6th Class Telugu Lesson Plan Complete

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(08 S606 Siroret SAS Shr BPporisow a GIES wrdorr dmED do HPQ wand MPD KAirOATD, Srbd SyGseve: BRODY Avy DHS - AMYPVI,S Ogos O85 BpAs0 wien B60 Ue e58¢52 aossweG | DOOSY WaDY SMPEAOSIIO Avifanen - wemgoen exybitso sage eq Bexithsde B86 + Bro Goto, Sh ~ O58: ad Sao’ : I.mbiio -tmbptitio: 11. ess - pret: TL hysi 858 TW.28se00 Veneawayss Vino Vit. ego Vath. exapoween: $9 30 dates + igo Mib0d Srentots + & SiiBo Sty 3s wore adorgaind Kumyed fegor®, a0: Sesto Soy kK Noe S008 Doran’ us SeDs Seta devo Sogo Dédorr Eh Ago SD 288m, Bore Goze wioew D250 ARjSe Sas Gator aoathin Hr eG Seiad Anse. ‘284 cownt rd Sowysia of 1. SA Geko Sor) 2 aby Sao or) 2. Sg SED eygore Degnoir. resend bo Adarhomet Dyavositbotrsssy oe 68 deen (6.28.98) Dire sare disstoro, 1. eg sere0 edergtiots depribo soto avos%o smoypting cies Say Oayge PoqUe RoE_ haa oe Saeed Hite 2, BAS Ko Deytos reg00. Gdpe Dore Oage" at Hts Bete, 3. gba wsdysor “Dysyto. 26 eos Sajorr eras, ek é a avae 5) 868 Kee eens Se stain SosKpe yeti edrergiioen D6 SSrts Sao (oid 2860 ome toe GdeeRS eh mosey at BuCioes ts Honome. 6 BUS Beauty DGHssoe Have Rg wen 2G? A, utes Sotto JG? 4. dos erba Bore! 2 Gorbermyen? of DO? Sysagh Othe Sotthorw Seats dob Atpsiorno ote Som wehuion dkuivo Sosst sn Btornoat 1947e! dysews Door, Je 85 S0suio uird. 2 © dustyorr Bio Heniisren sot Ach, B4ey heres wNe;Doeren. enrost soc cer Seton Sapun HET ab Sra GEBIS. Gon dHUSY Ge ms Hoare. myigen EBD egorrd Horeks Kgoiitio, sinibE* SqOD lowes Desisehstotides + 1 Ko. $880 Dicrin uexge eo beer eo UMA + cdrqmuiots Habe oriingiue ED, Spode SEND igre Samo, aot 2 2g | 08, 083 uErFODOG | F unis Subips mom wots 03) 1 Lior simtgtide: 1. 6 Tako 8) 180d Beasiys? Dom SaSoiigs Boo wl bapa aff DESO eS? 1. ea:stt0- gwaito: 1. Adbod! 30) Somjeames ? GY Suge avy O80 Slo 08 wD wabto, 2 Bol spade SBD S88 SomopadS Somes Fabodt Ieye amy. 1, 65? GO NO]? W,HOSH SOW - sand : GMowD ¥,aya08) DU Gere | NioAAeYzuMeapEO ANSE ween | 9 40r8 Hap Sgr esses arg 860 Hp0 leo sessat0 SERS/SNe Gere SMSISSSNS 3, so etre, Synge oo HBr so veto dboan& :09 160 8600 So foodie, Lasinorso By _# | yet Mgodde, 4. admagus Boot are Suit GAS Cepthes Ho dpm rood Bb ROG wares dude. Syoun exes erat 6, enre Bd Dogtyots Mogod Or ELS ro DEQ, MoBodeto Sarto Fattio, eey ts Batio, torr BOBS Dah, Sigs ai be, god adoption 26. Was DSoe Oeg5 ayes Srencscvodine deresol rsGoxet. 1. byes Srentsdbod Bere MOOD ome dette, 2 gbet resco. 3 we LB Biro Oa PepSiitc, Sembiso, Wigs Dsore oxy f 6d SOG Benth appoypsswen 1, G52-BO NOG? WHS) ROG? - Bisons : SOSH $ G72) Seine Deyo exer DUG 20080 Wa) aaReOSSHO aaehanen - eRyDED “3 USE. HI. Ayh 680 : exin KtingrITe [SKo% Daytyen odie wEtDod kydoBOS simmer ov EnmW, 5, Satter bike Rey tow wxtios! 80 edo SHY? B. eihosto fy SOF cig Sineh ranotitio. b. ayn ingore 1V.disameo :1. Boot SonoBods Soren Ordbof. 2 Abo O50 utmost Says tuo, sdo wS big serest “eter” of bY dow DYyowod. LOA doen oexoteo, Ez FP] arcoct & wetomnst ants ego of Soret regotdins. ay 08 2 domes menoiits drew woud! audirnusto. Vayama : 1, S58 erbds Bom isto AN Korb Getto’. 2 Romdln Gorbo WSs 8. Retin See ebsonoisto. 4 Fiflato wasodito Visite : Rain, ina NO! Site enre Seem he arent, Rita, 0 Kyu Dio, Sater axe somiQ DoisHo Vit. deangnn : 1. 