Q6 List Down Some of The Considerations That An IT Consultant Will Probably Consider While Evaluating The Bids From ITIA?
Q6 List Down Some of The Considerations That An IT Consultant Will Probably Consider While Evaluating The Bids From ITIA?
Q6 List Down Some of The Considerations That An IT Consultant Will Probably Consider While Evaluating The Bids From ITIA?
12. Relevant CVs (Number of specialists/ resources) for different roles for each of the various IT
implementation projects.
13. Number of dedicated, shared and shadow resources that would be deployed by vendor and who
will require certain access permissions to the current IT Systems.
Project Experience
14. Bidders relevant project experience in the implementation GIS, MIS, Web Self Service, Asset
Management, Maintenance Management, Billing, Metering, Energy Auditing / Accounting,
Customer Care, Network, hardware and all other modules as part of the SRS documents.
15. ARR/DPRs which have been approved by respective Regulatory Commission, with clear mention
of the project details and its value
Firm Details