion of raw or uncooked fish and crab: Infection is transmitted by ingestion of raw or
under cooked fish and crab containing the infective stage of the parasite(e.g., crab containing the
infective stage of the parasite(e.g., crab or cray fish containing the metacercariae of Paragonimus

westerman i, fish harbouring the metacercariae of Clonorchis sinensis

/, etc).
Ingestion of raw or under cooked water plants: Infection can be transmitted bt eating raw or
under cooked water plants harbouring the infective form of the parasite(e.g., water chest nuts, etc.,
containing metacercariae of Fasciolopsis buski and Fasciola hepatica ).
2) Penetration of the skin and mucous membrane

The infection is transmitted by

A) Penetration of the intact skin by filariformlarvae of hookworm, Sreongyloides

stercoralis on coming in contact with faecally polluted soil, and


Piercing the skin by cercariae of Schistosoma japonicum , S. mansoni

and S. haematobium on coming in contact with infected water.

3) Inoculation by an arthropod vector

The infection also can be transmitted by

A) Inoculation into the blood by Anopheles(vector for Plasmodium ).


Inoculation into the skin by mosquitoes(vectors for Wuchereria bancrofti ,

Brugia malayi etc).

4) Sexual contact
Trichomonas is transmitted by sexual contact. Frequently, Entamoeba also is transmitted by
sexual contact among homosexuals.

Establishment of the parasite in its host is referred to as an infection. The outcome of the
infection is highly variable. It may be(a) sub-clinical latent infection, (b) clinical disease or (c)
The disease is the clinical manifestation of the infection which shows the active presence and

replication of the parasite causing damage in the host. It may be mild, severe, fulminant
,and in some cases may even cause death of the host.
The person who is infected with the parasite but without any clinical or sub clinical diseases
is referred to as a carrier .

These are the infections which are naturally transmitted between the vertebrate animals and
man. The condition usually includes those infections in which the proof of strong circumstantial
evidence of transmission between the man and animals are documented.


Pathogenesis of the parasitic diseases is a dynamic process and depends on the
complex interaction of a variety of host and parasitic factors.

Host factors

The host factor include:

1) Nutritional status of the host, whether malnutrition or under nutrition.

2) Immune response to parasitic infection
3) Immune status of the host whether there is immuno-suppression or not.
4) The presence or absence of the co-existing disease or other physiological conditions such
as pregnancy, and
5) The age and level of the immunity at the time of infection.

Parasitic factors

The parasitic factors include:

1) Site of the attachment of the parasite and the size of the parasite.
2) Number of invading parasites, and

Parasite strain(pathogenic or non-pathogenic) and the growth, development and

multiplication of parasites inside the human body and their metabolic products.
The parasites can cause disease in man in various ways as follows: trauma by adult worm,
larva, and egg(e.g., hookworm cause oozing of the blood at the site of attachment); Invasion and
destruction of host cell(Plasmodium and Toxoplasma are obligate intracellular parasites of man ,
they produce several enzymes which cause digestion and necrosis of host cells); Inflammatory
reaction(many of the parasite induce inflammatory reactions in the host leading to the formation of

various pathological lesions); Toxin(parasites like bacteria also produce toxins but they appear to
have a minimal role in the pathogenesis of the disease processes; Allergic manifestation(many of
the metabolic and excretory products of the parasites absorbed in the circulation, produce a variety
of immunological and allergic manifestations in the sensitized hosts). Various pathogenic
mechanisms in parasitic diseases are summarized in the below table --2.
The parasitic infections usually are designate by generic names of the parasites ending with

iasis or osis. (e.g., Schistosoma infection is called as schistosomiasis)

Table--2 Pathogenic Mechanisms in Parasitic Diseases

Parasitic diseases


Strongyloid iasis, enterobiasis, taeniasis,clonorchiasis,

schistosomiasis and hookworm infection

Invasion and destruction of host cell

Malaria, leishmaniasis,trypanosomiasis,
toxoplasmosis and amoebiasis


Trichnellosis, lymphatic filariasis, paragonimiasis,



Amoebiasis, Chagas disease and sleeping sickness

Allergic manifestation

Schistosomiasis, hydatid disease

The host resistance or immunity in parasitic infections refers to the resistance offered by the
host towards the injury caused by the parasites and their products. It may be classified into: a)
Innate, and b) Acquired immunity.

Innate immunity

It is the inherited but non-immune type of the host

defence against a parasite., e.g., Haemoglobin-S thalasaemia and glucose- 6phosphate dehydrogenase 6-G6PDdeficient erythrocytes are
resistant against Plasmodium falciparum ; persons with Duffy-negative genesDuffy
are resistant to malaria, etc.

Acquired immunity

It may be a) Non-specific or acquired immunity, or

b)Specific acquired immunity.

1) Non-specific or acquired immunity

It confers protective immunity against many


protozoa l and helminthic infections. It is developed during exposure of persons to antigenically

unrelated micro-organisms, microbial extracts or some sythetic products. Non-specific immunity
has been shown to supplement the specific acquired immunity. These appear to be mediated by
macrophages or their active products and also by interferons.
2) Specific acquired immunity

It is mediated by both humoral and cell mediated

a) Humoral immunity

It is mediated through the production of specific antibodies. These

antibodies are serum proteins and gamma globulins in nature. These antibodies may be protective or
non-protective. The antibodies may offer protection in following ways:
The antibodies prevent the parasites from attaching and penetrating the host cells by
binding the specific sites on the surface of parasites.
The antibodies neutralize parasite toxins and inactivate parasite enzymes by binding with
the determinants of parasitic antigens.
The secretory IgA antibodies found in various body secretions prevent attachment of some
protozoa l parasites in the gut wall epithelium.
In a few parasitic infections(e.g., trypanosomiasis), the parasites are killed by lysis of
antibody-coated cells mediated by the complement, and
The antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity(ADCC) helps in the killing of a few
helminths coated by specific antibodies. It is an important mechanism by which the parasites are
killed. This is mediated mainly by the lymphocytes and to some extent by neutrophils, eosinophils
and macrophages. The antibodies are mainly of IgG, IgE and bind specifically to the parasites.
b) Cell mediated immunity(CMI)

It is mediated through T cell which are cytotoxic. The

CMI offers protection against many parasitic infections in following ways.

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes alter the osmotic permeability of parasitic cells causing swelling
and disruption of cells there by lysing the cells(e.g., Plasmodium falciparum infection in man).
Activated macrophages kill parasites in various ways such as producing enzymes or
activated substances(e.g., Toxoplasma, Leishmania, the schistosomule of Schistosoma species or by
producing hydrogen peroxide( Leishmania species etc).
Natural killer cells

These cells appear to be helpful in the initial host resistance

against many parasitic infections.


The immune response of man against parasitic infections are variable. It may be: a)
Protective, or b) Harmful to host.

Protective immune response

1) Sterilizing immunit

The sterilizing or complete immunity is associated with the

clinical cure, complete elimination of the parasite from the host and life long resistance against
subsequent infection. It occurs rarely in humans. It occurs only in the cutaneous leishmaniasis.
2) Incomplete immunity

It is associate with the clinical recovery from the disease and the

development of immunity to specific challenge with the parasite. The parasites always persist in the
host, even though relatively at a low level. This incomplete immunity also known as
premunition( ) typically is found in many protozoa l infections(e.g., malaria), as
concomitant immunity() typically is found in helminthic infection(schistosomiasis).
3) Absence of an effective immunity

It is seen after complete clinical cure from

infections(e.g.,amoebiasis, visceral leishmaniasis, American trypanosomiasis).

Harmful immune responses

In this condition, immune regulatory system shows a

negative effect by inhibiting protective immune responses and instead produces harmful effects in
the host. It is manifested development of hypersensitivity reactions.
This is of four reaction: Type I, II, III, IV hypersensitivity.
Anaphylactic reaction( )

It is type I hypersensitivity reaction. It is involved

in the pathogenesis of tropical pulmonary eosinophilia, Loefflers pneumonia, swimmers itch and
anaphylactic reaction of ruptured hydatid cyst inside the body. The skin manifestations of the
anaphylactic reactions characteristically are seen during the phase of invasion of the skin by the
larvae of of hookworm, Strongyloide, Schistosoma and other parasites.

It is type II reaction. It is responsible for a) anaemia in malaria, b)

chronic myocarditis and megacolon in Chagas disease c) quinine

induced massive haemolysis and haemoglobinuria in malaria .
Immune complex mediated

This is type III reaction and is

responsible for development of glomerulonephritis seen in malaria. It is also

responsible for immune complex mediated nephritis in

leishmaniasis, trichinosis and


Delayed hypersensitivity

This is type IV reaction and is

responsible for development of pathological lesions in a) Schistosoma species infections, b) local

lymphatic inflammation in filariasis, c) inflammation of muscle tissue around Trichinella and d)
survival and proliferation of parasites.

Many parasites survive and proliferate in immunologically competent host by of mechanisms.
These include.
1) Intracellular location(e.g., Toxoplasma , leishmania )

Antigenic shedding(e.g., Entamoeba , Toxoplasma , Fasciola ,

Trichinella )
3) Antigenic variation( Trypanosoma )
4) Antigenic mimicry(Schistosoma ), and

Modification of host immune responses. This is caused by inactivation of

complement(e.g., Taenia ), immune suppression(e.g., Plasmodium , leishmania

, Toxoplasma , Wuchereria , Brugi ), activation of
lymphocytes(e.g., Tryanosoma brucei , Schistosoma species ), modified leucocyte
function(e.g., Fasciola hepatica ) and immune complex(e.g., Leishmania ,

Trypanasoma brucei , Toxplasma , Plasmodium ).

Clinical manifestation of parasitic diseases are variable. It may be acute or chronic. However,
many of the diseases are chronic in nature. The onset of the disease is slow. In a few parasitic
diseases, the onset may be sudden. For example, in ascariasis, pneumonitis develop immediately
few days after ingestion of Ascaris eggs. Ingestion of pork infected with the larvae of

Trichinella spiralis , causes gastro-intestinal disturbances within a few hours, simulating

Allergic manifestation are important in many a helminthic infections. Schistosoma eggs
produce an allergic reaction in the host tissue. Similarly, the adult Brugia and Wuchereria worm in

the lymphatics cause frequent attacks of filarial fever, lymphangitis, etc. A variety of localized and
generalized allergic and neurological manifestations may be caused by inoculation of toxins into
the skin by arthropods, during the bite.

The diagnosis of parasitic infections depends upon: 1) Clinical diagnosis, and 2) Laboratory

Clinical diagnosis

In areas where the disease is endemic, clinical diagnosis may be made

by the characteristic clinical manifestations of the disease. However, in some situations even in
endemic areas, the clinical diagnosis is hindered by:
1) Low prevalence of major clinical signs
2) Late development of clinical signs
3) Lack of specificities of clinical signs
4) Occurrence of asymptomatic carriers
In non-endemic areas, clinical diagnosis may even be more difficult.

Laboratory diagnosis

It plays an important role in establishing the specific diagnosis and

supplementing the clinical diagnosis of the condition. It depends upon

1) Morphological recognition of parasites in relevant specimens(parasitic diagnosis)
2) Immunological tests(immuno diagnosis)
3) DNA probes or PCR etc
4) Other laboratory

a) Parasitic diagnosis

The definitive diagnosis is made by demonstration of parasites in

appropriate clinical specimens. The parasitic diagnosis can be made by

a) microscopy,

b)cultivation, c) animal inoculation and b) xenodiagnosis( ). The

nature of clinical specimen to be collected depends upon the habitat of the parasite.
Luminal parasites
parasites of the gastrointestinal, genitourinary and pulmonary


Infections with these parasites are confirmed by the presence of their characteristic forms in

the faeces, urine, sputum and other body secretions.

Faeces/: It is an important clinical specimen for the diagnosis of a) intestinal
parasitic infections and

b) helminthic infections of the biliary tract in which eggs are discharged


in the intestine. In protozoa l infections, the cy sts and trophozo ites of Entamoeba

histolytica, giardia intestinalis , can be demonstrated in the faeces The trophozoites are usually
excreted in acute

infections whereas cysts are found in chronic infections. In helminthic infections

the eggs, larvae and adult worms are found in the faeces as follows:
.Non-faecal specimens: These include a) anal swabs( e.g., for the eggs of Enterobius

vermicularis ), b) genital specimens(e.g., for Trophozoites of trichomonas vaginalis ) , c)

sputum (e.g., the eggs of Paragonimus westermani ), d) urine( e.g., the eggs of Schistosoma

haematobium), e) cerebrospinal fluid(e.g., Trypomastigotes of Trypanasome brucei ), f)

aspirations and biopsies(e.g., duodenal fluid, sigmoidoscopy aspirates, abscess aspirate, and
biopsies etc).
Blood and tissue parasites

The infections caused by these blood and tissue parasites are

confirmed by the presence of their morphological stages in the blood, tissue and other specimens.
Blood: The blood can be examined by direct smear, concentration , culture and animal
inoculation etc.
Tissue biopsy and aspiration: for example, the larvae of Trichinella spiralis and Taenia solium
can be demonstrated in muscle biopsy.

b) Immunological diagnosis

These methods are particularly useful in the latent or

asymptomatic infections as well as in some chronic infections. The immunological tests broadly are
of two types, a) skin test, and b) serological test.
Skin test

Skin test are performed by the intradermal

injection of a low volume of

sterilized parasitic antigen and noting whether erythema and induration occurs after 30
mins(immediate hypersensitivity) or after 48 hrs(delayed hypersensitivity).

Serological test

Serological tests important both for mass screening and case

detection particularly during the chronic phase of infection. These essentially are based on: a)
Antibody detection and b) Antigen detection.

Treatment of parasitic diseases primarily is based on chemotherapy and in some cases surgery.


The chemotherapy is employed for the treatment and prophylaxis of the

parasitic infections. Many parasitic diseases can be treated by chemotherapy. Albendazole


, mebendazole and pyrantal pamoate are some of the commonly used

anthelmintics. Praziquantel is used against many cestode(tape worm ) and
trematode(fluke ) infections.
An ideal agent for use in chemotherapy against a parasitic infection should be:
1) Of high therapeutic index
2) Administered orally, preferably in a single dose or divided doses on the same day
3) Stable over a long period
4) Inexpensive, and
5) Also the parasite should not develop drug resistance.

Surgical management

Management by surgery is indicated in the parasitic diseases for

which anti-parasitic drugs are not yet available or if available are not completely effective. It is
recommended especially for the hydatid disease, paragonimiasis, etc.


Prevention of parasitic disease refers to it interception. Control refers to check the possibilities
of dissemination of infection and epidemics, reduce and maintain a low level of parasitic infections
prevalent in human population.
Control methods can be aimed at controlling and eradicating the disease at its reservoir and
source. It can be achieved by

Chemotherapy and isolation. It is useful to prevent the spread of infection and

eliminate the reservoir and source of infection.


Immunoprophylaxis( ). It is carried out by artificial immunization such as

vaccines but has not been possible for most of the parasitic diseases. In falciparum
malaria and a few other infections pilot studies of the vaccine has been carried in the


Control of infection in animal reservoir for zoonot ic prophylaxis.

Human parasitic diseases caused by protozoans, helminths and arthropod include a wide
variety of infectious organisms, a broad spectrum of disease processes, and some of the most

fascinating scientific and important public health challenges that we will still face in the 21st
century. Many of these diseases represent very well adapted host/parasite/vector relationships that
imply a degree of co-evolution of these "partners in disease" that stretches the imagination. This is
often exemplified by chronic infections that, in a high percentage of hosts, cause little morbidity,
and life-cycles that are exquisitely timed and organized for optimal, but regulated, transmission of
the pathogen. A few of these diseases are more fulminant, and some clearly lead to more disease in
recently infected populations of hosts than in long-standing situations of medium-to-high
prevalence. Work with these parasites and their hosts and vectors spans the gamut from very basic
scientific research, to extremely practical implementation of eradication programs. It is, however,
critical to remember that a sound scientific understanding of the organism, the vector and the host,
and how they interact biolog ically, spatially, and temporally, is always the foundation upon which
effective control, elimination, or eradication programs are based. Until the proper understanding of
the situation is in hand, and the appropriate tools are assembled, sheer determination is simply
usually not enough to effectively dominate these well-established and spreading diseases. These
seemingly all-encompassing characteristics make Parasitology facing scientists, clinicians, and
public health officials as we move into the 21st century.



Protozoa are usually defined as singly celled animals, they belonging to the animal kingdom,
subkingdom Protozoa. Structurally, protozoa resemble single metazoan ( ) cells; a

protozoan cell has a full complement of cellular organelles ( ), i.e. nucleus ( ),

mitochondria ( ) , endoplasmic reticulum ( ), Golgi apparatus ( )etc.
together with endoplasm and ectoplasm. Functionally, each protozoan cell is equivalent to a whole
metazoan animal; the single cell relatively has complex metabolic activities such as digestion,
reproduction, respiration, excretion, etc.
At least 45,000 species of protozoan have been described to date, many of which are parasitic.
Parasitic protozoa still kill, mutilate, and debilitate more people in the word than any other group of
disease organisms. Because of this, studies on protozoa occupy a prominent place in parasitology.

Protozoa, that is, the whole body consists of a singular cell. Like a cell in the tissue of metazoa,
a protozoan cell is composed of plasma membrane (), cytoplasm () and nucleus.

Plasma membrane:

The membrane appears three layered in electron micrographs because

the central lipid portion looks light or clear (electron lucent) and is enclosed by the darker (electron
dense) protein layer. The trilaminar unit membrane support by a sheet of contractile fibrils, which
enable the cell to change its shape and help in locomotion protection & nutrition.

Cytoplasm: The cytoplasm matrix consists of very small granules and filaments suspended in
al low-density medium with physical properties of a colloid. In some species, the cytoplasm is
divisible into two portions: ectoplasm () and endoplasm ().
1) ectoplasm : The ectoplasm is the outer transparent layer with function of protection,
locomotion and sensation. It is often in the gel state.
2) endoplasm:

The endoplasm is the inner granular layer containing vacuoles and

organelles. It is in the sol state of the colloid, and it bears the nucleus, mitochondria, Golgi bodies,
and so on. These can only be visualized by electron microscopy. The endoplasm helps in nutrition
and reproduction.
3) Organelles( ): There are several membrane organelles characteristic of eukaryotes
( ), such as endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, various membrane-bound vescles, and
Golgi bodies, are usually found in protozoa. Mitochondria that bear the enzymes of oxidative
phosphorylation and tricarboxylic acid cycle often have tubular rather than lamellar cristae in
protozoa, althougher they may be absent.

Protozoa have several locomotory organelles ( ): flagella ( ), cilia ( ),

and pseudopodia ( ). Flagella are long delicate thread like filaments; flagella composed a
central axoneme and an out sheath that is a continuation of the cell membrane. A flagellum is
capable of a variety of movements, which may be fast or slow, forward, backward, lateral, or
spiral. Pseudopodia are temporary organelles found in Sarciodina () (and other organisms)
that cause the organism to move and aid it in capturing food. They do not occur in all sarciodines.
Cilla are structurally similar to flagella, they are fine needle like filaments covering the entire
surface of the body.
Some species of protozoa have rudimentary digestive organs such as cytostome and

Nuclei: it is the vital structure of a cell. It is present in the endoplasm. A membrane known
as nuclear membrane surrounds nucleus externally. In all protozoa excepting Balantidium coli, the
nucleus is vesicular. Nucleus contains a karyosome () and chromatin granules.
The karyosome is found inside the nucleus either at the centre or at the periphery. The
protozoan karyosomes belonging to the Phylum Apicomplex ( ) (e.g.: malaria parasites)
contain DNA; in contrast, the karyosomes of trypanosomes ( ) and parasitic amoebae do not
contain any DNA. Chromatin granules giving the appearance of condensation on linin threads line
the nucleus membrane internally.
Only a single nucleus is present in most of the protozoa but the ciliates have two nuclei, a
small nucleus (micro-nucleus) and a large nucleus (macro-nucleus). They are homogeneous in
composition. In certain protozoa such as trypanosomes, a non-nuclear DNA-containing body called
kinetoplast ()is also present in addition to the nucleus.

Trophozoite ( ): It is the reproductive stage of the most protozoa (e.g., intestinal

flagellate, amoebae, and ciliates). It is active feeding stage of the parasite and this stage is
associated with the pathogenesis of the disease.

Cyst( ): It is the resistant form of the protozoa with a protective membrane or thickened
wall. It is produced during unfavorable circumstances. The protective wall of cyst enables the
parasite to survive outside the host in an environment under adverse circumstance for a variable
period ranging from a few days to years.
The cyst is resting stage of the parasite. Replication usually does not occur in this stage.

However, multiplication may occur in the cysts of some species (e.g., Entamoeba histolytica ),
where the nucleus divides to produce asexually. The cysts formed sexually are called oocysts.


The life cycle of protozoa may be simple or complex. According to the characteristics of
transmission, they can be divided into three types

Person to Person transfer ())

In this type, no intermediate host is needed. The transmission is only from person to person.
For example, the life cycle intestinal amoebae, flagellates and ciliates are simple and completed in a
single host only. The parasites replicate only by asexual method of reproduction mostly in the
trophozoite stage. Sometimes, they multply in cystic stage (e.g. Entamoeba, Giardia)
Under unfavourable circumstance, the actively growing trophozoites secrete a resistant cyst
wall and are transformed into cysts. This process is called encystation (). When the condition
becomes favourable the cyst wall are lysed to liberate trophozoites. This process is called
excystation ( ). Both the processes of encystation and excystation take place in a single host.
The parasites are transformed from one host to another host after encystation only.

Circulation transfer ())

Some species of the parasitic protozoa, like Toxoplasma gondii ( ), it needs more
than one vertebrate to finish its life cycle, in which cat is the definitive host, man and others are the
intermediate host, with sexual and asexual reproduction. The intermediate host and the definitive
host can infect each other.

Vector transfer Some protozoa need an insect vector in their life cycle. The
transfer manner of these type protozoa is person to insect and insect to person. In Plasmodium
species, sexual method of reproduction occurs in one host (Anopheles mosquito) and asexual
replication in another host (man). This process is known as alternation of generation ()
accompanied by alternation of host.

The physiologic processes of protozoa include locomotion, ingestion, metabolism, reproduction
and others.

Locomotion( ): Protozoa move by four basic types of organelles: flagella, cilia,

pseudopodia, and others .
Movement by means of pseudopodia is a complex form of protoplasmic streaming; Flagella
are hair-like projections of cytoplasm; arise from a kinetoplast within the cytoplasm and serve as
locomotor organelles in flagellates; In the ciliates, numerous short threads called cilia
cilia( )
which are distributed over the surface of the body, perform the function of


In most sporozoan parasites there no specific locomotion organelles, locomotion is

accomplished by. undulating ridges. The merozoites ( ), ookinetes ( ), and
sporozoites ( ) appear to glide through fluids with no subcellular motion whatever, but
electron microscope studies reveal tiny undulatory waves that form in the cell membrane and pass


There are several type nutrition are found in protozoa.

1Permeation(), the passing of molecules directly through the out cells membrane: Some
protozoa may obtain nourishment from the environment by diffusion or by active transport across
the plasma membrane. Diffusion is possible when the cell membrane is permeable to a particular
molecule and when the concentration of that molecule is lower inside the cell than outside.
The accumulation of molecules against a concentration gradient requires the expenditure of
energy and is called active transport. Active transport appears to operate through a carrier in the
cell membrane, but the action of the carrier must be coupled with an energy-yield metabolic
reaction. Obviously the ultimate value of the molecule or the energy derived from it must be great
than the energy expended in acquiring it. Some important food molecules such as glucose are
brought into the cell by active transport.
2Pinocytosis() & phagocytosis ()Protozoa eat fluid food through cell membrane
called pinocytosis, and protozoa eat solid food is called phagocytosis. Parasitic protozoa feed by
ingesting entire organisms or particles thereof. Their mouth openings may be temporary, as in
amebas, or permanent cytostomes ( ), as in most ciliates. Particulate food passes into a food
vacuole, which is a digestive organelle that forms around any food thus ingested.
Pinocytosis and phagocytosis are important activity in many protozoa. Both pinocytosis and
phagocytosis are example of endocytosis, differing only in that phagocytosis deal with droplets of
fluid, whereas phagocytosis is the process of internalizing particulate matter.

Reproduction( ): Reproduction in protozoa may be either asexual or sexual, although

many species alternate types in their life cycle .
1Asexual reproduction ()
Binary fission ( ): most often, asexual reproduction is by binary fission, in which
the individual divides into two. All the internal structures are duplicated before division of the
parasite (e.g., Entamoeba histolytica )
Multiple fission ():: multiple fission occurs in the Sarcodina and Sporozoea. In this
type of division the nucleus and other essential organelles divide repeatedly before cytokinesis; thus
a large number of daughter cells are produced almost simultaneously. During schizogony the cell is
called a schizont ( ), meront, or segmenter. The daughter nuclei in the schizont arrange
themselves peripherally, and the membranes of the daughter cells form beneath the cell surface of
the mother cell, bulging outward .The daughter cells are merozoites, and they finally break away
from a small residual mass of protoplasm remaining from the mother cell to initiate another phase
of merogony or begin gametogony. Schizogony to produce merozoites may be referred to as
merogony. Another type of multiple fission often recognized is sporogony ( ), which is
multiple fission after the union of gametes (see sexual reproduction).
Several forms of budding ( ) can be distinguished. Plasmotomy, sometimes regarded as
budding, is a phenomenon in which a multinucleate individual divides into two or more smaller, but
still multinucleate, daughter cells. Plasmotomy itself is not accompanied by mitosis. External
budding ( ) is found among some complex ciliates, such as the Suctoria. Here nuclear
division is followed by unequal cytokinesis, resulting in a smaller daughter cell, which then grows
to its adult size.
lyogeny ( ), differs from schizogony only in the location
Internal budding
budding, or endo
of the formation of daughter cells. In this process the daughter cells begin forming within their cell
membranes, distributed throughout the cytoplasm of the mother cell rather than at the periphery.
The process occurs in some stages of the schizonts of the Eimeriina. Endodyogeny is endopolygeny
in which only two daughter cells are formed.
2Sexual reproduction:
It occurs by conjugation gametogeny, conjugation. Sexual reproduction involves reduction
division in meiosis, causing a change from diploidy to haploidy are the gametes, and the process of

production of gametes is gametogony ().. Cells responsible for the production of gametes
are gamonts.
Reproduction may be amphimictic, involving the union of gametes from two parents, or
automictic, in which one parent gives rise to both gametes. Uniting gametes may be entire cells or
only nuclei. When they are whole cell, the union is called syngamy ( ). When only nuclei
unite, the process is termed conjugation (). Conjugation is found only among the ciliates
( ), whereas syngamy occurs in all other groups in which sexual reproduction is found.
Meiosis is known in both types of sexual reproduction.

Metabolism ( ): the main energy in protozoa, as in other cells, is in the form of highenergy phosphate bonds, primarily in adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Energy is released in the step
by step, enzymatic oxidation of food molecules; part of this energy is conserved by coupling these
oxidations with the phosphorylation of adenosine diphosphate (ADP) to ATP. Both protozoan and
metazoan are unexpectedly variable in their energy metabolism, particularly in the factors to
consider are that many parasites must survive in locations in which the oxygen supply is quite
limited and that, even in many cases in which oxygen is not limited, neither is glucose; therefore
there is no advantage in completely oxidizing glucose. If glucose is in plentiful supply, the organism
can live on little more than the energy derived from glycolysis, simply by consuming more glucose,
and the partially oxidized products can be excreted as waste.

Excretion ( ): most protozoa appear to ammonotelic; that is, they excrete most of their
nitrogen as ammonia, most of which readily diffuse directly through the cell membrane into the
surrounding medium. Other, sometimes unidentified waste products are also produced, at least by
intracellular parasites. These substances are secrete and accumulated within the host cell and, on the
death of the infected cell, have toxic effects on the host. Carbon dioxide, lactate, pyruvate, and short
chain fatty acids are also common waste products.


Protozoan infections often are chronic lasting months or years. These typically are associated
with tissue damage leading to various clinical manifestations of the disease. Various mechanisms
are suggested to be responsible for producing tissue damage in the host in many protozoan diseases.


1) Multiplication ( ): protozoa reproduce in their host, when the number is enough, they
may destroy the infected cells, or they may invade other tissue of host, and produce pathological
change on host.
2) Opportunistic pathogen ( ) Some symbiotic protozoa are nonpathogenic or
cause only limited clinical symptoms in immunocompetent host, but produce serious symptoms in
immunodeficient persons.
Protozoan infections produce a variety of clinical manifestations depending upon the tissue
affected, the hosts immunity state and factors in microenvironment


The Protozoa are classified into six Phyla by a Committee on Systematica and Evolution of
the Society of Protozoolog ists (1985). This classification is based on the morphology of the
protozoa as demonstrated by light and electron scanning microscopy. The Sarcomastigophora(
), the Apicomplexaand Ciliophora, are three important phyla which
contain species of medical importance causing disease in man (Table 1). According their
locomotion organelles, protozoa can be divided into four groups: Amoebae, flagellates, ciliates and
sporozoan. The common parasitic protozoa are list in table --1.
Table --1 Common parasitic


Scientific Species







Leishmania donovani





Leishmania tropica


Leishmania braziliensis



Urogential canal






Oral cavity







Dientamoeba fragilis

Giardia lambli








Entamoeba dispar

Entamoeba hartmanni

Entamoeba coli

Iodamoeba butschlii

Endolimax nana

Oral cavity

Entamoeba gingivalis


Acanthamoebidae sp


Naegleria fowleri



Plasmodium vivax




Plasmodium malariae

Plasmodium falciparum

Plasmodium ovale



Pneumocystis carinii


Toxplasma gondii


Sarcocystis sp.


Isospora sp


Epithelium of
small intestine





Cryptosporidium sp


Balantidium coli







Species in the Endamoebidae ( ) are parasites or commensals ( )of the
digestive of arthropods ( ) and vertebrates ( ). The gerera and species are
differentiated on the basis of nuclear structure. Species of Entamoeba ( ) are found in
both vertebrate and invertebrate ( ) host. Several species of the protozoan parasite
genus Entamoeba infect humans, Entamoeba coli ( ), Entamoeba hartmanni (
), Entamoeba dispar ( ) and Entamoeba histolytica. E. histolytica is
the only species known to cause disease. The other (non-pathogenic) species are important because
they may be confused with E. histolytica in diagnostic investigations.

Entamoeba histolytica causes amoebiasis ( ). The infection is worldwide in

distribution. The parasite is the third leading parasitic cause of death in the developing countries. It
remains as an important cause of diarrhoea in homosexual men suffering from the AIDs in the
developed countries.
Through the years it became obvious that E. histolytica occurs in two sizes. The smaller-sized
amebas have trophozoites 12 to 15 m in diameter and cysts 5 to 9 m wide. This form is
encountered in about a third of those who harbor amebas and is not associated with discase. The
larger form has trophozoites 20 to 30 m in diameter and cysts 10 to 20 m wide. The larger form


sometimes pathogenic.
The small, nonpathogenic type is considered here as a separate specie called E. dispar . Ever
since E. histolytica was first described in association with dysenteric disease by Lesh in 1875, there
has been an ongoing discussion as to whether the same species of amoeba, which causes the notable
pathological and clinical symptoms of amoebiasis, was also the same one associated with
asymptomatic carrier cases. Observations, particularly in more temperate climates, that only a small
percentage of people infected with Entamoeba exhibited disease symptoms, prompted Brumpt
(1925, 1949) to suggest that there were in fact two morphologically identical species which he
proposed should be named E. dispar , as an asymptomatic species and E. dysenteriae , the causative
agent of symptomatic amoebiasis. This was not widely accepted and led to much discussion on
diagnosis and treatment strategies.
The establishment of distinct non-pathogenic and pathogenic strains of Entamoeba on the
bases of their isoenzyme patterns or zymodemes, by Sargeaunt et al (1987), and more recently by
differences observed in antigenic specificity, and at the level of genomic DNA and ribosomal RNA
and also in the epidemiolog ical picture, has confirmed Brumpt's original assertion of two distinct
species. This has lead to the recognition and acceptance of the establishment of two distinct species.
Entamoeba dispar - (Brumpt 1925) Asymptomatic commensal in which carriers have no amoebic
antigens in their serum, do not mount a serum anti-amoebic antibody response. Entamoeba

histolytica (Schaudinn 1903) Although most infections with this pathogenic organism are also
asymptomatic, carriers develop an anti-amoebic antibody response have amoebic antigens in serum
samples may have evidence of colonic invasion. Only about 10% of people infected with this
species present with invasive amoebiasis.
Its life cycle, general morphology, and overall appearance, with the exception of size, are
identical to those of E. histolytica., but their antigenicity and gene are completely different.

The parasite occurs in 3 stage: trophozoite, precyst and cyst.

Trophozoite (): it is the invasive form of the parasite and is present in the lumen and in
the wall of the large intestine. The diameter of most trophozoites falls into the range of 20 to 30m,
occasional specimens are small as 10m or as large as 60m. In the intestine and in freshly passed,

uniformed stools, the parasites actively crawl about, their short, blunt pseudopodia rapidly
extending and with drawing. The clear ectoplasm is rather thin but is clearly differentiated from the
granular endoplasm. The nucleus is difficult to discern in living specimens, but nuclear morphology
may be distinguished after fixing and staining with iron-hematoxylin ( ). The nucleus is
spherical and is about one sixth to one fifth the diameter of the cell. A karyosome is located in the
center of the nucleus, and delicate, achromatic fibrils radiate from it to the inner surface of the
nuclear membrane. Chromatin is absent from a wide area surrounding the karyosome but is
concentrated in granules or plaques on the inner surface of the nuclear membrane. This gives the
appearance of a dark circle with a bulls-eye in the center. The nuclear membrane itself is quite thin
Food vacuoles ( ) are common in the cytoplasm of active trophozoites and many
contain host erythrocytes () in sample from diarrheic stools. Red blood cells may be
ingested but do not often appear in chronic infections. The haematophagous trophozoites are the
characteristic features of the invasive amoebae.
Cyst : In a normal asymptomatic infection, the amoebae are carried out in formed
stools. As the fecal matter passes posteriad and becomes dehygrated (), the ameba is stimulated
to encyst. Cysts are neither found in the stools of patients with dysentery nor formed by the ameba
when they have invaded the tissues of the host. Trophozoite passed in stools are unable to encyst. At
the onset of encystment ( ), the trophozoite disgorges any undigested food it may contain
and condenses into a sphere, called the precyst (). A precyst is so rich in glycogen ()
that a large glycogen vacuole may occupy most of the cytoplasm in the young cyst. The
chromatoid bars () that form typically are rounded and ends. The bars may be short and
thick, thin and curved, spherical or very irregular in shape, but they do not have splinter-like
appearance found in E. coil.


F ig 1 Trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica (A: Line drawing; B Stain specimen)

F ig 2 Trophozoite and cyst of Entamoeba histolytica

The precyst rapidly secretes a thin, tough hyaline cyst wall () around itself to form a
cyst. The cyst may be somewhat ovoid or elongate, but usually is spheroid. It is commonly 10 to 16
m wide but may be as small as 5m. The young cyst has only a single nucleus, but this rapidly
divides twice to form two- and four-nucleus stages. As the nuclear division proceeds and the cyst
matures, the glycogen vacuole and chromatoidal bodies ( ) disappear. In semiformed
stools one can find precysts and cysts with one to four nuclei, but quadrinucleate cysts ()
are most commnon in formed stools. The mature cysts can survive outside the host and can infected
a new one.

The life cycle of E. histolytica is simple and is completed in a single host, the man. Man is the
main and probably the only natural host of E. histolytica.


Man acquires infection by ingestion of water and food contaminated with mature
quadrinucleate cysts. Man also can acquire the infection directly by ano-genital or oro-genital
sexual contact. On ingestion, the cyst excysts () in the small intestine. The cyst wall is lysed by
intestinal trypsin liberating a single trophozoite wih four nuclei. The trophozoite quickly undergoes
a series of cytoplasmic and nuclear divisions to form eight small metacystic trophozoites. These
trophozoites are carried by peristalsis through the small intestine to the ileo-caecal area of the large
intestine. Here they grow and multiply by binary fission. They then colonise on the mucosal
surfaces and in the crypts of the large intestine. Various factors such as the intestinal motility, the
transit time, the presence or absence of specific intestinal flora and the diet of the host influence the
colonisation of the trophozoites.
In some individuals, the multiplying trophozoites produce no or little lesion if any in tissue.
They only feed on the starches and mucus secretions on the surface of mucosa. As trophozoites pass

the colon, they encyst under the stimulus of desiccation and the excreted as cysts with the

In other individuals infected under similar conditions, the trophozoites may invade the tissue
of the large intestine. The factors those lead to invasion of the intestinal tissue are poorly
understood. Trophozoites produce characteristic lesions in the colon, through the stages of
gelatinous necrosis, abscess and finally ulcer. A large number of trophozoites are excreted along
with blood and mucus in the stool.
In a few cases, erosion of the large intestine may be so extensive that trophozoites gain
entrance into the radicles of the portal vein and are carried away to the liver where they multiply.
Depending upon the complex interaction of various host and parasitic factors, the trophozoites
produce suppurative amoebic liver abscess preceded by non-suppurative infection of the liver.


Fig 3 Life cycle of E. histolytica, Adapted from parasite image library of CDC, USA
The mature cysts ( ) excreted in the feces are the infective forms. They unlike the
trophozoites which degenerate within minutes, may remain viable for weeks or months in suitable
moist environment. Cysts of E. histolytica can remain viable and infective in a moist, cool
environment for at least 12 days, and in water they can live up to 30 days. They are rapidly killed by
putrefaction, desiccation, and temperatures below -5 and above 40 . They can withstand
passage through the intestine of flies and cockroaches. The cysts are resistant to levels of chlorine
normally used for water purification. These cysts cause infection in other susceptible persons
through faecal contamination of water and vegetables or direct faecal-oral contact and the cycle is



Pathogenic mechanism: Amoebiasis ( ) is a disease caused by potentially
pathogenic strains of E. histolytica . These pathogenic amoebae cause invasive amoebiasis through
the sequential stages of: a) Adherence of trophozoites on the surface of the large intestine. b)
Invasion of the large intestine by the amoebae, and finally c) Resistance of the amoebae to variour
effector mechanisms of the host.
Initially, the slow transmit of intestinal contents in the caecum and sigmoid colon helps the
amoebae to invade these sites. The slow transit of intestinal contents allows amoebae to come in
contact with the colonic mucosa for a longer time, thereby bringing a change in the intestine flora
( ) that may facilitate invasion. It has recently been demonstrated that the gut-associated
bacterial flora affect invasiveness of the amoebae to a great extent.
Adherence of amoebae to the intestinal mucosa is mediated by a surface lectin ()of the
amoebae known as galactose(Gal) or N-acetyl-O-galactosamine(gal NAC) inhibitable surface
lectin (the Gal/gal NAC lectin /). After adherence, trophozoites kill
target cells in the intestinal mucosa, only by direct contact and also by secreted cytotoxins (
). The cytolysis occurs within 20 minutes of the amoebic adherence.

E. histolytica

also secretes numerous proteolytic enzymes ( ) that appear to be

involved in various pathogenic processes. Cathepsin B proteinase ( ) is respondible for

dissolution of extra cellular matrix containing cells and tissue components. Amoebic glycosidases
( ) such as -glucosaminidase ( ) and a surface membrane-associated
neuraminidase () cause degradation of mucos membrane of the colon or alteration of
membrane glycoproteins on cell surfaces of the target cell.
Resistance of the parasite to variety of host effector mechanisms, both specific and nonspecific, contributes to the persistence of infection in the intestine.
Host immunity in amoebiasis may be non-immune defence mechanism, and specific
immunity. Non-immune defence mechanisms play an important role in resistance against invasion
amoeba. Gastric acid barrier ( ) kills amoebic trophozoites, and rapid intestinal transit
reduces the time for amoebae to colonise on the intestinal mucosa. Also colonic mucin inhibits
amoebic adherence to epithelial cells.
The specific immunity involves both humoral and cell mediated immunity. Humoral

immunity ( ) appears to be responsible for elimination of the amoebae from the intestine
and subsequent resistance to re-infection. Cell mediated immunity probably has a role in limiting
invasive amoeba and resisting a recurrence after therapeutic cure. Host resistance to initial amoebic
invasion of the intestinal mucosa does not appear to involve cell-mediated mechanisms as
evidenced from the lack of severity of the amoebic disease in AIDs cases.

Pathogenesis changes :
E. histolytica is almost unique among the amoebae of humans in its ability to hydrolyse host
tissue. Once in contact with the mucosa, the amoebae secrete proteolytic enzymes ( ),
which enable them to pentrate the epithelium and begin moving deeper. The intestinal lesion usually
develops initially in the cecum, appendix, or upper colon and then spreads the length of the colon.
The number of parasites builds up in the ulcer, increasing the speed of mucosal destruction. The
muscularis mucosae ( ) is somewhat of a barrier to further progress, and the pockets of
amoebae form, communicating with the lumen of the intestine through a slender, duct like ulcer.
The lesion may stop at the basement membrane or at the musculars mucosae and then begin eroding
laterally, causing broad, shallow areas of necrosis (). The tissues may heal nearly as fast as they
destroyed, or the entire mucosa may become pocked. These early lesions usually are not
complicated by bacteria invasion, and there is little cellular response by the host. In older lesions
usually the amoebae, assisted by bacteria, may break through the muscularis mucosae, infiltrate the
submucosa (), and even penetrate the muscle layers and serosa. This enables trophozoites
to be carried by blood and lymph to ectopic sites throughout the body where secondary lesions then
form. A high percentage of deaths result from perforated colons with concomita nt peritonitis (
). Surgical repair of perforation is difficult because a heavily ulcerated colon becomes very
Sometimes a granulomatous mass called ameboma( ) forms in the wall of the
intestine and may obstruct the bowel. It result of cellular responses to a chronic ulcer and often still
contains active trophozoites. The condition is rare.

The symptoms of amebiasis are far from clear cut and depend in large measure on the extent
of tissue invasion and on whether the infection is confined to the intestinal tract or has spread to
involve other organs. According WHO Report on Amebiasis, the symptoms of amoebiasis involve:

Asymptomatic infections
Symptomatic infections
A. Intestinal amebiasis: (1) Dysenteric;

(2) Nondysenteric clitis

B. Extraintestinal amebiasis:
(1) Hepatic: a. Acute nonsuppurative; b.liver abscess
(2) Pulmonary
(3).Other extraintestinal foci (very rare)

E. histolytica infection in man is variable. In endemic area, nearly 90% of individuals

harbouring E. histolytica in their intestinal tract are asymptomatic cyst passers, while remainders
have invasive intestinal amoebiasis or extra-intestinal invasive amoebiasis such as amoebic liver
Incubation period is usually long and often indefinite. It may be short in rare instances.
1) Intestinal amoebiasis( ): Intestinal amebiasis is the most common form of
infection and may be asymptomatic ( ). Certain patients with intestinal amebiasis have
vague and nonspecific abdominal symptoms. Acute amoebiasis patients have more definite
symptoms, such as diarrhea or dysentery (), abdominal pain and cramping, flatulence
( ), anorexia ( ), weight loss, and chronic fatigue. This term should be reserved
for those who actually have dysentery.
Asymptomatic cyst passers: It is the common clinical form of intestinal amoebiasis.
Gastrointestinal manifestations are not specific. It consists of colicky lower abdominal pain and
increased frequency of bowel movements with loose watery diarrhoea. The condition is intermittent
and chronic in nature.
Symptomatic intestinal amoebiosis
Non-dysenteric colitis: It is a well recognised condition. It is usually chronic.
Symptomatology consists of intermittent diarrhoea, abdominal pain, flatulence and loss of weight.
These cases have less colonic inflammation and small amoebic ulcers, amoebae in their stool and
associated antibodies in the serum of the patient. They respond well to treatment with anti-amoebic
Acute amoebic dysentery: It is the common form of invasive intestinal amoebiasis. The
condition is characterised by the presence of blood and mucus in the stool, accompanied by

abdominal pain, tenderness, tender hepatomegaly ( ) and rectal tenesmus. Fever is

uncommon, present in less than one-third of the cases.
The condition can be differentiated from that of bacillary dysentery by the demonstration of
RBCs, Charcot-Leyden crystals and haematophagous amoebic trophozoites in the amoebic
dysenteric stool.
Complications of symptomatic intestinal amoebiasis: Thick megacolon () occurs in
less than 0.5 percent cases. It is resistant to treatment with anti amoebic drugs, hence requires
Fuhninant amoebic colitis ( ) has a high mortality and tends to occur more in
pregnant women, malnourished persons and persons receiving corticosteroids ( ). The
onset is abrupt with high fever, widespread abdominal pain, leucocytosis ( ), profuse
bloody ,mucosal diarrhoea with tenesmus ( ). The patients have necrotic involvement of
their colon. Colonic perforation and haemorrhage frequently occur in this condition.
Amoeboma ( ) is a pseudo-tumoral condition. Lesion may be single or multiple and
occurs commonly in the colon, caecum or rectum. Anti-amoebic antibodies are present in the
patient serum.
Complicated intestinal amoebiasis: This condition includes peritonitis, perianal ulceration,
urogenital infection, colonic stricture, intussusception ( ) and haemorrhage. These
complications relatively are uncommon.
2) E xtra-intestinal amoebiasis())
Clinical manifestations of extra-intestinal amoebiasis

depends upon the organ involved. It

can be Hepatic amoebiasis , pulmonary amoebiasis , cerebral amoebiasis, genitourinary amoebiasis,

and splenic amoebiasis.
Hepatic amoebiasis ( ) begins










form suppurative lesions in the liver

(amoebic liver abscess).

Non-suppurative amoebic hepatitis
hepatitis(): This refers to a syndrome (
)of tender hepatomegaly, right upper quadrant

pain, fever and leucocytosis in persons with

amoebic dysentery. This results from non-specific peripheral inflammation of the liver, occurring
during colitis.

Amoebic liver abscess

abscess( ): Onset is insidious. The condition is associated with
fever, sweating, loss of weight and abdominal pain. Nearly, half of the patients presenting with
acute manifestations have a single abscess situated most common only in the postero-superior
surface of the right lobe of the liver.
Abdominal pain and tenderness in the right hypochondrium ( ) is the earliest
important manifestation. It is caused by stretching of the liver capsule. Abdominal

pain is

frequently referred to the shoulder and is accompanied by a non-productive cough. On physical

examination, the lower part of the liver is palpabl e below the costal margin and is tender. Point
tenderness can be elicited in the postero-lateral part of

the lower-right intercostal space. In less

than halfofthe cases, hepatomegaly is usually present. In the base of the right lung, dullness and
tales are common. Peritoneal signs and jaundice are unusual.

Pulmonary amoebiasis ( ):: It is the most common complication ( ) of

amoebic liver abscess and is caused by rupture of a superior right lobe abscess through the
diaphragm ( )into the lung parenchyma. It occurs in 10 to 20 percent of patients. Cough,
pleuritic pain and dyspnoea are the common clinical manifestations.
Cerebral amoebiasis( ):: Amoebic brain abscess is very unusual. The abscess is
single, small and is located in the cerebral hemisphere. It is difficult to diagnose the condition
Genito-urinary amoebiasis( ):: It is a rare condition. Amoebiasis of
the penis caused by E. histolytica is acquired during vaginal or anal intercourse. In females, recto
vaginal fistula causes amoebic trophozoites spread to the genito urinary tract.
Splenic amoebiasis () is very unusual and is caused by transmission of amoebic
trophozoites directly through an adherent splenic flexure of the intestine.

Clinically, it is difficult to establish the diagnosis of amoebiasis, either intestinal or extraintestinal. It is always supplemented by the laboratory diagnosis.
Laboratory diagnosis includes parasitic diagnosis , serodiagnosis, biochemical diagnosis, and radioimaging diagnosis.

