VTL Writeup by Martin Shkreli

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The Sisyphean Odyssey of the ELAD: Why We Think VTL is a Short

Chris Lau, Louis Gaye, and Martin Shkreli

August 2015

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financially if the stock price of VTL falls. The authors reserve the right to change their
investment if the price of VTL changes dramatically. Please read the Disclosure at the end
of this paper for more information.

In this article we will prove that the Vital Therapies (The Company or Vital) VTI208 clinical trial of the extracorporeal liver assist device (ELAD or the device) for liver
failure will fail to demonstrate a meaningful difference in 91-day mortality between ELAD and
control (standard of care only). The ELAD is the Companys only asset. Given Vital has
approximately $3 per share in cash and no other assets, the results of the upcoming trial are
critical to Vitals share price.
The process of proving that the future outcome of an uncertain event will occur is a
difficult one. We must begin by defining uncertain, which is no simple task. A recent paper
suggests that there are two types of uncertainty: epistemological and ontological uncertainty
(Tannert, 2007). Epistemological uncertainty, as its name implies, is uncertainty that can be
solved by accruing knowledge and making correct inferences. Ontological uncertainty is related
to systems which are inherently unpredictable due to their systematic chaos. We view the
upcoming data release of the VTI-208 trial results with epistemological uncertainty and will
explain our framework for determining the trials likely conclusion.
When one admits that nothing is certain one must, I think, also add that some things are
more nearly certain than others (Russell, 1947). There is a common belief that it is, in fact,
impossible to predict a future event with 100% certainty. Philosophers like Kant and Hume
argued whether 100% certainty even exists. But we are concerned with the real and tangible
world of mathematics, not the metaphysical.
Logic affords certainty if all deductive inferences are mathematically correct. In
mathematics, proofs rely on axioms to establish, build, and extend truths into new findings. The
idea that two parallel lines never intersect is an axiom. We take it for granted and for good
reason. You can draw two parallel lines over and over again and keep extending them, but they
will never cross because of the governing laws of mathematics. By relying on axioms we can
infer and deduce bigger concepts, such as practical well-known theorems like the Pythagorean
Theorem and other esoteric theorems such as those encountered in topology and number theory.
In medicine, we have some core axioms that are important. Some are so simple that they
are laughable, but we often take them for granted and prefer fear of uncertainty. Armed with
axiomatic ideas like, All else being equal, drugs need to be lipophilic or have a certain logP to
enter the brain, or A drug that undergoes complete metabolism where its metabolites are inert
cannot have its intended function despite its nature as an active drug, give us a powerful
weapon against uncertainty. Thankfully, pharmaceuticals are not mathematicsalthough we
prefer 100% certainty, we do not need it in our conclusions. Here is how we approach a
reasonably large subset of decisions.
We rely on the concept of conjunctive low probabilities to gain comfort on many
predictions. For example, the likelihood that outcome A, requiring conditions B, C and D to be

DISCLAIMER: The authors of this article have a conflict of interest and will benefit
financially if the stock price of VTL falls. The authors reserve the right to change their
investment if the price of VTL changes dramatically. Please read the Disclosure at the end
of this paper for more information.
positive, is in itself positive, is distorted by the conjunctive probability. If condition Bs
probability of reasonable likelihood is 10%, and C and D are 50%, the likelihood outcome A will
occur is 2.5%. We have found this method of analysis useful in the past in predicting complex
compounded events. It appears obvious at first, but it is akin to making a three-point shot.
Perhaps you have a 20% chance of doing so. If I told you that you had to make the shot while
blindfolded and using only your left hand, the probability that you could accomplish such a feat
would drop to such tiny levels, we would argue for practicalitys sake that you have proven it
will not happen (or at least that youd bet on it).
Designing a therapy is a lot like making a hard basketball shot blindfolded. There is a
good reason why most drug ideas never make it to fruition. Even when you have designed what
you think is a rational drug, you are confronted with obstacles which may limit your likelihood
of success. This is why when designing and discovering drugs, we focus on the most rational
targets with the most extreme endpoints and favor a diversified portfolio of risk to reduce
reliance on a necessarily difficult-to-predict process.
Vital Therapies is developing the ELAD for liver failure. There are a number of reasons
to be skeptical of this technology, but when we short a stock, we dont want to just be skeptical.
We want towe need tobe right. This is why unlike many of our short-selling peers, we short
one to three stocks per year in large size. We bet big when inevitably a company has advanced a
therapy so absurd that it simply cannot work. This is one of those times. Our recent shorts using
this approach have included: Celladon (2015), Sunesis (2014), Prana (2014), Oncothyreon
(2012), Mannkind (2011), Genvec (2010), Novelos (2010), AtheroGenics (2007), and Regeneron
(2003). As you can see, these opportunities dont come around every day.
Building a complete and proven case for a short sale is a time-consuming endeavor. We
have been analyzing Vitals situation for months and have reached our conclusion that the ELAD
will fail in the VTI-208 study and demonstrate no discernable or meaningful difference between
ELAD-treated patients and control patients. The theorem is based on two vital pillars which
support the claim.
Condition A: The probability that the purported benefit seen in the subgroup
analysis of the preceding trial, VTI-206, that is, that the results of the acute alcoholic
hepatitis subgroup represented a meaningful and reproducible survival benefit over
control despite the negative data seen in the non-alcoholic subgroup and that this
finding cannot be ascribed to chance alone: 20%. Post-hoc subgroup observations are
unreliable conclusions and hypothesis-generating, at best (Cui L, 2001) (Naggara, 2011)
(Wittes, 2009). This is especially the case when there is no plausible explanation as to
why one subgroup outperformed the other. One must be tremendously skeptical of
drawing any conclusions. Instead of assigning the rationale for the subgroup performance
to the obligate nature of one subgroup necessarily outperforming another, it is
erroneously deemed to be a repeatable phenomenon. Even if taken for granted, the results

DISCLAIMER: The authors of this article have a conflict of interest and will benefit
financially if the stock price of VTL falls. The authors reserve the right to change their
investment if the price of VTL changes dramatically. Please read the Disclosure at the end
of this paper for more information.
of the subgroup analysis in the VTI-206 trial werent good. The overall intent-to-treat
(ITT) results from the VTI-206 study proved that the device had no overall therapeutic
benefit. Therefore, it is a necessary condition for VTI-208s success that the Companys
subgroup analysis was appropriate and reasonable. We are certain that this was not the
We will also analyze the Companys predecessors (Hepatix Inc.) study, which
failed, and the Companys VTIC-301 study in China, which at first glance appeared
successful but is found to be deeply flawed after critical analysis. For conservatisms
sake, we will assume there is an 80% probability we are right on condition AI believe
you will feel we are 100% right and there is no reasonable doubt after reading our
logic. In summary, the clinical performance of the ELAD has proven to be
therapeutically useless and any assertions to the contrary are born from a conflicted
perspective, rely completely on hope, and represent erroneous logic which ignores fact
and therefore must be discarded.
Condition B: The probability that Vitals ELAD device was designed
correctly and is a reasonable surrogate for a human liver and is not, as we feel, a
marginalized and non-functional device: 20%. We feel at least 80% confident that
ELAD is a non-functional and therapeutically inert device. We will explain our
proposition by carefully dissecting the anatomy of the device and juxtaposing an
understanding of the fundamental human biology and physiology of the liver required for
emulating this organ. We will reveal flaws in not only the basic mechanics of the ELAD,
but also the biological platform of the cell type used. The ELAD simply cannot work as
currently designed, which obviates the need for studying the clinical data generated to
date. Condition A only serves to underscore the validity of Condition B without being

It is important to understand that both conditions are critical and requisite criteria for
successthey are co-dependent. In other words, both conditions need to be true for the device
to work and demonstrate a clinical benefit.
Condition A is simpleThe Company has advanced the theory that because the alcoholic
subgroup outperformed the non-alcoholic subgroup in VTI-206, the new VTI-208 study may
succeed since it is enrolling only alcoholic patients. It is logical to expect that for VTI-208 to
have any chance of success, the Companys theory that the alcoholic subgroup experienced a
meaningful and repeatable benefit in survival must be true, or any hypothetical treatment effect
would have already been seen in the VTI-206 study, but was not. In short, the Company is
relying on the idea that alcoholic patients respond to the ELAD while admitting that nonalcoholic patients do not.