7; BOSCO BuEhunet, Ogrews eoddubte, VET. sechomen : 63. dio, Oi, Soutmensores, depderes eetiom : 408 « nth Hubto, 2 D8k GO Koma, Bienks ogo Botti. IErboMe Anskayeits DBO Stal Hanerpotisod® Briar i eons iGo Sabos Dautbsodorr spp SBocth sobehossero. ido, Srtoggo bre sant Habbo, Ars Gio iit, A ps Saal 5 Score wd Oe doewodt Bosco ss 2 adage Joes dentesttto-nste: : 1. oytyed So WADED eYord Sere MYosdo, SNE sqpoD Soutaie oper Dye wap (ras larte Hpowde, sty - Dies» ociuer any Rotats as Gul (ryitnes) » miele Amdo: 1) aio 2k A508 ordaemnt? Duets? \Pruires Meno IT. esesitiso - sperbido: 5) dio SHt06, ANG wom wore 182 Tues, &) xO Fold soosd es esto aorsts eonomrts? 1), Sodeyes Figodo8, wanoito 4) ho Gad creer regoste, 2 |r aero go dose ides 8 dere Hae erastio. SAKS/O6rE Syrse sone ety SOR SeBNe cy Keo utrosduiees Sgoghts ousto ai8s ete sabe sar 0 ore BUBS Dak, Sgor a BSC sams detain, 6S SINS Benrd dovjgowsanen 2. POD (HOG - Bisand : MopeD-0HSo OVO) DYAIO DPE GHD DUP —_ | Noss aaKamosso ame - vender [ [sigenes sacocis aieocsta | fan. tyemesa : aye Sesauses set Seat trod Srodt oovodiio Cuno Herbs dusapeet oases. Dest Os aE CAdpen sedouielo TW.tsienen 1th (205 ret Bod eyes ronottiow) atottertn 9) BYERS ifyes SBS, Viigsamaees : 1) oe DdoetD dokrr DEEEOScin Semordo. 2) dues Gmgsd engsd Soe 86 Viana £1) dre Dine Gross smoconoat aot. 2) Srso6FD As 8) cxcthin, soeysitge spigot Ss/frubo Senossso 0 Bib Died. eel Snegtiol, wPiretets 8 Dots tress Sod Srads wovoisto. regen agicingeren Scsis, 6M, od cadyen BDaiHhaboe. Bb | wt. Bo / wes. | vim. gmatsomen:- is Berio (ex 0 dates : ) de wis sore Bf, 1. Mae: : Bayo Gite aria, Bdodntd Rogge suydek awe Sond. Sion Sghtdom, Saye bm Sands Habit: SENS Qe Sus oe Sb. ae heer S880 Sooty SHS Sip 0 Sghres o Sen extaps, BR Mato, Me sae aon} sabes, Soles, Sees Ans arejen 5, AP Rdorw Byotots, 6S SONS Benth HEoHssvay B. od Hpiden- sons : DDG SHED _ SOA WTO ose Owe Se Ser Heo dio tetod Smenbodido, 1. P Xgo Som? 2) ah DOSuine MEO Sento 28 filo aotos? tap itosto og sor seo AS (Gyo ) ago dedton waEorge Fea io mee eo Sound St i er aisious 9 99 3 <5 Gilt 9 BRN SSO eathe Hetince ud agi — | peghes eatiio leg. so aot Coprysiiven) : Tama -mmpeo 1) 2) exvdae... SeyRm 2 4900 eA? Bu werOHD LeyLE, a) serge HenBtantys eto Esko. 6) ego eb. abtincie? w) Behe ames Eratot, fu Soe S80 moon sowgayes Gri8 G90 1) SiS SERED, SOD EEyOM, ht. aaaco- sande: ©) adie serge D6? w) ddbe» 8% Js) ruse Bs Semen SOTUHOR. o) Go SAD Gies dhuimte Aemowto. ty 1. Dyn cinaptats Ooty Seta, 2 BOG ox 2otido cotio. 9) gs 6D SOK Benth devoossner S. Sod Hpisoo- visans : ODS SHev a SSiian WHO eer DUigsrera —_| ALiow TabyfsoPeROso dhrimnen - even | TH. Aya BOO : Laddes wd Spee Sean SO? LHC way Graded. Re Singmres Sisto] HBAS Gao His eke, SEOs Gide, Me GE Sand] 2 wranesie, Gs geo Ho O86 ay oserd BEE! S Vingonggus: 1, ofisabotonoites 2) Semi) =m x Sido, Sober, on Soak 45 comoiido, 4) SoyAS SNS H9 ronoisto, Vi gow : 6 Sdce'D Sep ome AOD chob Naina Sens ton! wor wos rob — | HEHE eyo, aeazhiy onidin 90 evon wine Wcgodtaido. 1OTE does Beuteldde, 2) dae aldo wb wots, VIL. doen 11) Sqquts Heda Bande/ bein {000 Bil ooxodde. is wosE — | mtg iid, 2) S600 deasow BUGS der lomwuso aed KEBOtOA, S199 en Sébodtardo. VIEL. gsipomen- crits, Sian uhes, etn Babes, 6S SUNS Benth dosjouwsinear Hass) expe’ Ke D0ctio, Smemtotise, His oskinnds menoio Sgr ape 6d SHH® Band devwHSINED 5. BEP DOGO - Besos : H7,0 HHO moan : O08 DPGAD WMT CSOD DUPE | iowa anes ATO -coRHO | je So Sodato, ling csmmeris Mogosdasto nt ens ets Wanein: Ass CED Sw, Sent eribeo Tsrore Goddd. [a0 Sabot. Teessisdo, goritso. 