Parasitic diagnosis ())


The specific diagnosis of intestinal amoebiasis is established by the demonstration of E.

histolytica in the stool, rectal exudate and material collected from the base of rectal ulcers.
The stool is collected in wide-mouthed, chemically clean containers. Substances that interfere
with stool examination should not be administered in an individual at east 10 days before the
collection of stool. These include Kaolin, bismuth, barium sulphate, antimicrobial and anti-malarial
drugs, liquid paraffin and anti-diarrhea

agents. Since exeretion of cysts in the stool is often

intermittent, at least three consecutive specimens should be examined before excluding the
diagnosis of amoebiasis.
Stool should be examined immediately within 15 minutes of the passage, for the detection of
trophozoites. The cysts can be demonstrated even in the 3 days old formed stool specimen.
Stool is usually examined by microscopy, concentration and culture.
1)Microscopy : Trophozoites are demonstrated in the saline wet mount of fresh diarrhoeal stool.
These are identified by their unidirectional motility with the help of finger-like pseudopodia.
Permanent staining of the faecal smear by iron-haematoxylin or trichrome staining allows the best
identification of haematophagous trophozoites of E. hislolvlica.

Cysts can be demonstrated by

iodine wet mount preparation of the diarrhoeal and formed stool. These cysts need to be
differentiated from the cysts of other amoebae.

Concentration is a better method for the concentration of amoebic cysts in

the stool. No method is available yet for concentration of trophozoites. The concentration method is
useful when the numbers of amoebae in the stool are scanty.
3)Culture: Robinsons's medium and NIH polyxenic culture media are frequently used for
culture and isolation of the amoebae from the stool. Serum, bacterial flora and starch present in the
media provide nutrients and growth factors for E. histolytica.
Stool culture is helpful especially in the cases of chronic and asymptomatic intestinal
infections, excreting less number of cysts in the faeces.
Rectal exudate: The amoebic trophozoites are demonstrated in tile exudate covering the rectal
Rectal ulcer tissue: Trophozoitcs also are demonstrated, but less frequently, in the necrotic
tissue at the base of rectal ulcer.
For amoebic liver abscess, demonstration of amoebic trophozoites in the aspirated pus by

microscopy or culture establishes the specific diagnosis of amoebic liver abscess. The parasitic
diagnosis, however, is difficult. Trophozoites can only be demonstrated ill the pus in less than 15%
of cases of amoebic liver abscess.

Serodiagnosis .
1) Antibody Detection

Amoebic antibodies frequently appear in the amoebiasis. Antibody

detection is most useful in patients with extraintestinal disease, i.e., amebic liver abscess, when
organisms are not generally found on stool examination.

Indirect haemagglutination (IHA),

indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), etc., are
frequently used tests to detect the serum amoebic antibodies amoebiasis. However, these
serological test are of no or little value in the diagnosis of asymptomatic cyst passers, as amoebic
antibodies fail to appear in their sera.
2) Antigen Detection Antigen detection may be useful as an adjunct to microscopic diagnosis
in detecting parasites and to distinguish between pathogenic and non-pathogenic infections. Recent
studies indicate improved sensitivity and specificity of fecal antigen assays with the use of
monoclonal antibodies which can distinguish between E. histolytica and E. dispar infections. At
least one commercial kit is available which detects only pathogenic E. histolytica infection in stool;
several kits are available which detect E. histolytica antigens in stool but do not exclude E. dispar

Molecular diagnosis
In reference diagnosis laboratories, PCR is the method of choice for discriminating between
the pathogenic species (E. histolytica) from the non-pathogenic species (E. dispar ).

Radio diagnosis
Various imaging techniques have been used to demonstrate the presence of space occupying
amoebic lesions in the liver and other organs.These include ultrasound, CT scan, magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) and GA scan. None of these methods however are absolutely specific.
These can not differentiate amoebic liver abscess from those of pyogenic liver abscess and tumour.
Ultrasound is rapid, slightly sensitive than CT scan for the amoebic liver abscess. The CT scan
is sensitive but not specific for amoebic liver abscess. MRI is sensitive like those of CT and


Geographical distribution Amoebiasis has a worldwide distribution. Amoebiasis is a major
health problem in Africa, South-east Asia,

Latin America, especially Mexico. More than 10

percent of the world's population is estimated to be infected by E. histolytica. 50 million cases of


amoebic diseases have been reported from the world . Every year, more than 100,000

persons die due to amoebic disease.

Source of transmission and infection

Food and water contaminated by human faeces that contain cysts are the main sources of
infection. Infected man himself, especially carriers, are the principal source of transmission.

Infective form Four nucleus cyst is the infective form.

Susceptible population All age of humans are susceptive for E. histolytica.
Transmission ways
Infection is transmitted from one person to another by following methods:
1) Faecal-oral route Amoebiasis is transmitted orally by ingestion of water, vegetable and
food contaminated by faeces containing cysts. Water is contaminated by accidental leakage of
sewage into treated water supplies. Water and food also are contaminated by unhygienic handling of
food by food handlers such as cook. The infection is transmitted among the individuals with poor
personal hygiene. In areas, where human faeces are used as fertilizers in the fields for cultivation of
vegetables, crops, etc, the infection is transmitted by eating those vegetables raw.
2) Vectors

Flies and cockroaches mechanically may transmit cysts from the faeces to the

unprotected food and water.

3) Sexual contact

E. histolytica is sexually transmitted among sexually promiscuous male

homosexuals. The amoebae are transmitted by the sexual practice that allows faecal-oral contact.

E. histolytica is a leading cause of diarrhoea worldwide. It is an important cause of diarrhoea

in persons with the



syndrome(AIDS). Amoebiasis tends to be

severe in pregnant and lactating mothers, and.in children especially in neonates.


Treating the infected persons

Treatment of amoebiasis is broadly based on: eradication of amoebae by the use of

amoebicides,replacement of fluid, electrolyte and blood, and relief from the constitutional
Amoebae may be found in the lumen of the intestine, in the intestinal submucosa or in the extraintestinal sites such as liver, lungs, etc. None of the amoebicidal drugs available now are effective
against the amoebae found in all these sites. These amoebicidal drugs depending upon their sites of
action can be grouped as follows
Luminal amoebicides:They act on the amoebic trophozoites present in the lumen of the bowel.
They are ineffective against tissue amoebae. These include: a) diloxanide fiuorate, b)
diiodohydroxyquin and c) paromomycin.
Tissue amoebicides: They act on tissue amoebae present ill different tissues. The tissue
amoebicides which act on all the tissues include: metronidazole ( ), tinidazole (),
emetine hydrochloride and 2-dehydroemetin. Amoebicides which act only on liver tissue is
chloroquine (). Tetracycline () and erythromycin act only on the intestinal wall.

Control and prevention

The amoebic infections can be controlled and prevented by individual prophylaxis and
community prophylaxis .
1) Individual prophylaxis () consists of:
Avoiding faecal contamination of food and water.
Boiling the drinking water to kill all the amoebic cysts. The cysts also are killed by the
routinely used chlorine concentration in the drinking water.
Treating vegetables with acetic acid and vinegar at least for 15 minutes before consumption
as salad.
In homosexuals, by avoiding sexual practices that allow faecal-oral contact and
lmproved personal hygiene such as washing hand before eating and after defecation.
2) Community prophylaxis consists of
Improvement of general sanitation by proper disposal of faeces.
Prevention of'water supplies from faecal contamination, and
Better managernent of cases by an early and rapid detection and subsequent treatment of

Free-living amoebae are small, free-living amoebae, which under unknown conditions,
become opportunistic pathogens in humans. These belong to two genera: Naegleria () and

Acanthamoba ( ). These free-living amoebae are widely distributed in the soil and
water habitats throughout the world. Free-living amoebae are ubiquitous in nature, found
commonly in the soil and water.

Naegleria fowleri and Acanthamoeba spp ()., commonly

found in lakes, swimming pools, tap water, and heating and air conditioning units. While only one
species of Naegleria is known to infect humans, several species of Acanthamoeba are implicated,
including A. culbertsoni ( ), A. polyphaga, A. castellanii, A. astronyxis, A. hatchetti,
and A. rhysodes .

Naegleria fowleri causes primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM

). The condition is an acute, fulminant and rapidly fatal infection of the central nervous
system (CNS ). Till now, more than 140 cases of PAM have been reported from
different parts of the world.
Fowler and Carter in 1965, were the first to describe the free-living amoebae as the causative
agents of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis in humans from South Australia. The following
year, four cases were reported from USA, one from Florida by Bull and three from Texas by Patras
and Andujar. Since then, the cases of PAM in humans have been reported almost from everypart of
the world. The term, primary amoebic meningoencephalitis was first coined by Bull to distinguish
fatal human disease caused by the direct invasion of the CNS by free-living amoebae, from that
caused by relatively rare invasion of the brain by enteric amoeba, Entamoeba histolytica. The latter
secondarily invades the CNS from its primary site in the colon.

Acanthamoeba castellani, Acanthamoeba culbertsoni , and Acanthamoeba astronyxis can

cause opportunistic granulomatous amoebic encephalitis (GAE ) and
opportunistic infections of the lung and skin in the immunocompromised




or debilitated persons. In healthy persons, they cause Acanthamoeba keratitis (


N aegleria fowleri ( ))

Naeglaria are small, free-living amoebae widely distributed in the soil and fresh water. In man,
these are present in the throat and nasal cavity.

The amoeba has 3 stages in its life cycle: trophozoite, a temporary flagellar stage known as
amoeboflagellate and cyst.

It is the vegetative or feeding stage of the amoeba (Fig. --1 ). It measures 10-15 m in in
diameter and possesses a granular cytoplasm and a distinct ectoplasm. It is characterised by the
presence of a prominent nucleus and a large endosome or karyosome surrounded by a halo.
Trophozoite is actively motile with the help of a broadly rounded, granule-free projection that
originates from-the surface known as pseudopod. The latter helps to ingest bacteria, yeast cells and
cellular debris; and may also serve as an organelle of attachment.
Giemsa or Wright-stained trophozoite usually shows a large karyosome and may or may not
show any contractile vacuole.

Fig 1 Naegleria fowleri trophozoites,

cultured from cerebrospinal fluid. These cells have
characteristically large nuclei with a large, dark
staining karyosome. The amebae are very active and
extend and retract pseudopods. Trichrome stain.
From a patient who died from primary amebic
meningoencephalitis in Virginia. (Adapted from
parasite image library of CDC, USA)

It is pear-shaped with a flagellar apparatus at the broader end (Fig. 2). The flagellar apparatus
consists of two terminal flagella, two basal bodies, microtubules and a single striated root let


flagellated stage may exhibit a rapid forward movement or a slow spinning movement in circles.

It is the resistant form of the parasite, which offers protection from desiccation, and shortage
of food. It is round, measures 7 to l0 m in diameter and is surrounded by a smooth double-layerd

1m thick cyst wall (Fig. 3). It consists of a single nucleus and some cytoplasmic vacuoles, such as
contractile vacuoles and food vacuoles. In stained preparations the vacuoles can only be
demonstrated as fine granules but not the nucleus. Cysts usually are not seen in clinical specimens
because the infection is so rapid and fatal that the patient dies before trophozoites encyst to the cysts.

Naegleria completes its life cycle through a cycle of asexual generation in man (Fig.

Naegleria fowleri is found in nature in warm water bodies as ameboid and ameboflagellate
trophozoites. Cysts also occur in nature, but not in human infections. Infection occurs during
swimming or diving with the parasites gaining access, through the olfactory neuroepithelium, to the
The trophozoitcs are neurotrophic ( ), they invade and penetrate the CNS, localise
largely in the olfactory mucosa () and olfactory bulbs. The trophozoites enter the ventricular
() system and reach the choroid () plexus. These then destroy the ependymal layer of
the third, fourth and lateral ventricles, and produce acute ependymitis. They multiply by a process
known as promitosis, during which an intact nuclear membrane, demonstrable by electron
microscope, is present. Trophozoites only are found in the pathologic lesions in man.
Outside the human host, in non-nutrient media such as sterile distilled water or Page's saline, the
trophozoites are transformed to amoebofiagellates usually within 2 hours. The amoebafiagellates
are temporary, non-feeding and non-dividing forms of the parasite and have the potency to revert
back to trophozoites within 24 hours.The trophozoites during unfavourable environmental
conditions such as depletion of nutrition or even in the presence of drugs, round up and form cysts.
The cyst is the non-dividing resistant form of the parasite and when conditions become
flavourable, it excysts to trophozoite.


F ig 4

Life cycle of Naegleria fowleri (adapted from E.K. Markell, 1999)


Trophozoites are neurotrophic ( ). Invasion of the CNS is facilitated by active
phagocytosis of trophozoites by sub-lenticular cells of the olfactory neuro-epithelium (
) .
The trophozoites invade the CNS and reach the subarachnoid space ( ) and brain
through the olfactory neuro-epithelium and the fascicles of the olfactory nerves. The subarachnoid
space, which is highly vascularised facilitates the dissemination of amoebae to other areas of the
Cerebral oedema, congestion of leptomeningeal vessels, uncal and cerebellar tonsillar
herniations, and acute rhinitis () are the characteristic macroscopic pathological lesions seen in
primary amoebic meningoencephalitis ( ). The cerebral hemisphere is congested,
haemorrhagic and necrotic. The olfactory mucosa and olfactory bulbs are the most affected areas.
Only trophozoites are found in the lesions. Cysts are absent.
Incubation period ranges from a short 2 to 3 days to as long as 7 to 15 days.


Clinical symptoms of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) arc abrupt in onset and
brief in duration. The condition shows an acute, fulminant course. The initial symptoms are
characterised by a sudden onset of severe, persistent bitemporal ( ) or bitemporal headache.
These symptoms are followed by nausea, projectile vomiting, fever (from 38.2 to 40) and signs
of meningeal irritation and encephalitis.
Abnormalities in tastes (ageusia) or smells or generalised seizures may be noted in
some instances. Drowsiness, convulsions (), photophobia () and coma may occur during
the later stage of infection.

The condition is fatal. Death occurs due to puhnonary oedema or

cardio-respiratory arrest within a week of appearance of the first symptom.

Since the course of infection is fulminant and rapid, the patient with PAM dies usually within a
short period of 5 to 10 days. Hence, detectable level of specific antibodies are not produced in the
serum, during course of the disease. The role of cell mediated immunity (CMl) in resistance against
Naegleria infection, which has been studied in guinea pigs, is also inconclusive.

Recent history of swimming in thermal or stagnant water () or of contact with fresh water,
mud or dust, 2 to 6 days prior to the onset of symptoms of meningeal irritation and the age of the
patient (usually children and young adults) may suggest a possible diagnosis of primary amoebic
men ingoencephaliris (PAM).
The final diagnosis of the condition always is parasitic. The diagnosis can be made by
microscopic examination of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF ). A wet mount may detect motile
trophozoites, and a Giemsa-stained smear will show trophozoites with typical morphology.
The serological tests are not useful in the diagnosis of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis.
Computerised axial tomography (CAT) recently is used to demonstrate pathologial changes in the
cerebral hemisphere.

N. flowleri is a thermophilic free-living amoeba found world wide in the warm water lakes,
spring, etc. Soil, polluted water, sewage, sludge, swimming pools and infected man harbouring

N..fowleri as commensal in the nose and throat are tire sources and reservoirs of infection. Both

trophozoites and cysts are the infective stages. The infection is transmitted to man mainly by
inhalation of dust and aspiration of water contaminated with both the cysts and trophozoites, and
possibly by inhalation or aspiration of aerosols containing cysts.
Children and young adults are most commonly affected, particularly during summer months.
Majority of human infections with N. fowleri have been associated with swimming in fresh water
and a few cases with bathing in tap and hot water.


Majority of the cases of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis have proved to be fatal and
various amoebicidal agents have been tried unsuccessfully. Till
date, only 4 cases have survived N. fowleri infections.
All these cases were diagnosed and treated early. Three cases responded successfully to
treatment with amphotericin () B intravenously (25 mg/day and subsequently 50 mg/day)
and intrathecally (0.1 mg alternate day) and later intraventricularly in a dose of 0.1 mg on every
other day.
A combination of intravenous and intrathecal amphotericin B, miconazole ( ) and
oral rifampicin ( ) were successful in curing completely a 9 year old girl from PAM caused
by N. fowleri.
Avoidance of contact with stagnant or thermal water (if Naegleria is detected in these source)
may be the only method for prevention of the disease. Even hyperchlorination of swimming pool
water is not protective against infection.

Acanthamoeba species ())

Acanthamoeba castellani, A. culbertsoni , and A. astronyxis can cause opportunistic
granulomatous amoebic encephalitis (GAE, ) and opportunistic infections of
the lung and skin in the immunocompromised





or debilitated

persons. In healthy persons, they cause Acanthamoeba keratitis.

Acanthamoeba species live worldwide in the soil, salt water and fresh water. In man, they have
been found to remain as commensal in the pharynx.


It has only two stages: trophozoite and cyst.

TrophozoiteIt is slightly larger than that of Naegleria and is extremely variable in shape and
size. Trophozoite is 10-40 m in diameter. Cytoplasm is finely granular. It contains mitochondria
and a single nucleus with a large dense central prominent nucleolus surrounded by a halo. The
trophozoite is identified by the presence of

distinctive, slender, spine-like projections of the

plasma membrane.

Cyst The cysts vary in shape and may be either polygonal, spherical or star-shaped. The cysts
are double walled and measure 15 to 20 m in diameter. The smooth inner wall of the cyst has pores
or opercula at a number of points. The cysts contain a centrally located nucleus with a large dense
karyosome surrounded by a clear halo as in the trophozoites.

Acanthamoeba spp. occur in the same environments of Naegleria , but are also found in soil
and dust as well as more restricted liquid environments such as humidifiers and dialysis units. (They
can also be cultured from the upper respiratory tract of some healthy individuals.) Acanthamoeba

spp. do not have an ameboflagellate form, and cysts can be found in human infections. Infections
due to Acanthamoeba spp. occur more frequently in debilitated or chronically ill individuals, and
reach the central nervous system by hematogenous dissemination from foci in the lungs, skin, or
Man acquires infection by inhalation of aerosol or dust containing cysts and trophozoites and
possibly, by direct invasion through broken skin (Fig. 5). The trophozoites reach the lower
respiratory tract particularly the lungs. From the lungs, they invade the central nervous system
(CNS) through the blood stream. The trophozoites multiply by binary fission. The nuclear
membrane which is present in Acanthamoeba disappears while replicating. No such nuclear
membranes are present in Naegleria . The growing trophozoites invade the posterior fossa, basal
ganglia, base of the cerebral hemisphere and cerebellum.



Acanthamoeba species cause opportunistic infections in man. They enter the human host via
respiratory tract through the aerosols and dusts. From the lung, they disseminate by haematogenous
route to the brain and produce granulomatous amoebic encephalitis.

F ig 5 Life cycle of Acanthamoeba species (adapted from E.K. Markell, 1999)

The cerebral hemisphere in granulomatous amoebic encephalitis (GAE) is oedematous with

focal cortical softening, haemorrhage and abscess. Bilateral unical or cerebellar tonsillar herniation
may be present. Necrotising granulomatous lesions are mainly found in the cerebellum, midbrain
and brain stem. Both trophozoites and cysts are found in these lesions.
In healthy persons, Acanthamoeba species cause keratitis. It is caused by the direct invasion of
the amoebae through minor trauma in the cornea caused by the use of soft contact lenses. The
amoebae enter the eye by the use of contaminated contact lens, cleansing solution or swimming
contaminated water. Both amoebic cysts and trophozoites are tbund within the corneal stroma. It is
usually associated with moderate granulomatous inflammation consisting of epithelial giant cells.

Granulomatous amoebic encephalitis (GAE)and Acanthamoeba keratitis are the two distinct
clinical entitiescaused by Acanthamoeha. Granulomatous amoebic encephalitis (GAE) is usually
seen in the immuno-comproraised and debilitated persons. In contrast to PAM, GAE shows an
insidious onset of symptoms with focal neurological symptoms that resemble clinical
manifestations of simple or multiple space occupying lesions in the brain.
The signs and symptoms include mental anomalities, seizures, fever, hemiparesis ( ),
headache, meningism () and visual anomalities. The disease worsens within a period
of one to several weeks and ends in coma and finally death.
Acanthamoeba keratitis occurs in healthy individuals. It is generally associated with the use of
contaminated contact lens. It is a chronic, progressive, ulcerative disease of the eye. Ulcers in the
cornea () are painful and resistant to treatment with usual antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral
The affected cornea shows a characteristic annular infiltration and congested conjunctiva, if not
successfully treated, the disease progresses to corneal perforation which results in the blindness and
corneal prolapse.

Granulomatous amoebic encephalitis (GAE) is rarely diagnosed before death. Most cases have
been diagnosed post-mortem or shortly before death. Computerised axial tomography (CAT) may
show multiple lucency, non-enhancing lesions in the cortex of the brain.
Laboratory diagnosis is made by demonstration of Acanthamoeba trophozoite arid cyst in the
brain biopsy specimen and in the cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF). Brain biopsy, frequently is the only
way, for the specific diagnosis of the condition in more than 75% of cases. Trophozoites seldom are
cultured or are demonstrated in the wet mount preparation of the CSF.
Acanthamoeba keratitis: Diagnosis of the condition is made by demonstration of the amoebae
in the corneal scrappings and biopsy specimens by microscopy and culture. Wet mount preparation
of the corneal scrapings shows motile trophozoites. Typical double-walled cysts and trophozoites
can be demonstrated by staining them with haematoxylin-eosin trichome, Wright, Giemsa and
Picric acid-Schiff (PAS) stains. These also can be demonstrated by immunofiuorescence method.
The amoebae may be cultured by inoculating contact lens or contact lens saline solution in non50

nutrient agar with Page's solution containing Escherichiacoli, Aero-bacter aerogenes or Gramnegative bacteria, at 37.

Acanthamoeba infection frequently occurs in the immunocompromised hosts. More than 50
cases of granular amoebic encephalitis and 250 cases of amoebic keratitis have been reported from
various parts of the world.
Soil, water and air are the sources of infection for GAE. Contaminated contact lens is the main
source of infection for Acanthamoeba keratitis.
Both cysts and trophozoites are the infective stages. GAE is transmitted by

inhalation of air,

aerosol or dust containing both cysts and trophozoites of Acanthamoeba, and possibly through the
broken skin. Acanthamoeba keratitis is acquired through eye trauma, and prolonged use of contact
GAE occurs predominantly in the immuno-compromised and debilitated persons with AIDS,
liver disease, diabetes, skin ulcers and in the persons receiving kidney transplantation, and
corticosteroid treatment.
Acanthamoeba keratitis also occurs in otherwise healthy persons. It is frequently seen in
persons wearing contact lenses while swimming or using contaminated solutions to clean soft lenses.


No effective therapy is available for the treatment of GAE. ,Acanthamoeba are sensitive to
sulphonamides (), clotrimazole and polymyxin B, both in vitro and in vivo. Drug treatment
of Acanthamoeba keratitis has been more successful than that of GAE. It has responded well to
topical miconazole, propamidine isotheonate and antibiot ics followed by keratoplasty.
The preventive measures to control granulomatous amoebic encephalitis is difficult as the
amoebae are ubiquitous in air, soil and water. The amoebic keratitis, caused by the use of contact
lens is preventable. It can be prevented by: 1) Proper cleaning of contact lenses by using
commercial rather than home made saline solution. 2) Disinfection contact lenses preferable with a
thermal system and 3) Not wearing lenses while swimming.


The genus Leishmania was created by Ross in 1903 to include Leishmania donovani (
), the parasite causing Indian kala-azar ( ). Species belonging to this genus have
two stages (amastigote, promastigote) in their life cycle. They require a vertebrate ( ) and
insect host to complete the life cycle.
Leishmaniasis () is a vector-borne disease () that is transmitted by sandflies
( ) and caused by obligate intracellular protozoa of the genus Leishmania. Human infection is
caused by about 21 of 30 species that infect mammals. These include the L. donovani complex
with 3 species (L. donovani , L. infantum, and L. chagasi ); the L. mexicana ()
complex with 3 main species (L. mexicana , L. amazonensis, and L. venezuelensis); L. tropica (
) ; L. major ( ); L. aethiopica; and the subgenus ( ) Viannia
with 4 main species (L. (V.) braziliensis (), L. (V.) guyanensis, L. (V.) panamensis,
and L. (V.) peruviana). The different species are morphologically indistinguishable, but they can be
differentiated by isoenzyme analysis, molecular methods, or monoclonal antibodies.

mania donovani ())

Leishmama donovani causes visceral leishmaniasis (). The disease also known
as kala-azar, Dum-Dum fever, Asian fever or infantile splenomegaly is a serious one, which can be
fatal if untreated.
The parasite was reported by both Leishman and Donovan simultaneously in the same year,
1903. Leishman demonstrated the parasite in the spleen smear of a soldier in England, who died of
fever contracted at Dum-Dum in Calcutta. Donovan found the same in the spleen smear of a patient
suffering from kala-azar in India. The sand fly, Phlebotomus argentipes was idenlifted as a vector of
the disease by Indian Kala-azar Commission (1931-1934).

L. donvani are obligate intracellular parasites of man and other mammalian hosts. They are
always found as amastigotes ( ) in the reticuloendothelial cells () of the
spleen, bone marrow, liver, intestinal mucosa and mesenteric lymphnodes ().


The parasite exists in two forms: amastigote and promastigote.

Amastigote Amastigotes are round in man and other vertebrate hosts. They are found inside
monocytes (), polymorphonuclear leucocytes () or endothelial cells (
). They are small, round to oval bodies measuring 2.9-5.9 m in length (Fig --1). They are
also known as LD (Leishmania donovano
donovano)) bodies ( ). They are stained well with
Giemsa or Wright.
In a stained preparation, the cytoplasm surrounded by a limiting membrane appear pale-blue.
The nucleus relatively is large and staincd red. The kinetoplast is situated at right angle to the
nucleus. It is slender, rod-shaped and is stained deep red. Axoneme arises from the kinetoplast (
) arid extends to margin of the body. Vacuole, which is a clear unstained space lies alongside
the axoneme.

F ig --1 Leishmania donovani. amastigote

P romastigote () (Fig --2)Promastigotes are found in the digestive tract of

sandfly (vector) and in the culture media. The fully developed promastigotes are long, slender and
spindle-shaped . They measure 14.3 to 20 m in length and 1.5to 1.8 ti m in breadth. A single
nucleus is situated at the centre. The kinetoplast lies transversely near the anterior end. The
flagellum is single, delicate and measures15-28 um. With Leishman stain, cytoplasm appears blue,
the nucleus pink and the kinetoplast blight red.


F ig --2

Leishmania donovani. promastigote

L. donovani completes its life cycle in two different hosts (Fig - -3): 1) Man and other
mammals (e.g., dog), and 2) Sandfly of genus Phlebotomus and Lutzomyia .
The parasite is transmitted to man and other vertebrate hosts by the bite of blood-sucking
female sandfiy.
The sandflies inject the infective stage, promastigotes, during blood meals.


promastigotes are immediately phagocytosed by fixed macrophages of the host, in which they are
transformed into amastigores. The amastigotes multiply by binary fission to produce a large number
of amastigotes; till macrophages are filled with parasites. As many as 50 to 200 amastigotes may be
present in the cytoplasm of the enlarged cell. The cell ruptures and releases a large number of
amastigotes into the circulation. Free amastigotes are subsequently carried by circulation. They
invade monocytes of the blood and macrophages ( ) of the spleen, liver, bone marrow,
lymph nodes and other tissues of the reticuloendothelial cells.
Free amastigotes in the blood as well as intracellular amastigotes in the monocytes are ingested
by female sandfly during blood meal from man. In the mid gut of the sandfly, the amastigotes are
transformed within 72 hours through a series of flagellated intermediate promastigote forms to
flagellated promastigotes. These promastigotes multiply by binary fission and produce a large
number of promastigotes completely filling the lumen of the gut. After a period of 6 to 9 days, the
promastigotes migrate from the midgut to the pharynx ( ) and buccal cavity of sandfly. The
sandflies which ingest fruit or plant juice after the first blood meal show heavy pharyngeal infection
causing blockage ( ) of the pharynx. Bite of the blocked sandfly transmits infection to

susceptible persons and the life cycle is repeated.

F ig --3

Life cycle of Leishmania donovani( Adapted from parasite image library of CDC, USA)


Bite of the female sandfly deposits promastigotes on surthce of the skin. The sandfly liberates
biolog ically active substances which promote infectivity of promastigotes by partially deactivating
fixed macrophages in

the skin.

Promastigotes phagocytosed by macrophages are transformed

into amastigotes and multiply by binary fission within phagolysosomes of the macrophages.
Amastigotes subsequently invade throughout the reticuloendothelial system of the spleen,
liver, bone marrow and lymph nodes and multiply in large numbers. Increased numbers of
macrophages in the liver and spleen produce progressive hypertrophy of these organs. Parasitised
macrophages replace lymphoid follicles in the spleen and also haematopoetic tissue ( ) in
the bone marrow. They progressively replace normal hepatocytes () in the liver.
Proliferation ( ) and destruction of reticuloendothelial cells of the internal organs and
heavy parasitisation of external organs by parasitised cells are the characteristic pathological
changes seen in visceral leishmaniasis.


Pathological changes in organs :

1) Spleen:

Spleen is grossly enlarge, surrounded by a thick capsule. It is soft and non-tender.

The splenic pulp is greatly increased, congested and turns purple or brown black and becomes
highly friable. Splenic cells are densely packed with amastigotes of L. donovani.
2) Liver: Liver is enlarged with a sharp edge, soft consistency and smooth surface. The
Kupffer cells are largely increased both in their size and number. They are filled with amastigotes.
In contrast, hepatocytes do not contain any parasites. Atrophic areas, swelling and also fatty
degeneration often are seen in the liver cells.
3) Bone marrow
marrow:: It is dark red in colour and shows extensive proliferation of
reticuloendothelial cells. Haemopoetic tissue of the bone marrow are replaced by large numbers of
parasitised macrophages. Plasma cells often are increased in number.
4) Lymph nodes
nodes:: Lymph nodes are enlarged. In China and Mediterranean type of visceral
leishmaniasis, amastigotes are demonstrated in the enlarged lymph nodes.
5) Kidney
Kidney:: Kidney shows cloudy swelling and is invaded with macrophages parasitised by
6) Heart: It is pale but does not show any amastigotes in the myocardium ( ).
Haematological ( ) changes occur. Typically, anaemia () is present in kala-azar. It is
normocytic ( ) and normochromic ( ). Anaemia is multifactoral (
). It is caused by increased haemolysis (), haemorrhage, haemodilution, replacement of bone
marrow with parasitised macrophages and splenic sequestration of red cells. Leucopenia (
) is well-marked. White blood cell count falls down to as low as 1100/mm3 of blood.
Thrombocytopenia() is caused by destruction of platelets ().

Host Immunity: Persons with malnutrition and young people are increasingly susceptible to
visceral leishmaniasis.
Amastigotes alter profoundly the immune system of man. Therefore, it is frequently referred to
as the disease of the immune system. Host immunity in visceral leishmaniasis is characterised by
specific inhibitions of cell-mediated immunity and profound hyperglobulinaemia ().
Delayed hypersensitivity reaction, as determined by leishmanin skin test and in vitro
lymphocyte responses to leishmanial antigen is completely absent during the infection. The delayed
hypersensitivity, however, develops again after successful treatment with antileishmanial drugs

(). The intact cell mediated immunity confers protection against the infection.







hyperglobulinaemea. It is characterised by the production of a large volume of polyclonal nonspecific immunoglobulins especially IgG and also specific anti-le ishmanial antibodies. The
complement is activated and immune complexes are produced, the circulating antibodies, however,
are not protective.
Persons who have recovered from kala-azar are immune from reinfection. Anorexia and
wasting seen in the disease possibly is mediated by cytokines such as tumour necrosis factor (
)and interleukin().

Clinical menifestation

Human leishmanial infections can result in 2 main forms of disease,

cutaneous leishmaniasis and visceral leishmaniasis (kala-azar). The factors determining the form of
disease include leishmanial species, geographic location, and immune response of the host.
1) Visceral leishmaniasis( ):: also known as kala azar , is the most severe form
of the disease, which, if untreated, has a mortality rate of almost 100%. It is characterized by
irregular bouts of fever, substantial weight loss, swelling of the spleen and liver, and anaemia.
The incubation period ( ) of visceral leishmaniasis is generally about 3 months. It
may vary from as minimum as 3 weeks to a maximum of 18 months.
The onset of disease may be gradual or sudden. The sudden onset occurs more frequently in
persons coming from non endemic areas to endemic areas.
Fever is the first symptom to appear. Typically, it is nocturnal or remittent with a twice-daily
temperature spikes. Sweating with chills but seldom rigor, accompanies the temperature spikes, less
commonly, fever is continuous. Diarrhoea and cough are frequently present.
Spleen is grossly enlarged by the third month, frequently occupying the entire left side of the
abdomen. It is soft and non- tender. Liver is enlarged but less conspicuous. It is soft with a smooth
surface and a sharp edge. Lymphadenopathy () is seen only in some cases of African kalaazar.
Anaemia (normocytic and normochromic) is always present in kala-azar.
Leucopenia (white blood cell count as low as 1000/mm3 ) is a consistent feature.
Hypergammaglobulinaemia ( ),


immune complexes and

rheumatoid factors are present in sera of the most patients of kala-azar. Immune complex57

glomerulonephritis () and interstitial nephritis have also been described.

As the disease progresses, the skin becomes dry, thin and scaly. The hairs become dull, thin and
are lost. The nails become brittle. The skin on the hands, feet, abdomen and around the mouth and
fore-head becomes greyish and dark coloured. This hypo pigmentation of the skill characteristically
is seen in Indian patients giving tile name kala-azar, which means black fever.
Peripheral oedema, epistaxis, gingival bleeding, petechiae and echymoses are the late
Without treatment, death occurs with in 3 to 20 months in 40 to 94% of adult and in 75 to
85% cases of children. Death often is due to superinfection bacterial pneumonia ( ),
septicaemia ( ), concurrent infections (tuberculosis, dysentery) or uncontrolled severe
haemorrhage from the gastrointestinal tract and severe anaemia.
2) Cutaneous leishmaniasis( ):: It is characterized by one or more cutaneous
lesions on areas where sandflies have fed. Persons who have cutaneous leishmaniasis have one or
more sores on their skin. The sores can change in size and appearance over time. They often end up
looking somewhat like a volcano, with a raised edge and central crater. A scab covers some sores.
The sores can be painless or painful. Some people have swollen glands near the sores (for example,
in the armpit () if the sores are on the arm or hand).
3) Leishmanoma: In Africa, a primary cutaneous lesion known as Leishmanoma has been
observed. This manifests as a nodule in the skin, which measures 2.5 to 4cm during 1 to 3 weeks
time. This is not seen in Indian kala-azar.
4) Post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL)
(PKDL)(()): It is a non-ulcerative lesion
of the skin, which is seen after completion of treatment of the kala-azar. The condition is
characterised by a spectrum of lesions in the skin ranging from depigmented macules to wart-like
nodules over the face and exposed surfaces of limbs.

In endemic areas, the persons with prolonged fever, progressive









hypergammaglobulinaemia and low serum albumin are highly suggestive of visceral leishmaniasis.

Parasitic diagnosis
Demonstration of Leishmania in appropriate clinical specimens is the definitive diagnosis of

the condition. The parasites are demonstrated in different clinical specimens by direct microscopy,
culture or animal inoculation.

imen collection: In their decreasing order of sensitivity, the specimens to be examined

1) Spec
are from spleen, bone marrow, liver, lymph node and blood.
Splenic aspiration
aspiration: It is tile most sensitive (90.6 to 99.3 percent positivity) method. The
major disadvantage of this method is that frequently, it is associated with the risk of life threatening
haemorrhage. It is particularly seen in patients with advanced stage of the disease having an
enlarged and soft spleen. The splenic aspiration should be performed only under medical
supervision and preferably with a small bore needle. It is contra indicated in patients with
prothrombin () time more than five seconds longer than the normal or if the platelet count
is below 40,000/mm3 .
Liver biopsy: It is also not a safe procedure and carries a risk of haemorrhage.
Bone marrow aspiration
aspiration: Bone marrow aspiration from the sternum or lilac crest, is the
safest procedure. Nevertheless, it is painful. Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy are positive in over
85 percent of cases.
Lymph node aspiration
aspiration: It is positive in 60 percent of cases.
Blood: It is useful only in untreated cases.
2) Methods of examination:
Direct microscopy: Direct microscopy of the splenic, bone marrow, liver or lymph node
aspirotion smears, fixed with methanol, then stained with Giemsa stain as for thin blood film; show
L.D. bodies (amastigotes of L. donovani). L.D. bodies are usually found within macrophages. Some
of the L.D. bodies can also be demonstrated free, released from the cells ruptured during making of
the film. L.D. bodies can also be seen occasionally within non-nuclear cells in the stained smear of
the bully coat of the peripheral blood.

ure: Splenic and bone marrow aspiration, other tissues and buffy coats of the blood may
show promastigotes in culture.
The spcimen are inoculated in the water of condensation of NNN or any biphasic media, or
into the fluid of liquid media and are incubated at 22-26 . In a positive culture, motile
promastigotes can be demonstrated microscopically in a few days to 4 weeks.
Animal inoculation: Intraperitoneal inoculation of Chinese and golden hamster by clinical

specimens may reveal parasites. In a positive case. the amastigotes can be demonstrated in the
stained impression smears of the spleen, collected from animals if they are dead or after killing
them at 6 months.

Immunological diagnosis
Serological tests to demonstrate specifc anti-le ishmanial antibodies in the serum are specially
useful in the diagnosis of early phase of visceral leishmaniasis.
Complement fixation test (CFT) was the first serological test used to detect serum antibodies
in visceral leishmaniasis. Now this test has been replaced with more sensitive and specific tests such
as indirect immuno-fiuorescent (IFA, ), indirect haemagglutination (IHA
), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (EL1SA), etc. These tests
use cultured promastigotes as antigens. Drawbacks of these tests are that they often show crossreactivity with sera from leprosy, malaria, schistosomiasis. Chagas' disease and cutaneous
A direct agglutination test (DAT ), using trypsin treated Coomasie bluestained promastigotes, has been developed recently as a simple test for use in poorly equipped
Leishmanin skin test (Montenegro test): It is a delayed hypersensitivity skin test. In this test,
0.2ml of Leishmania antigen (containing 100,000,000 promastigotes of L. donovani in l ml of 0.5%
phenol saline) is injected intradermally. The test is read after 48 to 72 hours. A positive test shows
an area of erythema and induration of 5 mm in diameter or larger, which heals in 14-25 days.
Positive reaction indicates prior exposure to leishmanial parasites. In kala-azar, the skin test
becomes positive usually only 6 to 8 weeks after cure from the disease, it is negative in active cases.

Kala-azar is wide spread throughout the world. Over 12 million people are infected world wide.
It may occur as endemic, epidemic or sporadic.
About 30 species of sandflies can become infected when taking a blood meal from a reservoir
host. Hosts are infected humans, wild animals, such as rodents, and domestic animals, such as dogs.
Most leishmaniases are zoonot ic (transmitted to humans from animals), and humans become
infected only when accidentally exposed to the natural transmission cycle. However, in the

anthroponotic forms (those transmitted from human to human through the sandfly vector), humans
are the sole reservoir host

Human-to-human transmission( )):

No animal reservoirs are present, hence animal-

to-man transmission does not take place. Therefore, man is the only source and reservoir of
infection. This type of transmission mainly occurs in plain areas.

Dog-to-human transmission ( ):

The infection sources is domestic dogs; it mainly

occurs in hill areas of North West , North and North East of China. Most of patients
Natural focus ( )
are children , usually under 10 years old.Natural

: Animal-to-man

transmission takes place by the bite of

sandflies.The infection sources are wild animals. It distributes in hungriness areas of Xingjiang and
Inner Mongolia.

Promastigote is the infective form. The infection is transmitted mainly by the

bite of vector sandfly (Phlebotomus argentipes),

rarely, by blood transfusion or


inoculation by cultured promastigores in the laboratory workers, or congenital infection, and sexual
In general, fulminant ( ) visceral leishmaniasis have been described in most of the
cases of AIDS. They respond poorly to anti-le ishmanial therapy.


Treatment the patient:It consists of specific therapy supplemented with treatment of
secondary microbial infections, high calorie, high protein diet and blood transfusion in severe
The specific therapy includes pentavalent antimonials ( ). These are the drugs of
choice and are highly effective against Leishmania and are nontoxic.
Resistant cases failing to respond to antimony compounds can be treated with pentamidine (
) isethionate or amphotericin B ( B).
Treatment with interferon has shown promising result in a small number of cases of kala-azar.
It is still at the experimental stage. Treatment of PKDL is same as for visceral leishmaniasis.

P reventive measures:The preventive measures include:

1) Reduction of sandfly population by insecticides mainly DDT, dieldrin, malathion, etc.
2) Reduction of reservoir by killing all the infected dogs in the cases of zoonot ic kala-azar and

treatment of human cases, and

3) Prevention of exposure to sandfly by using thick clothes, bed nets, window mess or insect


Leishmania/HIV co-infection is emerging as an extremely serious, new disease and it is

increasingly frequent. There are important clinical, diagnostic, chemotherapeutic, epidemiolog ical
and economic implications of this trend.
Although people are often bitten by sandflies infected with Leishmania protozoa, most do not
develop the disease. However, among persons who are immunosuppressed (e.g. as a result of
advanced HIV infections, immunosuppressive treatment for organ transplants, haematological
malignancy, auto-immune diseases), cases quickly evolve to a full clinical presentation of severe
AIDS and VL(visceral leishmaniasis) are locked in a vicious circle of mutual reinforcement.
On the one hand, VL quickly accelerates the onset of AIDS (with opportunistic diseases such as
tuberculosis or pneumonia) and shortens the life expectancy of HIV-infected people. On the other
hand, HIV spurs the spread of VL. AIDS increases the risk of VL by 100-1000 times in endemic
areas. This duo of diseases produces cumulative deficiency of the immune response since

Leishmania parasites and HIV destroy the same cells, exponentially increasing disease severity and
consequences. VL is considered a major contributor to a fatal outcome in co-infected patients.
Lately, however, use of tritherapy, where it is available, has improved the prognosis for

Leishmania/HIV cases.
Leishmaniasis can be transmitted directly person to person through the sharing of needles, as is
often the case among intravenous drug users. This group is the main population at risk for coinfection.
1. Areas of Co-infection
Cases of Leishmania/HIV co-infections are being reported more frequently in various parts of
the world. It is anticipated that the number of Leishmania/HIV co-infections will continue to rise in


the coming years and there are indications that cases are no longer restricted to endemic areas.
The overlapping geographical distribution of VL and AIDS is increasing due to two main factors:
the spread of the AIDS pandemic in suburban and rural areas of the world, and the simultaneous
spread of VL from rural to suburban areas.

Leishmania/HIV co-infections are considered a real threat, especially in south-western Europe.

Of the first 1 700 cases of co-infection which have been reported to the World Health Organization
(WHO) from 33 countries worldwide up to 1998, 1 440 cases were from the region: Spain (835);
Italy (229); France (259); and Portugal (117). Of 965 cases retrospectively analyzed, 83.2% were
males, 85.7% were young adults (20-40 years old) and 71.1% were intravenous drug users.
Most co-infections in the Americas are reported in Brazil, where the incidence of AIDS has
risen from 0.8 cases per 100 000 inhabitants in 1986 to 10.5 cases per 100 000 inhabitants in 1997.
As HIV transmission has spread into rural areas, VL has simultaneously become more urbanized
specially in north-eastern Brazil increasing the risk of overlapping infection. The number of cases
of Leishmania /HIV co-infection is expected to rise in Africa owing to the simultaneous spread of
the two infectious diseases and their increasingly overlapping geographical distribution,
complicated by mass migration, displacement, civil unrest, and w ar.
In general, the reported cases of Leishmania/HIV co-infection in Africa are a very modest
estimation and would substantially increase if active surveillance were implemented throughout the
continent. Ethiopia has a well-organized system of detection, management and reporting of coinfection. Kenya and Sudan began surveillance in 1998 and Morocco has also established a
surveillance centre. In East Africa, cases of Leishmania/HIV co-infections have been reported in
Djibouti (10), Ethiopia (74), Kenya (15), Malawi (1) and Sudan (3). West Africa has no official
surveillance system yet, but several cases have been reported: Cameroon (1), Guinea Bissau (1),
Mali (4) and Senegal (2). In North Africa, cases have been reported in Algeria (20) and Morocco (4).
2. Specific Problems

Leishmania/HIV co-infections impose specific difficulties in terms of diagnosis and treatment.

The usual clinical features (fever, weight loss, liver and spleen enlargement, inflammation of the
lymph nodes) are not always present. The clinical diagnosis can also be made difficult by associated
diseases such as cryptosporidium, disseminated cryptococcosis, cytomegalovirus infection or
mycobacterial infection.

The serological diagnosis is falsely negative in 42.6% of co-infected patients. HIV-positive

patients have difficulty in producing antibodies against new infectious agents, especially at a late
stage or during relapses. Consequently, there is a need to use two or more serological tests and
antigens freshly prepared in the laboratory to increase sensitivity. Although multiple localizations
are frequent (blood, skin, digestive tract, lungs, central nervous system), parasitological diagnosis
can be difficult and has to be repeated to orient the treatment. Bone marrow aspirate (BMA)
remains the safest and most sensitive technique, but spleen aspirate and liver biopsy are also used.
When BMA cannot be performed, the search for Leishmania can be conducted in peripheral blood
Treatment for co-infected patients is aimed at clinical and parasitological cures and prevention
of relapses. Unfortunately, in such patients treatment failure, relapses due to drug resistance and
drug toxicity are very common. In south-western Europe, follow-up studies using pentavalent
antimonials, the same first-line drug used to treat classic leishmaniasis, show a positive response in
83% of cases. However, 52% of patients relapse within a period of one month to three years, with
the number of relapses ranging from one to four.
The main alternative drugs include pentamidine, amphotericin B and amphotericin B
encapsulated in liposomes. This encapsulation reduces the occurrence of side-effects, but relapses
still occur and the drug remains extremely expensive.
3. The World Health Organization Response
Because of the anticipated substantial increase in Leishmania /HIV co-infections, they are
among the priorities for WHO's Department of Communicable Disease Surveillance and Response
In 1996, WHO established an initial surveillance system, comprised of 14 institutions in 10
countries. A standardized Case Report Form was elaborated and endorsed by the members of the
network, and a Central International Registry was set up within WHO to centralize, process and
disseminate information on co-infections.
In 1998, a new WHO/Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) initiative
was launched which helped strengthen the surveillance network; it has been expanded to include 28
institutions, especially in East Africa and the Indian subcontinent (India, Nepal). All member
institutions of the network report to WHO on an annual basis. A computerized Geographic

Information System (GIS) is used to map and monitor co-infections in a way that permits easy
visualization and analysis of epidemiolog ical data.
The evolution of Leishmania /HIV co-infection is being closely monitored by extending the
geographic coverage of the surveillance network and by improving case reporting. WHO
encourages active medical surveillance, especially in south-western Europe, of intravenous drug
users, the main population at risk. Finally, because case notification of leishmaniasis is compulsory
in only 40 of the 88 endemic countries, WHO strongly suggests the remaining 48 endemic
countries follow suit.

