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‘Agi Projet Management wth Serum ge] ovvenscrwaner ssonsraorseae Projet Repring—Keepng Evening Vil seang Poet Lang erm[raves ne] Back Cover “Tere andres for ens ingle ces margin complex pose award anges ean. Sou npy Hee ck peer {easing raven paclones oe na enster ever eps manager han ro ang sree mhuinaing sree ate es cen (ocratr and evangee Ken Scar ores the ea war eseoneie ursetes anaes om he Yeats emparene contrg cranes in ale ret ‘meageren Trough hem jv undesa omt ure Serumie sve caries eles aah eerste aebeng mae Yl wae fer. Cane anzatonin eum meony—an rsteeyoureedi: 1 ein nevente most compos. ety projects 1 eos manage inion or changing prc eguamrts ‘Simpy ne cna otcarmans mtn at managng vegeta 1 ea raiee poet paige ara requestoo 1 eute—artretese— prose n3-y yelss ctersget etverbies ear 1 mutes ny ogy ropes. fepeing ena resin et supertmipleteams waning on alargeacle poet tom many geogagnistcaene About Autor an Sener cogevtpe ne Seu rset wn ef Suhr in te ex 880th eranatenscngging win camps devespnent pj, One the epson tne ‘ale Mantes n 2001 ne sacomeray unde Aglare, nag exganzatonsadenes eon gle ste ang erty sare atc fe Sot ATe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Agile Project Management with Scrum [A Bunn ot eet Capron Fearne Waenngon S002 #098 cepyign© 20040 Kan Sememer Areca No ps le corsa Hok maybe epradied ar aera fm ry Sy men wou he wtlen emia Se pb Dale Pj anagenan wth Som Kan Sehwabet 1 compie sotase- Deeper. 2 Peet mangement 3. Scum Carpet atwaredevecpet | Tie. isretetn Canaan y H.. Fenn are Company Lis |i casagu recor he tsk eae om hen ray. cosa Pree oot ae aati toug ookalr ardor wate For past ieafonl stone cr raton ce Moos and Mota Pee ae eer oglered rgamass or tadenan of Mira Caronton me Und Stier ander iner coun, One roc! an conpany ame‘he cramp cangancs, panto, posi, oma ramet, eat ses:e, pos, peopl paces ae eves ped hare are bout Ne ssocton mh ny et Company aganton peau conan rane «ira sass loge peean pace or events ences shousbe weed “rie papers ine anor Wows aopiene. The noma conten he tek rove witou ay express sto, imped ware. Neerthe aus Moosot Capoaon nor cee or aaron fr ary sage cause age be cased cite ae hare by aa equine Ears ean van sero Pret Eaton oy Pane. x90 20879 eanonecgrent Seca mane omy sou, Cy Schwabe whos ding woe ots ato Mike Gohan My Popped fhe ne han keeping i back std en Saber coseepedhe Scrum paces wiht Sutera he a 190e aha uae ve sheesh ranzten ugeig wn camped severe Poecs One othe gna ote Ale Manto In 200} ne we nto andthe Aghalance, owe cute the Charman fe oar Hana okt Ay Yur (ipeerce tne vaour ape ytone deepen[raves ne] Foreword Overview ty now nse wae ong ale buttered et a ee. We nee wang ew sate orient compan ghvaume a ener. rele the 12 month an ‘netponsnly noes nena agrees gree mn We wou resarany Haine new snare 4 ment om hat pao al my Dos cau vem nae 2 Cop rtte ot ote ce Are etna, woud havea asp the wae wn 20 any esate My se deen ha et thay wate ere at ‘monte Het wad emi he cud et at oe cola ge nee aprons: a wanted i, aco veg ou don otae ‘evecpran roceaee, wichind me Scan io Ken Stabe wg on late yer ne my et Sm poet, nave sed Sou on cml press, stare or nea, coating projec poets th 60 SED equa and ee ach otece poets as nigel wathey has nconmon ras Ugo adel Setm eceen pont Poets tcl anrgaznton Sem eels wen retenens se unto, unranne, a tang Son eel eng tame se lnc box Ken Sehnaer caecy gota erm aa Wat hrdaecause lenge yoo hard ecu the ng ost, yout poet manager omg tasone a yu convene sng. Tae senescent ares tne earings ou sat ag apenas eed Yau a ‘petew spe net Soumanahow eae que nepect andapteyees eee moe vali ewe ate, envas tere tte negrning ot en. Ka, rg th el Suara wth ra cet Serum an hae aye bee ema vocal rponent ns Book me get ‘reagaeut may othe Scrum eet Kenna parpale men eave popu speaker a au cofrence, nt ove evs eau ea, You ow re ‘ose put any ances Ts ook the une wn an previ th ine sccerce tae ac pat Sum pee Me ono esr ao ae poe ‘seri anda he rece example can erste Senusret a in us czen othe sons he eed Tc ook an xceler ques anyone ouing io Mypove Now ne he deer owe 2 recone gh ‘ec agi anceTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Foreword: Why Scrum Works ‘suppace im ravetng tom cncag Soon apne. Slee pa eg the pl ets etn toma acon We ae an command nto romtbed en One ware mh comps prt net ihe mts wren we Wt noe, ng ehangeany he a buey-—he plat mt et pemaelan ‘novel aiterntattuce Arne approach arp he lta una ord an ard wha ge go ‘nove, tet oufor Botan aca, can ake wiser ema whenever wan dot know ay when gee, array haven plane wa oe ke haere sop rte gt nou owe ls an emerson: ap aed, merge etal cero he peal ute a eee ny speed cnet ‘tne tow nan amon. am aindepenaert agent mating seins ny oun bes eras Manaay fens the ue Sn weamazng omen! usa upon noua of people vel cree yeoman er gens tamer npr wh no cen cane trpacnng eevee. age ansze me hal when wana spa page. ex ere app rue! ante appr Wed lard ever we my Sar eee he me ‘pa penty The eran opened ean Peau: ne rte recover coy upg lat ot aeecce ard ceaaines Wath evers ooo plat ase get alte pacageepekesup on tne ‘corpo teats. caia cone an epi jt He oun Some mgt van fo mae he cream werk yang te ret: nine al woes ‘orate tte pep no peal ae exe wa tut au Noo target aystem l Manperdent sere Sern ude an apne st es mig woo proce re ycevery wn apc ternal pane avers ate ie begin ey oweve farmer eto repian 3 cup ae when arenes cee, tap equete fny ieTel compare 6 tng ot a ctr cna cere. Some app corpus ses theese athe et tespenebefofe eaone he “remote campleine tem he ora ea cal coast Wl beak own Ti eh face comgatieeScenaze a gotornens eregusie—tenguahng contol nspentet gets tne neare preach‘ dang mn comes). Seu aes he warden pathy maveg oil tom aces oon ana ‘epacnng autor Pe naa tame cing ie wot Thea conpor he poet te mere necessary Roecones 9 ent elon ating Inpence ges Whe Ananereason na Sum wri Ma rarely shes he eaback ae etoan cst a evlper beeen Wahl nanan, an betaee vate ‘rare ninvesimet gan. crplety oy ata eve When aajtenle sine otzharaleaowinaance att ab. Buren we se cain wha et ‘corm at changes a ete ana th crlgy hat wot sao, lenge shor yee ears ic ans prnem hg ape We teagytnw hs Wet sutvarou maratng carpal ad dover fin approach ors We sinter ng ar eee decover ne espe ct he nocd wet serbian fl Vins al feces inprvemen programe ke some vero te Demin josie aj 3 robem efron wh aatson-messaethe ‘rest tn adept proven Inprovement We cat hear coon making nde rah! wae a ter han Warten ude reacve apache, ‘Sou but on 20 naang ce a prove comps business concep we ae teen anahve nega ecove perhaps we et ede se Sen. ‘re medeun.homrvar, Sus nen on seeing compute cement thes valeur ats apa ra nga, One a he eso ope eee, {ie tmporartie apart aneer ten ranking ha an proach i war wenn eat te apache wok pen cee examination We aw atTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane etre testes tegiatectnelace to peciten.we ca ey be ue wl eer endear ve Sem cee a et an eg ur experiments Srcenourage ut roace em 9 rosin ro mae tate acampetelesring jl ett 0072 ‘Sou dean cu an cen tn nme tues vate ecusa on aevery meiheet ory busines Yue a ene he etme ret Cer The ‘Pr Oar ahem confer O01 wi ha fiona enh Team ees aca oh 2 ayer Nghe Sciees va Thus es back \copbecones aunts eect epsom eet end atn wher he tr beng evap it ee vate a nay wt a ai wane, Tl owe yt ob relied ove eter au es cert ued even hep dewlep beter urcetsandeg at hat ae none eason um won at peaches tne apo oman min ona ben. Welw hal when tng go wrang fe te poole oun whee ee a 3 Proton butzanehow area te cofenke Foret whe espace shite dating on etn. 2 wel oped elton ote cars te dat uggs hatte were engraets no wee wel stare ha hare cues elem nt hy wet unas gt cncoms en sera, What management em an We {neta mvenge he eperece Hes an eee he peopl ve! ote won one? ezrin Gary Care preeertt Tyas Motor MantactangKertcy ne le manages ina Peay hheg, Mom enntonmertle shape Me atganzaon nt mu Se power eet rane hough example, hou cectrg ana hough nectar ana nen cero actev targa) crane contaclon ar sod nt Nour rate ering clan one ase ote nseperert eco he er at ater im, See “eae accepts cnlane anne gue otha feel Mat cle, saving bandos meen wa a codat be Pameday scan onl ra epaeNhg ste ar ten ncurges evry member f parla eam membre! nye nero ow ey, he expec, ea, ar cncen ot Inaaismenbers wl beverages St suesnes Wher wan memes sae a carmen paper vcore eles, ey wi gue cto achieve ® Wen ea rcerstna aeons geveh ures alu fracas nen hey ae eo tgue et au perlom st, naan ey ae gen he resnurcestney ee cry Cone notes nt Toye sstanate succes cme Hom at rect vee under elene:epoeopcal cep, mange ue ap he ‘eenncat ta Te posopclundeloege neue 2 oe wont earone-tet acs anerphace on ool a commie oconrunur movement. The ‘managers cue sree severe neuang deep anaistunrg sree af vst aconmementia hing ore wced Wt taro og a eset fr al nana. etna dein mig air em tng) ‘Serum wat fra same reasons e plospncalunerings ecu an empowering he evepant an a saying cate. Ms manager utr rete ‘tiger acheve he goal eco te ur op mating ns tae alin trough nena pct, When a ese nse pace, tr S24 Usary Conve “ole of Management na Lean Manufacturing Envronment.n-“Learring fo The Lean "August 2001, SAE niemtonaTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Introduction |r you Sou. est peng ne prado paces manag complex pcs. ae hand Scum seaming sip. The cee, rcs ct and tendee are fomsagpnnara eater 20 Me ewe aa wit aor ator ook esr Sur Age owas vee wih Scam {Pret aly Ont terran erm simply canbe ceeptve Sem ala recep proces: ces eco wao donee erate Se aed Compl wot nuncn Hs Ingoesie prea evting ha wl czar Act acum nyo atrarenrk acto paces hates veya lac nr ale ‘Sous practioner toro eacey what gorgon anda mane en the x adustens to hep he ret mowngtowarhe dered gos. conan zones cananston ot epefees tang hunly tan ieligence People employe See spl commonsense cert tay rane werk verge pan aang tote cared en, Yet moro us te sures uarg pres posares—towe oy" hi en 69 akan en sth" weve lewd ‘roe neo one peopie untestng nwo ue Sum a ey ern compet roseme ted ur eset he arewor ae races ol Serum Lote me cae ses nye pope we Sum eve compos bens an perm comple wot In coe ef ee cae uses, pope ue Seu ec rhe ret ‘leson ena up sree goals. rater cate huts, pepe sage wah Sern an projet ae se surest Tee a people whom Sch eet, 2 ‘recto unersan ow te can ne poste Aer, Senna ver ample pee fr managing compe pees Compates many tudor apoaches ep ‘Mot peopl repose or managhg poate hve teen ugh a emit pan opel management ha ee di ple, Gehan woes Scum leona oppste Unhethere tals wich rately ght agra! projets nr monerim, Sun shows marapenerFow gue ape lng i pina <= (wich noir nn prot pcen ev ead nal aveng alg atewrang carves oma pnt where yuna in wen aug pb pan onde port ‘tere yeucan pero he warn quesion ncescue Te spree of Srunbecsure ra tepegnvadsona Management paces have io nes many 6 "recry iged a sotare demsepment company dep Scum. ly, ne company hae a eee vein ei 12 monn. Bsaie ie cucees srg Sem, ower att brary am he a ses wae ea at 9 mor ut when ae he ergiestng rant, he set war wang weekend and nies pl ron mare tetany othe elas, Even Meugh nw engrets hates iy srcara marker war etn Meo hat een rough a hg pt enmters"eengrers wer ing uy fr dg evening at maneing sata ects. nah wa ing ter person eo yo evening ‘nuttin equi Ths phony ha perce deep eit sh rg na ead camper vce nt oeaesin tin sy ie 8, ‘eta andra woe lt et oom at en ere ac oa ae coaurle upes au ore a oan a ey a ele hat rah ‘eons nadneen completes The adn ome cab onan Seperg on he ede te buyer. Sy lt buyer have cote ty ain Wee Ineacuctre i eplyespacer of unonaly we evereaio yet oath eganzaons cn a arg prs stm cary nthe eveopt ce Ae yer[raves ne] Chapter 1: Backdrop: The Science of Scrum Overview ‘Sotware evtpmentia cpl endear. Of cou, news en ry spn beau the unveil conplosy Mos competes We ot now tou a ante werk ever@3j—tan ete same precio, However sgl ogre comple nota evelpen. ses re fear. crag mere iat at ‘pate ure crete and rau re extemey vue rr requrans os rogram ees hae yt rea, tomer pregame spa wih Ne ogra Inguesion ard meraton oe mal empl xgaems are laret-peple “re past asses he etraoranany ste proces tenting ctw nthe caper i surmareees ot een he proba of uae aeveoang ata “he procera ncoveed pectcaly ret rable paciets em ely Pole: has ben re steer yen Mezanar pee nate Genco “eps abet ne Cenmtse he Sr lojet manger hs hee te Sen jee The uml ole scrap ure, nd caching. Te Sense ‘espa fer teacig er now'o ue te Sum proceso dal wth eve rew oped ereoureed aug 2 Poe Beau othe re are Svea ete “ie apt ascres now empitea proceaes ae eed col complex posers anshow Scrum empl ete amp peer a cna share vege oe ‘When ay at scum pepe cana setae evongent poe at ea ha enue at po wt go nay onset. Yong ete ener at ‘worried ahem ft Sen cot he see ot ster devempes eae wok a hee! vate cae orateTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Empirical Process Control Cconpox poten ae eae taba ape. Nel ny te ere robles urea bu een ne asin ih ey ove pedal fe mpasebita pee ‘oputatancer ny, sania sale oe apron ot heceprceees wl eter Yd meaning lage he nceying manera! moge an snare eae 3 api canoniy be nae by suring hr opetanto sich a cegee ol euzoness abe ieee in urdetstana a manage ese Foes. ‘uc cust sedan proceaes at workonSecaize ther ee oie Iceni Whe wobec nae, ras ent el ecu a2 tcvelnat come meaning impede ou seo ar When we bul crs we prs ger wha oe at recon fret Med por, We can anagem pocesesecaue he sry oe resin edb a prjocspeerpone. Fea when bud act, needy ct ans he mel win ena econ wrathagpne wen we ae aug someting repute cere a pecien Mgr ha nat ota eugh average? Wha happens Wan cee awe cee ung cto npc for cur customers ana we nena neeae the el grec” hese cases, we havea uae he proces eo ep eg a epost Converges an an acpi gee pers, ncass wee consegene coer ocr weave mak saspons oor he proces bor te age i acspale ec Fs ny oo iLL rs Wa te Pe ee Secs he corp tbe meen snr, someting cle rosin enpoyos ‘cpa atop ne ened mecca) medng approach wen the undajing mechan by WN 3 process pea reason Wenders "nen ne proces fo comps rhe aed Speen apa apse te peep cae 8. Opimnate snd ay Proce Byrames Hosein. ana conra ‘eu dna process renee pole cae wih then we on crarkp usted prosicon'a sch aa fal he uplcan te ced a cont. Hwee. ‘ne conmecty is of sur aracaptequly aro be unusable he rene tea resto mathe ce scale othe ca! tural ow elo Ng, eave turta an accep eign cove temple rose onl nh rin. mang ice poate et ee enpleal aces cota uo Be Much eae ‘man evening uneicesst proaic ng enes proces corto. Ther ae fee ge Pa eld up eve mpeneinion ef empl aces cane Wa. ripen SP ‘apa i {tem lobe. Tee sn ou fr deen apenanes hep pees conf Wa bee nea xanpe wren saneae teach Msn means at ee ep tepovss a ae! eecone mite veo we caning he rer et ort mu eee aspects eve 'Seleauene' in sotmare deve sein st unto one mgd seen ese ate Gea cde eed ited ul. nd Ssreeprceresea Someone cue might tsa ha cea ny een ble Hes Mater weer Me vibe als rca cane one ca ape he ‘re secna gle nepston Te ares aspect one rsees mie elnspece Houari enough Ma unccapievaranesin te posse canbe tected, The osu Inspection a tate ra consrton hat procera changes he ery act repston eer erage equa) nepecten sen eked ere o Inspection ane cee. Faun, sie uray ue near devecpent The er cr nse the mpertor wha must path hile sce wha Pe“re tneteg ot ents proces care atpaten the ape eels om npn atone omer pets a e proces ae ee ace mi rat ‘heres pratt euch rpeter mat adhe proces whe aa eng reese The nent toe mae se nya poe ome Letetane cate oi an nang an emia recess arse Teco eviwed agar cd tng rin et rats. vere lnahesinhe even aby sremutsy nsestnes ce sardho nabes pracca, Te cose ove Soir wnenever ota ela eta loge fae epee pee teal Compre he mort egeennd Geeoprs eve he coe, anh comment tnd ngpeston nad ote deeper arn hi arr cae 4, eer uve Freee. 1990) p. 366 [raves ne]Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Complex Software Development retestor ucersta stare rages rom ene ine uy Saung.Aoyning canbe aml. When ample ings race mel of corpo gos eeu Meee "ve tied my enumeration compioy msahware aevocpett othe eet wena mens equomens chalga Feb suspen tonave ape sotmarerguremens Ange cstoner eho the ert peson a wl ze he yr cn spend encigh me nth he deveprine o can ‘evr ort mate madscaton Nore commen er ae any satchar ee wi ar neertin estar panos} wha ave Gueernede an ose eco requeeycarge an af cut atcunn I mor aca, hare uses a ely st inden wal war nan hey ae oes wih zomeoe ees Inpresao ot wat hey na. Thae re omplesequtenei bere he queens ne ht en mus uae co chang, ‘Spl chology nis Bcf uc stare devaopmert. One might ene star vpn’ poets ache alan seanced. ten see ene 1 {ve tusrerspobone an clove corps aaarag, To conpauna ne compen esa) mete an ene ec sua employes anathetacor oe many 3 ‘ar mre crete ane comport wn any eng pe. FEE] ee as races utneesompny eon ses ecm ees te cng ee a ‘Cssrcorpny sepa araancisny sone cenapct pacing rata chee mote aaa epeeFaron hereement anarcty ‘complex. Close to ereement ose to Far tron] Certain Certaint ge Carpe acess gape “rene cimensonol comple the people devin estar. Tey athave ret ie, agence lol eperees ep, tse ang prdess. Evy ‘mening cath wes upins sent neatan he oy eae drpnag nt re ep net westerners, anata, Tree pep ten i wok ng. ‘sre complete goes vou ere Tang mo scout hss ensor—peope—in aon fo ecneya ere, bere a ee“ (eten merle. uum atearesne carpet ot otnae serps jets peeing he nepecten, separ an eb requtenens felis poets orl‘The Skeleton and Heart of Scrum unas aetts pact onan trv, pcet ton,Sumsen sbwnn gs he eer ce pee nae per cach eaonanincremertt oa The oper ccereresents eal rupecton alc ng tetraon MEN ‘pein eam members met nsec ea cers Stee a make opopte ception, Og he eas at requtenen. THe ys opens le ret 2anew rapecton tise eam eviews what mui. ten set wha bteves can an roan cement ple enepale ‘uncon oy teen ote erat. Teta hen sre oat be! to rte rato Aree oth atone ea tent eee ot ntfs esa can reps he hn antral adap ee po cane ae. tne oquemerts cnr ne avait ectrlegy ted evats townie ndcpsntes nen ately emis noo ble ron, mayng te ppetch al arenes: Pw cris, cle eres The am igen eet be See ns Sree amelie) eed tthe Sena practi Jocovenew ot nee peopl ofrsng whine nm posses. Then ies Inven Sonor and ke Seeds Ate Sotware Deven wih Cone (Petce[raves ne] ‘Scrum Roles “hare se any te Scrum oes: ne Petit Curt he Tear ante Senta Al management erfnubiies ina poe! are ghced anon hese re ie The Prot Conner report fr precenng te reese evrane mh sae me pret ane sem. Te Prat One ceve i ne ongang rag te poet oy esting he poets ll over requtenene tum an ewerine [lejos ane reare an, Theat of equreneni eae e Prom ase he Proc Guna epee ring ne Prat ecto eee tate hay je a an a aye ees eee eng Me Prom Bacio queue up he mart aut equtemerts of heres etalon The Tem espa reveling ncn Teams are semaragg ealganh recs tnetoat andy ae eapartie or gn out tomtom Poa acyl nme ncn win an eran ana manag own woo 3 =o ‘eam mambo: rca gence forthe sucess eer eran ae oe poeta who, The Srnec spose rhe Serum proce, sg Senn ‘Sevonone roan ep orinpemering Seu otha itn an oarsaton's clean ol bese expe betel, aoe a vena ows “peop wnotihace oes Rare we have commits the poet Cher: might ented ej tl ey seen th ook. Serum make lear anton eon hae ho group and ene ha ese ia ave feepeste fre pj Mave th uty gow neces fo einer anh ave wa een Contin umeeoany Troupe ook, ro hese peopl st ean hens egeeey Ther ane tne oman ce een aap re wing Couneroos Te cheten ayo the pla wat a opens ear wen met” The ig cosiers he queston aps "ex, ee a What oyu ante he ‘revnuart? Te enckan eple Ham ard Egg Teg sop paces ontop. “On scars aught nt ne wa open sree wen ou, be commie. “Te dencton snp Sin atlanta un nslene pon ely. snd ys be ea who onthe ook an who eK KA. Whe ‘eeparate fore Ol anne at asa he ROM bu aceuntie? Wh hea al etelgy ncn, at whe a ase ees erst? The ‘te ot Sum dang tern he sears a ela ene dict cele monenten, ana hen ee, [raves ne]Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Scrum Flow | serum poe tare wna vib ot he lento be deveped The von migtbe vague a rat pthps tain matt ems raner han stm ors bal wl became ler athe projet move far. Te Pras! Ces esponeieto hone ung Me poet fr ren even ha ata at axezes ta The rea met ‘ermie 3 lan for song 2 tat nce a Prat cog. he Prat bogs 3 tartan arate gure that wen raises Certs weon. The reset Baste spliced oath or mst 9 errata ae op pty ans Gna prpare omar The plates rt ‘teh sarin pe, anne cones pote, ane gouprgthe Poss Basing see ual changes the moment ep rts shade expect Changer inte Preset scig ret chang buss equrerets rN guy a sony ne Team canara Pest ac nia retary. _A wo one nie, Eh pan ern at 39 cones ae ye. Eh Shine th pn pling ecg. re Podil Owe and Team ge ‘oper cole tou wha wil be cone tert pi Elen om Re Mer! py Moat Basi he rede eth Tear wa red onthe “eam teeth roast Owe: hw mun aati eed lever Hea amino ice ote et Spit. pit paring mecings cea tener an ht naire hye te ones ston much hanging abst ne ossbe The goalie ett want ain sae worn “esp lningmecinghas ops The rouse sper wih Pras er reserng ne ihe pony Pad achg oe Team. The Tem qustont nim rer bathe cont purpose meni an mentor tne Prose cig When Tea oot rag bu ble te iat os hurs apee, Pe Tea sorts ‘much Pc Bucy ne ttvs conn acne rene penal speed hncorsly yes othe Sp. The Team senate he Poa une ht best arg secre hur the Spang meng, he Team lar fe Sp Scare he Tea responce or magn sear wot leneas a tertave an sat he Spin hats na conpaee he lan se paces Cpt Boag ease te Gp Saking mage ate Spas Ate a tne secon fou prt ne Sp png meng Cpt ns ae are lke on onthe 0 ny Sire every te eam gets tgeertor mnie metng clea ly Scum. A! he Daly Stuns Team meme ananer nee qustens: Wrathave user an the Poet aine nee Day Sum mest? Wha oyu plan nang enh poet eee Rane net al Scum meeting? Wat mpedrerts anne way 28 ‘ecg your carmtnerse Spin nthe poe? Te pupee heeding to yrronze he era Team meme al arate sneer Paring tate {me ensatne Spt a Sew moatng et Tiss our tar ime ote mecing swine Team recat wa as elope cng Ne Spo the rot ‘ure ae ay esterase wat tT arn ecg whch ne nti petra rena rng peopl tpt na hfp tem cooly ‘termine what ne Tear snus ret Arh Sh ee apr he et Span reg, he Sua Pla Spe roepete meet En he Team tec sd enpyati fore net opr Tope srg mecing, he Daly Scum he Spt reve ans te Spt evepacve crate ene pec [rd acipaton proce ot Scum Tans nas Pais ewe a gram tine Sun ree.Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Scrum Artifacts ‘ene nraice few rew aac Thee ae ued heute Sem proces an re esrbe nha ong sco Product Backiog “Te reguremens frie stam or pros erg sve he poe) ae neste Pace Bacog The Pact Owner apes conten, pron, nt lah tte Prodi Bchng. Te Prodi! Bachng neve cont, the Pres Baigent pe pan ery an ia et te requ. Te Prot chg eve she product aa te enon wl wl be wed evoe, The Pit Beg rami management cars charge a eit what Me etn eg in at Peto meh erp rt yanTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane Pau Se reac aay “es peaches ae Mar 2003 ro Bacto ea eet evan te Seam Poe Manager sate ase Pret et The roms aethePoait achog ems sepseay Spi and Roeaee shen dng, France ene ome sore Sp epee nash were woe nn at ih. The owe ete ‘Spin and pint 2naneage wee doen Spet2 Noe te row Dipl Ten Vow ct Moai Basiog Renee Opts pata Sta pi? Tele because ro owas complain it | sae moves ne Cpt 2frcanpilon Hider wae loner ae Spi, lou have eve ven et nine ony | “retat ur coins ee Prosi acl Sem nan, hens estate, te compo co ante agua stmt The comple erences Re atte eo poet orate nat ecice eposuty ome Team. The emai colin eprecete Spris axing whine Poa! basog ie evel When he Prt [Sachilgi at naught aa eter te etal work eed hela ih Spat goon a Mt ie. Te aeveeper an devs mse he alg em ‘roun ble ring te eject Tesi exepion ow 3 Push Fail Far rte Pret Puning HAZ HTL Wea Page) nic an nek wt Spek 2 | undown char hows he aout t wrk emai Se The don chr an eceer way ate he caren beeen ren wt remsng a {ry pntin tne athe progres oe projet eam} vedic ns war The reese ata onde wo eng rhe tnt sine eet poeTs eocamer wae rested by ature Chg peace gots Mpa ener com eptert Thanks contol atari ne Ababa a cng ston EEE] raw nee wate ne os ar9 nen ony on ‘Src pats moe atp snort son was hae nay Tsuneo cw oon sey cana oma anne naa ‘Spoor al “Tetons in ne Pct tng frie Sint ae git core rnd raver ha the eum st akon hese Hams, 2 haveritengened tein anh ana mate ‘net etre hem Senay, eee ply mar regurenerts rie prot. They us sven been ought rough When sve ee nao ar event ‘gu etre mare Prosi! Saou ems. The nan eagle a he reqaeen athe rut emerge ele ulna vey Pest acl am fey Sprint Backlog “he Spt acing ens he waka, ha Team dees or un he Pre ace electra pn an crete nip prt ‘urcanaty, The Tear conple anit ee aealn ne cacna pro Sp paring meeting Tare shu be led roma ek aks mug 410 YONG 2 fen Take enge nan te hus ae crescent pices taste ta haven er bee epopl tne On te eam change hog Te ‘Spent actog rai eb este lire fe wer hal he Team pane accompa en ie op. An example Sp Sate horn “rere ‘epoca! acog te: cols psc he dosnt pr. Once a neh dee, etna roe hur rman ie compe sh peo Inrecton ne tak sine Spt yy ptzon wang on ne aTis ocienent was crests yan tegstered hnagls lease Goo Mp ene amo rege 8, hans i} AL TA et WA AAPL HT i i iil i gue Sp Bang Increment of Potentially Shippable Product Functionality ‘Sou requres Tearso bul an ieemen ot pes unten ey Spent Tae ere! mute poet hpi, ecnze he Poa Owner igh chese 6 needa mplre he uncon. Tequesta cores of hry ese, weshuctred, ne we-we ee ha has een ul hl an execu are ‘tain ser operon te intone cosurartes ether Ino iescrin at doameriton Thais Geto a done nee ‘tne rout cement ascend ng he pina ete exacng ue. deveopen exgazton scl ens easel poaiet guraners a tana otconvention For etal, he Fonda rig Anniston FDA) apostate rein ta ecumstarcas nace serge. A pat th pot proces the FOA cht tha he rd! equi acento compe ata he oguemer cane Grey wend the peat For each cee FEA INecrees posi ob pate pane, hece aston act fe adit mit a be etpas £0 tha such cement le rosie poly enor FOA[raves ne] ‘Summary “heey ta tine neon he ket, he ea he ese flow tests Stun Former ahs how nya wha ef Sem. ek he Apps fr ate reverses tems apt Serum es Bu tebe ha! ta ny Be Wp ears acest Saray fo he Tau Farce, he kowtesge ve Impategin ni chap coes qu oute manage a poets Soun Fars you need same prose ana sme uretsardeg of crm ser spies nvel ttn. “hats ate net chapter te saute pace ot Serum [raves ne][raves ne] Chapter 2: New Management Responsibilities Overview syovcan as] mtoun. te wot chee pander. hte oa cnn pop Res we hens" ie pane tne eh specu Tar waipcon mute ncaa tee mregee ace a een pte, ore Oe Sle Ta ae Ciaran uy naman hig mgt sco oes Teare anges ot eal ws en ar eas ne er own marapeen ios mungren anguston acne wo mre ewsaa he Ped awe mi evan rete Mae a owe hee eg fr once nao res amar oe te popes cen Poe “re geenews ett cum get sms see of accra ab anny for e's management The bad nee tha ie Sum manager oe are at y \Managrg compos ec never ony and Sem never ger ar managers beak Scum pactce epi Make wale apes ogee, rosemary. Sm ‘managonet rerpoabe or npecng he spel the poet a eum mates ate a acheng sare ln caper penn nee tee Sram managers ato oy or In ar capers, abou Fale wna lagtnece es wn vary ees otTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] ‘The ScrumMaster at MetaEco “he scnumiase tee potion ners ccs fe pec manager Ve ek he oer tering ae. Ve he ations manger poate or ceanrg 2 maraging he wor he Srna repose or managng me Sem oct Te pall rp. eraser ake SERUM No. “ne scum ree ees pate, mesg rac, nd eminodgy. The Scrum reepnaie Koning hee ng koawing naw ay hem carey Sun an beled ncorery as we nl coe utbertue the Scrunlate ae 3 er uncon oN Sun Wea as expen apg Sune Sena ame now guise sen project trugh he tea campo, ie stesp man apen nt, nasi poten ay. The Sumas oo to eep he Mek gener nt ten canpare 2 Suna enepen, “The Situation at Metaeo \Metace evope scale cosepeerton star os bray of tel iter a ere vatou ea rtepaes Caroma customise een et sine ponder ei unlque busness Magelanio erate sppestans fo er buns isn a tree etl compary, ho enpyeateaay eerie Stan ‘rots teusomer However fs eunomernag aber arqureay 3 ompeta anna ra fnew ona Mengcowas nag spat een penn iete mene hanitokin ani rat na completa expe. Mea Ec's prmaycosewee new pou eetpent sraseveapmerttcurze aeons based an ete rod Every pose equa cstomzaon oe rte hea bere mown owars Mtr ae atl Invsinet na coy or Hiten anna eng poses wete becoming payng cust omne po ha ot “The SorumMlaser in Action ‘om te Metasco CTO, sates orate demerit Scum Tam deed mathe ede e Sms Becca Stine ‘eep Meta Eco an ack. Tm armed eas cayed win ean he cue proce! ar bug ope aver pert espe ews oeaston The Pompestve user Ra uth au aie und sgterm pamerip ite pone wae eg. “om dae! oenorcng te Sem acings roche ess caping a esig each ar when vee eg eson a ween ew hat ‘Spit goal Tomales wrk rete tnt tom ase eferance Tops gest aleneln ha wes aed ct bes rar Pawo was Meas he (20 autcaed a he compan’ cet lesan re Wa wal or eos uring ip uses. Th ro men wee poston se cures este. Ter ough tanya acu ane ar oa ey cou apy ld eransate poste, Pol wateae a anya heap He company af en, al wou ae o conn oa rat concep! ete the prospect wet wlng state tenet ste. Tem dacovred Pa ean team mares ar her pnt wat mre than once. a ‘eu ackaheycevcperio weak ne pect anor pesnaton os poses Alough eat custarsaton cabs competes non tes four af hese ‘omptoresuaret ants ov shea ona a proachPau rune he once te a ail mae resp acorn comer gear mich eecesevenues. Tomake te pope ister, he gure uence roteypen Ter areal Pasa Prec One, aa ate pron wo eeu an compet fo ate contact wih he mera provi curiae ang een ocund 20th re arguraatons pean ter cutomiaton cou be comps trea, Tom femmes Pau ate oparany ae eas nak tras ne Spr pannrg mest, he wat ster oye bul prawn te news epzasrojet eco coat a0 el tea yap e Conegienes song pegs enews egarzton spot Crh oul chose spe hr poe! sone Ma ne Pau nacina bra Helin arto mi uton ay ofpatunes, uth eo a mani screw up he rawe agers poet Tomas sympts bl esi unsetond ‘Salting sana schon es etm ning nel et coe, Pal Pasa, ig or ke the Serums tt aeons tem, Now ato ‘dc, ole nem. But yeu'sbeterbe wang tum an ae tine Spe anni meting “The SorumMlasters Value Lets sce how Tom ae Sentara vue Mets, The le andar primers te tn ato wh he eveopmet rant. Sle and mang Want qeerpnaes evr oppo ha comes tosching. Developer need acu or poss he esi The coor Ina compa chon caused anit rere ‘Sums atlance beeen he Wo Youghal The dvepnet xeon wil owner neat ever Spt asreseng wiser Seema ‘pet proforma Gp Hower eveyone ee mt wave the deveupers one Wer ‘As ounce. Tam na te le meso Nap hstam anne. et Ne ghlghied he nm ue bani erernce cing he Spt Then Ne rend Pal he eum a sows a teamto be reece tong oy wt tne spn paming met The ae ocean ewok ate cond ‘ne news egret, I Tom haar verona he new eon ar Sumo nd ha poe he ear ae ae Sh ng mi ave ae toe {echue Tor cosy ppd xu us he ware ane ened hohe mate anh avert aparinentTe scene ae reste yan utegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma rege. Thane [raves ne] ‘The Product Owner at MegaEneray “te Proaie!Cuners out rst! (RO). The ros Sahng rss e Posi Onna win a pve tol ecg he pct Seat St owe tne gets vue and Rothe erganzaton The Pet Our wee roa Backego gh he gest pty oh eau art ight vate he buen ‘singer netiresona requtemers tated eppernie eases amperes urtonly. ana creamy ate posit neepnaeo hang bushert “Tho Situation at Megatneray \Megncnrgy owns gu ppalnesnrougnet Nom Aner sess ham gh nal posicer Evetng aout ne company ge Home engi panes the se cits preas ogacnegys pene rn rough print rope, sega has rma agrees wn he reper owas are lop hem ana jae. ae ‘lat vey ale on Magateay seu raya cesT mag ane he a leptin a when Yo cere Now eqn downers changes Joven se tom compl an nae ly = ‘omen teeta ana any acs eganergy Nat tro wooed cat patella eas o een nd oureenp was cha. Anel ee anette ‘ne endo cnenjear Megane) woul pra ale aaa! te pipes avenue Thee ete woul be et vaous tte ng roe govern an eget ‘ul cbot hss names an aaaerer nate ane ai had eran eee ra ae ay ncesaystanges Tene aces was etaragney gene a Ueetezsry oe sonuning. Al carmuneation wh ie varoi vc goverment wn nippy, ands eel fe Magaegy lana epee aed hes paper “re conpany ha ateayunseanan ao are aoe proces an ahh fled Tec wee clase Tie roe Saiz vey ae aeons ha inert rovers posses. and way of communiatng nd omer lan, ie Mapaergy na depron ute ang n common way cae acest Inomaton tem nearer goverment ager Carper he poten. Megh Era manager ad ceesta cape the atumaton pj win aetna “eps ta eben recostaes rah when Magacergy Scie ty ung Sene. Neng esha worked sow i eganery havea ae? Beles {cered a aug Scum woe ne pelt devecprant poser fr poet ghen he et canpesty ae atten Rha rect manager rom are he pale ‘stenpis se apporieg Soumtast Jane the nea othe egaEnergy na department wae esata Prodi! Cue “The Product Owner in Action fu an nepe ane conc ne Prod Bac BEcaH® Zo much Work hoa Srey Been one dig previous ater, cura asreaey ear, nuh oon Became Clear ho ingens Peting te slonatonprcee ott he nate ay tomas eral to gets Gpot epoca pe ae come wr a easach spn rice bine incor al polely pln, Bt cove ee 0 mich Wane be don on pai schicie adnate rhe et few Sp, hse Spt ceive areas nena an er pe, Asay we mnmizea he aout tures cna fone re pt Inte Meaney ee fu sn ane dec tt an sou yf steal en a he ovement ape) ha ne se rv fovea ot er Jane presen ie Poa cg athe Sp planing sng, Ae eae am cd oe, 8m an opty. The Megane ie aba conan hes cnvicnroyaten wot owned Atta fodaucbe nana tom Aba macnn ey ater canger reheat 12m areca coulten be coat ‘rey tele eet athe nd tate, Asn anti heMguey mn Grparet wad sorte ar nah epesnergy lan ane on when [Spree The 2a wou longer nee check eae a aes oer ange ie Bj azarae ea pong etna rena aa eveeng oe [roves ne tune war coud be Set edied at usage une re, Th a wasps ih cesar. ow cau tomate sabe ‘port ite row egutomens ar ante ew sever erage ah oat a ereaaed WL steam athe rd aepanet mph be be louse meron wt “rey ye itera tet Spt even meting, he la preena epost Inet had rome ng he Spt Janehas waka ne ea out ne pet ana ateay knew wil wou be peer, bt he was alg ronetsees Se teen ncn wt neat wen ott a he ronal una te ‘pene meatng met b ert rsa lr remeron ale ate snseque pit planing een ene coud atria be npr chr te net Spent Jane che 0 an carana a wowace mplemeraton Spt Bernie est Megane pplne ergteain a wet fea cg Abeta be ‘ercoraty pocied Sigh pi edn eed he ar put wan mere an 40 pee “The Product Owner's Value “he Proaie Ounereeapanie tt the ROL the poet whch wusty means al he rec Guar races ode rose! cnt fa sven Prolene Jane as aiea ut Me esponety by sarng protein he ros Sake ort! egrets wn he ges buses ae Shea alec oe ‘cates ctinclosty when ne bss beef mate an oe re cars importation Wl Jane was ating te demataraon an epee he reales ow muth rita nemo ethical pt oar her eparnen She ad checked whe em ae ort es peering hae teen edn wou (Chie ar ompleatne con he “rasonay.cutoner ets sen equements ha opine ee Rol tte st othe poet thy con ete aseene acura he redton nt hee e Crmpce. Sum tse Prag! Owner aa te RO mach mat equa, Je was eee ns vale min 49 doy evn hai she hae eze any ‘aur urge preva aed se at uematon, Megane enlace RO! atest edn onthe poe Aa broig ue’ wee ston ta ree ‘Megnenergy wat sles now py asematon cn bn buses: nelTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] ‘The Team at Servicetst ln sugeeveralo rary managonent paces, erm mates he tam resportie lt manag eveopet che. any he ject managers tam wa ‘nan ansmanages te wort cone, never he tea cts te Wohl wl if eek SpE. Aer at ll een ade, le up oe tam gu ot hao (ote werhat tana Te tou dec tow ace agian ne netomat port pate pes nce. The am evs co eet ‘gues out tow tem “he presi erertn 2 30 ty Sp. he carinenib nm mentee ke oe ier comp someting. athe nee et: rection ant ive ancora apart l hep he eam sce he espney The es uelingy tesa ern na mages oa We arora he tar ‘tes tott netearattoge mere ara an goo rly eae. on row wry Seu serunen woo wok tht hry ates Aer ow nutes of sce Seam pes ensarpasaingMouride of ureard Sie “The Situation at Servcetst ‘ay, wih a at ee ea one Yer Te cron snanages ha cin hy wane ome deve fo beg wating ae nese he comp ‘ware wie te et atte develops rape phe cuent aee, em waste cone wh ne epepa ie Wo ween eae at eset eae ‘Seventeen peop nei engines watering eas were oslo Ae te manager used PERT ana Gars cate ect he ean elon ut Re Sorgen a etna aloud be tenn a or velogmet vera Serum nas tema ne cage a we “The Team in Action ‘condita Oulu oxre nthe ea Ths ane tno seen aches he eam member Sou prices agatha fel Spt nce. The weg ptt cuca wer ett gio tee pa the Spang reing, ng anes erie, The oom wae oeowde +7 tam meres Wee Ma [Sound a atlconererce ane sate prised a hg tena hem The oom wt 0 conan al he more apes tenn ents ned ae costae ‘vine Poaict Cure wee nate psa eam meres ware tthe prcee ye neha moved ona th secon! he pit paring meng neh ‘eum cones te Spent Saigon fe are aggro eam menbes ween nea ne mee ache Farr reer tree cal sore he utr ea ‘member |ateathon wat ay wousoe wong on Imaae ste ey kw ht hinges wre ta geting pina Sly Set na sying hat you haven een Sarg Ssnynng an a yue rt rely eed wane je. hou my errs Were goed, ony ended up mange queer members ea We Were when made “oe team nas rpg. Opty. ta stole seen pep Darn e Spt planning mean amo een paps he tam eee an ow tro ptrnng te Spe buh te 0 wee fing athe praceee, What col Go ett na oi forehand ne ocd wooo‘Several yeas aterag easly See. Much ny spre, everyone was eparing about nck cconplsted 2 wack panned fous, he Daly Sram ‘oon20 mines win tran sop, but twee an ave, elena andi nh meters a ceed engage her wasted am reese 8 ‘tert Gly Scrum Alta po ey expe hat ay Ps one e managers ad bet maken when ested sin alge ta Tey nwa cnet her ‘managers on ec ung nt we, managenent arc a ata epg sue pe bt othe evecare i ee ep (rest incite Spt wae ting ues way. Se cam eld era ur sea, ach wn esate meas The sgh eng chr ripe trite ane une an sea he werk omar coping enmnuniz coheson, Thess ede ok erp fo sain ay Soperaenaee anor "ve toteves ine pater ta cerginizng ean uth ean wa eepcily meses hadoansed Mat oan opt upg ot tam mea naan 2 ay resavets epenseser 3 trp aed gris sch a comple chone aus have ene abe ey aio expan tains prised Ba ‘thon te team ace he oben cache, asa cat phe rtm eno manages rks “The Team's Value ‘eum une reaponeneormanagriset and aah hyo rj ome he Spe goa thn fe quseiner, tna, ana crweroone eps ard ‘Sou The tear nay cote othe Spr ge anh sir fest pure tho coud eet a goal None hina twa a wae abe eogans [raves ne][raves ne] Conclusions Dr neatco, Tom poeta ne tea pricy ars eet me conmtnens ying hs ba Sumas. Meant Jane opizes te alu he ‘evacpnent prot Oy prong her tes Padi! Owe Aarts he Tum hile openly of manage oes emer ome eae in och lnc ances. acon ech manger was vary npr in ues te poe Ato hee cons equ atic ante, However, ach wae 2 ‘art epee topos cers ade vai by Scum. Tom she eeteoue secs of Pau prednonsah lySc when ttn mere pai at he at ‘eatecetner wor ares he oppo he ea tonne athe Spin revlon mst, Te Servcetateam sn a aaa emeng 9 et ery nce he St ‘Saeed Sums suc epuary mate he Ste at fe pro vate re mange —ie Poa! Onna he Scum, ae Teh hey ea apy ‘seating pret est ost ou [raves ne]Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Chapter 3: The ScrumMaster Overview nya chose a sarge name Senulasteerne peton wt nae Sem projet? Why an conte wee str! te -pect manager? ware o ‘igh ene wc ne expr he Saunt ere aes acon pest manage Th rece iemnaogy eyo oct Change manager fhe pose hey ao etsey manage Seen prec. “te suoty lie crumble age nds ping many om te Senne none rum hee paciee andi rer mato eee hey ‘stones Te nme le rexponsie frie szcessal he poet ana she eb reso he pebably of cess Peli he Pos ners! the ast ‘ute Posse acy any Rear he Team tn ht nog a uno. Te Suse en o ava eres acne Pe Senate 3 lat ‘Laurin ace Sense practces ae lr moe bt sone peep ate ety ang tea af eeg 2 Suna. ve rected some minguces Sou ‘plato that on ave a mci an rg! ae hy mgr abou the ons eat esac peeapy ening te eu me ‘Sore Scum tno ae Now mich ee ea tod Scrum. ume ang, sage et frac, rts, andes artes ect] [rather eerbat te agpecho is ook. le poeta am somewhat an ates ah ena Leng ue Iie he learngio rie heaters le ofr you get tans our usc ge han me on Ha an el. ul en, yu eter alg ang an mae ‘ener. Sorat who ge arden Sou re he aie belt ing an ma Mg ‘As ou prac, Ne became mate coeed aot ening ha ees an aso spot gute Serum een eave cl em a manager at poate {cum areng srr forage company nena emai iw sutton a al hoa ped res ona epoca ur ‘mete carte erage the dean ann Germany had cab andi. We vad ua mana ur eg pov, se erst he aul apr “er tea ao trom. nares itetance a manager tom ral cane uplome ara as ata recent canon. He wa tle exe abut ee aly ‘Sauna He tot me ne abe ing Serum oof han monn, she Doug npemering 