Ela 10 Syllabus

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10 Syllabus
Instructor: Ms. Ackerman -- jackerman@detroitdenby.org

Course Description
English class is where we learn how to interact with the world through
reading, writing, thinking, and speaking. In English 10, we will become more
thoughtful readers, more purposeful writers, more critical thinkers, and more
articulate speakers. We will study a wide variety of texts, write pieces in
various writing genres, and engage in many stimulating dialogues.


1. Launching the Writers Notebook:

2. Independent Reading: Memoir
3. Basics of Argumentation: Film Review
4. Narrative Reading: Heroes


5. Literary Essay
6. Informational Reading: Identifying the
Needs and Assets of Detroit
7. Informational Essay
8. Argument Writing Genres: Op-Ed

All students will achieve 80% average content mastery.

All students will grow 2 years in reading.
All students will work as a team to grow academically.


Participation and
Responsibility: 10%


Assignments (Classwork and

Homework): 40%
Assessments: 50%

Classroom Expectations

1. Treat every person in
this classroom as
your teammate.

Why does this matter?

Relationships: In order to be successful global
participants, we must learn to work together and
learn from one another despite our differences. By
coming together as a classroom community, we will
achieve more than any one of us can achieve alone.

Relevance: We cannot afford to waste any time in our
2. Complete all assigned pursuit of excellence. We must be present both
physically and mentally no matter what is going on
outside of the classroom. Only when our classroom

community works together relentlessly will we

achieve all that we need to.

Respect: We are adults, and must prepare ourselves
3. Keep the classroom a to be in the places that education will take us. We
must behave professionally to create a positive
place of learning.
atmosphere for learning by respecting others ideas

and identities, responding appropriately, and
collaborating effectively.

4. Follow instructions Responsibility: We have so far to go in life, and
the first time they are cannot afford to casually stroll along in our pursuit of
excellence. We must perpetually and swiftly move
forward without wasting even one precious second.

Rigor: Learning is a lifelong process that does not
5. Always try your best. end after college. In the relentless pursuit of
excellence, we will all uncover our shortcomings and

must use those shortcomings as learning experiences

rather than failures.

Classroom Consequences

#1. Warning
#2. Fill Out Reflection Sheet
#3. Parent Phone Call with Advisor
#4. Referral to Behaviorist
#5. Referral to Dean of Climate and Culture

Procedures and Policies

1. Entering Class:
Enter the classroom silently.
Sign the appropriate sheet in the attendance binder.
Collect handouts and binder.
Check out any materials you need from Ms. Ackerman.
Go to your assigned seat.
Begin working on the Do Now.

2. Restroom and Leaving Class:
No leaving the room during first or last 15 minutes of class.
One person out at a time.
Ask teacher, sign out, and take appropriate hall pass.
Sign back in when you return to class
Up to 4 passes per Quarter (any passes left will count as extra credit).

3. Exiting Class:
The bell does not dismiss you; the teacher dismisses you.
Place all work in your binder.
Push in your chair and leave your desk clean.
Place your binder on the appropriate shelf.
Return any materials to the student station.

4. Cell Phones/Headphones:
Keep your electronics off and out of sight.
If a phone is seen or heard, a Behaviorist will collect it and your parent
will have to pick it up from school.

5. Absences/Tardies:
After 3 absences or tardies, your advisor will contact your parent.
Work will be set aside for you and labeled with the date of the lesson. It
will also be posted on the class website.
All absent work is due 1 week after absence or no credit is awarded.

6. Extra Help:
Office Hours: I am available to for meetings and academic assistance
every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:45pm to 4:45pm in Room 315.

7. Parent Communication:
Parents and students, please follow the directions below to sign up for
class reminders through text message!

Our classroom website has information for parent, as well as lesson materials
and assignments for students. Here is the address:


Please return the last page of this syllabus to Ms. Ackerman before
September 18th. It will count as a 10-point homework grade.

Student/Parent/Teacher Responsibility Form

I have read the course requirements and expectations for English 10 with my
child and fully understand what is expected in this course.

Student Name: _________________________________________ Hour: ___________

Parent Signature: ___________________________ Date: ________________________

Student Signature: ___________________________ Date: ________________________

Best phone number to reach parent: _______________________________________

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