1.405 5 ls.ogrorteat sues smenBub 26? I, dus ance ln. sseo -simtaescio ns Prono LeSAGS Guirsieres Dut airs uly) Son Seo toh womotito, & Bott Bh Soret Gidiitutl ZaUtG% womodtio. |v1.a00 : Bot Sod a0 dod son Oe VIE. deangion : Sor Daren 28000 oes dnd 688005 re0e0 Bddiiaiod, see wits anes 0 GBD rigod wants donocto a. |iroyod cesite urges Benteltto, adda: duos Std tow aaytye EH Wodotit, [yiractie, ovo od Tayler SR aeinaet ANS oe |1. Byer mtpidold BOOyRI MoB0d Stoner, 28, ores, Jens Ordre D0? dreriyo dod ? 2) ch Medd Rrodmndt Abnod Dyed |HBrs Hse nm. aes se 19 yi, sibel! Sotbnien 9 7 68 esi des yitre Job Biines GD to er? aT AY DO © Be Dod Dag TWinieneo veer, Ee te imuiiereds Bros atime dedi WVenypameyses : Sootitots acinus casita Tues Commie Unsod monaco, > ait, 202 ei Sood Keres OOD Riysotek VII. 2mnin rnnom Henincdoaee “dots ior Sous! ig OEE dank Hob evened. Teuro Sotsgt Lisa desir : 1. sess Prostinedl ago, 2) sgetd Smee dosage runoLte. Shree 86xB Go| Lemos 2 898 Sens, yereato” S580 Sheo ont dutee, sr 0 Sense B08 seo ree Be eo 80 so 6a SUNG Benth Iv OHSAne 6. "BROS Howloo"- Maw ses) Sows : Stoo SoanG,: & diane ewe oxen OE gC Row Ay ziMEROERIO aeYianen - RAPED 1. | aisybse + Og50 1000 Smentoste, fides! Wertor endeasyeins? ersmorm ate eotwe? wees Bento, D680: 1 Huy edging Rein, ertaingor SoD ae ees Bate: Hire ao Bod! 4 Aro. 8. | cb daseS, 1 ascsco, granso. (adder) & Aabss GO M000 Dunibod ? £98 SoeFavomr? ae dene Hao Aen Noten 0 dere Sp SENG, SANS Home 1. 7 Seren So bbosHo, 2. Siingraren BAN Bot rogoritio 3. adonpie Bhet saree dabeo. gots Kegostéo Seorr erg dyes raged abet Hames desde. 1. Gg) BASSE, 6d SHS Benth dovygousanen G. "BLS HOWO"- Gad SH) Sond : Svoeoh ao] arpa expen | Hi. Ryas 659 #1. Bte Song ows SDE? LOE 4Of Sobowe. Sammi at 6D ogee ocho, .astrod oanoi. 1v.xxsteed :1) Sirods Aéows Svocsst Hijet aotren, siywen, odes Sansa Soyubscren vonotiio ]V.Agseamagaas 1) 498 Says Adoo8. 2. Rating LAD Hb Ey borben Sonoisco, LEAs EB rahol, Atypdor dDaies, Haines monowo, VIL@¥om = ai, Etor, arb Sou Scrow SNS eof) fob. Screw rogouok. bd Seysfod tyes Ste, Vin. spagon :S80d Ps robes DNS Hotifjo es DoS. weroH Noses FHOBD 1 Sok Reotod. ow Ie SBE BSQorD VIN. gadeossen:- nije ob sOuin oss SON DsBotod, $00 Batter : 1 uing oviust, otisuost Seisem? gle BibeBs myo 13 DUST —_| NUosateyfsteyOSo AaLimEN - ee do. Rha Sayed. By Ghost Agee Seestoet ort. Beth Weyoseo| es 2gGo dared dain’, 6d S658 Benth PUMHSInEd T. PERU, SoaB,:10 0m Sian Dro emer ROBES hy memo aay - eoroen axgbtde : Bo 900d drenhodto, 1) POxSos* Buen Sodgoyto? 2) heen ood wiser dad/ | ang sure Heo $8 NO SOWoddo. Singer eh woto SP domed. 3) 2 48e5 2011 Pavoriodt srssdens remhod te. etter Do Bagh raQedete advrst> 25 Omey OnE Osa Beyer 7 abn BORS EB Gorey ee aied. age (Sess Aube. Saxo : Kote Corso sphNwor, stare mEROs. 1) Cooks She aicines asso Tho — | arg son HO BSS @des, 2) OOS OYE add. wabed, bor, DU5 Siidiner Bordon. wosezbdd Ddiren BAe eegswerio Sges Megoséo Bestzan. 3) grédtito CRIS Gos Kp NO D HOS der oot Smo Bbet saree dave. eqen Senthil, D5in: Doylyeo SOD eYord Seren MQod. ARYOD iho O56 Moin | sua HIKE Geo | ener ORS ghee, Gow Bb sare acptor SErARS. Sor Hesys Sosy 08 Som BtyPRSo. Basco. amet -0G- BBO: BodeD 55 Bp Fos Coes FOommSH 275 Seoent oss. 8688 Reinke syst | Gilg re teospeie NQoisto, Oar Sato Rgoor [Sirasidaite] oiruive 25. BSS Otero Bayes aD dabol, Toaeisdo, gpabito. 1) fits og SUS Saiyan 7 2) fash GES eter? srs dye) Sneginod BOMyR Mogoo Ome 5) Ese aiyghs woo Seg Bien. 4. Gite (toon amentod. w bye egQubrEs MUDoded, z crue, GS Outoes + odor drentodenty Caifrosio Th.aisiido-omatdo : Groin, 05 so No0d Sesto. SAD Bittner rbot. 2.5650 Sod, C68 Bajos ames crabol. GouEE Soynihes ats, 9) Stet a7 dowords de B.yawse0 : who oye HSH SOA Gaara SOE? Sodom eetdod wdEty dome Siif0, PR SBS Bnd 14 6S S558 Bear awvdigoHsawen T Soary Dian Pg Ose os0 dahl aaneROBo aR - Bxadven gtod beomgest Sen 5D agen Gotmas? 