Trypanosomes are hemoflagellate ( ) protozoa; they belong to the family
Trypanosomatidae ( ). Two distinctly forms of genus Trypansoma occur in humans. They
cause African

trypanosomiasis (or African sleeping sickness ) and America

typanosomiasis respectively.
The complex Trypanosoma brucei have two subspecies that are morphologically
indistinguishable cause distinct disease patterns in humans: T. b. gambiense causes
West African sleeping sickness and T. b. rhodesiense causes East African sleeping
sickness. (A third member of the complex, T. b. brucei, under normal conditions does not infect
The protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi , causes America typansosmiasis (or
Chagas' disease), a zoonot ic disease that can be transmitted to humans by blood-sucking reduviid


Trypansoma brucei complex causes African sleeping sickness. Originally, in the early years of
20 century, three African species were named: T. brucei, which was believed to be unable to infect
man; T. rhodesiense , which could infect man, in whom it caused an acute disease; and T. gambiense,
also infective to man but producing a much more chronic disease. It was later realized that the three
species were closed related, and they were reduced to subspecies of T. brucei : T. b. gambiense, T.

b. rhodesiense and T. b. brucei.


Parasites inhabit the connective tissue. In man and other vertebrate hosts, these are found in the
blood stream, lymph nodes and cerebrospinal fluid.

T. b. gambiense and T. b. rhodesiense are morphologically similar. Various forms are
recognized. Basically, all these forms are flagellated.

Trypomastigote( , Fig - -1,2): It found in man and other vertebrate.

Trypommatigote exhibit pleomorphism. They vary greatly in their size and shape. Two distinct
types are recognized: Dividing long and slender trypomastigote with a long free flagellum and nondividing short, thick and stumpy trypomastigotes
1) Sender trypomastigote : these forms are found in the blood during ascending
parasitaemia. They measure 20-40m in length and 1.5-3.5m in breadth.
2) Stumpy trypomastigotes: they do not have any free flagella. These forms always
are found in the blood during declining phase of parasitaemia. They measure 15-25m in length and
3.5m in breadth.
Trypomastigotes are slender and fusiform organisms with pointed anterior end and blunt
posterior end. They have a single and large oval nucleus situated centrally. A small kinetoplast
containing blepharoplast and parabasal body is situated in the posterior end of the parasite.
Cytoplasm contains volutin granules. A single flagellum arises from the kinetoplast in the posterior
end, curves around the body in form of a folded undulating membrane. It continues as a free
flagellum beyond the anterior end.

Fig - -1 a blood smear from a patient with



trypomastigote stages



with a posterior

kinetoplast, a centrally located nucleus,


undulating membrane, and an anterior flagellum.

(Giemsa stain) (Adapted from

parasite image

library of CDC, USA)

Fig - -2 Blood smear from a

patient with T . b. rhodesiense .
stain Adapted from
library of CDC, USA)


parasite image


Insect forms: It includes procyclic trypomastigotes, epimastigotes ( ) and

metacyclic trypomastigotes () . These form are found in the salivary glands of
tsetse fly ( ). Epimastigotes have a surface coat and pre-nuclear kinetoplast. They always
divide by remaining attached in the lumen of the salivary glands. The metacyclic forms have
variable antigen type (VAT) on their surface coat. These forms do not divide and are found free in
the lumen of salivary glands. They are infective to humans.



T. brucei complex their life cycle in vertebrate host and insect host. Vertebrate host include
man and domestic animals. Insect host are tsetse fly
fly( ) of Glossina species (G. palpalis, G.

morsitans, G. pallidipes, etc. ). Tsetse flies (Fig 4) are large bloodsucking Diptera (). Unlike
mosquitoes, both sexes of Glossina feed exclusively on blood, so that both can transmit
Man and other vertebrate hosts acquire infection by bite of tsetse fly. These flies inoculate
metacyclic trypomastigotes (infective forms) in skin during the blood meal. These metacyclic forms
are immediately transformed into long slender blood stream trypomastigotes and begin to multiply
in the blood, lymphatic system or in tissue. Trypomastigotes invade heart and connective tissue (
), bone marrow and in later stage, invade the central nervous system. In all the these sites,
trypanosomes multiply as long, slender dividing forms which present in the phase of ascending
parasitaemin. The infection is periodically controlled by high level of specific IgM antibodies,
causing remission of the disease. The non-dividing stumpy trypomastigotes, which replace long
slender forms, are found in the remission state. These short stumpy forms are infective to tsetse fly.


F ig --3 Life cycle of Trypanosoma brucei (Adapted from parasite image library of CDC, USA)

Fig --4 Tsetse fly, Glossina morsitans feeding

The tsetse fly becomes infected with bloodstream trypomastigotes when taking a blood meal
on an infected mammalian host. In the flys midgut, the parasites transform into procyclic
trypomastigotes, multiply by binary fission, leave the midgut, and transform into epimastigotes.
The epimastigotes reach the flys salivary glands and continue multiplication by binary fission.
After then the epimastigotes are transformed into metacyclic trypomastigotes. The cycle in the fly
takes approximately 3 weeks. Humans are the main reservoir for Trypanosoma brucei gambiense ,
but this species can also be found in animals. Wild game animals are the main reservoir of T. b.



Infection occurs in 3 stages. A trypanosomal chancre ( )can develop on the site of
inoculation. This is followed by a haematolymphatic stage ( )with symptoms that
include fever, lymphadenopathy, and pruritus. In the meningoencephalitic stage ( ),
invasion of the central nervous system can cause headaches, somnolence, abnormal behavior, and
lead to loss of consciousness and coma. The course of infection is much more acute with T. b.

rhodesiense than T. b. gambiense .

Chancre: Trypansomal chancre is an acute inflammatory local response seen in a week or so
after the bite of infected tsetse fly. It is large, red and rubbery. It is more frequently seen in
Rhodesian trypanosomiasis. It shows an intense inflammatory infiltration, vasodilatation (
) and interstitial oedema. The chancre tissue is filled with parasites. A painful trypansomal
chancre appears within a few days at the site of bite and resolves spontaneously within several
weeks. It is characterized by erythema, swelling and local tenderness.

Haematolymphatic stage : In the early stage of the disease, after development of the chancre,
infection of the blood and lymph system results in a more or less acute febrile illness. Infected
lymph glands, especially those at back of the neck, may become very enlarged; the swollen cervical
glands constitute Winterbottoms sign, a classical diagnostic indication of T. b. gambiense (Fig 5).
Oedema, hepatosplenomegaly and tachycardia () are other frequent findings.

Fig --5. The swollen

cervical glands constitute

Winterbottom sign. A classical
diagnostic indication of infection
with T . gagambiense

Meningoencephalitic stage: More serious effects results from the penetration of the parasites
into the CNS, which may occur at any time from weeks (T. b. rhodesiense ) to years (T. b.

gambiense ) after initial infection. Here the parasites multiply in the blood vessels, tissue fluids and
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
The infected host responds by mounting a cellular and humoral immune reaction.
Immunoglobulin (IgM) is secreted into the CSF, and there is massive infiltration of lymphocytes
into the membrane covering the brain, especially the arachnoid membrane ( ) and the pia
mater. Since the pia mater surrounds all the blood vessels in the brain, its thickening and the
lymphocytic infiltrate appear as characteristic perivascular cuffing within the brain substance.
Among the infiltrating cells are mulberry-like bodies, the morula (or Mott) cells; these are
plasma cells in the final stage of immunoglobulin secretion.
The outcome of the inflammatory process (meningoencephalitis) is brain damage leading to
somnolence ( ), coma and, unless treated, death in almost all cases. A few records exist of
healthy carriers who, although infected and with trypanosomes in their blood, appear to remain well
and do not develop the late stage of the disease.
There are differences between the clinical manifestations of East African and West African

In T. b. rhodesiense (East African trypanosomiasis), there is usually little

obvious glandular involvement and Winterbottoms sign may not be present; weight loss is rapid,
and CNS is involved early. Untreated persons usually die within 9 months to a year after onset of
disease. The incubation period is commonly short. In T. b. gambiense (West African
trypanosomiasis) chronic CNS disease developed



The diagnosis rests upon demonstrating trypanosomes by microscopic examination of

chancre fluid, lymph node aspirates, blood, bone marrow, or, in the late stages of infection,
cerebrospinal fluid. A wet preparation should be examined for the motile trypanosomes, and in
addition a smear should be fixed, stained with Giemsa (or Field), and examined. Concentration
techniques can be used prior to microscopic examination. For blood samples, these include
centrifugation followed by examination of the buffy coat; mini anion-exchange/centrifugation; and
the Quantitative Buffy Coat (QBC) technique. For other samples such as spinal fluid,
concentration techniques include centrifugation followed by examination of the sediment.
Isolation of the parasite by inoculation of rats or mice is a sensitive method, but its use is limited
to T. b. rhodesiense .
Antigen detection assays, in a test format suitable for field use, are being developed and
evaluated. Antibody detection has sensitivity and specificity that are too variable for clinical
decisions. In addition, in infections with T. b. rhodesiense , seroconversion() occurs after
the onset of clinical symptoms and thus is of limited use. However, the Card Agglutination
Trypanosomiasis Test (CATT) test is of value for epidemiolog ic surveys or screening of T. b.

gambiense .

T. b. gambiense is found in foci in large areas of West and Central Africa. The distribution of T.
b. rhodesiense is much more limited, with the species found in East and Southeast Africa.
African sleeping sickness is a vector-borne disease. Glossina is restricted to tropical Africa,
which is the reason for the similar restriction of T. brucei. It is endemic in 36 countries of subSaharan Africa, in the areas where tsetse flies are found. Approximately 50 million people are at
risk of acquiring the disease.
East African sleeping sickness caused by T. b. rhodesiense is a zoonot ic disease. Wild animals,
principally, antelopes ( ) (bush buck and hartbeest) and domestic animal (cattle) are the
important sources and reservoirs of infection. Infection in endemic areas is transmitted by bite of
tsetse flies, principally Glossina pallidipes and G. morsitans . The infection is an occupational
hazard amongst hunters, honey collectors and firewood collectors.
West African sleeping sickness caused by T. b. gambiense is not a zoonot ic disease. Infected

man is only source and reservoir of infection. Infection is transmitted by bite of tsetse flies of

palpalis group, mainly Glossina palpalis, G. tachinoides and G. fuscipes. This infection is
primarily seen in rural areas.


Treatment should be started as soon as possible and is based on the infected persons symptoms
and laboratory results. The drug regimen depends on the infecting species and the stage of infection.
Pentamidine isethionate and suramin( ) (under an investigational New Drug Protocol from
the CDC Drug Service) are the drugs of choice to treat the hemolymphatic stage of West and East
African Trypanosomiasis, respectively. Melarsoprol is the drug of choice for late disease with
central nervous system involvement (infections by T.b. gambiense or T. b. rhodiense ).
Control of tsetse fly population is the mainstay of preventive measures to control sleeping
sickness. Insecticides are widely used to reduce tsetse fly population. The use of traps and baits
impregnated with insecticides are the various methods to control tsetse fly population.


Trypanosoma cruzi , causes Chagas disease ( ), a zoonot ic disease that can be

transmitted to humans by blood-sucking reduviid bugs ( ). Chagas disease (South American
trypansomiasis) is commonly seen in the countries of South America.


There are three forms exist in T. cruzi life cycle. In man and other vertebrate host, T . cruzi
exists amastigotes and non-multiplying trypomastigotes; the insect form includes epimastigotes and
multiplying trypomastigotes .

Amastigote()): it is the non-flagellated, intracellular parasite found in man and other

vertebrate host. Amastigote is a round or oval body measuring 2 to 4m in diameter. It has a nucleus,
kinetoplast and an axoneme. Morphological it resembles the amastigote of Leishmania species,


hence it is frequently called as leishmanial form. It multiplies in man in this stage only.

Trypanomastigote: it is the flagellated form and is of two types. The multiplying

forms are found in the stomach of reduviid bug and in the culture, and non-multiplying forms are
found in the blood in man and other mammalian hosts. Trypanomastigotes are usually C-shaped and
slender, measuring 11.7-30.4m in lengths and 0.7-5.9m in breadth. The posterior end is wedgeshaped. At the anterior end, a free flagellum originates and traverses on surface of the parasite as a
narrow undulating membrane. They have a centrally placed prominent nucleus and a large round to
oval kinetoplast at the posterior end. (Fig --6)

F ig --6 Trypanosoma cruzi in blood smears (Giemsa stain, Adapted from

parasite image library of CDC,


T. cruzi need two hosts to complete its life cycle. The vertebrate hosts are man and other
reservoir hosts, the insect host Reduviid bug (kissing bug, so named because they often feed around
the lips of sleeping people).
When an infected triatomine( ) insect vector (or kissing bug) takes a blood meal
and releases trypomastigotes in its feces near the site of the bite wound. Trypomastigotes enter the
host through the wound or through intact mucosal membranes, such as the conjunctiva ( ).
Common triatomine vector species for trypanosomiasis belong to the genera Triatoma , Rhodinius,
and Panstrongylus. Inside the host, the trypomastigotes invade cells, where they differentiate into
intracellular amastigotes. The amastigotes multiply by binary fission and differentiate into
trypomastigotes, and then are released into the circulation as bloodstream trypomastigotes.
Trypomastigotes infect cells from a variety of tissues and transform into intracellular amastigotes in
new infection sites. Clinical manifestations can result from this infective cycle. The bloodstream
trypomastigotes do not replicate (different from the African trypanosomes). Replication resumes

only when the parasites enter another cell or are ingested by another vector. Feeding on human or
animal blood that contains circulating parasites infects the kissing bug. The ingested
trypomastigotes transform into epimastigotes in the vectors midgut. The parasites multiply and
differentiate in the midgut and differentiate into infective metacyclic trypomastigotes in the hindgut.
Within 8-10 days, these trypanomastigotes are excreted in the faeces of the bug, as the bug takes
the blood meal from a host and the cycle is continued (Fig7) Trypanosoma cruzi can also be
transmitted through blood transfusions, organ transplantation, transplacentally, and in laboratory


The pathogenesis of acute Chagas disease depends upon the destruction of parasitised and
non-parasitised host cells. Destruction of host cells is responsible for the clinical symptoms of
the disease at the early stage. Chagas disease is a chronic condition. Infected persons may show
few, if any, signs of disease and may survive for decades, even though still infected.

Acute Chagas
Chagas disease
It occurs most commonly in infants and children. The first sign of illness occurs at least 1
week after invasion by the parasites.


Fig--7 Life cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi (Adapted from parasite image library of CDC, USA)

A local lesion (chagoma, palpebral edema) can appear at the site of inoculation. Chagoma
( ) is localized swelling of the skin and contains intracellular amastigotes in leucocytes
and subcutaneous. When the parasite is inoculated in the conjunctiva, a unilateral painless
oedema of the palpebral and perioccular tissue develops in the eye. It is called Romanas sign and
is the classical finding in the acute Chagas disease. The acute phase is usually asymptomatic, but
can present with manifestations that include fever, anorexia, lymphadenopathy, and mild
hepatosplenomegaly; in severe infection, myocarditis may developed. Most deaths in acute
Chagas disease are due to heart failure or meningoencephalitis. The acute stage lasts for 20-30
days. Symptoms resolve in most of the patients who then enter into asymptomatic or
indeterminate stage of T. cruzi .

Chronic Chagas
Chagas disease
It is seen in older children and adults between 20-40 years of age. The symptomatic chronic
stage may not occur for years or even decades after initial infection; it may also be seen in
persons without any previous episode of acute disease. Its manifestations include


cardiomyopathy (the most serious manifestation); pathologies of the digestive tract such as
megaesophagus and megacolon; and weight loss. Chronic Chagas disease and its complications
can be fatal.
During the chronic phase, although signs may not be apparent, the repeated cycle of
intracellular multiplication are continually destroying cells, not only those in which the amastigotes
multiply, but also neighbouring cells. An autoimmune mechanism is probably involved. Neurons
are particularly vulnerable to destruction. If the intracellular groups of parasite (pseudocysts, Fig)
are concentrated in parts of gastrointestinal tract, especially in oesophagus or colon, peristalsis may
be interfered with and the organ may become hugely distended. This condition is indicated by the
prefix mega; for example megaoesophagus ( ) or megacolon ( ). The unfortunate
patient may be unable to swallow and die of starvation. Megacolon may become so gross as to lead
to rupture of colon and death.

Fig --8 Amastigotes of T .

cruzi lying in a pseudocyst in
human cardiac muscle. H and E.
1000. Enlarged by 9.6.

If the pseudocysts congregate in the heart muscle, and some strains are more prone to do this
than others, the ensuing neuronal and muscle destruction may gravely weaken the heart wall,
causing irreversible damage and leading to an early death from heart attack.

Demonstration of the causal agent is the diagnostic procedure in acute Chagas disease. It can
be achieved by:

Microscopic examinations
examinations: a) of fresh anticoagulated blood, or its buffy coat, for motile
parasites; and b) of thin and thick blood smears stained with Giemsa, for visualization of parasites.

Isolation of the agent by

by: a) inoculation into mice; b) culture in specialized media (e.g. NNN,
LIT); and c) xenodiagnosis ( ), where uninfected reduviid bugs are fed on the
patient's blood, and their gut contents examined for parasites 4 weeks later.

Immunological diagnosis: During the chronic stage of infection, parasites are rare or absent
from the circulation; immunodiagnosis is the method of choice for determining whether the patient
is infected. Although IFA is very sensitive, cross-reactivity occurs with sera from patients with
leishmaniasis, a protozoan disease that occurs in the same geographical areas as T. cruzi . Sensitivity
and specificity of EIA tests that use crude antigens are similar to those of the IFA test. Although
differentiating between acute and chronic infection is very important in determining therapy,
serology cannot be used to do so. A positive titer indicates only infection at some unknown time,
and not acute infection.

Chagas disease is a zoonoses. The infection is transmitted from animals to man. It distributes
in the Americas from the southern United States to southern Argentina, mostly in poor, rural areas
of Central and South America. Chronic Chagas disease is a major health problem in many Latin
American countries. With increased population movements, the possibility of transmission by
blood transfusion has become more substantial in the United States.
Two major cycles of transmission of infection take place: domestic cycle and sylvatic (
) cycle. In domestic cycle, the infection is transmitted between man and domestic animals by
the bite of blood sucking reduviid bugs. Naturally infected dog, bug and rabbit are the reservoir
hosts. They are the sources of infection of man. This type of infection is common in rural areas with
low socio-economic condition and poor sanitation.
In sylvatic cycle, the infection is transmitted between sylvatic reduviid bugs and small mammals
including rodents and marsupials. These are the reservoirs and source of infection for man. Chagas
disease is transmitted commonly by kissing bugs. Less frequently, the disease may be transmitted
by blood transfusion or congenital infection, and laboratory infection.


1) Treatment: Medication for Chagas disease is usually effective when given during the acute

stage of infection. The drugs of choice are benznidazole or nifurtimox (under an investigational
New Drug Protocol from the CDC Drug Service). Once the disease has progressed to later stages,
no medication has been proven to be effective. In the chronic stage, treatment involves managing
symptoms associated with the disease.
Acute Chagas disease must be treated early. The decision for initiating therapy must not be
swayed by negative findings or delayed while waiting for results of isolation attempts, if the clinical
and epidemiolog ic suspicion of the disease is strong.
2) The preventive measures include: a) application of insecticides to kill the vector bugs in
human dwellings and improvement of rural housing environment to eliminate the breeding places
of kissing bug. b) Personal protection by using mosquito nets and insect repellants. c) Serological
screening of blood donors for T. cruzi to prevent transmission by blood transfusion.


Giardia lamblia, a protozoan flagellate, inhabits the small intestine (duodenum and jejunum)
of man. This protozoan is the only intestinal flagellate known to endemic and epidemic diarrhea in
man. The parasite was initially named Cercomonas intestinalis by Lambl in 1859 and renamed

Giardia lamblia by Stiles in 1915, in honor of Professor A. Giard of Paris and Dr. F. Lambl of


Giardia lamblia exists in two stages: trophozoite and cyst.

Trophozooite : It is pear-shaped with broad rounded anterior end and a tapering posterior end
(Fig). It measures 9-21m in length and 5-15m in breath and 2-4m in thick. Dorsal surface is
convex ( ) while ventral surface is concave ( ). A sucking disc, the organ of attachment,
occupies one-third to one-half of the ventral surface. Trophozoite is bilaterally symmetrical and has
two nuclei, two axostyle () and four pairs of flagella. Two median bodies () are present
on the axostyle at its origin.


F ig --1 Giardia lamblia Trophozoite

Cytoplasm is uniform and finely granular. The trophozoites are motile due to the presence of
four pairs of flagella.

Cyst: the oval cyst measuring 8-12m in length and 7-10m in breath (Fig --2). A thick
wall surrounds it. The cyst consists of cytoplasm, which is finely granular and is separated from the
cyst wall by a clear space. This gives an appearance of the cyst being surrounded by a halo.
The mature cyst consists four nuclei, which may remain clustered at one end or are present in
pairs at two opposite ends. Also it consists of an axostyle and margins of the sucking disc. The
axostyle which is the remains of flagellum is placed diagona lly in the cyst. The four nuclei cyst is
the infective stage of G. lamblia.

The life cycle of G. lamblia is simple and is completed in a single host, the man (fig --2)


F ig --2 Life cycle of Giardia lamblia (Adapted from parasite image library of CDC, USA)

Cysts are resistant forms and are responsible for transmission of giardiasis. The cysts are hardy,
can survive several months in cold water. Infection occurs by the ingestion of cysts in contaminated
water, food, or by the fecal-oral route (hands or fomites). Cysts pass through the stomach and excyst
to trophozoites in the duodenum within 30 minutes of ingestion, each cyst produces two
tetranucleate ( ) trophozoites. Acidity of gastric juice favours the process of excystation. In
duodenum and jejunum, the tetranucleate trophozoite multiply asexually by binary fission thereby
producing a large numbers of daughter trophozoites. Trophozoites browse on the mucosal surface,
to which they are attached by an oval sucker. When the intestinal contents leave the jejunum and
begin to lose moisture, the trophozoites retract their flagella, cover themselves with a thick wall and
encyst. These encysted trophozoites undergo another phase of nuclear division and produce fournucleated mature cysts. The four nucleated mature cysts are the infective forms of the parasites,

they are excreted in faeces and the cycle is repeated.


Giardia lamblia inhabits the duodenum () and upper ileum (). The trophozoites
may remain attached to the intestinal mucosa and rarely invades the submucosa.
As few as 10-25 cysts can cause giardiasis (). Malabsorption () of fat
and carbohydrates in children and diarrhoea, are important clinical manifestation. The precise
mechanism for these changes is not clear. The pathogenic mechanisms may be mechanical blockage
of the intestinal mucosa, or competition for nutrients, or inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, or
bacterial induced deconjugation of bile salts, and altered jejunal motility with or without
overgrowth of intestinal bacteria and yeast.
In giardiasis the histopathology ( ) of duodenum and jejunum () are highly
variable and may range nearly from normal to markedly abnormal. Most commonly, there is
shortening of microvilli () and elongation of crypts. The brush border of the absorptive cells
are damaged Giardia mostly are found attached to the lining of the epithelial brush border.
The clinical features vary from asymptomatic carriage to severe diarrhea and malabsorption.
Majority of infected persons in the endemic area, are asymptomatic. Acute giardiasis develops after
an incubation period of 5 to 6 days and usually lasts 1 to 3 weeks. Symptoms include diarrhea,
abdominal pain, bloating (), nausea (), and vomiting.
In some patients, the infection progress to a chronic disease. In chronic giardiasis the
symptoms are recurrent and malabsorption and debilitation may occur. The condition frequently is
associated with malnutrition and stunted growth in pre-school children.

Laboratory diagnosis is based on parasitological methods and to a less extent on serological

Pathogenic diagnosis
1) Fecal examination: Giardiasis is diagnosed by the identification of cysts or trophozoites in
the feces, using direct mounts as well as concentration procedures. Repeated samplings may be
necessary. In acute giardiasia, motile trophozoites are demonstrated in the direct wet mount of

liquid stool. The cysts are demonstrated in the semiformed stool. The stool specimens are examined
either fresh or in case of delay. After preservation by formalin () or polyvinyl alcohol, and
subsequent staining by trichrome () or iron-haematoxylin method. Concentration of stool by
formalin-either or zinc sulphate method increase the yield of parasites.In chronic giardiasis cysts
often are excreted intermittently. Hence examination of at least three stool specimens collected at an
interval of 2 days, helps in the detection of parasites
2) duodenal contents or bile examination: microscope examination of duodenal contents or
bile is carried out, when the repeated stool examination is negative but giardiasis is still suspected.
Three method are used in collecting duodenal contents:
String test or Entero test ( )It is a gelatin capsule () which contains a
nylon string at one end. The capsule is swallowed by the patient and the free end of the string is
fixed at the mouth. In the stomach, the capsule is dissolved and the string remains in duodenum and
jejunum. After overnight incubation, the string is removed, the bile stained mucus is collected on
the glass side and examined microscopically for trophozoites.
Duodenal aspiration(): it is also collected to demonstrate trophozoites.
Jejunal biopsy (): It is performed to demonstrate trophozoites but indicated only
in very serious cases.
2). Immunological methods:
Alternate methods for detection include antigen detection tests by enzyme immunoassays, and
detection of parasites by immunofluorescence.

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)

and indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) are useful in seroepidemiolog ical studies. These methods
detect anti-Giardia antibodies in serum, which remain elevated for a longer period.

Giardiasis is worldwide in distribution, more prevalent in warm climates, and in children. G.

lamblia infection also widely distribute in China, with an incidence varying from 0.48 to 10 percent.
Giardiasis shows two distinct epidemiolog ical patterns: endemic and epidemic. It is endemic in
the developing countries like India. Mainly children are affected. In the United States and other
developed countries, the condition occurs in epidemics. It affects all the age groups equally.
Man who passed cysts in stool is the main reservoir of infection. Food and water contaminated

by human and animal feces that contain Giardia cysts are the primary sources of infection.
Giardiasis is transmitted mainly by drinking fecally contaminated water and less frequently by
eating contaminated food. It also can transmitted by direct person to
most commonly in persons with poor sanitation and poor

person spread, it occurs

faceal oral hygiene. Ocassionally,

giardiasis may be transmitted by sex among male homesexual practicing anilingus.

Patients with variable immunodeficiency such as the AIDS, protein-calorie malnutrition are
increasingly susceptible to infection with Giardia.


Several prescription drugs are available to treat giardiasis; metronidazole ( ) is the
drug of choice. Metronidazole, tinidazole or other 5-nitroimidazole compounds usually
kill parasites in the intestine, but any in the gall bladder or bile duct may evade destruction and
subsequently reinvade the intestine to produce clinical relapse. If this occurs, repeated course of
therapy at higher dose may be required.
Giardiasis can be prevented and controlled by improved water supply, proper disposal of
human faeces, maintenace of food and personal hygiene, and health education.

Trichomonas vaginalis, a flagellate, is the most common pathogenic protozoan of humans in
industrialized and developing countries. It causes trichomoniasis ( ). The infection is
transmitted sexually.

Trichomonas vaginalis only exists in trophozoite stage. Cystic stage is absent. Trophozoite
inhabit the vagina in female, the prostate () and seminal vesicles in male and urethra ()
in both sexes.
The trophozoites of Trichomonas, measuring 14-17m5-15m have a single nucleus, four
anterior flagella and a single lateral flagellum attached to pellicle to form an undulating
membrane ( ) (fig). They are actively motile, pear-shaped. The inner margin of this


membrane is supported by a filament. There is also a central skeletal rod or axostyle. The cytoplasm
contains a large numbers of hydrogenosomes () and sometimes viral particles.

F ig --1 A :Two trophozoites of Trichomonas vaginalis obtained from in vitro culture. Smear was stained with
Giemsa. B: Diagram of T .vaginalis

Trophozoite of Trichomonas vaginalis is facultative anaerobic (). It is identified by its

characteristic twitching motility. Trophozoite is the infective form of the parasite.

Life cycle of Trichomonas vaginalis is simple. It is completed in a single host either male or
female (fig --2)

Trichomonas vaginalis resides in the female lower genital tract and the male urethra and
prostate, where it replicates by binary fission. The parasite does not appear to have a cyst form, and
does not survive well in the external environment. Trichomonas vaginalis is transmitted among
humans, its only known host, primarily by sexual intercourse.


Trichomonas vaginalis is an obligate parasite which cannot live without close association of
the vaginal, urethral or prostatic tissues. It causes degeneration and desquamation ( ) of the
vaginal mucusa. Sometimes, it is associated with small blisters () or granules. The mucosa and
superficial submucosa are infiltrated by lymphocytes, plasma cells and polymorphonuclear


F ig --2 Life cycle of Trichomonas vaginalis (Adapted from parasite image library of CDC, USA)

Trichomonas vaginalis infection in women is frequently symptomatic. In symptomatic acute

infection, after an incubation period , vaginal discharges is nearly in two-thirds of cases. It is
frequently accompanied by vulvovaginal soreness or irritation, dyspareunia, disagreeable odour and
dysuria ( ). The acute stage may last for a week or month and often varies in intensity. It
may become severe following menstruation. Vaginitis () with a purulent () discharge
is the prominent symptom, and can be accompanied by vulvar and cervical ( ) lesions,
abdominal pain, dysuria and dyspareunia. The vaginal secretions are liquid, greenish or yellow and
are present on the urethral orifice (), vestibular glands and clitoris. It contains large numbers
of Trichomonas and leucocyte. The incubation period is 5 to 28 days. In men, the infection is
frequently asymptomatic; occasionally, urethritis, epididymitis (), and prostatitis ()
can occur.
Persistent or reccuring nonspecific urethritis is the main clinical presentation in symptomatic
cases. Infection

appears to be self-limiting in many of the male possible due to trichomonicidal


action of the prostatic fluid or flushing out of the flagellate mechanically from urethra during
micturition ().

The specific diagnosis of trichomoniasis is made by demonstration of organisms in the genital
specimens and also in the urine by microscopy, culture and non parasitic methods.
Microscopic examination of wet mounts may establish the diagnosis by detecting actively
motile organisms. This is the most practical and rapid method of diagnosis (allowing immediate
treatment), but it is relatively insensitive. Direct immunofluorescent antibody staining is more
sensitive than wet mounts, but technically more complex. Culture of the parasite is the most
sensitive method, but results are not available for 3 to 7 days. In women, examination should be
performed on vaginal and urethral secretions. In men, anterior urethral or prostatic secretions should
be examined.

Trichomoniasis probably is the most common sexually transmit disease worldwide. Higher
prevalence among persons with multiple sexual partners or other venereal diseases. Up to 40% of
women have been reported in some random surveys to be infected, and the organism has been found
in up to 70% of women with vaginitis.
Infected women harbouring T. vaginalis in the genital tract and

infected men are the chief

reservoir of infection. Trophozoite is the infective stage

The infection may be transmitted venereally by sexual contact with infected person, also to
babies during passage through an infected birth canal, and occasionally non-venereally through
fomites such as towels, toilet seats, etc., and also through mud and water bath as well.


Treatment should be implemented under medical supervision, and should include all sexual
partners of the infected persons. The drug of choice for treatment is metronidazole ( );
therapy is usually highly successful. Tinidazole, which is a better-tolerated alternative

drug, is not available in the United States. Strains of Trichomonas vaginalis resistant to both drugs
have been reported.

Preventive measures:
1) Detection and treatment of cases either male or female.
2) Avoidance of sexual contact with infected partners, and
3) Use of condoms.

The causal agents of malaria are blood parasites of the genus Plasmodium, family
Plasmodiidae in the suborder Haemosporina. There are approximately 156 named species of

Plasmodium, which infect various species of vertebrates. Four are known to infect humans: P.
falciparum(), P. vivax(), P. ovale () and P. malariae(
). In China mainly are P. falciparum and P. vivax ; P. ovale and P. malariae infection are rare seen.


The malaria parasite life cycle involves two hosts: human and female Anopheles mosquito
( ). Human is the intermediate host for asexual reproductions occur in liver and RBCs;
Mosquito is the definitive host, the sexual reproduction takes place in the stomach of mosquito.
Four species of human malarial parasites are more or less similar in their cycle and morphology,
with some minor differences between.

Human Cycle
Malaria parasites develop in human body includes two stages: exo-erythrocytic stage
(sporozoites develop in liver) and erythrocytic stage (merozoites develop in RBCs)

1) Exo-erythrocytic stage ( ): During a blood meal, a malaria-infected female

Anopheles mosquito inoculates sporozoites ()into the human host.


Fig-- 1 the malaria sporozoites

F ig --2 Pre-erythrocytic schizont in liver

The sporozoite (fig --1) a small, spindle-shaped ( ) cell with a single nucleus,
which developed in mosquito, it is introduced into man by the bite of an infected mosquito. When
sporozoites are injected into a susceptible host, they rapidly (within 30 minutes) enter liver
parenchyma cells. They then (unless hypnozoites, see below) begin a process of multiple divisions
known as merogony (or schizogony). Pre-erythrocytic schizont () in liver
mature in 6-14 days time, it need about 8 days to complete the exo-erythrocytic cycle in P. vivax ,
about 6 days in P. falciparum, 11-12 days in P. malariae and 9 days in P. ovale . Merogony in liver
cells results in the production of thousands of merozoites ( ) per meront ( ) (Fig2).
After the infected liver parenchyma cell is broken, the merozoites release from the liver cells, some
of merozoites are phagyocytize by hosts macrophage ( ) in the liver, which may
be an important host defense mechanism; and some of them penetrate into erythrocytes in the
blood, initiating the erythrocytic cycle.The sporozoites that establish in the liver cells are proved of
two genetic forms: tachysporozoite ( ) and bradysporozoite or hypnozoites (
). The tachysporozoites develop into trophozoites and undergoes EE schizogon
( ) immediately after they enter the liver. Hypnozoites will remain in the liver
without further development in a latent period. The latent period of hypnozoite is more than 3
months to 2 years when the primary attack have subsided.
In P. vivax, hypnozoites ( ) are found inside the liver parenchyma ( ). These are
single- nucleated parasites measuring 4-6m in diameter and are the dormant () stages of the
parasite. Relapse ( ) in vivax malaria is caused by these hypnozoites, which after a period of
time become active and develop into pre-erythrocytic schizonts, there by causing malaria. In P.

falciparum, only a single generation of exo-erythrocytic stage take place, secondary EE stage is


absent; recent evidences indicate that hypnozoites are found in the live phase of P. malariae. The
single nucleated intra- hepatocellular hypnozoites of P. ovale resemble those of P. vivax.

Erythrocytic stages( ))
The merozoites invade red blood cells; these are then transformed into trophozoites and finally,
develop into erythrocytic schizonts. P. vivax and P. ovale prefer invading young cells; P. malariae
invade usually mature older cells, rarely reticulocytes; P.falciparum EE merozoites invade both the
reticulocytes ( ) and erythrocytes (young and old). Erythrocytic stages such as
trophozoites, schizonts and gametocytes are present.
): On entry into an erythrocyte, the merozoite again transforms
Trophozoites ( ):
into a trophozoite. The host cytoplasm ingested by the trophozoite forms a large food
vacuole, giving the young Plasmod ium the appearance of a ring of cytoplasm with the
nucleus conspicuous ly displayed at one edge. This stage of trophozoites are known as ring
forms ( ). The trophozoite is vacuolated, ring shaped, more or less amoeboid and
uninucleate ( ). As the trophozoite grows , its food vacuoles become less noticeable by
light microscopy, but pigment granules of hemozoin ( ) in the vacuoles may become
apparent. Hemozoin is the end product of the parasite's digestion of the host's hemoglobin but is
not a partially degraded form of hemoglobin.
The ring forms of P. falciparum are very small (1m in diameter), which a very thin
circle of cytoplasm; some appear to have two nucle i, and some are closely pressed to the
periphery of the cell, the infected host red cells are not enlarged; ring forms of P. vivax are
larger (2m in diameter), and as the parasite grows the infected cell becomes enlarge and
deve lop red-staining Sch
ffners dots ( ) on its surface; the growing trophozoite is
actively motile and thus often appears irregular in shape; P. malariae trophozoite are not
active and are irregular in shape, often across the cell as a bend. The infected cell is not
enlarged and only rarely shows a few surface dots: Zie manns dots. Early trophozoite or ring
forms of P. ovale are more similar to those of P. malariae . P. ovale ring forms are relative ly
compact. Late trophozoite is small and compact. It contains coarse pigments and an
inconspicuous vacuole. It does not show any amoeboid movement. The host cells are round
and oval, often fimbriated and invariably are enlarged; Schffners dots are present.
Erythrocytic Schizonts : The trophozoites multiply with division of

nucleus by mitosis, followed by a division of cytoplasm, to become mature schozonts. The

erythrocytic schizonts are dividing forms. The stage in the erythrocytic schizogony at which the
cytoplasm is coalescing around the individual nuclei, before cytokinesis, is called the segmenter.
When development of the merozoites is completed, the hosts cell ruptures, releasing parasite
metabolic wastes and residual body, including hemozoin ( ). The metabolic wastes thus
released are one factor responsible for the characteristic symptoms of malaria, although hemozoin
itself is nontoxic. A great many of the merozoites are ingested and destroyed by
reticaloendothelial cells and leukocytes, but, even so, the number of parasitized host cells may
become astronomical because erythrocytic schizogony takes only from 1 to 4 days, depending on
the species.
In P. falciparum, the schizonts are small, and rarely seen in peripheral blood, because
infected cells adhere to the endothelium of capillaries in the internal organs. The erythrocytic is
completed within 48 hours and always takes place inside the capillaries and vascular beds of
internal organ.

Fig--3 P.vivax thin smear, showing early trophozoites. The infected red cells are enlarged and show some

Fig--4. P. vivax late trophozoites


Fig--6. P. falciparum early trophozoites

In P. vivax, erythrocytic schizonts are large, round and irregular in form and occupy the
entire red cell, which are enlarged. All the developing stages of schizonts can be seen which
contain pigment granules. A mature schizont contains usually 16 merozoites but may contain more
even up to 24.
The erythrocytic cycle may be repeated or, in response to unknown stimuli, maturation into
gametocytes may occur.
): After an indeterminate number of asexual generations, some
Gametocyte ( ):
merozoites enter erythrocytes and become macrogamonts


) and microgamonts (microgametocytes). The size

and shape of these cells are characteristic for each species; they also contain hemozoin. Unless
they are ingested by a mosquito, gametocytes soon die and are phagocytized by the
reticuloendothelial system.
The male (micro-) and female (macro-) gametocyte of all species can be differentiated as the
male has a larger, more diffuse nucleus, in readiness for gamete production after its ingestion by
the mosquito; the female has darker staining cytoplasm because it contains numerous ribosomes
for protein biosynthesis following fertilization. P. falciparum gametocytes are crescent-shaped but
those of other species are spherical. Comparison of Plasmodium species see table 1,2.

Mosquito cycle
When an unsuitable mosquito imbibes erythrocytes containing gametocytes, they are
digested along with the blood. However, if a susceptible mosquito is the diner, the gametocytes
develop into gametes. Although this development would take place only in a female mosquito in
nature, since only females feed on vertebrate blood, males of appropriate species can support
development after experimental infection with the parasite in the laboratory. Suitable hosts for the

Plasmodium spp. of humans are a wide variety of Anopheles spp. After release from its enclosing
erythrocyte, maturation of the macrogametocyte to the macrogamete involves little obvious
change other than a shift of the nucleus toward the periphery.

In contrast, the microgametocyte

displays a rather astonishing transformation, exflagellation ( ). As the microgametocyte

becomes extracellular (), within 10 to 12 minutes its nucleus divides repeatedly to form six
to eight daughter nuclei, each of which is associated with the elements of a developing axoneme.
The doubled outer membrane of the microg ametocyte becomes interrupted; the flage llar buds
with their associated nucle i move peripherally between the interruptions and then continue
outward covered by the outer membrane of the gametocyte. These break free and are the
microgametes ( ). The stimulus for exflage llation is an increase in pH caused by
escape of dissolved carbon dioxide ( ) from the blood. The lif e span of the
microg ametes is short, since they contain little more than the nucle ar chromatin and the
flage llum covered by a membrane. The microg amete swims about until it finds a
macrogamcte, which it penetrates and fertilizes. The resultant diploid zygote () quickly
elong ates to become a motile ookinete ( ). The ookinete is reminiscent of a
sporozoite and merozoite in morphology. It is l0 to 12 m in length and has polar rings
and subpellicular microtubules () but no micronemes.
The ookinete penetrates the peritrophic membrane ( ) in the mosquito's gut.
Migrates to the hemocoe l ( ) side of the gut, and begins its transformation into an
oocyst ( ). The oocyst is covered by an electron-de nse capsule and soon extends out
into the insect's hemocoe l.

Table --1 Comparison of Plasmodium Species Which Cause Human Malaria


Stages found

Appearance of Parasite

in blood


P. vivax

Ring form

Large cytoplasm with occasional pseudopods; large

chromatin dot


Large amoeboid cytoplasm; large chromatin; fine, yellowishbrown pigment


Large, may almost fill RBC; mature = 12 to 24 merozoites;

yellowish-brown, coalesced pigment


Round to oval; compact; may almost fill RBC; chromatin

compact, eccentric (macrogametocyte) or diffuse
(microgametocyte); scattered brown pigment

P. falciparum

Ring form

Delicate cytoplasm; 1 to 2 sma ll chromatin dots;

occasiona l appliq u (accoll) forms


Seldom seen in peripheral blood; compact cytoplasm; dark




Seldom seen in periphera l blood; mature = 8 to 24

sma ll merozoites; dark pigment, clumped in one mass
Cescent or sausage shape; chromatin in a single mass
(macrogametocyte) or diffuse (microgametocyte); dark
pigment mass

P. malariae

Ring form

Sturdy cytoplasm; large chromatin


Compact cytoplasm; large chromatin; occasional band forms;

coarse, dark-brown pigment


Mature = 6 to 12 merozoites with large nuclei, clustered

around mass of coarse, dark-brown pigment; occasional


Round to oval; compact; may almost fill RBC; chromatin

compact, eccentric (macrogametocyte) or more diffuse
(microgametocyte); scattered brown pigment


Ring form

Sturdy cytoplasm; large chromatin


Compact with large chromatin; dark-brown pigment


Mature = 6 to 14 merozoites with large nuclei, clustered

P. ovale

around mass of dark-brown pigment


Round to oval; compact; may almost fill RBC; chromatin

compact, eccentric (macrogametocyte) or more diffuse
(microgametocyte); scattered brown pigment

Table --2 Comparisons of Erythrocyte Changes in Plasmodium Species Infection


Stages found


in blood

P. vivax

Ring form

Appearance of Erythrocyte (ABC)

Normal to 11/4 , round; occasionally fine Schffner's dots;

multiple infection of RBC not uncommon

P. falciparum


Enlarged 11/2 to 2 ; may be distorted; fine Schffner's dots


Enlarged 11/2 to 2 ; may be distorted; fine Schffner's dots


Enlarged 11/2 to 2 ; may be distorted; fine Schffner's dots

Ring form

Normal; multiple infection of RBC more common than in

other species


Normal; rarely, Maurer's clefts (under certain staining



Normal; rarely, Maurer's clefts (under certain staining



Distorted by parasite


P. malariae

Ring form

Normal to 3/4


Normal to 3/4 ; rarely, Ziemann's stippling (under certain

staining conditions)


Normal to 3/4 ; rarely, Ziemann's stippling (under certain

staining conditions)


Normal to 3/4 ; rarely, Ziemann's stippling (under certain

staining conditions)

Ring form

P. ovale

Normal to 11/4 , round to oval; occasionally Schffner's dots;

occasionally fimbriated; multiple infection of RBC not


Normal to 11/4 ; round to oval; some fimbriated; Schffner's



Normal to 11/4 , round to oval, some fimbriated, Schffner's



Normal to 11/4 ; round to oval, some fimbriated; Schffner's


The initial division of its nucle us is reduction al; meiosis ( ) takes place
immed iate ly after zygote formation as in other Sporozoe a ( ).

The oocyst

reorganizes internally into a number of haploid ( ) nucle ated masses called

sporoblasts ( ), and the cytoplasm contains many ribosomes ( ),
endoplasmic reticulum, mitochond ria, and other inclusions. The sporoblasts in turn divide
repeated ly to form thousands of sporozoites. These break out of the oocyst into the
hemocoe l and migrate throughout the mosquito's body. On contacting the salivary gland
( ), sporozoites enter its channe ls and can be injected into a new host at the next
feed ing.
Sporozoite deve lopment takes from l0 days to 2 weeks, depend ing on the species of
Plasmod ium and the temperature. Once infected, a mosquito remains infective for lif e,
capable of transmitting malaria to every susceptible vertebrate it bites. Inoculation of the
sporozoites into a new human host perpetuates the malaria life cycle.
Plasmod ium sometimes is transm itted by means other than the bite of a mosquito. The
blood cycle may be initiated by blood transfusion, by malaria therapy of certain paralytic


dise ases, by syringe-passed infection among drug addicts, or, rarely, by congenital infection .

Fig--7 The life cycle of Plasmodium (Adapted from parasite image library of CDC, USA)


Energy metabolism . The presence and importance of glycolysis ( ) in the

degradation of glucose by Plasmod ium spp. are well established, although subsequent steps
are uncle ar. This is complicated by the fact that malaria species from birds have
recognizable mitochond ria ( ), whereas unequivoca l mitochond ria have been
demonstrated in very few species from mammals. The bird plasmod ia apparently have a
functional tricarboxylic acid cycle ( ), but the existence of the complete cycle
in the erythrocytic stages of the mammalian parasites is doubtful. Membranous structures in
some of the mammalian species

may represe nt mitochond ria because of certain

mitochond rial enzymes demonstrated in them cytochemica lly (NADH- and NADPHdehydrogenases and cytochrome oxidase). Interest ingly, the sporogon ic stages of these
organisms in the mosquito possess prominent, cristate mitochond ria, reflect ing perhaps a
deve lopmental change in metabolic pattern analogous to that observed in trypanosomes.

Treatment of the host with qinghaosu ( ) le ads to swelling of the mitochond ria of P.

inui (a mammalian species

with prominent mitochond ria) within 2.5 hours. Host

mitochond ria are unaffected. Similar reactions have been observed after primaquine
treatment, le ading to the suggest ion that these drugs act via inhibition of mitochond rial
metabolic reactions.
The erythrocytic forms of Plasmod ium appe ar to be facultative anaerobes ( ),
consuming oxyge n when it is available. Infected red cells take up considerably more oxyge n
than do uninf ected ones when incubated with various substrates. It has been suggested that
Plasmod ium uses oxyge n for biosy nthetic purposes, especially synthes is of nucle ic acids.
Also, a branched electron transport system has been proposed, analogous to that suggested
for some helminthes, but a classic a l cytochrome system has not been demonstrated.
Although the bird plasmod ia have tristate mitochond ria, they neverthe less depend heavily
on glycolysis for energy. They convert four to six molecu les of glucose to lactate for every
one they oxid ize completely. A limiting factor may be the parasite's inability to synthes ize
coenzyme A, which it must obtain from its host; this cofactor is necessary to introduce the
two-carbon fragment into the tricarbox ylic acid cycle.
The end products of glucose metabolism of the mammalian plasmod ia are lactate (
) and some volatile compounds, especially acetate and formate. The bird malaria
parasites oxidize glucose more complete ly, producing some carbon diox ide and organic
acids. Both bird and mammal plasmodia "fix" carbon dioxide into phosphoenolpyruvate, as do
numerous other parasites. In plasmodia the carbon dioxide-fixation reaction can be catalyzed by
either phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase or phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. Chloroquine and
quinine inhibit both enzymes, possibly accounting for the antimalarial activity of these drugs. The
significance of the carbon dioxide fixation is not clearly understood; it may be to reoxidize NADH
produced in glycolysis, or its reactions may function to maintain levels of intermediates for use in
other cycles.
The pentose phosphate pathway is an important and interesting metabolic pathway in
Plasmodium. This path has several known functions in various systems, and its importance to
plasmodia is probably twofold; to furnish pentoses ( ) from hexoses ( ) for use in
synthesis of nucleic acids (however, Plasmodium apparently lacks a full complement of enzymes

for nucleic acid synthesis, which will be discussed further) and to provide reducing power in the
form of NADPH. The first steps in the path are the dehydrogenation ( ) and then
hydrolysis () of glucose 6-phosphate () to 6-phosphogluconate ()
by the enzymes glucose 6-phosphate & hydrogenase (G6PDH) and lactonase ( ), and the
next reactions are oxidation (), decarboxylation ( ), and isomerization ( ) of
the 6-phosphogluconate to D-ribose-5-phosphate (a pentose) by an isomerase ( ) and 6phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGDH). Current evidence indicates that the plasmodia are
entirely dependent on G6PDH and possibly 6PGDH and the entire pathway from the host cell.
This dependency becomes even more interesting when it is observed that persons with a genetic
deficiency in erythrocytic G6PDH, or favism ( ), are more resistant to malaria. Favism is a
sex-linked trait in which ingestion of various substances such as aspirin ( ), the
antimalarial drug primaquine ( ), sulfonamides ( ), or the broad bean Vicia favia
brings on a hemolytic crisis in the female homozygote () or male hemizygote. The gene is
relatively frequent in blacks and some Mediterranean white people.44 Over 5% of Southeast
Asian refugees entering the United States have had a G6PDH deficiency. Since the trait is
expressed as a mosaic, even heterozygotes () have some red cells deficient in the enzyme.
Therefore all conditions--heterozygous, homozygous, and homozygous are protected to some
extent against P.falciparum . However, presence of the deficiency should be determined before
treatment with ptimaquine to avoid a hemolytic crisis.

