Hcrah Epahs
Hcrah Epahs
Hcrah Epahs
Your mission
You love the sculpting (and calming) The wate#s resistance
effects of good pool workout but bate what to do provides extra toning for all
your muscles, but top off the
counting Iaps. Not problem. "1"his plan
Warm up with lower-body scu[pting with this
combines short •ougs of laps •vith deep- 0-5
easy strokes
5-10 4
must-do move, Try it in
water running and kick drills you so or out of the pool when you're
don't get bored--but you do get toned 5-8 (but not at an 3-5 7-8 finished with the workout.
and lean from head co toe! Swimming is all-out sprint)
How it works
First, grab a
kickboard and flomdon heir arms in opposition to legs. Adjust your
Onost pools have these, but you can find inteflsity to meet the rate of perceived
gear at your local sporing goods store or exertion (RPE*). laps (each
Times and
at awim2OOO.com); leave both at.the deep length of lap for our
the pool is one
end. You'll alternate laps (pick any purposes) will vary depending on pool
sn-oke); kick drills, where you hold the
board and kick; and jogging in the deep
length and your speed, ff you don't
want to take the magazine with you, the
squat to kick
end without any re.•t dine in between to workout's easy to remember: After the
keep your heart rate high. Finish with > Stand right leg and keep
warm-up, each activity is three tNnutes on
out to the sides for
the must-do move. When tanning, move long; do each one three times. arms
balance (out of the water) or
bring hands in front of chest,
elbows bent and hands in fists.
Bend left leg so left foot is off
LOAD THIS MUSIC ONTO YOUR HP3 PLAYER the ground and slightly behind
you, then lower into a squat as
"Nothing Lasts Forever" "Somebody Told He"
Haroon 5 (3:07) The Killers (3:17) far as you can on right leg [A],
"Tik Tok" Ke$ha (3:20) "Fascinated" > Rise up and immediately
"Bad Romance" Lady Gaga (4:54) Company B (5:26) kick forward with left leg, foot
"The Fear" Lily Allen (3:27) "On the Wing" flexed [B]. Lower into a squat
Waterproof Owl City (5:01) again (try not to put left foot
"Don•t Stop Eelievin'"
1GB Speedo Glee Cast (:3:50) Total time 32:22 down) and repeat, Do 12 to 15
($100j reps, then switch legs to
speedousa Go to shape.com/playlist to buy and complete set. Do 2 or 3 sets.
download this mix and others.