Flexible Model Selection Criterion For Multiple Regression: Kunio Takezawa

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Open Journal of Statistics, 2012, 2, 401-407

http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ojs.2012.24048 Published Online October 2012 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/ojs)

Flexible Model Selection Criterion for Multiple Regression

Kunio Takezawa
National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Agricultural Research Center Graduate School of Life and
Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan
Email: nonpara@gmail.com
Received July 17, 2012; revised August 20, 2012; accepted August 31, 2012

Predictors of a multiple linear regression equation selected by GCV (Generalized Cross Validation) may contain undesirable predictors with no linear functional relationship with the target variable, but are chosen only by accident. This is
because GCV estimates prediction error, but does not control the probability of selecting irrelevant predictors of the
target variable. To take this possibility into account, a new statistics GCVf (f stands for flexible) is suggested. The
rigidness in accepting predictors by GCVf is adjustable; GCVf is a natural generalization of GCV. For example, GCVf is
designed so that the possibility of erroneous identification of linear relationships is 5 percent when all predictors have
no linear relationships with the target variable. Predictors of the multiple linear regression equation by this method are
highly likely to have linear relationships with the target variable.
Keywords: GCV; GCVf; Identification of Functional Relationship; Knowledge Discovery; Multiple Regression;
Significance Level

1. Introduction
There are two categories of methods for selecting predictors of regression equations such as multiple linear
regression. One includes methods using statistical tests
such as the F-test. The other one includes methods of
choosing predictors by optimizing statistics such as GCV
or AIC (Akaikes Information Criterion). The former
methods have a problem in that they examine only a part
of multiple linear regression equations among many
applicants of the predictors (e.g., p. 193 in Myers [1]). In
this point, all possible regression procedures are desirable.
It has spread the use of statistics such as GCV and AIC to
produce multiple linear regression equations.
Studies of statistics such as GCV and AIC aim to construct multiple linear regression equations with a small
prediction error in terms of residual sum of squares or
log-likelihood. In addition, discussion on the practical
use of multiple linear regression equations advances on
the assumption of the existence of a linear relationship
between the predictors adopted in a multiple linear regression equation and the target variables. However, we
should consider the possibility that some predictors used
in a multiple linear regression equation have no linear
relationships with the target variable. If we cannot neglect the probability that some predictors with no linear
relationships with the target variable reduce the prediction error by accident, there is some probability that
one or more predictors with no linear relationships with

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the target variable may be selected among the many

applicants of predictors. Hence, if our purpose is to select
predictors with linear relationships with the target variable, we need a method different from those that choose
a multiple linear regression equation yielding a small
prediction error. We address this possibility in the following
We present an example that casts some doubt on the
linear relationships between the predictors selected by
GCV and the target variable in Section 2. In preparation
to cope with this problem, in Section 3, we show the
association between GCV (or AIC) and the F-test. In
Section 4, on the basis of this insight, we suggest GCVf
(f stands for flexible) to help solve this problem.
Then, in Section 5, we propose a procedure for estimating
the probability of the existence of linear relationships
between the predictors and the target variable using GCVf.
Finally, we show the application of this method to the
data which is used in Section 2.

2. Definition of the Problem Using Real Data

We use the first 50 sets of Boston house price data (named
Boston) retrieved from StatLib. These data consist of
14 variables. The applicants of the predictors ({x1, x2, x3,
x4}) and the target variable (y) are selected among them:
x1: per capita crime rate by town;
x2: proportion of nonretail business acres per town;
x3: average number of rooms per dwelling;




x4: pupil-teacher ratio by town;

y: median value of owner-occupied homes in $1000s.
Figure 1 shows a matrix of scatter plots for showing
the distributions of the above data. The correlations of
the target variable with x1 and x3 appear to be high. The
negative correlation between x1 and y indicates that house
prices in crime-ridden parts of the city tend to be low.
The positive correlation between x3 and y implies that
house price is relatively high if the average number of
rooms per household in an area is large. The result of the
Coefficients:Estimate Std.Error t value Pr t



























Signif.codes: 0 0.001; 0.01; 0.05; .0.1; 1

Residual standard error: 2.841 on 45 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared:
0.7957, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7776 F-statistic: 43.83 on 4 and 45 DF,
p-value: 5.692e15.