Digestive metabolism. That the parasites digest host hemoglobin, leaving the iron-containing
residue (hemozoin), deserves further comment. The plasmodia depend heavily on this protein
source; the trophozoites substantially reduce the hemog lobin content of the erythrocyte. The
parasites ingest a portion of host cytosol via the cytostome, and the vesicle thus formed
migrates to and joins the central food vacuole, where the hemog lobin is rapid ly degraded
Chloroq uine ( ) is a dibasic amine (a weak base) and increases the pH in the food
vacuole to prevent the digest ion of hemog lobin. Chloroq uine is a very safe drug because it
has no nonweak base effects on mammalian cells, but the basis of chloroquine resistance in P .

falciparum is due to interference with the nonweak base mechanism. The explanation for the
nonweak base effects is unknown. Mefloq uine () also affects the food vacuoles, and it
is believed that quinine acts by a similar mechanism.

Resist ance to P. falciparum by persons homozygous and heterozygous for sickle cell
hemog lobin (HbS) may involve several mechanisms, partly involving feeding and digest ion
by the protozoa. The parasite deve lops normally in cells with HbS until those cells are
sequestered in the tissu es. Kept in this low oxygen environment for several hours, the cells
have more of a tendency to sickle than cells that passes through at a normal rate. When
sickling occurs, HbS forms filamentous aggreg ates. The filamentous aggreg ates actually
pierce the Plasmod ium, apparently releasing digest ive enzymes that lyse both parasite and
host cell. Furthermore, K+ leaks out of the sickled cell, depriving the parasite of this ion.
Sickled cells also may block capillaries, further decreasing loca l oxygen concentration.







hemog lobin



ferriprotoporhyrin IX (FP, hemin), which has membrane toxicity. They suggested that the FP
lyses the parasites.

Synthetic metabolism . As a specialized parasite, Plasmodium appears to depend on its

host cell for a variety of molecu les other than the strictly nutrition al ones. Specif ic
requirements for maintenance of the parasites free of host cells are pyruvate, malate, NAD,
ATP, CoA ( A), and folinic acid ( ). The inability of the organisms to synthesize
CoA has been mentioned. They are unable to synthesize the purine ring de novo, thus
requiring an exogenous source of purines ( ) for DNA and RNA synthesis. The purine
source seems to be hypoxanthine ( ) "salvaged" from the normal purine catabolism
of the host cell? Several aspects of synthetic metabolism in Plasmod ium have offered
opportunities for attack with antimalarial drugs. Althoug h plasmod ia have cytoplasmic
ribosomes of the eukaryot ic type, several antibiot ics that specif ica lly inhibit prokaryot ic

mitochondrial) prote in synthesis;

for example,

tetracycline and tetracycline

derivatives, have a considerable antimalarial potency. It has been shown that tetracycline
inhibits prote in synthesis in P. falciparum , as well as growth in vitro. Antibiot ics have
only recently been used extensive ly in malaria therapy because they are effective less
rapid ly than convention al antimalarials and because of appre hensions

relative to

development of resist ant bacteria.



The major clinical manifestations of malaria may be attributed to two general factors: (1) the
host inflammatory response, which produces the characteristic chills and fever, as well as other
related phenomena; and (2) anemia, arising from the enormous destruction of red blood cells.
Severity of the disease is correlated with the species producing it: falciparum malaria is most
serious and vivax and ovale the least dangerous.

Incubation period ())

Usually after human got infection, the symptoms would not appear immediately, there is an
incubation period. It represents the time interval between the infective bite of Anopheline mosquito
and the onset of the clinical symptoms. It includes the period of the time for the sporozoite reaching
liver and entering, the duration of the development in the liver, the time of development in the RBC
to produce sufficient erythrocytic merozoites to cause clinical symptoms. The incubation period in

P. vivax varies from 8 to 31 days; 7 to 27 days in P. falciparum; In P. malariae, the incubation period
relatively is longer and varies from 18 to days; In P. ovale, it is 16 to 18 days.

Malarial paroxysm ())

Malarial paroxysm is preceded by a prodromal period. A few days before the first
paroxysm, the patie nt may feel malaise, muscle pain, headache, loss of appetite, and slight
fever; or the first paroxysm may occur abruptly, without any prior symptoms. The classic
malarial paroxysm comprises of three successive stages : cold stage, hot stage and sweating
stage. The first stage is the cold-stage , A typic a l attack of benign tertian or quartan malaria
begins with a feeling of intense cold as the hypothalamus, the body's thermostat, is activated, and
the temperature then rises rapidly to 41. The teeth chatter (), and the bed may rattle from
the victim's shivering. The skin is warm and dry, Nausea, vomiting, severe headache, back ache,
and hypotension are usual.
The hot stage begins after 1/2 to 1 hour, with intense headache and feeling of intense heat.
Sweating stage is the final stage, often a mild delirium stage lasts for several hours. As copious
perspiration signals the end of the hot stage, the temperature drops back to normal within 2 to 3
hours, and the entire paroxysm is over within 8 to 12 hours. The person may sleep for a while after
an episode and feel fairly well until the next paroxysm. The foregoing time periods for the stages
are usually somewhat shorter in quartan malaria, and the paroxysms recur every 72 hours. In

vivax malaria the period icity is often quot idian early in the infection, since two popu lations
of merozoites usually mature on alternate days.

"Dou ble" and "triple" quartan infections

also are known. Only after one or more groups drop out does the fever become tertian or
quartan and the patie nt experiences the classica l good and bad days.
Fever is a common, nonspec if ic reaction of the body to infection, function ing at le ast
in part to increase the rate of metabolic reactions important in host defenses. Fever in
malaria is correlated with the maturation of a generation of merozoites and the rupture of
the red blood cells that contain them. It is wide ly belie ved that fever is stimulated by the
excretory products of the parasites, released when the erythrocytes lyse, but the exact nature
of such substances is not known. There is evide nce of production of cytotox ic factors by the
parasites : oxidative phosp horylation and respiration are inhibited in mitochondria from
infected animals, and damage to liver cells can be observed on the ultrastructural leve l.

Fig - -8 Temperature fluctuations in malaria patients: peaks of fever are related to the
intraerythrocytic merogony cycle, occurring every 48 or 72 hours if the cycle is synchronized, as it
often is. (Adapted from

R Muller & JR Baker,1990)

Bec ause the synchrony in falciparum malaria is much less marked, the onset is often
more gradual, and the hot stage is extended. The fever epis odes may be continuous or
fluctuating, but the patie nt does not feel well between paroxysms, as in vivax and quartan
malaria. In cases in which some synchrony deve lops each epis ode lasts 20 to 36 hours,

rather than 8 to 12, and is accompanied by much nausea, vomiting, and delirium.
Concurrent infections with P. vivax and P.falciparum are not uncommon.

Relapse and Recrudescence in malarial infections ( )

Since the advent of an antimalarial drug (quinine) in the sixteenth century, it has been
noted that some persons, who have been treated and seemingly recovered, relapse back into
the dise ase weeks, months, or even years after the apparent cure.
The discovery of preerythrocytic schizogon y in the liver by Shortt and Garnham in
1948 seemed to have solved the mystery. It appe ared most reason able to assume that
preerythrocytic merozoites simply reinfected other hepatocytes, with subsequent reinvasion
of red blood cells. This would explain why relapse occurred after erythrocytic forms were
eliminated by erythrocytic schizontocides, such as quinine and chloroquine.
However, not all species of Plasmod ium cause relapse. Among the parasites of
primates, only P. vivax and P. ovale of humans and P. cynomolgi , P. fieldi , and P. simiovale
of simians cause true relapse. If preerythrocytic merozoites reinvaded hepatocytes, then relapse
should occur in all species.
Two populations of exoerythrocytic forms have now been shown.

One develops rapidly

into schizonts, as previously described, but the other remains dormant as hypnozoites ("sleeping
animalcules"), These have been demonstrated for P. vivax, P. ovale, and P. cynomolgi , but they
have not been found in any species that does not cause relapse. How long the hypnozoite can
remain capable of initiating schizogony and what triggers it to do so are unknown. Primaquine has
been shown to be an effective hypnozoiticide.
Recrudescence ( ) was long thought that P. malariae, a dangerous species in humans,
also exhibited relapse, but it has been shown that this species can remain in the blood for years,
possibly for the lifetime of the host, without showing signs of disease and then suddenly can
initiate a clinical condition. This is more correctly known as a recrudescence, since preerythrocytic
stages are not involved. The danger of transmission of this parasite in blood transfusion is evident.
Treatment of this species with primaquine is unnecessary.

Anemia ())
The main causes of the anemia are destruction of both parasitized and nonparasitized
erythrocytes, inability of the body to recycle the iron bound in the insoluble hemozoin, and an

inadequate erythropoietic response of the bone marrow. Why such large numbers of
nonparasitized red cells are destroyed is still not understood, but some evide nce has
indicated autoimmune ( ) hemolysis ( ). Other reports have suggested
increased phagocy tosis of erythrocytes by the reticuloendothe lial system. The defective
bone marrow response may be due in part to limitation in iron supply and in falciparum
malaria it may be due to block age ( ) of the capillaries by parasitized erythrocytes.
Destruction of erythrocytes leads to an increase in blood bilirubin ( ), a breakdow n
product of hemog lobin. When excretion cannot keep up with formation of bilirubin,
jaundice ( ) yellows the skin. The hemozoin is taken up by circulating leukocytes and is
depos ited in the reticuloendothe lial system. In severe cases the viscera, especially the liver,
spleen, and brain, become blackish or slaty as the result of pigment depos ition.

Complications of malaria ())

Falciparum malaria ( ) is always serious, and sometimes severe complications are
produced. The most common of these is cerebr al malaria ( )), which may account for
10% of falciparum malaria admitted to the hospital and 80% of such deaths.


malaria may be gradual in onset, but it is commonly sudden; a progress ive headache may be
follow ed by a coma, an uncontrollable rise in temperature to above 41, and psychotic (
) symptoms or convulsions ( ), especially in children. Death may ensue within a
matter of hours. Initial stages of cerebral malaria are easily mistaken for a variety of other
conditions, including acute alcoholism, usually with disastrous consequences.
Another grave and usually fatal complication of severe falciparum malaria is
pulmonary edema
edema, which in some cases may be a result of over administration of
intravenous fluids. Dif ficulty in breathing increases and death may ensue in a few hours
Tropical splenomegaly syndrome (TSS ) recently is known as
hyper reactive malarial sple nomeg aly. It occurs in some persons living in endemic areas of
Africa, Indones ia and New Guinea. The condition is characterized by massive sple nomeg aly
( ), a moderately enlarged liver with hepatic sinusoid al lymphocytos is and marked ly
elevated serum IgM malarial antibod ies. It is also characterized by absence of parasites in
the peripheral blood. The condition shows a favourable response to treatment with
antimalarial chemotherapy with a decrease in the spleen size and reversal of the

patholog ica l changes in liver.

A combination of other severe manif estations le ads to a condition known as algid
malaria. This is associated with a bacterial infection of the blood (septicemia) with toxemia
and massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage, There is a
circulatory collapse with marked ly low blood pressure. The skin is cold and clammy;
peripheral veins are constricted.
The direct cause of these severe complications has tradition ally been cited as a
"plugg ing" of the capillaries in the affected organs by clots. Some evide nce has suggested
that the conditions are caused by a manif estation of the inflammatory response: an increase
in vascular perme ability, with accompanying water and prote in lost from the blood to the
tissues, lead ing to circulatory stasis and hypox ia. However, recent invest igations have led to
the conclusion that symptoms of cerebral malaria are not due to edema but rather that the
dysfunction is a consequence of stagnant hypox ia caused by adherence of the parasitized
erythrocytes to the endothe lium of cerebral venules and capillaries, Edema seen at autopsy
is probably a condition that deve loped at the death of the
patient. The symptoms of algid malaria appear to result from circulatory stasis in the
gastrointestinal tract due to the same mechanism.
Blackwater fever is another grave condition associated with falciparum malaria, but
its clinical picture is dist inct from the foregoing. It is an acute, massive lysis of erythrocytes ,
marked by high leve ls of free hemog lobin and its breakdow n products in the blood and
urine and by renal insufficiency. Bec ause of the presence of hemog lobin and its products in
the urine, the fluid is quite dark, hence the name of the condition. A prostrating fever,
jaundice, and persistent vomiting occur. Renal failure is usually the immediate cause of
death. Damage to the kid ney is now thought to result from renal anox ia, reducing efficiency
of the glomerular filtration and tubular resorpt ion, the massive hemolysis is not directly
attributable to the parasites; the organisms frequently cannot be demonstrated. However, the
condition is almost always associated with areas of P. falcipa rum hyperendemicity, found
in persons with prior falciparum malaria, and very frequently with irreg ular or inadequate
treatment for the infection. Inadeq uate suppressive or therapeutic doses of quinine most
often have been implicated, but many cases have been reported follow ing treatment with

quinacrine and pamaquine and can occur in persons who have not been treated at all. It is
now belie ved that blackwater fever is an autoimmune phenome non and is triggered by some
stimulus that results in release of large amounts of antibod ies, which act as hemolysins, into
the circulation. Mortality is 20% to 50%. The incidence of blackwater fever has declined in
recent years, perhaps due to the use of drugs other than quinine for prophylaxis.
Hypoglycemia (reduced concentration of blood glucose ) is a common
symptom in falciparum malaria. It is usually found in women with uncomplicated or severe
malaria who are pregnant or have recently delivered, as well as other cases of severe
falciparum malaria, Coma produced by hypog lycemia has commonly bee n misd iagnosed as
cerebral malaria. This condition is usually associated with quinine treatment.

Congenital malaria ( )
It is a recognized entity in malaria. It caused by transm ission of erythrocytic asexual
forms of the parasite through the placenta, when the latter is injured. Infection does not take
place either by EE forms or sporozoites. Congenital malaria is usually acquired during
parturition ( ). The conditions are known to occur more frequently in non-immune
infected mothers than in hig hly immune mothers, with intense parasitisation of the placenta
( ). It is relatively a rare condition seen only in highly endemic areas.

Transfusion malaria ( )
Transfusion of infected blood and the use of contaminated need le of the intravenous
drug addicts can cause transfusion malaria. Pre-erythrocytic deve lopment is absent,
incubation period is short. Clinically, it behaves like naturally acquired infection. Relapse
does not occur.

Host immunity in malaria broad ly is of two types : natural or innate immunity and
acquired immunity

Natural immunity ())

Natural immunity in malaria refers to the inherent but non-immune mechanisms of the
host defence against malaria. Mainly, it is based the nature of the red cells. The nature of
the red blood cells that determine the susceptibility of the cells to invasion by malaria

parasites and deve lopment in the cells include

1) Age of red blood cell: P. falcipa rum infects both young and old erythrocytes. In
contrast, P. vivax and P. ovale infect only young erythrocytes and P. malariae only old
2) Nature of haemoglobin : resist ance in malaria is conferred by the presence of
abnormal haemog lobin molecu les, seen in certain disorders. Factors that can contribute to
genetic resist ance are certain heritable anemias: sickle cell, favism ( ), and
thalassemia ( ). Although these conditions are of negative select ive value in
themselves, they have been selected for in certain popu lations because they confer
resist ance to falciparum malaria. The most well known of these is sickle cell anemia. In
persons homozygous for this trait a glutamic acid resid ue ( ) in the amino acid
sequence of hemog lobin is replaced by a valine ( ), interfering with the conformation
of the hemog lobin and oxyge n-carrying capacity of the erythrocytes. Persons with sickle
cell anemia usually die before the age of 30. In heterozygotes some of the hemog lobin is
normal, and these persons can live relatively normal lives, but the presence of the abnormal
hemog lobin inhibits growth and deve lopment of P. falcipa rum in their erythrocytes. The
select ive pressure of malaria in Africa has led to maintenance of this otherwise undes irable
gene in the popu lation. This leg acy has unfortunate consequences when the people are no
longer threatened by malaria, as in the United States, where 1 in 10 Americans of African
ancestry is heterozygous for the sickle cell gene, and 1 in 400 is homozygous.
3) Enzyme content of erythrocyte : Glucose-6 phospate dehydrogenase (G6PD)
deficiency trait is a genetic deficiency trait belie ved to confer some protect ion against P.

falcipa rum infection. The exact protect ive mechanism is not fully understood. A mechanism
that probably interferes with adaptability of the parasite to the G6PD deficient condition in
the red blood cells might be respons ible.
4) Presence or absence of certain factors .
Black persons are much less susceptible to vivax malaria than are whites, and
falciparum malaria in blacks is somewhat less severe. The genetic basis for this
phenomenon is explained by the inheritance of Duffy blood groups. In Duffy blood groups,
there are two codominant alle les ( ), Fya and Fyb , recognized by their dif ferent

antigen. The Fy/Fy genot ype is common in African and in American black people (40% or
more) and rare in white people (about 0.1%). It has been shown that Fy a and Fy b are
receptors for P. vivax and P. knowlest ; hence Fy/Fy is refractory to infection. This explains
the natural resist ance of people to vivax malaria. The Duffy negative genot ype may
represe nt the orig inal, rather than the mutant, condition in tropic a l Africa.

Acquired immunity ())

Specific acquired immunity in malaria involves both humoral and cellular immunities. The
specific immunity restricts the level of parasitemia () and eventually confers protection
from the disease but not from infection. The development of protection immunity in malaria is the
result of a complicated interaction between the malaria parasites and immune system of the host
which involve both humoral and cellular immunities.
1) Malarial antigen

They exist in the surface and inside of the parasite; every stage of life

cycle can act as antigens. Malarial antigens have species special and stage special.
2) Humoral immunity
Circulating antibod ies against sporozoites, asexual blood stages and sexual blood
stages deve lop in persons repeated ly exposed to malaria. Antibody response is strongest
against the asexual blood forms of the parasite, which have consequently evolved various
methods of immune evasion ( ).
Humoral antibod ies against asexual blood forms may protect against the malaria
parasites by inhibiting red cell invasion, or by inhibiting growth inside the red blood cells
and sequestration of parasitised red blood cells. These antibod ies are respons ible for the
decreased susceptibility of the host to malarial infection and dise ase. Antibod ies against
sexual stages are suggested to reduce malaria transmiss ion.
Acquired antibody-med iated immunity is transferred from mother to foetus across the
placenta. This passive ly transferred immunity protects the baby from severe malaria in the
first few months of lif e. It disa ppears within 6 to 9 month.
3) Cell-mediated immunity
Recent works suggest that a variety of cellular mechanisms may play a role in
conferring protect ion against malaria. The cellular mechanism is mainly of non-spec if ic
type. In acute P. falcipa rum infection, a positive correlation has been found between natural

kille r (NK) and resist ance to malaria.

Activated macrophages ( ) may phagocy tose ( ) and induce extra-cellular
killing of target cells (). These reactions may be specif ically amplif ied or induced by
antibod ies bound to target cell surfaces. These may also be induced non-spec if ic by
endotox in-like substances derived from malaria parasites. The mediators released from
activated macrophages are respons ible for various pathog ical changes found in the infected
hosts during acute malarial infections.
Natural acquired immunity is suppressed in pregnant women particu larly primigravid,
in certain serious illness and in persons receiving immuno-suppress ive therapy.
Immunolog ical factors have been implicated





in the pathoge nesis

glomerulone phritis,


of several


tropic a l

sple nomeg aly syndrome (TSS) and anaemia.

Premunition ()) and immune evasion

The deve lopment of some protect ive immunity is evide nt in malaria, and we will
consider only brief ly some of the practical effects. Relapses and recrudescences may be
associated with lowered antibody titers or increased ability of the parasite to deal with the
antibody, but they may depend on genetic dif ferences in sporozoite popu lations. Symptoms
in a relapse are usually less severe than those in the primary attack, but the leve l of
parasitemia is hig her. After the primary attack and between relapses, the patie nt may have a
tolerance to the effects of the organisms and in fact may have as high a circulating
parasitemia leve l as during the primary attack, although remaining asymptomatic. Such
tolerant carriers are very important in the epide miolog y of the dise ase. The protect ive
immunity is primarily a premunition ( ), that is, resist ance to superinfection. It is
effective only as long as a small, resid ual popu lation of parasites is present; if the person is
completely cured, susceptibility returns. Thus, in highly endemic areas, infants are
protected by maternal antibod ies, and young children are at greatest risk after weaning. The
immunity of children who survive a first attack will be continuously stimulated by the bites
of infected mosquitoes as long as the children live in the malarious area. Nonimmune adults
are hig hly susceptible. Immunity is species specif ic and to some degree strain specif ic so

that a person may risk a new infection by migrating from one malarious area to another.
Falciparum malaria is unmitigated in its seventy to a person who is immune to vivax
The premunition of malarial parasites shows that the malarial parasites can produce effective
immunical reaction. But some malarial parasites can exist in an immunocompetent host; they can
coexist with hosts protective antibody. This preference is called immune evasion

The diagnosis of malaria can be based on clinical criteria and/or techniques for parasite. The
condition is considered in any person who has a febrile illness and who has come from the area
endemic for malaria, received blood transfusion or used intra venous drugs.
Laboratory diagnosis of malaria is established by parasitological methods by demonstration of
malaria in blood. Serological methods are useful only in the epidemiology studies. Molecular
diagnosis techniques can complement microscopy, especially in species identification.

Microscopy detection
Microscopic identification is the method most frequently used to demonstrate an active
1 Collection of blood: Peripheral blood should be collected before starting treatment with
antimalarials. It can be collected any time during the fever. Timing of collection of the blood is less
important although a high density of malaria parasites appear in circulation during paroxysm. More
important is the frequent of examination of blood smear. Smears should be examined at least twice
daily until parasites are detected.
2 Microscopy examination: both thick and thin smears are prepared from the peripheral
blood. They are stained with one of the Giemsa or Wrights stain. Thick smear is used for detecting
parasites, quantitating parasitaemia and demonstrating malaria pigments. It not used for species
diagnosis. Thick smears have the advantage of concentrating the parasites and therefore increase
the sensitivity of diagnosis. Once parasites are detected in the thick blood smear, thin blood smear
are examined for marking a species diagnosis.
Thin smear is used for detecting parasites and for determining the species of the infecting parasite.
The thin smears are air-dried rapidly, fixed in methanol and stained. The red blood cells in the tail

end of the smear are examined under oil-immersion for the parasite.

Quantified buffy coat (QBC) technique

The detection of malaria parasites using the quantified buffy coat (QBC) technique is easy to
learn, has high sensitivity and specificity and is quicker to perform than standard microscopy.
However, this technique requires specialized equipment and consumables, making it prohibitively
expensive. It is therefore unlikely to be used by health services in the majority of endemic countries

In addition to microscopy and molecular methods, there are methods for detecting malaria
parasites on the basis of antigens, antibodies.
1) Detection of an antigen (histidine rich protein-2, HRP-2) associated with malaria parasites
(especially P. falciparum and P. vivax). The detection of HRP-2 and of pLDH
diagnostic kits that have been, and continue to be evaluated.

forms the basis for

Consensus information, when

available, will be reviewed.

2) Detection of antibodies

Malaria antibody detection can be performed using various

techniques. For the clinical laboratory, the most practical approach is the indirect fluorescent
antibody (IFA) test. This test, with malaria parasites as antigens, detects most sensitively antibody
responses to a wide range of plasmodial antigens.
The IFA procedure can be used to determine if a patient has been infected with Plasmodium .
Because of the time required for development of antibody and also the persistence of antibodies,
serologic testing is not practical for routine diagnosis of malaria. However, serology may be useful
for screening blood donors involved in cases of transfusion-induced malaria when the donor's
parasitemia may be below the detectable level of blood film examination, testing a patient with a
febrile illness who is suspected of having malaria and from whom repeated blood smears are
Species-specific testing is available for the four human species: P. falciparum, P. vivax , P.

malariae , and P. ovale. Cross-reactions often occur between Plasmodium species and Babesia
species. Blood stage Plasmodium species schizonts (meronts) are used as antigen. The patient's
serum is exposed to the organisms; homologous antibody, if present, attaches to the antigen,
forming an antigen-antibody (Ag-Ab) complex. Fluorescein-labeled anti-human antibody is then
added, which attaches to the patient's malaria-specific antibody. When examined with a

fluorescence microscope, a positive reaction is when the parasites appear fluorescent yellow.

Molecular diagnosis
In recent years, several specific DNA and RNA probes have been developed and tested mainly
for the detection of P. falciparum and to a lesser extent for P. vivax , with the detection of all four
species with specific RNA probes achieved in at least one study. The resulting methods were shown
to be highly specific with minimum detection levels of 2-500 parasites/l of blood. The use of nonradiolabelled probes, although marginally less sensitive than radioactive labelling, allows for longer
shelf life and easier storage and handling.
Polymerase-chain reaction (PCR) based tests have been shown in a number
of studies to detect even 1 parasite. Again, in most cases, only P. falciparum and P. vivax have been
targeted but one assay has been developed that can detect P. malariae and P. ovale with similar
specificity and sensitivity. Recently, experimental assays that will allow the non-specific detection
of all human Plasmodium species have been developed.

Malaria is the most important tropical disease, remaining widespread throughout the tropics,
but also occurring in many temperate regions. It exacts a heavy toll of illness and death - especially
amongst children and pregnant women. It also poses a risk to travelers and immigrants, with
imported cases increasing in non-endemic areas. Treatment and control have become more difficult
with the spread of drug-resistant strains of parasites and insecticide-resistant strains of mosquito
vectors. Health education, better case management, better control tools and concerted action are
needed to limit the burden of the disease.

Geographic Distribution
Malaria generally occurs in areas where environmental conditions allow parasite
multiplication in the vector. Thus, malaria is usually restricted to tropical and subtropical areas (see
map, Fig) and altitudes below 1,500 m. However, this distribution might be affected by climatic
changes, especially global warming, and population movements. Both Plasmodium falciparum and

P. malariae are encountered in all shaded areas of the map (with P. falciparum by far the most

Plasmodium vivax and P. ovale are traditionally thought to occupy complementary


niches, with P. ovale predominating in Sub-Saharan Africa and P. vivax in the other areas; however
these two species are not always distinguishable on the basis of morphologic characteristics alone;
the use of molecular tools will help clarify their exact distribution.
In addition to natural or biolog ical transmission, discussed below, malaria can be transmitted
from human to human. Accidental transmission can occur by blood transfusion and by the sharing
of needles by drug addicts. Although rare, infection of the newborn from an infected mother also
occurs. Neurosyphilis was formerly treated by deliberate infection with malaria. (A great deal of
knowledge about malaria was gained during these treatments, but we still do not understand why
infection with malaria alleviated the symptoms of the terrible disease of neurosyphilis.)
A variety of interrelated factors contribute to the level of natural transmission of the disease
in a given area.
1) Reservoir--the prevalence of the infection in humans, and in some cases other primates,
with high enough levels of parasitemia to infect mosquitoes; this would include persons with
symptomatic disease and tolerant individuals
2 Vector--suitability of the local anophelines as hosts; their breeding, flight, and resting
behavior; feeding preferences; and abundance. Of the approximately 390 species of Anopheles,
some are more suitable hosts for Plasmodium than are others. Of those, which are good hosts,
some prefer animal blood other than human; therefore transmission may be influenced by the
proximity with which humans live to other animals. The preferred breeding and resting places are
very important. Some species breed only in fresh water, others in brackish; some like standing
water around human habitations, such as puddles, or trash that collects water, such as bottles and
broken coconut shells. Water, vegetation, and amount of shade are important, as are whether the
species enters dwellings and rests there after feeding and whether the species flies some distance
from breeding areas.

Anopheles spp. exhibits an astonishing variety of such preferences.

Anopheles sinensis , A. anthropophagus , A. dirus and A. minimus are important vector in China.
3). Suspecitbile population: that mean new hosts--availability of nonimmune hosts
4). Local climatic conditions
5). Local geographical and hydrographical ( ) conditions and human activities that
determine availability of mosquito breeding areas
One must thoroughly study and understand all these factors before understand a malaria

control program with any hope of success. Sometimes deliberate government policy exacerbates
transmission of malaria.

F ig --9 Distribution of malaria in world (adapted from WHO report, 2000)


Treatment of infected individuals
Appropr iate drug treatment of persons with the dise ase, as well as prophylactic drug
treatment of newcomers to malarious areas, is an integral part of malaria control. Centuries
ago the Chinese used extracts of certain plants, such as chang shan and shun qi (the roots
and le aves of Dich roa febrif uga , family Saxif ragaceae) and qing hao (the annual Artemisia
annua, family Compositae), that actually had antimalarial properties. In the meantime,
Europeans were medica lly powerless and depended on absurd and superstitious remed ies
until quinine ( ) was discovered in the sixteenth century. Extracts of bark from Peruvian
trees had been used with varying success to treat malaria, but alkaloids from the bark of the
Peruvian tree Cinchona ledgeriana proved to be dependable and effective. The most wide ly
used of these alkaloids has been quinine. The alkaloid of D. febrif uga , febrif ugine ( ),
is now considered too toxic for human use, but the terpene from A. annua , called qinghaosu
(artemisinin), has been recently "red iscovered" and promises to be a valuable drug.


Only two synthetic antimalarials were discovered before World War II. Japanese
capture of cinchon a plantations early in the war created severe quinine shortage in the
United States, stimulating a burst of invest igation that produced a number of important
drugs. The most important of these was chloroquine( ).
Subsequently a number of valuable drugs have been deve loped, including primaquine,
mefloquine, pyrimethamine, proguanil, sulf onamides such as sulf adoxine, and antibiot ics
such as tetracycline. Only primaquine is effective against all stages of all species; the others
vary in efficacy according to stages and species, with the erythrocytic stages being most
susceptible. The drugs of choice are chloroquine and primaquine for P. vivax and P. ovale
malarias and chloroquine alone

for P. malariae infections.

Chloroquine is


recommended for strains of P. falciparum sensitive to that drug.

Mosquito control
Valuable actions in mosquito control include destruction of breed ing places when
possible or practical, introduction of mosquito predators such as the mosquito-e ating fish

Gambusia affinis , and jud icious use of insecticides. The efficacy and economy of DDT have
been a boon to such efforts in underdeve loped countries. Although we now seem to be
aware of the supposed environmental dange rs of DDT, we consider these dangers preferable
and mino r compared with the miseries of malaria. Unfortunate ly, reports of DDT-res ist ant
strains of Anophe les are increasing, and this phase of the battle will become more dif ficult
in coming years. For exterminating susceptible Anophe les spp. that enter dwelling s and rest
there after feed ing, spraying the insides of houses with resid ual insecticides can be effective
and cheap, withou t incurring any environmental penalty.

Unfortunate ly, some Anophe les

rest in houses only brief ly before or after feed ing, and sufficient quantities of DDT are
becoming dif ficult to obtain on the world market.

Prevention of mosquite bite

These include 1) personal protect ion by proper use of mosquito nets while slee ping; 2)
Wearing protect ive clothings that minimize contact with mosquitoes and 3) Use of mosquito
repe llants.


* Further Reading Drug resistance in malaria infection

Resistance of P. falciparum to chloroquine has now spread through Asia, Africa, and South
America, and resistance to other drugs is often present. A combination of sulfadoxine and
pyrimethamine has been in use for chloroquine-resistant falciparum malaria. For multidrug
resistant P. falciparum, mefloquine is still effective (although there are reports of mefloquine
resistance), or quinine and tetracycline can be given over a period of 7 days. Resistance to
qinghaosu has not been reported in the field, but resistant strains have been produced in the
There have been no reports of clinical resistance to the artemisinin drugs so far although
artemisinin-resistant strains of P. falciparum (Inselberg, 1985) and P.yoelii (Peters, et al., 1993)
have been developed in the laboratory. Clinical isolates and laboratory stains have been shown to
vary in their sensitivities to these drugs but there is no evidence that this is related to clinical failure
(Basco and Le Bras. 1993; Wongsrichanalai, et al., 1997).
Laboratory studies have also shown that strains resistant to mefloquine appear to be less sensitive
to artemisinin. There have been reports of reduced susceptibility of falciparum infections to
artemisinin in Yunnan Province in China in border areas with the Lao PDR and Myanmar where
there is migration, the out reach of health services has deceased and self treatment has increased
(WHO, 1997).
There is no doubt that resistance to artemisinin will arise but it is impossible to predict where
and when.

Toxoplasma gondii Nicolle & Manceaux, 1908 is a protozoan parasite that infects most
species of warm-blooded animals ( ), including humans, causing the disease


toxoplasmosis ( ). The parasite probably is the only protozoan, whose all the stages
(tachyzoite, tissue cyst and oocyst) are infection for man.

Toxoplasma gondii was first described by Nicolle and Manceaux in 1908 in gundi
(Ctenodactylus gundi), a small rodent of North Africa. It was named as Toxplasma, due to crescent
shape of its tachyzoite ( ). The parasite was subsequently demonstrated in man by Darling. It
was found in congenitally infected child in 1937.
The life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii was fully described only in 1970, when it was known that
cats are the definitive hosts, man and other warm-blooded animals are the intermediate hosts.

T. gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite, which is found inside the reticuloendothelial cells
and many other nucleated cells of the host. It cause the disease toxoplasmosis, especially in the
immunocompetent hosts or in the immuno- compromised hosts. T. gondii is an important
opportunistic protozoan ( ).

There are five forms in T. gondii life cycle: trophozoite (tachyzoite, ), tissue cyst
(bradyzoite, ), schizont (), gametocyte () and oocyst (). Tachyzoites,
tissue cysts and oocysts are important stages seen during the life cycle of the parasite, all these
stages are infectious to man.

Trophozoite (tachyzoite)
(tachyzoite)(Fig 1,2): it is oval to crescent-shaped with a pointed anterior end and a
rounded posterior end. It measures 4-7m in lengths and 2-4m in breadth. An ovoid nucleus is
present in the posterior end of the parasite. Tachyzoite is the active, multiplying form seen during
the acute stage of the infection. It can invade any type of cell in a host and once inside a cell, it
multiplies within a vacuole by a process known as endodyogeny, or by binary fission or schizogony.
Tachyzoites divide until they fill the host cell, which then liberates them, and they reinvade (or
ingested by) other macrophages, repeating the process. The cell which contains them, when it
becomes merely a bag full of tachyzoites, is called a pseudcyst ( ) (Fig1)

Fig - -1 T . gondii tachyzoite and


F ig - -2 Toxoplasma gondii in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) material from an HIV infected patient.
Numerous trophozoites (tachyzoites) can be seen, which are typically crescent shaped with a prominent, centrally
placed nucleus. Most of the tachyzoites are free, some are still associated with bronchopulmonary cells

Tissue cyst: it is spherical and may vary in size from 5 to 100m in diameter. This is the resting
form and is found during chronic stage of the infection. The tissue cysts can be found in any organ
of the body but are commonly found in the brain and the skeletal and heart muscels. An eosinophilic
cyst wall surrounds each cyst. The cyst contain hundreds of bradyzoite ( ) or cystozoites.
Bradyziotes multiply slowly.

Oocyst ( ):: This stage is only present in cat and other felines but not in humans. It is oval
and measures10-12m in diameter. Each cyst is surrounded by a thick resistant wall which encloses
a spheroplast ( ). The oocyst is liberated from the intestinal epithelial cell while still
immature; it complete its development while passing down the gut and after expulsion in the faeces.
Its contents divided first into two cells; these then secrete cyst walls to form two sporocysts (
). The contents of each sporocyst then divide once more to produce two infective sporozoites.
Once mature, the oocyst may infected any warm-blooded animal which swallows it.



Toxplasma gondii needs two hosts to complete its life cycle. The definitive hosts are domestic
cat and other members of the family Felidae ( ) such as bob cats, ocelots, Bengal tigers,
mountain lion, etc. The sexual multiplication or gametogony (the intestinal cycle) take place in the
epithelial cells of the small intestine. The oocysts are passed in the unsporulated form in the faeces.
The intermediate hosts are human and mice and other non-feline hosts (e.g., goat, sheep, pig, cattle,
etc.). The asexual multiplication or sporogony (the extra-intestinal cycle) occurs in the extraintestinal tissue.

Develop in intermediate hosts

Human infection may be acquired in several ways: a) ingestion of undercooked infected meat
containing Toxoplasma cysts; b) ingestion of the oocyst from fecally contaminated hands or food
and water;

c) organ transplantation or blood transfusion; d) transplacental transmission; e)

accidental inoculation of tachyzoites.

Swallowing the oocyst or tissue cyst initiate the development of extra intestinal asexual cycle.
This process occurs mainly in macrophages. The sporozoites from the ingested oocyst and
bradyzoites from the tissue cyst invade the mucosal epithelial cell of the small intestine in which
they multiply as tachyzoites by endodyogeny. The tachyzoites divide until they fill the host cell,
which then liberates them, and they reinvade (or ingested by) other macrophages, repeating the
process and form pseudocyst. The multiplying tachyzoites also spread to distant extra-intestinal
organ (e.g. brain, eye, liver, spleen, heart, skeletal muscle and placenta of pregnant mother) by
invading lymphatics and blood. The multiplication of tachyzoites constitutes the acute phase of


F ig --3 Life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii (Adapted from parasite image library of CDC, USA)

infection. If the host lives, and the infection is untreated, the hosts immune system becomes
effective and tachyzoites are destroyed, presumably at the vulnerable stage of passing from cell to
cell. However, the parasite responds to this by entering other cells (muscle cells, neurons, and
perhaps others) and secreting a thin but tough cyst wall around itself form a tissue cyst. A tissue
cyst contains hundreds of bradyzoites. If another intermediate host eats uncooked meat containing
these tissue cysts, the bradyzoites emerge in the duodenum and repeat the extraintestinal cycle.
However, if a non-immune cat ingests tissue cysts (or tachyzoites) in infected prey (or raw meat and
offal fed to it), the emerging bradyzoites enter cells of the duodenal mucosa and begin the intestinal
cycle of development, which occurs only in the definitive host.


Develop in definitive hosts

Members of the cat family (Felidae) are the only known definitive hosts for the sexual stages
of T. gondii and thus are the main reservoirs of infection. Cats become infected with T. gondii by
their predatory habit of feeding on the muscles, brain and other tissues of infected mice, which
harbour the tissue cysts. They also get infection by being fed raw meat of domesticated animals
containing these cysts. After the cat ingests tissue cysts or pseudocysts or oocysts, viable organisms
are released and invade epithelial cells of the small intestine where they undergo an asexual
followed by a sexual cycle and then form oocysts, which are then excreted. The sexual cycle
consists of a limited number of merogonies, producing merozoites which reinvade other mucosal
cells, until the final generation of merozoites enter mucosal cells and commence the sexual cycle of
gametogony, gametogony fertilization and sporogony within the developing oocyst.
The oocysts are then released into the lumen of the intestine by rupture of the host cell. These
oocysts, which are non-infectious, are shed in non-sporulated form up to 21days in cats faeces.
Millions of oocysts are excreted in the faeces daily, up to 3 weeks. The oocysts sporulate ()
outside the host with the formation of two sporocysts, each containing four sporozoites, within few
days. These sporulating oocysts can survive in the environment for several months and are
remarkably resistant to disinfectants, freezing, and drying, but are killed by heating to 70C for 10
minutes. Man acquires infection by ingesting these spouulating oocysts and the cycle is repeated.
Surprisingly the extra-intestinal cycle, which is seen in man and other non-feline hosts, also
occurs in cat itself, possible by direct invasion of lymphatics or lymph nodes by tachyzoites
produced in its own intestine.


The outcome of acute infection depends upon the immune status of host and the strain of the
parasite. In acute infection, the proliferation

of tachyzoites in the gastro-intestinal tract as well as

in the extra-intestinal sites, cause disruption and death of cells, resulting in the foci of necrosis,
surrounded by an intense mononuclear cell reaction. The development of both the humoral and cell
mediated immunities in the immunocompetent hosts, resolve the acute infection. It is associated
with the disappearance of tachyzoites from various tissues, especially from the extra-neural tissues
and the formation of tissue cysts. The tachyzoites may persist in the central nervous system and

even in the eye due to the absence of circulating antibodies in the tissue.
In the immunodeficient ( ) hosts and even some apparently normal hosts, the acute
infection does not resolve but progress to cause severe necrotising lesions such as acute necrotising
encephalitis, pneumonitis and myocarditis, which may prove even fatal.
The presence of cysts in many organs through out the life of the host is probably the unique
feature of the infection. In chronic infection, these cysts remain in a viable latent form and retain
their potential for reactivation. Reactivation of chronic infection possibly results from the rupture of
cysts. This causes recurrent parasitaemia frequently seen in some asymptomatic patients with
chronic infection. Rupture of cyst also liberates many tachyzoites, which cause recrudescent
toxoplasmosis in the immunodeficient hosts or chorioretinitis in the old children and adults
suffering from congenital toxoplasmosis.
The heart, liver, kidney and various other organs in the immunocompetent hosts and the
pancreas in immunodeficient hosts are involved in disseminated toxoplasmosis. These organs show
areas of necrosis with r without inflammatory cells and the presence of tachyzoites and cysts.
Toxoplasmosis in man occurs as congenital, acquired, ocular infections in the immunocompetent
hosts or an infection in the immunocompromised host.l

Congenital toxoplasmosis ())

Congenital toxoplasmosis results from an acute primary infection acquired by the mother
during pregnancy. Transplacental () transmission from a chronic infection does not occur.
Congenital toxoplasmosis occurs approximately in one-third of infants born to pregnant
women, who acquire the infection during first trimester of pregnancy. In pregnancy, abortion, death
in utero, or severe neurological/ocular manifestations (chorioretinitis), hydrocephalus ( ),
convulsions (), intracerebral calcifications (), etc.) may result. Infection of the foetus
( ), during last trimester of pregnancy, is more likely to be mild or asymptomatic at birth.
Asymaptomatic infection at birth, however, may manifest as several sequalae of infection during
the later life of the child.
The incidence and severity of congenital toxoplasmosis vary with the trimester during which
infection was acquired.

Because treatment with leucovorin of the mother may reduce the

incidence of congenital infection and reduce sequelae ( ) in the infant, prompt and accurate
diagnosis is important.

Acquired toxoplasmosis ())

Acquired infection with Toxoplasma in immunocompetent () persons is generally
an asymptomatic infection. However, 10% to 20% of patients with acute infection may develop
cervical lymphadenopathy ( ) and/or a flu-like illness. The clinical course is benign and
self-limited; symptoms usually resolve within a few months to a year. Immunodeficient patients
often have central nervous system (CNS) disease but may have chorioretinitis ( ), or
pneumonitis ( ). In patients with AIDS, toxoplasmic encephalitis ( ) is the most common
cause of intracerebral mass lesions and is thought to be caused by reactivation of chronic infection.
Toxoplasmosis in patients being treated with immunosuppressive drugs may be due to either newly
acquired or reactivated latent infection.

Occular tocoplasmosis ())

Acute infection of eye begins as single or multiple foci of necrosis () of retina ()
with severe inflammation and exudation into the vitreous ( ). Granulomatous inflammation
of choroids () occurs secondary to necrotising retinitis (). Both the tachyzoites and
tissue cysts are found in the retinal lesions.
Chorioretinitis is the major manifestation of ocular toxoplasmosis and account nearly for 35
percent of case of chorioretinitis in children and adults. The majority of cases occur as a consquence
of congenital infection. Bilateral central chorioretinitis and vitreous exudates are the typical ocular
manifestations of congenital toxplasmosis in the new born infants. Patients are often asymptomatic
until the second or third decade of life, when lesions develop in the eye.
Unilateral chorioretinitis along with photophobia blurred vision and pain in the eye are the
frequent clinical manifestations.

Infection in the immunocompromised host

All types of T. gondii infections that occur in the immunocompetent hosts, are also seen in the
immunocompromised hosts. The infection is more serious in immunosuppressed patients receiving
immuno-suppressive therapy for malignancies ( ); or persons receiving organ
transplantations () and AIDS.
Infection of the central nervous system especially, toxoplasmic encephalitis is one of the most
commonly recognized manifestation of the infection in patients with AIDS. Unless the immune


status of the host is restored, the disease progresses rapidly and death is the frequent out come of
the condition.

Development of both the antibody and cell-mediated (CMI) immunities significantly appear
after the course of T. gondii infection and its clinical manifestations. However, the relative role of
humoral immunity or CMI in the pathogenesis of acute infection and in the resistance against
infection still remains to be clear.
The humoral immunity is characterised by the production of specific circulating antibodies
both the IgM and IgG. Toxoplasma specific IgM antibodies are first to appear, hence their detection
is suggestive of acute infection. The IgG antibodies appear late but are present in the circulation for
a longer period as in chronic infction. The role of humoral antibodies as the major component in the
host immunity against Toxoplasma infection is questionable.
The CMI through activated macrophages and monocytes, is suggested to play an important
role in conferring resistance to re-infection as well as in the development of initial resistance in
toxoplasmosis, possibly in co-operation with humoral antibodies.

Clinically, the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is difficult, as the signs and symptoms are the
protean and mimics those of a variety of other diseases.
The laboratory diagnosis of toxoplasmosis may be documented by

Pathogenic diagnosis :
1) Observation of parasites in patient specimens, such as bronchoalveolar lavage material from
immunocompromised patients, or lymph node biopsy. Tachyzoites occasionally may be
demonstrated microscopically in the smears of lymph node, bone marrow, brain and other specimen.
2) Isolation of parasites from blood or other body fluids, by intraperitoneal inoculation into
mice or tissue culture. The mice should be tested for the presence of Toxoplasma organisms in the
peritoneal fluid 6 to 10 days post inoculation; if no organisms are found, serology can be performed
on the animals 4 to 6 weeks post inoculation.


Serological diagnosis
Serologic testing is the routine method of diagnosis, a variety of serodiagnostic tests based on
the demonstration of specific circulating antibodies and recently antigen in the serum are being used
in the serodiagnosis of toxoplasmosis.
1) Antibody detection: The detection of Toxoplasma-specific antibodies is the primary
diagnostic method to determine infection with Toxoplasma. The indirect immunofluorescence test
(IIF), indirect haemagglutination (IHA) and direct agglutination, latex agglutination and enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) are most frequently used tests. Many pf these have been
marketed commercially as diagnosistic tests for toxoplasmosis. The semipurified or completely
purified tachyzoites obtained from mice peritoneum are used as antigens in a variety of these assays.
Sabin-Feldman dye test was the first serological method to be described by Sabin and
Feldman (1948) to detect circulating antibodies in toxoplasmosis. In this test, live tachyzoites are
incubated with the accessory factor and test serum. Subsequently, alcoholic solution of alkaline
methylene blue (pH 11) is added to the reaction mixture and re-incubated. The live tachyzoites are
obtained from the peritoneal exudates of mice. The accessory factor is complement in nature and
the normal human serum is the routine source of accessory factor. If the test serum contains T.

gondii antibodies, live tachyzoites are inactivated and killed as a result of complement-mediated
lysis. Hence, tachyzoites appear thin, distorted and colourless even in the presence of alkaline blue.
If more than 50 percent of free tachyzoites first take up the stain and cytoplasm is colourless, the
test is considered to be positive. The presence of 90-100 percent tachyzoite, deeply swollen and
stained blue by alkaline methylene blue shows the test to be negative. It denotes the absence of

Toxoplasma antibodies in the serum.

