Pre Production Tools

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A storyboard is a form of images displayed in a sequence to
be used as a visual perspective of the scenery used within
your ident.
Strengths: A storyboard is useful to have, as it has a clear
layout. All the different elements are listed for us which is
useful and simple to fill out. The strengths of having the
storyboard, was being able to have a a visual outcome of my
ident. Another strength would be, as its my own production
this would mostly be used as a guide of what i wanted to
Weaknesses: The only weakness would be that the drawing
side of the storyboard is very time consuming, as you need to
draw out each shot.
In my opinion i found the storyboard useful, as it is good to
use when filming the ident as a reminder of whats supposed
to be happening in each shot.

A script is a written work usually done by screenwriters for a film,
video game, or television program, but in this case its used for
preparation of our ident. In a script it contains the movement, actions,
expression, and dialogues of the characters. The script is also used
for the contributors i.e. people starring in the production so they are
aware of their directions.
Strengths:The strengths of having a script is that its layout is fairly
simple. It isnt time consuming if you have already planned what each
actor/ess will be saying throughout the ident. Another strength of
having a script would be that it is a good reminder for the crew and
cast to know whos saying what. this is for the contributors i.e. people
starring in the production so they are aware of their directions.
Weaknesses:The only weakness I would give the script is that it is
pointless and not useful to those who dont have any dialog within
their ident. It also is irrelevant if you do have dialog but only 2 lines of
speech because you will still have to create a script.
In my opinion I found the script useful as I had multiple lines included
within my ident, which my actors/esss needed to say. Therefore i
need to write and use a script.

Shot List

The shot list is a list given to the film crew of all the shots that will be
used throughout the ident and a brief description of what happens
during that shot to help the crew know what shot to do. It also indicates
the camera movement and the structure of the shots in their order, an
instructional list of what to film rather than than a visual interpretation.
Strengths: The strengths i would give the shot list would be that it
useful to have as its layout is in grid format, containing all the different
camera movements, shots and shot descriptio within the sheet. Another
strength would be that sheet isnt time consuming as everything is laid
out for you, filling in the columns is all thats needed for this sheet.
Another strength would be that the shot list helped the contributors
understand what is required of them.
Weaknesses: The only weakness i would give the shot list is, that the
notes isnt relevant as its very similar to the shot description.
In my opinion i didnt the shot list that important, as all the information
included on the sheet had already been said on other various pieces of
work. If it was a multi camera production, then perhaps i would have
seen the use of it, giving specific crew members their required task,
however as it was only me and it was a single camera it wasn't as

Shooting Script
The shooting script is a more precise way of including the camera shot type/
camera action and duration of what the camera is doing during the ident. It
also includes the script/ screen action thats included within the ident. This is
used as a reminder to the director to help them know whats occurring during
the ident.
The shooting script would be used in multi camera set ups to distinguish
which shots need to be achieved by which camera, however given that your
was single camera as it was an ident, it wasn't using its full potential.
Strengths: The strengths of having a shooting script would be, that all
information about the shot type, duration, script and screen action was
included within this document. Another strength would be that the layout is
fairly basic, and simple to understand.
Weaknesses: The only weakness i would give the shooting script would be,
as all the things listed above are included within this document the shooting
script can be quite time consuming.
In my opinion i found the shooting script useful as it contain multiple elements
used within the ident within the one piece of work, making it easier to knows
whats happening when.

Requirements is a list of things that are needed within the ident, that will
be used by the actors but also can be used as props in the background of
the scenes.
Strengths: The strengths of having a requirements document, is that
youre able to keep a list of all the equipment, actors and post production
equipment needed to create your ident. Another strength would be that
the layout is very basic and is very quick to fill out. The list was useful, as
it teaches your to be organised and self managing when it comes to
making a ident.
Weaknesses: The only weakness i would say about the requirements,
would be that all the information has already been mentioned in the
budget, so youre repeating yourself.
In my opinion i found it a useful document as it help you keep a record of
what was needed, but most of the information had been mentioned
before. I found the requirements list useful, as i used it when filming my
ident and ticked off all the things that was needed and i had for my ident.