4 SSotM 73005 Oe» Sonoren der etsistionto? 1V.acsenoo :1) Svectn eotitieret Magen Beare een rasoto, Btiororty ronoitte. Vigesoases: 1) merSeset! ering: dotron, 80 508000 Sh Dots ein haved. 2) Bieree tmototer dud eb Mb0d Leytged mem memos. Viton : fs Séecc! em cdanty ts? 2 &AFom ety arty buts bo eOgrubo HS? vit. isn 1.8245 wasreg) Geskeo Axbociod. 2 momiesetD wars éos6e0 conosco. WVItT.gmstomen : Luisoisou ‘su HWeietoo TREAD OOO asooKiSadLio, Sno eatitesm : 1) 2 2 Grete be axyiom? 1. @BE robud eye lee Ri Sp8tigore Srboye are cides Hetty, “byes Sa9 dasiow” 80g omer Nos Singh demeyoss Sn. 5d SUNG Benth dovsgpowpsoner 8. Shiiw PSO Soan&, :09 BIA WRGHO waned Woah iomeryOSIO Aes - @e~CD 1. BaBoet aspen amo? 2 ag Soro ego | Lay sero SOboosto, Assert Bs + Sar erarty wostnoesd dksor Denytyots Sohepes Hac. Sop gens Rei rigotito, 9, admeye BB! dares Hiego : Sette ovo SyBstorn ney dnephoitio. ae s6na 490 |e Ke Dyes godt. 1.0% S60 tod fioorto eusisstil, 2 din Lid! woditin erhayinen Sto. : ats dusto, eo DeniethSto-Diise : 1.Doyg GAD efor Soren Kioto. 2 SENG! AeyoD expe TAGGING Genes errr ODS Dal, Sgorw Ait mahi Most, ASEe Bots ardor Dyes Era. phat Sant Seto. chats Bucs (rotted MBodsedS Babine DS00i, Doyge 3S wrawvte Sehrso speed omer raiio, myydoyren eihatito, Spe Sesiito ~ BS Eaen eotiory lors DayKgos Megostio Os Habio. late sooo, sty - nite : dp / seers SHEN E NS hy | pS Ke Dery pets ONott Hants Setoto| ge eros dato | adepene 26. Was duiore OMgs Speptos ouisio [dyes titptnshotire derevodl Kegs, Ja Subo8 (seysiiwes) : L.maco-amipetio: 1. & vot! adord, dito D808 Dotixo rots? | HANS GAGo 1. Dyes doeptoshod Boe raged 1. aiioren us roto Sok SEE Solent der Seatsoenn Bosco 7 oxy Hasto, 2 B6eF erat. are Onis l.axsado-amaeio: 1. next dtdodiéo Diebets aes rovetito. LOGE ND reshost orm | aeppo Sregi6o, stun antigen Gils Oiiore Oe Leyes Mg00 a Hb cemodto Bory erst Site Deitavd afOoe hn frames : Sogo wondty Be sy edOD Honobs woeOE Bw maDeséo, SBKS G0 Se eatiyn, OR TDOw So, wi Bn + ciio trineore ihe Deryoe: osm acted fyusaoe? sonore ohiy eytrors. dered aris draio exiieihisiod? 2 10K Zomtite Somers BS FS? 6d SSO Beam dovjoHsawor &. Soeiw PSO 4 Seige Ob ORE Site SSbodia + aga ys Od eotpied BAgome Tv.sscameo : 1.fi8 Ani S08 wo Ordos, Sib Stho (¥eo) ty, SSO Vin panes: Lib BSbaye tg SifSFos, Syst Gawk f rainy wodktiin BB wrcbod. | dshrido 2. b angoad Be won? i.e : 206 ayer 8p orbaspes Noakes oer wa? B60 + Sow SuABE! 250 arth DORE? # Dayo Keown DANE TO SE yLEeS O00 Ro wabipo. ‘Asdowod. aria hidep wagotot. vit. gnaposaen So SOsabe Bosyoa 28 ssn Sattiem 1 205 duet etitets, ego TaSitow, aothe! Simos! asbyrer. lscyiee rian Stier, Atooye Om Aint Hattto, + O45 [AGO 08, ona. seiane ante ss0us DuathSodor Xp TRocity dobggorero | 65 SSB Baty seHOHSsnoy Snentowito, tifits ows Soad&, : 09 65 SSNS Benth DISS = Beons : tHE, omy iisan Brg xed Drie | Dow cmer—pEIO Aare -eoya laxgbssie : elo 000 Srentorsio, 1. P OB" Sty Gos Deke Krvyayte? aro S6nB HO LApG UBD SOSDOSo. 2 inersio sya] lo. eodito Dao Heinys? * HON sn GEMS OTD thom Avywowo. Bas ests Dees MBowstio. 3. adore B66 Sec 2 Hstyo : nie owe SyhSor JE atare Srentostio. re Sno Kydgo | dys WotGen Ho De MOBOD BEE 1. os Say eosgd sos, soubor sgorgorr He SHSiwot sowitso. Lewweirts oS samc Saito, rte Ses" 0S Sito GAGS. 3 Kredy Sore Siiso Sot aol IYinsgw [LOS 3 forge deketisto asin : 1. Dayipen SOD exor"D Siren Migoso, HOnBE YOO SgBNSAS5NO those [BOBS DQ, Spor awh DOD Mgoseio. formes aiyto, adoring Smsesiy Sere ovioingorr D0. bgods Stow’. S00 wgen oudio, waynoyoo Webco. fem as-is: 55 Spgen S878 seo diE to Derstperss MOQotnes Sim Saitso| Loss ease ors scorns gong erosive 5. fad Sabod : Lanside-simigtitio: 1. 