Dye test is a highly sensitive and specific test with no false positives reported so far in the
literature. Since the test requires live tachyzoites and relatively is more cumbersome, it is now used
only in a reference laboratory as a reference serological test, against which new immunoassays
developed in toxoplasmosis are evaluated.
2) Antigen detection The development of ELISA for detection of circulating Toxoplasma
antigen in the serum is a recent method. It has the potential for diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in the
immunocompromised hosts. This also offers the possibility of detection of antigen in the amniotic


fluid or acquous humour to diagnose congenital toxoplasmosis and chorioretinitis respectively, but
still are at experiment stage.

Molecular diagnosis
Detection of parasite genetic material by PCR, especially in detecting congenital infections in

T. gondii is a very successful parasite. Serologic prevalence data indicate that toxoplasmosis is
one of the most common of human infections throughout the world. Infection is more common in
warm climates and at lower altitudes than in cold climates and mountainous regions.


prevalence of infection in France (85%) has been related to a preference for eating raw or
undercooked meat, while high prevalence in Central America has been related to the frequency of
stray cats in a climate favoring survival of oocysts. The overall seroprevalence in the United States
as determined with specimens collected by the third National Health and Nutritional Assessment
Survey (NHANES III) between 1988 and 1994 was found to be 22%, with seroprevalence among
women of childbearing age (15 to 45 years) of 10% to 15%. In China, 509 cases of recognizable
disease result from1964 to 1998. Surveys of people come from 26 provinces have indicated an
average prevalence of 4.992%.

Reservoir, source of infection

Domestic cats are the key reservoir source of infection. They shed millions of oocysts in their
faeces after ingesting the infected tissue. Cat faeces is the chief source of infection. Other non-feline
hosts (e.g., goat, sheep, pig, cattle, etc) also are the secondary infection source. Tachyzoite, mature
oocyst and tissue cyst are the infective stage.


T. gondii infection usually is transmitted from infected rat and domestic

animals to man infection (zooontic infection). There are several transmission ways:
1) Oral transmission: postnatal acquired T. gondii infection is acquired by eating raw or
undercooked meat (chicken, pork and goat meat) containing the tissue cyst and ingesting food and
water contaminated with mature oocysts form cat faeces.
2) Congenital transmission: the infection is transmitted from the infected pregnant mother to
the foctus, by the tachyzoits passing through the placenta.


3) Other modes of transmission: laboratory infection is caused by accidental self-inoculation

of tachyzoites. It is less common. The infection may be transmitted by blood transfusion,
unpasteurised milk, and egg and organ transplantation.
The immunosuppressed hosts including AIDS, homosexuals and those receiving the organ
transplantation are at increased risk to the infection.


The combined therapy with sulfonamide and pyrimethamine are widely used in the treatment
of toxoplasmosis. They are synergistic in combination and are effective against tachyzoites but not
against tissue cysts of T. gondii.
Treatment is not needed for a healthy person who is not pregnant. Symptoms will usually go
away within a few weeks. For pregnant women or persons who have weakened immune systems,
pyrimethamine plus sulfadiazine with leucovorin are the drugs of choice.
For high risk individuals such as immunodeficient patients and pregnant women, avoidance of
contact with cat faeces containing oocysts and eating meat adequately cooked are important
measures for prevention of acquired and congenital toxoplasmosis. Adeuqate cooking kill all the
cysts in the meat. Fruits and vegetables that may be contaminated with oocysts should be washed
adequately before eating.

Cryspordium is a coccidian ( ), which causes infection of the intestinal tract, particularly
the small intestinal tract, particularly the small intestine. Once thought to be a non-pathogenic, this
coccidian has been recognised recently as a cause of diarrhoea in man.


Numerous species of Cryptosporidium are known to affect amphibians, fish, birds and
mammals, but Cryptosporidium parvum is the only species known to cause infection in man.
The parasite was first described by Tyzzer in 1907, in the peptic glands of a laboratory mouse.
He suggested its present name Cryptosporidium. When first described, the organism was thought to
be non-pathogenic and only 15 reports of Cryptosporidium infections in animals were recorded
prior to 1975.
The first description of infection in man was reported in a three year old healthy girl in USA as
late as 1976. Since then, the infection has been frequently diagnosed in patients with acquired
immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and others receiving immuno-suppressive therapy.

The parasite shows six distinct morphological forms during its life cycle: oocyst, sporozoite,
trophozoite, meront, microgamont, and macrogamont.

Oocyst: Cryptosporidium oocyst is the smallest coccidian known to cause infection in man. It
is colourless, spherical to oval and measures 4.5 to 6 m in diameter (Fig1). It does not stain with
iodine and is acid-fast. The cyst is surrounded by a 50nm thin cyst wall. The latter consists of an
electroluscent middle zone surrounded by two electron dense layers.
Each oocyst contains up to four slender bow-shaped sporozoites and many small granules. The
oocysts are excreted in small numbers in the faeces. The number of oocysts excreted bears no
relationship with the severity of illness. The oocysts which
sporulate inside the host are of two types: Thick-walled and Thin-walled. The thick-walled
sporulating oocysts are infectious to susceptible human hosts, whereas thin-walled oocysts always
cause autoinfection ill the same host only.

Sporozoite : The sporozoite is slender, crescent-shaped and measures 1.5 to 1.75 m in

diameter. The anterior end is pointed but the posterior end that contains a prominent nucleus is
rounded. The sporozoites numbering four remain always parallel to each other within an oocyst and
are released only after partial digestion of the oocyst.

Trophozoite : It is the intracellular transitional form of the parasite. It is round or oval and
measures 2 to 2.5 m in diameter. Each trophozoite consists of a large nucleus (1 to 1.3m in
diameter) with or without a conspicuous nucleolus (Fig2.). Unlike in the sporozoites and

merozoites, the apical complex is not present in the trophozoite.

Meront: It is of two types: type I and type Il meronts. These two forms morphologically are
indistinguishable form each other. They are crescent-shaped and measure 1 to 5m in diameter
showing rounded anterior and posterior ends (Fig2.).

Microgamont ()::

Microgamonts are the male sexual forms. These are wedge-shaped,

0.2 to 0.7 m in length and are covered by a double layered membrane. Each microgamont contains
a large compact nucleus and a polar ring. A single microgamont gives 1 to 4 microgametocytes.

Fig - -1 Oocysts of Cryptosporidium

parvum stained by the acid-fast method.

Against a blue-green background, the
oocysts stand out in a bright red stain.
Sporozoites are visible inside the two
oocysts to the right

Fig - -2 Transmission electron


of Cryptosporidium


sheep. Trophozoite (A), meront (B), and




microvilli at surface of epithelial cells,

each stage intracellular and surrounded
by host cell membrane (arrow)

Macrogamont ( ):: Macrogamonts are the female sexual forms. These are spherical,
measure 3 to 5 m and are covered by a double layer membrane. Each macrogamont consists of a
single large nucleus and endoplasmic reticulum. The old macrogamonts characteristically contain
dense polysaccharide granules.


Cryptosporidium completes its life cycle through the stages of asexual generation
(schizogony) and sexual generation (gametogony) in a single host (Fig. --3). All these stages of
the parasite are truly intracellular and are being surrounded by a host cell membrane, which is
Man acquires infection on ingestion of food or drink contaminated with the faeces, containing
sporulated thick-walled oocysts of C'ryptosporidium. On ingestion, the infective sporozoites after
being released from the oocysts in the small intestine, invade the epithelial cells in which they
Inside the epithelial cells, the sporozoites subsequently differentiate into intracellular
trophozoites. These trophozoites multiply asexually by nuclear division to produce two types of
meronts, type I and type II (sexual generation or schizogony). Each type I meront produces six to
eight type I merozoites, which develop into type II meronts. These in turn produce four merozoites
each, which are known as type II merozoites. Some of the type II merozoites invade new host ceils
and initiate sexual replication (gametogony). Inside the host cells, they differentiate either into
female (macrogamont) or male (microgametocyte) forms. Each microgametocyte produces 16
sperm-like microgametes, which fertilize the macrogamonts resulting in the formation of oocysts
(zygote). Four sporozoites are formed inside each oocyst in situ.
The sporulating oocysts are of two types, thin or thick-walled. The thin-walled oocysts release
the sporozoites inside the lumen of the intestine and cause auto- infection in the same host by
repeating the cycle of schizogony and gametogony. The thick-walled oocysts excreted in the faeces
are infective to other human hosts. The cysts under favourable conditions remain viable and
infectious relatively for a long time. These cysts, when taken up by other susceptible human hosts,
cause infection and the cycle are repeated.


Fig --3 The life cycle of Crysptosporidium (Adapted from

parasite image library of CDC,



The parasite inhabits the intestinal tract. It is found attached to the surface epithelial cells of
villi or crypts of the small intestine. The organisms have also been found but less frequently in the
stomach, appendix, colon, rectum and even puhnonary tree of the small intestine.
Infection begins with the firm attachment of Cryptosporidium to the mucosal surface of the
intestine followed by invasion of epithelial cells. The specific mechanism by which the parasite
causes illness in man is not known. The cholera-like voluminous watery diarrhea, seen in
Cryptosporidium infection in the immunosuppressed hosts including, those with the AIDS is

possibly caused by a toxin. Reduction in the mucosal surface and decrease in the mucosal enzymes
frequently seen in this condition also may contribute to pathophysiology of osmotic diarrhea by
lowering the absorbing capacity of the small intestine.
Bacterial fermentation of sugars and fatty acids of the unabsorbed nutrients present in the
lumen of the intestine, cause offensive and foul smelling stool, characteristically seen in
Cryposporidium diarrhea.
Cryptosporidium is found attached to tile brush border of the small intestine particularly the
jejunum . In the immunocompromised hosts, the parasites are also found in the uncommon sites
such as pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, gall bladder, ileum, colon or rectum. They appear as small,
basophilic round structures, staining readily with Giemsa and haematoxylin eosin stain. They are
arranged in a row or clusters, along the border of the epithelial cells alone or in association with
other intestinal parasites such as Giardia intestinalis.
Blunting and loss of villi, lengthening of the crypts and infiltration of lamina propria by
lymphocytes, polymorphonuclear cells and plasma cell are tile pathological changes of the
intestinal tract, in cryptosporidiosis.
Incubation period ranges from 2 to 14 days. The prepatent period (time between infection and
oocysts shedding) ranges from 5 to 21 days in man. The patent period (duration of oocysts shedding)
may last for more than 30 days in an immunocompetent host.
The clinical manifestations of Cryptosporidium infection vary depending upon the immune
status of the host.

Cryptosporidiosis in immunocompetent host: It is a mild infection in normally healthy

patients. The duration of symptoms is relatively short and recovery is complete. The condition
rarely is fatal.
Flue-like illness with watery diarrhea, malaise, nausea, fever and crimpy abdominal pain are the
characteristic features of the condition in immunocompetent
hosts. Diarrhea is foul smelling with 2 to 10 motions per day, beginning on the first or second day of
the illness. In some other cases, it is accompanied by prostration and weight loss even up to 10%.
The oocysts may continue to be excreted in the faeces of the cases, twice as long, an average, as
they had diarrhea.

Cryptosporidiosis in immunocompromised host: Cryptosporidiosis is a serious condition in


patients with depressed immunity due to AIDS, congenital hypogammaglobulinaemia or severe

combined immunodeficiency syndrome, patients receiving immunosuppressive drugs such as
corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide, and persons with severe malnutrition.
Cryptosporidium produces a cholera-like watery or mucus diarrhea in these groups of patients.
Diarrhea relatively is more severe, profuse and watery with as many as 70 stools per day and loss of
body fluids even up to 17 litres/day. Diarrhoeic stool may contain mucus but rarely blood or
leucocytes. The main duration of diarrhea is 20 weeks with variability between 1 to 48 weeks. The
prolonged diarrhea may lead to significant weight loss.
Low grade fever (39~C), nausea, vomiting and crampy abdominal pain are other but less
frequent symptoms of the condition. Occasionally, non-specific symptoms
such as malaise, myalgia and headache may be present. In some of the immnunosuppressed
patients, Cryptosporidium affects the entire gastro-intestinal tract including the gall bladder, bile
duct and pancreas and even pharynx and bronchial tree.
Cryptosporidium infection is of long duration and death is the frequent outcome of the
infection in AIDS and AIDS related diseases. A few cases of spontaneous recovery have also been
reported. The patients of reversible immune deficiencies show recovery from the infection when
the cause of immune suppression is removed.

Clinical diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis is difficult as the condition clinically mimics giardiasis,
isosporiasis and a few other infections caused by enteropathogens.
The absence of blood, pus cells, Charcot-Leydencrystals in the faeces may rule out amoebiasis,
isosporiasis and bacillary dysentery and suggest the possibility of cryptosporidiosis.
The laboratory diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis is aided by parasitic and serologic methods.

Pathogenic diagnosis
The specific diagnosis of the condition is made by identification of oocysts in the faeces and
less frequently the non-faecal specimens by microscopy and direct fluorescent antibody test.
1 Microscopy examination: The microscopic examination of direct faecal smear (wet smear
and stained smear preparations) is adequate tot demonstration of oocysts in the acute cases shedding
a large number of oocysts in their faeces.

2 Acid-fast staining methods:

Acid-fast staining methods, with or without stool

concentration, are most frequently used in clinical laboratories. A large number of staining
procedures have been employed to demonstrate acid-fast oocysts in the faecal smears. The hot
ZiehI-Neelsen carbol fuschin staining method, a modification of acid-fast staining, is most
frequently used to detect red-stained oocysts in the faeces.
Red-stained oocysts also can be demonstrated in the sputum, bronchial washings and duodenal
or jejunal aspirations by acid- fast staining method.
3Direct fluorescent antibody examination: It is a specific method for accurate identification
of Ctyptosporidium in the faeces. It is particularly useful to diagnose those doubtful cases, which
are negative by faecal smear examinations.

Histopathological diagnosis
This is based on the demonstration of the developmental stages of the parasite (cysts 2 to 5 um
in diameter, arranged in single or clusters in the intestinal mucosa) in the biopsy specimen from the
jejunum and occasionally from the rectum. The invasiveness of the procedure and need for
immediate processing of the specimen to avoid autolysis are the inherent disadvantages of the

The indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) and enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA),
using purified oocysts as antigens have been used to detect circulating antibodies specific to
Cryptosporidium in the serum. These antibodies appear in about six to eight weeks after onset of the
infection. At the moment, these tests are carried out only in few laboratories to diagnose

Cryptosporidium infection in the immunocompetent hosts has been described in more than 26
countries. The condition is worldwide with a prevalence of 0.6-20 percent in western countries and
4-20 percent in developing countries. In the ADS, the condition has been described with a
prevalence of 3--4 percent in the United States and same to 50 percent in Africa and Haitii. In China ,
the condition has been described from 19 provinces with a vary prevalence.


Reservoir, source of infection

Man is the key reservoir of infection. Livestocks such as cattle and pet animals (cat, dog) are
other reservoirs. Human and animal faeces containing thick-walled oocysts are the important
sources of infection.

Transmission: Cryptosporidium infection can be transmitted to man in the following ways:

1) Person-to-person transmission: This infection takes place by faecal-oral route through
ingestion of sporulated thick-walled oocysts excreted in the human faeces, by drinking
contaminated water. Rarely, it may be acquired by ingestion of milk or food
contaminated with oocysts.
2) Zoonotic transmission The infection is transmitted from the live stock, cattle or pet
animals (cat, dog) either directly by ingestion of the oocysts derived from the faeces of these
animals or indirectly by close contact with these animals.
3) Auto-infection: This is caused by sporozoites released from the thin walled oocysts inside
lumen of the intestine. It is primarily responsible for persistence of infection in the infected host.
4) Other mode of infection
Rarely, the injection can be transmitted by aerosols, sexual contact and possibly by accidental
laboratory infection.
Children between 1 to 5 years of age are at greater risk to the infection. Cryptosporidiosis has
been de tested more frequently in the urban children. In the rural areas where breast feeding is more
common, the infection has been detected less frequently in the children below 1 year of age. The
disease, which appears on increase in the last decade, tends to be more common during the warm
rainy and humid months of the year.

Cryptosporidium oocysts show extreme resistance to the destruction by level of tree chlorine
present in potable water.


Cryptosporidium infection in the immunocompetent hosts is self- limiting and requires
supportive treatment to prevent dehydration.
Infections in the immunosuppressed hosts with severe diarrhea and symptoms of
malabsorption require supportive therapy with replacement of fluid, electrolytes and nutrients.

Antidiarrhoeal agents are of no value. For persons with AIDS, anti-retroviral therapy, which
improves immune status, will also decrease or eliminate infection. Paromomycin ( ) is
approved for treatment.
The reduction or elimination of oocysts from the environment forms the mainstay of control of
cryptosporidiosis but is difficult.
Freezing and heating at 65~C for 30 minutes kill all the oocysts. The care to avoid
contamination of food and water with faecal oocysts prevent transmission of

infection to man.

Hand washing, use of gloves and improved personal hygiene will minimise risk of acquiring the
infection in a hospital.


Pneumocystis carinii is a pathogen of uncertain taxonomic status. The capability to produce
spores and cysts, places Pneumocystis ( ) within either of the two protistan groups,
fungi or protozoa.

Pneumocystis carinii causes interstitial plasma cell pneumonia ( ),

occurring almost exclusively in infants, children and immunocompromised adults.
P. carinii was discovered in 1909 by Charles Chagas', who mistakenly described the organism
as a trypanosome. Delanoe and Delanoe (1912) described the organism in rats and they were the
first to identify the organism as a distinct aetiolog ical agent. They named the organism as

Pneumocystis carinii in the honour of Dr. Carinii, another early worker in the field.
The parasite was later implicated as the aetiolog ical agent of interstitial plasma cell pneumonia
by Van der Meet and Brug (1942). Since then, there is an increased report of P. carinii infection,
especially associated with the acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome (AIDS).

Three morphologically distinct stages are recognized: trophozoite or trophic form, pre-cyst
and cyst .

Trophozoite(Fig --1)::

Trophozoites or trophic forms are always present in large numbers.

These are small, pleomorphic and usually occur in clusters. They are readily stained by Giemsa or


acridine orange. In Giemsa stain, the nucleus is stained red and cytoplasm blue. The electron
micrograph of a trophozoite shows a nucleus, mitochondria, a few other organelles and filopodia
(tubular cytoplasmic extension). Trophozoites multiply asexually by binary fission.

Fig--1 Pneumocystis carinii trophozoites in

bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) material. Giemsa
stain. The trophozoites are small (size: 1 to 5 m),
and only their nuclei, stained purple, are visible
(arrows). AIDS patient seen in Atlanta, Georgia.
(Adapted from

parasite image library of CDC,


Pre-cyst: It is an intermediate stage between the trophozoite and cyst. It is oval in shape and
measures 4-6 m in diameter. It lacks pseudopodia. Typically. it is surrounded by

a thick limiting

layer or cell wall. Periodic-acid schiff (PAS) and silver methenamine stain clearly the cell wall. It is
difficult to demonstrate this stage in the tissue.

Cyst(Fig2):: It is spherical. 5-8 m in diameter and is surrounded by a 70-140 nm thin cell wall.
A mature cyst consists up to eight daughter forms or extra-cystic bodies called
sporozoites. The sporozoites are spherical, crescent-shaped, measure1-1.5 m in diameter. Each
sporozoite consists of a nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum.

The cyst is the diagnostic form of the parasite and is

easily recognised by staining with

F ig --2 Cyst of Pneumocystis carinii (A. Giemsa stain. B. silver methenamine stain)


CYCLE(Fig --3)
P. carinii occurs as a saprophyte

( ) in the human and in a variety of mammals in

nature. It is an extra-cellular parasite which inhabits the pulmonary alveoli of the lungs.
The life cycle of P. carinii is still incompletely understood. It is based on the morphologic
studies of the lung sections obtained from the rat and on the parasites grown in culture.

Fig --3 Life cycle of Pneumocystis carinii

In man, the life cycle of Pneumocystis is extra-cellular and occurs in the lung alveoli, lntracellular stage has not been described.
Trophozoites may develop into cysts either during sexual or asexual phase. The existence of a
sexual phase is probable, and no evidence exists for an intracellular phase in the parasite life cycle.
The trophozoites multiply either by binary. fission or endogeny ( ).
Trophozoite first develops into a single-nucleated structure called pre-cyst. The latter develops
into a cyst by a process similar to sporogony. In this process, a single nucleus divides by meiosis
into four haploid nuclei. These nuclei undergo post-meiotic mitosis to produce eight daughter nuclei.

A membrane, surrounds each daughter nucleus in the late phase during which pre-cyst develops
into a cyst. Each cyst contains eight sporozoites or daughter cells. The mature cyst on rupture
releases these daughter cells.
The specific factors that cause excystation ( ) of cysts or encystation ( ) of
trophozoites are not known. The mature cyst with eight intra- cystic bodies is believed to be the
infective form of the parasite responsible for transmission of infection from man to man. Congenital
infection may also be caused by trophozoites.


P. carinii inhabits the lung alveoli. In man and other animal species, it causes disease by
attaching itself to Type-1 alveolar epithelial cells. The specific factors involved in the process of
attachment have not been recognised. The organism lives on the lining layer of the alveoli. It has
been demonstrated that surface of the organism and alveoli epithelial cells are closely apposed to
each other without any fusion of the cell membrane or changes in the intra-membranous particls.
The lungs, in pneumocystosis ( ) in humans are consolidated and appear reddish
grey at necropsy ( ). Histologic studies of the lung shows the alveoli to be completely filled
with pink frothy honey combed materials and a large number of P. carinii
Infected infants show extensive plasma cell infiltration of the alveolar space but immunosuppressed children and adults do not show these changes, instead they show only intestinal

P. carinii rarely causes symptomatic disease in healthy individuals. It causes diffuse

pneumonia only in immunocompromised hosts. In these hosts, the organism as well as the disease
always remain localised to the lungs.
The severity of clinical manifestations, to some extent, depend on the age of the host as

Epidemic or infantile pneumoeystosis ( ): This occurs in premature, malnourished ( ) and debilitated ( ) infants.

Incubation period varies from

1 to 2 months. The symptoms of P. carinii pneumonia (PCP) include dyspnea ( ), nonproductive cough ( ), and fever. Chest radiography demonstrates bilateral infiltrates. In 1 to 4
weeks, respiratory manifestations become well marked. The condition may last 4 to 6 weeks and

shows a mortality of 25 to 50 percent.

): P. carnii produces sporadic pneumocystosis
Sporadic pneumocystosis ():
in immunocomprornised children and adults with acquired immunodeficincy syndrome (AIDS), or
in persons receiving immunosuppressive therapy for the treatment of malignant conditions, organ
transplantation, etc.
The clinical manifestations are similar to that of epidemic pneumocystosis except that the onset
of sporadic pneumocystosis is abrupt. Course of the disease is rapid and begins with fever,
tachypnoea and respiratory distress. Extrapulmonary lesions occur in a minority (<3%) of patients,
involving most frequently the lymph nodes, spleen, liver, and bone marrow. Typically, in untreated
PCP increasing pulmonary involvement leads to death. The condition has a high mortality of 90100 percent.
The pathogenesis of pneumocystosis in AIDS and other immunodeficiency disease still remains
unclear.It may be due to simple reactivation of latent infection or additional exposure to exogenous
sources of the organism.

Clinical manifestations of P. carinii infection are nonspecific and can be observed in many
different infectious and non-infectious conditions. Hence, the diagnosis of the condition depends
mainly on the laboratory diagnosis.

Pathogenic diagnosis
The specific diagnosis is based on identification of P. carinii in bronchopulmonary (
)secretions obtained as induced sputum or bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL )
material. In situations where these two techniques cannot be used, transbronchial biopsy or open
lung biopsy may prove necessary. Microscopic identification of P. carinii trophozoites and cysts is
performed with stains that demonstrate either the nuclei of trophozoites and intracystic stages (such
as Giemsa) or the cyst walls (such as the silver stains).
Specimen: The methods of collection of specimens are essentially invasive procedures. These
1) Open lung biopsy.
2) Percutaneous needle biopsy or needle aspiration of the lung.

3) Bronchoalveolar biopsy and bronchoalveolar lavage. Fibre optic bronchoscopy with

broncho-alveolar lavage and or transbronchial biopsy is the most commonly used procedure.
4) Inhalation of a saline mist. Frequently, in AIDS patients the organisms can be demonstrated
its the sputum induced by inhalation of a saline mist.

The indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA), complement fixation test (CFT) and enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) are being used for the demonstration of
serum antibodies to P. carinii. These tests use whole parasites or soluble extracts of parasites as
The counter-current immunoelectrophoresis (CIEP-) and latex agglutination test (LAT) also
are frequently used for the detection of antigen in the serum to diagnose the refection.

Chest x-ray: In some cases, it shows bilateral diffuse infiltrates originating from the perihilar
regions of the lungs.

P. carinii is widespread in nature. It occurs in humans and many species of animals (rats,
rabbits, mice. sheep,goats, dogs, guineapigs, horses, chimpanzees and monkeys).
It has been reported from India, China, Japan, Iran. Israel, South America, Congo, Malaysia,
Australia. New Zealand, USA, Canada, Brazil and erstwhile USSR.

Reservoir of infection
Infected man is the main source and reservoir of infection. Mature cyst containing eight
intracystic bodies appear to be the infective stage.

Transmission :
P. carinii occurs in following ways:
1) Man-to-man transmission: It occurs by inhalation of mature cysts. Air-borne infection
seems to be the major mode of transmission.
2) Congenital transmission occurs rare. Milk-borne transmission occurs less frequent.
The populations at risk for P. carnii infection include:
1) Premature malnourished infants;


2) Children with primary immunodeficiency.

3) Patients receiving immuno suppressive drugs such as corticosteroids for treatment of
malignancies, organ transplantations and other diseases; and
4) Protein malnutrition.


Treatment of P. carinii infection is broadly based on the supportive therapy and specific
chemotherapy. It consists of aeration by high concentration of oxygen, blood transfusion and good
nursing care.
Pentamidine(), trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole are
the drugs currently available for the treatment of P. carinii infection.
Treatment of P. carinii infection ill patients with AIDS relatively is complex. It requires
treatment with higher dose and for a longer duration.
The control measures include respiratory isolation of high-risk cases susceptible to infection,
and chemoprophylaxis by trimethoprim (5 mg/kg perday) and sulphamethoxazole (25 mg/kg per

Section III


Trematodes are members of phylum platyhelminthes( ). which also includes the
cestodes or tapeworms. The parasites are known as flukes. All trematodes parasitic to humans
belong to Class Trematoda, subclass Digenea.
The digenetic trematodes, or flukes, are among the most common and abundant
of parasitic worms, second only to nematodes in their distribution. They are parasites of all classes
of vertebrates, especially marine fish, and some species, as adults or juveniles, inhabit nearly every
organ of the vertebrate body. Their development occurs in at least two hosts, the first a mollusc
or, very rarely, an annelid. Many species include a second and even a third
intermediate host in their life cycles. Several species cause economic losses to society through
infections of domestic animals, and others are medically importance. These medical trematodes

include bellow species.


Digentic trematodes constitute one of the largest groups of platyhelminths ,

parasitizing a wide range of invertebrate and vertebrate hosts. Within human hosts, these worms are
found in numerous organs, including the intestine, lungs, liver and vascular system.




C. sinensis

bile duct




small intestine



bile duct




live, brain etc



subcutaneous or live etc




vascular system




small intestine






Typical Life Cycle include sexual generation and asexual generation()

(F ig --1).


1. Asexual
host(gastropod and peleypod ):
Ovum ; Miracidium ; Sporocyst ;
Redia ; Cercaria ; Metacercaria
2. Sexual generation in definitive host ( Mammalian
host): Juveniles(larva); Adult worm

Fig --1

An example of trematode life cycle


Despite superficial differences, the morphology of the various groups of digenetic trematodes
is basically uniform. They characteristically flat, leaf like, hermaphrodite organisms
except for the schistosomes which have a boat shaped male and a cylindrical female. One or more
muscular suckers are always present on the ventral surface(usually possess a powerfuloral
sucker that surrounds the mouth, and most also have a midventral acetabulum or ventral
sucker. Reproductive system is highly developed. Excretory and nervous are present.
The eggs of trematodes are operculated except for schistosomes.

Tegument: The tegument of the adult worm is now recognized as a dynamic,

cellular structure. Under light microscopy, it appears as a generally homogenous layer about 7-16
m thick. The tegument is a syncytium()i.e., a multinucleated tissue with no cell boundaries.
The outer zone of this syncytium is external plasma membrane, a surface coat, or glycocalyx
, that varies in thickness according to species. Its function include absorption of exogenous
molecules, shielding(protection) from hostile environmental influences and sense. Surface
invaginations, the number and extent of which also vary according to species, serve to increase
tegumental surface area, much like microvilli on the surface of human intestinal cells.

Digestive system: It consists of mouth(oral sucker, prepharynx, pharynx, esophagus and

intestine which divided into two cecums.

Reproductive system: Most trematodes are hermaphroditic


schistosoma. Male reproductive system consists of testis, vas efferens vas deferens
, seminal vesic ale , prostatic gland, ejaculatory d u ct or cirrus
, and cirrus pouch etc. Female reproductive system consists of ovary
,oviduct,ootype, Mehlis gland, seminal receptacle
, Laurers cana
, vite llaria, vitelline duct , common vitelline duct
, vitellaria reservoir, uterus and metraterm etc.

Excretory system

It consists of flame cells() collecting tutules and

excretory bladder(). These flame cells provide the basis for the identification of the species.
(F ig --2)

Fig --2 An example of a adult trematode

morphological structure

(os) oral sucker; (vi) vitellaria; (in) intestine;(vs)

ventral sucker.; (o) ovary; (ut) uterus; (ve) vas
efferens; (t) testis; (ab) excretory


The Chinese liver fluke, the trematode Clonorchis sinensis (Cobbold,1875: Looss ,1907) was
found from the biliary passage of a Chinese in Calcutta, India in 1874 firstly. The worm is the
causal agent of clonorchiasis . In China, the earliest endemic of clonorchiasis was found in
Chaozhou and Guangzhou in 1908. In 1975, C.sinensis eggs were found in a West Han Dynasty
corpse in Jiangling, Hubei Province. Later, those eggs were found in an ancient corpse of Zhangguo
Dynastys Chu tomb. So it was said that the prevalence of clonorchiasis has continued for more

2300 years. Today it is known that the Chinese liver fluke is widely distributed in
China(mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan), Japan , Korea, and Vietnam.


Adult worm ..

It is flat with pointed anterior and rounded posterior end, measuring about

long 1025mm, wide 35 mm. It is relatively a small fluke. The tegument lacks spines , Oral
sucker is larger than ventral sucker(acetabulum). Ventral sucker is located one-fifth of the way from
the anterior end. The presence of two large, deeply lobulated and branched testes with 7 branches
situated in the posterior third of the body, one behind the other, and anterior uterus. Testes.

Mature egg

The eggs are flask-shaped, operculated and relatively smaller in size, and

measure 29 17m. They are yellow-brown(bile stained), containing a well-developed

miracidium, and possessing a small knob at the posterior end giving an appearance of a electric



Small knob

F ig --1 Egg of Clonorchis sinensis

Fig - -2 Adult of Clonorchis sinensis, (ab) excretory; (in)

intestine; (l) Laurers canal; (o) ovary; (os) oral sucker; (sr)
seminal receptacle; (t) testis; (ut) uterus; (va) vas deferens; (vd)
vitelline duct; (ve) vas efferens; (vi) vitellaria; (vs) ventral sucker.


C. sinensis requires one definitive host and two different intermediate host for completion of
its life cycle.

In definitive host

adult worm mature in the bile ducts of definitive host, which include

human or mammalian animals. After eating raw or undercooked fish or crustaceans

with metacercaria , definitive host will be infected. The young flukes excyst in the
duodenum. The route of migration to the liver is not clear; but it seems probable that juveniles
migrate up the common bile duct to the liver. After about one month of infection, adult worms is
develop. Mammalian, i.e. cats, dogs and rates etc are important reservoir hosts.

Fig --3 Life cycle of Clonorchis sinensis (from Parasite image library of CDC, USA)

In the first intermediate host

Eggs are hatched into miracidium after being eaten by

a suitable snail, then develop into a sporocyst; sporocyst transforms into red ia ; redia
produce cercariae with long tail.

In the second intermediate host: When contacting fish or crustaceans in freshwater, the cercaria


will bores through the skin, coming to muscle and encysting (metacercaria).

First Intermediate host : fresh-water snails eg. Parafossarulus striatulus ( ) Alocinma

longicornis (), Bithynia fuchsianus().








),Pseudorosbora parva() et al.


The basic pathogenesis of the infection is erosion of the epithe lium lining the
bile ducts, which results from mechanical irritation caused by flukes and toxic substances that may
be produced by them. Because flukes prefer to reside in the second-order bile ducts, the
pathological changes usually appear in the second-order bile ducts. But in heavy infection they are
found throughout the biliary system, including the gallbladder , and sometime in the
pancreatic duct. Flukes feed on secretions from the bile duct mucosa. They cause low-grade
inflammatory changes of biliary tree, proliferation of the biliary epithelium, and progressive portal
fibrosis. In light infection, the pathological changes is not significant; but heavy infection will lead
the bile ducts to gradual enlarging and thickening. There is obstruction of the biliary tract by the
worm bodies, which leads to bile retention, and fibrosis proliferation in the wall of the tract. In late
stage with complication, the change of liver parenchyma are present, and liver function
are interfered. Some research data showed that there was the relationship between clonorchiasis and
biliary tract cancer, liver cancer.
Acute clonorchiasis occurs one to three weeks after the ingestion of encysted metacercariae.
There many be fever, chills, abdominal pain, diarrhea, tender hepatomegaly, and mild jaundice. The
white blood cell count is raised with marked eosinophilia, and serum alkaline phosphataes,
SGOT,and SGPT are elevated. The clinical presentation is often confused with acute viral hepatitis
and seldom recognized. The history of eating raw fish in the endemic area and the eosinophilia
should suggest the diagnosis.
The majority of people with C.sinensis in their stools have no symptoms. The biliary system is
blocked by numerous flukes and becomes secondarily infected. The flukes occasionally block the
pancreatic ducts and induce pancreatitis . Cholangiocarcinoma is a late
complication of chronic clonorchiasis. Clonorchiasis has no causal relationship with hepatocellular

cancer. Some advanced cases have serious complications such as cirrhosis of the liver and ascites.

Chonorchiasis or chonorchis infection can be tentatively diagnosed by a history of having
stayed in or been to the endemic areas and eating raw fresh water fish, together with some clinical
manifestations. Correct diagnosis must, however, be confirmed by laboratory finding of ova.
1) Parasitological examination

Finding the small operculated eggs in stool by direct smears

method and stolls egg counting methods (egg-concentration method ). Sometime examination of
bile that drawing from the duodenum (duodenal aspirate ) is recommended also.
2) Immunological tests

The intradermal test(IDT), IHA, ELISA for specific antibodies have

been applied for screening in the fields. These tests are also useful to help for individual diagnosis.

Geographical distribution

Human clonorchiasis or chonorchis infection is endemic in Far

East Asian such as China, Japan, Korean, Vietnam etc. In our country, the infection cases were
found in 24 provinces except Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Neimenggu and Tibet etc. The
prevalences of the infection in population of endemic areas varied from 1% to 30%. In Guangdong,
the prevalence of the infection in population were up to 16.7%. it was estimated there was 4.7
million infected persons in China.

Epidemic characters

In endemic areas, the first and second intermediate host are found and

where the population is accustomed to eating raw fish . In most areas, the fish are raised in fish
ponds that are commonly fertilized with human and animal feces. This provides excellent nutrient
for the growth of plan and animal life upon which the snails and fish feed, and also provides an
opportunity for perpetuating the life cycle of the parasite. In free endemic areas, neither the snail
nor fish intermediate hoists are indigenous. But infected fish originate from endemic areas are
shipped in daily here, infected individuals are often found.

Susceptible population Humans is a susceptible host of C. sinensis . Those who eat raw fish
or uncooked fish frequently is easy to acquire infection. For example, in Pearl river areas the
prevalence of infection is higher than that in other areas.

Infective form

Metacercaria is the infective form. It is found encysted in the flesh of fresh148

water fish.

The route of acquiring infection

Infection season

It is through the eating raw or uncooked fresh water fish.

In September and October the number of metacerariae in fish are the

highest. When temperature is below 10, metacerariae can not enter fish.


Preventive measurement

Metacerariae will withstand certain types of preparation of fish,

such as salting, pickling, drying, and smoking. Because of this, people can become infected when
they eat such fish. But under 90 metacerariae in 1 mm slice of fish will be killed within 1
second; 75 for 3 second; 70 for 6 second and 60 for 15 second. So to change eating habits
of people by health education is considered to be the most important measure to control the diseases.
Eating cooked fish or no eating raw fish are recommended.

Chemotherapy Praziquantel has been reported to be effective for clonorchiasis.

The recommended dosage is 75 mg per kilogram(kg) of body weight, divided into three doses on
same day. In Guangdong , dosages of 120 150mg per kilogram of body weight for 2 days is


Fasciolopsis buski(F.buski) is the largest intestinal fluke, which can cause Fasciolopsis. In
1873, the first case of Fasciolopsis was found in Guangzhou by Dr. Kerr. Recently the 200 thousand
infected persons was estimated in China.

Adult worm

It is fleshy, reddish-beef-colored, elongate, and ovoid in shape. It measures

2075mm in long,820mm in breadth and 0.53mm in thickness, its body covered by spines.
There are two sucker, ventral and oral. The ventral sucker is located close to oral sucker, as 45
time as oral sucker. Two branched ceca like wave pass to the posterior of the worm, two branched
testes are located in the posterior half of worm, the ovary is also branched and lies in the midline
anterior to the testes. Uterus is located between ovary and acetabulum



It measure 130 140m 80 85m in size, which is the largest egg of

helminths. It is pale yellowish, thin shell with a small operculum at one end, and contains one
undeveloped embryonic cell as well as 2040 vitelline cells.

F ig --1 The egg of Fasciolopsis buski

The life cycle include adult worm, egg, miracidium, sporocyst, mother rediae, daughter rediae,
cercariae, metacercariae stage etc.
Human and pig etc are the definitive host of F. buski. Adult worm lives normally in the small
intestine and to some extent in the stomach of definitive host.
Fertilized eggs passed into fresh water with stool, mature to miracidium and hatch at 2632
. Then miracidium enter several species snails and finish the development of sporocyst, mother
rediae, daughter rediae, cercariae. Hippeutis cantori (), Polypylis hemisphaerula
, Gyraulus convexiusculus , Hippeutis umbilicalis are
intermediate hosts. After 12 months in intermediate host, mature cercariae escape from snail and
encyst into metacercariae on underwater vegetation, which including cultivated water chestnut and
water caltrop etc.
If metacercariae are swallowed, worms excyst in the small intestine, become attached to the
nearby intestinal wall, grow and mature in about 3 months without further migration.


Fig --2

Life cycle of Flasciolopsis buski (from Parasite image library of CDC, USA)


Because F. buski is larger fluke with stronger sucker, the mechanical irritation or damage is
more serious than other flukes. In heavy infection, the flukes bodies covered the walls of intestinal
and block the passage of food and interfere with normal digestive juice secretions. Its toxic
substances can cause the hypersensitivity. Inflammation at the site of attachment provokes excess
mucous secretion, which is a typical symptom of infection. Hemorrhage, ulceration , and
abscess of the intestinal wall result from long-standing infections.
Most of the infections are light and asymptomatic. In heavy infections, the main symptom is
diarrhea with hunger pains, simulating peptic ulcer . In infected children these
clinical manifestation such as weight loss, edema and anaemia are found.

Specific diagnosis can be made by demonstrating the characteristic eggs and or adult flukes in
the feces. The eggs must be distinguished from those of other species such as Echinostoma sp.,

Fasciola hepatica and F.gigantica.


The infection of F.buski is endemic in China,Thailand, Laos, Bangladesh, and

India etc. In China, the endemic areas are found in 19 provinces such as Liaoning,
Shanghai,Jiangsu,Zhejing, Anfei, Fujian, Jiangxi, Shandong, Henan, Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong,
Guangxi, Hainan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Gansu, Taiwan, and Shanxi etc.

Epidemic characters

The worm of F. buski seems to be restricted to definitive host, which

are only human ,pigs and wild pigs. Meanwhile, fasciolopsiasis seens to be restricted
to areas where people raise water plants and pigs, and to populations that commonly eat freshwater
Human are infected by eating raw stems, leaves, and pods of water plants.


Water plants should be cooked or grown in ponds that are not contaminated with human or pig
feces. Molluscicides could be used to eradicate the snail vectors.
The drug of choice is praziquantel , a single dose of 15mg/kg after supper before
going to bed. It is very effective.

More than 30 species of trematodes (flukes) of the genus Paragonimus have been reported
which infect animals and humans. Among the more than 10 species reported to infect humans, the
most common is P. westermani , the oriental lung fluke, which causes classical endemic
haemoptysis or pulmonary paragonimiasis in man, it is also a parasite of carnivores. In
1878, P. westermani was first described from tigers. In 1880, the infection in human were found in
Taiwan of China. Details of the life cycle were worked out by Yokogawa and Kobayashi during
1917 to 1921.


Adult worm ( hermaphrodite )

It is thick, fleshy and when freshly passed it is

redish brown, in colour. It is ovoid -shaped and covered with scale-like spines. It measures 7.5-12.0
mm in length, 4.0-6.0 mm in breadth and 3.5-5.0 mm in thickness. The anterior end of the fluke is
slightly broader than the posterior end. The oral and ventral suckers are equal in size, and ventral
sucker at pre-equator. There are c two lobated testes , present side-by-side at the posterior fourth

of the body. The ovary is with 5-6 lobes at the left of midline, uterus is tightly coiled at the right of
the ventral sucker. The vitelline is follicles.


The eggs are yellow-brown in color, oval-shaped and operculated. They measure

80-118 um by 48-60 um. Each egg contains a fertilized unsegmented ovum surrounded
by more than 10 vitelline cells.

F ig --1The egg of Paragonimus westermani

The life cycle is completed in three different hosts, one definitive host and two intermediate
host. The life cycle contains egg, miracidium, sporocyst, mother rediae and daughter rediae,
cercariae, metacercariae, larvae and adult worm.
The eggs are excreted unembryonated in the sputum, or alternately they are swallowed and
passed with stool. In the external environment, the eggs become embryonatedand miracidia hatch
and seek the first intermediate host, a snail, and penetrate its soft tissues. Miracidia go through
several developmental stages inside the snail: sporocysts, rediae, with the latter giving rise to many
cercariae, which emerge from the snail. The cercariae invade the second intermediate host, a

crustacean such as a crab or crayfish, where they encyst and become metacercariae.

F ig --1 Life cycle of Paragonimus westermani (from Parasite image library of CDC, USA)

This is the infective stage for the mammalian hostHuman infection with P. westermani occurs by
eating inadequately cooked or pickled crab or crayfish that harbor metacercariae of the parasite.
The metacercariae excyst in the duodenum, penetrate through the intestinal wall into the peritoneal
cavity, then through the abdominal wall and diaphragm into the lungs, where they become
encapsulated and develop into adults The worms can also reach other organs and tissues, such as
the brain and striated muscles, respectively. However, when this takes place completion of the life
cycles is not achieved, because the eggs laid cannot exit these sites. Time from infection to
oviposition is more than two months.
Animals such as pigs, dogs, and a variety of feline species can harbor P. westermani.


Pathological changes in host caused by physical trauma
trauma of young flukes or adult
worms' migration and lodge in the tissues, and chemical damages of flukes' toxins The process of

the pathological changes may be divided into an early or acute stage, and late or chronic stage.

The acute stage

Caused by invasion and migration of the young flukes, symptoms appear

several days or one month after eating raw crab

with metacercariae. Because the metacercariae

excyst in the small intestine, and penetrate through its wall as well as other organs, hemorrhage in
the tissue is a common pathological changes. The symptoms have fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain,
chest pain or tight sensation, cough and eosinophilia etc.
The stage is divided into abscess, granuloma ,and Fibro

The chronic stage

1) Abscess

The migration of flukes caused the destruction and hemorrhage of tissues; after

that neutrophilic and

eosinophilic leukocytes infiltrate

infiltrate and abscess is formed by

granuloma wall gradually.

2) Granuloma

Following the development of abscess, the content of the abscess will

become dense fluid with reddish brown in color. The granuloma tissues are stimulated to proliferate
worm cys
and form "worm
3) Fibrous scar

When the worm(s) die or move to other sites, the content of the cyst will

be voided through the bronchioles.

Then empty cyst will be filled with fibrous scar.

Young flukes(larvae) or adult worm also lodge ectopic sites e.g. the intestine, mesenteric
lymph nodes, liver, diaphragm, pleura, heart muscle, subcutaneous tissue, testes, uterus, brain and
spinal cord. Ectopic parasitism may caused ectopic lesions, worm cysts, or abscesses in these
other organs. he metabolic products, secretions and protein of dead worm can induce allergic or
toxic reactions
Paragonimiasis may be involve many organs expect for lung. Generally the manifestations
may be divided into pulmonary and extrapulmonary. Extrapulmonary Paragonimiasis are named
after the organs, such as cerebral paragonimiasis etc.
Pulmonary paragonimiasis:

The symptoms include chronic cough, chest discomfort,

blood-tinged sputum or rusty-brown sputum(containing eggs).The results of the chest X-rays show
there are some significant changes in lungs, which changes are often considered to be the clinical
symptoms of tuberculosis and other pulmonary diseases.
Cerebral paragonimiasis: It occur commonly in young age groups. The disease may be
acute or chronic. The symptoms of the acute stage are fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, visual

disturbances, and paralysis.

Liver paragonimiasis: Disorder of liver function, large liver, and liver pain are common
symptoms of liver paragonimiasis.
Cutaneous paragonimiasis: Some patients with lightly infection don't appear symptoms,
but serological examination usually show positive.

Usually, it is important clue for diagnosis to ask the history of having stayed in or been to the
endemic area and eating raw crustaceans, together with blood spitting and the characteristic sputum.
Correct diagnosis must, however, be confirmed by laboratory finding of ova. The laboratory
diagnosis is based on the parasitic, immunological and radiography diagnosis.

Parasitological examination

Definitive diagnosis of pulmonary paragonimiasis depends

on the microscopic demonstration of characteristic opereculated eggs in the sputum or faeces

faeces. The
larva or adult worm may be found from biopsy of nodules or cysts

Immunodiagnostic tests

Intradermal test (IDT) is available for screening, its

sensitive is more than 90% , but false positive and false negative are not low; ELISA for detecting
antibodies are found to be highly sensitive, which positive is 90-100%; Dot-ELISA for detecting
circulating antigens(CAg) is considered to be useful for evaluating the effect of treatment.

X-ray examination of chest /CT

In pulmonary paragonimiasis, chest x-ray shows

radioopaque shadows in the middle and lower segments of the lung. CT scan of the chest, abdomen
and head shows a cystic cavity. These radiolog ical examinations are very useful especially in the
areas where paragonimiasis also co-exists with tuberculosis. The interpretation of the radiolog ical
finding may not be always easy.


