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MIT OpenCourseWare

5.111 Principles of Chemical Science

Fall 2008

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Exam III covers Lectures 17-26 (Entropy and Free Energy, Chemical Equilibrium, Acid-Base
Equilibrium, Oxidation-Reduction) and associated reading and problem sets #6, #7, and #8. The exam
is closed book and closed notes. Bring your calculator. Please note that bringing calculators with any
relevant physical or chemical information is cheating. The one and only exception is that if your
calculator includes values for extremely common fundamental physical constants like c and h and me, it
is acceptable to use them. No constants that are commonly defined in terms of such fundamental
constants (for example, the Rydberg constant or the Bohr radius) are acceptable. It is your responsibility
to make sure that no unacceptable information is available on your calculator. A list of physical
constants, a periodic table without electron configurations, and most equations will be supplied. Full
credit for a problem will be given only if each step of its solution is clearly shown, including the values
of the constants. Quantitative solutions to problems must have the correct number of significant figures.

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