Health - Safety - Welfare

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Unit IGC1 Element 1

Sub Element 1.1

Q # 1. What barriers might there be to good health and safety practice?
Q # 2 Define the terms
Sub Element 1.2
Q # 1 What are the 3 main reasons for managing health and safety?
Q # 2 What should an employer provide to ensure health and safety:
Safe place of _______________
Safe plant and ______________
Safe _______ of work
Training, _____ and competency of staff
Sub Element 1.3
Q # 1 What are the two main standards that the ILO has produced for health and
safety? What do countries do with these standards?
Q # 2 What are employers responsibilities under R164?
Q # 3 What are employees responsibilities under R164?
Q # 4 What action could be taken against organizations breaking health and safety law?
Unit IGC1 Element 2
Sub Element 2.1
Q # 1 What are the key elements of the ILO-OSH health and safety Management

Sub Element 2.2

Q # 1 Why is an organizations policy so important?
Q # 2 Why might two organizations have different policies?
Sub Element 2.3
Q # 1 What are the three key parts to a health and safety policy?
Q # 2 What type of targets might be referenced in the policy (and where)?
Unit IGC1 Element 3
Sub Element 3.1
Q # 1 Who does an employer owe a duty to with regards to health and Safety?
Q # 2 How can directors influence health and safety?
Q # 3 What are the key workers responsibilities?
Q # 4 What would you look for/check when selecting a contractor?
Sub Element 3.2
Q # 1 Give a definition of Health and safety culture?
Q # 2 what factors could result in the deterioration of the health and safety culture of an
Q # 3 What indicators can be used to assess the health and safety culture?
Q # 4 What is peer pressure?
Sub Element 3.3
Q # 1 What three key factors influence a workers behavior? Give examples of each?

Q # 2 what is competence?
Q # 3 how can an organization inadvertently motivate people to behave Unsafely?
Q # 4 Suggest reasons why two people may perceive hazards differently?
Sub Element 3.4
Q # 1 How can directors/managers demonstrate their commitment to health and safety?
Q # 2 What are the 3 different communication methods that are used?
Q # 3 What is the difference between consulting and informing?
Sub Element 3.5
Q # 1 What types of emergency situation might an organization need to Consider?
Q # 2 You are developing fire response arrangements what key things would you
Sub Element 3.6
Q # 1 What is the basic function of a first aider?
Q # 2 What should be considered when determining the number of first aiders on site?
Q # 3 What other factors should be considered when evaluating the overall
level and type of first aid provision for a site?
Unit IGC1 Element 4
Q # 1 What are SMART objectives?
Q # 2 How can safety and health practitioners keep up to date with legal
Sub Element 4.2

Q # 1 Define hazard and risk?

Q # 2 Define accident injury accident and near miss?
Q # 3 What are the 5 steps to risk assessment?
Q # 4 What should a suitable and sufficient risk assessment contain?
Q # 5 Who should be considered in a risk assessment?
Q # 6 How is risk evaluated?
Sub Element 4.3
Q # 1 Outline the general hierarchy of control?
Sub Element 4.4
Q # 1 What internal sources of health and safety information are there within
an organization?
Q # 2 What external sources of information are there?
Sub Element 4.5
Q # 1 What is a safe system of work?
Q # 2 Who is responsible for developing safe systems of work?
Q # 3 What are the advantages of a written procedure over a verbal one?
Q # 4 What are the key steps in carrying out a task analysis before developing a safe
system of work (SREDIM)
Q # 5 What controls might be implemented to ensure the safety of lone working social
Sub Element 4.6
Q # 1 What types of work require a permit to work?

Q # 2 What are the key features of a permit to work document?

Q # 3 What are the main limitations of a permit to work system?
Unit IGC 1 Element 5
Sub Element 5.1
Q # 1 What is meant by active monitoring?
Q # 2 What is meant by reactive monitoring?
Q # 3 Give examples of active monitoring techniques
Q # 4 What topics could be considered in a general workplace inspection?
Q # 5 What are accident rates used for?

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