MODx Editor Guide
MODx Editor Guide
MODx Editor Guide
Content Editor’s Guide
Valeska Scholl
September 2009
I. Introduction............................................................................................................................ 4
1. Purpose of This Guide....................................................................................................... 4
2. Target Audience ................................................................................................................ 4
II. MODx Terminology ............................................................................................................. 5
III. Introducing the MODx Content Manager ........................................................................... 7
1. What is the Content Manager? .......................................................................................... 7
2. Accessing the Content Manager........................................................................................ 7
a. Address of the Content Manager ................................................................................... 7
b. Logging In ..................................................................................................................... 7
3. Content Manager Screen Layout....................................................................................... 8
4. An Overview of the Tabs .................................................................................................. 9
a. The Site Tab .................................................................................................................. 9
b. The Elements Tab........................................................................................................ 11
c. The Tools Tab.............................................................................................................. 11
d. The Reports Tab .......................................................................................................... 11
IV. Managing Content............................................................................................................. 12
1. Using the Site Tree .......................................................................................................... 12
a. What is the Site Tree?.................................................................................................. 12
b. The Quick Buttons ...................................................................................................... 12
c. Understanding the Site Tree ........................................................................................ 12
d. Sorting the Site Tree.................................................................................................... 13
2. Using Resources (Webpages and Weblinks) .................................................................. 14
a. What is a Resource? .................................................................................................... 14
b. Viewing an Existing Resource (Summary Mode)....................................................... 14
c. Viewing an Existing Resource (Preview Mode) ......................................................... 15
d. What is a Weblink? ..................................................................................................... 16
e. Creating a New Weblink ............................................................................................. 16
f. Editing an Existing Weblink Resource ........................................................................ 19
g. What is a Webpage? .................................................................................................... 19
h. Creating a New Webpage Resource............................................................................ 19
i. The Rich Text Editor.................................................................................................... 22
j. Editing an Existing Webpage Resource ....................................................................... 23
k. Moving a Resource (Webpage or Weblink)................................................................ 24
l. Deleting a Resource (Webpage or Weblink) ............................................................... 24
m. SPECIAL NOTE: FirstChildRedirect ....................................................................... 24
3. Using Chunks .................................................................................................................. 26
a. What is a Chunk?......................................................................................................... 26
b. Accessing Chunks ....................................................................................................... 26
c. Making a New Chunk.................................................................................................. 26
d. Editing an Existing Chunk .......................................................................................... 28
e. Deleting a Chunk ......................................................................................................... 28
f. Using a Chuck in a Resource (Webpage) .................................................................... 28
4. Using Snippets................................................................................................................. 29
a. What is a Snippet? ....................................................................................................... 29
b. Accessing Snippets...................................................................................................... 29
c. Making a New Snippet ................................................................................................ 29
d. Editing an Existing Snippet......................................................................................... 31
e. Deleting a Snippet ....................................................................................................... 31
f. Using a Snippet in a Resource (Webpage) .................................................................. 31
5. Using Files....................................................................................................................... 32
a. Accessing the File Manager ........................................................................................ 32
b. Viewing a File ............................................................................................................. 32
c. Editing a File ............................................................................................................... 32
d. Uploading a File .......................................................................................................... 33
e. Deleting a File ............................................................................................................. 33
f. Creating a New Directory ............................................................................................ 33
6. Using Meta Tags and Keywords ..................................................................................... 35
a. Accessing the Meta Tags and Keywords Manager ..................................................... 35
b. Managing META Tags................................................................................................ 35
c. Managing Keywords ................................................................................................... 36
d. Using META Tags and Keywords in Resources ........................................................ 37
V. Other Functions .................................................................................................................. 38
1. The Tools Tab: Import HTML Files .............................................................................. 38
2. The Reports Tab: Scheduled (Un)-Publications............................................................. 40
3. User Administration ........................................................................................................ 41
a. Accessing User Administration ................................................................................... 41
b. Changing Your Password............................................................................................ 41
c. Accessing Messages .................................................................................................... 41
d. Accessing Help Files ................................................................................................... 43
e. Logging Out................................................................................................................. 43
f. Other User Administration Functions .......................................................................... 43
Appendix I: Editor Styles & Tricks......................................................................................... 44
1. Applying and Removing Styles....................................................................................... 44
a. Applying a Style .......................................................................................................... 44
b. Removing a Style ........................................................................................................ 44
2. Adding and Deleting Styles............................................................................................. 44
A. Adding Styles ............................................................................................................. 44
B. Deleting Styles............................................................................................................ 45
I. Introduction
1. Purpose of This Guide
These areas are the domain of a technical web administrator, not a content editor. Technical
documentation on these areas can be found on the MODx official website
2. Target Audience
This document is aimed at content editors: people who are concerned with the making of
webpage content on a MODx-based site. This document is not aimed at website developers:
people tasked with the installation, configuration, and theming (CSS design) of a MODx-
based website.