DISCLAIMER: The authors of this article have a conflict of interest and will benefit
financially if the stock price of VTL falls. The authors reserve the right to change their
investment if the price of VTL changes dramatically. Please read the Disclosure at the end
of this paper for more information.
Condition B is critical. We can agree that an intrinsically flawed device will not restore or
support liver function in dying patients. To illustrate an extreme example, you would quickly
agree that a device that only filtered one mL of blood per day would stand no chance of rescuing
a human with liver failure given humans have 5L of blood that the liver processes continuously.
You would also agree that an ELAD-like device with neuronal cells would be unlikely to support
a dying acute liver failure patient. While these extremes are not the case for the ELAD, we
believe that a functioning and rationally-designed device is a necessary condition for success in
VTI-208. We will prove that the Companys ELAD is too flawed to be seriously considered as a
functional device.
Because we are at least 80% confident of these co-dependent conditions, the probability
that the VTI-208 study will meet its primary endpoint is less than 4%. The markets are offering a
50% probability of success, which we can infer from the value of puts and calls. This sounds
good, but it is imperative we build evidence for each pillar systematically and completely. Weak
syllogisms can be devastating if not investigated thoroughly. If the probability of one of these
conditions is actually 100%, the whole theorem is broken and the trade is not worth the risk.

Condition A: ELAD has proven to not work in each clinical trial it has been tested in and
the Companys decision to focus on the alcoholic subgroup is without merit
In this section, we will focus on the remarkable finding that despite being trialed since
1990 and having been owned by three successive companies, the ill-fated ELAD has only
generated negative data. Perhaps it is only remarkable that the concept continues to find funding.
The continuous stream of negative results with the ELAD was only interrupted recently by the
Companys attempt to re-characterize the failed VTI-206 study as a potential success if one
ignores half of the trial participants. As we will demonstrate, this is a very difficult proposition to
accept in light of not only the VTI-206 study, but the other ELAD failed data. You will agree
after reviewing the evidence that the ELAD unfortunately does not have a therapeutic benefit.

Condition A, Point 1: VTI-206 data is worse than commonly understood

The VTI-206 study failed. The ELAD device showed clear lack of efficacy (53% survival
for ELAD vs. 50% for control) when the entire PP population (non-subgroup) was analyzed
(Teperman, 2013). As seen in Figure 1, the VTI-206 trial demonstrated a lack of therapeutic
benefit in the per-protocol (PP), modified intent-to-treat (mITT), and ITT populations.
Amazingly, the company never discloses this, instead choosing to focus only on the subgroup
analysis that demonstrated a benefit. We were forced to calculate the results ourselves and find
this conduct by the Company to be highly misleading and shameful.

DISCLAIMER: The authors of this article have a conflict of interest and will benefit
financially if the stock price of VTL falls. The authors reserve the right to change their
investment if the price of VTL changes dramatically. Please read the Disclosure at the end
of this paper for more information.
PP, n=45
90 day OS



mITT, n=51
90 day OS



ITT, n=62
90 day OS



1. 90-day
by study
1. 90-day
by Study

The company owes it to patients, investigators, investors, and themselves to at least

mention the lack of overall efficacy before moving to a subgroup analysis. It is not a surprise that
the Companys DSMB reported that the overall population did not have the possibility of
meeting the primary endpoint (Vital Therapies, Inc., 2014). It is also not surprising that despite
the study concluding in 2011, the study results have not yet been published. This is a large red
flag as eminent journals often refuse to publish data which draws conclusions that are plainly
The failure in the overall population should give any short-seller of Vital Therapies much
comfort that a repeated study of VTI-206 will fail. The near-overlap of survival data is stunning
for a device that purportedly serves as an artificial liver. However, we must give the Companys
hypothesis the benefit of the doubt and analyze it carefully. Vital is positing that the benefit in
survival seen in the alcoholic subgroup will reoccur in VTI-208. What difference did they see?

Figure 2. Subgroup analysis of VTI-206. (Teperman, 2014)

As you can see in Figure 2, the subgroup analysis (again, ignoring the non-alcoholic
patients) seems to demonstrate a survival benefit as the ELAD group has a longer tail of
survival than control starting at day 40 after initially having been similar to control. The hazard

DISCLAIMER: The authors of this article have a conflict of interest and will benefit
financially if the stock price of VTL falls. The authors reserve the right to change their
investment if the price of VTL changes dramatically. Please read the Disclosure at the end
of this paper for more information.
ratio of 1.9 indicates that the patients in the control arm were twice as likely to die compared to
the ELAD-treated arm, but the p-value is 0.27, which is still very far from statistical significance.
It is not clear if Vital did the appropriate multiplicity (some may say duplicity) adjustment
required by statistics in post-hoc subgroup analyses. Some authors even claim that a post-hoc
analysis should never use a p-value because of its inherent invalidity (Cui L, 2001).
There are two other major issues with this data that arent obvious at first sight. Firstly,
the device has an overlapping efficacy during the first 40 days (Figure 2), despite the fact that the
average use of the device was only for a few days (Teperman, 2013). As we will see later, the
ELAD seems to be unusable after a few days due to its design flaws. The reason this finding is of
interest is that a putative artificial liver should begin separation during its use, and not after. It is
hard, or even absurd, to believe that using this artificial organ does not benefit the survival of its
user during actual use and only has a delayed effect 40 days after its initial use. Other artificial
organs like dialysis and the heart-lung machine certainly dont work this way. The alleged
sustained benefit from an initial brief use of ELAD does not seem to be plausibly causal of the
delayed benefit more than a month later. A recent author was similarly concerned that a limited
duration of therapy may be insufficient in liver failure (Banares R. , 2014).
The second and more important reason the alcoholic subgroup is even worse than it looks
(and this is a very high hurdle) is the removal of two patients from the alcoholic subgroup dataset
(Teperman, 2014). It is reckless and absurd to disqualify two patients from an n=15 subgroup,
resulting in an n=13 sub-subgroup. The Company claims that because the patients only received
less than 72 hours of ELAD therapy (note that the average duration of therapy in the trial is not
substantially more than this) they were not per-protocol. This is akin to removing cancer
patients from an overall survival analysis because they progressed or could not tolerate
therapyit is not allowed by modern medicine and statistics and is preposterous. It is certainly
ridiculous considering the cutoff for disqualifying these two patients is 72 hours whilst the
average patient received 93 hours of treatmentwhy is 3 days of ELAD so much worse than 4?
Should one assume that patients receiving ELAD for only 3 days do not benefit but those who
are lucky enough to receive it for 4 will have a response? Finally, we are told that the two
patients in question did die, so their exclusion dramatically benefited this already very small
sample size. By excluding these two patients, the company is touting a 69% 90-day survival for
ELAD vs. a 44% 90-day survival for control. The 30-day survival appears to favor the control
and it is not clear which endpoint was pre-specified. In an acute life-threatening setting like acute
liver failure, the 30-day endpoint would seem more appropriate. Anyway, despite the post-hoc
and subgroup nature of the analysis, a 25% absolute reduction is seen. The benefit shrinks when
one (properly) includes the two extra patients, resulting in a 60% ELAD vs. 44% control
survivalonly a 16% absolute difference, again on a subgroup analysis.
All of this sounds quite bad, but it gets so much worse. In the non-alcoholic subgroup,
90-day survival in the ELAD-treated arm was 17% compared to 60% in the control arm. (Figure

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financially if the stock price of VTL falls. The authors reserve the right to change their
investment if the price of VTL changes dramatically. Please read the Disclosure at the end
of this paper for more information.