The budget is a list which includes the prices of all equipment and
other elements which will need to be either rented or bought for my
ident. Its layout is in a grid format being simple to fill out.
Strengths: The sheet is easy to fill out, as the layout is very clear. All
the most common production equipment is written out for you and all
post production equipment is listed clearly for you. The strengths of
having a budget, is that the evidence/links to the best sites to hire/buy
equipment etc are provided within the budget. Once you have
researched the best places you can provide the information within the
Weaknesses: The only weakness is that the budget isnt relevant to
our ident, as were renting all our production and post production
equipment from school.
In my opinion the budget is pointless for me as a student, as i am
borrowing all the equipment from school and can use the editing
software also at school to create my ident. For a production company
the budget is useful, as it gives them a visual perspective of how
much everything will cost and will provide evidence of what places are
best to buy or hire the equipment, transport etc from.

Gantt Chart
The gantt chart is a list shown in grid format to show all the
allocated work that has been set and what week the work was
completed. Some columns being already completed and others
being future tasks.
Strengths: The gantt chart is useful as it is a good way of tracking
your work and knowing is a basic grid what you have/havent done
and was future tasks will be coming up next and their deadlines.
The gantt chart made me more organised when creating my ident,
as i had a clear layout of when my deadlines were. The gantt chart
is a living document, that needs to be updated along the process
of your production.
Weaknesses: The only weakness i would say for the gantt chart
is that, on some parts in can be confusing when matching the task
with the week it was completed. This is due to all the columns
being close together.
In my opinion i found the gantt chart useful, as the document
connects pre production, production and post production together,
and it helped me with my self management and time
management. I was able to keep on top of all my work and know
what work was due in and when.

Overhead Diagram

An overhead diagram is drawing from a bird's-eye view of the rooms/location

of where your ident is set. The diagram also contains a key which is used to
show where actors and camera shots will be during the ident.
Strengths: The strengths of having an overhead diagram, it that you are able
to have a visual plan of the setting of your ident. Another strength would be
that the layout of the overhead diagram is basic to follow. Another strength is
that it works in conjunction with the location recce, i.e. you have accessed the
space you can film in so that you can accurately plan how you'll film each
Weaknesses: The only weakness i would say for the overhead diagram, is
that it is very time consuming, as you have to draw out the whole of the
diagram. In my production, given it was a house it was hard to precisely re
enact the plans i.e. due to the space is smaller than i imagined, so some
shots were tricky to achieve eg. walking up the stairs and walking down the
hallway due to the confined space.
In my opinion i find the overhead diagram useful, as it was needed when
creating my ident, to remind me what shots need to be where.

Location Release
Location release is a contract between the you and the owner of a
private property whereby the owner of the property grants written
permission to shoot a movie, video, commercial, photography or
similar productions on the owners property.
Strengths: The strengths of having a location release, is that it
contains a basic layout and isnt time consuming. Another strength
would be that the sheet contains all the information needed for a
permission form and strictly explains the dos and donts of what is
allowed when filming my ident.
Weaknesses: The only weakness i would say about the location
release, is that it can be quite difficult to get permission from the
owner. This all depends where you film your ident.
In my opinion the permission form was useful is the law that makes
this an essential requirement, as your production can be sued if you
dont seek the permission as well as your ident never making TV so it
is a vital document.

Release Agreement
A Release Agreement is a promise between you and your
actors/actresses, or anyone who appears in your ident to be filmed.
Strengths: The strengths of having a release agreement is that all the
information is all written out for you. Only small alteration are needed to
be made within the release agreement. Another strength would be that the
release agreement isnt time consuming as the alterations are small.
Weaknesses: The only weakness i would give the release agreement,
would be that it is slightly time consuming to arrange a time and date to
meet all the actors/actresses at the same time for them all to sign the
In my opinion the document was needed, as without it you could be
sued if you dont seek permission. Also your ident would not make it on
the TV if this document is not filled out, therefore this is a vital document.

Call Sheet

A call sheet is used to keep all contacts together in grid form of

all the cast and crew members that are involved within the
ident. The privacy of a document like this, you would be made to
sign a confidentiality agreement because the information is private.

Strengths: The strengths of having a contact sheet is being

able to have the cast and crews emails and telephone
numbers all on one sheet, if needed to be contacted. Another
strength is that the contact sheet isnt time consuming at all,
due to its basic layout.
Weaknesses: The only weakness would be that the contact
sheet is not necessarily needed your ident doesnt involve any
In my opinion i found the contact sheet useful as i was able to
keep a record of all the casts details involved within my ident.
The call sheet helped me keep my actors/actresses updated at
all times with all the meeting times and when we will be filming
the ident.