61 fatboé! fnt SOyS errio D8? domi? S88 S90 1. yen Srepesebod BOgrO% GOD la. smoiiy Aart orrio8 edisenrix, Bok? A Aavo oye ED do Sigaoayts? loots Sustio, ros artie® Seog Sor 80d simendossto sgh Keo fr evinen pecs Aidt 2, Setiraanen? 9. Rainn Nesey acytn Sa ene Meaty i Se a0 en Beirt Beige, 8. HS dere MgO emossto [INT yao wens : & Srodrr ec Dod {aogoet Stim whoty deco. sghiiio. 1. oerOats Dott Ryo ReiyD. DoyiyD oS rE" taken HOR 1. Abe erode Brot smedt ronoiitlo, 2 Geer domed #0 stestianes 6S SOG Sent) mUopssne 10. & SrHosy, - Visand: SHS _ LSA WPYHO OOD GOS oY sPEAOIO DHE - CeNED iimcenenn | 000 cross wBeD wager Danese, Royo ons ge 1 860 ) ah 2 eriso ( ) ass 8 pis, Sipe 4D Sine oso. 4 SAS 1900 Sires omDsio V. Reames : 1 KrSody Soret wiitinor S00 Srieo Panoiito. 2 Grs6F Ravolindo ramodiéo. 3. woastio hgd So S67 Lnotiio, adrpyaion S684, Viens <1, & Maint) SORES NOS Ost ore IOS? 2 thio SODS SOU/MaboD fo eDerdvo ado £6 Stes Jame? 3. Sen Serrostn mrerer Btyorteo. adrozao 2b St bos vir. amangyaw : Atsorarots Saka seers $8000 rovossio. aA MC ESE WiduoWTaio. guid og reo, adyptine HOES. VIL. emowen : SSSSY 5089 SOSH Sooo. 35 wo Samtor : LLenseity sere oviost Seton. Bi / wt. 2 smite Serottn cram, Posinnd BEyvos, ie / we, + yo BOD Sphiisor, daorye mbm Sint dedto. + D4 GECKo 29, SoH085 700 MoQos adit. 19 6d S6K® Benrd aweywysanen 11. Bo PQeO boan&,: 09 Siar Ho oxo DvGorce | HOS NEY imeyOSO OAM - VERO lacybitie : nyo M9800 dmeptowto, 1. dWod! adoyand SM wtirosoo5? $8 6640 Gio | 150. 66NBD SOLDoddd. 2ssimprto BSN] le, ote? Ents BOS eres 3? yew Mgotido, 4. adoyah BEF sane [isego : Kodite Goto Spkrisor atyrr Srentossto 1 tod areata! 206 Som oer, eviken, enioenartly RUREUDEN, a0 arsiow MBO! Jaoctasipes mebides Andy Bexibe joc denisstsiio-Ditie : 1. aor Seren Mogod, Aihotey extom hued empes rogotidatee | sero Geren + edoptnds Doyged domtos mebisnet BsRosdatots (0, Areitoodl So, war SAN nf Gao Srposdot. foo daio8 : amo -amémaio: 1. end debod Ob wala? wrden Sep buen ecto aod 464 GamashDs? Sard Mico sniviven, evdiie [ssc de> Sm? ® Sige eliddeiners Madoc. hi, seiscio- gpastio: Ligrisnres Magen ramon, eres HEED eae. Didgos? ath Wap 6S SOS Benth aoepporsssinen 1, Sow ergo MPAare DRgGo ezven | BIE | AON IDy sameossto aayianen- eeryoen are wabto, SHS eh cob 88? — 4 er - DBE Hho Sonoto Sms? TL fo BEN + Lap de> He}OdD etotmands. 2 9 445 BEA erybotnod. as se myo, opto Sito, rE IB Bond 3, ag artes ay Stine Sy 88 SOM ow EME? 4, GS endo Galmmren M00d Doyed semoyed? cravat. 2% remotes BASF stint ato, od Soden of oe Sedo, 2 LH eR ety! aBaY wos! S0foS, Inv. seseneo : 1. sic A Og ony J Sred ER Eye TOE. ‘LBD gr HomohoNsD? dige hisses Hovotit WV. mecmeyess «1 285 28 dei dimen Ehocr Brien tr Solero aye wisabo Bh soso’ Soke, gids osore 26, edogdind Bbet| sorts ai arr mfkiunuerd® Dsi000 Sorter arene smd tcp Hand. Set Sata. Visndon Beats are with wind! remodto, 2 Eby Sten bitoiy antes ogosdadto VII. QeaQOO : 1.56 Grdmuio Herp DD Ties KmPowied cay@e AsyHlow webgosot, Re sas VEtE.pmmomen : Scrub Dububul. od raed geo di of ation ost S98 acetone & Sey £8 Buty Ugotore, Sxigiridoet [erosoiie, adem, Dong Bbe* ALOR samey cats, 21 6d SOB Benth dU OHSS 12 -5&% 208 russ So0n&,:09 Oiiian Do ose DUG io HOD reptotte, Ngee! 9 Ddime MEDom SENS. 8610 GeO Hisige : expoengio eSaoscting, seaite8. oD Bylo, $98 Bes, Styoh nets locpes Desisttacio-titten : Doytyen Srejoo GAD BDAY Soros YOD eopen BeyEo. 