Figure 3. Non-alcoholic subgroup of VTI-206, control in blue, ELAD in red. (Teperman, 2013)

Vital never explains why the ELAD-treated non-alcoholic subgroup did so much worse
than the ELAD-treated alcoholic subgroup. They merely brush the findings off and state that the
ELAD was not effective in this subgroup, instead of telling the truth, which is that the data
were markedly worse than in control (no device, standard of care only). It would seem to us that
an artificial organ that is applied to a patient suffering from said organs failure would at least
not show harm, but this data suggests otherwise. It is very difficult to take Vitals alcoholic
subgroup benefit theory at face value, when a similar leap of faith hypothesizing that ELAD
causes harm would require the same benefit of the doubt and discredit any argument claiming
that the ELAD is better than nothing.
We calculated the Kaplan-Meier curve of the entire VTI-206 PP population (Figure 4).
Amazingly, to our knowledge, the Company has never disclosed this piece of data for VTI-206.
As you can see, the data show no survival benefit between ELAD and control. In fact, for a
majority of the first 74 days, the control curve is actually above the ELAD curve.

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financially if the stock price of VTL falls. The authors reserve the right to change their
investment if the price of VTL changes dramatically. Please read the Disclosure at the end
of this paper for more information.

Figure 4. Kaplan-Meier Curve of VTI-206 PP population (drawn by authors, collected primary data from various
sources). Control in blue, ELAD in red.

Unfortunately for Vital, the story is still not over. While we are nearing the limits of
imagination for re-characterizing a failed clinical trial, Vital breaks new ground by claiming the
alcoholic subgroup was successful and the non-alcoholic subgroup was not, despite the fact
that approximately half of the non-alcoholic subgroup were alcoholics. Figure 5 is one for the
record books. We are perplexed as to why the Company calls this cohort non-alcoholic.

Figure 5. Non-Alcoholic Alcoholics. (Teperman, 2012)

DISCLAIMER: The authors of this article have a conflict of interest and will benefit
financially if the stock price of VTL falls. The authors reserve the right to change their
investment if the price of VTL changes dramatically. Please read the Disclosure at the end
of this paper for more information.
Condition A, Point 2: Why subgroup analyses generally do not work
The scientific community is overwhelmingly skeptical of the usefulness and predictive
value of subgroup analyses (Cui L, 2001) (Naggara, 2011) (Wittes, 2009) (George, 2004)
(Rothwell, 2005) (Sleight, 2000) (Wang R. , 2007). Science is skeptical of the reliability of
subgroup analyses because conclusions derived from them have a strong likelihood of being
false positives. Another major pitfall is the frequent lack of correction for what is known as
multiplicity testing, which requires strict adjustments to p-values. The reader is encouraged to
learn more about this somewhat abstract and esoteric concept.
Many humorous anecdotes have invalidated the practice of post-hoc observations and
subgroup analyses, almost to the point that we are shocked that the Companys only therapy can
be predicated on such an observation. For example, in a clinical trial called ISIS-2, investigators
showed that aspirin had no effect on certain subgroups based on astrological birth sign (Collins,
1996), despite having a positive finding in the overall study population. History shows that
subgroup analyses are not reliable unless the basis for its use is rational.
We often find that companies in trouble and lacking alternative assets will resign
themselves to subgroup analyses as they have no other choice (giving up and declaring failure is
not an option some are willing to tolerate). Examples include Pharmacyclics Xcytrin, La Jollas
Riquent, Alexions pexelizumab, and many other embarrassing situations. An unforgettable
quote from FDAs Dr. Richard Pazdur encapsulates the flawed logic of subgroup analysis
perfectly: thats akin to shooting an arrow and having it land on a wall and then drawing a target
around it (Arnst, 2008).
The lack of a solid rationale for the selection of the subgroup analysis in VTI-206
(alcoholic vs. non-alcoholic) appears random. It feels like the Company would have chosen any
subgroup that worked. Given the large number of baseline characteristics (MELD score, age,
diagnosis, hepatic encephalopathy status) and two endpoints (30- and 90-day overall survival), it
is almost certain that the company could find a successful subgroup. With the overall trial
failing, it is difficult to put stock into the subgroup analysis being anything but a false positive.
Some subgroup analyses make sense. Benlysta was wisely resurrected after a failed Phase
III trial (Human Genome Sciences, 2006) by careful selection criteria changes (Human Genome
Sciences, 2009). It is important to know that the first Benlysta phase III trial came very close to
meeting its primary endpoint in the overall ITT study population and tweaks to the study design
resulted in a successful repeated study. Unfortunately for Vital, the selection of alcoholic vs.
non-alcoholic patients appears random at best and deliberately misleading at worst.


DISCLAIMER: The authors of this article have a conflict of interest and will benefit
financially if the stock price of VTL falls. The authors reserve the right to change their
investment if the price of VTL changes dramatically. Please read the Disclosure at the end
of this paper for more information.
While there is no rationale why alcoholic patients would benefit from the ELAD and nonalcoholic patients would not, that outcome is not the one Vital has to explain. In the case of VTI206, the alcoholic patients benefited, but unlike in most subgroup analysis situations, the nonalcoholic patients did not merely not benefit. They were materially worse. This is the worst
kind of subgroup, which is not simply teasing out which patients did best, but actively ignoring
the patients who did worse. In our view, this is not a subgroup analysis but a deliberate
ranking of heterogeneous delta of a data set and misrepresenting the results as an
important a priori finding.
Using a random number generator, we simulated the VTI-206 study with ten subgroups,
each of which represented patients with different baseline characteristics. Although a survival
benefit was not seen in the overall ITT population and failed to reach statistical significance
(p=0.44), our own post-hoc subgroup analysis found that 1 out of the 10 subgroups showed
remarkable efficacy (p=0.02). Recall that not even Vitals subgroup analysis reached statistical
There are a number of papers we cited earlier which demonstrate that as the number of
subgroups analyzed increases, the probability that a subgroup reaches statistical significance
without correction for multiplicity becomes almost certain. It is just as nonsensical to ascribe
meaning to our random number generator as it is to assume the alcoholic subgroup experienced a
positive treatment effect.
Condition A, Point 3: The biology of Alcoholic vs. Non-Alcoholic patients is inconsequential
It is not plausible that the observed subgroup difference in VTI-206 is due to a real
treatment effect, not only because there is no actual observed treatment effect, but also because
the subgroup is not different enough biologically to logically conclude a disparate treatment
effect is possible.
Although, we cannot expect a functional and effective bio-artificial liver (BAL) to be a
perfect substitute for a human liver, it should provide a survival benefit in all subgroups of acute
liver failure. Consider how successful and supportive kidney dialysis machines have been in
patients with different types of kidney failure.
The clinical picture in acute liver failure is the same regardless of etiology (Lee, 2012).
The pathological mechanisms of alcoholic liver disease and non-alcoholic liver disease are
similar and both result in cytokine and oxidative stress-mediated injury (Day, 2002) (Stewart,
2001) (Day, 2006). If the ELAD were to effectively treat acute liver failure, it would provide a
survival benefit to both alcoholic and non-alcoholic patients. However, in VTI-206, the ELAD
demonstrated a reverse performance in the non-AAH subgroup compared to the AAH subgroup
(Figures 2 and 3). When combined, these results led to slightly worse performance for the
ELAD-treated patients versus control. Vital Therapies has not given any explanation as to why

DISCLAIMER: The authors of this article have a conflict of interest and will benefit
financially if the stock price of VTL falls. The authors reserve the right to change their
investment if the price of VTL changes dramatically. Please read the Disclosure at the end
of this paper for more information.
the alcoholic subgroup would perform better than the non-alcoholic subgroup on ELAD. This is
not what the rare successful subgroup analysis looks like.
AAH patients are slightly more complex than non-AAH, as alcoholics are more likely to
develop cirrhosis (O'Shea, 2010) (Louvet, 2015). Symptomatic patients with either mild or
advanced presentations of alcoholic liver disease have a 40-50% likelihood of developing, or
being diagnosed as already having, cirrhosis (O'Shea, 2010) (Louvet, 2015). Ignoring the other
reasons why the subgroup analysis is invalid, it would make more sense that ELAD would have
a treatment effect in non-AAH as there are fewer variables confounding outcomes.

Condition A, Point 4: Hepatixs, VitaGens and VTI-201 trials all failed

Hepatix, the predecessor company to VitaGen, which is the predecessor company to Vital
Therapies, ran a clinical trial with a similar device to the ELAD in 24 patients with acute liver
failure, all of whom can be classified as having non-alcoholic acute liver failure (Ellis, 1996).
ELAD-treated patients had a survival rate of 67% (8/12) while control patients had a survival of
58% (7/12) (Figure 6). This study, like VTI-206, failed to show a significant difference in
survival versus control. It also failed to show a negative treatment effect in non-alcoholic acute
liver failure patients, which questions the validity and consistency of the ELADs performance in
the VTI-206 trial.

