Barthes Work To Text
Barthes Work To Text
Barthes Work To Text
The Rustle
of Language
Translated by Richard Howard
"To Write: An Intransitive Verb?" first published [in English] in The Languages of Criticism and the Sciences of Man: The Structuralist Controversy, edited by
Richard Macksey, 1970 by the Johns Hopkins University Press. "The Rustle
of Language" first published in Vers une esthetique sans entraves, 1975 by
U.G.E. "Rhetorical Analysis" first published in Litterature et Societe, 1967 by
L'Institut de sociologie de I'Universite libre de Bruxelles. "The Division of
Languages" first published in Une civilisation nouvelle? Hommage Ii Georges
Friedmann, 1973 by Gallimard. "Cayrol and Erasure" first published in Les
Corps etrangers by Jean Cayrol, 1964 by U.G.E. "Bloy" first published in
Tableau de la litUrature frant;aise, 1974 by Gallimard. "What Becomes of the
Signifier" first published in Eden, Eden, Eden by Pierre Guyotat, 1970 by
Gallimard. "Outcomes of the Text" first published in Bataille in the IOII8
collection, 1973 by U.G.E. "Reading Brillat-Savarin" first published in
Physiologie du gout by Brillat-Savarin, 1975 by C. Hermann. "Preface to
Renaud Camus's Tricks," 1979 by Persona. "The Image" first published in
Pretexte: Roland Barthes in the IOII8 collection, 1978 by U.G.E.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Barthes, Roland.
The rustle of language.
Translation of: Le bruissement de la langue.
1. Philology-Addresses, essays, lectures.
2. Discourse analysis-Addresses, essays, lectures.
3. Semiotics-Addresses, essays, lectures. I. Title.
P49B3513 1986 401 '.41 85- 2 7593
and final, and must be sought for, and then the work depends
upon a hermeneutics, an interpretation (Marxist, psychoanalytic,
thematic, etc.); in short, the work itself functions as a general
sign, and it is natural that it should represent an institutional
category of the civilization of the Sign. The Text, on the contrary,
practices the infinite postponement of the signified, the Text is
dilatory; its field is that of the signifier; the signifier must not
be imagined as "the first part of the meaning," its material
vestibule, but rather, on the contrary, as its aftermath; similarly,
the signifier's infinitude does not refer to some notion of the
ineffable (of an unnamable signified) but to a notion of play; the
engendering of the perpetual signifier (in the fashion of a
perpetual calendar) in the field of the Text is not achieved by
some organic process of maturation, or a hermeneutic process
of "delving deeper," but rather by a serial movement of dislocations, overlappings, variations; the logic governing the Text
is not comprehensive (trying to define what the work "means")
but metonymic; the activity of associations, contiguities, crossreferences coincides with a liberation of symbolic energy (if it
failed him, man would die). The work (in the best of cases) is
moderately symbolic (its symbolics runs short, i.e., stops); the Text
is radically symbolic: a work whose integrally symbolic nature one
conceives, perceives, and receives is a text. The Text is thus restored
to language; like language, it is structured but decentered,
without closure (let us note, to answer the scornful suspicion of
"fashion" sometimes lodged against structuralism, that the epistemological privilege nowadays granted to language derives
precisely from the fact that in it [language] we have discovered
a paradoxical idea of structure: a system without end or center).
4. The Text is plural. This does not mean only that it has
several meanings but that it fulfills the very plurality of meaning:
an irreducible (and not just acceptable) plurality. The Text is not
coexistence of meaning, but passage, traversal; hence, it depends
not on an interpretation, however liberal, but on an explosion,
on dissemination. The plurality of the Text depends, as a matter
Mythology Today
Some fifteen years ago, a certain idea of contemporary myth
was proposed. This idea, which on its first appearance was
hardly developed at all (the word retained an openly metaphoric
value), nonetheless included several theoretical articulations. 1.
Myth, close to what Durkheimian sociology calls a "collective
representation," can be read in anonymous statements of the
press, advertising, mass consumption; it is a social determinate,
a "reflection." 2. This reflection, however, in accord with Marx's
famous dictum, is inverted: myth consists in turning culture into
nature, or at least turning the social, the cultural, the ideological,
the historical into the "natural": what is merely a product of
class division and its moral, cultural, aesthetic consequences is
presented (stated) as a natural consequence; the quite contingent
grounds of the statement become, under the effect of mythic
inversion, Common Sense, Right Reason, the Norm, Public
Opinion, in a word, the Endoxa (the secular figure of the Origin).
3. Contemporary myth is discontinuous: it is no longer stated
in extended, constituted narratives, but only in "discourse"; at
most, it is a phraseology, a corpus of phrases (of stereotypes);
myth disappears, but the mythic remains, all the more insidious.
4. As speech (this was, after all, the meaning of muthos) ,
contemporary myth issues from a semiology which permits the
"correction" of mythic inversion by decomposing the message
into two semantic systems: a connoted system whose signified is
ideological (and consequently "straight," "non-inverted," or, to
be clearer, even by speaking a moral jargon, cynical), and a
denoted system (the apparent literalness of the image, of the
object, of the sentence), whose function is to "naturalize" the
class proposition by giving it the guarantee of the most "inno-
Mythology Today
but today, much more than interrogating this lexicon which,
without being false, is no longer of much interest (except to
amateurs of the psychoanalytic vulgate), it examines the very
dialectics of the signifier; semiology began in the same way by
establishing a mythological lexicon, but the task facing it today
is rather of a syntactical order (which articulations, which
displacements constitute the mythic fabric of a mass-consumption society?); initially, we sought the destruction of the (ideological) signified; now we seek the destruction of the sign:
"mythoc1asm" is succeeded by a "semioc1asm" that is much
broader and raised to a higher level. The historical field is
thereby extended: it is no longer French society, but far beyond
it, historically and geographically, the whole of Western (GrecoJudeo-Islamo-Christian) civilization, unified in one and the same
theology (essence, monotheism) and identified by the system of
meaning it practices, from Plato to France-Dimanche.
The science of the signifier contributes a second correction
(or a second extension) to contemporary mythology. The world,
taken obliquely by language, is written, through and through;
signs, constantly deferring their foundations, transforming their
signifieds into new signifiers, quoting each other to infinity,
nowhere come to a halt: writing is generalized. If society'S
alienation still compels us to demystify languages (and notably
that of the myths), the means of this combat is not-is no
longer-a critical decipherment, it is evaluation. Faced with the
world's writing systems, the tangle of various discourses (didactic,
aesthetic, propagandistic, political, etc.), we must determine
levels of reification, degrees of phraseological density. Shall we
succeed in specifying a notion which seems to me essential: that
of a language's compactness? Languages are more or less dense;
some-the most social, the most mythical-present an unshakable homogeneity (there is a power of meaning, there is a war
of meanings): woven of habits, of repetitions, of stereotypes, of
obligatory fragments and key words, each one constitutes an
idiolect (a notion which twenty years ago I designated as writing);
today, more than myths, it is idiolects which we must distinguish,