construction of a multiple linear regression equation

using 50 datasets with all the predictors is shown below.
The R command lm() installed by default was used for
this purpose.
The above table shows that {x1, x3} should be chosen
as predictors if a 5 percent significant level is adopted in
the t-test.
However, if predictors are not independent of each
other, this result is not necessarily reliable. Then, all
possible regression procedures using GCV were carried
out to select predictors. GCV is defined as

q 1
n 1

where n is the number of data and q is the number of

predictors. RSS(q) is

RSS q yi a0 2 if q 0
i 1


RSS q yi a0 a j xij
i 1
j 1

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if q 1,


where {xij} indicate the data of the selected predictors.

{aj} are regression coefficients given by conducting the
least squares using selected predictors. {yi} shows the data
of the target variable. The above procedures were uses to
select all predictors ({x1, x2, x3, x4}). Predictor selection
by GCV results in a multiple linear regression equation
that is expected to provide a small prediction error with
the use of the regression equation for predictive purposes.
Hence, since the multiple linear regression equation
using {x1, x2, x3, x4} is of great use for prediction, we are
inclined to think that each of the predictors {x1, x2, x3, x4}
has a linear relationship with y.
To determine whether this is correct, the data ({yi}) of
the target variable (y) are randomly resampled with
yiB 1 i 50 . The
replacement to obtain n data
data of the target variable remain unchanged. The procedure was repeated 500 times while varying the seed of
the pseudo-random number generator. This procedure
provided 500 sets of bootstrapped data. The values of the
target variable of these bootstrapped data are provided by
random sampling from a population with a distribution
given by the data of the target variable; hence, they are
not associated with the predictors. Therefore, if predictors are selected using these bootstrapped data, a constant seems to be almost always chosen as the best regression equation.
The result is shown in Figure 2 where the frequencies
of the number of selected predictors are illustrated. A
constant is selected as the best regression equation in
only 267 of the 500 data sets. This result shows that even

Figure 1. Matrix of scatter plots using four applicants of

predictors and the target variable. The first 50 sets of Boston
house price data (named Boston) are used.





Therefore, when we have a multiple linear regression

equation with (q 1) predictors, the condition for accepting a q-th predictor is written as
F n, q

n q 1

n q



n q 1 .


n q 1

That is,
F n, q
Figure 2. Frequencies of the number of predictors selected
by GCV.

if the data do not have linear relationships between the

predictors and the target variable, a functional relationship represented by a multiple linear regression equation
or a simple regression equation is found at about 50 percent probability.
Therefore, if the predictors are chosen by all possible
regression procedures using statistics such as GCV, we
should not rule out the possibility that they contain one
or more predictors with no linear relationships with the
target variable. This implies that we need a new model
selection criterion. This new criterion should choose
predictors only if the predictors are highly likely to have
linear relationships with the target variable.

3. Relationship between Model Selection

Criterion and F-Test


n q 1





The substitution of Equation (4) gives

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n q

1 R2 q
n q 1

~ F1, n q 1 .



where yi are estimates derived using a multiple

linear regression equation with q predictors. Then, we
calculate p that satisfies the equation

n q 1

F n,q

RSS q 1

GCV q 1
q 1
RSS q 1 1

F n, q

GCV q 1 n q 1

R 2 q R 2 q 1

F1, n q 1 stands for the F distribution; the first degree

of freedom is 1 and the second degree of freedom is (n
q 1). R2(q) is the coefficient of determination defined as

Furthermore, Equation (1) leads to


F n, q

Hence, we have
F n, q

If the inequality sign in the above equation is replaced

with an equality sign and n = 25, F(n, q) is shown as in
Figure 3 (left panel). This shows that when we use GCV,
F(n, q) for determining whether the q-th predictor should
be added to the multiple linear regression equation with
(q 1) predictors is nearly independent of q.
If the multiple linear regression equation with (q 1)
predictors is correct, F(n, q) is written as

q 1 n

y n y j
i 1
j 1
R2 q


i n j
i 1
j 1

RSS q 1
n q 1
1 .

