Ss:ela Syllabus
Ss:ela Syllabus
Ss:ela Syllabus
Voyager Public Charter School
Social Studies & Language Arts
Room 304
Course Website:
Students will read, discuss, and write about both literary and
informational texts along with multi-media forms of literary works.
Students will examine pieces of world literature in a cultural context in
an effort to appreciate the diversity and complexity of local and global
issues and to connect these ideas to their own experiences. They will
further develop their command on the English language by
demonstrating expressive, informational and explanatory, narrative,
and persuasive essay assessments throughout the year. The central
historical focus will be based on world civilizations dating from 300 BC1500 CE. Specific to reading, writing, listening and speaking, students
in Ms. Alamidas class will:
Demonstrate critical analysis of multiple works through projectbased learning with peers.
Expand knowledge of vocabulary words in diverse literary works.
Analyze the interaction of literary elements of a story or drama.
Interpret and make connections between literature and other
texts, ideas, and perspectives.
Use standard grammatical conventions and produce clear and
coherent writing that is appropriate to task, purpose, and
Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant
Cite several pieces of text-based evidence to support an analysis
of literary text; use proper MLA citation to credit works.
Conduct short research projects to answer a question and
generate additional questions for further research.
Evaluate the credibility and accuracy of a source.
Quote and paraphrase others work while avoiding plagiarism.
Effectively engage in discussions with diverse partners about 68th grade topics, texts, and issues.
Express ones own ideas clearly during discussions.
Build on others ideas during discussions.
Analyze main ideas in diverse media and formats (e.g. visually,
quantitatively, orally)
This is a project-based course that will merge overarching themes
between World Historythis years social studies contentand
Language Arts. The curriculum will be aligned to the Hawaii Content
and Performance Standards 6th grade Social Studies standards and
the 6th, 7th and 8th grade ELA Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
Many lessons will be modified versions of the Expeditionary Learning
project by EngageNY, a series of lesson modules by the creators of the
CCSS for teachers to use.
Trimester 2
(Nov. 3-Feb. 19)
Tales of the Odyssey
Early Americas
Trimester 3
(Feb. 23-May 19)
Silk Road
Student supplies have already been purchased and distributed by
Voyager. However, students will need to purchase a Flash Drive.
Ms. Alamida
Social Studies & Language Arts
Class Contract
Student Name (print)
Period: ____________
My child and I have read the middle school World
Civilizations and Language Arts syllabus and
understand what is expected. We have read the
classroom procedures and expectations, and
understand how the students will be graded for this
Student Signature
Date: ___________________
Parent/Guardian Name (print)
Parent/Guardian Signature
Date: ________________