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Joyce E. Bronteng (M.Phil)

College of Education: Dept. of Teaching and Learning
Childhood Education
University of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Avenue -EDU 202
Tampa, Florida 33620
Mobile: 813-362-7137

Area of Interest
Multivocal Studies involving Young
Learners, Parents and Teachers
Issues of Bilingual/Dual Language
Literacy Pedagogies

Education ____________________________________________________________________
Ph.D. (In progress)

University of South Florida, Tampa FL

Curriculum and Instruction, Early Childhood Education
Cognate: Literacy

M. Phil., 2008

University of Education, Winneba-Ghana

Applied Linguistics

B.Ed., 2005

University of Education, Winneba

Ghanaian Languages (Akan-Nzema) Bilingual Teaching

Professional Experience _________________________________________________________

Graduate Assistant University of South, Tampa, FL
Teaching and Supervision of Pre-Service teachers in Early Childhood

University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana

Teaching and Supervision of Pre-Service teachers in Basic and
Early Childhood

Regional Basic
Sch. Coordinator

Western Region Education Office, Sekondi, Ghana

Facilitated workshops and training programs for District Basic
School Coordinators in Western Region, Ghana. Co-facilitated programs
at district and school level for In-Service teachers (When needed).
Supervised and monitored basic schools in the Western Region of Ghana
and reports to Headquarters (National).


Methodist Primary A/B, Winneba, Ghana.

Bilingual Teacher, Taught English and Ghanaian Language in Upper
Primary (Classes 4-6)

Graduate Assistant University of Education, Winneba, Ghana.

Organized Tutorials (Linguistics courses) for undergraduate students


A.M.E. Zion Junior Secondary School, Nkontompo-Sekondi, Ghana

Bilingual Teacher taught English in Forms 1 to 3, Ghanaian Language and
Culture in Form 3 and Religious and Moral Education (RME) in Form 3


A.M.E. Zion Primary School, Nkontompo-Sekondi, Ghana

Taught all subjects in Class 1

Publication(s) _________________________________________________________________
Bosiwah, L. & Bronteng, J. E. (2015). The power of meaningful gestures in teaching and
learning literacy: A case study in some selected early childhood centres in the Cape
Coast Metropolis in the Central Region of Ghana. International Journal of Elementary
Education, 4(3), 46-55.
Ampa, E., Boesiwa, K., & Bronteng, E. (2008). Mfantse kasasua na amambra. JHS 1.
Accra, Ghana: Masterman Publications.
Ampa, E., Boesiwa, K., & Bronteng, E. (2008). Mfantse kasasua na amambra. JHS 2.
Accra, Ghana: Masterman Publications.
Ampa, E., Boesiwa, K., & Bronteng, E. (2008). Mfantse kasasua na amambra. JHS 3.
Accra, Ghana: Masterman Publications.
Ampa, E., Boesiwa, K., & Bronteng, E. (2008). Mfantse kasasua na amambra. JHS 1
Teachers Guide. Accra, Ghana: Masterman Publications.
Ampa, E., Boesiwa, K., & Bronteng, E. (2008). Mfantse kasasua na amambra. JHS 2
Teachers Guide. Accra, Ghana: Masterman Publications.
Ampa, E., Boesiwa, K., & Bronteng, E. (2008). Mfantse kasasua na amambra. JHS 3
Teachers Guide. Accra, Ghana: Masterman Publications.
In Press:
Bosiwah, L. & Bronteng, E. J. (in press). Mfantse kasasua na amambra. Primary Classes 1-6
Accra, Ghana: Masterman Publications.
Bosiwah, L., & Bronteng, E. J. (in press). Mfantse kasasua na amambra. (Revised ed.) JHS
forms 1-3. Accra, Ghana: Masterman Publications.

Bronteng, J. E. (2015). Lets get it right: Helping pre-service teachers become self-directed
Learners. Presentation at the 3rd Annual USF COEDU Inquiry Conference at MOSI,
Tampa, FL.
Berson, I. R., Berson, M. J., Alsuhail, H., Cross, M. D., Osafo-Acquah, A., Ozel, O., &
J. E. (2015). Seeing civics through visual representation in U.S. and Ghanaian
kindergarten classrooms. Presentation at American Education Research Association
conference, Chicago, Illinois. 2015
Berson, I. R., Berson, M. J., Etsey, K., Osafo-Acquah, A., & Bronteng, J. E. (2015). Being a
citizen: An xploration of Civics Themes in Ghanaian Curriculum. Presentation at
Education Research Association conference, Chicago, Illinois. 2015
Berson, I. R., Berson, M. J., Osafo-Acquah, A., & Bronteng, J. E. (2015). Examining civics
development in kindergarten classrooms in Ghana and the United States. Presentation at
USF Institute on Black Life and the Center for Africa and the Diaspora Conference,
Marshall Center, Tampa, FL.
Bosiwah, L. & Bronteng, J. E. (2013). The power of meaningful Gestures in teaching and
learning literacy: A case study in some Selected early childhood centres in the Cape
Coast Metropolis in the Central Region of Ghana. Presentation at 4th International
Annual Conference of Collaboration of Education Faculties in West Africa (CEFWA)
University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana.
Etsey, F. K., Bronteng, J. E., Bello, Z. (2012). Evaluation of the implementation of the National
Literacy Acceleration Programme (NALAP) in the Cape Coast Metropolis. Presentation
at the 1st Annual Conference of International Research in Early Childhood Education.
University of Cape Coast, Ghana. 2012
University Experience___________________________________________________________
University of South Florida EEC 4706: Language and Emerging Literacy
(Introduces students to language and emerging literacy
EEC 4203: Programs for Young Children
(Introduces students to the philosophy and curriculum of
different early childhood program models)
University of Cape Coast