Figure 6. Survival figures for ELAD-treated and control patients in Group 1 and Group 2. (Ellis, 1996)

VTI-201 was a clinical trial of only n=18 patients with n=14 enrolled in the ELAD group
and only n=4 enrolled in control, making any comprehensive interpretation of results impossible
(Hillebrand, 2010). The ELAD group had survival of 46% at 30 days, less than control which
demonstrated 50% survival. The difference swings in ELADs favor at 90 days, with 39%
survival versus only 25% survival for control. Keep in mind there were 4 patients in the control

DISCLAIMER: The authors of this article have a conflict of interest and will benefit
financially if the stock price of VTL falls. The authors reserve the right to change their
investment if the price of VTL changes dramatically. Please read the Disclosure at the end
of this paper for more information.
VitaGen, the successor to Hepatix, conducted two trials from 1999 to 2003, PS-0698 and
CR-202. In PS-0698, 24 patients with either late stage fulminant hepatic failure or primary graft
non-function were randomized into two groups (7 of whom were controls), 19 listed for liver
transplantation and 5 not listed. There was a positive trend for survival at day 30 in the ELADtreated patients versus those on standard of care only, 83% vs. 43% (p=0.12) (Hakim, 2009). PS0698s results informed the design of a subsequent phase 2 trial, CR-202.
We did not find any data on CR-202 except for what was provided in Vital Therapies
2014 10-K. 19 patients with fulminant hepatic failure were enrolled with 13 randomized to
ELAD and 6 randomized to standard of care (Vital Therapies, Inc., 2014). Although, there is no
survival data, Vital concedes that no intergroup differences in mortality were observed. They
also concede that both PS-0698 and CR-202 failed to demonstrate a statistically significant
improvement in outcomes and were not powered or designed to do so, but thanks to the
convenience and wisdom of post-hoc meta-analysis, which combined PS-0698 and CR-202 into
one trial since the endpoints and inclusion criteria were similar, 30-day survival of 75% in ELAD
vs. 50% in standard of care was demonstrated (p=0.12).
Again, we can see that, for 15+ years, the ELAD has been unable to break free from
statistically insignificant positive trends and post-hoc meta-analyses, an unfortunate pattern
that we believe will be repeated in VTI-208.

Condition A, Point 5: VTIC-301 was not successful despite its appearance

Clinical trials conducted in China have come under some scrutiny regarding their data
integrity. Nonetheless, we will assume Vitals China-based study was not influenced improperly
in any way. The VTIC-301 study enrolled 54 patients, with 35 in ELAD and 19 in control (Duan,
2007). The results appear remarkable with an 86% survival in ELAD and a 47% survival in
control. However, the data have fatal flaws which limit their credibility. The protocol of the trial
was changed during the trial, which was open-label (Vital Therapies, Inc., 2014). The second
cohort of patients enrolled after the change in protocol did dramatically better (in favor of
ELAD) than the first. In fact, the first cohort of patients did not meet statistical significance for
survival at 14 and 84 days (p=0.074 and p=0.058).
The most interesting finding of this successful Chinese clinical trial is VTI-206s
failure to reproduce similarly remarkable results. The patients in VTIC-301 were diagnosed with
acute-on-chronic liver failure due to various causes (Duan, 2010). What is striking about the
VTIC-301 patient population is that most had an etiology of viral hepatitis (Duan, 2007), or, as
Vital would call, non-alcoholic acute-on-chronic hepatitis, a whole subgroup that was
essentially discarded in the VTI-206 trial. It is difficult to give credence to this remarkable
treatment effect of 86% versus 47%, when the VTI-206 study showed a 17% survival in ELADtreated versus 60% in control in the non-AAH subgroup. In fact, averaging the two studies would

DISCLAIMER: The authors of this article have a conflict of interest and will benefit
financially if the stock price of VTL falls. The authors reserve the right to change their
investment if the price of VTL changes dramatically. Please read the Disclosure at the end
of this paper for more information.
result in a slight advantage for control. It is difficult to explain the diametrically opposite
outcomes in this non-AAH population.

Condition A, Point 6: The ELADs success is not realistic given the clinical experience of
MARS, Prometheus, and HepatAssist
All other ELAD-type devices have failed in acute liver failure. Of these, three were
involved in large clinical trials.
The HepatAssist 2000, a BAL based on porcine hepatocytes developed by Circe
BioMedical, was tested in a phase 3 trial in 171 patients with acute liver failure (Demetriou,
2004). The primary endpoint of 30-day overall survival was not met. In the ITT population,
survival for the HepatAssist-treated + standard of care (SOC) was 71% vs. 62% in the SOC only
arm (p=0.26). A mITT analysis, which excluded a subgroup comprised of primary graft nonfunction patients (n=24), also failed to reach statistical significance with survival of 73% in
treated + SOC vs. 59% in SOC only (p=0.12). Within the primary graft non-function subgroup,
30-day survival in the treated arm was worse than in the SOC arm, 58% vs. 75% (p=0.67).
Although porcine hepatocytes and C3A cells are different, the failure of the HepatAssist 2000
calls into question the efficacy and utility of the ELAD and there are reasons (which we will go
into detail later) to believe that porcine hepatocytes are actually superior to C3A cells.
The MARS albumin dialysis system, developed by Gambro, is an acellular liver
assist device that removes toxins via adsorption (Stange, 1993). It was tested in a phase 3 trial
(the RELIEF trial) in 179 patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure (Banares R. , 2013). The
primary endpoint was 28-day transplant-free survival in the ITT and PP populations with 90-day
transplant-free survival as a secondary endpoint. In the ITT population, 28-day survival in
MARS-treated + SOC vs. SOC was 60.7% vs. 58.9%, respectively. The PP population (n=156)
had similar survival rates (60.0% vs. 59.2%). The rates for 90-day survival were similarly
unremarkable: 46.1% vs. 42.2 % in ITT (p=0.71) and 44.7% vs. 43.7% in PP (p=0.97). In other
words, MARS therapy failed to show any survival benefit. Note that almost all the patients
enrolled in this trial had alcohol-induced liver failure (Banares R. , 2013). Although the MARS
albumin dialysis device failed to improve survival, it is FDA-approved in the treatment of drug
overdose and hepatic encephalopathy (Gambro, 2011). The MARS systems inability to improve
survival in patients with acute liver failure does not bode well for the future of the ELAD.
The PROMETHEUS albumin dialysis system, developed by Fresenius Medical Care, is
based on the concept of fractionated plasma separation and adsorption (FPSA) (Kribben, 2012).
It was tested in a phase 3 trial (the HELIOS trial) in 145 patients with acute-on-chronic liver
failure. The primary endpoints were 28-day and 90-day survival. In the ITT population, 28-day
survival was 66% in the FPSA-treated + SOC vs. 63% in SOC only (p=0.70). 90-day survival
was 47% in FPSA-treated + SOC vs. 38% in SOC only (p=0.35). 58% of the FPSA-treated +

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SOC patients and 68% of the SOC only patients had alcoholic liver disease. The authors
concluded that the FPSA does not increase the probability of survival. The failure of the
HepatAssist 2000, MARS system, and PROMETHEUS system to improve survival in patients
with liver failure only highlight the difficulty of effectively duplicating the native livers