A child is any Resource which is contained within another (parent) Resource. To use more
generalized computer terminology, it is an item in a folder. A Resource can be both a child
and a parent at the same time.
A Chunk is a pre-defined piece of raw (X)HTML and/or Javascript code that can be re-used
later in other resources. It may containt client-side scripting (Javascript), but cannot contain
server-side scripting (PHP).
A container is a Resource which contains another Resource. This is another word for
‘Element’ is a generic term for any content which is not a Resource. Content editors may
only access ‘Chunk’ and ‘Snippet’ elements.
A file refers to an actual physical file of any type which exists on the webserver. This is in
contrast to Resources, which are held in the website database rather than as distinct files on
the webserver.
A parent is a Resource which contains another (child) Resource inside of it. To use more
generalized computer terminology, it is a type of folder. A Resource can be both a child and a
parent at the same time.
‘Resource’ is MODx’s generic term for any web content; that is, content which is 1) stored in
the MODx database rather than in a file on the webserver, and 2) which is potentially visible
to webpage visitors. All webpage documents created in MODx are Resources, as are all
A Snippet is a pre-defined piece of PHP code that can be re-used later in other resources.
A template is a set of web resources which, together, form a theme or a skin for the website.
A template typically includes customized images, a customized layout file, and a customized
CSS file.
A weblink is a URL which is stored as a Resource so that it can later be used in menus,
navigation, or other Resources. Weblinks can either be to external webpages (e.g. Google) or
internal Resources (e.g. your company’s “Contact Us” page). It is not necessary that all
URLs included in a webpage be first saved as Weblinks!
III. Introducing the MODx Content Manager
The Content Manager is the main administrative area for managing your website. In this
guide, only functions related to the creation and maintenance of content will be addressed.
b. Logging In
After logging in, you will see the main Content Manager screen. This screen is made up of
five (5) main areas of content, visible on the screenshot below.
1. Main Navigation
The Main Navigation tab row contains the following sections:
2. Sub-Navigation
The Sub-Navigation row is context-sensitive. It will display different options
depending which Main Navigation tab is selected.
3. Site Tree
The Site Tree displays a tree-structured list of all webpage content currently stored in
the site, including non-published, published, and soft-deleted items. It also contains
navigational buttons to collapse and expand the site tree, add or remove content, and
hide the Site Tree entirely if desired.
4. Content Window
The Content Windows displays the main content of the navigational area or document
which you have selected.
a.i. Home
The Site > Home tab is the first window which you see after logging in to the Content
Manager. It contains a small ‘sub-sub-navigation’ area with six additional tabbed options.
1. Website Tab
The website tab is the first available tab, and is titled with the name of your website
(‘Actonomy’ in the screenshot above). It contains shortcut links to various
administrative tools, such as security settings, user management, and your personal
system mailbox.
2. MODx News
Displays a daily-updated news feed of articles from the “MODx Announce” mailing
list. These news items contain recent information about MODx and its development.
3. Security Notices
Displays MODx official announcements regarding security vulnerabilities, exploits,
patches, and software upgrades.
4. Recent Resources
Displays the most recently created and/or editted documents in your website.
5. Info
Displays statistical information about the currently logged-in user.
6. Online
Displays a list of all users currently logged into the website.
a.ii. Preview
The ‘Preview’ sub-navigation tab opens your website in a new browser window, allowing you
to see the current version of your website.
The ‘Clear Cache’ sub-navigation tab refreshes the internal database of the site, checking for
changes in content and removing any old, unused cache files or deleted documents. In doing
so, it ensures that all displayed data on the website is the most recent version.
a.iv. Search
The ‘Search’ sub-navigation tab allowed you to search the content of your site for specific
resources (documents), either by Resource ID, title, longtitle, or text present in the content of
the document itself.