RSS q 1

n q 1

F(n, q) (F values) is defined as

RSS q 1 RSS q
F n, q
n q 1

n q


den 1, n q 1, x dx,


where den(1, n q 1, x) is the probability density

function of an F distribution; the first degree of freedom
is 1 and the second degree of freedom is (n q 1). p is
the value of the integral. The lower limit of the integration of the probability density function with respect to
x is F(n, q, p). This p represents the probability that F is
larger than F(n, q) when the multiple linear regression
function with (q 1) predictors is a true one. Hence, the
values of F(n, q) drawn in Figure 3 (left panel) are substituted into Equation (11); the resultant values of p are
shown in Figure 4 (left panel). These values of p are the
probability that the q-th predictor is wrongly accepted
when the multiple linear regression equation with the (q
1) predictors is correct. That is, this is the probability of a
type one error. When the forward and backward selection



Figure 3. Relationship between q and F(25, q) corresponding to GCV and AIC.

Figure 4. Relationship between q and p corresponding to GCV and AIC (n = 25).

method using F value is carried out, this probability is

fixed at values ranging from 0.25 to 0.5 (e.g., p. 188 in
Myers [1]), or 0.05 (e.g., p. 314 in Montgomery [2]).
Therefore, the selection method for predictors by GCV
has similar features with the forward and backward
selection method with a fixed p because p in Figure 4
(left panel) is nearly independent of q.
On the other hand, the forward and backward selection
method does not compare the multiple linear regression
equation with predictors of {x1, x2} with that with
predictors of {x3, x4} for example. This type of comparison can be performed by GCV. All possible regression procedures using GCV entail such a comparison.
Hence, the comparison of two multiple linear regression
equations in the forward and backward selection method
should be on par with that of the same multiple linear regression equations by all possible regression procedures.
On the other hand, AIC is defined as
AIC q n log 2 n log

n 2q 4.

Hence, we have
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AIC q AIC q 1 n log

RSS q 1
n log
2 n log

RSS q 1


The substitution of Equation (4) leads to

AIC q AIC q 1
F n, q 1
n log
1 2 0.
n q 1

Therefore, if we have a multiple linear regression

equation with (q 1) predictors, the condition for accepting a q-th predictor is

F n, q
1 exp .

n q 1


That is,

F n, q n q 1 exp 1 .


when the inequality sign in this equation is replaced with

an equality sign, F(n, q) (n = 25) is drawn in Figure 3


(left panel). The corresponding p is shown in Figure 4

(right panel). It shows the characteristics of AIC which
show that, when we have a multiple linear regression
equation with (q 1) predictors, p for determining whether
to accept a q-th predictor augments with an increase in q.
This is consistent with the tendency that AIC accepts a
new predictor with comparative ease when the present
multiple linear regression equation has many predictors.


selection criterion. The background that made us think of

GCVf(q) as a flexible version of the conventional GCV(q)
is as follows.
Let the coefficient of
in GCV(q) (Equation
(1)) be CGCV(q). Then, we have

4. Introduction of GCVf
In the previous section, we associate GCV and AIC with
the forward and backward selection method using F. This
indicates that GCV is desirable as long as p is nearly
independent of q. However, if p corresponding to a
model selection criterion should be independent of q, we
may well develop a new model selection criterion that
meets the requirement. Then, if p is given, F(n, q, p) is
calculated using

F n,q, p

den 1, n q 1, x dx.


The difference between Equations (17) and (11) is that

Equation (11) is used to obtain p when F(n, q) is given,
whereas Equation (17) works as an equation for calculating
F(n, q, p) when p is in hand. Equation (4) indicates that
the multiple linear regression equation with (q 1) predictors accepts the q-th predictor when the following
equation is satisfied:
RSS q 1