2 Cay Seen woe lp commen win te eam coer! “here xamples show now ey ler poole misuaetan cum,Peple antl Scrum ain celeste cre projet maragenert nthe. They {ty Sau res an ces wine ay anderen the uring pee ot e-rganzto, seer, nv andibe epson, They ont “renstra at Serum neve persis tor care empowerment om coc colneraton an tom eee ce Lets lok ate egeranes ot Sout: wan dt ee experience in un These enamge hothlp sun how poate have awe gueTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] ‘The Untrained ScrumMaster at Trey Research | caneatansontines cee at sree ho gle ade mote an 100 mle ares he bene. ry hee casey esha my lawn Mae flea a aby ht tat aura, Te pice ny own mon sometines pee, The rware nou sametnes have vests, ante ow Trae ale {orazing myn sores nator he teeters my oun on ar arog Faran wabahsengh ana sorcamnge im hat every meter an eget on ‘peop oan he arcane because ey want ge tet pape ner stan Te new Faripecvele tn peeve ae sme beter ae ew ot ‘ange Tie wor enaugh oa rssen tat we ere ig cl conan, Sa ou tan age ew ene es we company eon where Assen ator aah eure by vere alaetin he cemagapis ness ap age ess epteseieg yeas ape Overanseath ery em old “Sratnpcment he Tey Reeuch CO aa npn eum, He warns evans Scum ae wring fs cnpany an suggest ome pret ph What Was Wrong _2r me negnng ot my al met wee CIs managemet eam ang poe em wih a renew ot Serum We then decnsedne vat jt uncer ty Aecearon nano hy wet ing era. E2en am a epi several es, 2a eveyone was plese mh he canges mat hac nen eeted ante progess anaoeen ‘re ceumiaser anon een srg Scum ees nvig eaten Oaly Se The moat heats an tne went my hese Wry mae ea Saunt tees Day Sena ean my orgie a ood Henge age ee he cement he mann a wae Tey Reeth eutuares Ne devetoers were war et worttne We cused fe cere ee fom ana pa al eachen oe eam Fama tual a ew W (sed nee anofen or eae series he hgh tenaish commueston eset rcs amar Compute he sehen nen a pecan hme He sea queton ‘My Tn cog teeven ge You yoy Ae You rest sa on he Cdnloguete nHaso77 Once a eats at ng spoten everyone nme reom. he aba wha tam Neda yl tm, The ma ets te aaent sre net mnt hughes methods nen hl wo my hanstown was cea cartanen Sw aud ne have compete misunderstood na {Natwest aunt How oat asa caney he pt Sou? He ne nea ema! ply ake a Pau pueda hen copra one ‘rong an eather fo wor on, bt noe he ete enn poet alo af shee pase ove ace, npta emer reece ha ees he ayLessons Learned “eps manager ae tok on Sem anleaedne mechani fe Dat Ser He nage eam members ae spporest newer te queens ch 1 int am gong 2 etoan non ante net Oly Sern? omer ne wae nin pacino tion poet management cigs. He! pet eke ning eke and estat eae conpse them, Consume "wou tec on tna tar menoes hd one wrath tot hem ce ee ay Som "ewe eac manner wat ey se eo betwcen nw ante nt Daly Serum 1 wou neck see eter cute anyning ahh tascam gol “resi om poet managerte Scuttle He eves ha Scrum was met ase of racine an ctngues fr implenetngtrave,eemeni| evacpnent He mittee tte ut elt om cong aang am oseng eeu Asse eed ot on tee changes he ake eed eo Inpetnce os satrgang es He anaheeam nad coneiieo 2 Spin goa ut he esr never ot rancor ray oni the eum goa The rosy at roast. noe pareg ne foe ps maoge hemmed same eet Na wap, “Oh tue he vcs ame peal wet emanate fama ‘ryetatiey nie toe reer wat hey have charge no mater Row many aes a one hy ta ar gree wl [rss [ves]This document was crested by an unregistered Chass, lease goto to register. Thanks [raves ne] ‘The Untrained ScrumMaster at Litware Lae eae ae veda planing tae poet manage tke crag f re manage Jn Chen an ee poet angers planted lth companys recat Atorean eae wae panna, wrk was on ov nce ndtgnzed on PERT chars Thee fara weetnen te aang te vaoue aay ‘scar anny pase ean grew nwa py inacepiaie, Te ase ech ease pang pace mere at neste fe pana wae eu aap he cover wees ou Ath pi we woul converte pan o Ped Bacog prove Serum ang. hn cond seve Spe psig mesg. What Was Wrong cing hoe covers woot, he Cartes Scrum ae nie ah an. Twat He cance earn Scumbere he plead a Lat, The ae repre poole we wile Stunner fp, Ae eit the car wat we lena, Unorutante was oe coapesous rash fa. eep ehing he {5 bute was etn net ee Lr it nea Jn ote ou WN appeal Jon repeat te prvies a Wom oa recta Me aera at ‘reoulsrenetheur a ne cruninpemenaton sre plrnes \eowedup an the gpa sy. anne spenthemaring goth rec arog hs eas ne ateroan heave manager sake ge an ove ot ‘Soutien aeveopmentganzaton The managers warieevereneo dean crm an twas lanedorne we eas I itoaiceg Sauna ener ‘many arora: Evenone wae stnow hae Scum hatern sect how wae, wha crtjone'snew ee wee, Ty wa parca tgs he Concept aganzatonbectse hy werent ane a ackeaen wet argeats ema poet manager |apet ate at Ure aacsang es am ec ‘menagerie compete Sountlstera 3 teepog wh wl go aying peti tac ort We ener towne eas were wa Pe ‘Sounpisters pes! rzpoaity afew te Sencar wou oan ne pve help team be pve A een othe ang stn ine Conteh tee ine eae awe were Beggs wok one et ‘ae tang pore Spt panning mesg he et moming hen za Lat a merBerol eh ave lene ow at eb ha calc her aca wou be at shotte mectng rend ane Spr planing esting ha hag sen Salon head J ag goten a seepdeg neve gets aces om se ts Jt ae Grcetsra atte a wos ely a em Woe Pe ha sens mesge ht Scrum ane tam mere sgn tim He hanna tae value athe ecg Lime nee present ot evdcpenton he ten, He neesoedthe sane of eh absence, He Imei rosa lan potter ob ee ‘Souter When he ar meters aries! he Sint panning een, hy eu les nae te Scumtater She ot ae hom ht = ne sheepog woe Lessons LearnedJon nt naan nat Scams have ome ptzanaicanmtnenta hi ams. A Souter wou ne ere eee zpos tan x neepog wou le Cownoranapeheneg te lok Te ram nea sete fat seen dey Ives fe wot anal pte! ana hein aera The Sera ce ‘uvctettne mpatance one rect tea los sitacehe emtg at wre weet seem ne ‘steve ta nde wane undead te ot nate. The avr tne Scum dramatily tent tm th pope eg afar rot ‘managonent ofize at eens wore cots conan Thee om avin atten sar aa tom J, Nat one te emBleé n ‘vow suman. to potty peered a xe charge at oh aa want oak. Te cule leader nota manage The State ate eens ‘epetoecuss he rat ene ute te rl rl simpy beau och wr aerate rca a lace “es tom dpa bag petra response tet arcane peoples scap The Mana sept Scum ce ome people. en aie ct rom _Soumby fing sow upto The ee preset o ceecpment mace he rgn move yearn nel Sula o sean he recapae spear, [raves ne]Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] COverzealous at Inns Web sara alerateste Caress pace Tere new comfttas rlnaegi tes on Carano oy nay owing patente pyr pram Tete poral wes ‘neste patent and pyc better acon, ean racon svc. Retere que, ppahines, nacre mel ate, Contes vwed he pa at “rapa hace toughen ere carpets wou er aa ter nla anal ences a Popa Servce Poets 9 Conus scutes ‘ocourer ns mea. Conoco fone ot om blr, Cross com. Tubal wos afer omnpaer'o pcan fo he aeence a pos woe eae ering Conoco jstre Sever pcs te ql tes meung erepment jets mrketrg pects. fs publ aos pj ae cra forse these pects, neat te plier jel The pleat propete galas o ena ha avapae tees of Cale sr sey aro Being Right Int Everything “repute resone poeta very apes. ni re pnt pul ear mwas Re na prions plan caneved and apved ne econ Spi ‘Cone cate pst began cringe plan yaar whch wo ake varus at ne vars at Grea awa te eel Sp Sra woes purer a Wea rence Severn nays hanno epr nhs epace ap et menores Cae ao hem Many Carnes castor wer rite ter consi fo. he pu eistons mas ale st pana sesh wh Cones om manager ar are ey ant We were esr ou pn cit tenga our mete Oar ope war aby me encod. ere ate hugh Cox wren ey eu mere eae an eats Fra 21m oaty Serum ne ay pert te ant mening. one ole eam member repaid an imgednet caste was gongs bea gan mths one ce oa he ‘eam meters The ws poser n erage of Cartaze com Mag ealdor amano fate mest ne net Altar were be on eck, 2 a ple commie woes tres mre pron the ee pele war corer bo mars al Coie cam ard wat hang pe ono semanas Mond ine mane as amit. Te tse wae animgenet te pnt Holy. a Reka hu ean mere an hap. as cen natn ee peer wa srayetmesing She even wor 2a aro aot mete lth arate ance he equre compe pratense atau concert alokrg myer Steet woud ennurage eee skp ct Urol, gp pty hesieg ae was experi my opron ic poly She teed teat meeing proce an ae seen tawas ne hespog anda wt ad tke eck qc aca npn! hse manages a oie at ey woul cae ea te rclson an aoe he ie poset recone Rah ante hy wai aaa ee pat Pan pape nat Rey woe the hepa onLessons Learned “oe ceumiasers op ina pot he team tom Ingemar ung he Sit However te Scuntater aes pea win ec fe organisa. My mise a Ie boo antecig he apo only gehe, ‘Soumter ses acze a umes ne neces changer rough The rest af oten este Posh an fester a vesonet Re) Hower artis hse changes ae catralyssecopte ae Getmarter must sequea Rerense al Scr ste tothe oss. Ae sheep eae nepag =nTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Wolves at MegaFund Megane ane othe gerd manager compares nie wate orabe nesta neo: mae han the any her rg However 1987 (Chee cena ere tne ter and emporio evtonze te adn. Cuore cous nage ou tung acon by ane oc ar py he ‘nue witout person sn sane am lesional sek rover The ert ance ecole tad mated, PDA et gene, nace eporee tute. ‘ornate Megara ha ten eid i even cology xjnaton wae ge tues ard cumbersome To ane mater wore thd tpi? ‘Spay nay he cave 8 pres overeat yer. nconlyinpamene,mese ate an ene tenia, ey Pat epee epee 0 0 ‘essa wasnt get arin ee, Megan explored way ena etches na cou cess he gar dase where lcs cou ang ae norman wae tea Ate seve ae tan ‘Megaruna manager coat oe it way. Us when manager 23a nee gong tac a projet he ght way pj ere pag om ences oven ‘Sure ereughsternine ethane po ar led nls Stier aged oer wl oof ecraogy a tae Sralsbe cali Maro Wnaow= NT 40 o AN? Sha trong wage, compton sed shen ‘Megara ty dcte beng nun eke am ae et ne projet mv. Tet Aa, hoa been the poet manage. nad a tong eciiesbakroune ra ‘ii rsa new ae Stuttering he Day Senn, he tes cy eah eum mener® oper. hen sme nad psi wh eet ‘ipment Tory rea haa When pepe wee stuck Terapia aces epee exaal ihe poet When pacha adets ar go eu ery Rapes oxpeate ‘hem He war aetaemave Ingemar wane! ning hers ana wiht encangeng ee “The WoWve Strike ‘he tea sae a Spr sn min wo wee hada an mpes ve amount ogre. The eu aa elle an begun a ue so an was plement ee ‘anette By se anda ne Spin. ne eam wou demoraraie an aproaho sting Mega unstchnogy sims ara pemering 2 sue compete ouzans. uct Hr 2 alr e pron nMogafunds stems company, War a cok pay sau ste. Aer monn ot ou, ase War ray sie brag aot cone popes Pst boutadio ahead Ne cectone uns want wa carmeried athe ag some agian corps poser athe wos tse sey fh ar ues spotng an cppauny ogre soe ga feats cenonetate key easton al vasacon ne Spee, The et ming, Rus get oes cary na apposerecone ane yee egrets ne ean Tre egret ope Fuse. he epreataseneone wa eponeta someone na epee. tre alegnato rin someone wa coud tues is eet a iene eng gance When Paar steno oka inpeenting hans et ne Sp _Somatig stan agpeod arn hat o7'2Daty Sun Tey Wa rng ae a sl 2 he meal food nal he pare ngs pata gies ok ‘panache Spt gol or roecng Produ Bacig Ty aed ne engree oes wine tebe Cay Sem at whch othe eg cofeazes a seen1d Chri. esse o to htp-vww bsentrcom to reget Thanks “ery was an tative Senter He wens Rr and ata othe wort tt seh ated he anger do orm Fase wae eel ten, owing hat he nadie ene the eo em. ue lsat as ugh Pets aren 2 $29 one gain nae eau Pipes pen op tat ereng Rus Tory ck 2 {ype postre fe mace eal Fuss eunersacs he inpatance he epparuny However nara shce Sum was Megan hea seat ue ‘rec uramre at Scrum esha or eag wh operas es on. nce thei ener a pry aoe tat wat mae pra han te wath {seed by ne eamtene Spr, manoj caus sary emirate the Spits Te Tea he Pasiet Owner and manager was hen conc 2A Sp ag ‘necng. Tene sparnny wos scat ware op prt Prodi! Bg. ure ought tout or ever cence pence ha edt wate ancl Re Spb Eerane Wels how ht he as feepnsbleornaling pores on efor hie rine sppotunly he Spt planing mein wou neh at Ng ale ard pve pet wt ap oparnty ao yM petpetwaz mere patna har ‘ec. as ante Tey ou emu. ange woud ee whe Poa Owner 2 get one Pros! Sako mhe Ne opt pani eso. coun he ever Lessons Learned ‘ery wsaine scrum nls ana paces oka he poe on rack Sen fs many opportuni o make change nao espns ew apariies Sum a esp creryirg nigh ee. The rer Baca aa prrtsaton reopens ever Fo ta ey can Seuss hem ansco fo tebeat ny optze AO. The Daly erm ope a team aces ees tthe Sra an ace the ce rhe ea nen ack y Reng evernigin al vw te ype aachaom acing and ‘nmerce snp nanan moe rganzatons rnin These ears are ache neresate retest ex may et parca tng one, Bl when Sane ‘Shen gting ting coe, ove being ne scenes peut we courte Feasvis] nex]Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Conclusions Dare Roses arate, ne 2 at anny eyo wrt ee te Sener A Caton con ne a ho 2 Suter can acest A Megara we ana Serums hi feepoaes ard enoed Scum races sree ithe agnor comet uu happened each ten, The ‘Soumter inept parry. nan ee ate rama ‘ernest sever yur ve este wn the questa thom ome te rence een poet manage ed Scrum, etn coh noes, moe ey ‘rorsoed How an expan festa aye ene aso reperdez persons ockand ar nao? When exprenced Sum patones we aaa ‘metre Sra, waaton'o ram suns sneah When ent em Serta or eam ea he hem uncer mary the orenuenceso {shure pr cnet 0 mary tes! an lash heme aren cee educa, ht ne of runt svete a amp “Then wetnaa he ew Scum begin We cach ne new ScunMas se ver Paring ara Prove he We ar prea fre Scum ‘pe tean We pit ou aja ne Sout ane when thee rees Pela, We a om eutntances ene e Gemma conolng ae hanging ana plan wrath coneequnncs each as aly oe “he scrum espana fr mig st a he pce he Scum proces cone topthe ng Wak Whe, The Pact net ms Go Heeb The Tem ‘met oon The sere mut epi, The Pat Owe ane Tear must ctr opera se um esting ar pec ana oan 1 ramovete barter been selon ine Poa! Own 2a tine Prod Onna arecty aes avepmer 1 reaone Pecuet Oararnow to maumze ROI amet Maaco Seen 1 proven vest evtpment ary fciaing cen ng enpamsrment 1 proven positon development eam anyway pose ' nproveme engnesing practice anatons satan tanto incleray polenta pte "ception abuts eam progress ipa ee a pres ‘nen heSrunattehse responsi, he poe! sly yon ack Tete spotter sou be enna hep he Suni ny: ne enh ‘hounove an inet over ache anpeainees gee 8 Senmiaser yo athe a oan Pane robe et hn a i rer aes a Serle. sn my exptene, come peopl rue ured he crue ea ake ke acho wr, ers supported Scum are srtines keh ticker uty iu, Homer, een ucts usa reques sees Spine get ang, ena nce ba hewa Pep 2 Sn ee oun ue ‘epitome wt one poseb’ nn, Funan can be ote ter an be mace wut cantoe ne hs aught ep ue my atone workon jcTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Chapter 4: Bringing Order from Chaos sn saoware deveupmentergetatons nos oe sit when ae comple reser hae anager sly ec meaningless owas gal Progeet rte mace nants olen nace ard weary. Sum cas reg ino compen an mets oem nace, dhe 0 ent = ‘Sexganzeluet ni slows apriany posure tert emerge Le at seers onzsons ack them eae eum 19 re Now Scum aout ter he Project ant inen geraate some pracizes fom te egeanes ot hece aniston: Ines stages we see Foner Ne angio nel eat te posable “etsapetan ence Src anaes ese sae agp at ws ees SSE] seee et rasonay panes ‘eS muoete comps es nmjonnnne ru hens wo ease nate senor poms net canoes ea Mosaics ps torent nanny econ uaa tetas teense Pong eee ets tase we ‘evens creo oma nes ty range eeepc gest camry nee ea ope Ta ego (wececwceupo apuunton etait cen epounre te Uk gee etapa ar canon ay oe ‘Scmsoncomaney pants ssc meang roves aan ua cae cess ons cence ‘The Situation at Servicetst ‘Servetat evepart genizon ype gerae anew nae fe aware af se ey yet ho man oer eveupant ye were say re el rate rst ar psn ora em rae is aa nexus af abun cota The caran/=maragersPagreshes ever etn ea oe evetepent tot over ie siren jon tery relerng he ceveaper aqerean ara npn equ af each een ‘pony aria he ee present sevens ean an tou te ergneeng Ac. was SEL empty andy sk: penap nen oes canoes ecco ough at wae 2 ar ithe mong ha aba Pag ares yet When rele a na teas Dasock Icon ta mayor a ee ot ‘adden ane Buna Seve waa ong a sieeve company anda aan ts etwas ae han 29 Yet “eve preteen tana ete company hadi had skmonn deeper ee, te eens had gare tte ek go ee tn ‘aay ctu Deeper a pein al ne mre wing sterige ana waeten compe ieee nie, Noon wae ta fr Sencar, tree bog csr: becuse the fan pa te lng of each vanes evelopment, geal cep phe oar ang wet ced The vn resent rst wasthe metas te maanees? Howie deveupmen sat ocen 2 overwhemea? the began a every cevopmert tee pagan manager cooled (nn nrtang eee dete wer ae etn rom hon Tr coat we ee om csr eoncrert eases, Morey bn ee,Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane perteanceeohancement and compativ ares. Af pan ws cela, made oe plan wr ane eaugh a fal tang ont roe. “re warplane were pect PERT an Gant cart wih dette east veng. The Were a len umetous a te th gh cso an og ‘mung he promo wor ad reaurg the pense. Aeon wor on oe entre ef as une eart wi smote wong a anther eure. Teeny People for nom nse canons nt he cae were oe ey sour seas wake mpletaans Hanbes oe veep sa wee en snes Ccomptsiog mites cnssaiy. te devdgpen sa wa aeegne sy oles clued an} design. oa sing ard decumeniton. The menage 8 ‘stra wa nrg abst war: Ona woud ana he feguremers asthe een woul dey he reuters person ous cde he Ses, ne ‘hatysrmone exe null coe. Pater ian wong ger a aean Gevcpers wed ae huh hey weve Maun ta seer pari he proact tong ite ne once yma respective conroutens hs rat prowene caries clapton, Frbermae he aque mato he wat aired wm ‘a and cop ve an ver aga a people waa or one raha comple secede st ‘Eee nthe avepment geuphada ate scompleh so why Wachtel parent ada we a 9 m7 The ee pect csere at he eur lee sry prenure rt me meta bef e nase cle anna meres ha eam ses deveoping retest ony ang teat a Marin he lar earns ne taxis signal orate mute ese an parla he wel apoach lo everyne eee rom a ely tease rig a ee “Testes ms ie Api and wa be demon ater cofrence nck, Now ae che en of cbr. The af wa cron he ping hats we recoerg romine cure afte lat tacae ye are thee wae ony te nels ene lease se, manag ane ele feng WOME ‘hereleast be an tne Wah sat ave ow th ope agua month? Natrg ssn oar hanged, eevee ws expec he wa. ‘Application of Serum ‘Servctats manager seed phe nreaice Scum et devecpnt paces. The cmpy wir the evel rinstenaatoea eS Wh rote | arash eam ha ae wating oh carlisesplace cae oben athe ext ear wero apse ‘epetert eemre Row ne proaarworet ana geo ow eigen sre woo hunts, ere he woo eam een sage ot ended {stimer ti ong eu nrtows re lake npopam manager ad nated ese nur wor acne nga ne epresaiad cohen ates, “evn pete ought cum mgt parca sce wine ma na becste was der Wah many sre He ha sce ate forme a mes wv ine eam cot cul get feral hey weeding ar wa progress hey made mar hugh ne woud be gros pponunly a Pepe eam ungomand 3 Bt {reuse otal condi ne meng tr Day ee “he team member eetoed he shton me Some te te a hey wre ivesghing tow ie wo predic Want. The econ Seteen Me ods rents an compen. The a wat sagging aterm how 2 sg mp covt be wed are wae concen at he sec and ahaa chro he pro ‘Morte miatgnd teu each psc nad cety estate te vee bsed on ae aihorlyesabahed ap Te ean paieg athgh ha een ering an i retem or tee wees, col make ent progres: because peo wodeen azine nays Wo were il yn ermine Poe proce (Tete ingen a pce The pote ang aye wee sc, aa ae meters eta mre sng and wing ht te. Tey wee peng etThis document was crested by an unregistered Chass, lease goto to register. Thanks ay rseegring tne srene a eases a mah ees res Hom te pepe dog ieegaton aay, ‘care anay tome Bly Sc meting whe npresson ha i em dist cant wr argon ante eam ha oad wae ty ann nto. rte Spit pring reetng wou! fp tetanus ans al se posarg probes abot arhive ora corres |acemied a (ru acne emo manatee prs wer ger enough a spp ane areata ha ured woktow uncon tea the a a et ee ent ya ‘Sort pining mean, vlna cing ts meting we wade iw ou whether oe curse 2 oy Spin we aud ut omega seething St Weegee nek th rot ay a9 by lng sete ea as erage nen wot down he queers he our wong: Hem heh ats had Bee ee et {ine women re eam nebo dete eon ply a soa aaten wero, Typeset an oer waa aut ul eset Inmaton neous comple Iquestond nem tow! nnrtonl oquremeni hat hada be aeeea‘a spp ne we: Ne ae opt low eo 2. Coreen ute rst appenance 4 Conte sci ough om pec \espaneate tam he onept te ace ble osc by An Hut ana Date Thomas The Fragma Programmer (con Wey, 1298)-ameoe og 2 mace psoln ie car