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23 Ways To Speed WinXP, Not Only Defrag

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Since defragging the disk won't do much to improve Windows XP performance, here

are 23 suggestions that will. Each can enhance the performance and reliability o
f your customers' PCs. Best of all, most of them will cost you nothing.
1.) To decrease a system's boot time and increase system performance, use the mo
ney you save by not buying defragmentation software -- the built-in Windows defr
agmenter works just fine -- and instead equip the computer with an Ultra-133 or
Serial ATA hard drive with 8-MB cache buffer.
2.) If a PC has less than 512 MB of RAM, add more memory. This is a relatively i
nexpensive and easy upgrade that can dramatically improve system performance.
3.) Ensure that Windows XP is utilizing the NTFS file system. If you're not sure
, here's how to check: First, double-click the My Computer icon, right-click on
the C: Drive, then select Properties. Next, examine the File System type; if it
says FAT32, then back-up any important data. Next, click Start, click Run, type
CMD, and then click OK. At the prompt, type CONVERT C: /FS:NTFS and press the En
ter key. This process may take a while; it's important that the computer be unin
terrupted and virus-free. The file system used by the bootable drive will be eit
her FAT32 or NTFS. I highly recommend NTFS for its superior security, reliabilit
y, and efficiency with larger disk drives.
4.) Disable file indexing. The indexing service extracts information from docume
nts and other files on the hard drive and creates a "searchable keyword index."
As you can imagine, this process can be quite taxing on any system.
The idea is that the user can search for a word, phrase, or property inside a do
cument, should they have hundreds or thousands of documents and not know the fil
e name of the document they want. Windows XP's built-in search functionality can
still perform these kinds of searches without the Indexing service. It just tak
es longer. The OS has to open each file at the time of the request to help find
what the user is looking for.
Most people never need this feature of search. Those who do are typically in a l
arge corporate environment where thousands of documents are located on at least
one server. But if you're a typical system builder, most of your clients are sma
ll and medium businesses. And if your clients have no need for this search featu
re, I recommend disabling it.
Here's how: First, double-click the My Computer icon. Next, right-click on the C
: Drive, then select Properties. Uncheck "Allow Indexing Service to index this d
isk for fast file searching." Next, apply changes to "C: subfolders and files,"
and click OK. If a warning or error message appears (such as "Access is denied")
, click the Ignore All button.
5.) Update the PC's video and motherboard chipset drivers. Also, update and conf
igure the BIOS. For more information on how to configure your BIOS properly, see
this article on my site.
6.) Empty the Windows Prefetch folder every three months or so. Windows XP can "
prefetch" portions of data and applications that are used frequently. This makes
processes appear to load faster when called upon by the user. That's fine. But
over time, the prefetch folder may become overloaded with references to files an
d applications no longer in use. When that happens, Windows XP is wasting time,
and slowing system performance, by pre-loading them. Nothing critical is in this
folder, and the entire contents are safe to delete.
7.) Once a month, run a disk cleanup. Here's how: Double-click the My Computer i
con. Then right-click on the C: drive and select Properties. Click the Disk Clea
nup button -- it's just to the right of the Capacity pie graph -- and delete all
temporary files.

