Individual Learning Plan

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- Individual Learning Plan

Student name:Brody Wilkins

Date of birth: 8/5/2005

Year level: year 5


Review of progress should be based on collection and analysis of data

Reading level is at a 2.5 and is working towards a 3.5 within 2 months.
Able to work independently on tasks he understands for approximately 10 minutes
before he is distracted
Starting to own certain behavior but still argues when he does not get his own way.
Has had to be physically restrained once this term.
Is beginning to share with other students more but still operates on his own

Able to complete year 7 numeracy with ease and sometimes will even help others if
they struggle
Will follow some instructions mostly when they are specific to him
Mum says he is getting better at completing homework and is needing less help

Has extended vocabulary and phonetics by 35 words this term

He is now writing full paragraphs and is able to recognize forms of grammar e.g. full
stops comas and what they are used for.
Student says he likes that he knows more words and can use this to communicate
with others.
Attendance is great: 2 days off this term both for psychologist appointments

Learning improvement goals

Learning strategies/ methods

term goals

Literacy/ reading:
Express sentences orally first, then use
phonetics, colourful semantics. Use a text/
word bank
Create a box of words that he can read and
understand the meaning of. Read at least 3- 4
times a day (minimum 10 minutes each

Literacy/ reading Sentence structure/ recognition

and articulation of words
Reading at a 3.5 at least by the
end of term

Develop strategies to help Brody

read without support

Social and behavioralBehavior in the classroom and in

the yard, treating others with

Social - more sharing and

communicating with others inside of
class not just in P.E

For Brody to follow simple

classroom instructions that do not

Social and behavioural

Develop standard phrases to use in the yard
to communicate with others when wanting to
play. Begin a share jar where Brody chooses
to share things from his jar with others

Develop code words or emphasis (change of

tone) words when instructing the class so it
grabs Brodys attention and possibly have
intrinsic motivation for achieving instruction

Often let Brody choose how he will present

just address him

For Brody to achieve a higher level
of engagement in his work and not
get distracted

his work or give work that is relevant to his

favourite topics to increase motivation

Parents/carers expectations/support
Identify in partnership:
have consistent meetings with Literacy
support and reading recovery to monitor
progress and aid strategy for Brodys reading
and writing.
Hold a PSG meeting with staff included in
Brodys support program as well as the
psychologist and Mother every 4 weeks so
everyone is on the same page and is updated
with progress
The school holds meeting for parents with
autistic children so they can share experiences
and strategies.
Ensure Brody has a say with what he feels
comfortable doing
Ensure that the all staff and Mother feel
comfortable talking at anytime about Brody
and his behavior.
Processes for collection of data
Level of progression points for reading. Keep a tally of books he has read as he
moves up points
Sharing and communication. How the share jar is working with others. Ensure Brody
sits mostly at the collaboration table with other students
Check in with the psychologist on what strategies for behavior he has been doing e.g.
deep breathing for being calm and recognizing others emotions
The star chart for token economies- if that increases motivation for behaving well.
Monitor the peg system- how many times has Brody been in the red zone for his
The extend of his word banks identifies word recognition and understanding. See how
many more words he can identify by the end of term

Timeline for review and revision of plan

There will be a PSG meeting every 4 weeks to ensure an updated version of this ILP.
Review of this ILP will be conducted at the completion of term to see what goals were
achieved and improved.

Students comments:
I do want to share more but I like having it all my own way

I really want to read Diary of a wimpy Kid by the end of the term

I want more kids to play with me in the yard

I like writing so I want to be better at it

Classroom teachers comments:

I want Brody to have as normal classroom experience as he can.
I wish for him to keep improving in his reading and be reading diary of a wimpy kid by
the end of term.
I like that sometimes he helps other students with Maths as he is good at it, it makes
him feel useful in the classroom.
I want Brody to feel safe and comfortable to behave appropriately and share with

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