The Elements tab allows you to create, manage, and delete the following:
The Tools tab is used to import HTML files into your MODx site.
More detailed information about the Tools tab can be found in Section V.1.
The Reports tab allows you to access the Schedule. The Schedule displays information about
Resources which are pending publication or un-publication at a future time.
More detailed information about the Reports tab can be found in Section V.2.
IV. Managing Content
The Site Tree is the left-most area of the Content Manager and the primary means of
navigating through your website. It shows a list of all Resources present in the website as
well as a row of ‘quick buttons’ to assist you in managing your Resources and content.
The Quick Buttons are the row of small icons across the top of the Site Tree. Hovering your
mouse over an icon will reveal its name and function.
1. Expand Site Tree: Expands all parent Resources and shows their children.
2. Collapse Site Tree: Collapses all parent Resources and hides their children.
3. New Resource: Creates a new Resource (Webpage)
4. New Weblink: Creates a new Weblink Resource.
5. Refresh Site Tree: Refreshes the Site Tree so that any changes to Resource status or
organization are visible.
6. Sort Site Tree: Opens a ‘sort’ dialog which allows you to change the sort method
used to display the documents.
7. Purge Deleted Resources: Permanently removes (‘purges’) any Resources which
have been deleted.
8. Hide Site Tree: Removes the Site Tree from view.
2. Resource Name and ID: The name and unique ID number of a resource. The unique
ID number is contained in parenthesis after the name. E.g. Home (1)
3. Hierarchical Structure: The Site Tree uses an indented ‘folder tree’ structure to
display which Resources contain (are parents of) or are contained in (are children of)
other Resources.
4. Resource Status: Published resources are listed in black, normal type. Unpublished
resources are listed in gray, italic type. Resources which have been deleted but not yet
purged are listed in red, strike-through type.
By clicking on the name of a Resource in the site tree, you can view more detailed
information about that particular Resource.
The Site Tree can be sorted in several different ways to make finding your content easier.
1. Click the “Sort Site Tree” Quick Button (see Section IV.1.b).
2. Select the field by which you wish to sort in the top box. E.g. “Folder” or “Creation
3. Choose either “Ascending” or “Descending” for the sort pattern.
4. Click “Sort the Site Tree”
2. Using Resources (Webpages and Weblinks)
a. What is a Resource?
MODX refers to all content which can potentially be viewed by a webpage visitor, as a
“Resource”. There are two types of Resources in MODx: documents (also known as
webpages) and weblinks.
1. Use the Site Tree to navigate to the Resource you wish to view. (See Section IV.1)
2. Click on the desired Resource. The Page Data screen will open.
The Page Date screen lists all fields available for a resource and the current values for those
fields. If a value was not set for a Resource, it will appear as (Not Set).
The additional tab “View Children” will show links of any Resources which are ‘sub-items’
of the Resource you are viewing.
The additional tab “Source” will display the actual source code of the resource, if (and only if)
the page is currently being held in the MODx webpage cache.
c. Viewing an Existing Resource (Preview Mode)
1. Use the Site Tree to navigate to the Resource you wish to view. (See Section IV.1)
2. Click on the desired Resource. The Page Data screen will open.
3. Click the “Preview” button in the upper right corner.
If the Resource is a Weblink, “Preview” will take you directly to the target of the Weblink,
whether that is a site-internal document or a third-party webpage or file somewhere else on
the internet (see Section IV.2.d – “What is a Weblink?”)
If the Resource is a Webpage, “Preview” will take you to an “end-user” view of how the
document will appear when published and available on the website.
d. What is a Weblink?
A Weblink is a reference (a link) to an object somewhere on the internet. This can be a link to
a page on your own website, a link to another webpage, or a link to a file, image, or other
content somewhere on the internet.
Weblinks are only useful for adding items to your site’s navigation menu which are actually
links to other places. This is due to the internal workings of MODx’s automatic ‘menu-
building’ function. They are not used for creating links inside the site’s actual webpages.