8.) In your Device Manager, double-click on the IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers device
, and ensure that DMA is enabled for each drive you have connected to the Primar
y and Secondary controller. Do this by double-clicking on Primary IDE Channel. T
hen click the Advanced Settings tab. Ensure the Transfer Mode is set to "DMA if
available" for both Device 0 and Device 1. Then repeat this process with the Sec
ondary IDE Channel.
9.) Upgrade the cabling. As hard-drive technology improves, the cabling requirem
ents to achieve these performance boosts have become more stringent. Be sure to
use 80-wire Ultra-133 cables on all of your IDE devices with the connectors prop
erly assigned to the matching Master/Slave/Motherboard sockets. A single device
must be at the end of the cable; connecting a single drive to the middle connect
or on a ribbon cable will cause signaling problems. With Ultra DMA hard drives,
these signaling problems will prevent the drive from performing at its maximum p
otential. Also, because these cables inherently support "cable select," the loca
tion of each drive on the cable is important. For these reasons, the cable is de
signed so drive positioning is explicitly clear.
10.) Remove all spyware from the computer. Use free programs such as AdAware by
Lavasoft or SpyBot Search & Destroy. Once these programs are installed, be sure
to check for and download any updates before starting your search. Anything eith
er program finds can be safely removed. Any free software that requires spyware
to run will no longer function once the spyware portion has been removed; if you
r customer really wants the program even though it contains spyware, simply rein
stall it. For more information on removing Spyware visit this Web Pro News page.
11.) Remove any unnecessary programs and/or items from Windows Startup routine u
sing the MSCONFIG utility. Here's how: First, click Start, click Run, type MSCON
FIG, and click OK. Click the StartUp tab, then uncheck any items you don't want
to start when Windows starts. Unsure what some items are? Visit the WinTasks Pro
cess Library. It contains known system processes, applications, as well as spywa
re references and explanations. Or quickly identify them by searching for the fi
lenames using Google or another Web search engine.
12.) Remove any unnecessary or unused programs from the Add/Remove Programs sect
ion of the Control Panel.
13.) Turn off any and all unnecessary animations, and disable active desktop. In
fact, for optimal performance, turn off all animations. Windows XP offers many
different settings in this area. Here's how to do it: First click on the System
icon in the Control Panel. Next, click on the Advanced tab. Select the Settings
button located under Performance. Feel free to play around with the options offe
red here, as nothing you can change will alter the reliability of the computer - only its responsiveness.
14.) If your customer is an advanced user who is comfortable editing their regis
try, try some of the performance registry tweaks offered at Tweak XP.
15.) Visit Microsoft's Windows update site regularly, and download all updates l
abeled Critical. Download any optional updates at your discretion.
16.) Update the customer's anti-virus software on a weekly, even daily, basis. M
ake sure they have only one anti-virus software package installed. Mixing anti-v
irus software is a sure way to spell disaster for performance and reliability.
17.) Make sure the customer has fewer than 500 type fonts installed on their com
puter. The more fonts they have, the slower the system will become. While Window
s XP handles fonts much more efficiently than did the previous versions of Windo
ws, too many fonts -- that is, anything over 500 -- will noticeably tax the syst

18.) Do not partition the hard drive. Windows XP's NTFS file system runs more ef
ficiently on one large partition. The data is no safer on a separate partition,
and a reformat is never necessary to reinstall an operating system. The same exc
uses people offer for using partitions apply to using a folder instead. For exam
ple, instead of putting all your data on the D: drive, put it in a folder called
"D drive." You'll achieve the same organizational benefits that a separate part
ition offers, but without the degradation in system performance. Also, your free
space won't be limited by the size of the partition; instead, it will be limite
d by the size of the entire hard drive. This means you won't need to resize any
partitions, ever. That task can be time-consuming and also can result in lost da
19.) Check the system's RAM to ensure it is operating properly. I recommend usin
g a free program called MemTest86. The download will make a bootable CD or diske
tte (your choice), which will run 10 extensive tests on the PC's memory automati
cally after you boot to the disk you created. Allow all tests to run until at le
ast three passes of the 10 tests are completed. If the program encounters any er
rors, turn off and unplug the computer, remove a stick of memory (assuming you h
ave more than one), and run the test again. Remember, bad memory cannot be repai
red, but only replaced.
20.) If the PC has a CD or DVD recorder, check the drive manufacturer's Web site
for updated firmware. In some cases you'll be able to upgrade the recorder to a
faster speed. Best of all, it's free.
21.) Disable unnecessary services. Windows XP loads a lot of services that your
customer most likely does not need. To determine which services you can disable
for your client, visit the Black Viper site for Windows XP configurations.
22.) If you're sick of a single Windows Explorer window crashing and then taking
the rest of your OS down with it, then follow this tip: open My Computer, click
on Tools, then Folder Options. Now click on the View tab. Scroll down to "Launc
h folder windows in a separate process," and enable this option. You'll have to
reboot your machine for this option to take effect.
23.) At least once a year, open the computer's cases and blow
nd debris. While you're in there, check that all the fans are
Also inspect the motherboard capacitors for bulging or leaks.
on on this leaking-capacitor phenomena, you can read numerous

out all the dust a

turning properly.
For more informati
articles on my sit

Following any of these suggestions should result in noticeable improvements to t

he performance and reliability of your customers' computers. If you still want t
o defrag a disk, remember that the main benefit will be to make your data more r
etrievable in the event of a crashed drive.

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