Location Reece

A Location Reece is a document that includes an inside and outside preview of the
location to work out its suitable for shooting. It includes access to necessary facilities that
is used within your project and an assessment of any potential lighting or sound issues
and potential safety hazards and solutions.
Strengths: The strengths of having the location reece, is that you are able to have and
inside and outside preview of your location and are able to to identify the safety hazards
or problems that may occur within your location.
Weaknesses: The only weakness i would give would be that it can sometimes be difficult
to get an outside preview, if searching on google maps as not all locations are available.
Another weakness would be that the location reece is time consuming, due to finding and
taking pictures of the inside and outside of the location.
In my opinion the document was useful as you were able to research into the location and
the set being used within the ident, as work out the potential hazards and solutions for
these hazards. You could also grasp from some pictures involved where the camera will
be positioned in order to film that scene/section.
One thing i did think would go wrong, was when filming outside, as i thought the sound
from the cars passing by may overpower the actors/actresses lines at the start, but luckily
it was fine.

Risk Assessment

Risk assessment are used in all working environments to protect people

working there, but also to cover companies if something does happen. I.e. if
your actor got injured in the production and the type of injury wasnt on the
risk assessment or not thought about, they could very easily sue you.
Whereas if youve thought about the risks, then you are covered to a certain
extent because your insurance would cover that.
Strengths: The strengths of having a risk assessment, is that youre able to
keep a record of risks that could potentially happen when filming your ident or
in general when filming. Another strength of having the risk assessment is
that it includes what you can do to prevent this from happening beforehand.
Weaknesses: The only weakness within the risk assessment is that the code
for the likelihood, consequences and level of risk column is quite confusing.
Another weakness would be that the actors/Actresses and production crew
can seek union advice if they feel any discrepancies with the risks to them.
In my opinion i think the risk assessment is useful to have as youre able to
keep track of what risk could possibly happen when filming and alter things in
order for it not to happen. I found the risk assessment useful when filming my
ident, as i was weary of the safety hazards that could occur when filming and
made sure that i prevented them from happening before starting to film my

Ofcom is the communications regulator in the UK. We regulate the
TV and radio sectors, fixed line telecoms, mobiles, postal services,
plus the airwaves over which wireless devices operate.
Strengths: The strengths of having an ofcom, would be that the
ofcom enables you to air your ident, through wireless devices as well
as television.
Weaknesses: The only weakness, would be that the ofcom isnt
relevant, as im not working for ITV and this is only a school project
being marked and assessed by my teachers.
In my opinion i didnt find the ofcom relevant to my ident, as i am not
filming my ident for ITV, im filming my ident as part of my media
project, therefore i do not need any rights to air my ident.

Unfortunately you have plagiarised work so this is an instant fail. The rules of BTEC clearly state must be your own work. To use others work is wrong,
and this has been made very clear to you.
A good start to the the pre production tools. Theres a lot of description but needs more explanation of what the document is and how it was used in
your production.

A good way to help you understand the report is to section it and in your responses covers the different key terms below,
as the spec looks for specific references to these areas, which you will cover when you write about each pre production

the type of production you are undertaking - i.e. each document must reference your production how the document was used.
finance - you have written about the budget
timescale - you have written about the gantt chart
personnel - call sheet, script, shooting script,
facilities - location recce,
materials - requirements,
contributors - script, call sheet, actor/location release, shot list
locations - location recce, overhead,
codes of practice and regulations. - risk assessment, call sheet, asset log, location recce, actor and location release

For a merit grade your report needs to demonstrate good understanding of the relevant issues. These should include the relevant codes of practice,
laws and regulations that apply to the production work that you are planning, together with a detailed explanation of where the information can
be sourced from. Your report should be clearly and carefully produced and explain in some detail the relevant pre-production requirements for your
proposed production and why they are important.
For a distinction grade your report needs to reflect near-professional standards and be fully considered and detailed. It should demonstrate an excellent
understanding of the requirements for the proposed production and explain fully why each aspect is required. This includes a full and detailed
consideration of the relevant codes of practice, laws and regulations that apply to the production work that you are planning, together with a fully detailed

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