However, on the “About Us” page, you also wish to mention and link to your
parent company. Inside the “About Us” page, you will not use the Weblink
Resource. Instead, you will use a normal hyperlink (see Section…)
New Weblinks can either be created at the root level of the main site, or as a ‘child’ to another
1. Use the Site Tree to navigate to the Resource you wish to view. (See Section IV.1)
2. Click on the desired Resource. The Page Data screen will open.
3. Click the “View Children” tab.
4. Click “Create Weblink Here.” The “Create Resource” screen will open.
Note: You can also create a new weblink by duplicating an existing weblink. This is done by
viewing the existing weblink (see Section IV.2.b) and clicking the “Duplicate” button in the
upper right corner.
The ‘Create Resource’ screen has three distinct tabs: General, Page Settings, and META
Keywords. The “META Keywords” tab is identical for both Weblink Resources and
Webpage Resources. The other tabs are different between the two Resource types.
• Title: The name of the Weblink as it will appear in the Site Tree
• Long title: A longer, user-friendly title. By default not visible to site visitors.
• Description: A description of what the link does or where it goes. By default not
visible to site visitors.
• Resource’s Alias: All resources are stored internally with ID numbers (e.g. An Alias allows you to assign a user-friendly name to
the Resource instead (e.g.
• Link Attributes: Attributes to be added to the link, such as “target” and “class”
declarations. These attributes must be valid HTML attributes.
• Weblink: If the Weblink is directed towards a page or item which is not part of your
website, this must be the full URL of the target item. If the Weblink is directed
towards a page or item within your website, this must be the numeric ID of the target
Resource (e.g. 7)
• Summary: A brief text description of the link or its content. By default not visible to
site visitors.
• Uses Template: Used to select which template (layout/style combination) will be
used to display the content of the weblink.
• Menu Title: The name of the weblink as it will appear in a menu list.
• Menu Index: Controls the ordering of an item in a menu list. “1” would be the first
item in a list, “2” the second, etc.
• Show in Menu: Determines whether or not the weblink appears in a menu list.
• Resource Parent: Determines where in the site hierarchy the weblink is positioned.
• Container? Specifies whether the Weblink ‘contains’ other Resources. This is only
useful in constructing navigation menus. “Contained” resources will appear as sub-
menu items of the Weblink.
• Rich Text? Specifies whether the Weblink contains Rich Text formatting. By default
it is checked; however, as Weblinks contain no actual content, the setting is not
actually used.
• Publish Date: If the Weblink is not published and a Publish Date is entered, then the
Weblink will automatically become published (visible) upon that specific date.
• Searchable: Determines whether or not the site’s “Search” function (if enabled) will
return the Weblink as a possible result.
e.iii. The META Keywords Tab
The “META Keywords” tab controls what (if any) META Tags and Keywords are associated
with a document.
See Section 5.d. (“Using META Tags and Keywords in Resources”) for instructions on how
to use META Tags and Keywords.
1. Use the Site Tree to navigate to the desired Weblink. (See Section IV.1)
2. Click the Weblink. The Page Data screen will open.
3. Click “Edit” in the upper right corner.
4. Change the desired field(s).
5. Click “Save” in the upper-right corner.
Note: It is not necessary to click “Save” after editing each individual tab (“General”, “Page
Settings”, “META Keywords”). As long as you click “Save” before navigating away from
the Weblink (by opening another screen or another document), any changes to all three tabs
will be saved.
g. What is a Webpage?
A webpage is a Resource which has content of its own (rather than being a redirection or
‘pointer’ to another document; i.e. a Weblink). Webpage Resources will make up the vast
majority of your sites content, and are used to create all the pages that your website visitors
New Resources can either be created at the root level of the main site, or as a ‘child’ to
another resource.
1. Use the Site Tree to navigate to the Resource you wish to view. (See Section IV.1)
2. Click on the desired Resource. The Page Data screen will open.
3. Click the “View Children” tab.
4. Click “Create Resource Here.” The “Create Resource” screen will open.
Note: You can also create a new webpage by duplicating an existing webpage. This is done
by viewing the existing webpage (see Section IV.2.b) and clicking the “Duplicate” button in
the upper right corner.
The ‘Create Resource’ screen has three distinct tabs: General, Page Settings, and META
Keywords. The “META Keywords” tab is identical for both Weblink Resources and
Webpage Resources. The other tabs are different between the two Resource types.
Beneath the tab-specific fields there is also a “Resource Content” area, visible on all three
tabs. This is addressed in Section IV.2.i “The Rich Text Editor”.
The General Tab for a webpage Resource contains basic information for the display and
organization of the webpage.