Condition A, Point 7: The biochemical results of ELAD with regard to albumin and
bilirubin are misleading
Albumin is synthesized exclusively by hepatocytes (Quinlan, 2005) (Boyer, 2012)
(Orlando, 2014). In VTI-208 patients, depressed serum albumin levels are observed (Ashley,
2015), which confirms that albumin synthesis is impaired in these patients (Schreiber, 1975)
(Tuma, 1984) (Mitzner, 2006) (Singh, 2012) (Higgins, 2013). Restoring albumin levels in
patients with liver failure is critical for the removal of toxins, heavy metals, drugs, etc.
(Nicholson, 2000) and is a strategy that many liver dialysis devices are predicated on. This
suggests that the ELAD and the acute liver failure patient must achieve a collective rate of
albumin synthesis that is higher than normal to alleviate hypoalbuminemia. We will explain how
the C3A cells capacity for albumin production does not accomplish this and is, therefore,
therapeutically insignificant.
The normal level of human serum albumin is 3.5-5.0g/dL (Dasgupta, 2015). Given that
humans have ~5L of blood, it follows that the total serum albumin is 175-250g, or an average of
~213g. VTI-208 patients had a mean serum albumin level of 2.7g/dL at baseline or a total serum
albumin of 135g, which translates into an average deficit in total serum albumin of 78g (Ashley,
2015). If the ELAD is expected to help acute liver failure patients recover, then the ELAD needs
to overcome this shortfall.
A healthy adult synthesizes 10-15g of albumin per day (Garcovich, 2009) (Boldt, 2010)
(Nicholson, 2000) (Caraceni, 2013) (Boyer, 2012). In a presentation on the VTI-206 trial, a slide
shows that a single ELAD cartridge produces albumin at a peak rate of ~300 mg/day, or 1.2g of
albumin per day for four ELAD cartridges (Figure 7) (Teperman, 2012). Although the VTI-208
patients albumin synthesis rate is less than normal and, therefore, less than 10g of albumin per
day, we will be conservative and assume that they are producing albumin at the normal rate of
10g per day. Also consider that at least 4% of total serum albumin is degraded every day
(Nicholson, 2000) (Dancygier, 2010) (Miller T. , 2006).
We modeled the serum albumin levels in the average VTI-208 patient with and without
ELAD treatment for five days, which is the maximum treatment time in the trial. We found that
the total serum albumin after Day 5 in the patient on ELAD experienced a net gain of ~4.2g
compared to the patient not on ELAD (Figure 8). This net gain is only ~5.3% of the 78g albumin
deficit and this is assuming the patient is synthesizing albumin at a normal rate. In other words,

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even in a best case scenario, the ELADs rate of albumin synthesis is drastically insufficient and
will not significantly address the total serum albumin deficit in VTI-208 patients.

Figure 7. Albumin Production by a Single ELAD Cartridge (Teperman, 2012)

Figure 8. Model of serum albumin in the average VTI-208 patient with and without ELAD treatment

Bilirubin is a product of heme catabolism, which starts with the breakdown of dead or
damaged red blood cells (Boyer, 2012) (Zucker, 2004). Elevated bilirubin, or
hyperbilirubinemia, is typically a sign of hepatocyte dysfunction (Nagasue, 1987) (Stickel, 2010)


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(Garg, 2012). Hyperbilirubinemia occurs when the bilirubin concentration is greater than 2.02.5mg/dL (Hauser, 2011) (Mauss, 2014). While the ELAD has been shown to decrease serum
bilirubin levels, we will provide some much needed context as to why such a decrease is
Normal levels of total bilirubin in human serum are <1.2mg/dL (Kwak, 2012) (Arora,
2009) (Zucker, 2004) (Lum, 1988). Total bilirubin levels in the VTI-208 population at baseline
are an average of 25mg/dL (Ashley, 2015), which would be described as hyperbilirubinemia. In
VTI-206, the per-protocol AAH subgroup experienced the largest decline in serum total bilirubin
at day 3, which was 5mg/dL (Figure 9). Since the VTI-208 population shares many of the same
patient characteristics as the VTI-206 AAH subgroup, we believe the VTI-208 population will
experience a similar decline in serum total bilirubin. In other words, the VTI-208 patients will
still suffer from hyperbilirubinemia by end of ELAD treatment.

Figure 9. Change in serum t-bilirubin in the per-protocol AAH subgroup (Teperman, 2013)

It is alarming that there is no data at days 30, 60, or 90, which would show,
unequivocally, that ELAD treatment is indeed helping patients with acute liver failure regain lost
liver functions. Vitals inability or unwillingness to provide this additional, but crucial, data is
incomprehensible and is suggestive that the data are not good.


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Condition A, Point 8: The reduction in bilirubin and ammonia is simply due to blood
Once ELAD therapy is initiated, a patient experiences a temporary loss of blood that
circulates in the ELAD. The human body compensates for this loss via erythropoiesis, new red
blood cell production (Koury, 2004). We believe there is a strong likelihood that the drop in the
biochemical parameters associated with clinical improvement is due to simple subtraction and
hemodilution, not to the alleged efficacy of the ELAD. Several studies show that patients on
kidney dialysis also experience hemodilution evidenced by lower serum liver enzymes (Liberato,
2012) (Sette, 2014).
In a 1996 Hepatix study, blood ammonia levels elevated at the start of the study (median
98 umol/L, range 60-205) fell over the first 6 hours of haemoperfusion (mean fall, -3.52 umol/L)
but were unchanged (106 umol/l, range 38-162) at 48 hours (Ellis, 1996). We believe that the
drop in ammonia levels in this 1996 study was simply due to blood displacement and resulted in
hemodilution. We also believe this occurred in VTI-206 and will reoccur in VTI-208. This would
explain the return to baseline in levels of bilirubin and MADDREY score (Figures 9, 10, 11).

Figure 10. Change in t-bilirubin (mg/dL) during treatment Non-AAH cohort, per-protocol (n=16) (Teperman, 2013)

Figure 11. Mean MADDREY score post-baseline: AAH subjects (mITT) (Teperman, 2013)


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We believe that any clinical improvement attributed to the ELAD occurs only within the
five days that the patient is on the therapy and is, therefore, inconsequential.

Condition B: Vitals ELAD is a non-functional device

Drs. Norman Sussman and James Kelly were the co-founders of Hepatix, the original
company behind the ELAD. Dr. Sussman is now a board member of HepaHope, Inc. and an
associate professor of surgery at the Baylor College of Medicine, while Dr. Kelly is the CEO of
Cell Machines (Sussman & Kelly, 2014). Dr. Sussman and Dr. Kelly are not professional
medical device engineers and their inability to design a coherent device will be made clear
It is critical to analyze the ELAD device as a distinct theoretical entity that is detached
from the clinical trial results in VTI-206. In this section, we will examine the liver cells which
make up the bulk of the devices intended metabolic action, the transportation of blood from the
patient to the device and back, and an analysis of the hollow fiber bioreactor tubes where the
cells are grown. You will come to learn that the ELAD is a non-functional device which does not
detoxify blood from patients with liver failure.

Condition B, Point 1: Limited flow rate and small cartridge surface area eliminate the
ability for ELAD to function properly
ELAD cartridges are hollow fiber devices (Sussman, 1992) (Gislason, 1994) (Sussman,
1994) (Sussman, 1994) (Ellis, 1996) (Nyberg, 2012) (Teperman, 2012). Hepatix used two
cartridges, each containing 200g of C3A cells and 10,000 cellulose acetate fibers with a
functional surface area of 2m2 (Gislason, 1994). Vital Therapies currently uses four cartridges,
each containing 110g of C3A cells and 8,000 hollow fibers (Vital Therapies, 2009). In-vivo, liver
sinusoids, hepatic vessels where portal and arterial blood combine and where separation of blood
and plasma occurs, have a total surface area of 400m2 (Kuntz, 2006). In other words, the
modern-day ELAD (which has four 110g cartridges) replicates ~1% of the surface area of a
normal adult liver.
We believe the lack of a more intricate 3-dimensional architecture in the ELAD results in
a severe compromise of surface area. The human liver is designed to maximize surface area and
vasculature to allow for greater efficiency. Several papers have corroborated the opinion that
new ELADs should try to resemble the livers 3-dimensional environment, especially with
consideration towards the highly vascularized nature of the organ (Banares R. , 2014) (Tilles,
2002). Another paper contains the results of an experiment that tests this hypothesis (Figure 12).
It demonstrated that 3-dimensional bioreactors, which house hollow fibers anchored to a


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scaffold, a feature that Vitals ELAD lacks, performed better than hollow fiber bioreactors in
ureagenesis, albumin secretion, ammonia removal, and CYP450 activity (Zhang, 2014).

Figure 12. Urea production, albumin secretion, and ammonia removal of cultured hepatocytes in a 3-D hollow fiber
bioreactor with a scaffold vs. a hollow fiber bioreactor.