8S, SB Serge Bes 40 [2s Woodie, sth - 25%: royosedt “im digm dm bo & Pigg YP biotrotss'| SonBE SAAS ay lettre 2% [ab uted : temdio-aminaio: 1) Styol intl wl Sto Le sxe td aatone8, 2) TOKE B49 5YS rower 997 8) TOKBGE ood a Mod Biot 22 6S SUNS Berth HIGGS 12 - 88206 Gruss jon] _ SHAD HPO omen DUE —_| Howey zmoyoso Aryewen - endo sae? toe foe Zegod. HIT. Ayao ses + LMS Spey DON GUS abo? son Aste arse EEE she exten, Sol SW, re SBS Bon wot Aste eatieitio ood Dt, 3, StodiA Swwrjomes abo, IV:a8eneo + 1 Sdiriiiores Ko Dye esicty Sao we. Lemos, Sockareyen, Sitio S08, SeyhiGo, Sen, sobssaren ago rQotico donot Vermont: 1 Beas cito LOAD Oe yhabod, Beles, tgs 38S SWEiew, Qe 2.trOSoy6 Sedyerosabo Siro senate Sor Byer, Sobdorit, semaines VIL. @petYOO 27D 8y6 ud iin rso Tiyen Booty, nie BEE Gdypctn Shr 0 PESOS 5g; Orem, Dsowis BeBorse] VIIL.gmmomen : e8SuI0S0 Buds Seren SE EY Sie SAYER no wot 6x0 Ho drglgen SirSiere, toes Apbeyinen Beotsrese 6. [8B So detitom : whan (hired eeGoiita ested! dihenOrr HySebowe sEseoHsP Doye 26, 7. |bge Gio HEN : doe BBD Od Stee Sabbo: soreRpeo go dupoiiso. 28) 23 6S SOB Benth HwPHPSAV —_qypwiS: 13. HMWAROS TA - Vesons : Hoawap~s Savvy S008 : 10 ES DAP DSHS Gad DUG oe REfzmeRDs ren CeAD | 1. [esybten : ago 16809 dmexhositaine. hyp dio sintod. DsRutn ocho Ja Bath 9 xpoudl sie ? Doce aihok. # fats ais diggs Som, void Behod. 2 Bsege + insite Wordo phritorm mture sinendovtto, [+ cotireo BORA HCH. de NOTTS dango. # SotSee eget dovution'd oiph, lryco argo. & & Srdiarrnty SSorogD mts SDomt, # 8D SOxuu apg Btyostio, 8. loge Sextehsde-nie : deci, egtniyio, Oxy doi, Seinen He acrorints acind sey ovlataxfors 2b, Suytyod tomo, 4. [into eoostio, sth - Odeo + stay! Bio coding eps Og See Ain Paevnaio 5, [ao dated : Lammao-aneuscio: 1 dayyet BON Hh 2 ipo Miso 60d smegtoxte. i gu edigrainen MIDIS Bos id rence [ssorr rogosiatie Ht. sssci0-spamco: & Gob Gerad otitis Sigirrow MoO robotot. CARs # KeamoDS CParws 1, eeah@Foncd... 2, @onDones. 2, Ge tp BAD Ag, Sovinmiores Ediol.4. dno erdorm Wihuw serait |abod. sap ao Zi a = sg, 86:58 sip sos estes ing sera syap0 ED Soxabo spQsfaeria S090 Seo figBAs ey sqo yiirso, fines Gruso Bris ria geo SO S8NOD BOSDodiiO, Sim~rso BxysO yeh MoQeselo Oa rato’. este option Ko Beam roged abet Bre dasa, Soe 39 efaodpiSite = sinc Ayo ayers = sigs cow Sointse = Whe SAGkS ho Bey HiQodtle Sind Sabet. AGE Dslr Bx g6 26. SeGSHSo, den atye, GAS asec Oagb mageR ot Si 24 GhwAn : 13. SRVGROSGA - Gains : Hwsiwss Sorat DMUs | AO sH|zapenossoaeYiawen - ez en riityeroseso : 1. Sos nognizie 2 ob wherude de 880 fay 0 oes Brotire oon Rxat 00 det Siogrren wDEky dred) 2 otioypdt estteniG? 2 doe B00 ts ebigrtnes, wibtities sion? sere dod rigodot. gio gun Abs eyes, Bey BOD a pot Oe hued. 3 Soi ox \Vi.waon : 1. ast woe Soe Tet 2. wos dre Got 208 eiiorr dotnod Sar 30 S08oS, Storr Byostio. Gs oye 2 Soisoedt cows Spo ty sostnns fide Ret ramosico, 08 Boek AS BSS Kige Aie. 2 fy Botoedt Obed Sete aro] ABN ois, Begotoa vi Siyfacgo Sunes Sano’, 3. ard deren whGnik, Witt. gaspomen : Qo Sirto Kot Sodio ie, DSboe. ovicingjor 2am f ystrostiow! arbi sanesticteo = 6d SONS Benth HGOSSsven BDPDE : 15. DGOHHO - Sons : dng Sian DRG Smo Drigarora Jasibittes : Oo MG0D SeentoSEaiots 1p Soe? Sf) BOBgoNen? 