• Title: The name of the webpage as it will appear in the Site Tree
• Long title: A longer, user-friendly title. This is used by default as the main ‘header’
text of the webpage.
• Description: A description of the page’s content or purpose. Not visible to site
• Resource’s Alias: All resources are stored internally with ID numbers (e.g. An Alias allows you to assign a user-friendly name to
the Resource instead (e.g.
• Link Attributes: Attributes to be added, such as “target” and “class” declarations.
These attributes must be valid HTML attributes and affect how the page opens (for
instance, when clicked from a menu list).
• Summary: A brief text description of the link or its content. Not visible to site
• Uses Template: Used to select which template (layout/style combination) will be
used to display the content of the webpage.
• Menu Title: The name of the webpage as it will appear in a menu list.
• Menu Index: Controls the ordering of an item in a menu list. “1” would be the first
item in a list, “2” the second, etc.
• Show in Menu: Determines whether or not the webpage appears in a menu list.
• Resource Parent: Determines where in the site hierarchy the page is positioned.
• Rich Text? Specifies whether the webpage contains Rich Text formatting. By
default this is enabled; however, if the webpage content contains special coding (such
as Javascript), you may wish to disable this.
• Enable Stats Tracking: Logs stastitical information, such as how many visitors view
the page.
• Publish Date: If the webpage is not published and a Publish Date is entered, then the
webpage will automatically become published (visible) upon that specific date.
• Searchable: Determines whether or not the site’s “Search” function (if enabled) will
search within the webpage content.
• Cacheable: Determines whether or not the webpage may be stored in the site cache.
Items stored in cache can be delivered more quickly to visitors; however, if the
webpage contains dynamically generated code, it may return out of date results.
• Empty Cache? Instructs MODx to remove older copies of the document from the
cache, after you save changes to the document. This ensures that, after an edit is
complete, only the newer version is available for visitors.
See Section 5.d. (“Using META Tags and Keywords in Resources”) for instructions on how
to use META Tags and Keywords.
The Rich Text editor which is built in to MODx is called “TinyMCE.” It is the default editor
for webpage content. Most TinyMCE functions should be familiar to due to the software’s
strong resemblance to other major word processing programs. Hovering your mouse over an
icon will display the button’s function.
As the majority of functions are self-explanatory, this guide will only cover the following:
• Inserting hyperlinks
• Inserting images and multimedia
• Editing HTML code
• Applying styles
1. Type the text which you wish to transform into a link (e.g. “Learn more about our
2. Use your mouse to highlight the exact words which will become the link. (e.g. ‘our
3. Click on the chain-link icon. A new window will appear.
The “General” tab is all that is necessary to create a basic web link. There are, however, three
additional tabs available:
If you are not already familiar with the functionality and fields of the Popup, Events, and
Advanced tabs, you should avoid using them, as they are meant for advanced users.
1. Use the Site Tree to navigate to the desired Resource. (See Section IV.1)
2. Click the Resource. The Page Data screen will open.
3. Click “Edit” in the upper right corner.
4. Change the desired field(s).
5. Click “Save” in the upper-right corner.
Note: It is not necessary to click “Save” after editing each individual tab (“General”, “Page
Settings”, “META Keywords”). As long as you click “Save” before navigating away from
the Resource (by opening another screen or another document), any changes to all three tabs
will be saved.
1. Use the Site Tree to navigate to the desired Resource (See Section IV.1)
2. Click the Resource. The Page Data screen will open.
3. Click “Move” in the upper right corner.
4. Click the Resource in the Site Tree under which you wish the target Resource to
5. Click “Save” in the upper right corner.
Example: You have mistakenly created the page ‘Product X’ as a child of the ‘News’
webpage resource. You wish to move it so that it is a child of the ‘Products’ webpage
resource instead. Using the steps above, you will open the ‘Product X’ resource, click
‘Move’, select ‘Products’ from the Site Tree, and click ‘Save.’
1. Use the Site Tree to navigate to the desired Resource (See Section IV.1)
2. Click the Resource. The Page Data screen will open.
3. Click “Delete” in the upper right corner.
4. Click “OK” on the confirmation box.
Note: If you delete a resource which has children resources, all children resources will also
be deleted.
FirstChildRedirect tells a parent resource that instead of displaying itself, it should instead
automatically display the first child resource that it has.
