Closed Loop DC-DC Buck Converter

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DC to DC Converters:

Switched mode DC-DC converters are some of the simplest power electronic circuits which
convert one level of electrical voltage into another level by switching action. These converters
have received an increasing deal of interest in many areas. This is due to their wide applications
like power supplies for personal computers, office equipment, appliance control,
telecommunication equipment, DC motor drives, automotive, aircraft, etc.

Typical Application of Buck Converter:

SMPS converts AC Voltage to DC voltage. All the computer parts work on DC supply.SMPS
supplies DC voltage through connectors on Motherboard and various other devices.

Fig.1 Back side of the CPU of PC

As seen in the Fig1, FAN is used to dissipate/reduce the heat generated in SMPS. In Fig1 , there
are two AC power sockets. One is for AC 220 V input to SMPS and the other is for output AC
220 V to your Monitor/LCD. In some SMPS there is only one socket for AC 220 V input to
SMPS . In this case the monitor will take input supply directly from other power source.
In Fig2, there are two 6-pin connectors. SMPS with these type of connectors is called AT Power
Supply. This supply was used on older motherboards supporting upto 486 processors.Colour
coding and the related DC voltages are:

Fig.2 Six pin connectors

Wire Colour

DC Voltage






Ground or 0V






+ 5V ( PG)

4 pin connectors :
The wire colours and their voltages are:


Used For


+12 V









The 4-pin connectors are used to give supply to various devices like Hard Disk Drives , CD-Drives ,
Floppy Disk Drives etc.

Principle of Operation of BUCK Converter:

When the MOSFET is turned ON, the voltage Vin is applied in reverse across the power diode.
Therefore diode must stay OFF as long as MOSFET remains ON. The ON state of MOSFET
always implies the OFF state of diode. With the MOSFET turned ON, current IL beings to build
up. The growth of IL occurs exponentially due to the inductance L. The MOSFET is kept ON for
a time interval TON, and OFF for the interval TOFF. At the instant when MOSFET is turned
OFF, IL has a finite value (IP1), which is the peak value of the output current during the first
chopper cycle. This peak current occurs at the instant the MOSFET turns OFF. The presence of
the inductance L prevents the sudden drop of IL to zero. The decay of IL causes an induced
voltage to appear across the inductance. Because of this voltage, the diode becomes forwardbiased and causes the current flow to continue and decay exponentially. The term FreeWheeling is commonly used to describe the flow of current in this manner without the aid of a
voltage source, but solely due to the stored energy in the inductance. The purpose of the diode is
to provide the free-wheeling path for the MOSFET when it is turned OFF. Therefore, the diode
automatically turns ON at the instant the MOSFET switches off due to the presence of an
inductance with stored energy. The decay of IL continues as long as MOSFET remains OFF, that
is, for a duration TOFF.
The lowest value to which the current falls at the end of the first chopper cycle is labelled as the
valley magnitude IV1. The second chopper switching cycle commences when MOSFET is
turned ON again at the end of the first TOFF, and the current again starts to build up. Due to the
initial current IV1, the second peak IP2 will be larger than IP1. Consequently, the valley

magnitude IV2 at the end of the second cycle will also be larger than IV1. In this way, as the
switching progresses, both the peak and valley magnitudes progressively increase. After several
cycles, the difference between successive cycles becomes negligibly small. We say that the
circuit conditions have reached steady state. The relation between the input voltage (Vin),
output voltage (Vout) and duty cycle (D) is given by:
= ----------------------- (1)
=/+ ----------------------------(2)
The switching duty cycle can be varied ideally in the range 0-1 by variation of the ON time, thus
the output voltage is always less then or equal to input voltage and hence the name step down or
buck chopper.
Output voltage ripple of the DC-DC converter is minimized by proper selection of inductor and
capactor, which is given by
=(1-D)*Vo/ ----------------------------(3)


Where Vin = Input Voltage of the Buck Converter,

Vout = Output voltage,
D = Duty Cycle,
Fs = Switching Frequency
Iripple is the inductor ripple current, it is usually 30% of maximum output current. V is the
output voltage ripple, it is usually 1% of output voltage. ESR is the effective series resistance of
the capacitor, and is detailed from manufacturers catlog (usually 0.03) . A Capacitor with low
ESR will help to minimize the ripple on the output voltage.

Converter Parameter:
Vin = 12V
Vo =6V
fs = 100 KHz,
D = 0.5
Load R = 1 ohm
L = 4.1 H
C = 376 F

Buck Converter Simulink Block:

PWM Subsystem Block:

PWM Waveform:

Output Wave form:

State Space Model using MATLAB Coding:

close all, clear all, clc
global A B D
f = 100000;
R = 1;
V0 = 6;
I0 = V0/R;
Vs = 12;
D = V0/Vs;
L = 4.1E-6;
C = 376E-6;
A = [0 -1/(L*f); 1/(C*f) -1/(f*R*C)];
B = [Vs/(f*L); 0];
X0 = [I0; V0];
tf = 10;
[t,X] = ode23('buck', [0 tf], X0);
IL = X(:,1);
VC = X(:,2);
subplot(2,1,1), plot(t, IL), grid
title('Inductor Current')
subplot(2,1,2), plot(t, VC), grid
axis([0 tf 0 10])
title('Output Voltage')
function dx = buck(t, X)
global A B D
U=0.5*(1 - sign(t - fix(t) - D));
dx =A*X + B*U;

Output Waveforms:

Thus the DC to DC Buck Converter in Closed Loop Control using Matlab Simulation and State
Space Model using Matlab coding have been analysed.

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