20 Sm yao. 9, ser Bac, Sotres? Lisege : Hntde oto dyBriiore sty nendoiito [ssciisso" des Arorodo robod cranotto. lems denieShSto-Dstes : Dergkpen SBD eyo HO SerOw, regorito, sera SMposKo exe Jno, ay sotesso = lato steoiste, iy - Ditm: dufn SE hot se BYOCMPEO. ho, Giher Pranoiico, lao aioe : Tamiio-smeadtio: 1LdrtogtD Simei orius!. aniost SoDosio. HO nn. exsssto-gmatiso: 1. uss Sehanto D knoe Ox 2 Seo sci Sabo. 8. Serer Leaibtle mmyen orebod? dor : aS 8 weit ust Sexo lericiiges 4. Stisoct om Sy Bese Se gosto ir Ayer is9 : 1, “SO-Chi" “8S - byes" Hod Soo PossrUE eonoisto 2, gigjen ~ asrenen, 3 Sey dooce crasodto. 4. $98 exrvore dex? spo S0n8 G0 dag ess ing 6n0 Gao setresisere qso Senne hes Aguyo Utroseo Age (reso Deis, Skimgrso 3:89 gut rogodieto “BEEF erated. BOs wepSte Ko Bye Kogon bo" freisto. Jerre 3038 dgb, iigorr ay BoE MONOD BBE dards Huddo. dye Faooyes Grarotto. GAYS Ko Bue, Migodeto Amt Buttle Gas dare Oais6 26. igen Sreptbetocin Romy raged meg Bors 3 erctos. Gal ste Benth anata asDE = 15. WKUHDWISO - Vsans : dg, on] DiiaP ARH ose Gow WabyaMOAOSHO AecaReD - CaRaED hv. aceneo sf Ais tmbot eres Mosodtie. 1, Soytite KOCYaw Shih x DOOM bord, Venmonget: 1. 88 fgets Soviet wfiiubo dh dobodit. 2 eigren Remoceo. 3. anys $6 ronosie, Visa809 : Laren eige wichenty, Ssh, Somp, Adines Seto Vit. aearyon :1. Ste dex hetodok, wubto, Geitpttustio. 2 wiimebe Sando ergo Suto’ bébod Stybige dein Sevoiitio, 8. 8 Doren MoQodtio. IVitt.anarowsen : Sotven Hiatt icroie DUB, 128 9 Sabiom : emi MOD BevstsKio, Odie, sSgoe, an Smoyoss doy ye ood Aico action, 1. Rasy) Sep, eens Biles. 2, cece? Seneids Srodisneset emuteis bl oe esserguts Dodd sabes dareypts meh Sue! Sybrisom area Bao. dois iin soosoe Aare Hot 2 Siejomreyirese UroSoibtictru. sh ethan So chOos OuutSasorr ary Shores lswe giro SBtisom, Store mbm iaredaseo : 1, Ses $09 davies? 9s ardor 3 ORE. hyd Wepse | | 6H) SUNS Sevrd HGOHSAven HOcDdE : 09 | Pia SNH Sse DGC -2RSORRS ab smeMORSO AYaMED - RED egbidis - op50 180d strtosStoes Joes ratbo > det Zui Apow* deustigs Tostonod, 1, & So Sin foo WOOD? 2 SHED aanuios 00D Lthkownotmane? 2 aoe Bots Sys BOSE? 4, woshEt ath Tip wh Lodcrsoenonss? tinisie (ato EeSrictorn ature sepbowti. 1, Gite dito SeS Soto Senrsso8. 2 Bye sigeryhy find Senion. we ig ety, Soargre ring BOasiaios. Soi 0000 Bio. 4 “Windhs aud” wil DKainR, Sexvostst, loires Geninthde-Diia : (Dane SAD, uxorD sero Mogaside - WD BEDE yO oSBOA. Dochst BEpstOd? 68 fos Bly Sti mo ah Tiyh, Oiys woh f, drives Sth omeb, Jaysh sakes SES! ated, ob du BY Bo dy. wo soe BIB casestudies, toigShnes soos: tibet. creel? 2 sikker, Kot, nodiiows doh bis SORIA 3, sexo, Ogee le Sco adiiruires MéDotise # Pos ec! Srigtto ByLncco * Késhotss Smet WE sono GeO bom sas 508 60ND Gio se epostio, eth ~ Ove : “norm, Ae? wen 3 Gotiiny” wD emda; OND. w Hind Dotnodl| SSNB/EyLAS SH) igego Wtrotidusde | Saye oxo veh 6. [us duio8 : Lenndo-sintpaao: 825... Bo Denys ent ed Ses Sth aummodt adtrod ech |gsy sggisjsora gigo | ore BOBS deo S03 i ert rg SeKaN Solos. stro BSD get Boscia “BI Dt ere. GAYS WeRSkye Ke Samy regen Bbet ata gor 0% Bey regen BBE sane duteto, Bye Puree Shaye, 96S Ho Bet rogosielo Sarto Suatio, SinSchosr Baayen regan Oey Butte, BEE cruise, Gays Rison 05 war, 28 6S SENG Berth HIMHsAner DPD: 16. DOT ae [soa] Sirsa Syste Sse Deg 20085 SE sIPCOSIO aeRO) -BeRHED [yor MogesiBast. M1, S040 - geado: 1) B80 Inigo OQ Sores dagen? 2 S80 SOD Kory Kodmgres — | wtp (eb08. 3. Seow earemen eratbod, TIL fy 880 : eid SSocraren (Sifeo : 1. BS sUsband” extrod coved. 2 Bi BdoyEBS | SErsolaty Higo Gatrod ortho. 