Example: You do not have any particular text on your ‘Company’ page which you wish to
display, but you do want it to appear in the main menu. When people click on ‘Company’,
you want them instead to be automatically redirect to the ‘About Our Company’ webpage
(which is one of the children of ‘Company’, along with other children resources such as
‘Company History’ and ‘Join Our Team’). You will use FirstChildRedirect to do this.
m.ii. How to Use FirstChildRedirect
1. Use the Site Tree to navigate to the desired Resource. (See Section IV.1)
2. Click the Resource. The Page Data screen will open.
3. Click “Edit” in the upper right corner.
4. Scroll down to the ‘Resource Content’ field and type only the following line:
The command must be typed exactly as given above. After saving, the document will no
longer display its own content, but instead will redirect to the first child document available.
You may always remove the command at a later date to stop the redirect behavior.
3. Using Chunks
a. What is a Chunk?
A Chunk is a piece of (X)HTML and/or Javascript code which is written and stored for later
insertion and use. This allows the same piece of code to be used in multiple webpages
without the need to write the code in each individual webpage.
b. Accessing Chunks
1. Click the “Elements” navigational tab from the Content Manager screen.
2. Click the “Manage Elements” sub-navigational tab.
3. Click “Chunks” in the content window.
1. Navigate to the “Chunk” section of the Content Manager (see Section IV.3.b)
2. Click the “New Chunk” hyperlink in the content window.
3. The “Create/edit Chunk” screen will open.
Note: You can also create a new Chunk by duplicating an existing Chunk. This is done by
editing the existing Chunk (see Section IV.3.d) and clicking the “Duplicate” button in the
upper right corner.
Each Chunk consists of six (6) fields:
1. The Chunk Name is a short, one word name for the Chunk. This name is used to
identify the Chunk in the Chunk List, and will be used when you insert the Chunk
into another document.
Example: BackToTop
2. The Description is a line of text used to describe the function of the Chunk.
4. A New Category can be entered to create a new organizational group for a chunk
and place the chunk within that group.
5. Lock Chunk for Editing sets a security permission on the Chunk so that only
Administrator users can edit it in the future.
6. Chunk Code is a text field in which the raw (X)HTML code can be entered.
Note that only client-side code (code that is interpreted and parsed by the viewer’s internet
browser) can be used in a Chunk. This includes normal (X)HTML as well as client-side
scripting languages such as Javascript. Server-side code (code which is sent to the webserver
for processing, such as PHP, Python, and Java) cannot be used in a Chunk.
Remember to save the Chunk after creating it. The ‘Save’ button is located in the upper right-
hand corner of the editing screen.
d. Editing an Existing Chunk
1. Navigate to the “Chunk” section of the Content Manager (see Section IV.3.b)
2. Click the name of the Chunk you wish to edit, in the content window.
3. The “Create/edit Chunk” screen will open.
4. Edit one or more fields of the Chunk.
5. Click “Save” in the upper right-hand corner to save your changes.
e. Deleting a Chunk
1. Navigate to the “Chunk” section of the Content Manager (see Section IV.3.b)
2. Click the name of the Chunk you wish to edit, in the content window.
3. The “Create/edit Chunk” screen will open.
4. Click the “Delete” button in the upper right-hand corner.
5. Click “OK” when asked for confirmation.
In order to use a Chunk in a Resource, you must know the name of the Chunk you wish to
4. Save the Resource by clicking the ‘Save’ button in the upper right corner.
If you attempt to add a Chunk which does not exist (i.e. it has not yet been created, or you
have typed the name incorrectly), the Chunk insertion code will have no effect.
If you have added a Chunk but do not see the results of the Chunk on the Resource:
a. What is a Snippet?
A Snippet is a piece of PHP code which is written and stored for later insertion and use. This
allows the same piece of code to be used in multiple webpages without the need to write the
code in each individual webpage.
Users who are not comfortable with writing PHP code should not create new Snippets or edit
existing Snippets.
b. Accessing Snippets
1. Click the “Elements” navigational tab from the Content Manager screen.
2. Click the “Manage Elements” sub-navigational tab.
3. Click “Snippets” in the content window.
1. Navigate to the “Snippet” section of the Content Manager (see Section IV.4.b)
2. Click the “New Snippet” hyperlink in the content window.
3. The “Create/edit Snippet” screen will open.
Note: You can also create a new Snippet by duplicating an existing Snippet. This is done by
editing the existing Snippet (see Section IV.4.d) and clicking the “Duplicate” button in the
upper right corner.
