‘An ISO 9001:2008 Certified CompanyPrt Nane ee popeannes | soubity | orion
Pore Tce eral Tem tcl ed
VISCOLFS Antstatc agent cum rican with Clear yellow colour Milky emulsion 70-90 onion
cohesive properties for Spun Flament Fiquia
VISCOLRS (CR) Coning olfor Viscose Flament Yarn ‘Clear colourless Liquid Milky emulsion 65-75 Nonioine
VISCOLAW.52 Highly efcintubicant, anistatic agent Light to dark yellow Soluble in cola 70-30 Mild anionic
foratter waxing of sized 2s well asunsized colour liquid water
Yams. Also a good additive for size mixing
to improve binding and antstatic property
VISCOLAW-72 —_Highlyeffcient ater waxing agent for 100% Light lo darkyellow Soluble in cold 70-80 Mid anionic
‘Spun Yams of Cotton, Paste, Viscose & colour iqud water
VISCOLPW.79 Highly effient ator waxing agnt wit exelent Light to darkyolow ——_Solben colé 70-80 Mil anionic
lubricity, antistatic propery & binding property coburliqud water
forunsized yams of Wool, Pjwoo! Yams
VISCOL TFO Highy ecient ubrcant, Anstatic agent wih Pale Yelow Clear ——_-Miky emulsion 70-80 Norionic
Binding properties for Spun Yam tobe used Liquid
on TFO Wactines
VICOFINDSS Organic based desing agent for starch ‘tear yollow viscous Sohibein cold 60-80 Avionie
and synthetic sizes and degumming of sik gud water
VICAZYME EDL High performance deszing enzyme workat_ Pale yellow toyelw Soluble in cold 70-80
lower dosage at wide range of temperature clea guid water
VICAZYME EDS High perrmance deszing enzyme work at Srown-colourliqud Soluble in cold 60-70
lower dosage at wide range of temperature water
VICAZYMEPKE Enzyme based peroxie kil act at verylow Clearbrown-colour Soluble in cold 50-60
sage and reduce process tie wit good qu water
Pate ee Cts
EMULTEX 1000 High wating wih excelent detegency and Clear colourless Soluble in cold 60-70 Nonionic
emalsying propery ‘pale yelow iqud water
EMULTEX 1000 EF —APEO tee weting cum scouring wih exelent Clearcoloutss quid Soluble in cold 60-75 Nrionic
delergency and emulsifying property water
ECOWET 200 APEO tee wetting cum scouring wih excellent Coloutess to pale yelow Soluble in Cold 60-80 Mosty
detergency and emulsiving property hazy ligid water Nnionic
VICATEX 303 Powerul wetting cum scouring with CGlearcoloutess to Sohiblein cold 60-80 Nrionic
excelent detergency pale yellow gud water
VICATEXNC-20 Low foaming mercerzing wetting agentfor_Claryelow to brown Soluble in cold 70-90 ‘onic
cotton and its blends Hie waterTeron y EO ed
VICATEXMOT ——Weitng and rewating agent forall ype of Colorless to pale ——_—Disperiblein 50-70 Arionc
substrate yellow aud cold water
VICATEX DTC ——_Ecoftendly scouring agent wth dspersing Clear cokurless Sole in cold 65-75 Capt anionic
property viscous hid water
VICATEX OTL Powerful weting,rewetng agent CColuless to pale ——_—Dispersibie in 50-75 ‘ionic
yellow aud cold water
VICATEX PWRA —Poworul wong rewetng agen Colouiessio pale —_Soibleincold 40-60 Aion
yellow au water
VICATEX WS Powerful scouring agent for wool (tear yllow'to| Soluble in cold 70-80 Aion
ark yellow iqud water
VICATREAT DS-WA Powerful wating, eweting agent Colorless to palo ——_Dispersiblen. 65-85 Anionic
yellow hazy Hiquia cold watar
VICATREATLFPLUS Low foaming weting agent Pale yolow clearto ——_Dispersble in 65-85 onion
slignthazy qua cold water
VICATREAT PS-CB Peroxide stabilzero conal he release ot Yellow to ight brown Soluble in cold 70-90 Anionic
Peroxide and improve the whiteness of clear quid water
VICATRETAT DMA Derineraling agent Clear colourless Soluble in cold 10-25 Anionic
quis water
VICATREATHP Peroxide stabilzerto conral he release of Car colourless Soluble in cold 50-60 Acinic
Peroxide and improve the whiteness of liquid water
VICATRETAT PK igaricbased peroxide ilar ensure total Clearcolouressto ‘Soluble in cold 60-80 .
