Tni Coverpage
Tni Coverpage
Tni Coverpage
In this paper, the proper way to assess pain is explored. According to Bon Secours policy
this standard is every four hours on every patient. Reassessment is to be completed one
hour post intervention. The necessity of critical thinking is imperative to assess for
potential over-sedation. An example demonstrated was the discontinuation of a PCA
Evaluates nursing care outcomes through the acquisition of data and questioning of
administrations effort to evaluate this data and implement change by instilling stricter
policy and performing chart audits of pain assessment.
This assignment educated me on the legal limits of patients not fully disclosing or
knowing their home medication. This is a noted common problem. It is vital to act as an
advocate for patient health. A nurse must establish trust and educate their patients on the
dangers of polypharmacy and over sedation.
This paper illustrates the effect that living conditions and availability of low cost methods
to control illness can have on a global community. Anexamplenotedincludedapoverty
Considers the impact of research outcomes and the effects of health and social
policies on persons from diverse backgrounds.
Cultural norms explored for a patient of Indian background. His social policies instilled
his actions towards the health care provider. Because of this diverse background, cultural
respect had to be spoken on to influence him to be open to receiving the care necessary
for restoration.