5 Grade Language Arts 2015-2016 Syllabus: Mrs. Edwards Classroom Website
5 Grade Language Arts 2015-2016 Syllabus: Mrs. Edwards Classroom Website
5 Grade Language Arts 2015-2016 Syllabus: Mrs. Edwards Classroom Website
2015-2016 Syllabus
Welcome to Spring Hill Middle School. My name is Mrs. Edwards, and I am very excited about being your childs teacher
for Language Arts this year! In this class we will be exploring a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts, and increasing
the development of our writing skills. We are continuing to implement the Tennessee state standards which require us to
dive deeper into the text, think more critically, and connect reading and writing skills across all subject areas. Your child
will also be taking a new assessment this year called TN Ready. While there is a large focus on preparing for this test,
my main goal is for your child to grow and develop into a lifelong reader! As your child makes this transition to middle
school, I hope to encourage them to reach their fullest potential!
*The following is a list of novels that your child will be reading this school year. You may wish to purchase a copy
of your own.
Classroom Expectations
1. Be Prompt.
2. Be Prepared.
3. Be Productive.
4. Be Polite.
5. Be Positive.
*Students who consistently demonstrate appropriate behavior will be positively rewarded with praise, positive notes
sent home, small rewards, and other special privileges. In the event rules are broken, the following consequences will be
1. Verbal warning
2. Special Seating
3. Parent Contact/Discipline form
4. Discipline form/Parent Contact/Principal referral
Grading Policy:
Grades are separated into two categories, Formative and Summative.
Formative = 20% (Homework, Classwork)
Summative = 80% (Tests, Quizzes, Projects, Reports)
*At the beginning of each quarter your child will start with a 100% for their Homework average. Any homework assignments not
turned in will result in a 5 point deduction from that average.
*Your child should be writing down his/her assignments every day in their SHMS agenda. This is their personal
responsibility. Assignments will also be posted weekly on our classroom website. This is for you to be informed, but is
also a way to aide in making up work if your child is absent from class.
*Grades will be posted on the Maury County Parent Portal website. If your child has been in the Maury County system,
your log in information should be the same. If you are new to Maury County Schools, contact our front office and they
will assist you with setting this up. The number is 931-451-1531.
Im looking forward to a great school year! Please contact me if you have any questions or
concerns. Please check out our classroom website as well!
*Please sign and return this portion of the syllabus with your child.
I have read, understand, and agree with the policies and procedures listed on the 5 th grade ELA syllabus for the 20152016 school year.
Student name _______________________ Signature ______________________ Date _____
Parent/Guardian name _____________________ Signature___________________ Date_____
Home number ( ) __________________ Cell number ( ) ___________________
phone call
written note