Each Snippet consists of five (5) fields:
1. The Snippet Name is a short, one word name for the Snippet. This name is used to
identify the Snippet in the Snippet List, and will be used when you insert the Snippet
into another document.
Example: TodaysDate
2. The Description is a line of text used to describe the function of the Snippet.
3. Execute Snippet after saving: If the Snippet is meant to have an immediate effect
(rather than an effect when viewed on the webpage), checkmark the box. This is
usually not necessary.
4. Lock Snippet for Editing sets a security permission on the Snippet so that only
Administrator users can edit it in the future.
5. Snippet Code is a text field in which the PHP code can be entered.
Note that only server-side code (code that is interpreted and parsed by the webserver itself)
can be used in a Snippet. Client-side code (code which is sent to the viewer’s browser for
processing, such as Javascript) cannot be used in a Snippetk.
Remember to save the Snippet after creating it. The ‘Save’ button is located in the upper
right-hand corner of the editing screen.
d. Editing an Existing Snippet
1. Navigate to the “Snippet” section of the Content Manager (see Section IV.4.b)
2. Click the name of the Snippet you wish to edit, in the content window.
3. The “Create/edit Snippet” screen will open.
4. Edit one or more fields of the Snippet.
5. Click “Save” in the upper right-hand corner to save your changes.
e. Deleting a Snippet
1. Navigate to the “Snippet” section of the Content Manager (see Section IV.4.b)
2. Click the name of the Snippet you wish to edit, in the content window.
3. The “Create/edit Snippet” screen will open.
4. Click the “Delete” button in the upper right-hand corner.
5. Click “OK” when asked for confirmation.
In order to use a Snippet in a Resource, you must know the name of the Snippet you wish to
4. Save the Resource by clicking the ‘Save’ button in the upper right corner.
If you attempt to add a Snippet which does not exist (i.e. it has not yet been created, or you
have typed the name incorrectly), the Snippet insertion code will have no effect.
If you have added a Snippet but do not see the results of the Snippet on the Resource:
b. Viewing a File
The file will open in a textbox in the lower half of the screen. You are able to make changes
to the file, but you will be unable to save these changes and make them permanent.
c. Editing a File
1. Navigate to the File Manager (see Section IV.5.a)
2. Locate the file you wish to edit in the Directory Listing.
3. Click the green checkmark icon to edit the file.
The file will open in a textbox in the lower half of the screen. You are able to make changes
to the file. Click the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen to save your changes.
d. Uploading a File
4. Click “Choose”. A file explorer window will appear which shows the files of your
local computer.
5. Locate and click the file which you wish to upload.
6. Click “Open.” The file will now appear underneath the “Upload File” area.
Note: You may repeat steps 4-6 to upload multiple files at one time.
e. Deleting a File
Note: Deleting a file or folder cannot be undone. Make certain that the file you are deleting
is not used by other parts of the site. Deleting necessary system files can damage your site.
The new directory will immediately appear as a new folder at the level which you chose.
6. Using Meta Tags and Keywords
If you are not sure what a particular Tag type represents or what value is appropriate, click the
“HTML Reference Guide” link just below the “Tag” field for more information.
c. Managing Keywords
i. Viewing Keywords
A list of all keywords present in the website is immediately visible in the lower half of the
META Tags screen. Keywords are simple phrases and have no additional properties.
When editing keywords, it is possible to rename or delete multiple keywords at the same time.
1. Use the Site Tree to navigate to the Resource you wish to edit (see Section IV.1)
2. Edit the Resource (see Section IV.2)
3. Select the META Keywords tab.
4. Using your mouse, click the keywords and META Tags which you wish to add to
the document. Hold down the CTRL key while clicking to select multiple tags.
5. Click the “Clear keywords” or “Clear META Tags” buttons to remove all
keywords or tags from a document.
6. Click the “Save” button in the upper right corner to save your changes.
V. Other Functions
MODx has the ability to import normal, non-MODx HTML documents and transform them
into MODx Resources. This is not the recommended way to add content to your MODx site,
but it is very useful when converting a site that contains a large number of existing HTML
The Import HTML function will convert an entire HTML site, including folders, subfolders,
and all content contained therein.