3, otis BOD Kod Hossrnd wae’. Ents Siimcrared Gn :- Duylyen Hos Zo", Poss wréet bony Preyfrosto Hire SBodito Sy G85 SE 1. Seodto Deainy Mos Hoe! Oxsod ars 2 RsLORiio BOBO oS wow HY aySo roDdiHo, ety, SHB Tv.0cene0 :raesodt SorEsUtTNS the BMY MQOD GENK ees) 1. Degose across Bod aeyTDED, TdbOS b edhe Gedo EYP Taoist. ee : rm da Mire Srotruw ood. 7S Has Srodred a8. Jowsod, 2. Gob Sore af artiuet dod Sore diybty rorosséo. 00": dives, Dasa) stDor, SeiNezOn, SESE Cece yor dos eaten ssh Cémen | ety, ded, Jeo | ep, gris Réobdon stats ES cS Veigentiss : 1asodt and OS Oo oetorr 40S remote, i Be 88 oxen momearmonmememnnnanmas Agro, ty Aigo, Sem cathy, GAS dasone BEBE, mmgoR oO ASAK Sten mikyen, oPSIOH wii, MOL, BGgOue Sntioanso. soko adosetod 26 ge dxpbtome, dge os age Soho, Bees Ad og oy toa Bas Deve 0265 29 6S SON Bert HGOHSaved __ SSGAP DR OD ORS af ivPeONIO AoehTRED- AED 2. e708, $0, SOAK, Bey shoomghen SOS iireetd ae Gotnost Soeriee anode, vineyow : iGersp Kinytutod - eiirnins-iSi> wEsotiso) Lintjpo oye Sadi, $8 20, OeELE! aod Masso Bhok. 2 be Kad wh eyo Soe Ob SOSA, Spoof... Sof Maren Esediyod) LargSBiden, m8siOben, SeSSOlen dither, uodhiben, Shen, Kertoems Somebod Koders len pisos Vitt.cmarowen : worryidrs coord SOsbo Hin NO Fogo DEbuto8, Hab sin Scitloms: (ents MibOD SenidESto, Adin, GA\ia) Ante oye Deyo Poe Snbotsthicto, Secs damergotio wEKies08.) 1. Btgpdostn 38d, 48, 800 K80D ihfow Bkye"? Ldwomy Tod Seas! waitos? ew BOD S8ridom, Seooye mbm Aimee : 1. Syen $09 Tato? 49g eprom Srooget NEO aE domeOLS Mm A.A Et Spifisor Sank Bo. 2, 8g sr rogottio, edery tind 26, Peet, Bags ote, Sader BRyocto. Gays Ox Ge. eaose. sdropatnn gb, ag sn Bae, aten on ay Hoare. aphiSo, Nha O2gts Sato Habito, Bao ato ents Bote, BEE! Sine Bato, epsisso ges Beier! OE. dem, WAP. Da Bi Stn Hato, aawenes : 17. HOT? HD2.00 _ Sh3A DRI ee DUS liigbide : ogo rodod arentoticaint 1. B Mod! So atirosios? 2 coB? & BEefy SON Hp B6E eng Sdyorro. iy oul Sad? peices Gedo Syorm wear doenCoddo, Usb GRY gordo. 2 Sayed soeyrh, Néodosto. Joxren desiSiiso DSi (Denver SOD, eYorD Heres Migodiée ~ aD SEABEE HOD BEiEo BSerie Sisoksiy eemmtone Derythen eepeo (imag, + cEcruind eyes oviaingorr ro, Dayo ds Btodiso Bogie! Heiod : Lewdo-amepoiio: 1, Suiyke cob digo’. 2. Says siege $07 docs? Adgocrty RMrotinto, ootuel adj ccoergry, trotisldodo, Deryigen testo sirtzd witere| Dotto # ge oiuines Miboste # dos eis! Srinttio Prbinsto + KSsn0DS Stipads Skysern MgoSBusce. SoU oviost mrSost LODOSEO. i. sesso -cuabtio: 1. SonQ8 Gijen datints Sonoseo. 2 wrfen SMbOSOE, esis6z00? 78 SHO Kyo ag sorinn sotooxto Ser gts 0 SoH6 Ho Aybrsjscina eyeeo SENOS igo ¢iireo, Spegb Erato sgpieio BxS WeyseO Ko Dum, regod Boat vet 7m BOBS De, Spor a Dy rgd gbc! dare dubdo. nyo dcooyys stagrodeo GEES Ho Bem, Meade Sees Sabie. ys mare OHS BB. yen simegdctodinn BDeryED MONOD Ose dando, 262 waste, Gas Dire oegiet cmaino. 6d SEB Sentry DUOwsanen DPtiaP BPH GO RWC —_| owAayfaimyosto dea - woo 5. arenes cmuod. 4 Segoe ay Secresoyon ego ono ates. [a Gag Bae be; ltr. tye eset + Schiy 3&5 od! DO? NeOodico. Sersohuey Gio [+ nae abe Singrores cuiniity Bepfrowse. & Senge os arhet Glen SSdoite, lrv.siiemoo :ioydiiiones, S8eienen mosoiits Ky Bato Dobodtio, So v.ryguamagsas : Seod Soe By SOD oF arto wertior 56 crabot? “Bio Sore Oa. aaron Bo. lVi.nw0n : erie! citento Sol aay, dager romoiito, wh doce daxte Bayo. S005, aPCMor Aiyottio, wigs Osi + cent wien sryen Dis BEN, Deeded eMrGOB, Si arsie SisrOEPD CHbesoor emoes sense soso, ln. pamgon ssions, B68 Seye TMbodilo, an Hijeo-moo tices 90 See Eaboiiéo, ety. atyitoae litt wetpowsen : asisroomto sOsdbo tix BsButod [8b sn uttior : Saye ovidintfor Seto see won S8hiéom, Beige ben Hare: (@MaPSO)

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