In a recent review article, the co-founders of Hepatix and designers of the ELAD device,
Drs. Sussman and Kelly agree that scaling up a liver assist device does not allow for access by
diffusion alone (Sussman & Kelly, Artificial Liver., 2014).
Another important function of the liver that the ELAD designers did not take into
consideration was bile excretion. Indeed, in a recent review, the co-inventors of the ELAD
device acknowledge that a next-generation liver device should have a drainage system for bile
excretion (Sussman & Kelly, 2014).
Normal hepatic blood inflow is approximately 1,500 ml/min (Bradley, 1952) (Iwata,
2004) (Williams, 2012) (Ciccone, 2016). According to other publications, including a review
paper on the pharmacokinetics of BALs, higher extracorporeal perfusion rates of 600-1,000
ml/min and toxin clearance rates of 600-700 ml/min are needed in BALs, conditions met only by
orthotopic liver transplantation (Iwata, 2004) (Ronco, 2009). Given that the extracorporeal
perfusion rate of the ELAD is 120-200 ml/min and the plasma separation rate is 30-60 ml/min
(Vital Therapies), it would appear that the rate at which it detoxifies blood has an upper limit
defined by the rate of plasma separation, which seems insufficient when compared to normal
hepatic plasma flow (700-950ml/min) (Suren, 1991) (Clemmesen, 1998). Iwata et al. conclude
that it is difficult to rationalise the usage of the BAL system to treat patients for simple removal
of low-molecular-weight toxins (Iwata, 2004). In a review article on BAL devices, one can see
that they all fail to meet the aforementioned flow requirements or show an unambiguous positive
treatment effect (Figure 13).


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Figure 13. BAL system comparison (van de Kerkhove, 2004)


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The ELAD also has a fatal flaw with filter pressure build-up which results in clotting in
the cartridge (Figure 14) (Gislason, 1994). This flaw may explain why we do not see bilirubin
levels beyond day 5 and is the only explanation we have found for why ELAD treatment is so
short compared to kidney dialysis.

Figure 14. HSS Pressures during clinical use. (Gislason, 1994)

The ELAD has a surface area of ~1% of a normal liver, with a cell mass which is 30% of
a normal liver, and a flow rate which is 13% of a normal liver (assuming the upper limits of the
ELADs specifications). Using simple arithmetic, it would appear that the metabolism of the
ELAD is equal to the product of these values, or less than 0.04%. This calculation is too
aggressive, as the C3A cell line used in the ELAD is deficient relative to normal hepatocytes
(Sinz, 2008) (Tostoes, 2010) and, furthermore, it is unclear if the cellular mass is sufficiently
oxygenated, so assuming 30% of the cell mass is functioning is inappropriate.

Condition B, Point 2: Non-parenchymal cells are not optional and perform important liver
functions that the ELAD ignores
The liver does not consist entirely of parenchymal cells, or hepatocytes. 60% of the cells
in the liver are hepatocytes while the other 40% consists of non-parenchymal cells, namely
sinusoidal endothelial cells, stellate (Ito) cells, and Kupffer cells (Godoy, 2013) (Boyer, 2012),
which all perform critical liver functions that the ELAD plainly ignores.
Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs) represent 19% of the total liver cell population
(Godoy, 2013) (Boyer, 2012). They have large pores that allow nutrients, toxins, hormones,
proteins, etc. to flow from plasma to the hepatocytes for processing. The ELAD attempts to
mimic this function by using semi-permeable hollow fiber tubes to act as a barrier between the
C3A cells and plasma ultrafiltrate. It would succeed in this regard were it not for the fact that
sinusoidal endothelial cells do more than act as a leaky wall. LSECs perform receptor-mediated

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removal of gut-derived endotoxin, the accumulation of which is associated with alcoholic
hepatitis (Wheeler, 2003) (Purohit, 2008) (Rao, 2009) (Nolan, 2010) (Boyer, 2012) (Mauss,
2014). These cells also secrete cytokines involved in tissue regeneration and cell growth
(DeLeve, 2013) and participate in immune responses to pathogens (Boyer, 2012).
Hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) represent 6% of the total liver cell population (Godoy,
2013) (Boyer, 2012). They are found between LSECs and hepatocytes and known mostly for
synthesizing collagen, but like their non-parenchymal counterparts, they perform an array of
functions that include regeneration, intermediary metabolism, and immunoregulation (Godoy
Kupffer cells represent 15% of the total liver cell population (Godoy, 2013) (Boyer,
2012). Macrophages exclusive to the liver, they reside in the sinusoidal endothelium and perform
key functions in host defense (Godoy, 2013). They actually represent the largest macrophage
population in mammals (Movita, 2012) (Kmiec, 2001). While Kupffer cells release proinflammatory cytokines like TNF-alpha, which participate in the inflammatory response, they,
along with LSECs, prevent endotoxin and foreign substances from reaching the systemic
circulation, regulate liver regeneration, and influence the metabolic and detoxification functions
of hepatocytes (Godoy, 2013) (Boyer, 2012).
In liver injury, all non-parenchymal cells are activated (Taub, 2004), can regenerate,
possess both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory qualities, and participate in cell-to-cell
communications with each other and with hepatocytes (Kang, 2012) (Boyer, 2012). The
intricacies of the signaling and molecular pathways involved are beyond the scope of this paper,
but the functions of LSECs, stellate cells, and Kupffer cells raise an important question. If nonparenchymal cells were optional, which the ELAD certainly suggests by omission, why would
the human body use resources to restore them?
Given the intricacy of the hepatic ecosystem and the important roles that nonparenchymal cells play in metabolism, immunity, cell-to-cell communication, and detoxification
in conjunction with hepatocytes, we believe that absence of their functions in any liver dialysis
device is a major oversight and any strategy to circumvent the inclusion of their functions is
extremely nave.

Condition B, Point 3: During treatment, ELAD cells are likely anoxic and unlikely to be
metabolically active
Not all hepatocytes are created equal. In fact, there are three types of hepatocytes, each of
which have distinct metabolic functions and levels of oxygenation: periportal, centrilobular, and
perivenous, that comprise the functional unit of the liver, called the acinus (Figure 15) (Katz,
1992). In the liver acinus, periportal hepatocytes, in Zone 1, are the closest to the portal vein and
hepatic artery blood inflows, which means that they are very oxygen rich. Perivenous

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hepatocytes, in Zone 3, are the furthest from the blood supply, which means that they are very
oxygen poor. Centrilobular hepatocytes, in Zone 2, are a mix of Zone 1 and Zone 3 hepatocytes.

Figure 15. The liver acinus (Godoy, 2013)

Periportal hepatocytes predominantly perform gluconeogenesis, oxidative energy

metabolism, beta oxidation, cholesterol synthesis, and urea synthesis. Perivenous hepatocytes
predominantly perform glycolysis, fatty acid synthesis, and glutamine synthesis (Dancygier,
2010). The functional heterogeneity of primary hepatocytes calls into question the identity of the
C3A cell line. Vital has stated that the cell line is extremely well differentiated (Sussman,
1992) which we interpret as meaning it cannot differentiate further into the required hepatocyte
subtypes that would actually allow for realistic liver replacement.
Two bioengineers have determined that the design of the ELAD is unlikely to correctly
account for the high oxygen consumption of hepatocytes (Hay, 2000) (Smith, 1997). In an
analysis of oxygen transfer in a model of a plasma-perfused hollow fiber bioreactor (much like
the ELAD), the authors note that BAL designs need to consider the extremely high oxygen
demands of primary hepatocytes given their wide range of oxygen-dependent metabolic
functions (Hay, 2001). And yet, the results of the analysis show that a substantial proportion of
the hepatocytes contained in the model device would be subjected to hypoxic conditions,
conditions that would impair hepatocyte metabolism.
In another analysis of oxygen transfer in hollow fiber bioreactors, the authors emphasize
the efficiency of the acinar structure of the liver in oxygen distribution and the need to meet the
high oxygen consumption rate of hepatocytes. HepG2 cells, the parental cell line of the current
ELADs C3A cells, were used in this model, the results of which show that oxygen is
completely depleted at distances equivalent to 1-2 cell layers from the membrane outer wall
(Figure 16) and that while cells further from the membrane may well be viable, they are