Note: You can also export a MODx site into normal HTML files; however, this is an
advanced function which is only available to administrators.
1. Upload all of the desired HTML files and folders into the /assets/import directory of
your MODx website (see Section IV.4 – “Using Files”).
2. Click the “Tools” tab in the Content Manager.
3. Click the “Import HTML” sub-navigation tab.
4. Click on the desired Parent Resource in the left-hand Site Tree.
All imported HTML files will be placed directly under the Parent Resource which you select.
Note: Changing the “Max import time” is not recommended. The Import function is capable
of processing almost 1000 documents per second; thus 30 seconds is more than sufficient for
most websites.
2. The Reports Tab: Scheduled (Un)-Publications
The Reports Tab allows you to access the Schedules: a list of Resources which are pending
publication or un-publication at a future time.
The Resources are not directly editable from the Schedule screen. Clicking on the Resource’s
title will open the general overview screen of the Resource itself, from which it can be edited
or deleted.
3. User Administration
The User Administration screens are accessible via the small toolbar in the upper right corner
of every screen.
Password changes are immediate. You will need to use your new password the next time you
access the Content Manager.
c. Accessing Messages
The Content Management message interface can be accessed by clicking the ‘Messages’ link
in the User Administration bar.
The Inbox contains a list of all messages sent to you or a User Group of which you are a
member. Unread messages are marked with a star and green text. Messages which have
already been read have black text and no star.
c.ii. Reading, Replying To, and Deleting Messages
Clicking on a message in your inbox will open the “Read Message” screen.
From this screen you can use the topmost row of buttons to reply to the sender of the message,
forward the message to another user, or delete the message.
The options to ‘Reply’ or ‘Forward’ a message transfer you into the ‘Compose a Message’
screen (see Section X.2.iii), with some fields already filled in for your convenience.
Note: Clicking on the Delete button immediately removes the message. There is no way to
‘undo’ the deletion of a message.
Note: Clicking ‘Send’ immediately sends the message. There is no way to ‘undo’ a message
once it is sent.
d. Accessing Help Files
General help resources for the MODx CMS can be accessed by clicking the ‘Help’ link in the
User Administration bar. Most help resources are available directly from the MODx website.
Note: As of this writing, the MODx online help does not make a distinction between Content
Editor users and Administrative users. Adminstrative content will be displayed along with
editorial content.
e. Logging Out
Logging out of the Content Manager is done by clicking the “Logout” button on the User
Administration bar. You will be immediately logged out and returned to the Content
Management login page.
All other aspects of user administration (e.g. changing a user’s name, email address, or other
information) must be done by the site administrator.
Appendix I: Editor Styles & Tricks
Within the content editor window is a small drop-down menu called “Styles.” This section
contains “special formatting” that can be used on text or images which are present in a page.
a. Applying a Style
1. Click and hold your left mouse button while dragging it over the desired text or image.
This will ‘highlight’ the target text/image.
2. With the text/image highlighted, select the desired style from the drop-down list.
Note: It is not possible to add more than one style to a particular image or text.
b. Removing a Style
Adding and deleting styles is simple but requires a knowledge of CSS and full administrative
access to the server. As such, Content Editors are unable to add or delete styles. Nonetheless,
the process will be described here for reference purposes.
a. Adding Styles
1. Locate and open the site.css file for the site template being used. This is usually
located at: /assets/templates/(your template)/site.css
2. Add a new CSS rule for the effect you wish to use. Example: .red { color:#FF0000; }
3. Save the CSS and re-upload if necessary.
4. Log in to the MODx Content Manager interface using a full administrator username
and password. (See section 3.II – “Accessing the Content Manager”)
5a. Navigate to “Security” > “Manage Users” > (Username) > “User” tab. Locate the
“CSS Selectors” field on this tab.
5b. Navigate to “Tools” > “Configuration” > “Interface & Features” tab. Locate the “CSS
Selectors” field on this tab.
6. Enter the display text which will appear in the “Styles” drop down list, followed by the
name of the CSS selector in the CSS file itself.
Note: No leading dot (.) is required before the CSS class. Entries must be separated by a
semi-colon, but the final item in the CSS selectors list should not have a trailing semi-colon.
b. Deleting Styles
1. Navigate to the appropriate “CSS Selectors” field (see Section 3.A for instructions)
2. Remove the desired Style from the list.
3. Click “Save” in the upper right corner.