Yoga Breathing Techniques PDF
Yoga Breathing Techniques PDF
Yoga Breathing Techniques PDF
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Important Notice:
This document is intended for informational purposes only. Although the practices outlined
within these pages are generally deemed safe, without personal guidance International Yogalayam cannot ensure that the techniques described therein will be performed correctly and
thus, without harm. By engaging in the practices described within this document, you agree to
do so at your own risk, and therefore personally assume all responsibility.
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Sukha Pranayama
(The easy breath)
Viraghya Pranayama
(The tiger breath)
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1. Dirgha Pranayama
Its important, right from the beginning, to learn to breathe deeply and slowly in a controlled manner. This is known as dirgha pranayama (or simply, long or prolonged breathing).
The greatest amount of prana is absorbed by the nerve endings which line the lungs. Shallow
breathing limits the amount of absorption, and therefore is a major cause of many of the chronic
health problems that people face. The re-establishment of deep, full breathing is so important to
re-gaining and maintaining good health.
Relax and take a few comfortable breaths in your own rhythm, and then try again a little
deeper, as described above.
Again relax your breath for a few rounds when you feel the urge to do so.
Try a third set, without forcing yourself too much, or overdoing it.
When complete, lie down (in Shava Asana) and breathe in a relaxed fashion, inhaling and exhaling only through the nose now. Allow your body to let go of all tension, while at the same time
just keeping your attention on your breath without trying to affect or direct it in any way. Try to
maintain your attention for at least 5 minutes before allowing yourself to let go off all efforts and
relax completely.
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2. Sukha Pranayama
Sukha is the Sanskrit word for easy. We use this yoga breathing technique, (the easy breath) to
help develop a slow and steady breathing rhythm.
After a few moments, perform another 6 to 10 rounds of the sukha breathing rhythm.
Finish by lying down for 5 to 10 minutes, relaxing the breath and letting go of all tension.
After a few days, begin to increase the duration of practice, breathing in the sukha rhythm
(6-count in and 6-count out) eventually up to 5 minutes at a time.
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Again, sit comfortably with your eyes closed and spine straight.
Allow yourself to breathe naturally for a few minutes, letting go of any tension in your body
and calming your mind.
In this yoga breathing technique, breathing happens only through the nose.
Perform 6 to 9 rounds
Relax the breath for a few moments, and then repeat another 6 to 9 rounds again if able.
Finish by lying down for 5 to 10 minutes, relaxing the breath and letting go of all tension.
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Inhale (to a 6-count) while slowly lowering the abdomen toward the floor and raising the
head, neck and chin skyward into a nice back bend.
Exhale (again to a 6-count) and slowly lower the head, drawing your chin in towards the
chest, while at the same time pushing firmly with the arms and raising the back into a nice
high arch.
Relax for a few breaths and then repeat another round of 6 to 9 repetitions.
Finish by lying down for 5 to 10 minutes, relaxing the breath and letting go of all tension.
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