Breauxs Technology Minigrant

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Name of Applicant ______Sonya Breaux_____________________________________________

Administrators Name ____Dr. Paul Weir______________________________________________
District/School _____Woodstock High School / Cherokee County Schools____________________
District/School Address Cherokee/2010 Towne Lake Dr S. Woodstock GA 30189_____________
Applicants E-mail ____breauxsony@gmail.com_________________________________________

Date __July 19, 2015____ Total Cost of Project: _$500.00_________________

(up to $500.00)

Title of Project: __Digital Language Lab training________________________________________


Why is this project important (describe the need)? We have bought a $31,000 dollars digital lab and it is
a great tool we can use more frequently and effectively with our 689 students in our World Language
department. Long term it is not going to be only with the World Language Department but with other
departments. Students will be able to develop technological skills and language skills such as speaking
and writing, thanks to the use of the digital Language Lab. The important thing is that we are going to
continue using this lab for a long period of time.

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What would you like to accomplish (describe the unit or lesson and list instructional objectives)?
According to the Georgia Department of Education, we should be assessing our students
using technological devices. On the other side the students need to use technology in order to
acquire authentic information and contact native speakers. The lesson will be based using the
digital language lab we have in room 723. Please see below the daily lesson plan sample

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How will you complete the work?

A. Describe how the instructional objectives will be met.
Our goal #1 is that in all subject areas, no more than 20% of questions on major assessments will be
below Depth of Knowledge (DOK) level 2. For this goal our lesson will develop level 3 and 4 level
DOK questions. Students will create and will use higher level thinking skills.
Our goal #2 is that all subject areas will have multiple writing opportunities in ongoing classroom
assessments or at least one major writing assignment per quarter. In this case our lesson will perfectly
incorporate and support this goal. We will also include technology in order to complete the written
portion of this assignment.

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B. Describe the time involved (project length including amount of time each day/week).
This project will need just one class at the language lab and 4 other days in the classroom.
C. Describe the people involved (grade level/subject & # of students, teachers and/or staff).
World languages teachers will be needed for this project and students can vary
from 15-18 years old.
D. Describe the materials needed for the project.
In order to be successful with this project, we will need training for us to use the
digital language lab, we have not been trained to record students voices or to allow them to
write and report in the cloud.
IV. What is the timeline for assessing accomplishments and objectives (describe program evaluation
Teachers need an 8-hour training in the digital lab. The students final product can be shared with
the administrator or the department head.
V. How will the students be assessed (Include how student progress will be assessed and reported to
students, parents, teachers, and others)?
1. Students will be exposed to an example of what it is expected.
2. Students will receive a detailed instructions and rubric about the work expected.
3. Students will work during class the project.
4. Students will be in the lab one period of class to record, type and have his poem presentation
ready to share with the class.
5. Students will print or email their poem to parents with translation and have a copy for the
6. The best poems will be posted in the library.
10 pts the poem has descriptions about the nature____________
20 pts there is no grammatical or spelling problems ___________
20 pts there is no spelling problems in the vocabulary__________
20 pts Student used technology to record his/her voice__________
20 pts Student used technology to type his/her poem____________
10 pts student turns it in according to the requirements__________
VI. What is the proposed budget? Include information on the following:
A. Materials/supplies
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Pencil and paper

B. Equipment
Digital Language Lab
C. Total Cost of Proposed Project
$500 to pay for the Sanako trainer
D. Additional Funding Sources
Total Points: __________

Impacts a variety of skill levels and/or learning styles or impacts an important target population.
Possible number of points: 40 __________

2. Clearly identifies standards and learning objectives being addressed.

Possible number of points: 40 __________
3. Pedagogically sound, based on research and/or best practices.
Possible number of points: 40 __________
4. Clear plan for assessment of project and goals with examples of implementation methods.
Possible number of points: 40 __________
5. Impacts large number of students and/or can be recycled/reused.
Possible number of points: 40 __________
General Comments:

Adapted from: The Education Foundation of Oconee County, Inc.

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