urnieta aim Bt acsng inesceneo wey eth Dl enanes eprint ie gun 9 sce at Ma can De uses adh sm asta emo Sus tacer ttt ot trary treagh esse gears he ph abe coral Cau team bul pat er he log are ton wer operating tough posi and mat ae rarintonal equrenerts erhealn he Prost Bako pa Wontow 2 coh eam conte he Wak ns aren ope “oe tcam members wre rgd ar ec. Althey has eo was cevelap a a pce nna tat sane proach sch amy athe atee cou peeve ony agi press The ear wold bug semana untoaly mist mene tear woul nave deh ony ate ster to eae capanty 28 (rt nave nwt tne aging and elgg unto cress sextet Tne nar was gogo act meng cree wn aha pte tv, ‘eam mentee cou anette heron aun, hay nour hve o wat rune naa he eae for ately ccenpiorare Managar out beet tom ie arangerant ony Wousleam ea he ere fo wich he mo roc cou nerperae Ung Re towing. ay hen cole he ‘ueston wat hrctnal tapers nie ene, Ther! rt wou eve ucetani en paral manages acu sacs on nes el ost, The ‘rere eam a heig manages mane dene tse on evans ea ot hunches pesos, By recacig trv, memes eee =n pea ruc ancy, Sever send peace ast naan tuctonly pan wen Head are et othe ease soe, Lessons LearnedWecaneetom te xanpea!Seicetstne teu a ying gue ut evering in aevance Ina cone projec Telnet hea pects wae 2 carpet azo nena tine as managers aa planned te negrning ote eae le were belt con ite ney bee aes, ue amet se he eambegan nk Popetspped Pamea ane court oe compte and cepraet ste mre put on Neen, Tea mabe suggeat ears wo ey Pees Soe \Wecan ea ne sequent rai oe aes ve te ean. The pepe weaned ie ehason ne queers wee rote fame peopl we woul eegn he {oon et net eee eqienent The pope whee her oars weet ese peopl wne wd cade he eats, The am wae haar he HOH ‘tae ecoc team manage communicate ard colabrte? Not ry el: ase en asad beet compos fam meats has odes a coer deta he woe sneyeceve econ ato senate eam a's at ae mating progress osc, Bhat er che hi loupe? Cran ela Wo morn he an ne igen stings marapemert ge up ot Hanan ten ear oa reese apt cave tlt Busby en here wnat enugh re 20 he tam ne Pak ‘rotrign ananecterde The evooper: vera enaugh me bath ous hntonly abi debi she elses ete bigaeh nd ctaners wn ae apy ey cue nave een 2 ecuing annem ot ncryh lam makes rly prose wad carla alse, ice ach rented te ode he rb be ev ‘testi te prone Suns eae rene pactes prove am wih none acompleher and wares ner ish te ete oe Sener ‘retement nt each neren! code Plea anppele eure te evemetl feoa eles ana minnes ong Bu. ‘Sou: nempteaprocess, Faber han fotning ute rps. Sen employs equ npn ae apa fdr am aches twa desea gol Te Spent ‘even epectan paren ower beau et hnteniybeing pees, When ne une Brum ae porte teem way eg compen sn [raves ne]Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] ‘The Situation at Tree Business Publishing “re buns Puen (ree aceon Tee Hinge, pulses rotecsrl purl ros cece age esha been ana! aaecade ae Tee Scie utah tema not ny mp ut ae the Web, The soe n charge Tres de puiaone weet punta ne Wear ena pose, Howe rs ter ns rece habeen ruc om ore uraiae We We. Te dey wae nputbecaise We puting aed ol a abe snr prt pulenng a everyone aenug Prog ad ben symiececoit rea eto aware questions pect Web DIN "ow cos ema be presente teal a eect etna? 1 ow wouter etl ana pedictenprceeas change a pute Begn publ nine ewe a pnt “ees ators, wars ard stare eveope ans spent oe ie ng ete nacelle coun, tl othe ere te consumes near tang seen, Te puneing proces wou era XM aa seal coo oe wed en orem any rath uses main Eve ugh manager at "re nacre ath wash i ing oy ale ac at rena cnr Geena eed management as are habe any Pa Wet ‘hegre gol ctnong avers reaver mee operation Pans veo compen ny prensa te ee oa eng Te ee [bumalsup en ne ven in ezperaton Tee's manager cought away peep ceiver eeu othe Wen They Ig ipan Wenham ojearals eotcom caps tach gneratng contention Web mee Webhae area has abet tame tht aa ated scary ua oa pe one re bou WeaPin an ecaes Be ‘Wea puntenngcouten rales ura, These aura ete ort mt Web pug efert an cata hem on Web rrr Tre putcnae a WebPub made ne We pubahing proben mae conpint an eer, WenP4ns Wed pling pate que enhances ee nee ‘te puan Tee url though Tie eg ha pacha generated sln, Matus pst hac peers at wre peice sary cum Se No “reenas oar enero upgrade ne WeoPu nto 20 at wae se pln ee ura orn ne WeBPudparm me 2 gereratses ung tery hat 1 the opi ptm woul te entanced th generac puting nmi beet etancmets bea wos eth en Teoma e "eu mes neue ee oui greed tom cach unas eof proceso eed ine WebPub litem, XML as eat hepa nt fr hi pater. [Agerteont ca ype ectnon wo fave be consncig a han eure fate rn 1 Te ura especte Wen developers woul na al eral=pect Web deveepmer lente ue he WenPu platen, anwar oitegratethe ecoTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane “here eceons precated ciel estou for Teen ge pat because ney rice ie number ot eps santo eeu o WeBPe anthe Tee buh nt However thse cosine ln hahaa ate tect: manager owe th hey eos impose ne acalne foe Wes uso uae, Tose Sans were ‘mont ge pat ecaae he carry a ety her cosy can WeePue “re were detoper ere epenen onthe eal sino nd nenespoets Evrng they dwas ject change eh Pu XL ede Wee ‘ermalzee ane veoh piso war ernarcd Tha deeper were stechg a2 oki ge an at ret was rat wig oun ‘Application of Serum porte otter. The partes Ines rsemeral deve othnetonly proven aanitedenararston ol progress. Eerore ot anger e683 get he ule “rein ero enarce he WeoPun tm o tna Lapin ral nthe Wed ete cole a ea nena Fanta, Seta ‘eum are cosuncona A Seam f sche ual mechan hal coats rulers wer o0 3 ange poem ace Ol Scrum he ec at cori he wero mule prope of sarge an A Seno erm a Day Sum cone a ne enoe am eh eam amen poet Beare et cent oegne the emer = he pret parse mek amar eo mnie Sepencencie. Tear hn wat on pro he poet renee nt af naga e ‘her However. he corn meas seve on wren ere are ner cupingeoaepenauce a equ siuon, The eperaene a ee wee can “oct evep erent of oa nett, neses XL, WeDPi nuralhnconaty dewoped paral. The XML and WebPub apes a he werk Mee xtenave ander antec te How ould eel nes ruse oad wh he wo eu ular pues cna? How cu he an WP ‘Su anay te rgutemens te lear name whe wong parti ctiver her sn hn? ‘sees ta he eet opton war he nce on ac a coral ese pendence. Te dependences wee ce ales pete Wr gph. neem srouznaveta st argue to reste te cepenamoes lates Tre cle our pure waned nn tet Each wan wae tfeaath vege We he aeegnes {lenane om he am and saneene mh Veoh eo ct Meee ua ere ‘nets spn ning meting a ssh ours iam chur en ad sone member ncn te pte Leben pane WP meme. we ‘nine atcur anata rw ma ease Poa Owner We onesies Pose achog tional. eet hep ply Posie! eng ‘hee norton! requterens Xi sures and We apatites hatte nse una pa a he pura. Te tun sane ang ht hstonaty Ino anircremert potently spate poss unetonlly srg ne et Spt Linon meth he et ee puralaars Aes meengs he rc Or he ML member he WetPLa ember rom he eure eves ta ‘ruc Sotng ana expan te tunsonl ana nerturtonal aque sacar. Te ae We astro roast Gunes ago aap ne Presa Backing vm pur ater pongo make Hope oe Farrier fer pete. runt ML setned and WenPun capi sche foe Wa tam wine es Sp ete hw eae wou en Ym he sre nvr Pegi 9 “haope tase cpalies ane our pure depends vpn Tha po ine Nan Webhuo nan meats ane deperenes shen ey eure ekomar Wen tae. Tey ware ae tthe nse oh ne url eae a enced the ncn sipped en a eva Infrae a aa Lessons Learned ‘Sorties projets at 2 cones Ma hy requ someting ere han he nm Inpemeraton ot Sem niece Te, epanderie among nas Wet ly oo (enor Sou shane net sre tate nada goths hing abet he nance, Srumle sea ample ocer cor ery. Aaihe Sess carey ‘te, i moe apecons mie rtesed Geena te eae Reger apecna he fpr rapa ao reteaces, erm ees on hail a even _A Tie. copie wa renga essen wa ear hte. The XM, Webi, nual ee Mee even depend nor np, het ‘prince trea wa heoy rene wa eraspencet Sous el mechan operons at adelaton wou ave sn overwhtnes a nates te esas nia of or AL nee WenPu, anor enor enn pura The Gay Serum wove oft eaugh apparel hepeston trogen Cesar of sepenaence tla andnepeten tegure rhe nceeey asain be ste and peering “re keymeatcaton te Sram me cave was he ean of eam cestuenpopusie he ana oh ach na ed semane ho was anlar wh ach compost hove conporsunon sna suet etre The Ha ane ear ember nol conte prt Xl as neta supr he eett oura ‘urcority ne opr TheWeaPun putin an eb wou rare Secsna yw af oun tan eal athe ML ana WeDPu eae hese nai were repre corning fe poss ceeiopert at me|ounal Mans WeaPio oat ane ecanpanea hg cach Sit. ese prepehen en Sucker a ara Veoh ears ae ercre ie eae ul on cna ethene eeu ana Ate same tie ey enone wot [cual tame wha ox ara Wor ear, Thi oss tnamcooansion eran atte tena oan a3 Sem cme, che wa tan ea Scout havi tom eshte tare, Te woe wala Te, aavade ural re apoeatng nn hee Marne Wi arapamppt he ext oun [raves ne]Te scene ae reste yan utegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma rege. Thane [raves ne] ‘The Situation at Lapsec “he Une tates bear ame ie winery otro on September 1, 200. Suen els semingy une sie oasced. One question we easy sot isnow cou weravebeen uae hs ten? Fre a eta olen Sy. ca a pt Rave been tected es prada wong eee ‘muse amount a ar cole aby goverment genes ne ile ts teal it ane ieve, Hower te of i ane free han per {Tenge nstuton ott pose, Prac oncoms aan absence der ned Ra prev eared steno carer th a ener wey taeda “repost tating sch rman fase epee net teen a Lape sever yet Lape fared ie tetague dts ‘unt Ona ison ope aranced aioe oe quanti thn, py rice ina oe wn coremquenen aa aly Heda ration Pa cose ete {apatem ara apenecaea the go shen or eroticy 200, Ate sae tn, apen wae ors oa he tans ataase upprig value “eps rt ny naconpeta, at ecting each caplet fute aeret vf realy. naperiece, Tey dl ao be cotrunay erecta tm agence at aon tno ne meaning ane nea -topeaton” Th eine obs carey ered nareauedto mimzestacton art nina res. Ages Paso Decontesto bows, sae pss cree asters erie torts New a ectrloges hain be gute of estes sree loredate an ames changing di scent aos on ago: haibe enpoydts ely nahh te neeie Inme haystack ht au eprene esse ato ety. ‘tne ree a tor ape nary way te emo Inte n poe Wee ue. nah Sgr coperson requ a her han evr ee csotangy, et mtedare nar spoof cance Espen anagem ciaace, a ilen etree a eps nee OL tpt ter a aro reek lt “he tcam member cigar seve wees wine ming mich ogee. Te uous and ecependencs were rp to gles How ch a sou ey aly srqure? wien ageneles sou ey spoof sea? How ou ecu he aque en ae apse? Would a coe agent Wk rwouineyhavet butter ae? Vat in grt hls evel? Ate several ec of ggg. eet eceahy essed pocess tal wae hee "na out bot wether Sun wou be ale orp eae the hanson. nest campos jects Fm ae oats ney aggston because ae pater ht econ tommy prec exptencs Thanet rower war nates: Iwan loweg!o mow enh shout Mos wnat huge abet he equteentse e nore rae an Beno exp Hie erry psbl a nyhlreces re estes the estas ant icalh ster posehes! ‘Application of Serum ter reve ale roe kata Mia ey exec tha gee a poet ta naar wt ey unched on poet Dug Poet ure he ‘eam sauce apne eam gorau opr larg ecg her ret Ate orate Cusan he ea Ma begun fe eat pr sine etreeTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane tern et ny of Guta whe Lapse alae tae | feel tiny ely cere Sen. The eke oma ang etre, tne ta ne ‘eumtet Spent Team mertrs re al ange ele tom ar ogazains wo wefelnvessgng sarang ew They a thease epanng tah pereming se singieuntt rove 3 peter ow cult inpnen? Every re tne gl ems decuse er goals nd Paci! acy he nl mene we att snot me ey en: Lapse a ect at progeesn ne pret waco urgent at here waar enough neo gee arch seu custo losis he poet A ae hats wl ney sme pera! adage secury cesarean any cae te ea count me anphing a ewan Same rfomaton wae etary passed on toner. Teen eh sce Creugn tet me shut te pope na isan gute he nce Hes esate ce meng at apr ove a Forum to Wok team aso dep ane scr ues elec conmanent ne pain, cu eo, pros ander 8 gras cecil ‘Sutuniaglouptivasaishas mage a coeciveconmanentto sete sone lrgheln es rt tne, More ain patel Sec ge Sc Wen ne ea ‘emer snp cng at many at copa coma os armen por, ean bares cpa at kona a can ec tau comply an pee [Tsonante pane Alta pote mentors fa amo ere cep coiaces bu eed chee at ood, andra sou Rowen, Ty ge Powe be ter eject happen cee ne erent acgounds andl seen person bing ee, ‘cou seperate re ay igh ease ane ng seen le mig yc aha noigh oration fo conan hype Poet nad bento valor one poet wae a mpove nana seu ough he raging rang a hn sare ofp wee atonal tp ate ‘hee manematcre espera or ago ecg anlar wee nee ene exper vey US citzen a iar thn tle ne greene ash Ietgenegerng an zane port ver hugh wou roan erg abo the stl Yn! coul pena cor suc a agequte pote Prout Sactogtenepine eam ment, “Te ret mang sary evening he ones Pred cog an ain Wah ety, hen peed hepa Predict achog ata wien prev ‘igh |achene ears sper est our gang over Hanson newark xe te! Spt al a at a Rot ty wo ate ott me wht Pret ‘Stenoginey madsen a sul omonataie cement platy sppab poauttunterly age a pr ee wate wa cua hey Scare openy nya Poet Bacog mghtbe cre aougn eer el poet ome fe cts em aoe. ‘he Pratl Sag conse of one ntonaequremen as number sip noncorlequrerens. he request ane pact ag 9 be abe 6 pare he flowng freon "erty move people whe have anda ig zncl veh pet ies month pwn heal sameene wre mtn cart at eat ‘Contin maton om mul oes cise eatonehip ne yo er bang pote ‘econ sn urea Prose memes storage cf exact tain ake a mee ai oul be ead cose nie aS yaa he reste pated an wou wis intnenn ty pon making ema.canning te requremet eons ston ce untontly whine ett he Sp, cn leh aot eaerlon ne med ot he ‘etm a washer rect Omer a woul ane any questo regarng te Poa! cog ar poe Ten a te teams at wn. ‘heme pogese th iam it rave dete, explored he amen ti cou retieved, nae ie ements a as egies he ‘uted uncon ae deaged evant ison aertme They erga wn how coal he wr, How od hey eo ia ns wot andi pie ae a ore Spl Unsere pest he Spite in te eam enseg at hadi a anetie eat atom me sae cabaret hve aloe! (sss econ. Te eam ae orate af eases pu ony epreserave lear te we pot peta a pee he estes ronal Thee warn ees ‘orn eamso bts every pce te poe ‘pint nt pacers th am mene: heaped and beso agi coeae lam The eam gee tom ae cope peuple star “ere tne ay as epntconsucing hypanatea Spt gos ab Spit ackg Mos peng, eam member om eer arganzan eves prt Baceg same equa castor responates a oud ojure scat coperstonta compet, Byte ena ey wae see fo al he tar Ma rare ate ne tam pe tenet ay area wo et tp wou eo oat he patel Product Bao oan acl eet Po Bac, Then seam wuld "pest he Spi pang mectng th iv Prout Saco. pera two Pou: desgng an conan a Spt Bacto Me ea pe ask te ea eat mead {got ema rom ne eran who engages fae Poet Gus. He a eae scces he es ya ces tn eel. hve hen trom tar shee. ly emake go unanenre, presume nea ae sd We rein someting ha make me ace at elo aera me oho aba Sees ‘toner eter waste ry pesos ihe roamane wa eg rma Lessons Learned ec etal enmiserna be ace regu oe claumstnce_ Aineugh Sunes mig be erga kf emacs ae pater ay ety ony rar My hance nee ean Lpae by my ack wedge he pean anathe echnegy My sggesione were baedon eve guaswon Hz erathrgio read ‘Shotan ana cum ts certo ponent Sum mutt at a pce ee ano aly ned “Te gyamieo serait colatoston and amergenc rebel udesad en sen ce ee rtm My dest ot a ean mee keith ‘eum ir rove ne ea wn anypomtea Pred! aching Ma woe sa rough es om ocge wom a iM meres ous getemetonay yee wh ap teeing ay wee mang rei pogess ha po everjone unersanng Scum uch moves wemlnelac a eperatia Fem then on, am wa bo (orpoy Ser prccer rasta eae carpi oe snuton a samen al couse aaeaee win a bse Se[raves ne] Conclusions “oe contest Te. and Lapses projets war all cenpe at he wn jet planing and conta pracices na ale. Alla ne roe togure te ose yretronzaen utp acter. Allo ne projects Padme eas waving smutarenul prices demersal proc wthn aor ped atte. Aa ar wee feng ae ‘Meteana testo tgre thon te nous sa sho fay te cet er snr a eee sane cuttin at Scum seen thave proces ht aes ne carpets crypt However, Scnmbases ae ono refrac Seam hea ‘pateanne realy sped hand ven he met copes pete. “re ureasruning Waugh he Serica Tee and Lapses pice wa argon The comply oe aun was ee et fined alos an apn cfason My ober totaal acoso or mena Haug ees oa wth ean oven openly taupe rgarzaton hin ard ngparea ye patent ‘tec, reduce te canon on gee wee am cud cope ae ncn need tte en ath people wha fa he ese andere ompiuny ar carimt taro nie cercetet project reese cont he tunton by feuing he tam on ithe et 30 cach ys ae he tam tne ene ee neonate ‘cutnon tomate wr stan amo el eet othe lace ano acs an afew ont sep aru er eee wot a ple peru olgate a asoned aeipientin he eetne, The um war ae lot aarp! he toudaton en wich ett eee Se ae ps sn ine Te poe reduced he empleo stutony singe ems sna ane egee acest i ewp 2 lec trons was nice itn ech ia ‘pert sneering tam progfenr wa a tone opener ear lnmeLapes pte hao nep te eam pace Scum, Lecingon Scum eo paces proved nagenutln Msn. Uh ar actualy are Serumto ae ame one poten was aang He am was enlygasp Son. 8 pra econ wan eam lo erent wek ake Hou oem an hea “rantspa tows ue eum Wher ny eter he Sp tne bx wan acl patente, he eam means stackedike 3 pct ow op Tr re oe wet el ‘he scrum apes Serum ero pj min een pes ane eet ef compet. neve ance n wich ey spp Sen, See: Maser wb ale eno {pty ne sausages meat acts saline Srna py pear he eas tase cee ee [raves ne][raves ne] Chapter 5: The Product Owner Overview “re Sera recpnate fr reing ay Barats etoen ne Severe Teas athe Prot Cer nausea ate csr can cy ve evacpnen Te Scum seep anon te Pras One om ues Sano mains pst ein on eset (RO ane! eet ecm, Nomar nese espns ea MT ener tan hae wre aga 20 year Neary i wen cums a eum ate dap Each sos he iter ar source soma al st lu hata orton aaa get Te cstoer ows fom experience fo un i athe Tar wl ter 2h ‘much nes astm nat mets he casters nee The Teams tom srpoence athe canon ie aj hangghi rhe mit wen he Team ka ‘owe wnt al ogee hey Beleve eee porno werk oe genera each ers maul Be “cum rac my cater ier potent a hate har am eccues veh ete, Sram poe many cpr oes tye poten. Te Team ana ne reac Onr nun costa eeabeaing, ching get! aoutrow wget he met ae ae aunts othe ee cng. ‘nee mplamartos Sau peices aclu caliouraton xen sisters na deve ean the al ar a's eum poe Wel earn sbaegies an ce forte soumactrobirg he clarion abostueng ath acesay ets ok stow Sarum Raped soe he ute maherent pele wine er Ne rene rte Team ncn tt erm war ang employe [raves ne]Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Customer and Team Collaboration hen nea evden sore, csr mvlemert rd alaorton meen robes nh 9H0e, te compete Were se porte us woe owe te appears ‘Aetna appteatn na etlogy tec mere corp an rune of keh ina poet inease races wee lnereaa cordate communion rar the Ineasea nantes ol putcparis Far tance,becnire many akraaes were red weegants cle lt he equrenat p's str severe We lt ht he {pam shud memerih tart hetrerpecv aurea Becuee curio was ich an aes ecumat coming, we aoe cee commune supotng ese pte fu A ecnie plete wee med we evoped odin etegue formal eee he pens Each ep ov ‘neagesemcen ne nae ane evetpe We wet Hom arene communion grcaneriaten We wert am qc anaoun ny reguremerie gang prot Wewer om aimplelanguge io aac a ware eae ang igh pees tras erosion c water mex, wnich ents at tet a eq veep, tit mehoaaogy ates a een en ees ee, ‘Ren wes cose tan Sevier analy peers he sem Betoen sah of hee see trpaate, were even Mec, Snkacers ered © ‘rane ham coated acute epee wha Yo wart eco once ou) ys tbe eae expense fr you shane oma Ae You ‘avsce ne wing pes scat twee he csamer ante evaopes. By ep, te wr prson cts fe pave wee croc a a Ye ‘yeaa ebowesyoule te conpete erent you equa e Wi eceea Has gont agen welcome vel gure Yu UP" | tome Stuer tne sos ay. “What oes Rat haveta wh code” Ainge a que ar cement ao cage wae amate tie hrjee Her ‘tie aot erequrenerts moses nie. Tey ot a ta hay rpseson enpat However couse tem 9 erase everyhing ey interme ‘one tne ingest of een prs roan shin ashe a Japanese Gee conse tin sce ew eh. chee icone nea comple ale ‘irri ne way errors ves, Sou uns he aria ei vege a ese conan esi ne velpers be cops, A equ (neg and anni soagh nek cong erg ane documeraon a cna cepted se aque ode compas neve Sp ae aonenstea ne ‘Sprint at trctonally pn ae kp! short eouph at escheat po tlre th ps are compe Asa an se a Spey nave an opporuny reared ne promt at re tart every Spe optmze the value ey ere ro eps Ane ea eery Spm takes ea Pew ‘arctan ogo equa ares atic might oso the evap, at ey ate fee stounta the ato. ‘Stent one hep when ns