Three main foci of the disease: in Asia endemic areas including China, Japan,

Korea, Laos, the Philippines, and Thailand; in Africa, the Cameroon, the Congo Valley, Gambia,
and Nigeria in South and Central America, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Peru.
In our country, Paragonimiasis used to be in 23 provinces
provinces, including Shandong, Jiangsu, Anfei,
Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Yunan,

Hainan, Taiwan, Gansu, Shanxi, Hebei, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang etc. The distribution of
endemic areas is spot and most of endemic areas is located in mountain areas. Through control,
Paragonimiasis have been controlled or eliminated in most endemic areas expect a few endemic
areas in Northern part of China. In these survival endemic areas, there are a few cases of
Paragonimiasis. If a new endemic spot is found, the epidemic situations easy to be controlled.

Epidemiological features
1) Definitive hosts
hosts: humans, and carnivores such tiger, dog, cat etc. The carnivores are also
called as reservoir host.
2) Paratenic host/transport host: boar(wild pig) etc. It was reported that the disease possible
is transmitted by ingestion of infected raw meat from the wld boars containing immature parasite.
3) Natural focus()) and parasitic zoono sis

In some forest and

desert the parasitic zoonoses transmit among vertebrate, which areas is called natural endemic
focus( ). I n Kuandian county of Liaoning, infected dog is major reservoir, there nonhuman host play more important role in transmission. So paragonimiais is a typical zoonos is.
4) First intermediate hosts : Melaniidae , fresh water snail, including

Semisulcospira libertina etc Second intermediate hosts

hosts: freshwater crabs and
crayfish, such as Potamon spp, Sinop otamon spp and Cambaroides spp

The way of acquiring infection

The infection is transmitted to man in the following ways.:

2) ingesting raw or uncooked crab or crayfish containing metacercariae

3) ingesting the meat of a paratenic host containing immature flukes

4) drinking water containing metacercariae or cercariae


To interruption of the life cycle of the parasite can eliminate its spread, which measures
include chemotherapy, use of

molluscacides etc. Bithionol and praziquantel are the drugs of

effective chemotherapy.
Specific measure to change the eating habits of the people by health education is considered
to be the most important measure to control the disease.
* Compare


C. Sinesis

Definitive host




Reservoir host

tiger, dog etc

dog,cat etc


Paratenic host

boar etc


F. buski


Life cycle:














Mother rediae



Daughter rediae









water vegetation



no migration

no migration

Adult worm

lungs/other organs

bile ducts




Schistosomiasis caused by Schistosoma species infection, is a major human health problem in
many part of the developing world, which is endemic in African, Latin American and Asia
including 76 endemic countries or areas. More than 600 million people in the endemic areas are
at risk of schistosomiasis and the number of infected individuals worldwide is near 200 million
Schistosomes are a group of digenetic dioecious trematods The
three main species infecting humans are Schistosoma haematobium, S. japonicum

, and S. mansoni. Two other species, more localized geographically,

are S. mekongi and S. intercalatum . S.japonicum is the most
pathogenic of all the human schistosome species. It causes schistosomiasis japonica


or Oriental schistosomiasis in human. Schistosomiasis japonica was first described by a physican

Fujii(1847). The eggs were demonstrated in the faeces by Fujinami(1904). Katsurada first
described the adult worm in the year 1904, which he obtained from dog and cat. He assigned the
specific name japonicum to the parasite. Miyagawa(1912-1913) described the details of the life
cycle of the parasite. In China, there is only endemic S.japonicum . In 1905
1905, Doctor Logan firstly
found eggs of S.japonicum from human feces in Hunan province. S.japonicum calcified eggs were
also found in Xihan dynasty mummies(about 2100 years ago).
The discovery history of other human schistosomiasis are as follows:

S.haematobium eggs were found in the kidneys of twentieth-dynasty Egyptian

mummies(1250-1000 B.C)

The first Europeans to record contact with S.haematobium were surgeons with

Napoleon's army in Egypt(1799-1801).


In 1858(or 1852), Weinland proposed the name Schistosoma haematobium.


In 1905, Sir Patrick Manson found another species of worm, and was named S. mansoni

by Sanbon(1907);

Adult Worm

The adult worm of S.japonicum have elongate and slender bodies, and is

sexual dimorphism(dioecious). The oral sucker is at anterior end and ventral sucker is near anterior
end. There is no muscular pharynx, a single canal is formed behind the ventral sucker by the union
of bifurcated caeca to form the intestinal caecum. The males measure 10-22mm in length and 0.50.55 mm in breadth. A total of 7 testes are present side by side in a single row in the male fluke. The
males have a deep ventral groove known as the gynecophoric canal . The females

20-25 mm in length, and 0.3 mm in breadth. The ovary

is at the middle of the body,

and uterus is long, containing up to 300 eggs(average50 eggs), the vitellaria in lateral
fields(posterior quarter of body)

Eggs :

They are 89 m in long and 67 m wide, oval and possess a lateral small

rudimentary knob or delicate spine without operculum . There is a mature eggs in the feces

with miracidium in the egg.

It is about 99m in long and 35m wide, the body like veritable spinning ball with cilia


Cercaria is consist of a body, a tail and a pair of furcae . The body is 100-

150m long, tail 140-160m long, and furca 50-70m long. The oral sucker is comparatively
large, and the ventral sucker is small. The body covere with minute spines. Four types of glands
open through ducts at the anterior margin of the oral sucker.





S. mekongi


F ig --1 Different development stages of Schistosoma

Life cycle include adult worm, egg, miracidium, sporocyst(mother and daughter sporocyst),
cercariae, and schistosomula etc development stage. It is completed in following hosts: a)
definitive host: man ,domestic animals(pig ,cattle/buffalo, pig and wild animal); b)Intermediate
host: Oncomelania species ( Oncomelania hupensis in mainland of China).

Adult worm and deposition

Adult worms live in the veins of the small intestine(inferior

mesenteric veins) of definitive host, where mature female is often found in the gynecophoric canal
of the male worm. Sometimes worms found in ectopic site such as the lungs, testis,
kidney etc. After mating, the females are laying eggs. The worm work their way" upstream" into
smaller veins, the females deposit 300-3000 eggs/per female/ daily, and the eggs can live for about
22 days in the host tissue. Masses of eggs cause pressure on the thin venule walls, which are

weakened by secretions from the histolytic glands of the miracidia with the eggs. The wall rupture,
and the eggs penetrate the intestinal walls and thus pass the outside by feces. They are completely
embryonated and hatch when exposed to freshwater. Some eggs are flowed into liver or capillary
beds and calcified late.

Hatching of miracidium in freshwater

After mature eggs with miracidium


enter water, the miracidium will be hatched out. The factors related to hitching include temperature
of water(25-30 ),osmotic pressure, PH value(7.5-7.8) etc. Although PH, temperature and other
environmental aspects are important, factors within the egg probably play a major role in hatching
process. Released miracidia can live for a few hours. When meeting snail( Oncomelania

hupensis ),miracidia enter(penetrate) the snail's foot or body with the aid of histolytic gland
secretions, within the snail, the cilia are shed, and the miracidia become sporocysts.

Development in snail

Germ cells within sporocysts enlarge and develop into second

generation of sporocysts, then the germ cells within second generation of sporocysts develop into
cercariae. There is no redicial generation. From miracidial penetration of snail to emergence of
cercariae at least 44 days, one miracidium can develop more than thousands of cercariae.

Penetration of host

In water, infested snails with cercariae can release mature cercariae.

The cercariae usually emerge during the early part of the night, the suitable conditions include
temperature of water(15-35) and sun light etc. Cercariae is the infection stage. They are active
he life span of cercariae is
swimmers, but may have motionless from the surface of the water. The
about 1-3 days
days, and penetration of host occur within 48 hours
hours. When contacting with the skin of
an host, cercariae attach skin by their suckers, and release enzymes from glands at their anterior
ends, then enter skin combining with muscular movements of the parasite body. In the process the
tail is cast off. The entry time is about 3 to 7 minutes.


F ig --2 Life cycle of Schistosomaa (from Parasite image library of CDC, USA)

Migration and inhabiting

When a cercaria has penetrated the skin, it becomes a

schistosomules(Once the organism penetrate the skin, lose their tails, and secrete the substances
from the various glands, they are considered to be schistosomules). The schistosomule leaves the
skin and develops into young worms. The young worm enter into lymphatic or blood vessels, then
to the heart and circulatory system, then reaches the mesenteric artery and capillaries, proceed to
feed, grow and migrate into the superior mesenteric venules. Here copulation takes place
place, and
females enter the gynecophoric canals of males, and lay eggs. About 24 days elapses from the time

of penetration by cercariae to the oviposition. A month late the eggs appearance in feces. The life
span of adult worms is usually 4.5 years.


ggs deposited by S.japonicum adult female worms are the chief cause of tissue damage
consisting of an inflammatory granulomatous reaction and pseudotubercle formation followed
by fibrosis and the sequel of the disease syndromes. But, besides eggs, other developmental stages


of schistosome such as cercariae, schistosomule, adult worm can also caused pathological changes
in host.


Cercarial dermatitis with rash and tingling sensation is due to skin invasion

and is likely a result of host sensitization. This pathological changes belong to immediate
hypersensitivity, mononuclear and eosinophil involve in the reaction.


The organs passed through by schistosomula such as lung, appear

venulitis, lymphangitis, hemorrhages, giant cell reaction and eosinophils infiltration. The
characteristic clinical features include fever, cough, bloody cough and eosinophilosis etc.

Adult worms

In generally, adult worm doesn't cause pathological changes significantly,

but the waste products, secretions, metabolic products and toxins products of worm can induce
to form immuno-complex
immuno-complex, which damages host.


Eggs with miracidium can release some antigenic and enzymatic secretions,

which can induce a granulomatous cell-mediated responses of lymphocytes, macrophages and

eosinophils, about 100 times the volume of the egg.. The formation of granuloma is closely related
to development of eggs. As eggs is not mature, no inflammatory reaction or light reaction appears
around the eggs. Because S.japonicum eggs were deposited in cluster, the volume of egggranuloma is larger in which about half the cells are eosinophils and some cells is plasmacyte(
). Meanwhile, antigen-antibody complex response named Hoeppli phenomenon appears around
In summarizing the recent research results concluded" T-cells are of major importance for
the formation of large granuloma around the eggs of S.japonicum like S.mansoni, but
modulation of size of granuloma is primarily antibody medicated.

So the mechanism of

granulomatous formation is considered to be VI type delay hypersensitivity.

Following the progress of egg-granuloma, miracidium in egg is to be died and egg is to be
calcified, then fibroblasts cluster and synthesize collagen. The granulomatous formation transit to
fibrous tissue, than the permanent fibro-changes due to schistosoma infection was established.
Late in the disease, periportal pipestem fibrosis and fibrosis in intestinal walls may result in a
clinical picture of cirrhosis
cirrhosis, including portal hypertension and splenomegaly
. So the most important pathological changes in the liver are notice in the portal trials,
widening of portal trials, fibrosis, and numerous new capillaries in the fibrosis portal tissues

are seen. Apart from the portal system, egg granulomatous lesions have been found in lungs, brain,
the skin, breast, kidney, ureter and reproduction organs of both sexes etc. Although S.japonicum
egg are rarely in endocrine glands, the infection itself, but not the egg deposition, can cause
schistosomiasis dwarfism. In these patients, body growth and development are retarded and
significant pathological changes are apparent in the skeleton, endocrine glands as well as
reproductive organs.

Most individuals with S.japonicum infection are asymptomatic. The frequency and severity of
clinical finding were positively correlated with the intensity of infection, especially with heavily
infection. The main clinical finding include weakness, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, hepatomegaly
and splenomegaly etc.
In generally, schistosomiasis can be divided into three phases,--acute
acute phase, chronic phase
and late phage.

Acute stage

Penetration of the skin by cercariae may appear cercariae


with local pruritus, erythema and popules. When egg deposition, symptoms with fever, chills, ache
and gastrointestinal complaints, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and eosinophilia etc. Frequently
mimicking typhoid fever is commonly seen within a month of infection. In this time, eggs can be

found in faces of the patients.

Acute cases is usually observed in persons entering the endemic

area for the first time.

Chronic stage

In endemic areas 90% infected persons are chronic cases of

schistosomiasis. Usually more than half of the chronic cases area symptomatic although stool
examination may reveal egg of S.japonicum. The general symptoms
symptoms: weakness, fatigue,
abdominal pain, irregular bowel movements and blood in stool(diarrhoea), hepato-splenomegaly,
anemia and emaciation etc.

Late stage

In general, some chronic cases with heavy infection will become advanced

cases of schistosomiasis( late stage cases) 5 years after infection. Advanced cases has three types,
splenomegaly (large spleen), ascites and dwarfism.

The common clinical finding are

hepato-splenomegaly, ascites, portal hypertension, abdominal collateral vein dilatation and

oesophagogastric varices . Blood loss due to bleeding of oesophagogastic

varices is the major cause of death in advanced cases.

Ectopic lesion

S. japonicum more commonly invades the central nervous system and

other organs than do the other schistosomes. Ectopic parasite can cause cerebral schistosomiasis,
and pulmonary schistosomiasis etc.

Schistosomal antigens

S. japonicum is a multicellular organism, with complex life

history, so it's antigens is complication. Some antigens come from cercaria, some from
schistosomula, some from adult worm and some from egg. The secretions, waste products,
metabolic products and integument shed of worms possess antigenicity. Among these antigens e.g.
SEA can induce immuno-pathological response and some e.g. GST and paramyosin induce
Cag) are useful for
protective immunity, some can be use for diagnosis. Circulating antigens(Cag)
diagnosis, including GAA (gut associated antigens), MAA
MAA(membrane-associated antigens) and
SEA( soluble egg antigens).

Concomitant immunity

"Concomitant immunity" implied that the adult

worms were generating an immune effector mechanism that could really destroy schistosomula but
to which they themselves were resistant. It is considered to be a common immune phenomena in
helminthes infection. In schistosome infection, the mechanism of concomitant immunity is related
" of schistosome.
to "immune evasion
The ways of immune evasion are as follows:
1) Masquerade by the uptake of host antigens

One mechanism of special way is

the ability of schistosomes to disguise themselves by taking host antigens onto their surface. It was

that when adult worms were transferred from the blood vessels of a mouse to a monkey,

they lived perfectly well, whereas worms transferred from the blood vessels of a mouse

to a

monkey that previously had been immunized with mouse red blood cell were killed. Analysis of
this form of

masquerade has shown that various host molecules are taken up by schistosomes;

these include blood group glycolipids, MHC glycoproteins and nonspecific host immunoglobulins.
2) Host molecule mimicry

Schistosomes were capable of synthesizing

antigens that cross- reaction with host molecules.

3) Shedding of schistosome surface antigens

Shedding of schistosomula antigens can


protect from binding specific antibody of host.

4) Resistance due to intrinsic membrane changes

Resistance to immune attack at the

lung stage may be due to intrinsic membrane changes and not the lack of surface antigens
secondary to shedding or host antigen acquisition.
5) Resistance to complement

Freshly transformed skin schistosomula are susceptible to

complement, but they rapidly lose this sensitivity. The reasons may be due to surface change that

no longer allow the activation of the alternate complement pathway.

6) Other mechanisms for escaping immune attack

Other mechanisms may involve the

destruction the antibodies themselves and specific immune suppression in host.

Mechanisms of protective immunity

The information about the mechanisms of

protective immunity related to schistosoma infection come from animal experience, vitro
observation and epidemiolog ical evidences. Specific antibodies e.g. IgG and IgE, complements and
cells e.g. eosinophils and mononuclear phagocytes involved in host protection. Experimental
studies found that CTL
CTL(cytotoxic T lymphocyte) has not the active of killing worm T he main
immune effector mechanism is ADCC
ADCC(antibody- dependent, cell-mediated-cytotoxicity) with
macrophages, plateles, neutrophils and eosinophils.
mula directly.The
The acquired resistance
The acquired resistance in host main attack schisto
The acquired immunity is not complete immunity, some
take place in skin and lungs mainly.The
worms can evade immune attack and develop to be mature. Recent years, epidemiolog ical studies
showed that humans can slowly develop an acquired resistance to reinfection, which immunity
is age-depend
age-depend. The immunity is lower in younger and stronger in older.

History of the patient residing in the endemic or contacting the infected water in the endemic
area, can help to diagnose the infection. Parasitological examination is considered as definitive
diagnosis, and the serodiagnosis methods are useful in the diagnosis of schistosomiasis.
Parasitic diagnosis

In acute cases, eggs can be demonstrated by direct faecal smear

examination. In chronic cases, as the number of eggs excreted in the faeces are scanty and
intermittent, hatching of miracidium is useful in the diagnosis. Kato-katzs method(Katos
cellophane faecal think smear) is frequently used now to quantify the number of eggs passed in the

faeces. Identification of eggs in rectal biopsy is also another procedure for the detection of light and
asymptomatic infection as well as late stage cases.
1) Direct smears

After 35-48 days of infection with cercaria, eggs can be found in the

faece by direct smears, the method is simple , but low sensitivity.

2) Hatching of miracidium
3) Kato-katz's method

as index of viable egg

as quantitative examination, but the sensitivity is low in lightly

4) Microscopical examination of rectal biopsy

the method is a highly sensitive clinical

diagnostic technique, but this invasive procedure is neither simple nor convenient for populationbased surveys


It include Skin test( Interdermal test, IDT), antibody detection and

antigen detection etc.

1) Interdermal test(IDT)

Antigen: adult worm antigen is used for IDT commonly, the

sensitivity is more than 95, false positive rate is about 2. The test can be done 2 weeks after
infection, so it possess the values for early diagnosis(or for new infection) and screening test
2) Antibody detection

In China, different antigens and test systems of antibody

detection have been used, such as COPT,IHA,ELISA and IFA. The sensitivity of these tests is
usually higher than by any current stool examination technique but the specificity is lower. Because
the specific antibodies in sera of infected individual can last more than one year, no current
serological test can distinguish between past and active infection. So determination of specific
antibodies may be used diagnostically only in special situation such as, for example, in people
migrating from non-endemic areas. It can also be used for estimating the prevalence in not
previously treated populations but continued antibody production after cure makes this approach
impractical for monitoring chemotherapy.
Circumoval preciptin test(COPT)
antigens: viable eggs
specimen: sera
sensitivity: 97.3
false positive rate: 3.1

Indirect haemagglutination test

antigens: soluble egg antigen(SEA)

specimen: sera
sensitivity: 92.3-100
false positive: 2

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
antigens: SEA/AWA(adult worm antigen)
specimen: sera
sensitivity: 95-100
false positive rate: 2.5
3) Antigen detection

Unlike antibody detection which can not distinguish between

CAg) may be a
active and past infections, the detection of circulating schistosome antigens(CAg)
promising approach to the diagnosis of a current infection and the evaluation of drug treatment.
methods: dot-ELISA and sandwich ELISA(double-antibody method)
antibodies: monoclonal antibody(McAb)
sensitivity: 84.5(29.0-85.0)
false positive rate: 3.1

(data from Qu Lizhu 1992)

the negative rate a half year after treatment was still 50

It is considered that the methods still need to be improved or modified.

Praziquantel is a antischistosomal agent with high efficacy and low toxicity. A single dose
of 40 mg/kg (50mg/kg) is applied for treating

chronic cases or mass treatment in our country.

WHO recommends a dosage of 60mg/kg in 2 divided doses give with a 4-h interval on the same
day. A total of 120 mg/kg in 4-6 days for treating acute cases. Up to now, no deaths due to the drug
have been reported in more than thousands individuals treated in our country.

aponica is found only in mainland of China, Japan, the Philippians and Indonesia. Japan
has controlled and eliminated schistosomiasis since 1978.


In our country schistosomiasis used to be in 391(381) counties of 12


provinces in the south of China, including Hubei, Hunan, Jangxi, Anhui, Jaingsu, Shanghai,
79 million people resided in
Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Yunnan, Guangxi, and Sichuan.79
endemic areas and 14.8 billion m2 snail-ridden areas. After more than 40-year control,
schistosomiasis has been eliminated in 5 provinces/municipality/autonomous region, including
Shanghai(1985), Guangdong (1985), Fujian, Guangxi, and Zhejiang(1995).

Among 391

endemic counties, of 222 counties have eliminated schistosomiasis, and of 56 controlled

transmission of schistosomiasis.

The current epidemic situation

There are still 113 endemic counties still in China,

including marshy type endemic areas (Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui and Jiangsu) and high

mountains endemic areas (Sichuan and Yunnan). Up to1995, infected individuals was estimated to
be 865084(4.89 prevalence). Therefore, schistosomiasis is still considered to be a public

health problem in China.

Types of endemic areas

There are three types of endemic areas, including Wwater-net

regions of plain (e.g., Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang),

marshy regions (e.g.,

Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, and Anhui), and mountainous and hilly regions (e.g., Sichuan,
Yunnan, Guangdong, Guangxi,and Fujian). In marshy regions including Poyang lake region,
Tongtin lake region and beaches of Yangtze river from Hubei to Jiangsu. There are vast snailinfested areas, which areas is about 82 total snail-infested areas in China.

Epidemic features
1) Main reservoirs of infection

japonica is a zoonoses
zoonoses. Infected livestock are important

reservoirs of infection besides infected persons. Meanwhile 31 species wild mammals e.g. field
mice etc are found to be reservoir hosts. Inmost endemic areas, infected cattle or water buffalloes

are major reservoirs.

2) Way to infection

Contacting infected water containing cercaria is only the way(route)

to acquire the infection. Ways to contacting infested water include three types, contacting for
production e.g. boating and fishing; for life e.g. washing clothes; for playing e.g. bathing.
3) Susceptible population

Humans is a susceptible host of S.japonicum.. In most

endemic areas, both prevalence and intensity increase gradually by age to peak about at 10-20
years of age. But by the beginning the third decade of life, a slight or moderate decrease in
prevalence may be noted; the egg counts are markedly lower

in those above 30 years of age.


The evidence suggested the occurrence of immunity in older population after repeated infection.


Snail(Oncomelania hupensis Gredler, 1881) is the only intermediate host of

S.japonicum, which normally inhabit flooded areas e.g. the banks of irrigation ditches and canals ,
marshes of lakes, and beaches of river etc. Snail has female and male, female lay eggs in Spring.
Baby snail grows under water, and develop to be adult snail in Autumn. The life span of snail is
from one to two years. Snails are infested by miracidia and release cercaria during the periods of
immersion in water. So the transmission season is from April to October in China.

Epidemic factors

The factors related to transmission of schistosomiasis include natural

and social factors. Natural factors

factors: environment, temperature, level of water, nature of soil, and
vegetation etc. Social factors
factors: economic level, sanitary condition, medical care, ways to produce in
local and local costumes etc. So environment modification, development of economy, health

education and national program of schistosomiasis control will impact on the transmission


Control objectives

In China, the objective for schistosomiasis control is to control

morbidity due to schistosomiasis and to interrupt , in some areas, its transmission. The specific
objectives of the technical strategy are to: a) to reduce morbidity in areas of the high endemicity

prevalence); b) to control morbidity in areas of medium endemicity( areas with

prevalence >3 and 15 and c) control morbidity, and transmission

transmission(where appropriate),
in areas of low endemicity( areas with prevalence<3)

Control measures

There are different methods used at different endemic areas.

1) In areas of high endemicity

The methods include mass chemotherapy, limited snail

control by mollusciding with niclosamide, environment modification where appropriate

chemotherapy for livestock and health education are also preformed.
2) In areas of medium endemicity and of low endemicity

The main measures include

selective chemotherapy for human, chemotherapy for livestock, snail control and health education.
3) Individual prevention

For the individual or population traveling to endemic areas due

to schistosomiasis, avoiding contact with infested water bodies is the practical preventive measure.


If you can not avoid exposure to infested water, Artemether( ) and Artesunate( )
which are artemisinin(Qin-hao-su)'s derivatives are recommended to take.

" in our country, and named
Cercarial dermatitis is called "rice-field dermatitis
swimmer's it ch " in USA and Canada, which is caused by secondary exposure of human
skin to cercariae of several birds or domestic animal schistosome species
species. After invading, these

larva of schistosomes only can remain in skin, and cann't develop mature worm. The disease is
prevalent in many parts of both developed and developing worlds, it is considered as a common
disease in some areas.
In our country, cercarial dermatitis is caused by infection of genera Trichobilharzia
and Orientobilharzia.. Trichobilharzia include T.paoi ,, T.jianesis, and

ducks are their definitive host. Eggs with duck's feces enter water, hatch miracidium and then
develop cercaria with in snails. The cercaria is similar to cercaria of human schistosome. When

human skin contact the water containing the cercaria in rice fields or pools, the cercaria can
penetrate the skin and cause cercarial dermatitis.
The clinical symptoms include initial tingling sensation, erythema, maculopapular rash
, vesicles, and edema. The pathological changes usually appear the skins of hands, or feet,
which parts of body contact infested water frequently. The pathogenesis belong to immediate
hypersensitivity, and delay hypersensitivity.
Cercarial dermatitis is prevalent in Jiling, Liaoling, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Fujian, Guangdong
,Hunan, Sichuan etc. Infected cattle and ducks are major reservoirs
reservoirs. Contact the water-body

containing the cercariaeis common way to ac quire infection. The transmission seasons are
usually from May to July in Liaoling, or from March to Oct. in Sichuan.
Treatment of cercarial dermatitis is symptomatic, and avoiding exposure to contaminated
waters is the only effective control measure.

Section IV


Tapeworms(Cestodes) belong to Class Cestoda , and live by parasitizing life. The
cestodes parasitizing humans constitute a very disparate group of parasites. Taxonomically they
belong to two distinct orders, Cyclophyllidea
Cyclophyllidea and Pseudophyllidea
Pseudophyllidea , with
essential differences in their morphology and life cycles.

The cestodes are long, segmented and a tape-like worms. They differ trematodes in may ways.

Adult worm

Adult worm is flat, long, white or milk white in color. It consists of scolex

, n eck, and strobilus

. Strobilus is a specific structure of tapeworm, consisting of
a linear series of sets of reproductive organs of both sexes; each set is referred to as a proglottid or
proglottos . Most tapeworms bear a "head", or scolex, at the anterior end that may be
equipped with a variety of holdfast organs to maintain the position of the host in the gut. The scolex
may be provided with suc kers , grooves , hooks , spines, glands, or
combinations of these.
The scolex of Cyclophyllidea is like ball, in which there are four circular-suckers
with rostellum. The scolex of Pseudophyllidea is shuttle-like, its holdfast organs
are two grooves named bothrium.
Commonly, between the scolex and the strobila lies a relatively differentiated zone called neck,
which may be long or short. At contains germinal cells that apparently are responsible for giving
rise to new proglottids.
Tapeworms are hermaphrodite/ monoecious with the exception of a few rare
species. Usually each proglottid has one complete set of both male and female systems. The
proglottid nearby neck is called young proglottid, which reproductive systems is immature. As a
proglottid moves toward the posterior end of the strobila, the reproductive systems mature, which
one is called mature proglottid . As it becomes crowded with eggs, this is gravid

Tegument of adult worm

Tapeworms lack any trace of a digestive tract and therefore must

absorb all required substances through their external covering, which tissue was preferred the term


"tegument". Tegumental structure is generally similar in all cestodes, and is covered by minute
projections called "microtriches" that are underlaidby the tegumental distal cytoplasm. The
microtriches are similar in some respects to the mic rovilli found on gut mucosal cells and
other vertebrate and invertebrate transport epithelia , and they completely cover the
worm's surface, including the sucker.

Calcareous corpuscles

The tissues of most cestodes contain curious

structures termed calcareous corpuscles, they are secreted in the cytoplasm of differentiated
calcareous corpuscle cells, which are themselves destroyed in the process. The corpuscles are from
12 to 32 um in diameter, depending on the species, and consist of inorganic components,
principally compounds of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and carbon dioxide embeded in an
organic matrix. The possible function of the calcareous corpuscles
corpuscles has been the





Fibrous zone

Muscle bundles

Dense bodies
Golgi body


Nucleu s
Mitochondri a

Perinuclear cytoplasm

F ig --1

Diagram of the tegument of . Echinococcus granulosus[ from Moeseth, 1967]

subject of much speculation. For example, mobilization of the inorganic compounds might buffer
the tissues of the worm against the large amounts of organic acids produced in its energy
metabolism. Another suggestion has been that they might provide depots of ions or carbon dioxide
for use when such substances are present in insufficient quantity in the environment, such as upon
initial establishment in the host gut.

Reproductive systems

Tapeworms are hermaphroditic . Usually each


proglottid has one complete set of both male and female systems, but some genera have two sets of
each system.
The male organs mature first and produce sperm that are stored until maturation of the ovary.
The male reproductive system consists of one to many testes
estes,, vas efferens
seminal vesicle, deferens cirrus pouch, and cirrus etc. The female
reproductive system consists of an ovary
ovary and associated structures, including vitelline
follicles, vitelline duct, uterus, seminal receptacle and


complete their life cycle in two or their different hosts(exception:

Hymenolopis nana complete the life cycle in a single host only). Adult worms live
in the intestine of vertebrates, and the life cycle need one or two intermediate hosts. It is called as
metacestode"( ) when larva tapeworm live in intermediate hosts. Among the life histories
that are known, much variety exists in the juvenile forms and details of development, but there
seems to be a single basic theme:(1) embryogenesis within the egg to result in a larva,
the oncosphere(
oncosphere());(2)hatching of the oncosphere after or before being eaten by the next host,
where it penetrates to a parenteral(extraintestinal) site;(3)metamorphosis of the larva in the
parenteral site into a juvenile(metacestode
metacestode) usually with a scolex;(4)development of the adult from
the metacestode in the intestine of the same or another host.

The development stages of Pseudophyllidea include egg, coracidium ,

procercoid( in first intermediate host such as freshwater insects), plerocercoid /
sparganum( in second intermediate host such as fish ), adult worm (in the intestine of
definitive host)
The development stages of Cyclophyllidea: egg, oncosphere
oncosphere(in intermediatehost), bladder
/hydatid cyst
cyst containing proto-scolex
and alveolar hydatid cyst/multilocular hydatid cyst in the tissues,
adult worm in definitive host.



Adult worm

The majority of tapeworms cause intestinal infection, the pathological

changes are related to the physical stimulation of the sucker in the holdfast and chemical damages
of worm's secretions. The clinical symptoms due to adult worm are not serious, abdominal
discomfort, diarrhea, nausea and weakness are common symptoms.

Competing with the host for nutrients, such as vitamin B12(e.g., Diphyllobothrium

latum ).

Causing mechanical obstruction or migration to the unusual sites(e.g., Taenia species



Evoking local inflammatory reactions(e.g., Taenia solium ).


Tapeworm larvae can invade almost any internal organ in a human being, and

may cause serious pathological damages. Bladder worms or plerocercoids migrate in

subcutaneous tissue and develop cysts. If invading eye or brain, the infection will have serious
consequences. Hydatid cyst parasitize in liver, or lungs. If the cyst is broken, the content
of the cyst will cause hypersensitivity or shock. This is one of the major cause of death due to
tapeworm infection.

Tapeworm infections in human are relatively restricted in their distribution in comparison to
the infections caused by flukes. Tapeworm infections are acquired either by ingestion of the eggs or
of the larval stages, present in the meat etc. Reinfection with the larvae is rare but common with
adult worms.

Intestinal infection with adult worms are usually diagnosed by demonstration of the eggs and
sometimes the segments in the faeces. Stool microscopy is not useful for extra- intestinal infection
caused by the larvae. They are best diagnosed by radio-imaging procedures, biopsy and serology.


Avoidance of eating raw or inadequately cooked food, meat, or of ingestion of contaminated

water will prevent transmission of the infection to man. Thorough cooking of various food as well
as health education are essential to control the infection.



Spirometra mansoni (),

Diphyllobothrium latum()


Taenia solium()
Taenia saginata()
Echinococcus granulosus ()
Echinococcus multilocularis ()
Hymenolepis nana()
Hymenolepis diminuta()

T. solium called the pork tapeworm can cause the infection of T.solium taeniasis
, and its cysticercus cause human cysticercosis. The life cycle of the
parasite was first described by Kuchemeister(1855) and Leukart(1856). He demonstrated that the
larval stage(Cysticercus cellulosae ) of the parasite present in the muscles of the pig is infective to
man. It is the only cestode for which man acts as both the definitive host(harbouring the adult worm)
and the intermediate host(harbouring the larva of the parasite).

Adult worm measures 2 to 4 meters in length and has a scolex, neck and segments. Differences
between the adult worms of T.solium and T.saginata are described in the below Table.
1) Scolex

Typically, it is provided with hooklets , hence characteristically known as

armed tape worm. Scolex is round, measures 0.6-1 mm in diameter and has four suckers and is
armed with a rostellum. The latter consists of two small and large hooks(25-50 hooks).
2) Neck

The neck is short and 5-10 mm long and about one-half as thick as head.

The strobila

3) Proglottid

consists of 700-1000 segments or proglottids

(immature, mature and gravid). The immature segments are broader than long while the gravid
proglottids are longer than the broad. The gravid segments look grayish-black and transparent when
fully developed. The uterus has 7-13 lateral branches and is completely filled with 40000 eggs.
4) Egg

The are brown colored, round shaped and measure 31-43 m in diameter. It are

provided with a two layered shell. The outer shell is thin, transparent and does not always remain
with the eggs. The inner embryophore is a thick, brown, roughly structured wall which
surrounds the embryo.

F ig --1 Scolex, mature and gravid proglottids of T .solium

5) Cysticercus cellulosae

F ig --2 The egg of T . solium

Cysticercus cellulosae is the larval stage of

T.solium . Cysticerci are small, oval and milky white bladder-like structure. They are filled with a
fluid rich in albumin and salts. It shows a small white spot representing the future head invaginated
into the bladder. This stage is found both in human and pigs, and is the infective stage of
the parasite.

Definitive host: Man
Intermediate host: Pig, at time man
Humans is the definitive host as well as intermediate host of T.solium. Adult worm live in the
intestine, and fix the wall by its scolex. The gravid proglottids become detached from the
strobila , usually in groups of three to five, and are excreted passively in the human feces.
The eggs are scattered from the proglottids which are damaged or macerated. The T. solium


can survive in the environment for several months. Pigs are infected after ingestion of the proglottid
or eggs present in an environment contaminated by humans.




human, develops
Cysticercus ingested

into cysticercus in


muscle or brain



into adult worm in

Egg passed in feces

intestine of human

Egg eaten by



cysticercus in

F ig --3

Life cycle of Taenia solium

The oncosphere leaves the embryophore in the pig intestine and migrates to the
tissue; the bladder larva cysticercus develops mainly in the muscle tissue and the myocardium but
often also in the brain and liver. The cysticerci become fully grown and invasive for humans 2
months after ingestion of the eggs.
A human acquires taeniasis ingesting T. solium cysticerci in raw pork. In the human small
intestine the scolex attaches itself to the mucosa and within 2 months develops into an adult
tapeworm producing eggs. It is reported that T. solium can live more than 25 years in humans.


If humans swallow eggs or gravid proglottids, the oncosphere can develops bladder worm like
in pig. But it cann't continue to develop adult worm.


Both adult and larvae( Cysticercus cellulosae ) are pathogenic.

The adult worm

The adult worm occasionally may cause mild irritation or inflammation

of the intestinal mucosa by their armed scolex. The clinical manifestation of intestinal T.solium
taeniasis is relatively mild. Vague abdominal discomfort, hunger pangs, and chronic indigestion
have been reported but are undoubtedly seen more often in patients who are aware of their parasitic
infection than in those who are not. Moderate eosinophilia frequently occurs.

The larvae or Cysticercus cellulosae

The Cysticercus cellulosae frequently cause a

serious diseases known as Cysticercosis in man. The number of bladder worms parasitizing in
humans range from 1 to thousands. Virtually every organ and tissue of the body may harbor bladder
worms. Most commonly they are found in the subcutaneous ,connective tissues; followed site is the
eyes, brain, muscles, heart, liver, lungs, and coelom. A fibrous capsule of host origin surrounds the
larvae. The seriousness of the disease depends upon:
a) The sites of location of cysticerci , and
b) Numbers of cysticerci .
Cysticerci can develop in any other organ and issue of man, but are commonly present in the
following sites:

Muscle, subcutaneous tissue and viscera are affected in disseminated cysticercosis.

The viable cysticerci evoke a moderate tissue reaction while the dead cysticerci evoke a strong
inflammatory reaction in the tissues.

Eye is affected in ophthalm ic cysticercosis. The cysticerci are often present in

the subcutaneous tissue, vitreous humour, anterior chamber of the eye, and

Brain and spinal cord of the central nervous system are involved in neurocysticercosis.

Cystic lesions are usually 2 cm in diameter and found chiefly in the meninges, cerebrum
, ventricles and subarachnoid spac e, at the base and ventricles of the brain.
Subcutaneous or muscular cysticercosis is usually asymptomatic. The presence of a large
number of cysticerci in the muscles and subcutaneous tissues may cause muscle pain, cramp and

Neurocysticercosis is the most serious clinical manifestation of the condition.
The human brain can be invaded by one, by several, or even by more than two thousand cysticerci.
Some cases have not any symptoms, but some may die suddenly. Usually its process is slow, the
incubation period range from one month to one year, but can last 30 years in a few cases. The
symptomatogy of cerebral cysticercosis is characterized by three basic syndromes: convulsions
, intracrnial hypertension, and psychiatric disorder, occurring separately or in combination. The
prognosis of cerebral cysticercosis is highly variable and unpredictable.
Ocular cysticercosis may cause irreparable damage to the retina, iris, uvea, or
choroids. This disease constitute about one-fifth of human neurocysticercosis cases. Host reactions
to cysticerci vary from slight to severe inflammation with complication such as chorioretinitis
, and iridocyclitis .

Intestinal taeniasis

It depends on the demonstration of gravid segments and eggs in the

faeces and perianal scrapings by microscopy.

a) Questioning the history of eating raw pork;
b) Tool examination for finding eggs;
c) Recovery of gravid proglottids and count of the main lateral arms of the uterus;
d) Evacuation of the scolex following medication.


The laboratory diagnosis includes the following:

a) Radio diagnosis: In subcutaneous cysticercosis, plain X-ray of the soft tissues may show
oval or elongated cysts if they are calcified. X-ray of the skull may demonstrate cerebral
calcification and reveal intracranial( ) cysticercosis in the neurocysticercosis. CT and
MRI(magnetic resonance imaging) are very useful in the diagnosis of neurocysticercosis. They
detect both calcified and non-calcified cysts and also show intracranial cysts.
b) Biopsy: the easiest type to diagnose by biopsy is subcutaneous cysticercosis.

c) Serological diagnosis: At present, serological examination is considered to be useful for

diagnosis. These methods include IHA, ELISA, and Dot-ELISA for detecting specific

The T. solium infection is prevalent in Europe, Central and South America, Central and South
Africa, and Southeast Asia. In our country, the cases were found from 27 provinces, major endemic
areas are located in Yuan, Helongjiang, Jiling, Shandong, Henan, and Hebei etc. In serious endemic
villages with high prevalence of T.solium infection there are high prevalence of cysticercosis in pigs
and humans.It was reported that among 1978 the patients, 83.8% case is adult persons aged from 20
to 39 years old. In some areas they are more prevalent in malesand in others more in females,
depending on the eating habits.
The prevalence of T.solium infection varies greatly according to the regional level of sanitation,
the pig husbandry pattern, and the eating habits.
Man is the usual definitive host, and pigs is a major intermediate host.
The way to

acquire the infection of T. solium is eating raw pork containing bladder worm(s).

The way to acquire the cysticercosis is due to ingestion or swallow the eggs, which include three
ways:(1) persons who are infected worms may contaminated their households or food with eggs that
are accidentally eaten by themselves, called auto-infection
auto-infection; (2) possible, a gravid
proglottid may migrate from the lower intestine to the stomach or duodenum, or it may be carried
there by reverse peristalsis, called internal-auto infection; (3) ingestion of the eggs
in contaminated food or water, called hetero-infection
hetero-infection.. It was reported that 16-25%
cases of T.solium infection was the patients of cysticercosis; meanwhile, 55.6% cases of
cysticercosis was the patients of taeniasis.


Praziquantel is effective for the treatment of intestinal taeniasis caused by T.solium. Surgery is
indicated for cysticercosis of the brain and eye. Praziquantel is usually given to reduce the
inflammatory reactions caused by the dead cysticerci.
The measures to prevent and control T.solium taeniasis include:
a) Avoidance of eating raw or insufficiently cooked pork;

b) Inspection of pork for the cysticerci;

c) Changing pig hushandry methods and avoiding human fecal contamination;

d) Treatment of infected persons.

The cysticercosis canbe prevented by
a) Early detection and chemotherapy by taeniacides , such as praziquental;
b) Avoidance of food contaminated with eggs of T.solium and Changing the habits of
eating raw or uncooked pork;
c) Improvement of personal hygiene.



T. saginata, called the beef tapeworm, is similar to T.solium in life cycle and morphology.
It only cause T.saginata. Taeniasis in human, but can not cause human cysticercosis.

The morpholog ical differences between T.saginata and T.solium are presented in table

Table --1 Morphological differences between T. solium and T. Saginata



Entire body



Maximal breadth(mm)

















Mature proglottids
Ovary(number of lobes)


Vaginal sphincter





Gravid proglottids
Uterus(numbber of branches
each side)

F ig --1 Scolex, mature and gravid proglottids of T.sagin

A human being is the only definitive host of T.saginata, which live in the intestine. With

T.saginata infection, about 6 gravid proglottids, each containing 80,000 to 100,000 eggs, pass daily
through the anus. The eggs can survive for several months or years. The eggs develop further when
ingested by cattle, a intermediate host. The oncosphere leave its embryophore in the
cow's intestine and migrates to the muscles, where within 60-70 days the next larval stage-the
cysticerus-develops. The cysticercus is an oval bladder, filled with fluid and containing the
invaginated scolex of the tapeworm. It can survive in the muscle of the cattle for 1 to 3 years and
can infect humans when ingested with raw meat. The quadrangular scolex of the T.saginata then
attaches itself to the jejunal mucosa, and within 3 to 3.5 months a fully grown tapeworm is


No significant pathological phenomena usually occur. Eosinophils may be moderately or,
occasionally, markedly increased; this may be followed by a slight neutropenia
Many cases of the infection are asymptomatic. Verminious in toxication, caused by


absorption of the worm's excretory products, is common, with the characteristic symptoms of
dizziness, abdominal pain, headache, localized sensitivity to touch, and nausea. Neither
diarrhea nor intestinal obstruction is uncommon. There may be in creased or loss of appetite,
weakness or weight loss.

Question the history of passing proglottids. Usually, the gravid proglottid passed in the
feces is first noticed and taken to a physician for diagnosis.
Stool examination for the egg.
Recovery the scolex and gravid proglottid after treatment.

T.saginata is a world distribution. It is especially prevalent in countries or localities where
raw beef is a common article of diet. In our country, endemic areas have been reported from
Xinjiang, Neimeng,Xizang, Yunan,Ningxia, Sichuan etc.
Human infection is acquired from eating raw beef containing the viable bladder
worm(cysticercus larvae).


The main measures is as fellows:
a) Chemotherapy with areca nut plus pumkin seed or praziquantel;
b) Restriction of cattle from grazing on contaminatedland;
c) Inspection of beef for cysterci;
d) Changing the habit of eating raw beef. by health education.

The adult worm of Echinococcus granulosus live in the intestine of carnivores


, and the larval stages parasitize in various mammalian intermediate hosts. The larval or
metacestode forms are referred to as hydatid cysts and the diseases caused by them as
hydatidosis or hydatid disease
disease / . Adult worm was described by
Hartmann(1695) in the intestine of the dog. The larval form(hydatid cyst) subsequently was
described by Goeze(1982).

Adult worm

It is a mall tape worm and measures 2-7 mm in length; having a pyriform

scolex provided with 4 suckers and armed with 28-48 hooklets;an attenuate neck;
usually only 1 immature proglottid, only 1 mature proglottid, and only 1 gravid proglottid. The
morphology of mature proglottid and egg are similar to that of Taenia.

It is indistinguishable from those of Taenia species.


Hydatid cyst with two layers, an outer and an inner layer, is fluid-filled and

typically unilocular. The outer layer of the cystic friable, laminated, milky-opaque, nonnucleated layer; the inner layer is called germinal layer, which canbud many protoscoles
, brood capsules and daughter cysts. The daughter cyst can also develop from
protoscolex or brood capsule. Gradually the protoscoles, brood capsules, and daughters break
down from the inner layer to hydatid fluid, which fluid is called as "hydatid sand

F ig --1 Hydatid cyst of E.granulosus

The adult E.granulosus lives in the intestine of dogs and other canine hosts. Its intermediate
hosts include sheep, cattle, and humans etc. Sheep is the optimum intermediate host, man is an

accidental host.
Ovoid eggs containing single, fully differentiated oncosphere are shed with the feces of
infected definitive host. When the eggs are ingested by a suitable intermediate host, digestive
processes and other factors in the host's gut cause hatching and release of activatedoncospheres.
After penetration of the intestinal mucosa, oncospheres enter venous and lymphatic and are
distributed passively to other anatomic sites. Most larvae develop in the liver, but some may
reach the lungs, and a few develop in the kidney, spleen, central nervous system, or other
organs. After 3 months, oncospheres develop hydatid cysts. If definitive hosts such as dogs eat
the meat containing hydatid cysts, each protoscolex develop an adult worm in the intestine.

F ig -- 2 Life cycle of

(from Parasite image library of CDC, USA)


Hydatid cyst, the larval form of the parasite, primarily is responsible for the pathogenesis
of the diseases in man. In human the most frequently reported site of hydatid cysts is the liver,
followed by the lungs, and less frequently, the spleen, kidneys, heart, bones, central nervous
system and elsewhere. The slowly enlarging E.granulosus cyst is well tolerated by human hosts

until it becomes large enough to cause pain or dysfunction.

The damage produced by the hydatid cysts in human body is both mechanical and toxic.
1) Physical burden or pressure causedby tremendous size of the cyst;
2) Toxicosis due to the resection of the worm;
3) Serious allergic reaction due to rupture of the cyst.
The condition remains asymptomatic through out the life in a majority of the cases. It is
detected only at autopsy or when the cyst ruptures giving rise to anaphylactic reactions. The clinical
manifestation of hydatid disease depend on the size, location and number of hydatid cysts.
Occasionally, due to high intracystic pressure, the cyst may rupture. A ruptured hydatid
cyst presents two risks:
1) First, it sets free an unusually large volume of hydatid fluid, which when partially absorbed
in the circulation, bronchi, peritoneum or pleura, produce a sudden anaphylactic shock
which may be fatal.
2) Secondly, this results in the formation of new secondary hydatid cysts in various parts of the
body due to dissemination of scolices by the circulation.

Because the clinical feature of the disease is not characteristic, laboratory diagnosis is
important for the diagnosis of the hydatid disease. Of course, questioning the history of contacting

with dog and sheep at endemic areas may be suggestive of the disease.
a) Parasitological examination for finding the scolices, broodcapsules or daughter cysts
etc in the cystic aspirated from a surgically removed cyst. Diagnostic aspiration of intact cysts
is not recommended because of the danger of anaphylactic reactions due to rupture or spillage
of the cyst or its products.
b) X-ray, CT, and B ultrasound examination are frequently helpful.
c) Serological examination for detecting antibodies or Cag play on important role in
establishing the diagnosis of hydatid disease. These methods include ELISA, DotELISA,IHA,IFA and LAT etc.


The distribution of this species is coincident with that of the reservoir intermediate hosts,
especially sheep. In our country, hydatid disease is prevalent in Northwest parts of China, such
as Xinjing,Qinhai, Gansu, Ningxia, Xizang and Neimeng etc. It is still serious parasitic disease.
The dog is the common definitive host and the chief reservoir of infection; the common
intermediate hosts are sheep, cattle, pigs and occasionally man.
Human infection results from ingestion of the eggs, such eggs reach the mouth of man by
hands, food, drink or containers contaminatedwith feces of infected dogs.


