Co-Teaching Walk-Through Rubric Pre Assessment
Co-Teaching Walk-Through Rubric Pre Assessment
Co-Teaching Walk-Through Rubric Pre Assessment
Pre Assessment
Directions- Have a third-party observer complete the form below following a 20
minute lesson (minimum recommendation).
Objectives1. Teachers will be able to understand and use the various co-teaching models in
their ELA classrooms.
2. Teachers will be able to collaboratively plan instruction to best meet students
diverse needs.
Key- E- Evident; NE- Not Evident; N/A- Not applicable
Lesson is primarily using parallel,
station, teaming, or alternative coteaching model
Grouping of students facilitates
lesson design
System for pre-assigning students
is in place
Students are taught routines for
moving into teams quickly and
Both teachers shared responsibility
in lesson content and delivery
Teachers varied their instructional
delivery to meet the unique needs
of the students
The length of the lesson was
appropriate to the content and
needs of the students
Co-teaching model utilized was
appropriate for the lesson being
Teacher to teacher interactions
were appropriate in content,
quantity, and enhanced the
delivery of the lesson
Teacher to student interactions
were positive and appropriate in
content and quantity
Student to student interactions
were positive and related to lesson
Classroom management was
sufficient to allow a smooth
implementation of collaborative
teaching models
Students were focused and actively
engaged throughout the entire
Noise level was appropriate for
lesson and age of students
Lesson materials and supplies were
readily available
A variety of strategies and
materials were used during the
Differentiated instructional
strategies were used to
accommodate the various types of
Lesson plan was developed by the
general education and special
education teachers
Lesson plan indicated the
collaborative co-teaching model
Teachers were engaged in explicit
and direct teaching the majority of
the time during the lesson
Co-teacher was fully utilized during
the lesson to compliment the
general education teacher