ECE 210: Pedagogy for Early Childhood Education


(method course that explores developmentally appropriate

practices and strategies suitable for instructing young
SIE 315/DEC 015: Fundamentals of Teaching Reading
in Early Childhood Education
(Method course for reading instruction in ECE)
ECE 313/EBS 310/DEC 036S: Ghanaian Languages as
Medium of Instruction
(Introduces students to techniques and skills of
using the mother tongue as a medium of
instruction in the Basic Schools in Ghana)
ECE 221: Ghanaian Language for Early Childhood
Education Teachers
(Methods course for Ghanaian Language
instruction for ECE major students)
EBS 217: Ghanaian Language for Basic School Teachers
(Introductory course in Ghanaian language
Study-Akan option)
EBS 314 G: Methods of Teaching Ghanaian Languages
(Methods course for Ghanaian Language
instruction for Basic school major students)
ECE 313: Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood
(Explores the core issues relating to early
childhood education with special focus on
ECE 111: Health and Safety Issues in ECE
(Introduces students to health and safety
practices that must prevail in ECE environment
to keep children safe and healthy)

University of South Florida

EEC 4941: Field Experiences I (Internship Level 1)

(Provides clinical experience for Level I ECE major)
EEC 4942: Field Experiences II (Internship Level 2)
(Provides clinical experience for Level II ECE major)

University of Cape Coast

ECE 014S: Field Experience in Early Childhood

(Provides clinical experience for students in the ECE
Certificate program)
ECE 311: Field Experience I (On-Campus Teaching
(Provides clinical experience for ECE major
students through peer teaching)
EDP 400: Final Field Experience
(Provides students one full semester clinical
experience in their placement schools)
Other Experiences _____________________________________________________________

Member of the Forum of Experts on Campaign Language invited by the

West Africa Media Foundation to train Language teachers to monitor use
on radio by Politicians towards peaceful election in 2012. Sunlodge
Hotel, Tesano, Accra-Ghana


Editor, Fante version of the fisheries Regulation/Act


Co-Reviewer, Headteachers handbook for basic schools in

Ghana- Ghana Education Service


Co-Reviewer, School management committee resource

handbook for basic schools in Ghana Ghana Education Service


Regional Education Directorates representative for Board of

Governors - Bonzo Kaku Senior High, Western Region-Ghana


Teaching and Learning-Early Childhood, COEDU, USF

Fall 2014-Present

Grade Masters Comprehensive Exam for Early Childhood


Basic Education, Col. of Edu. UCC- Cape Coast, Ghana

Participated in the 3day retreat for the review of Department of Basic
(DBE) courses at Manner Heights Hotel, Mankessim, Ghana.


Coordinator-DBE Sandwich Programs

2012 -2014

Academic Councilor for Level 200 Students in the DBE

Education, UCC, Ghana.


Co-Facilitated Workshops organized by the DBE for basic schools

in the University of Cape Coast catchment areas as part of their community


Facilitator, 3rd Annual USF COEDU Inquiry Conference held at MOSI on
April 27th, 2015.


Col. of Edu. UCC, Ghana

Faculty of Educations Representative to UCC Basic Schools
Management Board


Team Leader, Post-Diploma in Basic Education (Sandwich) Examination

Institute of Education-UCC


University of Cape Coast- Cape Coast, Ghana


Co-Represented the Vice Chancellor on the National forum on the Ghana

Reading Action Plan (GRAP) organized by Ghana Education Service (GES)
at Teachers Hall, GNAT Headquarters, Accra


Tampa, FL


Sunday school teacher. Pentecost International Worship Center (PIWC)


Member, Womens Movement. PIWC


Central Region, Ghana

Co-Facilitator, 3-Day Early Grade Reading Workshop for ECE Teachers
organized by PLAN International held at Windy Lodge-Winneba.


Radio Guest for childrens program dubbed Kiddy Time (Discussion on the
importance of bilingual education) on Radio Central, Cape Coast, Ghana


Co-Judge Childrens talent hunt program Dubbed The Cape got Talents on
Coastal Television and Radio Central, Cape Coast, Ghana.


Radio Discussant (Bi-weekly discussion on the importance of National

Literacy Acceleration Programme (NALAP-Language of instruction policy
for Early Childhood Education of public schools in Ghana). Atlantic
100.5 F.M (University of Cape Coast Radio station), Cape Coast, Ghana.

Awards and Honors____________________________________________________________


Brookes Graduate NAECTE Membership Scholarship

(2006 & 2007)

Carnegie grant for Female Graduate Students. UEW

Class Honors bachelors degree, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana


University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG)


Graduate Member NAECTE



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