abet Scrum. Caster at 20 many ‘ver ull psa er hal ey carne argue i, peice ec tne er ulet oh mere wot or ert ore maya he Stuns anaes improve caster iments he eyo quent htstoners can platy ie nthe nani, Te pi plain an pi evi meetings are he beck ai Se i expection ae Team tape rate projets estriol ete, he tahoe an rows Owner an wat colanrate mate wine Team Leet atconenetance wh Sau poe an pointy he roc ara evtpnt eu 9 Wc gra mann the va he et AL ‘Servetat weteee hw lp management ecagrza ne appanuny get ely vad at Pdi Onna M Tecra, wr se how a Younger wae te sk rcanpary era romim by acing Heer en Na wot a te Prodi! Caner Fry af Mepabant we zeae Senate gttecsemets be he ros unas mining he wot neces each an lees Se [raves ne]Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Getting Servicetst’s Management Back in Action tres pop ad euch er oy, Wee ete ass rear d erent ede co pptonnamet poe a ted ‘ronson an cu tay pes ats aragane one tats esi sone and ured dee ont epee poem wes ‘Servetats a tp ctostes Tom naink hianesie compar anwerarang te ht pogammer Ae Seve ew tay ees tathey tale ge wp aap ental cevtnpert ar seep uo cer. 2 eu hey were creasing Maa when eetes gan op ere cen and ne rat ust eee ‘Ererying soem unl eat wo metho he ace yeaa seve Them wiht warning rrene was mergers eet te eae Te cot clnang-oten wae lhe ever cou dot keep te bi court a fons enero eel Senet jeaes taco! Scum are hr he ton os Sprint Review Meeting ‘Seven eae wore sper hy concede Spree era ce nal he pint reews cube sutneous. The snd oma fre Spt even nest wa ‘meds at manager cous gout ho alte eae were cing at gen par eT ear tok oer gully scrance (2 abnor Fae am ‘Samed oray ne aor st apa repaaton esemontaton ohana, The at aren et preenan sese ehh ney ‘raion and evaluator oma were salar egies Eesrly avenverdntsortana were presente water, laugh hz cha mete repeat at “eee prestet ot event ough atop managemet ae pew meang nthe GAlabetny_ A member ach iam tad an ted management onthe ‘eum name pit gol ar he rod Bane has soled ars wate demarersing ana hen summarize a aga gh ge Spe ewe wna Mas gore wong. Ts prepretap management orn hey ete sata se \Managonent wae tan team's eam ar intorlydenonerane. The ans nen aheredquesons aecried suggestions ty tote he Praag ot ‘perso Spin Ts olaeate beter manager a aetlpert a wel noses hu The ers then ageln took uma runmvieng he mre ore ncn camtook oa f0mfutesta pot on what erhanare ed beh suena ote, They aad wor hey named aneing everined tatne anual rd ‘men wappeain Lessons Learned “oe tean tne ie Spree res fama Spl eparing mechani. Beeize ey ely weston ae aceaace coemnson ot cuanto.repacerepar tn colbuan. By cocina cvteence ama he ar tested a eppatunty tcl wan manager mae nan Wee hers Manage wae ‘niga Unie sept ie cobain wae ste a sae nad a vbr enna et erie Spt ove sone op management gure conmart oe Spleen mesng The vie reset apg a | aught wa es as ne 286 ‘cinety nee you were Canigeta ae fie oenewcistoners? Con bf customers ath es Spt even meting” esting war scone ar Tor ene the Cetouner, nasal When we wee aml eda have hi a ene Bu ene gt GQ" eth yo hep aerore eat ed neu cae aren, “theta way we ean worktop gan [raves ne]Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Fixing the Problem of XFlow at MegaFund egeron n Eran ont wed oy ntngurna tee lner How wht Se asap soon hepa ak maces Pe OMre Ag reson ory sucee year wat ny noterer wh Scum NGUgy ou Snot Ht have Deon Novem a eaten Dot you me ‘emect ctr vey 2d Ta manny mong hae bcane te rad eee pant gard Ath iow cutners ore ‘out now inane hey ath engeeng ana hey te each) anata wang on a a es ae we su! cur ontme deer. er Crgencabone se now aig put ger ese poe meege oar et communeston Mt ect row wa evtped er byMegaFi om he ered source coe 3 connarcl waiow padi ee KRiw angering am uscd te pret ‘Megat nnd, tbeeane te assem reper oration a wa, The gras estan Sat ae Sy eharced anamaiahne XPM ‘Megara companies wana. Entoced by tena sites XRow ihe ngs em paness mane tener se beg tig ae compan: conmerty vai, the tara itones pert enhancer rt es tastes et Spero oben. her seta ete mo op ge Sey (dom of ue ae cater ef ne ger ourers unt Megan iateainverisng he poety a repacng Xow wih comme rail Tree eal ‘Stare at neat wera igh ere epee ete rene han ela Xow erghesng pf proven Ti asa pola cfaope ie ea ‘Staners mpenertg er woo yon, rerincs woud have ob bl aconmeat tem, The Megeing wartaw wus cae es han eres Fb ‘cong some comets we uh enaring tra cars by ceeaang eis saa earce a uta Haw ‘ant wth est un tar ary coup ae ave Xan We cso he St revcn an Sp png rosin Woudtip atte 8 ‘necngie tee fhe eget and casemer? Nath ngs he sites ha en Get ie sual oes pote Prod Binge ey werent "ay thet prope he cou cate ean wee wou ty ec [Addressing the Problem Cncere ated ania oe wrt a oman gourd aut be un He dot marian San veya was op ta ney we ong oa atpeon et 2 ces ‘ronesing wou event tenance pans sour he eae wad ae wher eve wn conan goa “re cuaratec wth car whl ope presenter pets athe aac Sh he umes asus. ne anges ne anyting hat wou ot nein cntumer eu tey mere supe on he ster weet ny sel hy wate nes a he case ha eects een. Then each vePostini eros! gent nea. Ges ecoteahese ona whtncademinsng pistes keepig he word lest. Wenn ges proceed pares ‘rranemeni, Gat larre area he Int onthe wnteoaa aganeminsng ciples hee prevantatons we rare, Recs cea al eve was nod sone ‘Sinmoranyscincen ne cise onde ghar espe apenas ‘ten nla sare th erancemert hat he argent em Ma leseios repost deine una at eral won verdes wee lenin Megan ‘eae ge pln oot be ceva He ate eveyane oh is a wa coe se ove ot 0 day at Men ap eveyone eed a eet se reneres protons Ate an ner testy claps acu, ne wo gaup peer ned reven lene devel ana ome eel up te. Gel anes ovrere Ss (rato deste sc whether deepens an hing ete ge woul nrov he salon betere org syn eh. Eveore pent v= 3 | mon ter te engresing team preceied eworIceerbes he chal tems hod encountered ae way honed acne emo meet he ered ‘urctoraity ants ote bug The canons questioned ie engrerts raced hei geotabia var eps a enzo. Peete re Impressed the eam tad cone 20 much wor nit 0s he tar Ra ut capita nen, put eral nese ea ree ace ne “Tecutaars ere a peste the wo one wae wl hy ha leted he anon ena he engine eam aa ely eines totem, Te ergs ee nse ale cuamers were sen nana npr Toy ha bul amet hat Grace he pro! omer a ese re real Mopar ‘et then handout const mth or mesting He sears om he engetng am a cuore Hd yon’ nese changed? Ht ‘meet pasequrmnts hanged? Had ary ee tage tert? Geo ie outsan atten Pete he a groupe i re et cna ode a igs ana nen selene wrk ie egies wou oo aun hens 30 ye Lessons Learned ceo wants ston em Post Onna he a le pa Poa! Sag plete namect wn ne development eam at Spt lng meng Geo hata ‘pe scnm exgeeson tach ossbe ance re! abot econ eis area een ae. Weare ta whey ete {ace har see an poten iaspntcant vera. Al Gest was phe ge ogee epinteese neds a pene ar then Greep 3 pian or aon Bessie he tn wa ota on 9 say re was no fl Been aver nore rater was ae ep ony. Evans aude the amo eng wed ony a hat ‘revere: protons oud everualy be aecse Tne ep ane) front er 20s etnies eth! hr ree werent bong deter tre. 2 sephing same ot Scrum procs ae posapies, Geo wae aa eave a mae ic ato h MegaFund Ms evan tum ne er wo yo ‘rosence sppvng nee Sum ncgies a XP ees how wal ts comansene pase wed 3 MegePand ‘en pele don ge ose eo ae ae nko ch he, tn pc robes ono ach ie, Te eres iam ane cues ma or ters year and soma mee communion Noa grated sl teeniegmere of mat message far ane gape cne Whe ey ot tegeb, wn Gat [rss [ves]Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Company Goals at TechCore ine econ wer se fon an excuve a Tecncoreh ama cueno mates succes congey une haep Hepes alge te ung Sram Me tat aetneugn nenaciocnae coun crea a pllng outer 2 Peat cog enti enone athe rea ney cause ace by csr arson nog evocpen Win rman of mpementing Sete. ead moretan aeheea geo compar’ Pompe ha enpoved so much as pevou era By oi “eorcoe wae ened at gery gr amour “eencote was ee ot he many snp elecemmunctone canaries Boson ung he ne 1908 The ya ese companies wae ote anew, mote cap apd at ‘Teencae, Young PHO: tor MT aan sets anne ances Us nee wave Weuery mule aa von rensons ey Wh ware eet at aes oes company, Teeter wa ae nase cpaly by aver 4000 peers, cel te te bt IT PROs fo deveup he pose Mote tom micomartrg ‘mance runanrecores,puhseng ar admit ale ne et oe cmpany, whch wa rng Se Spey People cou Pe Med. The cmpay Wt een a3 ‘S810 rn oft yt ra ron mebaogy Su Mehl a Torco’ nectar et ha na congay was worn ae meta wy ear cargeert eas ween 000 naman eure was ign he wong oop, mane was buy Pang he et expanse. aa he OEM ‘Sue alnnget al pepe even gong er secs cane! ha seat wale ema athe peony sh How Scrum Helped TechCore oe an puteategee a rote Sakng a ecza on ngs Inpartntothe comico ther eckeveningrovng manfactsrg yw gen ae pny Yes tans mpi Rave satan yn, batt He sigy wae ae company ne art, Wee argued Teche we reba Pave fecesiarymaratacun experi to 0, The eee pln te Pra Bog gee war eel Bene Mle oa eh she cou aoa He ga necoul ensure new roast every we maragg every cine nrg fefored atthe company Aare, be wr stceaog nina wae eee rng steqate tenon ceg tat predict onelopment equ were ger pry han marc, face eng aerating, was a agate Pt Prevouth, che el avon evew meeings io mpage an econo ihe veel eget. Thee en depnesed a eegn sess anne par he ‘Abajo Pagans ena gre one learn ewig up evens ne We desues get Mcnel mvtes Hugh he Cay Sens Ae Oa Sen, 8 became cls atthe Pos ween ning ie ech oh tay wee oe sek on psi tat someone ce cua Mave Reps he soe Team membets gen Meng eh theron ety aoe Ard cal aw ari pfu sep ae rove ces andere sear. each ee poner, Mee awa re ‘Sted tenon on pct deeper he cout expe dele ceoors, ese ht he caret ah was ern sey ative es tise company He eeusecne ers on npr eam win seer pels, win wet ase rpg he uy fhe how ‘one supe pola ne ly Sune mde leak 2 weno understrd ered ome th moe tte engses pet oral arent ie eng rnponente, They woud uct careners tom push athens aout ana wat hem When he omponet tat ave, een wet he ae hey et hen ‘Geneon patem in pucasn, Reece cart hs dparnet wars este santon, The congener athe ees wee equa wee ew‘nemare cto te ee an presnrunced potter. The manacng yet ese comers wee lo beac they were neraoglesab ay wee a0 en) cipenve anasto nt The puraorg lt ten Manatee Sato ne components he err whe hy have he ce owe ha wos ene ‘hem tocosn The ee att ot weiner haan, gered sok lr compare puch wou ate pt evar mau roan “Senate camper pcan wo erupt te erghee ogi ae, and even tte tree seeped earth eprint rk evn Crono natn ten sola saneone eee Ths happened er wae, ‘oat ne pursing protien, we ne wo nr anger to warn the ener deveapet grup. They Wee "nen nen ene at heya nae PHD om LMA sonar engineer nus agrese a roqrtfora pater congenert fa unerengreer Th nr eget wos an wok wth prsan segue he oe pope pt sequoia porte. The iar eng ws enponeeso mate rade, ToPlpicresehenanae ha aceot ore psn. lhe ngewe ques wih CauprenesTrageots were mage infec te been fe vero puaei ener engiee anne necessary hese enghee ho need he at ‘You ig i at enpeting he pushing process atv acompléhment However he Bly Scum howe eng wih purchasing wa one le ea on ‘heteams tine Roar eopng ser engreers tom waving wan each er ng wth Mehl Ha emeralues em beac ey woe gtg 2b one Lessons Learned Mes nen paripatinn prc deeopmen improve he eparinents cu exponntly a ip eal rate ecient Procron spn snr eng oak on teapots saaneny ped proce Toe ea waa cecal ements [tne stow towed yBgTers 61.4 en tout at Tcncoe aman ar how Mchersosiaeapercton nie companys Mgnt ply wa genera a FO ‘Sint 1 ln oar win mon, Nn bed y= wrk, [raves ne]This document was crested by an unregistered Chass, lease goto to register. Thanks [raves ne] ‘Company Goals at MegaBank Funds Transfer System sent aay nce o mate 28 el out he okt Pract nr Samtnes kes snes alow he wal hing nc popoee sang ease. ke eng ‘oper aninkng aa wna oe nee Pepe we ten rape gen aren menedeeger nant wiht aren. Te secon earl wl gh he ‘Megan eo ge! mac enaaein he Unie eae, win aon ranches and ncigh captatzaon oats nasty mare, MegaBank none $8.8 ‘anette, ana surcnstiy cori al areacon cle Fn ancl System P75) When began te scne the PTS poet came gramps Woon he {Second enue of FT The ars projet mana, Pl wren we um She aa eth eum a ed her csemers eee arene vege Po}: ne ETS prope need smth, ‘Snce melt ot FS, he cstrte egaBank had charge The anager Wh ha ced he elec ot FS, Hen. Bea poate arte Hens ‘oprah egos nwo arg win communication ae eons te poe et nen cone at ay ranger ey nis UuroeanangottepaFunes FS unctos Laue wat sugar re decing poet acs. Megaund Ts management a esas eee da Ota 15 rato ates ay. How cou ne Fs eam gel sme sald tc rom rasa colts Wh er abut aera lace coe ang tee? How Serum Helped FTS enn nae came to amecing a at tp. Pat sth nat te FS ta war gg! xe Scum, whieh hi akenybeen wed scezeay manage te ht Prosi Mogasan en. May. at ste ht reat smo oem show much Se Wa vce They ht ape a Sen wou ey hem werk ee et thie FT cevenprent nam, acess he ming peer Scrum i nny Marya Lute made he prseaton guest ey. ha we “eed pete et ting a hey ware dane dove evacpent cyst at ne marth vey mony wed how em compa uncon, wed reew eet wal 2 ones are tgue oat tea coer Hey Mary, and Lae were ey peared Serum serea sles fndewana a equa soa ‘neetng cre month, Tey cout cant a at Tey had eo cecae as new Geshe pce wou! hela, new tome row pr tt romeo ican win er expects Ser seemed ver saghionra We ptt ine reat te mrng wine vpn! gE ng neo uncon equa rhe sean ease We ese nigh te xia cevlpnet esentem na geupoatne tonsa posse Spite Essar raw tr or en Marah aur, bth tite en ey are al at ear ore on le ‘Shean eens vepne ey Many Late ahh tele! ear ae won wae owe cae pentay avant 30a. Tey hat moran ana eaced senate pan nanqage cannon eos. We nade sae eens neon ue ut na od ne nest Spr, Howe he am, ‘roving wth Myon ate mae eo set Paget aso a oe The eaten ort wok bung te prt Ban, whe any May, onde went a 2 Lessons Learned| aonplyed Sum oh FT nm ae manager, They nse etna ik ec ena oneanangage Pode cg requrmers wee he argue n ieson and every lin pac nce ney bop epestng nat rguage. Notes eee ner ne Seri rghage na roee: te sea eng Rony a way Geecrng nw hey wor gongs clas Sono sit apts it egutonene A anh waste tra betneen Meni an i ely air ‘wma tney cated smeing nyt Spe PTs tean has een Jeng Sete for otr me monha een laser and colar wth copa eae Sowrpiyg Sone ines cotaaraton by rai he avec olewrrgsomenng ew nthe sppeterien a aang ew ees. [raves ne][raves ne] Conclusions Weve uote our empleo ay csoner appr nnn ares ne ave ote erp Traughte ue of Sem, ech astakn oreo ot Prot Gnner—zome iow anaaersuriowrgy. each case, ey have area aerate wan he Team Spy Spt 9 cole action lip! he in ech css, Serato roughness Ouran ie Team opener Te celaboan as een ee tpl of Saeane, in ach ace, a seca A ‘ey tnt cat cramp le Team anne Pott Gurren ous each ter eh it rit een ey. he Taste Pro! Ce eh ‘ar petig fret anguages beore Scum was planed. The Prodi! One od ered ak nie cf uses egies cece, wheres he Ten least speaintems tanning. Seeuze he Product Ceri uy oleh hag. e the mn eal ne Sastre fsa Tea a akin seme ‘toutnessrece rd cjecther, The onenen cenominar betnean Ten arth osu Ore Peat sg ‘nae cond mune cles ovr a eo ach pope a eco ete Sauer. Tce ase erent ered Sunt aig ‘ton oun aut eto spy Scum vrs salons wee ered ow he Seeman get he Prac wer nae Teo speak he ae ‘Srgage oes mang commana edocs & mua pattem. Th tees ae gees hile nhey ge nga edocs 2 ees ee a [owert er wang a eamendtione athe res Out. Thess len noe says pert her ngeanr iecespeak" a aNgage shel? Ineonpretensne tte Proaut Owner When hs Raper atom tem wt hyve gone slp em eta Go ere Theuginese tose, tery Mapes ‘thee cermtiarte uncentnane ep oe agape ie aha epartedcstors na dercper- ig is gp tle Wh ee at peak ese Ianquge clarion cant ance occur The Prodi Cer hasnt hae papa aceent have te Backreunta do 0 ary cat up tome ‘Souris hep te Team eget pap. in esch tte cramps nhs chp te Posie Owner ante Team have calabria dhe best one uns. Ea now much fan inprovemen!? Witt a beneknan aga! lo easre, rch an achievement ean areca al Contes Senta sasesepond whens enchnator eaunng he Roto else nce [raves ne]Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Chapter 6: Planning a Scrum Project Overview “he Scrum tring proces siealieyxpecttons. Tee sks ode ce when he poe ce wero ue hereon ise ye lect, sreose who wie cherie tte bye pro The pan sama ofeyvoneg aeehodetsexpeatene with Tams expectation. ihe se of sae whe ibe uses at ret nner ne plan ne mem ee el wo oa ey canbe eo ae Saag fe unesonaly amples. Me Se ot ‘series wh ate ung he poet the plan eas her evpecaton at tndegiceqted awh ne bee ep sols rested The lan ae he Duis epring Athe ele Spi he taken tena he Spi eve sng ar carr the poet: nl progene gas panned rogeee ‘Change ncaa evn pan made pain mecings een he ake or eee whe at nai aera Spt eve meeting he Projet pons carare ata suits ne p—to ne ga plan arin pa tna been moa ene he rer nepon “eeu panning paces noes etn ies quests: "naan eae nang he roel npect have changed henner! she? 1 inate tha been dey een ach pert? 1 ny stouls nese being ck tune pet nee hate project vai nvesinet ply sou ey Steve a nse pepe he projet can _Soum poco ee ping an ypc! Gan har-taes pos ect hoes waking oer ie emer prove aly nother ree the enc cre Spt Shee Sou pjess t toeconpor be cesetboain ge eat he incapton, we ntng ane argue hem 20a ney it ever he eet pestle “he rn ln nce er Scop co ot elon ae aac ge en eres why ong inten ate deo {inet rornsyrew ue ray wn argon he ven mg ec fone aes peroneal te crepes vera sah oon mgt ese tres ma ew ares a hor eww te cent ae wa snp pe on ‘sasopncr the Pree Baan ese rch enema nur ae oon ens ne eo a ota none The Prom cho pases plea spte ana eeares ae masa a sea OE ‘iis Srng: we. deined work at cn be Gone in <30 dys &proguce executanie Probable next Spit: bachlog next In port, cepens on ests tom por Spat [usrg a spent. tat Sonn Bocxog' ted and can ory be enangod asa resut of he work peed boing performed in tat Spare. etesee acuig outsae te cent Sprints aways crane. even, ana being eporaze, Cone tne purpose tne pane conn sameene tan ne pc. The Han sau re eel y acolo gate pet nas me a ‘uve corn ingest cata ne. at hee uagh cot an a, ate pepe who wil he pete ety congener! vor pan, ‘Sou ote emerge a he prec nqunton has been panos. ne cate tees rel. eng key nace nd expects hve sey Sean ‘uated Whats eeezty nam io rean fe roe! it et Scum aoa! he Tea, Pr One, can nvsan Me oe! ae ae pat \cadtoa reese sven Oye Pax Bate, Te fe ah fcr te Sch ae eeoed rane 2 Schum poet te Padi! act The ou ston ‘eeroes a cramp of ch apoTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Managing Cash at MegaBank Megadeth get mac etter nthe word We care MegaSan's wea Scum hee and siege! halts Two ets he enim ae at Intoaund a egasan 20 peter of a egabank ornare poets a ae Sete. One eam Pag ears neces Sem habeen cher pat Megane 38 ‘tert ton plat projet manag maung ane of Megabanks agpeston rm malian yen tothe Wen The appestion mn guesan. oh athe “eh Spleen wr ures or recorang ana reporng cst andes Fung hadoeen spre, Pe team haber meg ante planned wien The ear wegen 3 Secnuse ne ew gpeston nose aan tone eles le areame prdecsse creequtty ore tutor hasbeen suze er he rot pte way beg wth ony Sn planing mesng Foros Me toe ower, an tias ofcosnc a Proc Bae the poet ewe each ‘pene ceumiacer Poait Cer ap Team Row San wat |p ez wo seso be parc eecivearescing Seung prtbecssa he etch ‘pe leon sneer proces sancomng eu we has be Sein he ey ne “The Two-Day Sprint Planning Meeting {tsuneo ne coves hase: forotrsoar re tach re reaing Ton aa eeyene aw me sete oat ge Spt Panngmectng he on ng we were mang asthe Presi chop Jil nena 3 Poa acl 20th she ols ely he pest pot Saco, The ah ended nso ne Prot ct tl aot ead cana anemig fan reer of peas nora. need eveyone tt wea are he Pr Bat Sone pth ent aay. ut everyone gana ranetisens Toor members Fares zw the eae a erase een, Tey ake ne Sauer it Gite cal at otorine nex Spit Ate nasa beng ape ae abut fe reasoned. athe team ha we esses ge ane fe pet winnie conten Sou we ‘uit ang he rai Baaeg ny aun abaelne at expen apa wre Maragemet at Meghan au the ets reise Wetageatipcnar papa ewan state eng a he ncn nthe eng mantone zt, ct whch were one replciean he Web, We le Reg eugh ame anki resitemens, sch ax ering = us aeeuare (08) a pocitonenionen ah jie Wn eee, Wea tea prety mach lhe Estimating the Product Backlog rule oer Tey dosed ate eau care ip en accu ernie pry etalon were seuss onugh a areca erpettons