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unlikely to be metabolically active (Smith, 1997). Smith et al. conclude that BAL designs
require the oxygenation of hepatocytes within the bioreactor, a feature that the current ELAD
Membrane outer wall

Figure 16. Cross-section of an ELAD cartridge. (Teperman, 2012)

Condition B, Point 4: Prior to ELAD treatment, C3A cells are likely exposed to hyperoxic
or hypoxic conditions and may be undergoing apoptosis during culture
The C3A cell line is derived from the HepG2 cell line, which is derived from human
hepatocytes. Like human hepatocytes, C3A cells have a high demand for oxygen (Gislason,
1994) (Ellis, 1996). In the setting of BALs, it is important that these cells receive adequate
oxygenation in culture (Martin, 2005) (Nahmias, 2006) (Kidambi, 2009). However, oxygen is
known to be poorly soluble in aqueous solution such as plasma (Sussman, 1994) (Webster, 1997)
(Smith, 1997) (Hay, 2000). The co-founders of Hepatix, Norman Sussman and James Kelly,
admit that plasma does not have the carrying capacity of whole blood and will not satisfy the
oxygen requirements of a significant mass of living cells (Gislason, 1994).
In a more recent paper on oxygenation in BALs, hepatic hollow fiber bioreactors
(HFBs)suffer from oxygen limited transport mainly due to the low solubility of oxygen in the
cell culture medium, long diffusion path-lengths, and high demand for oxygen by the
hepatocytes cultured in the extracapillary space (Chen, 2010). In the same paper, Chen attempts
to improve the oxygen transport in a hollow fiber bioreactor containing C3A cells by inducing
bovine hemoglobin oxygen carriers in the culture medium. Note that the cells in this experiment
and the C3A cells in the current ELAD were cultured in 10% bovine serum (Vital Therapies,
Inc., 2015). Within 14 days of the experiment, the lactate production and glucose consumption of
C3A cells cultured without bovine hemoglobin had nearly tripled whereas they had remained
stable in the C3A cells that were cultured with bovine hemoglobin (Figure 17). This suggests an

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increase in the number of C3A cells undergoing anaerobic respiration in the control HFB (no
bovine hemoglobin) compared to the active group (bovine hemoglobin) (Madonna, 2013)
(Woods, 1971). In other words, it is likely that at 14 days, many of the cells in the control HFB
were hypoxic and did not produce enough ATP to maintain viability. The results of the
experiment show that the active HFB had slightly more than twice the number of functioning
cells compared to the control HFB.
Furthermore, Chen states the cell culture medium in most cell culture systems need to be
oxygenated to supraphysiological levels (>160 mm Hg) to deliver enough oxygen to cultured
cells. However, prolonged exposure to these conditions will induce the formation of reactive
oxygen species, which will eventually kill cells (Chen, 2010). This experiment tests the oxygen
levels in hollow fiber bioreactors in culture, suggests the C3A cells are defective before ELAD
therapy starts, and stresses the importance of sufficient oxygenation in HFBs. In short, we
believe many of the C3A cells in Vitals ELAD are hypoxic and undergo apoptosis during

Figure 17. Metabolic, synthetic, and detoxification functions of hepatic HF bioreactors cultured at 10% O2. The cell
culture medium was supplemented with BvHb at 15 g/L. The solid lines represent the drug group; dashed lines
represent the group with no added drugs. (A) Global glucose consumption rate (mg/h). (B) Global lactate production
rate (mg/h). (C) Molar ratio of lactate production to glucose consumption. (D) Global albumin synthesis rate (mg/h).
(E) Global ammonia removal rate (mg/h). (F) Glucose consumption rate per cell (mg/h/million cells). (G) Lactate
production rate per cell (mg/h/million cells). (H) Albumin synthesis rate per cell (mg/h/million cells). (I) Ammonia
removal rate per cell (mg/h/million cells). (J) Final cell count and viability at the end of the cell culture period. All
data are shown as the mean_standard deviation. n=2 for each group. *p<0.05; #p<0.10 throughout the study if not
specified otherwise. BvHb, bovine hemoglobin. (Chen, 2010)


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Condition B, Point 5: The ELAD C3A cell line is a poor choice which limits or eliminates
therapeutic efficacy
The cell source that is the gold standard for BALs are primary hepatocytes as they have
been proven to perform all essential liver functions (Catapano, 1996) (Tostoes, 2010), but their
use is limited by inadequate supply, high cost, high variability, and low in vitro proliferation
capacity (Eva, 2014). And yet, the best-performing cell source is not enough to create a
functioning, effective BAL. Primary hepatocytes in a BAL should also replicate the complex invivo environment in an effort to enhance and stabilize long-term in-vitro function (Tilles,
2002). Other methods to improve primary hepatocyte performance include adding growth
factors and hormones to the culture medium, the use of hepatocyte spheroids, and coculturing hepatocytes with nonparenchymal cells (Tilles, 2002). If the ideal liver assist device
requires these conditions of primary hepatocytes for optimal performance, then the C3A cell
line, a derivative of a hepatoblastoma (not a primary hepatocyte), is no exception.
The liver plays a major role in metabolism. The livers CYP450 enzyme system
metabolizes drugs and also converts prodrugs into their active metabolites (Guengrich, 2008)
(Nelson, 1982). Therefore, it is important that the CYP activity of the cells used in a BAL
perform on a level comparable to that of primary hepatocytes. HepG2 cells, from which C3A
cells are derived, have been shown to have disturbingly low levels of CYP expression compared
to those of primary hepatocytes (Rodriguez-Antona, 2002). Rodriguez-Antona et al. found that
the most active CYP enzyme in the HepG2 cell line, CYP1A1, was only 20% as active as in
human hepatocytes after 24 hours of culture. Furthermore, the activity of CYP2E1, one of the
most important CYP enzymes in the metabolism of xenobiotics, was found to be more than 100fold higher in human hepatocytes than HepG2 cells after 24 hours of culture. We believe the
diminished CYP inhibitory activity of the HepG2 line further highlights another important liver
function that C3A cells perform poorly.
In a comparison of the metabolic and synthetic functions of porcine hepatocytes and C3A
cells, C3A cells were shown to have lower levels of P4501A1 activity, ammonia removal, and
amino acid metabolism (Figure 18) (Wang L. , 1998).


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Figure 18. P4501A1 activity, ammonia removal, and amino acid metabolism in C3A cells

In view of these findings, the authors conclude that primary porcine hepatocytes are to
be preferred to C3A for clinical application of BALSS (bioartificial liver support systems).
These findings foreshadow the VTI-208 results considering the failure of the porcine-based
A very damaging paper to the C3A hypothesis elegantly demonstrated this cell lines
inability to detoxify ammonia using the urea cycle, one of the major causes of death in liver
failure (Mavri-Damelin, 2008) (Nyberg, 2012) (McManus, 2014). Tellingly, Drs. Sussman and
Kelly, the Hepatix co-founders, failed to provide a rebuttal, only indicating in a review paper that
the data were at odds with their previously published animal data (Sussman & Kelly, Artificial
Liver., 2014). The Mavri-Damelin experiments conclusively demonstrated the C3A cells
inability to detoxify ammonia through the urea cycle by using radiolabeled ammonium chloride,
which primary hepatocytes detoxified but C3A cells did not (as measured by radiolabeled urea)
(Figures 19, 20).
Normally, periportal hepatocytes convert ammonia into urea via the urea cycle.
Perivenous cells convert ammonia into glutamine via glutamine synthetase. The glutamine
synthetase route of removing ammonia is appropriate for trace amounts only, and is unlikely to
be of use if it is relied on solely (Tilles, 2002). The finding that C3A cells do not detoxify

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of this paper for more information.
ammonia is alarming for multiple reasons. Firstly, ammonia is a major cause of death in liver
failure and toxic levels must be reduced. Secondly, the lack of an enzymatic process to detoxify
ammonia in C3A cells calls into question the cell lineage of C3A. Thirdly, why was ELAD
designed with C3A cells, a subclone of HepG2 cells, which are known to not detoxify ammonia
(Mavri-Damelin, 2007)? Are these purported hepatocytes zone 1, 2, or 3 cells, or none of the
above, or one of those cells without these crucial enzymes? Is it possible crucial detoxification
enzyme expression levels are lost in this cell line? Mavri-Damelin measured mRNA expression
in C3A cells, primary human hepatocytes, and whole human liver. It appears that culture-like
consistency, including that experienced in the ELAD device, may reduce key protein expression,
including urea cycle proteins (Figure 21). These questions and the results of the Mavri-Damelin
paper ask fundamental questions about the viability of the C3A cell line that are still unanswered.