F n, q, p


(19)) be CGCVf(q). Then, we have
CGCV f q

GCV f q



if q 0

F n, k , p

1 if q 1. (19)
n 2 k 1 n k 1

This criterion is justified because it is a criterion in

which a multiple linear regression equation with (q 1)
predictors accepting a q-th predictor is depicted as
Equation (18) ( q 1 ). Hence, GCVf(q), a new model
selection criterion, is the same in function to the forward
and backward selection method using the F-test with a p
significant level in determining whether or not a q-th predictor is accepted. GCVf(q) stands for flexible GCV. In
discussion on model selection, the focus is on choosing
between GCV and AIC, for example. However, GCVf(q)
allows us to adjust the characteristics of the model
selection criterion continuously by varying p. Therefore,
if p is tuned according to the nature of the data or to the
purpose of the regression, we have an appropriate model
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in GCVf(q) (Equation

n 2 q F n, k , p

n k 1 n k 1



Thus, if q 1 and p = 0.1573 are satisfied, we obtain



q 1

2q 2


F n, q, 0.1573 F , q, 0.1573 2.0.

Therefore, we suggest the following GCVf(q) as a new

model selection criterion:
GCV f q

when n is large, the equation below holds:

CGCV f q

n q 1

q 1


Let the coefficient of





n 2 q F n, k , 0.1573
n k 1 1
n k 1

n2 q

n k 1 n k 1


2q 2
2 2q
1 1

If q = 1, we have

1 .

CGCV f 1 .



Because of Equations (23)-(26), GCVf(q) is approximately identical to GCV(q) when p = 0.1573.

CGCV(q) and CGCVf(q) when n = 100 are set are
shown in Figure 5. It demonstrates that GCVf(q) when p
= 0.1573 is set are approximately identical to those of
GCV(q). Furthermore, a small p is assumed in CGCVf(q);
CGCVf(q) is large. This indicates that GCVf(q) with a
small p selects a multiple linear regression equation with



Figure 5. CGCV(q) and CGCVf(q). CGCV(q),

CGCVf(q) (p = 0.05), CGCVf(q) (p = 0.1573),
CGCVf(q) (p = 0.5).

a small number of predictors.

5. Identification of Linear Functional

Relationships Using GCVf
The discussion in the previous section shows that GCVf(q)
enables us to adjust the rigidness of accepting new
predictors. By taking advantage of this feature, a method
of including predictors with a clear causal connection is
developed. This method is performed as follows:
1) Let the data of the target variable be yi 1 i n .
n data are randomly resampled with replacement from
{yi}. Then, we have
yiB 1 i n . The procedure is
repeated 500 times by varying the seed of the pseudorandom number generator. The data of predictors remain
unchanged. Thus, we have 500 sets of bootstrapped data.
2) Using various values of p, predictors are selected by
GCVf(q); this process is carried out for 500 sets of bootstrapped data. We choose p by which the probability of
obtaining regression equations except a constant one is
approximately 0.05.
3) Using p selected in (2), model selection by GCVf(q)
is carried out for the original data.
This method generates sets of bootstrapped data of
which the data of the target variable are resampled ones;
hence, there is no causal connection at all between the
data of the predictors and those of the target variable.
This is because the values of the target variable are sampled from a population with a distribution given by the
data of the target variable; the values of the target variable are not associated with those of the predictors. Although the predictor variables are selected using these
bootstrapped data, regression equations except a constant
may be produced with considerable probability. This in-

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dicates that the model selection criterion is very likely to

accept predictors. Therefore, we should find p to make
this probability approximately 5 percent. When the model
selection is carried out using GCVf(q) given by the optimized p, a regression equations except a constant will
be selected at a 5 percent probability when a constant
should be chosen. This strategy quells our suspicion that
a constant might be actually desirable even though regression equations except a constant were selected. This method is similar to Generalized Cross-validation Test (p.
87, in Wang [3]) in which the Monte Carlo method is
carried out to test whether a regression equation should
be parametric such as a simple regression equation.
Next, model selection was carried out for the data used
in Section 2. GCVf with various values of p was used for
choosing predictors that are highly likely to have linear
functional relationships with the target variable; the data
of the target variable were bootstrapped. Table 1 shows
the results using the settings of p = 0.01, p = 0.06, p =
0.05 and p = 0.04. When GCVf with p = 0.05 is employed, a constant was selected in 446 sets. Hence, if a
model selection method adopts GCVf with p = 0.05 and
multiple linear regression equation except a constant are
chosen, we reject the null hypothesis at a 5 percent
significance level: there are no linear functional relationships between the predictors and the target variable. Then,
a model selection by all possible regression procedures
was carried out using GCVf with p = 0.05. GCVf is minimized when {x1, x3, x4} were chosen. On the other hand,
a model selection by all possible regression procedures
using GCV chose {x1, x2, x3, x4} in Section 2. In view of
Figure 2, this result follows our intuition that one or
more predictors among the four selected ones may not
have linear functional relationships with the target variable.
However, if the data are slightly altered, GCVf with p
= 0.05 may choose different predictors from {x1, x3, x4}.
If this possibility is correct, the selection of {x1, x3, x4} is
not valid. To clarify this point, a bootstrap method in the
usual sense is conducted for these data; 500 sets of bootstrapped data are generated. That is, the data set of {(xi1,
xi2, xi3, xi4, yi)} ( 1 i 50 ) was randomly resampled with
replacement whereas the set of values of the predictors
Table 1. Frequencies of the number of selected predictors.
Number of predictors

