AT&T Security Breach: Palamakula Mounika

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AT&T Security Breach

Palamakula Mounika

AT&T Company at a Glance


Inc. is an American multinational telecommunications corporation, headquartered at

Whitacre Tower in downtown Dallas, Texas.

AT&T is the second largest provider of mobile telephone and the largest provider of fixed

telephone in the United States, and also provides broadband subscription television

is the third-largest company in Texas (the largest non-oil company, behind only

ExxonMobil and ConocoPhillips, and also the largest Dallas company).


of May 2014, AT&T is the 23rd-largest company in the world as measured by a composite

of revenues, profits, assets and market value,and the 16th-largest non-oil company.

Recent AT&T Data Breach

AT&T confirmed a data security breach that occurred over two

weeks in April, adding it was an inside job at one of AT&T's

Data security breach was done by some of the internal

employees of AT&T

The breach involved AT&T workers in Mexico, Colombia and the


What happened and what was the loss?

The breaches occurred at call centers used by AT&T in Mexico,

Colombia, and the Philippines when employees accessed sensitive
customer data without adequate authorization.

AT&Tdata breaches exposed about 280,000 U.S. customers' names

and full or partial Social Security numbers, the government said.

The investigation found that three call center employees in Mexico

accessed more than 68,000 accounts without authorization, so the
third parties could submit more than 290,000 unlock requests through
an AT&T online portal

What did the company do to mitigate


As part of its settlement with the FCC, AT&T agreed to notify all
customers whose accounts were improperly accessed, and to pay for
credit monitoring services for those customers affected by the breaches
in Colombia and the Philippines.

The telecom also assented to improving its security practices and

regularly filing compliance reports to the FCC

Wireless carrier AT&T will pay $25 million to settle charges that workers
at several of its international call centers stole hundreds of thousands of
customers personal information

AT&T has changed the policies and strengthened their operations

Companys Relation with Customers

In spite of the security breach at AT&T call centres, and loss of

customers personal information, customers still have trust in
AT& services

Customers trust that their phone company will zealously guard

access to sensitive personal information in customer records


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