na gue hat {salon ot ric! Sak terre Spt. Sle ne prereset estan, we ecuszed erat cone and Mpa soars devant Ta atte ‘uchreqitanrt recent ne wou hav otro he eat capeation rd acon ot he equa incoegy wat bute equ are ie an mec ‘pe peo dang ewe ou pote pee mae te ye etn ee es anal hen we wou! pe chan tanta eer ‘urcoraly Woz yu oven we dsn, ne rare at complex oben woud una fender ou eet ores Tne ntuecf campo poten sich ara ‘stone nan aspet one rosin can cause exer lage anunpednle vations Inne he peti ane Soha maerRow muh Se We per podTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane {ea cacagitoment bom sou eps reaie othe ea he er regutomen. Te namaton woughep ar pte Poa! Ba ans ve i Ss. ‘remind ine ht aru eae gts Saed onthe a of he ose Te ter na oy oe et ng een Gp ade wousthen pete ot ‘rpectaton abut wat ese cone by he nd ean Spr. We wou ack ac roger nex ps react Sache eerie ns pot pres: ane poe Se wale From hapten we cou rei when tr woe reat forrease me cae, mangenent expected jena te eay nthe marine, We woud now tte stern attaining ener hi was acl etpesnion Are ena vr pit we nous up he expen oy tahoe vey hrconaly ‘hun enpeced everyone. win neaegucsines nmin he am war le estate Posi asin is ene hae. The tea nae eater on ae towne oct marae ch sppleatonanen aloo member has wae ania meer ander of ZEE_ Joa anne ne tecglesthay wos beeping Tees ule ‘om and Ester egero sow far xia carpare nh management expectant’ athe etre ree that ee woe one ve Marin? Ea ae puta cei tecauee he we ane whe had peed a mh ‘What Does “Done” Mean? ‘etre we procenid 2s ia wi oon eee ned Dt he ets eno acount ow ong wl ae fay, eg nage he ‘emer nie Pras aco? Caney cose fern ing? Wee he ue ada on org en the exe stow re ode eves at ‘euerng owing ade cay arma anor enovngunneserary cat Hae npr a reyanewneoed eal wha he eats owe for beeuee raring waa ever perl tm Ping workwear’ before a te wok akan crural wat cae ware ere ny ware ‘ein tae at ne noah ong evap wou ere er ate scorn war wane na primed ce anon een aes. FOr Instance, Hine eam an untae ftcloraty we sh ebay court on nan mae buen were te case ought Seca mae me ortega De pletion prio apemernin ecaze we hve ote gee Snr he tan wae lca cage a tered aude eater Bape ne rend Me Spleen noudbe eater to mannan eran Spleen. Whenever ew pec otcose was nase he eam woul Inmeday ow wheter noe oe Paces nconsly Jute was ci She woes ssa ‘sremartaatesppeaten,ot someting Pa wt coseon qi Sead alo erred! he was wt Wa en deve re wae a se now Ma cpponty olen en hat was a ane expecta ae he tam ow esti a one Pred asog wth now Wrowedge keeper: ANSE ‘penang a aur fgg ete imac he new senor teen he nam haupsied estate Jue he aera he Poa asin wa team We ‘rtemens sau ces et Bernie OA weep leek, wo oul be cree ast ana gen Okt eng ae ned svey Sp a ‘norsntonlreqiteners haa be ponied? The eu! eolaeration war the posses est asog How Hard t Is to Change was raplan woth Team woul orth course othe te pnt anc asaegunt pire We etmatdtow mich tne n average he eam membered wate rey monn We ae nap ogee a from mach ree Te cul eas ono. Ten arg lhe ape Prec! Sahn. we eed haw many ‘ams couls be polentiny inseam he re opt We ornuea sen he osu Bacio, eimai Ft! Spe corse rie Poa echogias pregoTs eocamer wae rested by ature Chg peace gots Mpa ener com eptert Thanks coven Spt. eat atsoce sana mod na ne Tap woul eerie ye me mene Our gh cating he ptr woe ayn seven meth Nene a8 ‘utwe alte tal ne pew action tone’ cantte ote atonal re meth ws ha suck he Test errno, we mt have en up wn a eae! fe monte Aritne Team ast woe scorangta hse aero tone High wel ate eer jrlemin te monte Bu bess ue ow nceooe ht miei ve mothe te ren tne woul be even a susanaard eto unt we ha kon, a unin ang ese we cover any pet omer, Echad aren ie management ate pos aude one n ve mon. Now he wouthave et is management ne had wong ot tat {rouart be pon Ate ak wae who was paying forte sam nse uncercd wy ema ha rear em he even ran er awe Ke, he “eam mitch inne fan he morte mere anne Ranh A a we onto ctan, We wouseto8te Bete by e ndtee! Spna hat on e sreltnave an isa fnew guy ne Team couleur Preait toga clr awe caud tue he eae runoe SPP Ateate Hwe wanes ome nett et sen Spe _cawas peu unantonae win ha apron. nthe pa ed aye stoi enaes, nate Taha vet hm oan, Yes, te aread ne nh ater ‘omaton auth prec hn haber However fh ue at Mega asst nce You rte moh twas a anor enone. Eaten ter oe "Touma sna ‘Lac! ow we ave neta rata nore om ie atone, Ms ave ve man, yu eer tne dows ete on Gong aca en _ round sence honed ts decrton Cette fod eh ha sourde oh a hough were apna a bee 8h So ro Serum, “hay righ ng tavern ave, ey wet al angus wherever ecto. Esra wnat ne manager fal stare everett |e comple ant ny east tata crime stead, tec Slee alaneco rede heh at ees eters hea aut recone was Contos reve taageark Wl he ang tng ha expe wos ut nom ie Team astore tng cars pop pe nee adhe Et he ‘Team ate aie wae oe npr an ey dal oy sou heer was nese a eth te, evn heh ae fa ake or uly pos Lessons Learned Sumi 3 mpemert. Te cs poet bean he weday Sp planing mang zc ere. However, Sou equres 3c fue tt cturzatonachangeta cere af Serums bee, he cash pet Megabar we nea a anager ce at vowed seminary exe ae coc Ewe ‘rwtingte eon te mlconcepn ain pat nme bul Seen woud prove Rim Tom ule, anane Team ihre pais 9 0. Eery Opt eve Meng ‘motes ute me aference etter octal telly and eter a he Teahouse i evra pl management Ma ance Wenacastnaied te costo eesig he gusta he coral Won “busnes a a ete. cen eactred cae, Wena an exis cos oblate at (ror mere sistance aa marta Wa we Serna asain essay and marianay When et ret he Tema weasel ‘eras seed wha wos the cot he eparzaton? How ae et compara thal tn hey Te sarmaton magna Eo ee ie cane oi‘er ew eect ates quantiste a spe emake ace dela Ane en een Sp he Pr! ana repartee dec te Team oo wo ht ‘cote gnent ate fe ergantsnn, Tis wor oon cae tung he Nhe! ne roars Balirg ni cto, ut ao coat ihe en gee Proce ana anaes, The wo aso drnensons fe ie oe Wek aa e ql ete wok nee exams Wel rare 2 poe! at cos he urea a ected ote etapa etn athe enemy Spe, The nape setae sy wed rng eres Sura Yaring SseTe scene ae crest yan utegtered Chnage laze goo hips err oma reer Thane [raves ne] Certified ScrumMasters Take on Return on Investment (RO!) “he certleton seston ply ners toed on 2 te sy shan the meaning ot en's races. The cate sly nas he hypothe ot Mar Leagee Basen MLS} Web se. ha cue sol pectieain te nloung rector. One a eerste he Team Memos to ae wheter ey ae ae engge A ‘meaning neg wen say tugh rama earge steerer. The teen ote Tee eer tak wth korea aol same gh cae. Typ Teh Pereoances te presened atte ee he ace ta Must charm nretynpecee. MLB tee ptt he esl late pot Sap log! an hae Seen ace Sou on recent The may daason ch Be ‘eles anor auton se. Aco. Athou al actors rik en xAucten ar suppres capped athe pte expenses, MLB Ma eames. og ‘vey of watrouns ese nts ren rtp prce lupe 20 peter ere pce Project Plan “re i. conmietoners oie nredan etal crating epnzton Deru, an a elo manage ne reef maze ote. Cetae vee etl anon November 1 ara unsqueeyaproed Essa plan re powseaete Pree Background Now estn andes a e208 tae earn lc recite ce ough Maze ces. MLB eae develop ‘icv afaclty nine Web: se wl be row ae WLS Treg uncon sine are auc ale, Auer seck o MLB, epee abe oy ards [MLS toate nine. Solas ni atone eso he gest a ctitg anna arg ether oun che wit oo eel conten eslenesoy MT Me ‘eer can at tt the ran othe cto arg naa an et act, eee) a surety 0 te Bye este ge Mai cet Crete sane eter mae eats he aye Sele wl narnia oe noted when brs eae ar ek sept MLB maa neck rhe proces fez tne 2 pace MLB ee oe cae. ‘he commisoer wie anounang MLBT at new: coreeneon Jury 1. peo ave ame const salable spring dy Me 30,208, arr ee to {ey hoa bye Sar teak ch mg ay 12008 Tees, March 2,208 tanta eae din. On el te ML st le vs ayes caer wb Ser ibe eto ake ok aula a hed pee wre jets lne ae pay nba areca MUST Ina gota, a ‘ects are rare om are oouyr: The eae tne mans n-ne 3,204, stan cpa be es ote, aon Aa 90,208 YE (tbe se uy gpa ates’ hts ew hectare faci ng sot recheck on vray.Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane Fung rte pes are ample ad shou te cole an venenatis oni, The certs a he dl nuns, Face or packaged tar pet ‘Must conte ther seghta covenpe-—wicevr hp mesh The crise ess anes on enc le WLBT wt beatae he bere (hes prortoneprorsconrnce, 1 cuca cantogiter a ptt coer tl nae ened a eb ar psa 1 cues canopies ptr buyer eats ne eg et ID an pacer "© cusomers can matin ate under he wer. ncng ema ae, bee aa, releences. acta crete, "© cutomers cn pace toe pf aut, desiring aon pic, tf scan eli, nando susan ed, ert emsion hou be proved oma ur can sera ae teks ee hl ure rhe ht Sas tare, fh mnbe eas eae ese ach ae, et ‘estan ne ba pa. 1 customer cane MET riccesy conse te auton yang he kee tees Maer arate ane tine sme tee eng he 1 ecw ot te ae ne une kee a pron evry oman re bays. 1 arc roc he nuyer nn amecanem rang ale tke wee nt succes eave he linge pu spate pada ie ft 1 eric w ater re rte Shee ee 2 perce ne set hee tte spc etey ne, ne te buy ae nid oe "© taericw racer pect us ny eet oa corporte MLB Ec rom he MT: ecu sonst. "5 arcu prose cutee wen vena an inven seach apis ee et cle, nse 1 apc ae tlcetyanoan abuses ot LT 1 eect ie anpatatevlo tari sy (2000 ee per dy Stan aeage sein pee $50)Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane 1 coo percent sabe, 2¢ hous ay, 7 ye ak “etn vlpment cone fr br: The system lb ese a deveupen enone rng Open Sart ruc ig al echelon eotare nrg onan cpenaat kane seme Te gevopmen Team merter i a v h easy commuting dance tne Sevsoprer ste, re ae cers ion te Crvccpent ate The aeveopmet enim: ewes Sas al pie rd new cpsnlise fen opening The developmen ena ses Cpe SOwee ‘evecpent toc such Ege. The evap Tamra ve nooo de ray, cec cae even is Sangeeta ate a it Src acceptance eat te stare ve tne thls utt Sou il be se asthe avelpmespraic. sea ay oer spect of Exveme Preraning ty er roneetngpatces sun a cong ans nip the Team. Al tte deteaperon he Team must hae tele egret eal wh Set an {tone Prayarmng The Team mais cont ot evepment epee wn eer espn an cong at, Tee erga ae eronetie oa ern a ueet cecurerain, ough ey can re conacers tae wan he The ene onthe Tear must atrage 10 yeast pogesrheemperane on zt ret eh Compl ectnlgy and Open Source sone reste. A eam members mete BaF ahead The Project mage hat tera qc rue! rope (RF) posse, he commer MLB alee yor otpanaten devaup LETC nyo eepoaete Ne RF, you seed ne enforce, you gearing ne tuntonliy caplet an te! Spit. Tle Sit bepanon December? 2003 arth Spit een mesng mae hea on anu 7200 ‘Your Team ns compe sh pir, which ended on ach 7.2004 Youhave demons te hn vee ding he he commer Ate ‘urcteraty nese othe te elec pace. You ens pul even ogete te poauzan enone the anes ion LST nate 30, 204 Uh-oh! ‘Ae spo laring mech urn Spt. you an he Tet cae cence abt he caps MLA hand hn ome th igs ensure ‘LS nar eas punt rans ti arte MLB a cone yt wo god os LST hasten erage of ver sp page an eprs Papuan Eveone Mo ‘Youprove te commoner he lowing kyon fest: The Team croc evr ecommerce reir: and eerie ee wou on avge 100 Commastner canon ingens athe te wi ey 2t 200k pe am pl 704 ane 3000 pty rete eet a esac, Te average ple al charge ya ler stove eat 30, twhch 25 pee goo MUST: You hve previous alten ermine the abe ecney ee econmenaed ‘Team els ny propeton ater an song ens ate tone applet oe aanaeeriveEven nt a he ing elas wa ne cnr ave een outa even ung Opera on ate! RAID Svcs Fonte masimum urbe mutans ancora ha an be eve ib hee eco apes {Snel 100 pur socna Lis ae gece ean scart penetra an ate we The Tenn cron ta peak veneer nama pean gh ‘oa spate sang regener ried he ommslre Hl ake one mote psa Wet OpenGL ane iale cance The eh? Te ‘pletion wate rey mont ater he rasan peerTs eocamer wae rested by ature Chg peace gots Mpa ener com eptert Thanks ‘What Advice Should You Provide? ‘Youle conmicsoner tie. You natce at he carimisone gets renungy agate rh your senator apg ee ping ae er an terng mes ‘lve Happen toe vry wap. The onmseone ee Yoo hock a techno mune noe anit Nena he hau He wants Kaw ete ‘noudalin Ne pu reisons pel al hemo ameance tne cnt gel WLBT ip, Wa shou You aia he amma sacedon he bavi ewaa ass an How the Teams Respond to This Exercise nave ua sro a mae han 10 Carte Scrum ang cots, whee people wih cme knowlege ot Serum 2 oni tame deveopmer ae ‘aneciobe ccumases nave sate oter 200 Ree people eed ie 40 tus to Fow ovis save ae conmlasone Here fsb oa apancez, Team 1's Advice ‘eam 1 sent cmmsrorer at nenar 2 scaly pote Seca ot Me agate MLBTA campaigning terreus win havea hance mere rans tak ‘etn any reso Hr ad ou emi oe Oper wich doer nen sae vue, Ase Team | opoens epace he Openeok sacs wih he ‘Meno ctase ac wl aaa one ana mer Worl ested en Fgh aa, anne comms wb normed ae sen a poses weer le Team 2's Advice ‘eam 2 aan conmirorer at nena ting Wry soa They ae rely laces tet MLSTanae ben sih sce ae ay a eh eur chy ‘emmende doy Deru west re, are wy wos De have amended? ‘te commision responce" near you reser met aie earyou gee ump EN oy Haming Dene ME Soa one SN, a easel Nong Team 3's Advice “Than every 20 seconds te on als la eae yn ne. Yor buses every Ingen, anwe wt ewe You" Team see ie commie a wah ‘he commision respnce"relyagpecyour nt pending any sedtonal mare, yur gay Ra ray pume nace. ate ose record meseages, ale nob atin whem na ealine ante Stam ean se whats appa Tleeaecepite, Bt mat ey penedTeam 4's Advice “eam 4 aon conmironer athe siete the puoi reatonecanpag ae mae sone date wrt oe ceveaper ame ay pu up teen way a ‘tna been ut arti war bl pe might toca Tea woud hen preet inh sme spore. The eaten ot orl sa ecerng ‘Muri gtr nase wa atest arg net wee Caromers war tea but oc hate Mar 30, ey say mie nce he pt neat enoupn eves te pole The ees ak fou hat you can ait bul oon wor cary any ana coat The aceon ie ee up he Cent apa b epleatng he fe forte eae wane igh arate oir Yankee, Pea Soe Marrs, ree tn lr Tile as oper ans ‘eta wntowe The ot te pte $4 rule lr dl sow MLETiefoproceed en soc wh mina. The ha ops eye econ ot METI ‘mene upgacng a othe tes thane te gtr tan epee cuter vane The coe hs pons mllen ager bt a $125 00 noe eveniee ‘oe Carmine’ espone: "undead You navel i ot my ates 2 at ey ore weigh my eps You sok aya wera only ‘em Toke nrknown ro tne he wl ing pe 834ml rte mse my koa ean cen er ay 8 23 mln ante he rooraninet ot oenj heb manage oi he problems Weaver erate ow Man asenes eee Beil anne, ut al rae MN tan lets rce were a monepy Were exe cane cnlomer go cane hk sau whee my pce Ison ane! 19min ds Ahem grou, Fmt a, Go ‘wet pon Lessons Learned Crmoraion gure undestrag, whch neque goa commen, rec er pete on sesso anh Team sea ny occ te, “rem toutne Megaban a eet When a manage stapled te poet woul nelonger an Ne ane apenas beech tao whatever ae necessary make edt, he'sradacoquse Ga sala, he coudhave tea weigh te cs fieenaig ke qs a he tom aig easton We marin {Se cos ct manfnangs wea corstictea snd ane neanpchentie seen ore he coo ie ede up rove perros malar, een ‘tough ne dst wrath cece we esl et Ar tan ene conmertes ome Even naugh ete un Sram Nba abuses a a ‘en Deru planed MLA, rv enough nematon oes he ommesoner'o make sce radi MLA Was complex poe and wae ound a9, Cin furans cesses et, on ore ued rani ala tom ne ano le pons na he conmiener wee. The ceria terse to acute probe In alngunge ta waer meanngho ne conmion erie a rake be ation by sng hal eve/ng war ne nari, Inmet tine ccs ate ‘elma ote nase e t ar o' even opts othe comin They pes eparee ne ary, are we ayn veges Nahe (Ch gyre! tee te pean ent ur uae ao estes ham ua binge ely. TS dae pupae, a ‘rest fan enonent ln anvprs et ely ou ere te pj sae my Baer nan manager ee[raves ne] Conclusions ‘Serum prowaee many ponies a nepsts poeta make the necessary asslatons i ptnze he bert he et nl eons ganze However hse reponse for mang ine asain rust have aeaite omaton ley wo make he test econ: he ase of Megas Jule ar Ea ave aan sao Geta wren tc tna seven mon prot achesie to foce a rare sted othe War ere aso ell eat een nme abence al at Deven hey wen th por comment. {ew tams te saaring Mod we 2 uses tt hang cia at hey a even rk uce Han ena up ate ute aogurnhing a aes ‘atte ogoancoranpie hanes pling sore nave be extersive or x Sum pesto get gang, However, nee be aaa enough gue he npn a ‘spline tempi proceees he Stun. Al pts oul bent tom Rang he oeienet ane arergtons a ase sp Uo hese apne mere ‘meant. Feasvis] nex][raves ne] Chapter 7: Project Reporting— Keeping Everything Visible Overview _ serum pcs ented by means aque nepecton ot he ret loweayfectsny apatons, Some this omaten le cormnieia acto ace. Ferntancs ‘ne Daly rm isapen to everyane atone can auc gos fe he fre ace, ae popes oa Spin The Spin ee meena oie many nag wheter ‘ne ppsisceang vate urctonaty wel the uals apne that rte he omaon commune mrtg, Fr nae oe Pred acho (rates poets ramurements nati ham arr pry vey can eval te Pedic acho beens te Hea ute a ang eeston mac row, ln aan ine nami lomton rove by wren ail om Jem pots fe gone at he ot ever Sp. These repr prove eae sapeal ote Poets pogese Toe reponse soa! feep vero a peed nie pe uptodate ons eg Alt enter tn amc ah sae onedeteg pot ‘Sou poet eporrg, Letseor tnew nomen aout ne at of Sou projects ben ple ey seer cgtisstons At agate managers! ea urconotanewthoew ay ‘sosurg projet pegs Went ee Phe rapton fom Yona comm pret acng as npiemeties At Megan he eects nrg = ol re he parade repo sanarin cum The eerie wated a cunmarzes. pics repetition te pecs popes Wilk Rowe ees war ata A Seven ‘Se popes ep ane Only Sum yh ena ens unearned ance wae vay merges Ve aka wy ane ew happened nd deci troy enaie alte smart eat nrepes ister eran a i ne arcana se tne ope Sp aching We ook he eta ot ‘peteans relia he conanquene a upsing he Spit Balog an ea he ttn wae eae [rss [ves]Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] New Project Reporting at the MegaEnergy Title Project, cou ar up ts nny igs jee Te pe rw ete nasa] a poeta wea er steps waa es Se Anancoroa ines nt omaa ascoens ot nara aby snus enc tos ania shoe SILSton posuere Teper tonatoconms pert nao iatenateeare he who have tae a poets aaa, cng ose who nde he rect aioe wh ibe see test eetpmen. Moe! pcs Megacnrgyoteres project tehoets ny ned eile pecs epetone ae poe warsgpas These pot ropes rie tons sich at ‘ener datmert, ehectes, ne dese, and cede Ath vee athe proc he pj ha sine mn cevtpng eee rat hey wre 8 ‘apterroswoning etn On one inches et on acs seo ay mee Project managers at Megan hp! stots ra management ppd ree popes vou ede repre, Besa alr oes te Managed a ete Ice nenerepone cimetidine of conpstes et rlppage as compen, naa pons ab commended feeder, See ut ave oy 9a resto lourr incon tes pate wee olen rarest hurts to stkehae.k Gant repo was en urea pe Pees A Ga pes ey ‘ceinacketelpoectmanagonen. proven aun mecha ag ou pes worse elon beter fe wo ae esauces asd the wore \Megncnargy tat 2 vey oma and aoa pet managorant proce evlpe ve he years by roam anager ce, ates sre pape whohad pray ‘npn consistent Tone te Gat report wasn Gaping an Conan poet Tel soutien 9 et ie poe! ae Pasbeen oes ‘pe etert he al lrning ra gy ace charge cr poezres aun estar ater They neler hl ea fe had fle ecnie manager Ma ‘arate oo many carge ila, ne hea wae eee ot la eon trea he ame rg ove ander and egecng rer ee, ‘Surry, he aprocen econmon a oer managed by 2 stnes approach people ten sxe at he poet ae becaehe Stned peanch wae ‘Sveti rguouy enaugh Thy cote a ate onan forte paneer anal st oe aero, _ercr mangement cng he seeing conte fhe Te pc ne poectmanageent ie, new smebing new wa gogo id on ee ap ‘ne Tle poet Tre pope srg he pram maragenen fie werent amr wn rps posers cen Serum wae a Bgunsnoun ahem Hower ned nate "sue as org az ne roe wae gg be coote ne way peje a Megaergy wee conoted—win Gant pas. “e prsenios un a enna tou re Scum tanga ser management. cue the Feoplen the ram management ote? Shane mate em wae ‘hereto arr apes wre bo ese one Tie ees hau wea oa rg decane an ooh nena twee en an cg! Poces coo We kw a he dacuson wea hae alge emeons npact Te peop he program marager ofc Maa arg Mato faucet Hepa “Tar aprosen hasbeen ued oranage poets much ge ha he Tale roel Trae on he evs ie poet les wash tae pop lire, net oc ‘Serum manages messre aac regutenens flats The Pose acl ete te equremet,hepoftzton he egurererts anne anata upg ‘pereguterans ro Spr an laces Tne Prom clog a ne ao 9 pea Spt noe are om a rac acing se sara a asaegue! Spr becize ‘einen conten nigh nave cused he Pri! Bang change arte eid Same He inte Pod! alg mig po have been camped ings Spr aTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane gt ave bon esocled a he Spi The anoint Pros Bac lay planer areas igh Rede mero fer oguremerts. The Pest une might ‘ave euch or epupendne elaee, Panne spn mig nle mat rae Pet Bale ters han tlre ere ere at te a of pete Peat ‘tchigitons or ar mats ure sah racy ane are worngon he ret ‘Serum repr rpereta prada formes sneha ar managemert. aalray pans eal rd any van tom ne plane en a urdetanle. Paoae ‘managonent opr ae supposes how now czely jes the ill an. crm nas ep eke he an, eapanesa ae ean ante pct on ‘he pros pi Sum epee change an poe repo at ack change ars pact onthe es Solving the Problem “he ceumiaser Rah war a caepoet manager st Hegatnagy She Kw Megane cre nse nat afd she ne he senor agenesis we Be etn ‘epune one Te poets proses. Sh aa woe wth he peopleln th rogram management osc ar ew acy wha hey ward anh. She ne at Gan ep ‘tere tect ter eparng json. She nas sles in peptng and managing Rene epotswh Mert Project ean poet manager a 3 gana Poet managenet ka Sou ey weer neceesny wats succoed. They haa veses meer he centre pening a manageren Reprod be toy pecave we woulahave uy every cange. The wre" eegann” an "nege” wee ikonn ne program managenen fc a ‘rel pena seem aorta “oe aproan we rtd orintosucrg Seu cenler manager aha program manage ize ens an ke Jn ea Hank pun aang lc ope pa naron wag marti ea ann ake Hank nye ang Hank eples Becnae cir han pushing The fpoach un ancl an wae a mole sta saghtonaraa Serum nen ily comer out he cant sere a rr an ying iscomine error thal eps posers oa ae embode See, ‘toe apaine atemne caret apeanch un an Soade poe management wen Gat sees repari Howere ae han wer nor oare pring ans ‘purine woulpan an epo equronent ‘curt ope acquit Ruth Sous eon Seam ene utp fe Posi Oune an Sram ete teens each Sp The a ee he ‘Prout Baking a esa ete revo Spt. he second Hehe Poot Bacg the he ew Spt. The athe Charges epor. eat a ote aeeences Seoreon ne re Sarge rat mo epee Thefouth eet sthe ross Bastey Bumaoun apo “te change repusummis what happened cing ne Spr what fe ae St ee anal aapntns hae been made tej nega he Inspec ane Spt reve Why vere Spe ben eomusas? Why wash lear te ocr fom? Why de tam cai ewe gure han ricpaec ung he Sn? Where war he earl wr reprrises fe Foal Bog? Why are am ar ae pesive Mant hd spate” A tece {iestons we aneweea fe Change reper ann Pesc acog repr ar snp he poe betaeen to Si. The Chagos ep cures hese ‘tereoet ana sues a coc e Charge pars avers pv tine cnet he charge, mepectons, and mapas ae in tha prado tee sng Pret ace Ge tT Poi Big hon nse wt adn neon ng rn et (mptenc txprarans tone ptt oly ng prt porate nn now fsa pda cvene a Fegutorens re agence Spe anes gue ons ihe etTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane a OE ‘is Spring: wttdoined work Bat can be Gone in <30 dys &proguce executanie Probable next Spit: bachlog next In port, cepens on ests tom por Spat [usrg a spent. tat Sonn Bocxog' ted and can ory be enangod asa resut of he work peed boing performed in tat Spare. etesee acuig outsae te cent Sprints aways crane. even, ana being eporaze, ‘caesar ea at mare imretve ana Pest Bacog et. a you can see magus] te rae, mais dependecies mth res, ees nl cODr am ‘nee conpenns han aire, appease canbe dsahng Hs Gan opatncae en equate ate ery 2 rapa perro ReTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane =m) camel) (zawelaame) (arn aane) gue 72 Gant ep ample rien pennant pros crt sg eset Mose ican spre an os neo PO he epee ene Pe asi et Sn Scat Pee coun, eon copa esa he Boston csr Se hen ranges tacos as Poe at ‘movers o spre seem npiaes2dTs eocamer wae rested by ature Chg peace gots Mpa ener com eptert Thanks Tae Pawar ag 5 Ta babel Ts hehhobbababa Ts] Retour | ame rg meres socom | Camm eo Ener warmanan remand Sane Ener araran remand @ a9 etn romaton ao] 4 con sent Ter gue 7 Poa bog in Mine Pree “strane beacon wo Mares pects war sages Rus ha popula he Work nd Tang awe ae Moa Proje oes nth eat wr i ch ‘rc Setiog tm lng wenn stat sie and en eae of each he ci ones Sp. The percentage Cee ets ete mal 108 pent athe ena he ‘Spin. We setes nen hey werent she woud sth ome nd elect ence waka Mute pie “een repo ate aur tenly aa poet oroas neat tach Spt eased suring oper Prose Bateg wor esas Fem Spt ‘pint neice crgetaze are sun canbe ee aces progese ona comping a oer a oar yan epee eseTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane “re Suns opt messes tbe acu tenaing Prost Bache wor on he vec ai ane te cle by Spon earn ace. The Pet ar et ‘msarg aay at rect Sang wet ter ot coe pi By renga ne canning eps tom at cpg Spt, hung powers hcg [wera te an ung othe average ope re het wera! prs a eran ter ine tone poe tees Sp he ne wren ze waren can ‘termine ecg wren ne tot nent te Pci ar Ph an ect wat an npr per wad ages preset omar Pw he {Shot orttoeay ana te weve ne We coe actin ie ep to oper. nen mangement got pot alienate at pr the ew repaid otha the ep ace nats Run tein th pretace he eps he nae ‘srg protest compion ronal raer han ase. Wen Aun et ere repr wn ete care ane sed he ros Sahng Brn opt 2 {how re pesto ef conplte Pret Bag eevee sceaue, Se hen ve he Poa ecg one aon eso e Pet acy ea ‘pest ote Spit nate nate Sn. nie case reese aly ama. Te Prom une ha cpg on eve he ence yao Implement mesnng athe uncon nine rere was mage poauton rea. ets he Te separa wee aed Ate ets res ang eae ‘peeves wo ie ecsnn modu rae spe te wees ee Poa! tg changing everyting Aine ann comtiecvae@ hea este ‘core bert Screen Spins neremer can plete pemeriea In ear he Proc Owe anes impentson wae used The Poa Cet, Inept ae atid The sien came was espores tte emer rat rum ane bee requentrepecten a aahpaen Lessons Learned run coy aeere hat ser manager es arto ah ab proce: wait ony abt ss edi anew ema or eparng po pees wot ‘rete acing managemat about Sent woeequte geting he pagan marapener ceo conn nee apoach a mara poet. Ser management (on care aoa unm Hened aoa trent ihe pee un cut nave cotnun ak sed reper sever maroger. fhe ha chezen oo, he wot have developed nasi ak plan ana sch St cg Init helartnae te tine ar neinaan od mie ut she an ata change he open oma She crea zetaegthat she coil he are message ‘ene peng rma epring popes en eames ard hay ae anak yng he Pec Bathgate me ae ean he“ranang Predict achg one Gant spat wi ey elo. Ph et a ncaa 2 mich sme than conve he program manage tce th em na stm eporng wee acepte The ony opr at art en ase Prec achog Burgaw repr wich tec an peice eur Panag opr Ae ‘managonent anea queria auth egunepa,Ruhwa be osipor er cuesten wn he rest Bacay Gumson ert When anager area Wow ie Impacterne ary esr, Run ma be stow management en he Bundcwn repos, Au Was be each anagem Nowe arage 2 Scrum poet wou Man ‘Sou proves valu ae projet stecnes, However ta real erent approach Ron atonal pect management etpecing charge ie tan earng Adpason it ‘nara pat othe preter nan ancsoepean. Here cones te Meaneealy Seared, et pope agen one earns appoas Wen ese nee ae ‘ougnupin ne const re proc Power, marspenert: ten exe way. Manager warts gw wy vs apoach bag sggeie. Te ek he apne ‘ey. ard wheter sown mu change eng cease ne case, Ph sowed eva the ew appre png et meh ete managers arey ‘te She shored tenets an value a nen management wine! sowing cng seat eevee a age pacszar. Al Paagere ae Wa aTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Getting More Information at MegaBank Magadan asineeced neal hale The Moar leomaten Tectlgy PIT) aganzaon manages al MepaSak operons, etre, teach. Te ‘edi ban dese he ete hemecee te et are coca ete towne sons nau te eprint MT ‘Moric me tecnogy orn st or egatank Aavrces etre uc abana ae eect neopets eld andes ures. Shee ene 19906 ‘Morrnagseds Wen te Metre, sr, oo anata! aruneon group acne eile wre vege, MBIT eva eran ha been he ett ‘many compl te aoge wae a ae, To ates ee oe MET hd eh pds ps. Deveprs a ne fe tana ee NBIT cnoge ay Magnan employee whe ha revs seg Saunas made Serer Aaya MB manger, ase Peat Our. Boh Tam ana ha ete ear embe2 l ed pope ews a wich ie he fa. Scum poe apo hee ries The Sout poet he Tea om peor argh Spt. The poe ‘necnnim or eating eaeee, Ine woe caer, maragenent winanr aeaetht Stam as atthe ep. im he WET ee pare wha a nde he Marien poet anane Prout Oars manager tad id suns peston asng fora enon he msde the Spit aed ove when Tom ana Ana Rs rat un te opie even metng a nate pet. sim amended ectng win He, taker ne an sgpring te jc we acetic yma, ilps pel en he eerie her an clabersng ‘eter ge tan ra wort aire He geranae at Hen a ey hat ao ange recess Sum as equ a I propre Deen 5 aye, He “lent nave tne at Oaly Sone so how washer # ting wre OK? Tom at ray ha hewn te eum eo ley wae eegese Tl wae deep eoroogy project enpoyitgsrumoer aoanced BM iensges Hot cau he now wher tae etrloges wee woth eecee How cau he aoa wa Cage te erent pare MBIT ere veloped every Spr How Pow Pow? By fe ae Hen i ole, ne lac hugh 3 rane ha a pee roe Solving the Problem on xgsupes in Tom a a sol ht ma esta wh ne rer ep Tony ny ty eect coehy abut edt Cevecpnen Furmerare, Jn wate nanny ages erent MB anyone cul ston ou aos Your eee ou were expese ohare he eae ‘tye ngeipe a ures nde ues watwas gong nin pj Ne we wn up ng a on Jn ae Any unentos ama erent romtne il poet ake. The we netonaly a ny ema parl hat he ce nauk He acre bet ‘he tecaages sg epred by fe pret Ms oes was mre theta hina pari! echnaogy ant ncaa de ured pes cnn natn [stoulpon ecase mwas buy an mp hee pons wouhave tbe sry nage ae, a ue ack pol ogee. "Hon mae Any pected rota ne ean apts. thy deed a managanent eo he jes tecrnley sehtce, a sn sre tow wa inp adeanesup vein al ne sat achaece gaged oe walt een am, They heath cheap noes lene presen apleston ansTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane cha The tam ten aera ar the mletonce rhe pec The mlesone wre ingly aay ches when managemert wane ein tcc capabler. These ete ‘Serene win reve de, Bus pretend eat lesan, Whee sence wae party comple hey were are ue, When ey wee cn ‘ney mere cote, Te ne papeson war Grea orth era estan een opening ogres afd soen Ae the lam bop wang on asic. ey reciente at cee When yh ited wins arco ey enanged he ight sacs he cleft dv rhe a he oa. fF RS REST lee (es Toone |[_conponne BS | | es) eee nr namin) (| Ran Ey ‘gre [pestcaon er own || ees woo ly (ow Pop oemmne enero arama FE [ow [Si Saacae” | oe 9 ey (BH) Da] [Bes] [Re] v7 comets eae onan ae ‘oe teomogy poses epee ese on fe dare eam oom, wae ee anyone wang. copy wae dram week. eepnghen ple on oer mae eqn enone sna When et moter ate MITES ama ieee ake! bat pga, comers wash ame one ‘vce and saree nes on ensayo ep ‘Ae spo eviews a ated by ce te progres made on ihe varus secs, When hia demons anscon a resid ences pie, tom freeariton ugh ape oda tee and hack ahowed ne ogi he aaacon one een por Lessons Learned ‘Aer cover es, mos! manager: amare hn ase wn he vty Sun pode mn he po ae progress. The MEK Now oN hese ew ‘pre iy custamers na nae nat eve ay rumber arin reperng mewn fo Sono 20. Tae cupola Se owed ae eats ot Scum utkaep ‘matt Sram peer ames fring ana. na any peel on adr Sune hae erptenen ne etn, set "pate ge th gp bere when he it Sp san ar wnen anager ae conftne whe aly aera he roe! rough Sp eves a Sem opeDirge tarten to Sun ese arin spd cstmtes ear ae necezsy Yoder want Sa es be ake anne teamto be ples On eather Man yu cent tan managements win ott over. a nmi yar Sem proces and aspen by ne egazaon You me pone gun a and eter ese ere epg means whenever ay eee En]Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Not Everything Is Visible at Servicetst Cone aga we vet Servet nanconn Stun Seni ma beng waede develop reese D0 cf Seva ume ence stare. Theeam cared SveeHng 3 lett trctonaty nie verte! Spit ere he aura re ge he arto tne count conetnet bathe am ite itt cals compe a the Prose ‘Steklo na ad secciog Ate Spt ove fe eam suzensl emenaneg fhe urctonly a wel a etl acorn, Managemen wae ces: erm ‘ee once hea nae wens evening as ender Managemen nau lear coulnow accurate equ ara mateo. ‘ut was rupcoue Dung ie cenonsalen he ean mentor na olowes a apie cemorstatn sna seemed aay fon the sept Te eas ae probly ‘athey were pean under ine contrat b wha hs wantin care? natn ate paths aug eta te raves win wh ies you ay win ewe nr. yau ate Hou wander ate he ite les no ne ow wa might happen! The eens ad seeneao be create pee whine es aj et espn review wn seers eam member are exec nonslymal.The tn ereoureed atou or Hack OeOW, aes, ae eer aches where Cepanecromine aut seagate wt ne \Upn cleerinpectnhe es gpa Nigh precy wat undo eee nt having el he unos rating bug ane dung een, The team ware ence abet resting a ego Serum ei vey eerie tena ipl rot nay a nse te Spe even mt ‘npc mut conan a aay, da, cong tng decmeniaton, sn onyang eae appre he pcan compe se oe pe. ‘magento en ta he oat ne eam proces in ay new cto unl had ely ample he cna # had es emanate, compe eng at bg ‘rg shut a ut onthe res asog ne unconetes no he cc a een he a i debug ie et wou ese tenon wet. Maing he eed te coe med woul ar rence mesage Ma ol competes wok War scene, Bul ea ele, ete ha es Spee ‘uit rising Inte eat pe evn ha ame oe SiperTeam nthe nex Spt few eo he Ee Fas wen aig ew ena, How ost Cemoratae ne ue incon ache pr Sp eve aaa ale renal row worked? ‘Sou cate red veri Te am di etdthe plato neo ehh vey emt mt cont polly pseu. amply ‘elt cn ite, a se cern. te team an Pode nner ecg atte tam we bu ple wei ha ta wou! owe evn ‘rvorersea coy wring ogee atagh ie was mish satel wae denontnanct wad eve he spe Ara he nha ane ate wo “oe team came ote ta aly Scrum te ne Spt. coquerce, he eam members repartee theres ang ge The meen ae corpse ne rns bla uctainomaten been changes Of coue ey were won on Bue Bu nen ge weeny waking? Witt each ean Meme ey ery ‘tthe ees was wang ne Daly Set wae aes Noel ermlnerr were bong mae ard cecreon, NDE he weds gether aes ween [52 ey su nt er aoe rep. Baal, he am ember: harepere they a wore esters ar wee Pain en wonirg more ey. “The Reality “oe team ad overcnived a cong ay wcrc on eng Whacnacag eget denoreaton tere the ban the reenaion The coyTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane canny wae cane fine Post Owner ha eae fhe cassia ater he Spates te wor wousbe regulars everhig Was Raed oun ‘edna pot, eeu pen ment snalyeng and esgarg wit! posing ang ser! santa The Sareea a oo err, Cemorarsing mae hunlonly han Pagben competes. The Fens ow bee a hey were ute san Raney aly woe Trey ete aces abo ton hat ‘er at mateo ern em rn nen n,m nn ame ‘nee ormaton esate area] ine Age Manco, te seven ot wate rch “Wong aware separ nena pages When 2 “neti rte Proce! One tea peeing he rae can ature att conor The Pred Garr tate Maer How pees on Me ‘et When sy iene icral comple af conpse mek rub ene a exe ote Pod clog at comes Was ene wa ee Sake Serums nn avd er crileton stn reou na, Ah wae esate he ha overcome, “he team ad ena hep he Sp cg up ted aught he pj At he Sp pang mastn, Me pe Batey won souche. When aes sk ‘oper retry eter doesn spenamuan ine nara deh. stesing cde, cages, nde coder aghin When antl eveying geht wn eg Su ‘ar scenoreatin enh am reepng ste cheery. pans a ace ate warez fous cart tent thong. Te Set ‘tel cnoud eet ne tenn te St “Te ret paring msc ok ove hy. rene wou he tam proceed min the ht it od ite Sp ecg ene Wace wile he eam ed te vrrkrct dnc Gene fe new woion hetonaty Se en made he eam conn oping te ph Sang vey ay ber mag wo narpar of Manag youre ha emuen easter stooge singletons eze manage ou The Spt aco eth am Seve ang te Set Paningmecing cana epee ofr Far ue ce untonll Sonaneatedin ne pred Sp het was an enya est when han Dupe ete {cue The asso he ew row conan corpora Spt aching. The wows du athe para Sel Ham he es ae {ae were anefoed a summatzeo suo ner nthe ruber hers emarig code be eamine Wa he pin bend ws stele” Manoa ew Te tentang att wr eter humed nym tau the seu ot wo emating wee roan ene mewn he lam anaeeeroeche obese ha nepecing te pte She the tea at Serum wos on when every eee a everyone can spc rogers nareconme aapsra The tam mets were operate wee teng ran ng hig bt he oan hey owes wae eae enough fo Be ‘nar pei a wot evenine same fen ilo ge, The be’ big ected ar hag couan oe sceine ene ate math lam meres apart he pec at empoje andthe pele bigs eu Se aha et be ee or ve apt unten recy Code, Teee lr set on ered he Spin acing ese tea ne ao resins at uy mt. She wri ea foo ne bar tee frpojea nage uncovered arabe fed nate waren te ures row many Bue elfen are athe rath pit She wate ean he ‘tote poaiet mann lang She wae aching tea a povoue ha cae ena qual eaurce (A) gupta! te poato Peas neon ie ‘porate Para rer Dy Scum. eve posite Spin acon the wath am ream. Wench am mar ep on i ores estan bug, Mechs ‘tain wer tan pr Bac, She et at every Daly Scum ging ra netgear manage wal Pert spotty eens fron what tte gong on The anand Hoe war ate rar eg ed Vinee a gm up or ow? Wee any new gene teced mat oe mee ig ee?”Aepering tne Gly Szram haste be fant. Comments se rel on ne can be eect. nthe teen ope, ene am Was hn bein eure pre rtupiing” The eam mentee aula pan or yee her work, Lessons Learned “pe team as etd about no lnge ten ner he cots oneare ssa, as eta about eng abe age ae cog war ects net he precy o [rove now mach ot oan ale nee ie rn oe ea engoneng aco, ene ugh he tam howe manage undestar aepact wala ing aay cori eats nader io eter conc ett ‘nto, eating teu set umanages tenn To manage fa, ari have a an aap aga! a pa Theta ote plan ae reper mt espeate eraug one meaning Theleumnar ibe asetesyreronze work | srumtea ist ageing. aesmes eaporiy or planing en Wak The St acne viable anesaton he am ating espns. een ‘eum ere very ate ergees rot cea Spi cog ore ea unter Yom pla ey ep Inte hea: However os tennee NMWOLgN what ey stecang anaes own soa am ebro oa pa hey wer he Oa Sum sree eveyone Werk ny fee woh been hag Prag meee, Day Seam uel ‘hoy tow tering se mene pet, The mechan ir sein wher ttn ing al ecesay wa he Spt ecg he Scrat ear a eng [cvs areas ees nie Spr Bato it etx anges he mean he werd tanpets” Ore eta deel epee Cevocpng ncn neces ara deel. can osng. nd cosurentnon. lo hee ule water sehr cane caapreino ae it Bacay [raves ne][raves ne] Conclusions Sou wos nit event wer quennepeton an sda, Tob empl eveyone mt owas whch they ae hepecing, Prac uch ene ‘Spree meet, Oa Stu. he Sp cog ane Prout Baeg eep eveyng vale mpecn. Fue uch art erg abe oer eam cura ‘proteins espns tom arng meaning popes aungerng ar veaspason rears he ject, “oe ceumaser must keep everfing bia 2 meaning ee of etal At Megat, ey Warde te aug xing pring mechan, sh mace errg stout seum ear or eres tear te uednernguage At egaBank Helen Nae ea gue ote guage On er wae Im ae ura 2S Poets press To teste vy nese ances the Serif aa sat Senen whe gon nie ercetet example a et ne team ar manne Spent cog cscs a ak tring Tenth am a pat eneugh ea ae pr Bache ‘Spr acog paces sean, The ht Saking ee war Sp. ‘eveyone nr eros. ame pepe ware unesan Serum anil ark pec progress Sem ems Cee people wont unaesanahe poet enh ‘pe waonsl content Aaaping enn othr ves ears ne target anal pceues oe Sum poses. [raves ne][raves ne] Chapter 8: The Team Overview ‘ene proaieaty sons tom ng the gt ngs at ane ong haze hg very ath. The Pest Ouner ques pte sg wrt pring he Pec cog on doetne Team mau ie presieiny ough suming hal Ie foe pe hy ncn para petn men regres rc meaeremei, he he “ear none msurnze en Sou te Tea pres ou Nowa ase eaicy He heb planing ans evecang he Werk Bangs sll ote Team The Sounder can ut, ave the Tea ise Te epee manage te reer ot ne stn the Team worng wnat erp tthe S0cy Sp Hang cece he roduc Bog fr 8 pen He Team na mul cameo ‘uring pine pearly pate poss eteratin30 cena ye Once te Team mater fs commie he lch tr bn he Spt ame bok tn wr ie Tea oes whatever ocean amet canting. teen fhe Spr te Team eee e warn cna he Pett Cae ‘Ascent implant Scum epphaieaeemperenced mere When pope Ana! Now get" One ish spghany when 2 Team reaze thai manages et “Tetra ginpes comes ng per peeing mewn, The Team has soe te Poi! Bog rhe nn pea ow? The sens lengter a he Ter emeorate tlt watt oe Thedecoiat gow wen womans sep and esote he woe Tea AP par, renin he Fear hat op hae saa ht ‘nee ate nw a 23.8 49/e bee he Spe review mesg, ae ne one ang tel tna a oe Team ae LE ot woe. Ae’ a ew mee mine, 2 ‘eam meer speaks phy contre tpi state prise stout he Aner tam ener chne Dawe ave nua tare ok ane” “te Team ow an wy hae tteao manage uel. eae tht ony ican gue cle be! ayo eae he Paci toga he demonstra “re vanaten tom Team ete manage Team Mat manages ea cl ble payback proaictnyardplsct ore npeesve. The Sever bt \cnste Team treugh nis tartion Te Sune conser he Team io use henspecion