TFC 280

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i o | TATA TFC-280-45 CRAWLER CRANE CLAMSHELL. & DRAGLINE 75 TON eiOns circ 19.8579) “Ravine TATA TO 20-45 Max. Lifting Capacity .. 75 tonnes Boom Length... vib Length .. Dragline Bucket Capacity .. 15.24 - 45.72 metres 9.14 metres 1.92.68 cum Clamshell Bucket Capacity....... 1.9 ~2.29.cum TATA TFC - 280 - 45 Max. Liting capacity Boom Length Lattice FLy Jib Crawler Crane - Load Chart 75 Tonnes. 15.24 - 46.72 metros, 9.14 metros, RATED CRANE LOADS IN KG (AS PER IS 4573) TATA TRC 200-45 Operating | 15:24m | 16.29m | 21.4m | 24.a8m | a7.49m | 30.48m | 33.53m | 36.58m | 39.6am | 42.67m ]45.72n radius | boom | boom | ‘boom | boom | ‘boom | boom | boom | bom | boom } boom | boom ber | 7500p 457 | sores | soe : 610 | 2880} 50455 |. 0820 | setts | a1n60 22 | 24049 | 2sea5 | 23700 | ase | gsa60 | aaiss | 20000 | ‘a4 ¥9005 | se800 [1868s | tesco | 1625 | sax20 | 17985 | 17700 1087 +5800 | 15400 | 15260 | 15060 | 14920 | 14720 | 14560 | 14960 | 14290 | 14080 vere | sa1sg-} 12050 | 12015 | rasio | azars | 2270 | 42130 | 1900 | 1790 | 11500 Br sia40 | stra | t3000 | so7e5 | rosea | tosss | 10x20 | rors | se80 | a77s 15.24 sees | gees | ose | ais | ‘020s | 00s | ‘eees | ‘soo | ose 1678 ses] e4eo | ass | stz0 | 701s | 7700 | 7575 | 7440 18.29 res | 7550] 7045 | io10 | 700s | on70 | 6065 | 6500 1981 eras | esa | 6205 | 6190 | eoss | sa50 | srrs 24.94 : oss | sao | s715 | sto | 5375 | sizo | 035 Bea 490 | 471s | aso | ae7s | 4470 | 4005 2743 : 000 | 3805 | 3560 | sass | 2020 3048 000 | 2008 | 2720 | 2505 3259 . wm | 2220 | 2085 3685 L : l CRANE RANGE DIAGRAM Nore (@) Ratings are as per IS 4573, ie. 75% of tipping load for forware stability and 70% for backward stability, (b) Capacities include the weight of the hook block, slings, ete. (c) Capacities are for machine standard on firm, level uniform ‘supporting surface and depend upon the mounting, Ground, boom longth, radius of operation and proper handling; all of which must be taken into account by the user. (d) Deduct 680 kg for 6.10m jib and 910 kg for 9.14 jb. CAUTION Machine must not be used {or iting operations with the gantry in lowered postion, 131 TATA TFC - 280 - 45 Crawler Crane Basic Machine soo 75 Tonnes 46.24 - 45.72 metres 9,44 metres TRANSPORTATION DATA a supernates gig 28.8009 Hi re tygeem new N =e TATA TFC - 280 - 45 Max. iting capacity «» 78-Tonnes Boom Length scnanimiseiniees 15 24 - 45.72 metres Lattice FLy J! gad metres Crane Specifications " 4 BOOM Drum Shaft Assembly ‘Angle latice alloy toe! constuction, with pin joints. Open [Ling Grane | Cable [ Gable [ Line]. Line = {hroat with fourboom point sheaves on antvficton-bearings | Drums dia. | Capacity | Pulls’ | Speeds of bottom giameter 610 mm. Piteh dia tet wrap 10 part boom hoist reeving standard for all boom lengths. (mm) (mm) «my (kg) | (mpm) FRONT 635 26 39.32 15730 49 ‘Maximum Rated Load : 75,000 kg REAR 635 26 22.25 16787 bed at 8167 m operating ads 5 * Line puls and speeds baséd on firs ayer of rope and Basie Boom Length weiss 124M engine at ful load speed {in two sections) Boom Upper ...9.14 m (30 f) Boom Lover 6.10 m (20 8) Ground Pressure ‘Operating Weight 70,480 kg STAI TIONAL [Eauinped with 75 tonne capacity. STANDARD ue hook and 21.6 tonne counter woxgnt) [ Shoe width tara Toe am Bodine 2 2 {i wy ptonal Ground Pressure | 0.73 ko/ 10.64 kg/ 6m (20 ft) Optional A JIB Hack Block ‘Angle ative eloy stee! construction, 7 tonne 4 sheave with Suivel Nook Two ib lengths are avaiable, and 8 part MOIS LINE... i ‘Standard deta 6.10m (20 ft) wight ot Hook Beck Asai wth 4 seve se 814m 0m) stcerareneys Soeesetne 996 kg Jib Hook Block Weight... 300 kg ‘This hook block assembly can be converted to 3 sheave or ‘Capacity... 7000 kg 2 sheave or singe sheave by using quired spacers. MAXIMUM JIB RATINGS Hoist Reeving and Hook Block Assembly Offset angle 610m 914m Iibte boom ib ib woo ft Te Te + undo load 7 7 No.otpats | @ | 6 | 4 | 2 | 14 a “6350 "5895, ating 10 6135 3870 Maximum 75,000 | 68,040 | 45,360]22,680 |11,340 48° (max) 5695, S445 Load i 9. ib ratings at any operating radius are the samo as Crane Hook-Block -|:7008 (| seas" | 721 500 ratings shown in table for main born when operated at that Weight xo radius but not to exceed maximum jb ratings shown, ween Maximum jb operating radus not to exceed length of main Noto Use 174.5 kg cheek plate torerehd t bbtwoel 130 TATA TRG 280-45, eee

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