removalof peroxide pale yolow liquid water
VICATRETAT LUB Lubricating agentto reduce crease markfor Clear colourless Soluble in cold 60-80 Nonionic
fabrics and in rope form, Workin hard water viscous quid waler
and any type of mie
VICATRETAT SQ 100 Liquc sequestering cum dspersing agentfor Clearcolourlessto Clear solution 50-60 Anionic
altextle processes, pale yellow tiguid
VICATRETAT $0,400 Highly concertrated quid sequestering cum Clear colourless to Clear solution 60-80 Anionic
spersing agent for al textle processes pale yellow tguid
VIGATREAT SRA Highly effective stain removing agent Yellowish Brown Liquid Dispersible in 65-80, Ml Anionic
cold water
Eee ley
VICOWASH SOA Detergent cum soaping agent{or dyed and Clear pale yellow to Soluble in cold 60-80 Acinic
priming material yellow colourliquis water
VICOWASHDPASTE Versatle detergent and scouring agent stable Yellowish tobrown —Dispersbleincold 8.5 10.5 Arionic
in figh alkali bath
waterProduct Name EO eo ed
VICOWASH XL —_—_Suractant based soaping agent with Clear Yellow to brown Soluble in cold 60-80 Anionic
datergency for dyed goods colour liquid water
VICOWASH RD Polymeric dispersant and protective collid & Colourlessto yellow Soluble in cold 65-80 Anionic
washing off agent hich prevents redeposion colour viscousliquid water
of washed dye on fabric
VICATEX 1330T —_Nonionic Soaping agent fora Fibres. CColourss o pale Soluble in cold 60-80 Nonioic
Ecofrendl, Biodegradable yellow que water
VICAGENNFW APEOTree Wetting, Scouring, Degreasing Colouress Translucent Soluble in cold 50-80 Noninie
‘agent wth excellent soaping properties gel water
Dia ort
VICAFIXHC-NF Non formaldehyde concentrated dye fxing Cobble o pale Soluble in cold 40-70 Cationic
agent for reactive and direct dyes to improve yellow clear liquid water
wer fastnoss
VICAFIX HCNF-50 Non formaldehyde concentrated dye fxing Colorless o pale Soluble in cold 40-70 Catonic
agent for reactive and direct dyes to improve yellow ler liquid water
wer fasness
VICAFIX HC Formaldehyde based dye fxing agent for Clear colourless liquid Soluble in cold 40-50 Cationic
reacve ana direct dyes to improve wet water
VICAFIXHC-50 Formaldehyde basod concentrated dye fing Clear colourless liquid Soluble in cold 40-50 Cationic
agent fr reactive and direct dyes to improve water
wet fastness
PRR Tew |B] CoP ee eB cai Cc}
VICASYSTLSD Polymeric One bath leveling, dispersing and Clearpale yellow to Soluble in cold 65-80 Anionic
‘sequestering agent for disperse dyeing yolow colour gud ator
Recommend for Light to Medium Shades
VICASYSTPDF ——Lovelng cum dispersing agent with Olgomer Brownto dak brown Soluble in cold 30-50 Nonioic
CContol Propet for polyester dyeing, Works colour guid water
at very low dosage. Recommended for Fabrics
VICASYSTDY Leveling cum cispersing agent with Oligomer Dark Brown colour Soluble in cod 75-95 ‘Arionic
Conttol Properties for polyester dyeing. Works viscous kqud water
at very low dosage. Recommended for Fibre &
VICASYSTRLA Specialy developed leveling agent for cellulosic Clear pale yellow to Soluble in cold 65-80 ‘Anionic
‘or Reacve & Direct Dyes. Specially yollow colour guid ator
