Q6 List Down Some of The Considerations That An IT Consultant Will Probably Consider While Evaluating The Bids From ITIA?

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Q6 List down some of the considerations that an IT consultant will probably consider

while evaluating the bids from ITIA?

In order to support the end to end process of selecting the ITIA, an IT consultant will have the
following considerations
Bid and Documents
1. Bidders should pass all the eligibility criteria listed in the RFP of the ITIA
2. The bidder should not have any conflict of interests with the Utility.
3. Provision and completeness of all required documents and technical documentation as requested
in the RFP of ITIA.
4. Financial/Price Proposal along with all supporting documents have been provided
5. Acceptance of all terms and conditions by the Bidder.
6. Bid Price quoted in Price Proposal
7. A combination of Technical and Price score as per the formula mentioned in the RFP of the ITIA.

Technical Solution, Approach and Methodology

8. Relevance of the methodology and work plan proposed by the ITIA.

9. Use of tools and supporting services that reduces cost or improves delivery time or improves
quality of deliverables.
10. Project plan or timelines should not deviate from the defined scope and the SRS document.
11. The relative importance of each module to be implemented based on functionality and the bidders
solution to each requirement.

12. Relevant CVs (Number of specialists/ resources) for different roles for each of the various IT
implementation projects.
13. Number of dedicated, shared and shadow resources that would be deployed by vendor and who
will require certain access permissions to the current IT Systems.

Project Experience

14. Bidders relevant project experience in the implementation GIS, MIS, Web Self Service, Asset
Management, Maintenance Management, Billing, Metering, Energy Auditing / Accounting,
Customer Care, Network, hardware and all other modules as part of the SRS documents.
15. ARR/DPRs which have been approved by respective Regulatory Commission, with clear mention
of the project details and its value

Firm Details

16. Prior Experience/ interaction with the utility.

17. Size of the firm in terms of Turn Over in the last 3 years and number of employees, along with the
age of the Firm.
18. Relevant IT Experience in Power Industry and experience in the implementation of various
modules. Minimum experience criteria in the Utility industry.
19. Size of the relevant projects (In Crores) executed by the bidder.
20. Number of clients serviced.
21. Certifications such as ISO and CMMI
22. History of any corrupt practices.
23. Location of the Firm and ease of travel

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