Script Unturned Scene 1
Script Unturned Scene 1
Script Unturned Scene 1
Scene 2
Travis puts clothes on and starts walking toward home. The beach is just out of
He sees a person standing somewhat away from the road, staring down at the groun
d. He assumes that guy is also really really high. He thinks nothing of it.
Scene 3
Travis eventually arrives at his hometown, only to find it abandoned and decrepi
t. He stands at the edge of town, and notices a hoard of people covered in blood
and behaving strangely.
Scene 4
He goes back to the guy he saw on the edge of the road. He approaches him.
(creepy atmospheric music)
The person turns and aggressively runs toward him, growling, but ends up running
right into a tree and being momentarily stunned. Travis jumps back as the zombi
e begins to pursue him once more.
The zombie grapples him.
[Camera zooms in on zombie s face, emphasizing the gore]
Travis, frightened, pushes him away. Enter shaun of the dead moment in which the
zombie is impaled by tree branch. The zombie continues to limp toward Travis. H
e notices a rock on the ground, which he uses to pick up and slam onto the zombi
e s head, stopping him just as he was about to sink his teeth into Travis flesh. Tr
avis looks at the rock, and at the corpse, in shock. (the music stops the moment
the rock hits the zombie) Travis lets the rock roll out of his hand.
[Camera facing the zombie from beside Travis focuses on the rock as it hits the
ground, the zombie blurred into the background.] Travis takes a few steps back a
nd jogs back toward the town.
Scene 5
He investigates the town for awhile, on his way to his house, carefully avoiding
the hoard. He navigates through the town, through yards and behind houses, hidi
ng from the zombies. When one notices him, he runs into a nearby house to hide.
Scene 6
Travis closes the door behind him. He s lost the zombie. Once he catches his breat
h, he looks around, loosely investigating his surroundings.
(music box type music)
[camera shows him looking around]
[cut to makeshift beds]
[cut to pocket litter]
[cut to cinematic moving shot of Travis looking around]
[cut to newspaper clipping on the wall]
[cut to Travis looking at it, but not really reading it]
[cut to rotten food]
[cut to opened cans]
[cut to cinematic moving shot of Travis looking around, but in the kitchen]
[cut to behind Travis, zooming out as he hesitantly reaches into the gun cabinet
[cut to side view of Travis looking down at the gun in his hands]
Scene 7
[cut to Travis in the backyard of the home he was just in]
Travis is trying to figure out how to use the gun.
Travis (under his breath): IcandothisIcandothisIcandothis.
He accidentally fires the gun.
Travis (under his breath):