Figure 19. The urea cycle, CPSI, carbamoyl phosphate synthase I; OTC, ornithine transcarbamylase; AS,
arginosuccinate synthetase; AL, arginosuccinate lyase; arginase I.

Figure 20. Urea synthesis in C3A cells and primary hepatocytes.


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Figure 21. Urea cycle gene expression. Real-time RT-PCR results showing the urea cycle gene expression levels in
C3A cells (black), primary human hepatocytes (dark grey) and whole human liver (grey). OTC and arginase I are
completely absent, with very low expression of the other three urea cycle genes (n=6, mean +- SD, repeated 3
times). Values are relative to the expression of ribosomal RNA 18S.

Condition B, Point 6: The feasibility of the ELAD in the context of clinical utility and
inventors actions
The lack of dramatic efficacy with ELAD raises questions about its clinical utilityif the
ELAD were a true liver support system, patients would have 90-100% survival instead of similar
survival to those on standard of care. The 1-year, 5-year, and 10-year survival rates in a
retrospective study of 300 alcoholic liver disease patients who underwent orthotopic liver
transplantation, the gold standard treatment in patients with liver failure, were 96%, 88%, and
76% respectively (Pfitzmann, 2007). If the ELAD led to liver regeneration, we would expect it to
achieve comparable survival rates and be a viable option for all patients with acute liver failure.
Drs. Sussman and Kelly, the original creators of the ELAD, also seem to agree that
ELADs are not realistic devices stating the underlying cirrhosis is not reversible and
recoveryleaves the patient in the same frail state, still in need of a liver transplantation
(Sussman & Kelly, Artificial Liver., 2014). Furthermore, Dr. Sussmans affiliation with
HepaHope, which has been working on a BAL device based on liver slices since 1999
(Sussman & Kelly, 2014), and Dr. Kellys affiliation with Cell Machines, which has patented
liver cell factories (Cell Machines, 2015) indicate their lack of confidence in the ELAD
technology. If the ELAD was the game-changing liver dialysis system that Vital Therapies thinks
it is, wouldnt Drs. Sussman and Kelly be working on the ELAD?
The current academic climate indicates that the interest in artificial livers persists but it
seems that the field has moved on to other cell lines and technologies: HepaRG cells in the AMC

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bioreactor (Nibourg, 2013), cryopreserved human hepatocytes in 3D spheroids (Xia, 2015), stem
cell-derived hepatocyte-like cells in a 3D culture (Kim J. , 2015), mesenchymal stem cells in a
novel 3D system (Li, 2015), porcine hepatocytes in a spheroid reservoir BAL (Glorioso, 2015),
etc. A PubMed search of bioartificial liver produces 6,263 results, while a search of
bioartificial liver hepatoma produces 399 (6.4%), bioartifical liver HepG2 produces 112
(1.8%), and bioartificial liver C3A produces 37 (0.6%). It appears that human hepatoma cell
lines are a niche category receiving little attention in the field of bioartificial livers. We believe
Vital Therapies ELAD is the culmination of 25 years of unsuccessful experiments in a
technology that has stagnated in three successive companies, undergone no marked
improvements, and consistently produced questionable clinical trial results.
A 2012 paper, citing the MARS, PROMETHEUS, HepatAssist, and ELAD systems, had
this to say about the advances in artificial liver support systems: more than 30 different cellbased support devices have been reported since 1987, more than 14 systems have been
reported in clinical trials, more than 400 patients have been treated with bioartificial liver
systems, and none of these bioartificial liver systems have yet obtained FDA approval for the
treatment of liver failure (Nyberg, 2012).
We assigned a 20% probability to both Condition A, which is the likelihood that the
survival benefit seen in the VTI-206 acute alcoholic subgroup (n=29) is legitimate and not due to
chance, and Condition B, which is the likelihood that the ELAD was designed properly and fully
functional. We are confident in these probabilities and have determined that there is a 96%
probability that the VTI-208 trial will fail.
In conclusion, we believe that the ELAD suffers from many mechanistic flaws and an
extraordinary inability to meet the metabolic needs of a normally functioning liver. Combined
with the unconvincing clinical data, these significant deficiencies all but preclude the success of


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investment if the price of VTL changes dramatically. Please read the Disclosure at the end
of this paper for more information.
Acute liver failure Acute deterioration of liver function in patients in the absence of preexisting
liver disease. (Kim T. , 2013) (Asrani, 2014) (Sarin, 2014) (Polson, 2005). The different
precipitating events in acute liver failure include viral infections (such as Hepatitis A, B, and E),
drugs (with Acetaminophen being the most common), and alcohol (Bernal, 2013) (Lee, 2012).
Acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) Occurs in patients with chronic liver disease,
characterized by a precipitating event (known or unknown) often resulting in acute deterioration
in liver function, multi-organ failure, and high short-term mortality. (Kim T. , 2013) (Asrani,
2014) (Sarin, 2014) (Jalan, 2012)
Acute alcoholic hepatitis (AAH) Alcohol-induced liver disease characterized by hepatic
inflammation and acute onset. May be observed in chronic alcoholics with or without noticeable
liver impairment or in moderate drinkers after a short-term alcoholic binge. Clinical presentation
includes fever, liver enlargement and tenderness, neutrophilic leukocytosis, hyperbilirubinemia,
and coagulation impairment. (Ceccanti, 2006) (Pang, 2015)
Hepatic sinusoid The hepatic sinusoid is a blood vessel which receives oxygen-rich blood from
the hepatic artery and nutrient-rich blood from the portal vein. Hepatocytes are separated from
the hepatic sinusoid by the space of Disse and receive nutrients and oxygen from the plasma that
is filtered from the hepatic sinusoid into the space of Disse. (Boyer, 2012)
Endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide) Endotoxins are present in intestinal bacteria and only
minimally absorbed by the intestine in healthy patients. Alcohol increases the amount of
endotoxin in the intestine and the permeability of the intestine to endotoxins. As a result, an
excess amount of endotoxins are absorbed into the systemic circulation and into the liver
sinusoids where they internalized TL4 and CD14 receptors on Kupffer cells, thereby causing an
inflammatory response (Purohit, 2008).
Extracorporeal Liver Assist Device (ELAD ) ELAD is an investigational extracorporeal,
human cell-based liver support system designed with the proposed intent to supplement hepatic
function in order to improve survival rates among subjects with liver failure. (Figure 23) (Vital
Therapies, n.d.)


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Figure 23. The Extracorporeal Liver Assist Device (ELAD). (Vital Therapies)

Liver basics (Kuntz, 2006):

Number of liver cells - 300 billion liver cells
Number of hepatocytes per g of liver - 171 million hepatocytes
Diameter of hepatocytes - 20-40um
Lifespan of hepatocytes - 150 days
Mitosis rate per 10,000-20,000 liver cells - 1

Liver acinus - The functional and microcirculatory unit of the liver (Dancygier, 2010). The liver
acinus is a mass of liver parenchyma which surrounds the hepatic arterioles and portal venules
(Katz, 1992).

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of this paper for more information.
Periportal hepatocytes (Zone 1) - Functions include oxidative energy metabolism, glycogen
synthesis from amino acids and lactate, gluconeogenesis, beta-oxidation, cholesterol synthesis,
and urea synthesis (from NH4, amino acids, nitrogen).
Perivenous hepatocytes (Zone 3) - Functions include glycogen synthesis from glucose,
glycolysis, lipogenesis, ketogenesis, bile acid synthesis, and glutamine synthesis (from NH4,
glutamate, alpha-oxyglutarate, ornithine).

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DISCLAIMER: The authors of this article have a conflict of interest and will benefit
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of this paper for more information.
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