p = 0.1

p = 0.06

p = 0.05

p = 0.05














and the target variable was wrapped. When model selection by GCVf with p = 0.05 was carried out for 500
datasets, we obtained Table 2. {x1, x3, x4} was chosen for
166 datasets. On the other hand, {x1, x2, x3} was selected
for 157 datasets. Therefore, {x1, x3, x4} is not the only
choice as a set of predictors with linear relationships with
the target variable. {x1, x2, x3} is also a possible choice
when we proceed with the discussion on this data.

6. Conclusions
We have assumed that when GCV or AIC yields a
multiple linear regression equation with a small prediction error, there is a linear functional relationship between the predictors employed in the regression equation
and the target variable. Not much attention has been paid
to the probability that one or more selected predictors
actually have no linear functional relationships with the
target variable. However, we should not ignore the possibility that when several predictors with no linear functional relationships with the target variable are contained
in the applicants of the predictors, one or more such predictors are adopted as appropriate predictors in a multiple
linear regression equation. This is because when many
applicants of the predictors have no linear relationships
with the target variable, one or more such predictors will
be selected at a high probability, since p in Figure 4 does
not depend on the number of applicants of the predictors.
Hence, another statistics for model selection based on
an approach different from the use of prediction error is
required for choosing predictors with linear relationships
with the target variable. The new statistics should make
the threshold high for accepting predictors when quite a
few predictors have no linear functional relationship with
the target variable. Although this strategy poses a relatively high risk of rejecting predictors that actually

have linear relationships with the target variable, we have

to accept this trade-off. This policy is quite similar to that
of multiple comparison in which we accept the comparatively high risk of detecting no difference when there
is actually a difference with the purpose of reducing the
risk of mistakenly finding a difference when there is no
Using the statistics of GCVf suggested here, we select
one or more predictors at a 0.05 probability when no
predictors have linear relationships with the target variable. If we select predictors using this new statistics, the
chosen predictors are less likely to contain those that
have no linear relationships with the target variable.
However, there is still room for further study of the
detailed characteristics of GCVf produced by the procedure presented here. In particular, we should know the
behavior of GCVf when there are high correlations
between predictors.
The discussion so far indicates that the criteria for selecting predictors of a multiple linear regression equation
are classified into two categories: one aims to minimize
prediction error and the other is designed to select predictors with a high probability of having linear relationships with the target variable. GCV and GCVf are examples of both categories, respectively. Interest has been
focused on the derivation of multiple linear regression
equations yielded using a criterion of prediction error.
We expect that more attention will be paid to the probability of the existence of linear relationships. Furthermore, we should study whether a similar discussion is
possible with respect to regression equations different
from the multiple linear regression equation.


R. H. Myers, Classical and Modern Regression with

Applications (Duxbury Classic), 2nd Edition, Duxbury
Press, Pacific Grove, 2000.


D. C. Montgomery, E. A. Peck and G. G. Vining, Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis, 3rd Edition,
Wiley, New York, 2001.


Y. Wang, Smoothing Splines: Methods and Applications, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, 2011.

Table 2. Frequencies of selected predictors.





{x1, x3, x4}


{x2, x3}


{x1, x2, x3}


{x2, x3, x4}

{x1, x3}


{x1, x2}

{x1, x2, x3, x4}


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