Surgery still remains the mainstay of the treatment of hydatid disease. Surgical removal of the
cysts is indicated for:
a) The cysts located in the operable sites such as the liver, lung, etc., and
b) The cysts which may enlarge and likely to interfere with functioning of the vital organs.
Albendazole,mebendazole and praziquantel have proved to be efficacious against hydatid
cysts both in amn and animal. The preventive and control measures for hydatid disease include:
a) Regular treatment of infected dogs to reduce worm load.
b) Elimination of infected dogs.
c) Prevention of dogs from eating infected offals of domestic animals(sheep, etc) in
he endemic areas.

d) Health education and strict personal hygiene.

e) Avoidance of unnecessary contact with infected dogs.

The nematode belong to the Class Nematoda, which is larger population of invertebrates. It is


estimated there are about 10 thousand species of the nematode. Most nematodes live in fresh-water,
or sea-water, or soil freely( free living, e.g, Caenorhabditis elegans ), a few are
parasitic. Parasitic nematodes that infect humans have about 10 species, including Ascaris

lumbricoides , hookworm, filarial and Trichinella spiralis .

Structure of the adult

Nematodes are generally elongate, cylindrical, and tapered at both

ends. The basic body design is a tube within a tube, the outer tube being the body wall and
underlying muscles, and the inner tube the digestive tract. Between the tubes is the fluid-fille d
pseudocoelom( )in which the reproductive system and other structures are found. Sexual
dimorphism(dioecious, ) is evident: at the curved, posterior end of the male are a
copulatory organ and other specialized organs, male are also usually smaller than
Parasitic nematodes vary widely in size according to species. Nematodes are colorless and
vary from translucent( ) to opaque( ) when examined alive. It is not uncommon
for some to absorb colored matter from surrounding host tissues or fluids.

Structure of egg

Eggs of parasitic nematodes ordinarily consist of three layers enclosing

an embryo ()that may range from a few blastomeres to a completely formed larva.
Immediately following sperm penetration, the oocyte secretes a fertilization membrane, which
gradually thickens to form the chitinous shell/chitinous layer( ). The inner membrane, the
lipid layer/ascaroside(), is formed by the zygote.
A) Embryo member: consist of lipid protein;
B) Chitonous layer : consist of chitonous and protein, and process the function of
resisting the mechanic pression;

Lipid layer/ascaroside: consist of lipid protein and ascaroside, and

process the function of


The basic process of development include egg, larva and adult.
Eggs of parasitic nematodes may hatch either within the host or in the external environment.

Under the suitable stimuli conditions, the hatching of some nematodes eggs ,e.g. hookworm eggs,
can occur in the external environment, and a first-stage larva usually emerges. The process is
controlled partly by the maturity of the larva and partly by ambient factors such as temperature,
moisture, and oxygen tension. The eggs of nematodes hatch only after ingestion by a host may be
related to carbon dioxide tension, salts, pH, or temperature. These conditions stimulate the enclosed
larva to secrete enzy mes that partially digest the enveloping membranes, such as Ascaris. A few
nematodes lay larva directly in host, which larva should parasitize in intermediate host for
developing to infestive-stage larva, e.g. filarial.
Nematodes undergo four molts, the sequence of events is controlled by exsheathing fliud(
) secreted by the larva. This fluid digests the cuticle at specific sites on the inner surface, causing
it to loosen. The larvas ability to form a new cuticle in the hypodermis before shedding the old one
allows the nematode to develop continuously between molts; however, growth occurs most
rapidly just after molting. Larval stages in the life cycle of parasitic nematodes are generally
referred to as first, second, third, and fourth-stage.(L1-L4), named Rhabditiforum larva()
filariform larv a or mic rofilar ia The first stage larva of parasitic nematodes such
as hookworms are called rhabditiform larvae. After molting twice, the rhabditiform larvae of
hookworms become third stage or filariform larvae. The prelarvae or advanced embryos of filarial
nematodes such as Wuchereria bancrofti are known as microfilariae. This larva,
generally found in circulating blood.
The adult worm of nematodes parasitize in digestive tract such as intestinal or blood and tissue
of the host. The worms that reside in intestinal are called intestinal nematodes, the worms reside in
blood or tissue are called blood and tissue nematodes.
Some parasitic nematodes have simple life cycle, consisting of egg, larva, and adult worm,
these nematodes are considered as direct development type of nematodes or soil-transmission
nematodes, such as hookworm. Some parasitic nematodes need intermediate host to
complete the life cycle, these nematodes are called vector-transmission nematodes or bio-source
nematodes, such as filaria.



Parasitic nematodes derive much of their energy from the metabolism of


glycogen. Most larva of nematodes derive their energy from the metabolism of lipid.


Parasitic nematodes cause the damage to humans by mechanical disruption

and toxicity. The damage related with species of nematodes, worm burden, development stage,
parasitic site, and physiological condition or immunological response of host. Penetrating and
migrating of infective stage larva can cause dermatitis or local inflammatory response. The adult
worm cause the pathological changes, which related with the parasitic site, these changes may
include erosion,bleeding, inflammatory and proliferation of tissue.


Common human parasitic nematodes belong to Class Nematoda, including Ascris

lumbricoides( ), Enterobius vermicularis ( ) Trichuris

trichura ( ) Ancylostoma duodenale( ) Necator
americanus ()Wuchereria bancrofti()Brugia malayi(
)Trichinella spirialis ()

II Ascaris lumbricoides
Ascaris lumbricoides is one of most common human parasites, which adult worm parasitize in
the intestinal tract of human, and cause Ascariasis.

In Ascris lumbricoides , known as the large intestinal round-worm of humans, females may
attain a length of 40 cm while male worms may reach 20 35 cm. In both sexes, the mouth is
surrounded by one dorsal and two ventrolateral lips. The posterior end of the female is straight
while that of the male curves ventrally. The females is a prodigious egg producer, depositing about
200,000 eggs daily; the uterus may contain up to 27 million eggs at a time.
The fertilized egg measures 4575 3550m, there are three layers in the shell and one
embryo cell in the egg. Some time the protein membrane( ) may be found outside of egg
shell. The shell is relatively thin, hyaline and transparent. The embryonated eggs are infective to
human. Unfertilized egg measures 8894 3944m, there is no ascaroside in the shell and


embryo cell in unfertilized egg.

F ig --1 The fertilized egg and unfertilized egg of . Ascris lumbricoides

The life cycle of Ascris consist of two parts, one is eggs development in the soil, another adult
worms inhabit humans body.
Adult worms inhabit the lumen of the small intestine and draw nourishment from the
semidigested food of the host. Copulation occurs at this site, and eggs are passed with host feces.
The outer, albuminous coat of the fertilized egg is golden brown due to bile pigment adsorbed from
feces. Among the oval, fertilized eggs are found numerous unfertilized eggs, identifiable by their
elongated shape and the absence of albuminous coat. When fertilized eggs are deposited, the zygote
is uncleved, and it remains in this state until the egg reach soil. Eggs deposited in soil are resistance
to desiccation but are very sensitive to environmental temperature at this stage of development. The
zygote within the eggshell develops at a soil temperature of about 2130. Development ceases
at temperatures below 15.5,and eggs cannot survive at temperatures more than slightly above 38
After 2-4weeks in moist soil at optimal temperatures and oxygen levels, the embryo molts at
least once in the shell and develops to an infective secound-stage larva. Eggs containing infective
larvae may remain viable in the soil for two years or longer.
After being ingested by a human, eggs containing infective larvae hatch in the duodenum. The
larvae actively burrow into the mucosal burrow into the mucosal lining, enter the circulatory system,
and are carried via the portal circulation to the liver, through the right side of the heart, and to lungs
by the pulmonary artery. This migration requires approximately one week. The larvae remain in the

lungs for several days, molting twice, and eventually rupture from the pulmonary capillaries to enter
the alveoli. From there, the four-stage larva move up the respiratory tree and trachea to the
epiglottis to be coughed up, swallowed, and passed again to the small intestine. During this complex
migratory process, individual worms grow from 200-300m in the small intestine is essential to
the worms survival, and those worms that undergo this molt develop to sexual maturity. The
interval from the ingestion of infective eggs to the appearance of sexually mature worms in the
small intestine is about 6075 days.

F ig --2 Life cycle of Ascaria lumbricoides (from Parasite image library of CDC, USA)


Both adult worms and larva can cause pathological changes of humans by mechanical
disruption and toxicity.

Migrating larva

Minute hemorrhages occur at the penetration sites of the larvae through

the intestinal wall and into the alveoli of the lungs. During the passage through the liver and lungs,
the larvae may be immobilized, covered with eosinophile, enveloped in eosinophilic granulomas.

Especially in lungs, the pathological changes may be more significant. Larvae from large numbers
of infective eggs, or repeated ingestion of eggs, produce pathologic changes in the lungs
characterized by a lobular pneumonitis.
Local reactions are usually accompanied by general hypersensitivity reactions such as
bronchial asthma, transient eosinophilic pulmonary infiltrates(
,Loeffers syndrome). Angioneurotic edema, and urticaria

Adult worm

The adult worms can cause no pathology in the small intestine. If, however,

they are present in sufficient numbers, they can cause below damage to humans.
1) Intaking nutrients and negatively affect the absorption

Because adult worms of

Ascaris not only take food from the digested food in the intestine of host but also produce the
metabolic toxicity, the presence interferes with the digestion and absorption protein, fat,
carbohydrate vitamin(A,B,C), and cause the poor nutritional status, especially in children with
lower nutritional intake.
Clinical symptoms include anepithymianausea vomiting
vague abdominal pains
2) Allergy

The Ascaris allergen is one of the most potent allergens of parasitic origin. An

increase in circulating IgE globulins in response to Ascaris infection is common, but only a small
number of IgE globulines have antibodies specific for Ascaris. Exposure to Ascaris allergen may
cause hypersensitivity reactions in lungs, skin,conjunctiva, and intestinal mucosa. The most
common skin change is urticaria(),itchand Angioneurotic edema
3) Complication of Ascariasis

The adult Ascaris worm is a relatively common cause of

severe complications due to its characteristically large size and aggregating and/or migratory
activities. The migratration of adult Ascaris may be promoted by some drugs, including some
antihelminthics and those used for anesthesia, but also by fever and peppery food.
Large numbers of adult worms sometimes cause mechanical blockage of the intestine, which
produces partial or complete obstruction. The usual site of obstruction is the ileocecal region. The
symptoms usually start suddenly with vomiting and colicky, recurring abdominal pain; intestinal
perforation are less common. Among the most common signs are abdominal distension and

tenderness, abnormal abdominal sounds and X-ray evidence of intestinal obstruction.

Ascaris worms can invade the bile duct, pancreatic duct, appendix etc, and cause

biliary or

hepatic, pancreatic, and appendix ascariasis or ascariasis granulomas, which occurs most frequently
in children. Among the most common complication is biliary ascariasis. The symptoms usually
include right upper abdominal pain, which is characterized by a sudden onset, and a very strong
intensity. Vomiting with bile-stained gastric contents frequently coexists with the pain. A typical
sign is pain at the pressure point just below the xiphoid process . Serious case may occur
biliary necrosis or perforation.

Diagnosis is made by identification of eggs in feces. Because egg production per female is
fairly constant, egg counts can provide reasonably accurate estimates of the number of adult worms
present, provided uniform samples are used.

Distribution of A.lumbricoides is worldwide, but it is most prevalent in the areas with warmer
climates, moister and poor sanitation. The infection in the population of rural areas is higher of c ity,
children higher adult.
According to the data of the nationwide survey of human parasites conducted in 1988-1992, A.

lumbricoides has a wide-spread distribution in China, extending across from south to north, the
different temperature zones as tropical, subtropical, warm-temperate ,meso-temperate,and frigid
zones as well as the special temperature zone of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. The infection rate was
46.9%. An estimated 531 million people are infected, making it the most common nematode
parasitizing humans.
The patients who passing fertilized eggs are the infective source. The fertilized egg can
develop to infective-stage eggs in soil without intermediate host. Because per female of Ascria
produces large number of eggs and the eggs process the strong ability to resist environmental
conditions, humans are easy to expose to the eggs. This is main reason why the infection of Ascria is
one of the most common parasitic diseases.
It are common ways to contaminate soil, and vegetables that human feces is used as fertilizer or

children excrete feces freely. Hand to mouth is common transmission w ay.

Of course, the prevalence of Ascria is considered to be very closed relation with the socialeconomic condition, a mode of production, education level and sanitation etc.


For treatment of individuals in whom adult worms have been vein the intestine but who do not
require hospitalization, a single dose of pyrantel pamoate() and Mebendazole
are highly effective. The case with complication should be sent to hospital.
The preventive and control measures include:
a) Treatment of infected children and other members of the family. For optimal effectivness,
such a program should be combined with treatment of the population with broad-spectrum
antihelmintics two or three times annually.
b) Improved personal hygiene and cleanliness such as cutting the nails short, washing the
hands before eating, washing the bed linens and night dress daily, and
c) Avoidance of putting the fingers in the mouth.


Trichuris trichiura//
Trichuris trichura , called whipworm also, is one of most common human parasites. Human

infection with T.trichiura cause Trichuriasis. The condition is an intestinal infection caused by
invasion of the mucosa of the colon by the adult worm. T.trichiura was first described Linnaeus in
the year 1771.

Adult worm

Adult worms characteristically are whip-shaped, the anterior three-fifth being

long, thin and hair-like and the posterior one-to-two fifth being short, thick and stout. Males are
slightly smaller than females, the latter measuring 3550 mm in length. In both sexes, a capillarylike esophagus extends two-thirds of the body length and is encircled along much of its length by a
series of unicellular glands. The cells can excrete some enzymes


which possess antigenicity.

The egg is typically barrel-shaped( ) with two polar plugs. These are


yellowish brown and double shelled. The eggs measure 50542223m . The eggs contain an
unsegmented ovum each, when passed in the faeces. These freshly passed eggs are not infective to

F ig -- 1 Ovum of Trichuris trichiura

(from Parasite image library of CDC, USA)


The life cycle of T.trichiura

is simple, complete in a single host, the man. The change of host

is needed for the continuation of species.

Adult whipworms occur primarily in the human hosts colon but also inhabit the appendix and
rectum. The female deposits up to 1000 7000 eggs daily; after passing to the exterior in feces,
the eggs develop slowly in warm, damp/moist soil. An unhatched, infective, third-stage larva
develops in three to five weeks. New human hosts become infected when these embryonated eggs
are ingested with contaminated food or water or from fingers. The larvae hatch in the upper portions
of small intestine and quickly burrow into the cells of the intestinal villi, where they mature,
undergoing two molts in about 3-10days. Subsequently, they migrate to the caecal region and
develop to sexual maturity in 30-90 days from the time the eggs were ingested. Adult worms embed
the long, slender, anterior ends of their bodies deeply into the colon submucosa. While these worms
normally survive approximately 3-5 years in the human host.


F ig -- 2

Life cycle of Trichuris trichiura (from Parasite image library of CDC, USA)


The major pathology resemble that of inflammatory bowel disease due to mechanical
disruption and toxicity of whipworms. The pathological changes include hyperemia( )
edema() or hemorrhage/bleeding(). In few cases, there are cellular proliferation
and thickness of the intestinal wall causing by inflammatory and granulomas .
Most infections are light with no clinical symptoms. Chronic infections, however, produce
symptoms such as bloody stools /chronic diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, weight loss, rectal
prolapse( ), anemia(). It was reported that 73% of persons infected with whipworm
were identified to be the cases of chronic colonitis by fibrescopy.

The clinical manifestation are not specific, so identification of eggs in fecal material

constitutes diagnosis. It is based on the demonstration of the characteristic barrel-shaped eggs in the
faeces by light microscopy.

Whipworm infection occurs worldwide, most frequently in tropical countries. In our country it
is estimated that the prevalence of whipworms infection was 18.8%, and 212 million humans
infected whipworms.
Warm climate(30 ), moist, dense shade, sufficient oxygen in soil are the environmental
conditions for egg development. So the prevalence in south part is higher than in north part of China.
The species T. trichiura is almost exclusively a human parasite, with rare records of
occurrence in other primates. Hand to mouth is major way to acquire infection.


Mebendazole or albendazole, the drugs of choice, are most effective when administered orally
for three consecutive days.
The control measures are similar to that measures for Ascria control, e.g. health education and


This nematode Enterobius vermicularis , commonly known as pinworm or seatworm, is

parasitic only to humans. It is familiar to parents of young children worldwide. The infection of

E.vermicularis may cause Enterobiasis. Leuckart(1865) was the first to describe the complete life
cycle of the parasite.

Adult worm

The adult worms are small, white, spindle-shaped and thread-like. True

buccal capsule is absent. Female pinworms, measuring 8-13 mm by 0.3-0.5mm, are characterized
by the presence of winglike expansions(alae) of body wall at the anterior end, distension of the
body due to the large number of eggs in the uteri, and a pointed tail. Males are 2-5mm long and
posses a curved tail.



The eggs are ovoid but asymmetrically flattened on one side, measuring 5060

20 30 m ; a colorless, thick shell covers the larva. The embryonated eggs are infective to

F ig -- 1

The egg of E.vermicularis

Life cycle of E.vermicularis is simple and is completed in a single host. Man is the natural host.
No intermediate.
Sexually mature worms usually inhabit the human intestinal tract, but they can spend to
adjacent regions of the small and large intestines( blindgut/cecum/ appendix/ colon/
rectum/ or

below portion of ileocaecal/). Adhering to the mucosa, the worms

feed on bacterial and epithelial cells. Males die following copulation, while egg-bearing females,
with up to 15,000 eggs in their uteri, migrate to the perianal and perineal regions. There, stimulated
by the lower temperature and aerobic environment, they deposit their eggs and then also die. More
eggs are released when the female s body ruptures.
Upon deposition, each contains an immature larva. The infective, third-stage larva completes
development within the egg several hours after leaving the body of the female worm.
Infection and reinfection occur when eggs containing the infective larvae are ingested by the
host. This may happen when eggs are picked up on the hands from bed-clothes or beneath
fingernails contaminated when the host scatches the perianal zone to relieve itching caused by
noctural migration of the female worms. However, the lightweight eggs are sometimes airborne and
, therefore, can also be inhaled. Retroinfections occur when third stage larvae hatch from

perianally located eggs and enter the hosts intestinal tract through the anus.
Ingested eggs usually hatch shortly after reaching the duodenum. The escaping larvae molt and
develop as they migrate posteriorly, reaching sexually maturity by the time they arrive at the colon.
The life cycle of E.vermicularis spans 2-6 months. The females survive 2 months in host.

F ig --2

Life cycle of (from Parasite image library of CDC, USA)


Pinworm are not highly pathogenic as the parasite causes little mechanical injury to the
colonic mu and the toxemic or allergic action is disputable. Most of the evident pathological
changes due to itching and irritation caused by the migration of gravid females around the perianal,
perineal, and vaginal areas. Enterobiasis is usually asymptomatic. Heavy infections in children may
also produce such symptoms as sleeplessness, weight loss, hyperactivity, grinding of teeth,
abdominal pain, and vomiting.
Gravid females may also migrate up the female reproductive tract, become trapped in the

tissues, and cause vaginitis(), endometritis( ) and granulomata in the uterus and
fallopian tubes. They may also migrate to the appendix, the peritoneal cavity, or even the urinary

F ig --3

Cross-section of human appendix containing Enterobius vermicularis

(from Parasite image library of CDC, USA)

The history of pruritus ani and demonstration of small white thread-like worms in the
undergarments is suggestive of E.vermicularis infection in Children.
Female worms emerge at night and are frequently visible observed on feces as well; however,
eggs are found in feces in only about 5% of cases.
The most reliable procedure for finding eggs is to apply a strip of cellophane tape to the
perianal skin, remove the tape, and place it on a clean microscope slide for examination. Negative
results from this protocol for seven consecutive days constitute confirmation that the patient is free
of infection.

E.vermicularis is one of the most common human parasites. Children,especially of early
school-age, are most vulnerable to pinworm infection. The geographic distribution of the worm is
global. In Alaskan of USA a 51% prevalence in children was displayed.
In China, enterobiasis cased were found in all provinces and be recorded in any age group. The
infection rate was higher in children and in urban than in adult and in rural areas, respectively.
According to a national survey on infection status of intestinal helminthiasis the infection rate were

30.4%,29.5% and 31.4% in children aged 7-12 years, males and females, as an average,
Humans is only host of pinworm. Infections occur in one of four ways: (1) retroinfection
, when hatched larvae migrate back into the large intestine; (2) self-infection,
when the patient is reinfected by hand-to-mouth transmission; (3) cross-infection ,
when infective eggs are ingested, either with contaminated food or from fingers that have been in
contact with contaminated surface or body parts from infected humans; and (4) inhalation of airborn
eg g
s . In household with heavily infected individuals, infective eggs have been found in
samples of dust taken from chairs, tabletops, dresser tops, floors, baseboards, etc. In a survey to
determine the distribution of airborn pollen in public places, pinworm eggs were found in theaters,
not only on arm rests and baseboards but also on chandeliers high above the seats; Experiments
show that at room temperature , eggs survive about 3 weeks.


Following positive diagnosis in any individual, treatment should be administered to all
members of the household. Pyrantel pamoate or mebendazole, usually administered in a single dose
and repeated once after 2 weeks, is the treatment of choice.
Complete eradication of pinworm infection from a population is highly unlikely, so personal
hygiene combined with chemotherapy is the most effective deterrent.

V Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus

( ))
The hookworms parasitizing humans include Ancylostoma duodenale(
))and Necator americanus ()). Because these worms are similar in morphology and
life cycle, they will be described together, with notations on dissimilarities.

Adult worm

The worms are cylindrical, grayish white and slightly curved. The anterior

end of the worm is bent slightly, in the same direction of the body curve and gives in its name hook

worm. Adults of A. duodenale are somewhat larger than those of N. americanus . Female adults
measure about 1 cm long. The posterior end of the male has an umbrella-shaped bursa(copulatory
bursa, ), with riblike ray s .The mouth or buccal capsule of A.duodenale has
two pairs of curved teeth( ) on the ventral wall of its buccal capsule, N. americanus has a
conspicuous pair of semilunar() cutting plates on the dorsal wall().


The eggs are oval(56 7636 40m) thin shelled and colourless. These are

surrounded by a thin transparent membrane. The eggs usually contain two or four blastomere
in faeces. When passed in the faeces, these eggs are not infective to man and a clear space is
always present between the segmented ovum and the egg shell.

F ig -- 1 The egg of hookworm

F ig --2 filaiform larva of hookworm (from Parasite image library of CDC, USA)

Infective form

Third stage larva(filaiform larva) is the infective form. It is slender and

measures 0.50.7 0.025 mm. The mouth is closed, oesophagus is present in the anterior third of
the body. The tail is pointed.


Life cycle is completed in a single host. Man is the only host. No intermediate host is needed.
Eggs are passed in the stool, and under favorable conditions (moisture, warmth, shade), larvae
hatch in 1 to 2 days. The released rhabditiform larvae grow in the feces and/or the soil, and after 5
to 10 days (and two molts) they become become filariform (third-stage) larvae that are infective
These infective larvae can survive 3 to 4 weeks in favorable environmental conditions. On contact
with the human host, the larvae penetrate the skin and are carried through the veins to the heart and
then to the lungs. They penetrate into the pulmonary alveoli, ascend the bronchial tree to the
pharynx, and are swallowed. The larvae reach the small intestine, where they reside and mature into
adults. Adult worms live in the lumen of the small intestine, where they attach to the intestinal
wall with resultant blood loss by the host. Most adult worms are eliminated in 1 to 2 years, but
longevity records can reach several years. Some A. duodenale larvae, following penetration of the
host skin, can become dormant (in the intestine or muscle).In addition, infection by A. duodenale
may probably also occur by the oral and transmammary route. N. americanus , however, requires a
transpulmonary migration phase.

F ig --3 Life cycle of hookworm (from Parasite image library of CDC, USA)



The infection with A.duodenale is more serious than that caused by N. americanus . Pathogenic
changes in hookworm infection is the adult worms and less frequently, by the infective larvae.

By adult worm

The major pathological changes is caused by the attachment of the adults

worms in the small intestine by their buccal capsules. These worms cause considerable loss of blood
and tissue fluids, during their feeding on the intestinal mucosa. One A.duodenale adult worm is
responsible for loss of 0.15 to 0.26 ml blood per day. One N. americanus adult worm is responsible
for loss of 0.02 to 0.10 ml blood per day. The blood loss is caused by:
a) Ingestion of the blood by the worm.
b) Seepage of the blood around the site of attachment of the worm.
c) Oozingof the blood from the burrowed site previously attached by the worm, and
d) Anticoagulants( ) secreted by the buccal capsule of the worm, which prevent
clotting of the blood at the wound site.
Excessive blood loss caused by heavy and prolonged worm infection leads to hypochromic

microcytic anaemia. The anaemia can frequently become serious and even
fatal in the persons with low iron intake and low level of inor absorption. Loss of protein leads to
hypoproteinemia ( )and oedema..
The early phase manifests as low-grade fever, anaemia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and
abdominal discomfort. Iron-deficiency anaemia and hypoalbuminaemia are major clinical
manifestation.Development of anaemia depends on the worm load of the intestine and nutritional
status of the host. Infection in children is associated with desire to eat the soil and other unusual

By larva

The infective filariform larvae at the site of the penetration of the skin produce a

local reaction called ground itch, frequently complicated by secondary bacterial infections. The
migration of a large number of larvae, through the lung, produce minute haemorrhage and
infiltration of leucocytes resulting the entrapment of the larvae in lung tissues. Both eosinophilia
and leucocytosis occur at this stage.
Ground-itch is important manifestation in skin phase. In lung phase, fever, cough, dyspn oea

, pharyngitis and occasionally, haemoptys is

are the important symptoms.

Eosinophilic leucocytosis and hypochromic microcytic anaemia
may be suggestive of the condition in the endemic areas.

Laboratory diagnosis

It includes parasitic diagnosis and immunodiagnosis. Parasitic

diagnosis is made by demonstration of the hookworm eggs in the faeces by microscopy and
1) Microscopy

Direct microscopic examination of faeces is adequate to detect moderate

or serve infections.
2) Concentration

Concentration of stool by formalin-ether or simple salt floatation stool is

essential to detect light hookworm infection.

3) Third-stage larvae in the faecal culture


Hookworm diseases is widely epidemic parasitic disease in the world.

Hookworm distribute these areas between northern latitude() 45 to southern latitude()

30. A.duodenale is chiefly found in tropic areas and subtropic areas, N.americanus is commonly
found in warm zone. In the endemic areas, mix infection with both hookworms can be found, but
the infection with single species hookworm is most common.
According to the report from 1988-1992 national survey , in our country, the cases with
hookworm infection were detected except for Bejing, Jilin Heilongjiang, Qinghai etc, the average
infection rate(prevalence) is 17.16%. In Hainan, the infection rate was upto 60.89%, which was the
most highest in the prevalence.

Reservoir, source and transmission of infection

Human faeces is the only source of

infection. Human is the only reservoir of infection. Non-human mammalian reservoir are absent.
The infection route is the infective filariform larvae penetrate the skin (cutaneous route). Persons
walking barefoot are infected while they work in the area contaminated with the faeces containing
eggs which hatch out to the filariform larvae.
The transmission of hookworm are correlated natural environment crop planting, ways to

production and life conditions etc. The hookworm infection is common in the warm , tropical areas
where people defecate ()indiscriminately in the open ground or use faeces as fertilizer()
directly. The hookworm infection is more prevalent in the rural areas especially in farmer in tea
garden, vegetable garden. It was reported that the infection rate in miners is higher(52.0%) in some
mine district.


Treatment of hookworm infection consists of a) treatment of worm infection by
anthelmintics() such as mebendazole; b)treatment of anaemia.
The most important control measures consist of reducing the contamination of the soil by
1) Sanitary disposal of human faeces;
2) Treatment of infected persons;
3) Health education with improved use of sanitary latrines and use of foot wears;

VI Filaria ())
Filaria is one species of nematoda. Adult worm resides in lymph nodes and adjacent
lymphatics or in the subcutaneous tissue. Female worm produce microfilaria , which
belong to viviparous.The microfilariae migrate into lymph and blood stream. When insects

bits infection person with microfilaria, the microfilaria invade the insect such as

mosquitoes, and develop to the infective larval stage. The infective larvae enter human through skin
while biting, and then become adult worm slowly. Though eight filaria l parasites commonly infect
humans, two species account for most of the pathology associated with these infections in China.
They are filariae Wuchereria

bancrofti( ) and Brugia malayi(

). W. Bancrofti is one of the most common human filariae, which worm

was found in the lymph nodes and lymphatic channels of humans in 1876. B. malayi is only
endemic in Asia, the worm was found in human in 1940. They cause lymphatic filariasis.

Adult worm Both of filariae are similar, such as milk white, threadlike with smooth surfaces ,


less 1.0mm long. Their mouth with papillae is located at the top of the head. On the ventrally
curved tail of male worm, there are pairs of papillae. Female is larger than male, uterus with
embryos and larvae occupies almost the whole body.


Microfilariae with sheaths() are bluntly rounded anterior end and

and pointed tail end. Internal structures can be visualized by the use of fixed stained preparations. In
a stained preparation, it shows a central column of nuclei consisting of few anatomical land
marks. These land marks are use to differentiate the Microfilariae of W. bancrofti from B.malayi
These are :a) nerve ring( ), b) body cell ( ), c) tail nuclei( ) . The morphological
differences of the microfiliariae of W.Bancrofti from B.malayi are as follows:

W. Bancrof ti






Graceful,sweep curves

Stiff, irregular kinky curves

Gephalic space

As long or half as broad

Twice as long as broad

Body nuclei

Well defined, discrete, round, Blurred, intermingled

uniform sized


Tapers to a delicate point,

Slight bulb at tip, 2 terminal

terminal nuclei absent


nerve ring

F ig --1 Microfiliariae of W.Bancrofti

and B.malayi









mosq uito

(inter mediate host), adult in man (definitive host).

Development in the human host

It is commonly accepted that the infectived-stage larvae,

after penetrating the skin, pass through peripheral lymphatics( ), in which they migrate
and grow, then settle down in certain lymphatic vessels retrograde to lymph nodes
, grow to maturity and mate, followed by parturitionof the gravid females. W. bancrofti
usually resides in deeper lymphatic system besides in lower lymphatic system; B.malayi usually
resides in lower lymphatic system of limb. The life spans of both filaria is about 410 years, and
of both microfilaria is about 23 months. Human is the only known definitive host(final host) of W.

bancrofti, there is no natural or reservoir host for W.bancrofti. But B.malayi can be transmitted to
cats and rhesus monkeys except man.
Microfilarial periodicity is about in patients harboring living adults there is a nocturnal (
)surge of the microfilariae into peripheral circulation. Microfilarial of W. bancrofti begin to
appear in the blood from 10 PM to 2 AM; of B.malayi is from 8 PM to 4 AM. It was considered that
microfilarial periodicity are correlated with factors of hosts and the biology of microfilaria.

Development in mosquito

When the microfilaria are ingested by an appropriate species of

mosquito during its blood meal, they enter the anterior end of the stomach. In the gut, they lose their
sheath, penetrate the gut-wall within an hour or two to enter the haemocoele ( ). From there
they turn anteriorly to penetrate the thoracic musculature(), where they rest and begin to grow.
The larva moult( ) to the first stage larva, second stage larva(sausage shaped larva), and
finally third stage larva(infective larva). The third stage larva migrate to the salivary glands of
mosquito. When the mosquito bites a man during blood meal, the larva are released from the lip of
proboscis of mosquito and the life cycle is continued. Development in mosquito is usually
completed within 10-14 days(W. bancrofti) or 6-6.5 days(B.malayi).


F ig --2 Life cycle of Wuchereria bancrofti

(from Parasite image library of CDC, USA)


Pathogenesis The microfilariae is do not harm the human host. Light infections may remain
symptomless but are likely to be associated with an eosinophilia, tropical pulmonary eosinophilia,
TPE). In more intense and repeated infections the presence of mature worms in the lymphatic
vessels and nodes leads to allergic inflammation around the lymphatics and to temporary
lymphatic obstruction . Eventually, after repeated attacks, in some of which secondary
bacterial infections may play a part, permanent obstruction of a main lymphatic trunk may be
produced. Lymphatics rupture() and lymph spills into tissues. Progressive enlargement of the
limb or region below the obstruction then follows with thickening and fibrosis of the tissues.

Acute lymphatic pathology The secretions and metabolites of microfilariae and adult worms
can causes acute allergic reaction, which belong to type I or type III of hypersensitivity
. In early stage, there are edem a and thickening of lymphatic vessels. And then, the wall
and tissue around vessel were infiltrated by eosinophils, plasma cells ,
lymphocytes, and macrophages which tended to form into nodules.


Frequent early manifestations of filariasis are fever, lymphange itis , lymphadenitis

and dermatitis. The characteristic symptom of lymphangeitis is erythema
along the course of inflamed lymphatic called liu huo in Chinese.

Chronic lymphatic pathology

Chronic lymphatic symptoms mainly result in lymphatic

obstruction. Adult worms and microfilariae cause . inflammation and allergic reaction, which leads
to obstruction of lymphatic vessels. The press of lower lymphatic vessel obstructed become higher,
then lymphatic rupture and lymph spills into tissues. The infected people have different clinical
manifestations based on the location of obstruction.
1 Elephantiasis

Elephantiasis is a common symptom of chronic filariasis.

Lymphatic rupture and lymph spills into tissues, and then progressive enlargement, coarsening
, corrugation and fissuring of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, with warty
superficial excrescences, develop gradually until a leg resembles that of an elephant. The name
elephantiasis may also occur in an upper limb.
2 Hydrocele testis

Obstruction of spermatic cord() and testis lymphatcs

may be caused to hydrocele testis. The manifestation is commonly found from the patient with


bancrofti infection.
3) Chyluria

Obstruction of Obstruction of the abdominal or thoracic lymphatics

may be lead to chyluria, chylous asciteor a chylous pleural effusion

. The manifestation is commonly found from the patient with W. bancrofti
The interval between infection and the onset of elephantiasis is usually not less than 10 years,
after which the condition tends to be slowly but remorselessly progressive. Gross elephantiasis
develops only in association with repeated infections in highly endemic areas.

Asymptomatic filariasis

Such patients were only defined/found by finding microfilariae in

the nodes or lung. Most common of the symptomatic clinical syndromes are recurrent episodes of
filarial fever, the tropical eosinophilia syndrome, higher level of IgE etc.

The clinical manifestations are suggestive for filariasis diagnosis. As most of the manifestation
are non-specific, the laboratory diagnosis plays important role.

Laboratory diagnosis include parasitic diagnosis for microfilariae or adult worm in circulating
blood, and immunodiagnosis for detecting the specific antigens or antibodies in serum of patients.

Parasitic diagnosis

It is made by demonstration of the microfilariae in the peripheral

blood and rarely, in the chylous urine( )and hydrocele fluid

and by

demonstration of adult worm Microfilariae can be demonstrated in the blood by the following
1) Thick blood smear

Thick blood smear

The thick blood smear was made using 60l

blood( 2 to 3 drops of peripheral blood), after drying, then stained with Giemsa. Optimal blood
drawing time is from 10 PM to 2 AM for W.bancrofti, from 8PM to 4 AM for B.malayi.
2) Other methods for microfilariae detecting

fresh blood drop method, concentration,

DEC() provocative test, examination of microfilariae in urine and other body fluid.

Examination of adult worm

The cross sections of adult worms are demonstrated in

the biopsy specimens of the enlarged lymph nodes immediately proximal to the affected
lymphatic vessels.


Immunodiagnosis methods play an important role in the diagnosis of

filariasis, especially in the case with low density of microfilariae states. It is commonly used for
epidemiolog ical survey.
1) Interdermal test (IDT) for screening in population,
2) Serological tests

Detecting for antibodies such as IFA,IEST ELISA and IHA and

detecting for antigens such as dot-ELISA and Sandwich- ELISA.

Distribution W. Bancrofti is the worldwide distribution throughout the tropics and subtropics.
B. malayi is only endemic in Asia. It was estimated that there was 700 million people who reside in
endemic areas of lymphatic filariasis. In China 16 filariasis endemic provinces were reported,
including Shangong, Henan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Hainan,
Guangxi, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, and Guizhou. Of which, Shangdong, Taiwan and
Guangdong were endemic areas of bancroftian filariasis, while malayan filariasis occurred in other
endemic provinces. The 30 million estimated cases comprised microfilaraemia( ) and
/or symptomatic cases. After more then 40 years control, of 15 endemic provinces have control the

prevalence of filariasis including Guangdong province.

Epidemic factors
1) Source of infection

The infected individuals and patients with microfilariae in

peripheral blood constitute the source of infection. But when the density of microfilariae is reduced
to below 5 each l blood, those persons will loss the role of reservoir.
2) Mosquito vectors

There are more than 10 species of mosquitoes have been proven to

be satisfactory intermediate hosts in China. The most important know vectors in our country are

Culex pipiens pallens ,Culex fatigans and Anopheles sinensis

for W. Bancrofti and Anopheles anthropophagus, Anopheles sinensis
and Aedes togoi for B. malayi.
3) Susceptibility of population

Humans is susceptible to filaria infection. But in endemic

areas the peak of prevalence occur in younger group aged from 21 to 30.
4) The transmission of infection is affected by the climatic factors, warm and moist are
favorable for the breeding of mosquito vectors and the propagations of parasites in mosquito phase.
The transmission season are from May to October.


Screening in population and mass chemotherapy are important measures for filariasis control.
After controlled, regular surveillance become the routine work.

Mass treatment

In endemic areas population aged above 1 are screened regularly, and the

positive are treated by using hetrazan(DEC / ). In our country, drug salt with DEC
(DEC medicated salt) was the common measure for mass treatment. The dosage of DEC is 4.2g in
5-7 days for W. bancrofti and 1.5-2.0g in 3-4 days for B. malayi.

Mosquito control

Mosquito control is aimed to break the cycle of transmission of

filariasis by controlling mosquito vectors. These include: a) by spraying insecticides such as DDT,
etc; b) by biolog ical control; c) by environment modification; d) by reduction of man-vector

Regular surveillance

When the transmission is blocked or stopped, the regular

surveillance should be kept on. The advanced cases should be treated and rehabilited().



Trichinella spiralis
Trichnella spiralisis a nematode parasite of humans that is cosmopolitan

in its geographical distribution. It is nearly unique among helminthic parasites in that all stages of
development occur within a single host; over 100 species of mammals have been reported to be
susceptible to infection. The infective encysted larvae may remain viable in the hosts musculature
for many years; they may also survive long periods in decaying and putrefying muscle. Trichnella

spiralis causes trichinellosis, a zoonotic infection in human. Humans are infected when parasiteinfected meat(port in most instances) is ingested.
Tidemann(1821) in Germany and Peacock and Owen(1935) in London first discovered the
encysted larval stage of Trichinella spiralis in the muscles of an infected man.

Adult worm

The adult worms are very small and slender with slightly tapered anterior

ends, white and just visible to the naked eye. The male measures 1.41.6 mm in length and 0.04
0.05 mm in diameter. The female size is 340.06 mm. Its pharynx is one third or half of
worm body long, and posterior part of pharynx consists of a column of cells called of stichocytes
. The reproductive system of both sex worm is single tract, and the single uterus is fille d
with developing eggs in its posterior portion, where as the anterior portion contains fully developed,
hatched juveniles or larva.

Larvae cyst( )

The cyst are found in skeletal muscle commonly, its size is about mm. Usually, there is more than one larvae in a cyst.

F ig --1 Larvae cyst () of Trichnella spiralis


All stages of development occur within a single host such humans, pigs, dogs, rats and cats etc.
Adult worms reside in small intestine, and larvae reside in skeletal muscle. However, two different
hosts are required to complete the life cycle.
Primary host: Pig is the primary host.
Natural host: rodents, carnivores and various other species of omnivorous animals are
the other natural hosts.
Man is an accidental host and is the dead end for the parasite.
When man consumes raw or rare flesh infected with cysts of Trichnella, the cysts are digested
out of the muscle in the stomach; the larvae(first stage) are resistant to gastric juice( ). After
passage to the small intestine, the larvae penetrate the villi of the small intestine, molt, and develop
into mature adult within 48 hours. After fertilization, the gravid female burrow deep
into the mucosa, discharging larvae beginning 5 to 46 days after infection and continuing for 2 to 4
weeks or occasionally longer. Widely disseminated via lymphatics and the bloodstream,
larvae enter most organs, but persist only in individual skeletal muscle fibers. Increasing almost
ten-fold in size(to 1.0mm) over succeeding weeks, larvae gradually become surrounded by a cyst
wall of muscle. Although the capsules calcify within six months to two years, the larvae within
remain viable for months to years, rarely for decades.


F ig --2

Life cycle of Trichnella spiralis

(from Parasite image library of CDC, USA)


Adult worm and both migratory and encysted larvae are pathogenic: a) Adult female worms
present in the intestine cause gastrointestinal disturbances; b) Migrating larvae cause various
allergic manifestation such as fever, oedema of the face, eosinophilia, and c) Encysted larvae in the
skeletal muscles cause muscular pain.
The process of pathological change can be divided three phases.

Invade phase

The phase occur within the first week after ingestion of infected meat, during

the intestinal phase; this phase is associated with the development of larvae develop into adult. For
invading of larvae and adult worms, the wall of intestine is damaged. Microscopic ulceration(),
mucosal hyperemia , localized edema , punctate hemorrhages
, and intestinal inflammation may main pathological changes. Gastrointestinal signs and
symptoms may be the first evidence of infection, including fever, disgusting, vomiting, abdominal
discomfort, diarrhea etc.

Migratory phase

This phase, beginning about 7 to 9 days after exposure, is associated with


penetration of the newborm larvae into muscle cells, initiating a strong inflammatory response.
Later, the fibers enlarge, and edema, nuclear proliferation, and intestinal inflammation ensue, and
fibrosis. Early symptoms of this stage are sw elling of the eyelids and facial edema. Following
this, muscle swelling, tenderness, pain on movement, and fever usually develop. Within the first
two weeks of severe systemic disease, allergic phenomena such as edema, pneumonitis(), and
pleural transudatemay occur. Serious complications, including myocarditis ,
and meningoencephalitis , occur most often in the third to ninth week of the disease.

Encystation of the larvae and tissue repair

The formation of cyst result in the stimulation

of larvae and tissue reparation. With encystation, the inflammation disappear gradually, the clinical
manifestation become light, but the muscular pain can still last for months.

Diagnosis of Trichinosis depends on a combination of
history of ingesting meat that may contain larvae;

Parasitic diagnosis

a) clinical manifestations with a

b) immunodiagnosis; c) muscle biopsy.

The definitive diagnosis is made by demonstration of free or

encapsulated() Trichinella larvae in the skeletal muscles obtained either in biopsy or at autopsy.
Muscle biopsy may be positive as early as the second week of infection but is often not required. A
small amount of muscle is excised under local anesthesia from a tender, painful, swollen muscle; a
portion is sent for routine pathologic examination; and small amount is crushed between glass slides
and examined directly under a scanning or low power objective for motile larvae.


a) Interdermal test (IDT) for screening in population; b) Detecting

for antibodies such as COP and ELISA etc.

Human and animal infections of T.spiralis is worldwide distribution. In China, 15 provinces
have reported the infections individuals or patients. In Yunan trichinosis is the most serious
zoonos is.
Three types of transmission cycle are seen in nature:

Pig-to-pig cycle

This occurs in human population due to their habit of feeding garbages to

pigs. Pigs fed with Trichinella scrap, pig meat or carcase of animals suffer from infection.

Rat-to-rat cycle

This occurs between rats/mouse and is not dependent upon the presence

or absence of infection in pigs.

P ig-to-rat cycle

This plays an important role in keep the transmission of infection.

It was reported that the prevalence of the infection in pigs was 50.2% in some endemic areas of
Henan province. Eating or ingesting raw pork with larva cyst is major route to infection.
The cyst have stronger resistance to low temperature, freezing at -15 for 20 days can
destroy the parasites in the pork. Cyst can be killed at 70, so eating non-properly processed meat
products is the way to require infection.


Deep freezing at -15 for 20 days or -30 for 6 days and thorough cooking at 70or above
kills the larvae in the pork. Smoking, curing or drying of meet are not dependable medthods for
killing the larvae.
Regular inspection of meat, avoidance of eating raw or undercooked pork and meat of other
wild animals; and avoidance of feeding raw garbage to pigs will prevent transmission of infection to
Treatment of the immature worms in the small intestine is usually successful and will abort or
markedly inhibit systemic disease, so treatment of the intestinal phase in all cases up to six weeks
after infection is advisable. Albendazole ( ) is the effective drug for trichinellosis.
Mebendazole is also recommended, it is believe to kill both adult worms and larvae.

Section VI




Larva migrans is an syndrome of the infection with a larval helminth, which invade/penetrate

into un-suitable definitive hosts such as human but can develop into adult worm. The migration of

the larva in human body can cause partial and general pathological changes.
1) Characteristic presentation

Symptom of hypersensitivity: Eosinophilia, fever, hyper,

hyperglobulinemia et al
2) Pathological changes: hepat- granuloma, lung granuloma, cerebral granuloma, ocular
granuloma, and bowel/intestinal granuloma
Clinical sorts include Cutanueous larva migrans(CLM, ) and visceral larva
migrans(VLM, )


Cutaneous larva migrans(CLM) is a ubiquitous selflimited skin eruption ,
most frequently caused by third-stage larvae of nematode or cercariae of trematode or sparganum
of cestode. In the human host, larvae/ cercariae/ sparganum are not able to complete
their natural cycle and thus remain confined to the upper dermis of shin. During the migrating
through the skin, a local inflammatory response is provoked by release of larval secretion
consisting largely of proteolytic enzymes . The route of migration is marked by an
intensely pruritic(),linear lesion known as creeping eruption()

Pathogens and the way of acquiring infection


Summary in following table.

The way of acquiring infection

Definitive host


Schistosoma sp

cercaria, skin

bird and livestock

cercaria, skin


cercaria, skin


Trichobilharzia sp

Orientobilharzia sp

Pagumogonimus skrjabini

metacercaria, mouth

cat and raccoon dog()


A. Caninum

infective larva,skin

dog and cat


B.Ancylostoma braziliense

infective larva,skin

dog and cat

Third stage infective larva,


Gnathostoma spinigerum

Strongyloides spp



infective lava,skin


Spirometra mansoni


dog and cat

Skin or mouth


Pathogenesis and clinical manifestations

1) Infection by nematoda larva

Such as Gnathostoma spinigerum :

Filariform larva or infective larva penetrate the skin of host and migrate in germinal layer of
skin( ), and make a snake-form canal(creeping canal). The pathological change cause
inflammatory reaction with infiltration with eosinophils along the path of migrating of larva, the
clinical symptoms include erythema of shin firstly, and then linefrom rash or herpes with light
edema(). IgE level in blood become high. Complications are main bacterial infection caused by
scratching(). After weeks, inflammation get fadeaway and the scab form.
2) Infection by Pagumogonimus skrjabini,, Gnathostoma spinigerum an

Spirometra m ansoni:

These larva migrate into hypodermis or muscle

and form moving subcutaneous lumps. The lumps may appear different locus interval.
This infective individuals usually

present the symptoms of VLM,

such as general

hypersensitivity(fever, nettle rash, eosinophilia, weak/inertia, muscle pain and anepithymia etc).
3) Infection by animal cercariae such as Trichobilharzia sp

Orientobilharzia s p :


These cercariae caused cercarial dermatitis, or swimmers itch,

or rice-field dermatitis, . After penetrating the skin of human, they are destroyed by
the victims immune response. Allergenic substances released from dead and dying cercariae
produce a localized inflammatory reaction. The pathological changes usually appear the skins of
hands or feet, which parts of body contact infested water frequently. The pathogenesis belong to

immediate hypersensitivity, and dely hypersensitivity. The clinical symptoms include initial
tingling sensation, erythema, maculopapular rash, vesicles and edema.


