Open House Info 2015-2016

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Open House Info.

Miss. Evette Davis

4th & 5th Grade Mathematics Instructor
EIP, TAG & High Potential

Open House
Class Schedule for Miss. E. Davis
Homeroom Students
Meet Your Teachers
Flipped Classroom/Peer
Instructional Flipped Classroom
Miss. E. Davis Mathematicians
Unit Plans
Class Messenger


4th Grade Goals

5th Grade Goals

Grading Scale

Parent/Student Homework due August 7, 2015

Miss. E. Davis
Homeroom Teacher
Room # 421
4th and 5th Math Instructor (EIP,
TAG & High Potential)

Mrs. Marsha Odle

Ms. Marie Davis
4th & 5th
ELA & Writing Instructor

4th 5th
Science Instructor

Mrs. Kaitlin Reese

4th & 5th
Social Studies Instructor

2015-2016 - Class Schedule

This year we are combining 4th
and 5th grade teachers into one
cohesive team!
4th and 5th grade students will
receive instruction from 4th and
5th grade teachers.
Students will have 90 minutes in
mathematics and ELA.
Students will have the 3rd 90
minutes split for science and
social studies.

Flipping our Learning?

Thats right! We are embracing the WONDERFUL world of the
Flipped Classroom!
Students will not only take part in the flipped classroom model
this year in mathematics and ELA, but students in Miss. E. Davis
math classroom will take it a step further and dive in the Peer
Instructional Flipped Model! WOOT! WOOT!

Visual Models of the Flipped Classroom Model

How will the Peer Instructional Classroom


Students will watch the video to the lesson the night before for HOMEWORK or in
the morning before 8:00am at school.
The teacher will give a quick mini review of that video. from last night if students
need additional clarification whole group.
Students are asked a question related to the topic that expands their thinking.
Each student chooses an answerindividually and the teacher uses the Plickers app
to record students FIRST answer choice.
Students then move into peer discussion to try to convince a fellow student of the
rightness of his or her response.
After 5-10 minutes, students responds to the same question again and the teacher
will record the students SECOND response to see if any change has occurred after
the peer instruction.
The correct answer is shared by the faculty member.
Students are invited to share why they chose the answer they did right or
Then a longer explanation is provided.

Peer Instructional Flipped Model Visual

Miss. Davis Mathematicians

Show me the HOMEWORK!!!!!!

Since we are implementing the flipped classroom model and
working towards PERSONALIZED LEARNING, homework will look a
little different.
Students will have UNIT Plans that they will receive in the
beginning of each unit.
For homework, students will work on the following:
ALEKS (5th Grade and TAG 4th Grade (Mrs. Brooks Homeroom)
First In Math
Reading for A.R.

Unit Plan Examples

4th Grade Unit Plan Example

Unit Plans continued

Students will take a teacher made pre-assessment in the beginning of
EACH of their seven units.
Next they will receive their unit plan to begin work on achieving mastery
on each of the standards within that unit.
Students will work at their OWN PACE to complete each unit before the
The students will complete the assignments of their CHOICE from the unit
plan and watch any of the provided videos from the plan of their CHOICE!
The beauty of the flipped classroom model is that students can watch the videos one,
five, twenty or as many times as they need to if they do not understand it the first
time. PLUS there are more than one video provided for EACH standard!

Class Messenger 4th Grade Math

Sign up for my 4th Grade Math Class using the below directions

Class Messenger 5th Grade Math

Sign up for my 5th Grade Math Class using the below directions

Class Dojo
This year, the fourth and fifth grade teachers are using a
classroom management tool called ClassDojo. ClassDojo is a
web based program which allows teachers to track students
behaviors (positive AND negative) easily and efficiently. The
program is based on points, and students can be given
positive points for things like being on task, being respectful,
participating, or working hard. On the other hand, points can
be taken away if students are off task, talking out, or
unprepared. Our goal is to fully implement the program right
away, but please bear with us as we are learning as we go!

4th Grade Goals

.Stage 6
First In Math (FIM)..7,000
110 points

5th Grade Goals

.Stage 7
First In Math (FIM)..8,500
135 points

Gradeing Scale (5th Grade ONLY)

100% - 90% = A
89% - 80% = B
79% - 74% = C
73% - 70% = D
69% - 0% = F

Parent & Student Homework

Parent Homework Due:
August 7th
Complete the Student
Information Sheet on my
website found under the
Complete ALL of the forms in the
packet you received from Open
House July 30th.
Explore my entire webpage and
become familiar with the MANY
resources provided for you.

Student Homework Due: August 7 th

Complete the Learner Profile

Respond to the blog on my
Complete the Favorite
Subject: form found on my
websites homepage.
Explore my entire webpage and
become familiar with the MANY
resources provided for you.

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