recommended where watr hardness is more
than 600 ppm
VICASYST V 200 Leveling & dispersing agent for Vat dyeing lear coloufessto Soluble in cold 60-80 onion
pale yellow liquid water
VICASYSTAR —— RetarderforAcyle dyeing Clear colurtess| Soluble in cold 60-80 Cattonie
guid water
VICASYST SMK Leveling agent for 1:2 Metal Complex dyes & Yellow to dark Brown Soluble in cold 80-100 Noninie
acid Dyes quid water
VIGASYST DFT(C) _ Leveling agent for Polyester Dyaing ‘lear Pale yellow iqud’ Soluble in cold 60-80 Noninie
waterni _ Sees
ESSN e te ea)
Silicone softener based on modified sioxane Milky white emulsion Highly dispersible in 40-50 Nonionic
{ves sft and supple with antistatic property cold water
for polyester and its blends
Concentrated silcone softener based on Miky white emulsion Highly cspersitle = 4.0-50 Noninie
‘odie siloxane gives soft and supple with in cold water
anjstate property for polyester an is blends
VICASOFTNIDM Non yelowing ready 1 use White softener Off white paste Dispersbein cold 7.0- 100 Nonionic
which gives ful and sot handle water
VICASOFT NIDM 100 Concerirated non yellowing White sofener Of white flakes to Dispersbleinhot 80-100 Nonionic
Which gives full and sof handle creamy fakes water
VICASOFTHWS FLAKES. Non Yellowing Hot water soluble ff white to Light Dispersblein Hot «80-50 Cationic
Softer in 100%Fiakes form Yellow fakes waler
VICASOFT.CT 100 Conceritated High Performance Catonic Light todark Yeo ——Dispersblein Cold «50-75 Cationic
Softer. Non Yellowing Colour paste water
VICASOFTNITT Hydrophilic sotener for Tery towel and knits Off white paste Dispersblein Hot 80-1000 Noninic
and all type of cotton and its blended fares. water
Non yelloning & recommended for Whites also
VICOSOFT CRTU High perormance cold water soluble softener. CreamtoIght yew Dispersiblein cold. «80-70 Cationic
Gives soft and surace smecthness viscous iqud water
VICASOFTPE 30 Polyethylene wax emulsion Creamishto ight brown Transhscentliquid 70-90 Noninie
colour quid
VICAFORDMH Resin Frish White to Pale Yelow —Wisciblewith water 6.0-80 -
VICATEX DA, Ecoftianaly aoatc ac aplacement product it Clear colourless quid Soluble in cold 30-49
acts as acd buffer in polyester dying water
VIGATEX SAN Paralreplacemant of soda ashinreacive Clear ccloufess to pale Soluble in cold 120-140 -
Ayeing yolow liquid water
VIGASYST RG ECO Reducion Clearing agentin Acie Medium for Clear Goloutess Liquid Soluble in Water 90-110
Polyester dyeing. Complete replacement for
VIGATEX SP 187(M) _Emulsir for Pigment Emulsion CColouless to pale yelow Soluble in Water 60-80 Nonionic
VICALOOPLA Loop Accerator or Disprse Printing ‘lear pale yellow ‘Soluble n Water 79-90 Nonionic
viscous quaViswaat Chemicals Li
Head Office :“Vswact’, 7 Satsang Complex, Uppe* Govind Nagar, LS. Raheja Marg, Malas (E), Mumbe - 400097, India,
Tel: + 91-22-2874 0986 /3245 2211/3240 9612 « Fax: + 91-22-2874 5321 « Ema info@viswaatchem com
Factory -PlotNo.N-t, Addl. Ambomath MIDC, Anand Nagar, Amberath(E), Thane - 421 506, Maharashira nda Tel: 91-251-2620 046, 48
Fax: #91-254-261 024 + Email ambviswaalé7@redifall.com
Website : viswaatchem.com