The diagnosis for the dermatitis of CLM is relatively straightforward because

of its very characteristic clinical picture. But the differential diagnosis should be noticed.
In CLM, most cases are caused by third-stage larvae of dog and cat hookworms. So the
dermatitis of CLM is misdiagnose as the dermatitis of human hookworm. If hookworm eggs are
found from stool/feces after fading of dermatitis, the dermatitis should be diagnosed as the
dermatitis of human hookworm, not the dermatitis of CLM.
The cercarial dermatitis is not easy to differ from the dermatitis caused by human schistosome.
The CLM cause by Pagumogonimus skrjabini, Gnathostoma spinigerum and Spirometra

mansoni can diagnosed by using skin biopsy.



Visceral larva migrans(CLM) was considered to be a type of parasitism in man caused by

young worm of helminthes parasites of other animals. It was thought that man was an abnormal host,
and therefore was unsuitable for normal migration and development of the parasite. In the human
host, larva migrate into various tissues and organs. During the migrating through the tissues or
organs, a local or general inflammatory response is provoked by release of larval secretion
consisting largely of proteolytic enzymes, and local lesion or cyst with young worm is formed later.

Pathogens and the way of acquiring infection


Summary is as follows:

The way of acquiring infection

locus of lesion

Pagumogonimus skrjabini

metacercaria, mouth


Infective egg, mouth


third-stage larva, mouth


Toxocara canis

Gnathostama spinigerum


Ascaris suum

egg with larva, mouth


Angiostrongylus cantonensis infective larva, mouth

meningoencephalitis with



Spirometra mansoni

procercoid, mouth



skin or mouth

Pathogenesis and clinical and manifestations

1) Infection by Toxocara canis ( ) larva :

Toxocara canis is most common

pathogen caused VLM. The larva migrate into liver, lung, rain, eye etc, and form
lesion(eosinophilic granulona). The clinical symptoms include hepatomegaly(80%), esinophilia,
Loeffler syndrome(cough, fever,

breath difficulty etc). If the larva migrate into brain, the

symptoms such as epilepsia() may appear.

2) Infection by Gnathostama spinigerum :

Gnathostama spinigerum can

caused VLM except CLM. The symptoms of CLM appear after one month of infection, while the
symptoms of VLM appear. The larva migrate through the well of intestinal into the abdominal
cavity, and then invade into liver or muscle or connective tissue. The clinical manifestation include
nausea,vomiting and abdominal pain etc. These symptoms should be differed from other
diseases such as acute abdomen. The symptoms cause by Pagumogonimus skrjabini is similar to

Gnathostama spinigerum . But the CLM appear more than VLM.

ngylus cantonensis :
3) Infection by Angiostro

The worm parasitize in

pulmonary artery of murine , the egg develop into first stage larva in capillary of lung and
migrate into digestive tract,

and then out of body with feces. The larva can survive by free-living

for 3 weeks. Murine acquire infection by eating intermediate or transport hosts or foods containing
third-stage larva. Human is a unsuitable host of Angiostrongylus cantonensis , when the third-stage
larva enter body by eating raw snail-meats or transport hosts meats, it invade into central nervous
system frequently.

4) Infection by Spirometra mansoni:

The sparganum of Spirometra

mansoni frequently migrate into eye, brain and viscus except the upper dermis of the skin. The
movements and secretions of living sparganum /plerocercoids can

induce localized

inflammatory reactions; dead and degenerating larvae sometimes cause edema of the surrounding
tissue. Chills and fever may accompany infections. So the symptoms caused by Spirometra

mansoni correlated to the parasitic locus of the sparganum. Most common symptoms is ocular
sparganosis 45.6%or eye infection, which produce conjunctivitis and
swelling. In general, the severity of infection is determined by the location of the larvae and how
quickly and completely the patient can be rid of them.

1) Toxocariasis ( )

a) Clinical diagnosis: clinical symptoms such as

hepatomegaly, Loeffler syndrome(cough, fever, breath difficulty etc); b) Laboratory examination:

esinophilia, hyperglobulinemia(IgG and IgM as well as IgE level) and special antibodies by
immunodiagnosis e.g. ELISA; c) Differential diagnosis : intestinal helminthesis, pneumonitis(
)retinoblastoma() and ophthalmitis() etc.
2) Gnathostomiasis()), sparganosis ())Pagumogonimiasis(

With similar clinical symptoms, immunodiagnosis or biopsy are main methods.

3) Angiostrogyliasis ( )

a) Clinical symptoms such as eosinophilia and

symptomsof meninges; b) finding larva from cerebrospinal fluid; c) immunodiagnosis e.g. ELISA.

The way of acquiring infection include a) for feeding dog or cat, it is easy to swallow infective
egg e.g.egg of

Toxocara canis; b) eating raw meats containing infective larvae or

plerocercoid/sparganum; c) infective larvae penetrate through skin for contacting infested water or
contaminative fields while traveling or working.
Health education can play an important role in CLM control.
The drugs for CLM caused by nematoda larvae include thiabendazole ( ) and
inunction. The operation and chemotherapy with praziquantel is available for CLM caused
by Pagumogonimus skrjabini, Gnathostoma spinigerum and Spirometra mansoni . For VLM caused
by Toxocara canis, hetrazan(/DEC) or thiabendazole is recommended.



These parasite commonly include Pagumogoniumus skrjabini, Heterophyes heterophyes (
)Metagonimus yokogwai (), and Echinostomatidea() etc.

Pagumogoniumus skrjabini

The worm was found by Chen XT in 1959. Adult worms are

3.5-6.0mm 11.0-18.5 mm. The greatest width is upper of ventral sucker. The ratio of length and
width is 1:2.41:3.2. Shapes at both top of body is sharper. The ovary is also lobated and found to
left of post acetabular. The life cycle is similar to Paragonimus westermani, the definitive host
include raccoon dog etc. Human is unsuitable host . Human acquire the infection by eating raw
crabs(second intermediate host) or frog, bird, duck and rats( transport host). The disease cause by
Pagumogoniumus skrjabini was found in China only.

Heterophyes heterophyes

The adult worm is pear shape( ) with 1

mm. Oral sucker is smaller than ventral sucker. The reproductive sucker() is upper ventral
sucker. Uterus is longer with tortuous and hovering to reproductive sucker.The life cycle include
egg, miracidium, sporocyst, redia, metacercaria and adult worm. Adult worm parasitize in the
intestinal tract of birds and mammals. The first intermediate host is fresh water snails , and second
intermediate host is fresh water fish or frog. The egg is similar to the egg of C.sinensis. Human can
acquire the infection accidentally for eating raw fish or frog meats. The clinical symptoms include
digestive manifestation. If the worm invade other organs, the serious local symptoms will be cause
by the worms or eggs.


There are about 600 species in Echinostomatidae. Most of

these worms parasitize in birds, some in mammals, a few in snake. Several members of the genus
Enchinostoma and relation genera occasionally infect humans. In our country, there 10 species of
Echinostomatidae that parasitize in human such as Echinochasmus japonicus( ).
Adult echinostomes, while varying greatly in size, are easily identified by the collar of spines. In
general appearance, the adult worm is elongated, with a relatively large ventral sucker situated
immediately behind the anterior end. The testes lie in tandem in the posterior portion of the body.
The life cycle is typical of most echinostomes. Operculated eggs are passed from the definitive host
with feces and much reach fresh water for the cycle to continue. The miracidium enclosed in egg


develops and hatches, and then penetrates a fresh water snail(first intermediate host). A single
sporocyst generation and two redial generations develop in the molluscan host. Free-swimming
cercariae escape from from daughter rediae, enter the water, and penertrate and encyst either in a
variety of aquatic animals including mollusks(), tadpole(), or fish. When
the definitive host ingests encysted metacercariae, which excyst and develop to sexual maturity in
the smail intestine of vertebrate(). Human infections of echinostomes are most frequently
reported from Oriental countries such as the Philippines, China, and Indonesia. Infection occurs
when the infected second intermediate host is eaten either raw or improperly cooked.
Echinostomiasis in human is usually a minor affliction, often causing nothing more serious than
diarrhea. In heavy infections, the spinose collar may cause ulceration of the intestinal mucosa.
Children sometimes experience abdominal pain, diarrhea, anemia, and/or edema. The principal
diagnostic technique, identification of eggs in feces, is facilitated by a number of distinctive
features of echinostome eggs, their dark brownish color and the very immature larvae, even
uncleaved zygotes, that are unlike those of other intestinal trematodes. The disease can be treated
using praziquantel.

Spirometra mansoni is one of Pseudophyllidea. The adult worm parasitize in cats, or
infect human accidentally. If human infect plerocercoid/sparganum by contacting or
eating intermediate host , the plercoercoid larvae( )are capable of infecting tissues of
humans , causing human sparganosis.

Angiostrongylus cantomensis( ) was described by Prof Chen Xintao in 1933.
The worm parasitize in pulmonary artery of murine, the egg develop into first stage larva in
capillary of lung and migrate into digestive tract,

and then out of body with feces. The larva can

survive by free-living for 3 weeks. Murine acquire infection by eating intermediate or transport
hostsor foods containing third-stage larva. Human is a unsuitable host of Angiostrogylus
cantonensis , when the third-stage larva enter body by eating raw snail-meats or transport hosts
meats, it invade into central nervous system frequently. Common symptoms of Angiostrogyliasis

are meningoencephalitis with eosinophilia, including acute headacde, nauseavomiting and fever.
Serious cases may present paralysis(), drowsiness()coma() or death. The disease is
found in tropic or subtropic areas including China, Thailand, Japan, and Vietnam etc. In Taiwan of
China, it reported more 300 cases of Angiostrogyliasis . 2 cases was diagnosed in Guangdong. Up
to now, there are any specific drugs for the disease.

F ig --1 Life cycle of Angiostrongylus cantomensis

Section VII



Arthropods are as intimately associated with humans welfare as any other animals. The
economic importance of this group to agriculture, in terms of both beneficial and destructive effects,
can hardly be overemphasized. In addition, many species have a direct relationship to human
health and well-being. The majority of arthropods function indirectly in human diseases, which they
transmit but do not produce; some species are true parasites, whereas others may inflict direct

injury by their bites, stings, or other activities. Some species are both parasites and vectors of
disease. These arthropods related with human health are named Medical arthropod(
Medical arthropodology ( )is a science that study the morphology, taxonomy,
cycle life, zoology, geographic distribution of medical arthropodology, and the relationship of
medical arthropods with the transmission of the disease , as well as the measures for medical
arthropods control.


The organisms in the phylum Arthropoda belong to diverse group, but they have some features
in common.
1) Bilateral symmetry.
2) Chitinous exoskeleton() with jointed legs.
3) Growth by molting, which is controlled by hormones.
4) A complete digestive tract extending from an anterior mouth to a posterior anus.

A nervous system consisting of an anterior set of ganglia and commissures,

which extend around the esophagus and pass posteriorly as two fused chains of ventral ganglia.
6) True segmentation or metamerism . Primitively, each segment had a pair of legs,
neural ganglia, probably an excretory unit, an a set of muscles. In primitive arthropods
there is little difference among the segments along the length of the animal(homonymous
metamerism), but in more advanced forms, there is movement toward specialized changes in
segments(heteronomous metamerism) or

the merging of

segments into

distinct body

7) The body cavity is a hemocoel and the circulatory system is open. In an open
circulatory system, blood moves into the heart through openings or ostia and is pumped out to
various parts of the body, where it leaves the vessels and bathes the tissues directly.
The development of arthropod include embryonic development


postembryonic developmentEmbryonic development is completed in egg. From

eclosin of larva or nymph() to adult , there is widely differences in the morphology,
physiological function and living habits etc. The process of the change is called as

metamorphosis(). Metamorphosis include two types: complete metamorphosis( including egg,

larva, pupa( ) and adult) and incomplete metamorphosis(including egg, larva/nymph, adult).
Larva develop into the next stage by molting. After 4 times of molting, larva develop into
pupa, which process is called as pupation( ) The process from pupa to adult stage is

Medical arthropod belong to Class Crustacea Diplopoda, Chilopoda
, Arachnida, and Insecta. Among them, most medical arthropod is
from Class insecta and archnida.
Insecta: mosquito, fly, sandfly, flea, louse, cockroach
, etc.
Archnida: tick, mite, spider, etc
Crustacea: crab, shrimp, etc.
Chilopoda: centipede .
Diplopoda: millipede .


Medical arthropod can cause harm to human by direct or indirect ways, such as bites, stings,
defensive secretions or as vectors of disease.

Direct harms
1) Harassment and sucking blood( and )

Bloodsucking arthropods such as

mosquito, louse, tick, mite, etc bite human by penetrating the skin with their mouthpart and cause
harassment to humans.
2) Allergy and toxicosis

When bloodsucking arthropod bites human, various secretions

including salivary fluid are injected into the body, and may be cause hypersensitivity(allergy) or
toxicosis. After contacting with the proteins of arthropods such as the secretions of cockroach can,
some individual occur serious allergical reaction e.g., asthma of child.
3) Invading tissue

Some larva of flies can parasitize in the skin or the cavity , and cause

myiasis(). Itch mite can invade the subcutaneous and cause scabies().

Indirect harms

Aethropods are of great importance as vectors of disease-producing

agents to humans and other animals. Disease transmission can be accomplished in two general ways.
It may be mechanical, which means that the arthropod carries an infectious organism from one
person or object to the next without serving as a host for the development or multiplication of this
organism. Transmission many also be biolog ical, in which case the infectious organism develops or
multiplies within the arthropod host and is only then transmitted to the vertebrate host.
1) Mechanical transmission( )

Among those diseases that may be

transmitted in a mechanical manner are the bacterial enteritis . Enteric organisms may be
carried by files that feed on fecal material to foods destined for human consumption. Pathogenic
bacteria may be found on the mouth parts, legs, or intestinal contents of flies feeding on excreta;
some protozoan cysts may be carried in a like manner. Flies have long been thought to play a role in
the mechanical transmission of those viral diseases in which the organisms are passed in the feces.
2) Biological transmission( )

Some infectious organisms require an

arthropod host for completion of their life cycle and also utilize this host as a vector. Most
arthropod-borne diseases are carried in this fashion, reaching the vertebrate host through the agency
of the bite of the vector. Examples of such diseases are malaria and filariasis. An arthropod may
serve as intermediate host for an organism that is acquired by the vertebrate host when that host
ingests the infected arthropod. There are four types of biolog ical transmission.

for development: the pathogen develop to infective stage in the arthropod, but dont
proliferation, e.g., larva of filarial develop in mosquito;


for proliferation: the pathogen proliferate in the arthropod, but its form dont
change, e.g., yersinia pestis() proliferate in flea ;


for development and proliferation: the pathogen either develop or proliferate in the
arthropod, e.g., plasmodium in mosquito;


transmission by egg: the pathogen not only can develop or/and proliferate in the
arthropod, but also invade the ovum of female arthropod. The pathogen can be
transferred to filial generation( ) of the arthropod by egg. The filial generation
also become infective vector. For example, Rickettsia tsutsugamushi(
) in Leptotrombidium deliensis ()


Arbo-diseases is the disease transmitted by arthropods. When a arbo-disease occur, how to
judge the vector of the disease? The evidences for the judgment are as follows.

Biological evidences

As vector of a arbo-diseases, the arthropod should have below

biolog ical features:


It is closed relationship with human, e.g., having the habit of biting or sucking humans;
its activity is correlated with humans foods, e.g., lapping foods( ) or
contaminating foods.


The arthropod is a common species of arthropods at local area, or the population of the
arthropod is dense .


The life span of the arthropod is long enough and can provide the time for the
pathogen to complete the development or proliferation.

Epidemiological evidences

The geographic distribution and seasonal distribution of the

arthropod are same as the arbo-disease.

Laboratory evidences

The arthropod can be infected with the pathogen by experimental

methods and the pathogen can develop into infective stage in the arthropod in the laboratory.

Natural infection evidences

In the epidemic season, the pathogen can be examined from

the arthropod at the field. This is the most important evidence to judge the vector.


Following table lists some important diseases transmitted by arthropods in our country.


Hard tick/Ixodidae()

Forest encephalitis()
Xingjing haemorrhagic fever( ), Lyme
disease()Q fever(Q )

Soft tick/Argasidae()

Tick-borne recurrent fever()Q fever(Q )

Chigger/Trombiculid mites()

Scrub typhus()

Itch mite/Sarcoptidae mite ()


Demodicidae mite()

folliculitis () etc


Dust mite/Pyroglyphidae()

Asthma()Allergic rhinitis()Allergic
Malaria( ) Filariasis( ) Japanese B


encephalitis()Dengue fever(),
Yellow fever()

Dysentery()Typhoid fever()Cholera()
Poliomyelitis( )Amebic dysentery(


Kala-azar disease/ visceral leishmaniasis()


Plague( ) Murine typhus( )

Hymenolepiasis diminuta()
Epidemic typhus( ) Lice-borne


relapsing fever()

Since the recognition that insects transmit infectious agents and the elucidation of the life
cycles of parasites in vectors, the vectors(insects, arachnids and snails) have been targets through
which disease control can be achieved. Initial attempts at arthropods control depended on
environmental management to reduce arthropod populations before insecticides became available
and application techniques were developed. Up to now, the integrated measure( ) is
considered as best measure for arthropods control. These measures are as follows:

Environmental management

It s objective is to reduce or control the resting/growing

field or breeding sites( ), and reduce the arthropod population by environmental modify and

Physical measures

Its objective is to control or drive away medical arthropod. For

example, bed-net is usually useful tool to avoid the bite of mosquito.

Chemical measures

Since 1940s, four types of insecticides have been used widely. The

use of DDT achieved eradication in controlled malaria transmission at some subtropical region.
Gradually, however, DDT resistance developed and alternative insecticides were required;
Organophosphates , Carbamates and Pyrethroids have been introduced as the spectrum of resistance


has widened. In recent year the development of the insecticide growth regulator , a new insecticide,
has been used in the experimental areas.
1) Organochlorines

e.g, DDTdichlorodiphenyltrichlorethane.

2) Organophosphates()

e.g., malathion, fenitrothion

3) Carbamates e.g., bendiocarb, and propoxur
4) Pyrethroids()

Biological measures

e.g., permethrin(). Etc.

The bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis ( ), and

B.sphaericus (), as well as Romanomermis culicavorax can infect the

larva of mosquito and kill them. In the rice field , breeding fish is also a useful method to control
the larva of mosquito.
Genetic measures

By applying molecular biolog ical methods such as mutation or gene

transfer, to product infertility males of medical arthropod and let them mate with wild female of
medical arthropod, which female will not reproduce filial generation.


The morphological features of the arachnids are as follows:

There is no head, as such, because the segments are fused to form a cephalothorax

and abdomen, which make up the body regions; in the mites, there is futher fusion of body

Antennae() are lacking and they have only simple eyes.


They have four pairs of legs and are lacking wings.


Developmental patterns are such that the larva form have much the same body form as

the adults.
The only group that sucks blood from vertebrates and serves as vectors of disease agents is the
Acari(ticks and mites). The Acari( ), whose members are commonly called mites or
acarines, includes both mites and ticks. The body consist of gnathosoma , also called


capitulum, and idiosoma.

The developmental pattern is basically the same in mites and ticks:
The stages are usually similar to one another in general form, but the larva has three pairs of
legs and the nymph() and adult have four pairs. The life cycle vary in that there many be more
than nymphal stage and there may be quiescent( ) stages such as the nymphochrysalis
in the chigger()(Trombiculidae). In some case, females die after laying eggs, but in a few
instances such as the soft ticks, female may continue to lay batches of eggs for months.

Ticks belong to Order Parasitifirmes () and are divided into two families, the Ixodidae
or hard ticks, and the Argasidae, or soft ticks. The dividsion between the two families is based on the
following characteristics:


An inflexible, dorsal sc utum covers the id iosoma of the

male and the anterior part of the idiosoma of the female; mouthparts are terminal
and visible from above; stigmata are located posterior to coxae IV; the body is usually smooth.


The scutum is lacking; mouthparts are ventral and not vis ible

from above; stigmata are usually located between coxae III and IV; the body is often wrinkled.

Dorsum of male tick

Venter of male tick

F ig --1 Dorsal and venter view of hard tick


F ig --2 hart tick(male and female)

L ife cycle

F ig --3 Soft tick (Dorsum and venter)

egg-> larva-> nymph->adult

During development the tick feeds and molts, feeds and molts. The adults copulate while on
the host, the female then drop off, lay eggs, and die. Hard ticks only lay eggs one time within whole
life. Soft ticks can lay eggs a few times. The male can mate with female much time. Under suitable
conditions, the larva hatches

in 2-4 weeks and seek a host to feed on. After 1-4 week, The six-

legged larva develop to nymph by molting. The nymph seeks a host to feed on again, drops off ,
molts and remains in the ground. After 1-4 times of molting, the nymph develop to the

F ig --4

One host type of tick life cycle

F ig --6 Three host type of tick life cycle

F ig --5 Two host type of tick life cycle

F ig --7 The life cycle of hard tick

adult stage. The life cycle of hard ticks is complete in two months to 3 years, most of soft ticks is in
6 months to two years. The life span of hard ticks is about one month to ten months, of soft ticks is
about five to ten years. All of the stage can survive a long time without feeding allowing the life


cycle to be further stretched out if host are not available. There are three pattern hard ticks, one-host,
two-host and three-host ticks(see below figures).


The larva, nymph and adult all need to suck host blood. The hosts rang include

birds, amphibianreptile, mammalian and humans.

1) Hard ticks

They suck in day, and feed on host a few days usually. The resting sits of hard

ticks are found at forest /woods, grassland, and pasturage() commonly.

2) Soft ticks

They suck the blood at night and only feed on host from minutes to one

hour. The resting sites are located at hosts nests and hovel.

Important species of ticks

They are Ixodes persulcatus ( ), Dermacentor

muttalli, Hyalomma asiaticum kozlovi and Ornithodoros papillipes


Harm to humans

Ticks can cause harms to humans by direct injures and transmission of

1) Direct injures

a) Irritation: The insertion of the capitulum into skin produces an

inflammatory reaction of the perivascular tissue of the corium with local

hyperemia , edema, hemorrhage and thickening of the stratum corneum .
Occasionally, the ticks can beneath the skin. b) Tick paralysis: This disease is caused
by the biting of certain female ticks. Its clinical characteristics show that the person can not walk or
stand, has difficulty in speaking, swallowing and breathing due to paralysis of the motor nerves.
2Transmission of diseases

a) Tick-borne encephalitis /forest encephalitis () is

mainly transmitted by Ixodes persulcatus, and found in forest areas of Northeast and Xinjiang of
China; b) Xinjiang hemorrhagic fever() is mainly transmitted by Hyalomma asiaticum

kozlovi and found in the pasturage of Xinjiang; c) Tick-brone relapsing fever(

) is transmitted by Ornithodoros papillipes and found in Xinjiang areas. Its
pathogen is Borrelia persica ( )or B.latyshevyi ( ); d) Lyme
disease is transmitted by Ixodes persulcatus, and found in 20 provinces of China. The pathogen is

B.burgdorferi()e) Q fever and tick-borne typhus.

The tick-borne diseases are zoonos is, ticks can act as vectors and reservoirs host. The
pathogens may be transmitted by ticks feces, saliva or secretions. The pathogen can also be
transmitted into filial generation by the eggs, which called transovarial transmission.


The control measures include Environmental management, chemical

measure(application of insecticides such as DDT etc), and personal protection. For humans, it is
best to avoid allowing ticks to embedded by using a repellent such as deet, trying clothing tightly at
the ankles and wrists, and searching for ticks in the clothing and on the body after a day out of doors
while you stay at forest or pasturage.

Trombiculid mite, which common name is chigger, red bug, or harvest mite, belong to Family
Trombiculidae. Among the common genera in this family is Leptotrombidium deliensis
in China.


Keys for identifying chiggers are based on the larvae. They are tiny

mites0.2 to 0.5 mm longwith three pairs of legs. They are typically reddish or orange, are well
supplied with setation on the body, and the palps have five segments.

F ig --8

L ife cycle

Diagram of the external anatomy of a mite

The stage in the life cycle of the mites are as follows:

Egg->deutovum -> larva-> nymphochrysalis ->nymph -

>imagochrysalis ->adult
The larva is the only parasitic stage; It usually feeds on a wide range of hosts. Adult and
nymph stage are free living. Female lay eggs in the soil. Life cycle of chiggers are dependent
upon the weather. In cooler climates they may have three generations each year, but in tropical


and semitropical climates, development takes place year-round. Three months is about an
average time for completion of life cycle.

F ig --9 The life cycle of Leptotrombidium deliensis


The parasitic stage have a low host specificity. They feed on small mammals

such as rat, and birds etc. Sometime it feed on humans. Chiggers remain at the surface of the skin of
host to feed. In China, the common species of the mite is Leptotrombidium deliensis,
which distribute the south areas especially in Guangdong and Fujian provinces. Rattus is main host
of Leptotrombidium deliensis.

Harm to humans

The mite can causes chigger dermatitis or trombidiosis( ).

The principle agent that it transmit causes scrub typus or tsutsugamushi disease( ) The
pathogen of scrub typus is R. tstsugamushi( ) or Orientia tstsugamushi ( ),
which pathogen can be transmitted into filial generation of the mite by eggIn China, scrub typus is
endemic in Tanwan, Guangdong, Fujian, Ze jiang,Yunnan, Guangxi, Guanzhou provinces ect. In
recent years, it was reported that the cases were found in Henan and Shanxi provinces.


Raised, itching papules and a history of having recently been in a grassy or

forest edge area usually adequate to determine that a persons has been attacked by chiggers. The
papules are usually located where the clothing is tight: at the belt, at the top of the socks, and so on.


The control measures include Environmental management, chemical

measure(application of insecticides such as DDT etc), and personal protection.

The Astigmata includes both parasitic and free-living mites. Scab mite, Sarcoptes scabiei

parasitize on humans and mammalian.. There is a single species in the genus with a number of
varieties named for the hosts on which they occur. S.scabiei var. humani( ) is on humans,
which can cause sarcoptic mange or scabies and S.scabiei var. suis is on swine and so on.
There is some cross-transmission possible with many varieties, but usually the ability of the mites
to survive and reproduce on an abnormal host is limited.


These are tiny mites and disc-shapped, which are barely visible with the

naked eye. All stages have stubby() legs, some of which terminate in long setae . The
first two pairs of legs have roundish structures called ambulacra(). In female the posterior two
pairs of legs lack ambulacra. The female are 0.3-0.5 mm long by 0.25-0.4 mm wide, and the male
are 0.2-0.3 mm long by 0.15-0.2 mm wide.

Life cycle

The pattern of development in Sarcoptes is as follows:

Egg-> larva-> protonymph ()->tritonymph ->adult




F ig --10 The development stages of SCAB MITE

Transmission from one host to the next take place through close contact or contamination of
the environment, and any of the stages is capable of establishing an infection. Entrance into the skin
is accomplished by the mite secreting saliva onto the unbroken skin; the cells of the skin are lysed
and the mite then eats it way into and burrows along under the keratinized ( ) layers of the
skin. The female burrows into the skin and lays eggs in a sinuous Tunnel(), which she forms as
she oviposits. The eggs hatch in 3 to 5 days releasing the larval stage. The larva still live in the


tunnel or enter a new tunnel, and molts to the protonymph and the tritonymph stage. The larvae
have 3 pairs of legs and nymphs have 4 pairs of legs. The tritonymph lasts from 3 to 4 days, and
then molts to reach the adult.
The female lays from one to four eggs a day, and lives about 5-6 weeks; a female lays from 40
to 50 eggs in lifetime. The male die after mating with female.


The female mite selects places on the body where the skin is thin and

wrinkled, between fingers, wrists, elbows, feet, penis, scrotum, buttocks and axillae. The mite can
cause more severe skin reactions, such as itching and allergic reactions. The irritation and
hypersensitivity seen to result from excretions, which the female deposit in the skin as they burrow
and oviposit. Secondary bacterial infections may also occur, probably as a result of scratching..
In young children whose skin is soft and tender, they may be found burrowing on the face and other
parts of the body.


Determining whether a person has been invaded by the mites is based on the

1) Clinical signs and symptoms;
2) Finding the mites in the skin.
Sinuous tracks in the skin, inflammation, itching are all indicators of scab mites. Later in the
infection, crusty patches are seen. The cr u x of the matter is finding the mites in the skin, but
it is necessary to scrape the skin somewhat nevertheless.
Scraping are examined under a compound microscope for mites, parts of mites, eggs and fecal


The transmission of the disease is accomplished by direct contact with the

infected person or with their clothing or bedding. For scabies control, the acaricides can be applied
to skin after a hot, soapy bath. All clothing and bedding should also be laundered.
The acaricides include 10% Brimstone ointment() etc.


Demod icidae mite belong to Family Demodecidae. Demodex spp are all parasites of
mammals. They cause a disease usually called demodectic mange or demodecosis .

Members of the genus have a high degree of both host and site specificity. Human have two species,

D. folliculorum, which lives in hair follicles, and D. brevis, which is

found in sebaceous glands .


Demodex spp . are elongate and have four pairs of stubby legs. The

mouthparts are not apparent and the hysterosoma() is quite long.

F ig --11

L ife cycle

Adult of Demodicidae mite

The mites live in hair follicles, sebaceous gland, and sweat gland depending

on the species. The follicles or glands may become packed with mites. Transmission between hosts
is by close bodily contact. The pattern of development

is as follows:

Egg-> larva-> protonymph ()->nymph ->adult

The life cycle probably require about a half month. The female live more than 4 months, and the
male will die after mating.

Diagnosis and control

The presence of the mite can be determined by gently squeezing

the skin and looking for the mite in the exudates. They are seen mostly on the face
in oily areas, such as around the nose, or in the eyebrows and eyelashes which may be plucked and
examined under a microscope.
The acaricides include 10% Brimstone ointment() etc



Insects comprise an important part of the biolog ical world in all biomes. In this section, we
discuss those insects that are parasitic or are vectors of disease agents.


The insects share with the other members of the phylum Arthropoda a) a segmented


exoskeleton with jointed legs, b) an open circulatory system with a dorsal heart, and c)
paired, ventral nerve chords. They are differentiated from other members of the phylum by having a)
three distinct body segments: the head, thorax, and abdomen, b) a single pair of antennae,
and c) three pairs of legs. Wings are present in most adults and they arise as extensions of the body
wall on the meso-thorax and metathorax. The legs all have the same parts, starting
at the body: coax, trochanter, femur, tibia and tarsi.


The main features are as follows:

Head: a pair of compound eye, a pair of antennae, three types of mouthparts( chewing
, sucking and sponging type mouthparts/mopping type mouthparts


Thorax( ): it consists of prothorax, mesothorax and metathorax; the thorax bears

three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings.


Abdomen: 11 segments; the ecto-reproduction organ() also locate in the part.

F ig --1

Generalized adult, winged insect(from Romoser and Stofollano, 1994)


Complete metamorphosis

Some species of insects belong to complete metamorphosis

arthropod, including mosquito, fly, sandyfly and flea etc. The pattern of the development is as

The larva and adult have differences in morphology and life habits; There is the pupa stage in
the life cycle.

Incomplete metamorphosis

Some species of insects belong to incomplete

metamorphosis arthropod, such as louce, bug( ), and cockroach etc. The pattern of the
development is as follows:
The larva/nymph stage is similar to the adult in morphology and life habits, but the sexual
organ still undeveloped; there is no pupa stage in their life cycle.


Order Diptera(

Mosquito, fly, sandyfly etc

Order Siphonaptera(


Order Blattaria(


Order Hemiptera(


The mosquitoes belong to Family Culicidae ()and an important medical arthropod. The
family Culicidae contains more than 3500 described species that divided into three subfamilies:
Anophelinae , Culic inae, and Toxorhynchitinae .Among the m,

, Culex and Aedes are the most common species of mosquitoes.

Adults of mosquitoes are generally 1.6 to 12.6 mm long, consists of the head,

thorax, and abdomen .

1) Head: There are a pair of compound eye ,and a pair of antennae, and a pair of maxillary
palp/palpus . The mouthparts are a long proboscis( ), which belong to sucking type
mouthparts, adapted for sucking blood and plant juices; the females have mandibles , but the
males usually lack them and connot take blood, only plant juices. The antennae are long
and plumose() in the males, but the female have only a few sparse hairs. Antennae
divide into 15 segments, first one is called sc ape , second called to ru
s , third to fifteen

segments called flagellum.

2) Thorax: The thorax is broader than the head. It contains prethorax(), mesothorax
and metathorax, each part has a pair of leg, fore legs, middle legs, and hind legs . The
metathorax has a pair of halters . There is a pair of wing, the scales on the wings are on the
veins() and the margins.
3) Abdomen: It contains 11 segments, only 8 are visible. The last 3 segments usually modified
into external reproduction argan.
Larvae are aquatic, and have a well-defined head, thorax, and abdomen; an air tube
arises so-called gills arises on the anal segment, but these are actually
osmoregulatory organs.

F ig --2 A diagram of a female Anopheline mosquito

Life cycle

F ig --3 A diagram of a mosquito larva

The complete life cycle contains eggs, larva, pupa and adult. All mosquitoes

require water for the development of the larvae and pupae, but the adult live in land.


1) Egg

Eggs are laid in or near water but never in open water. Females respond to a number

of environmental stimuli in choosing places to deposit their eggs. Aedes lay their eggs in damp or
tree-hole etc, whereas Anopheles lays its eggs in the fresh water, e.g., rice field. Culex lay their eggs
in different type water, e.g., sewage etc. Under the proper conditions, eggs develop and hatch quitly,
often within 2-3 days.
Anopheles eggs is boat-shaped, have a pair of lateral floats, laid single and float on the water
Culex eggs is cylindrical or ovoid in shape and no float. They are laid stuck together in eggs
Aedes eggs is olive-shaped, no float. They are laid single on humid soil or the bottom of
water(cans, contains).
2) Larva

Most mosquitoes larvae require food for the development. After 4 times of

molting, the larva develop to fourth stage larva, which is the last one of larva before the pupa, and it
typically does not feed but rather prepares itself to become a pupa.
3) Pupa

The head and thorax of the pupa are fused to a cephalothorax. The pupa is free

swimming but nonfeeding and usually lasts only two to three days and emerge to the adult.
4) Adult

The adults emerge() from the pupa at the surface of the water; Female are not

ready to take a blood meal until one to three days after emergence. This is the beginning of the phase
called the gonotrophic cycle. During this time the ovarian follicles develop. The females are then
ready to mate, and it takes place in swarms of males. Males may mate several times, but females
mate only one.

The next phase, host seeking, last for 3 to 10 days, during which time they seek

hosts, take a blood meal, and then rest somewhere while the eggs develop. Egg laying take place
over about a three days period. The gonotrophic cycle( ), except for copulation, is
then repeated, and one female may have as many as five cycles of egg laying. It should be noted that
in biolog ical transmission of disease agents of all sorts, the female is infected at one feeding, lays
eggs, and then must take another blood meal for transmission to occur.

Table --1Some recognition features in the adults of

Anopheles , Culex and

Aedesare as follows:








2. palpus()

The palpus is same as

The palpus of the female

The palpus of the female

proboscis in long



3. legs


than is



proboscis in long, but

proboscis in long, but

the palpus of the male is

the palpus of the male is

longer than proboscis

same as proboscis

With white and black

Without white and black

Without white and black




With or without white Without white rings

With white rings

4. sitting posture










between the body and

between the body and

between the body and

the resting surface

the resting surface

the resting surface

F ig --4 The life cycle of mosquito


Breeding sits and the behaviors of sucking blood of mosquitoes related with the

importance of disease-transmission.
1) Breeding habits

There are five type of breeding sits, paddy field/rice field,

slowly flow w ater, jungle or forest areas, dirt w ater, and container


water . Breeding sits is the place where the females lay eggs and breed larvae. The
selecting of breeding sits vary with the species of mosquitoes.
Paddy field type of breeding sits include rice fields, marsh and pond, in which water areas are
large, water is clean and still. The breeding sits is suitable to Anopheles sinensis ,

Anopheles anthrophagus, and Culex tritaeniorhynchus etc.

Slowly flow water type includes stream and irrigation with clean and slowly flow water, which
is the breeding sit of Anopheles minimus commonly.
Jungle type includes mountain stream, stone cave and spring pond, in which Anopheles dirus
is found usually.
Dirt water type includes dirt water pit, sewer, fecal pit, which are the breeding sits of. Culex

pipiens pallens, C.p. quinquefasciatus.

Container type includes water vats, jars, bamboo container, tree-hole etc, which are the
breeding sits of Ades albopictus and A.aegypti.
2 The behaviors of sucking blood

Only females of mosquitoes suck blood. The females

also feed on plant fluids, but they require a blood meal after mating. Some mosquitoes prefer to
suck humans blood, another mainly feed on animals.
3) Resting sits of the adults

After sucking blood, female need to find a place for blood

digestion and maturation of the ovaries. Anopheles dirus and A.anthrophagus prefer to rest inside of
house( called endophilic type); some mosquitoes such as Anopheles sinensis rest inside of house for
a while, the fly to outdoor for blood digestion and muturation of the ovaries(Called half endophilic
type); Anopheles dirus rest outdoor for blood digestion and muturation of the ovaries(Called half
exophilic type).The period from feeding blood to laying eggs is called

gontrophic cycle(

), the times of spending gontrophic cycle is called physiological age()

4) Flying and activity

Mosquitoes activities have relationship with temperature,

humidity, light and wind. a) Most Anopheles are crepuscular or nocturnal in their activity. Their
feeding blood and oviposition normally occur in the evening, at night or in the early morning; b)
Many Culex bite humans and other animals at night; c) Aedes usually bite humans during the day or
early morning. Mosquitoes commonly disperse within less than 2 km, and only fly a few hundred
meters from their breeding sits. But modern transport can spread mosquitoes to thousands miles

5). Over winter

In the winter, mosquitoes dont suck blood and hide in warn place such as

inside of house; The ovary dont develop. Commonly, the stage of mosquitoes for over winter is the
adult, but in Aedes the stage for over winter is eggs, and in Anopheles minimus hibernation( )
stage is larva. In sun-tropic and tropical areas, the average month temperature is over 10, there is
no hibernation for mosquitoes.
6) Seasonal distribution

Each species of mosquitoes acquires a set of favorable

environmental conditions for its development. The phenomenon that population density of the
mosquito varies with the environmental conditions is called seasonal distribution. The seasonal
distribution has closed relationship with temperature, humidity and rainfall. The seasonal
distribution in mosquitoes is closed relationship with the seasonal distribution of the arbo-diseases.
7) Longevity()

In tropical areas, the adult mosquitoes may live on average about two

to 3 weeks; in temperature areas, the adult may live on four to five weeks or longer; the males have
a shorter lifespan than the females.

Mosquito and diseases

1) Direct harm to humans

Biting by mosquitoes can cause irritation, or allergic reaction.

2) Transmission of diseases

As vectors, mosquitoes can transmit lots of arbo-diseases.



Epidemic area


Anopheles sinensis

Plain areas

A. anthropophagus

Mountain or hilly areas in

South China

A. minimus

Mountain or hilly areas in

South China


Jungle areas of Hainan island

2. Japanese B encephalitis

Culex tritaeniorhynchus


3. Falariasis

Culex pipiens pallens


C.p. quinquefasciantus

bancrofti in North areas of

a vector



Yangtse river
Anopheles sinensis

As a vector of filariasis malayi

A. anthropophagus
4. Dengue fever

Aedes aegypti

Tropical areas


In China: Hainan, Guangdong




It include the larva control and adult control.

1) Larva control

Chemical control,e.g., insecticide is placed in the water; biolog ical

control, e.g., predators(), disease agents; source reduction or habitat management.

2) Adult control

Insecticides(direct action and residual action); Personal protection.


Fly belong to Order Diptera( ), there are more than 1500 species. The medical
important species of fly include Muscidae, Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae
and Oestrodae


The fly measure

5-10 mm long and are dust-gray or black color, some

species have metallic color.

1) Head: a pair of compound eyes and three single eyes, a pair of antenna; the mouthparts is
lapping type or sponging type, a few species have sucking type mouthparts.
2) Thorax: The thorax bears three pairs of legs and a pair of wings. Each leg terminates has a
pair of c laws and a pair of pupvilli . These specific structures can carry the pathogens.
3) Abdomen: There is external reproduction organ, which can be as a specific feature for
identifying the species of fly.

Fig --5 Development stages of fly: adult,

pupa, larva and egg

Life cycle

It belong to complete metamorphosis, the development stages contains eggs,

larvae, pupae and adults.


Females oviposit in wet, decaying organic material. The usual sites are garbage

cans, feces, or other decaying material. Most species of fly (e.g, housefly) are non sucking blood
species They have dirt habits of feeding indiscriminately on both excreta and foods,
and excreting and regurgitating their partially digested meals over food. These specific


eating behaviors are main causes of transmitting diseases by flies.

Flies and diseases

Files affect human health by mainly mechanical transmission of

diseases. For example, housefly can carry the agents of diseases by its pads, hairy legs, body
bristles and mouthparts, or by ingesting the pathogens and then deposition with feces.
1) Mechanical transmission: intestinal dysentery, e.g. cholera, typhoid fever, bacterial
dysentery , amebic dysentery etc.
2) Biological transmission: Trypanosomiasis is transmitted by testse flies
3) Myiasis ( ): The disease caused by the parasitism of fly larva, cutaneous my.iasis,
intestinal myiasis, urogenitel myiasis and eye myiasis.


The main methods of control are as follows:

1) Source reduction by environmental modify

2) Insecticide use.
3) Physical methods: in house, barns, milking parlors, screening to keep flies out is the first
line of defense.


Sandflies belong to Order Psychodidae , there are more than 500 species of sandflies in the
world. In China, 40 species was reported, among them, Phlebotomus chinensis
and Ph.c. longiductus.


Adult sandflies are only 1.5-4 mm long, and yellow in color. They may be

recognized by their hairy bodies and wings that are held erect over the body. They have short
mouthparts(sucking type) and are pool feeders. They have a pair of relatively large black eyes. The
antennae are long and relatively long and still-like legs. Humpbackerect V shaped
position of the wings at rest.


F ig --6

Life cycle

Adult sandflyt

It belong to complete metamorphosis, the development stages contains eggs,

larvae, pupae and adults.

1) Egg

Eggs are laid in the crack of soil and the wall ,or hole . Under suitable conditions,

eggs hatch to larvae within 6 to 12 days.

2) Larva

Larvae feed on organic material. There are four larval instars.

3) Pupa

Pupae neither feed nor do activities. After 6 to 10 days, they emergent the adult

4) Adult

After emergence, the copulation appears to take place within 1 to 2 days. The

gonotrophic cycle requires about 6 days after feeding to develop ova. Females
only mate with males one time within life time, male will die after mating, and females can live 2 to
3 weeks.


In China, the sandflies distribute in North areas of Yangtse River. Only females

feed on blood, but both males and females take plant juices and nectar as a source of energy. The
adult rest in house or outdoor. Phlebotomus chinensis in plain areas usually
rest in house, but in plateau areas of North China it is usually found outdoor, e.g., tree-hole. Their
ability to fly are week, and sandflies do not disperse more than 30 meters. The peak of the
population density occurs in summer, the stage of hibernation() is the larva.

Sandlies and diseases

Sandflies can transmit Leishimaniasis() sandfliy fever

, and Bartonellosis


The main methods of control are as follows: a) Environmental modify, b)

Insecticide use, b) personal protection.



Fleas belong to Order Siphonaptera, are ecto-parasites of mammalian and birds. There are
more than 2000 species in the world. In China, 454 species was reported, among them, only a few
species are vectors of zoonos is.


The males measure 3 mm long, and females are shorter than the males. The

body is brown-yellow color and covered with bristle().

Life cycle and ecology

It belong to complete metamorphosis, the development stages

contains eggs, larvae, pupae and adults. The life span of the adult is about a year under favorable
condition. Both males and females can take a blood meal, so they are equally important as vector of
disease. Most species of fleas are not entirely host-specific, small mammalian e.g., rat are common
host. The adults of fleas can jump about 20 cm vertically and 30 cm or more horizontally.

F ig --7

Harm to humans

The life cycle of flea

Fleas can cause harms to humans by irritation, parasitism and

transmission of diseases. Fleas frequently bite person on the ankles and legs, but at night a sleeping
person may be bitted on other parts of the body.
The most serious disease, plague is transmitted by flea. The pathogen of plague is

Yersinia pestis its natural hosts include Marmota, Citellus and

Meriones in China, the species of fleas include Pulex irritans , Xenopsylla cheopis
. Flea-born epidemic typhus is also important disease transmitted by fleas. The fleas are
also intermediate host of Dipylidium caninum and Hymenplepi diminuta



The main methods of control are as follows: a) Environmental modify, b)

Insecticide use, b) personal protection.

LICE( ))
Lice are permanent ectoparasite. The parasitic lice of humans include 3 species: Pediculus

humanuss (head louse), P.humannus corporis (body louse) and Pthirus pubis(crab louse, pubis
louse). Pediculus humanuss (head louse), and P.humannus corporis (body louse) are called as human


Adults are small, grayish and wingless insect with dorsoventrally flattened

bodies. The head is rhombus in shape, the mouthparts is sucking type. There is a pair of five
segmented antennae and a pair of conspicuous eyes in the head. Three pairs of legs are short and
well developed. The pubic lic eis generally smaller than Pediculus. Their bodies are broad
with very large claws on the middle and hind legs.



F ig --8 Adult of human lice

Eggs are oval, white and firmly attached to the hairs or the clothes.

Life cycle and ecology

It belong to incomplete metamorphosis, the development stages

contains eggs, nymph and adults. Human lice parasitize on human, head lice live in the hairs, and its
egg are laid on the root of the hairs. Body lice live in clothes, and pubic lice live in the density areas
of body hairs such as pubic hairs etc. Both sexes of the adult lice take a blood meal at any time
during the day or night.

Harms to humans

Lice can cause pedic ulosis , which symptoms include cutaneous

irritation, loss of sleep and psychological depression. Epidemic typhus , liceborn relapsing fever, and trench fever can be transmitted by lice.


Personal sanitation is important for prevention of the lice infestation. The

measures for lice control include Physical and chemical measures, e.g., cutting off the hairs with
eggs, washing and cleaning the hairs with sulfur soap, sterilizing and boiling clothes of infected

Cockroaches belong to Order blattaria , there are more than 4000 species of
Cockroaches. In our country, 168 species of cockroaches were reported. Among them, Blattella

germanica and Periplaneta Americana are the most common species in



Cockroaches range from 2 mm to 100 mm long, in generally 10-30 mm

long. The bodies is soft and flattened dorsovertrally with chestnut brown or black in color. They
have a chewing mouthparts much like a grasshopper , large eyes, and long flexible antennae.
The forewing are leathery and the hind-wings membranous. A large pronotum
covers the head..

F ig --9

Life cycle and ecology

Adult of Cockroaches

Cockroaches belong to incomplete metamorphosis, the

development stage contains eggs, nymph and adult. Females lay eggs which are attached to one
another in packets. The eggs hatch giving rise to tiny, soft first instar nymphs. Development is slow
with the time from egg to adult requiring several weeks or months at moderate temperatures. The
adults prefer to rest and act at humidity and warm places. They have dirt habits of feeding
indiscriminately on both excreta and foods, and excreting and regurgitating
their partially digested meals over food.

Harms to humans

Cockroaches are likely serve as mechanical vectors of a number of

bacterial agents, especially enteric species. They have also been implicated as being paratenic hosts


of hookworm larvae. Cockroaches have also been implicated as causing asthma in Children.


In house and other building, control is attempted by the following measures:

1) Insecticide application.
2) Removal of any possible food sources.
3) Preventing migration of roaches from one dwelling to another.


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