Evacuation of Disabled People: WWW - Firecall.ltd - Uk

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Evacuation of Disabled People

Fire drills should be undertaken at least annually, more frequently where there are sta / occupancy changes.
Six monthly re drills are recommended.

A sucient number of volunteer

helpers should be trained in the use of
specialised equipment for this purpose,
e.g. 'evacuation chairs' or how to carry
people down the stairs safely.
Purpose designed evacuation lifts are suitable for
use by disabled persons in the event of re.
However, where a lift does not meet this criteria,
disabled persons should be assisted from upper
oors to a place of safety outside by trained
personnel, via the protected stairways.

It is normal practice where disabled people work on upper oors of buildings, to

provide a safe 'refuge' within a re protected area.
Such areas should be clearly marked and allow sucient space for wheelchair users
to await assistance, whilst maintaining unhindered egress for the able-bodied.
In order to avoid congestion on the staircase, disabled persons should be assisted or
guided out of the premises by their helpers after the main 'body' of occupants has

Without exception, disabled members

of sta should take part in re drills.


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