nd acon te Daly Serum toute take iy pet Stan 2 (ce egure ty oe work ae Spt especie eding rte! na ap aguln and agan The purpose ole Spt especie ape ow he ean Process wanes ung ihe et Spit nd ag imgrve he ee Sper, These reste eee ote a eae inte capt eco a anrarzton, Sere gang hough cut aneon, We ck eas sgn etn et crparzan ae etmanagement We ee now havior Seman apaher twan fsa erarang ana managing emaever Seiergansa ards anager re ar rasan sein ve Sit ‘hey ten prove auto ponent Such concep cout cure a mary woos sma fu eer waste Tee ne aot ego ote ‘petop at eoNeste, 9 at you can atest ona eee reson erumesonabie ners hema sense [raves ne]Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] ‘Team Formation at Servicetst ‘As anargnzton anton Serum te eam eas ih un fthe hange. Whereas ee re manager the Team wa! odo noe Tea ha geo wa ‘enon teow Ins pst tam meer wed one hn bul hey worth each abe Sette Stun tam members al eo cone eae Bo ‘ney acketa pl ogee eet meaebe stare he eno ea op Weve ote x aver ratance of ene! ang Seumin preva chap neh chp we ae ee a ruaton nam wet ough a erett eames tne ne ro ena Cone ures ans went pepe wonasin he devant tgezan Servet ued seme owner te je ane as epee acoangy ah ager ‘epering is aean arog ces eprigio a rogram marae’ ees rpaingm uy assurance (OA mage. rms epotr oa ocean ‘manager Seretateeaaee sew ern af cote spriimall ees arne Whe ares mpm Stu he hs panied lease led an agesse Inegston io Senfeters mun prot nee wrton nacolaerton soar Bully ane Fe “eon preset at evslpent Hal nas esata th he water rcee: ewe parc aesed byte cuch at happened cng telat a mann cy {eae cy appeared nha i overt renzo ough sate watt mei, ve fhe prvi ove rear else a en wae (oye ng an wees nce, ean oemert The ut wasn enue tal oo shape et ese oe Aer exec vstgton by Hal ns manages, Hal dee ty Serum, Sr eh, creme paces wou rn gue piss ugh the eee cc ‘newt Halas manager to anus tow gel stares er he ret Bang he ean see veep tara a css nto mess An Pace werk amen te tear We sugges wan sak ying Yr Martti accu eam aya, pesoaies Gorn Wowdgn se coupnge ete ‘rons, We wrt ne eae ge song ae we pose Nave al elegy ale nenae o dohe asgedwot Sea be caper ne pssst citerteana ter aun tan sucess We ween sl ht au clacton wot ping ope we ey ran or techs neweape been tamara {or evans. war alot cere ae. tough he was ary es wear wat pene eet mone ogee se, ther, we ead ome | acute win ala managers sone oh mal nga ing a canbe don fap ia parma. sna eon tects te ng oP catocteg am paces Halarleao wa nis confenann becaze Wey harem but esl, a ecarransd einige Severe ‘rence ecg cocuments—tha extd elo appa he weal aptoach, Scum ete op igh tanoviah cata oe conmuniaton aor es 2 orate Seumtaster ang seine prepare Has manager for Sun Org Mean, emphasize ta Serums: haven ume over vtepent ‘sums: we preset ny ener ane Sotum oct aera ana Re ea! eae fe et Wathen hed the eum aa elec rea th ‘Spent gnning mente The eae ted an nde pie tren fant he ovr avew te sas rogers evr 20 of Dutg ese nl Spit aonng mecinge re ornate varus Scum ruse. Inputeer we emphases Team is catmarapng at hae 203 0 onan tals wk mat sum conplety aeeoea pees ot incon. ‘Some ct he mans expend eu ate ean a conte mere age. Sone tet i 26m Mave rau iets oath tengo ensugharerso reste ‘totiedocmertate,invespees tein hem ats Teme oer nutans wine everyone = cpping el enon, yu gon hare be 2Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane teri tet or eget, Learning Who's the Boss: The Transition “he teame a Senet me ro te Day cin, Ae Stee sve a he eae dene mecinge cepa resins, neh ht eveyone reweedheve eee guerra: Wha ate ou de nee et Onyx Wha ar ou ning on dng tence nom we eat Daly eum Oey ae 2) Impedmentso pot She nape eana compete her meting nine reba 5 mre. wren Alea werton eon ante erste Gergen er He as plesea a how cup he Day cna wank urate nema owed by ange ‘een tt srefong was ams, Aer several ye ele a ener an ees for hep feo. Tere were ho de comme a he naa carta ep tne meting io ISrnes Ane some reuming. Greg ate ut hy Asean member fepates rogfes,eywee eng ot Geog teats eta mene “hay woe cogs ecnse ey nr oper enor, ha ey sa a ak pet manage Even aug hey been aera. team mere ea Sotge seer ote and aug athe bay cen wae amen at ch ey wel an fon then ey erence wn each oar (ror nant eam memter shee pit of ring oon sm Tepe a meres au ee el pron oe Day Sum eae eae Lessons Learned ‘rg manage sorane eens ngraned euil ap wot egaece Pane, acer, rd hosse whe tach sta se nanage taster a al he ipectatosaernte.ny aflwe exfct al when wees Tea aii espnebe or mara ee wi ow what we retaking abut? “et angere it prac oie ten yet someting eA ean equrs cones exesene wa ccm bleelanuyincentananow Wo marage la ae eae ha espns nd Snorer panning rd concing en ches ol nj mut he erate lp We Tent argue i etfetence, butte Seer 03020 le Learning to Engineer Better: The Transition ‘urna Stim har one evelpe po hth eased ara develope chest some cae ohh cou me some madison The gad Nee Wasa Me “eam wae ung a rc nce manager yan bashes na tere ete sparen soe aa engreeng pacer tera the age Wasa cece ‘gua ake oar noes cad meth em ae te ay Sou ren we go ogee went eee cncapaan tart at pen pn pst ito. eh Sp, he Team crm a tng cece Pos Bacon ‘one ncert. are uncon ae pte spa tha be ean. Th arenes mate nena wie many "een Dt ean es mbit [sreweecn te atrmave nase that lanes ft ony hsb te Yom Dp Bu mus ae are co sande ave beet reacted remove ay ape Ccraaructe cote, onan ovr poganran and st fread an under Cages fe tt ees ng for ie una ae ana, ate ‘ent cleanin at ze epee. eveogng ronal rire ps tke ae ana. The cc wit cae mere, ead aed eee ‘inde tne ean mabe hat Scum gute areparcy. When be Ten vanessa ee Prac One sae athe Spr ve, hee Vn ‘Se tcteaiy ve ae psi hate cae camps eaing ot on tah aoe wien an a wien ace stad es oa oreTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane ise, ramee lee. and even cory ete et ee Tele stoned io emansine he nctnay, beciee ha ae, ewes eeaton woe “Te conversa rod ne etm wt ame bacon The am menbere now wane know wy was enced bo! te cde erg check ath oe ten chasing ate an ura ine Hequertouee Agus compton la tthe case yom a substi alte at a he ode an be Puletageerrs a cean set machine acti neon The ble a lowed by automata enue at ae rte wo “oe team member looked at me neon. Theme tule here were pel csustnce. ey ule stn ey oad nate ep! No a ney nee sing Soum.tey partes at ls un he won ean owen ha ny. Then hey woud sacle evernig up. Teen ox ey spree. ‘arouse mentee weeping ang the Daly Sun al ean cna: were conte. aang wha was Renin Pow noha et bee chee ck note cour cose Ina bul apatetea lakeg nether he ware cae, ana alee seen aescngeg anne resin, Everorerelzed lhe was oom One ‘eam mane. Jreeh ware row now he eu posit ceo cde al teeny He fen hep ca chek tt 3 een 10 ye wee wae Sever ‘retary lames now he ous ren on she Pate cae Ne Mad erlpeswnetin ani wih smear e's case he hah rece Ne cade He salsa he chetea tn tequenty, he wosiznaets make sch ater Sly bat aly cheng nN case ny when as conte, he Rado mat such a age ns pt mate eee! susunpos abate competes an acegcy wor Tey might rk her code ie whe Jaren of on cde at eases er ‘imines he vate ttt wok Scum ale on empicnproces cnt wich un teed on Re npn an aaplton ihe Tex coun pet ate \ceteay tow cous apo uorneen chang? How cout ow a son charg hd eve cere How cathe am ave e anal ehh Pal ‘retin gate ae endat a evspnrt joe ne ese 2 Sp peving gee ta 7? oust eam arses tha! coulr tl hem no evap star, coulqieston em about he corpses fee cde an col uggs reece, bathe son tree eens, cud np he Sree ma eae were eo he Sou pocae, hawaii ce ree al he a eres eee “rotwuing poten tchtateey ya athe costa haateen won chsh basin ue ain ate Sp ery ny te oe hat be Cleaner he mepecton na apn methane Scum ned Lessons Learned remus eiperrce, he 2am ares bane ay Suns nee an ap mesnaname nce impacted sre fl ractces The Team acy Neg athe ‘aly Serum ws ony thor meen which he Team wou serene Wom ana fe conn Howe he ste bu impart apet of yoo ‘matt equres te Team row ect were is wherein Witleu engreeng pce: ha supa sch an sero. he Tear wou nse 2yehenze ‘to recom mentor ana pent et several wets ing athe ergientng pcs at hey mig aco Rebeca mers ncetanaine eget hitman aout paceazes a te Pceeay Seen Wolo eld ne nde covert Exes Popamnngpratces suchas thre code a8 ‘an an pa poganming hat mig hop hem meet be nee LEngresngersonce re own see ahd sca te enc an Tea ave eat od, Sun Naweves ees engnening eee repel nt sespprscesto wor. The eganzaon cous eave a of Scrum bertis aut mpongs engnetng pate Byte endl Sp he tea nebo wee oh ‘ero engnerng competence nde san unencng press. Howser, ey wee on tea anda cash ompany, neers waTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane Learning to SeltOrganize: The Transition ‘As tappensin mac rgarzton tng lo ute Scum, many ences eens orton hems the tel Sp. eran sng tee oe tpt ‘tony mcing oe alt eae eure rctonaly re ae harchnged he et anette. Te ear nebes steed Prec Bok ‘ey tthe cous ara omer neta whine Spt 30 ye Bt ce the am meats to wot hey tuna here nar motto do Man Nad een repos Ate enone et pi hee ea wera gern ee ane adhesin nee area eam ens ey resto tron, TR ‘Sounded meal ne oe Scum dea aa Nappen a org ers rom a eget ang eit Si he tea pent much mere tne planing scar Spt Tay eed ie ak, ewe aaa hots, eles rly ant commie sas a ent~undecrimte Th ea Ma alge each no rare ea Wa eceazary; means are looser he ert hwarna wousaeequteats cena the slcns cry. Hawaytraughe sent Sl he eas eze ta hey hae anergy it over Wer wh her ‘Proact Oaner. hey snes more top panty reqtemens rom ie Podil Boning anatnckes Mare we The sac pt evew nar oui nice Not on Mage ‘sums ut rconaly bul marapenen vas aso ab ge 9 er ptr what lee wooo he er nie esas se Management wae ee pce guste seth race ragesea ar an wang rt neon e elesoe ee Aer second Stn reve, Hal hls pn tspecve sing, We ona reorpcve he ete devsopen argeiston. cng athe ia nhl ‘member wih everare single ar Going wun re ile, te eam mere opt be! wa! hey elias wate ra ended impreerat ge ett ‘pen Ha acta a ae, suai everyone's ones on a whoa, Eon paren ees hgene haute Spe ana whthe ose woh pO forte no epee \hstwas ihe adcone othe Spit etoseectve any ence wee leased be hein ch ihr when oman el bein ream members un eld ‘Some th ocr wre elgfea nb ating etl bere hey wet abe urcetsr else of esa eu ler De apple ever wn hey wee onthe proces ctaag, Eenjone na gs be alg ees pogecs one else el mth ac joe One programme a vie becure he ad goto ako ad ‘tek indeagnerwan nom he ashy echanged a eeerce ung nthe er ela’ at Snes, rat coud ue movement? Te tam members we wee span seve ere dant hess. Tey were ube cance nae set werk nye {Chai oceane tow oct et eect soit oy wolsbe arte wen fey wre ese Moa eae wees pened wth he ee ven gh ‘ney nea neu they wares py ounce, hey eerily Sears ota he ate woe Getirg ne ay cabrones a ey ‘everoe ten ota Hl anne manger: How ners hey gigi ze hese bin? Were pose, recommend ata ar deve tn stone cio ‘eum mente cee othe wa han anyene clean can cme pwn he bet sie, We haat anes apecton pt ane roves wna ey (rene ene dn ad Te nario t manager pe ot age ih ne wer at way. as expe! ee ee ‘manager were ow Sura a ees were reepensb fre an managemer. The Seunsaciers were an erat a8 adr ert hep he cretion ‘lon. Ores ey ea ee ee seating rer cursos ot poten “oe teare sg tna oea sting bt very sean hat wa propore wu en nthe to em. Work pogese he rac acy woud ange. nd terest am compton: wou be recanay the ear tha ey mole ar pressog cee ph meron om salary slo ay ved oud oes te qoaer on ene ro Spins Cheunsanes woud prot ave charge ob hen a new ain woul be needa Ts oe ene reat eu ot ‘Sun const nepecton na acpi te ecesny fr sucout cestaperTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane “The teams tro ro sma gop th eee ne fotoing prove: The eae woud tutte wanna that anehadie be sere emt ea. hy ‘ainsi oe pose he ese wel eve iy an aoe an ee! em ae Wes ornare pinay eam oases the pote {harage oa ore coral stn enon ay hebing each er mar Tee coer er and Geer wou a ae apa ae ronal egy Tre he ‘enero es ote a ate eps hehe wr sed conden ane cove ted cag. The ere wou te ngter eee fe nok 0 (wren cde was doe tees ase anh ep sem sn pace rat nto, Ta euch ona ue orn aed elesing te nto, eae rota tr ung es-ven departs wl suenaieg ui teringnnszer. “oe teane werent caletny seea wih ese rls ney an rk at hey wou lt her peblans Nene, ee aca oe Sp eosgectne ‘necting psc tetas they wad never active erecton oa mae ew mich aman hey eng ey eee wa an ok manages adver been panning mare han 20 aye atace creat nprste. However beens tars wre spencer mara hemasves hey were ea make Sesptstone tg ne Spit We nepesttow ing na gan athe est Spt reoepectve meen athe make ecezay epson aga Lessons Learned ep tein a ve leet bane empl roces coal wai lance an Hoque peta a apaon to ya care ler he eet pose oc ‘uty ting in ceines manager beep arg ugh fesa Cea ons Iconic obelvelt zy fxpeney ny Hinge a peel athe begin na hen, ‘atthe pan antes When armen racer ie ma my ua gen everyting ie a tee at Sena es sve tom mae at ‘Sr: oie manage the Team. The Tear ha ea o manage el o canta aut te metade cree opti te nae ot urseae. Te pin etepecve owes er sch napecton sont, he wth many er rum pats te Spe tospecte ine bored inc the Team tom spent much ne 2 nec hunt ne ape avery eee of Serum mplerartten et he Tear iene at an on, The easter ers th i wl happen nce ‘pert neues nstnry avert Team. The Saunier eespenab re pcos a fnaing pede le expose fr manag he evelgmet ‘qumg outro to coral te wee. The etait pet ene na he Sum pasce aeons Wenn gee he Sunline Team ape the Estimating Workload: The Transition Wenactnns concn te nt revew meeig. The Scrum wat Wppng Py Iiing creme fm the aknases. Pe. Senet uncer, wae paray essed wen he roses aly ew what he woud geting walt een ane eve ceveopert ee, However Ne dhe ae Team wou amet ‘member nrtean ethan he i aco he was Moe unese. He wares ako Rowne eam uae se compere eximaina hur Sl Pus woe Ht (reste ant hour woe. ns comparson ud gene Teale edhe he ft mg he nro sets ne R.A Tea etn: Improved he Teams wo noise mete predte, anhre woul be ewe uae Many poole ove Scrum Neuen eg cave of wong Knol. te ngh marae one eam Mendes he pote ering conains she eceent gully othe ‘pena. paces sh ae at on ose bidehemcacy when ey ae atone, Sr tee tte ue ate wae muee ‘cay na toad meen, when ace penser maven stad athe es resco of evepen Hw cn eer us you when ever mest ores ToTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane xtmaemanaio rm an april ape or prion evo mest, th! wah tion ha wa bn ed Many moa oor are nasedon crac ra peta a center ne npn enim anette When lepn eye ai ot her copy i ‘ner anew taae at tes acne rtm un, catered, Te cuter beer tlhe sapere asst rena hese ed ‘ened hem no requeent na pectin ah al unclonaty ohrg hornet Rotem We reed Wen he eesein une. The pecs ohe carries tom cusuner espera omar edevocpret ea acolo ode ower loa ee a oes wal ect wa mere, Caine npc tin at tte oer impresie cormunttn a erento, wn ne rena suoe te ecnsegy eng ae wth nt hat poole ang he wok at en nen doe ge anying ne? Sunes ang os he process oo yoo of reeniy an eve at posed pci il nena ety preaesny Ae ‘cpa atop ne ened mecca) medtng approach wen he undajing mechan by WN 3 proees peat reason we nde nen ne proces fo camped ne ened pene apa apa te peeps ae. —.4 opine an Way, Proce namic Moding, an ona (non Lert Pee (28) 04 ‘Sous mplemetaton he iiss approach itregh npecon and apn. Alt he aan ate sight gir vey month orp popes eth yt rate awn wheter mesial pees neds ages or Mgnest prety esc et Yothe ett na he proces Waning egies the Comorarsnaincement ot untonlty See meal ese pose, people, chen, eutemers ae aoe oe Mare tee How Estimates Improve with Serum Tanita Spe eth rughet and ost nrc. cen ih a ieee mere nae wore ose, ean ete! ne hey have we ‘operon poten The pote aesfbeginhe Poa Baciog ign we owns he Team bt ten eqs move urderstardeg. Te eosin yes bythe Teun has sorter teen sede oer ales one ie pce chang et eae rome epee Ate Tea soe na lew nponan Src corplety. we sae Tarte commit ow michtcan erin 3 2-5 Spt We ok eam meets tel ee win ie our ne oe te Spt Pasnng mecing otcouse ner etna e garg tobe We acep hat he Tet’ etna ibe mpc ne te Spi. Team ments deter somthing fprosmsing he conmnentn ie! Spt aetnony han lea eterna! he Tear ean ccc. 28 shaper ever 2 oer. cp fe Tenn ero mares an town Comneeg cates we eye comptes ih whch wetng, The compenaee sia son anything fan eng ore, Scrum an ough when pes Nave HES, rath prnayeaure ele a ne projects ae toner ine cori. Teale are tale get gong Srey eva con rwararg = Team est ver sametng Serum et te Tenn aoe compen ance amen, Wee out of one he Tears eee aoe yb oh te Worn 8 San Spent Anateams cater im expotene, whentne npc an unpedcatyotte et are acepea lesa lng pocees and er best he bane ‘aera acoephenpecion.Telnpreion wrt, butler he resem a ote Seveoper ‘on done terest on iene cater nde the pelea i rece? Pate Snare do et er Ae Team wo gether ung he reuters irony ante sles teneiog, ey get eer They nest motte nouns yee Ms arouth Spr. Teams eae cer ety much wat ey cont ng he Sp paming mec, Hower, corps acura ups mpowe Eu.Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane ‘heres othe ane ate Prost Onna ane espn igung whaoso gen Nw much intone devs vey Sp. Gen wat he “eam nas ceieea alta tereeae cna? en he que ou he Tear sing Pro Gace anteater, when es mate net Impl rolare ete tuntonlly? The ret Omer a sana ae dng he alpen joey aang srtanaly ar ty eect Mae ‘pre mey can have mae unto. Hey eect we Spi hy wl Pave as aera major hey can a mare Temes deem Ro rch ei ‘ereaae nt ert hnstonainy. Atl meee decors apnea te ProaiclOyner and shoes we ain ed on et pesto na te Ten cy ‘What Happens it Actuals Are Compared to Estimates Pec aevr comple, an fen thy don owt ewan em emer tana age conpuer mance a vr compli nh spee png yt. Atough ne pring rcpt repay Hep earg Som. Curae engees os) worked any Mou at cust een = hg ‘tee wong athe cstners happy. te corte manuachrs managment wart apy The numba Powe hale Ce ete wating as bo oa ne rang est cnn wae nang mana. Toreme te poten manager! npomered ew essere Cs were enorme bed anh ie re ey spt ‘managonent wae peared ath cot of Ces ner on pen oppee amas aracisume’ atten aye hig, Svea one wet by Sete saree | ‘menagonen nce tat he oral pasha about aun is rn Upon vegan tuned out atthe Ces wer sehr ere sete tac rome Faneran hing peions an rep equpmert hy wea madly place ning na a wee ane uy oes wart an sues coe gason yo nprove etter bldg danse cia and asta ers nerd an hen eng see le vances, ‘Foreranpis sc ste mat how ta se ware 24 paces rote foe an snag sree Spt Manage ara sesh at pose anager gon crete sem rear he ea an esis nec anaeret rightness nl pes en epee he ‘tance estan 2 peter once ie ast har been erable guafree ha te eam menbe wl st becaue ne snr arpa en improving hee, Thee ‘ser wi cause management ew heavy na perape pope em Gre then rine serine Regus goed ng wl cara ne mam mets do ‘wtmaragenent ware Te pala a ear member ten Inprove etahg Scie et copulate unten wan ee aly hey mB ep ‘eacog ou ga cce They meh atte sande, Tey ig inpament conat tes ae bu an ae a ey, They igh ot ata he (tumsce None ct nese atone vie manger, Alle ese rele are enpoyeo eet ne measurements sae eam member de wet managernts ees Lessons Learned ‘he prob ¥eceeote har sale spt mestremen yu oe en mpi en one pro sem, you mg case aot path ym ogre “Terral reais ten wae hale. However yeu mearirehe gh tng, move an be Mage, yf ace, tes he acura 2 trang compas tusineur worked crtnaog ure wate 3 bapa easement. Cargung ale Team aay pees ow ansed‘Weue dle eee go Fornepecn aration work we mt ne wate necting. ela Tea hat cn oy eenaae quay fac of ancora he Tear wl Cpa we wt tno el pros on Gerng rece ws tet Tea a we wart ha npr te sca eae, wh ove emer ae ‘Save ttaner, Sour soe managements fons on ovr ere ot inctoray an eaten septs mssPeterson vackinnantng'e move tats Toe spice. hy wl pov aiay. pny Spin ashe Teambecomee mat compete eal whe eh, ‘ciclo quay At cter eset mut be cael peering at esp vera eset ae an ne We tana ob ‘nesetenent ame an meres tea human ee ese, gute le coats ‘ve mentone many ee ea ht cum cu, eque eget Mepecton an asp caus hee he a Koa oi mechan for cone tens. \Managonent nay ae ourcetand an ive Sou wen comet accep nl ar cept al nl at wot pa ape a complex tem Mg Learning to Have Fun While Working: The Transition “retat tur teoke ne engneeig space at Sancelst as downrg peeing People were eer houzed ines Wh esd ot eens Mos pple were inne nine tensor cats eta ng st comps manta Thre wa na coneretan rao si, eg ts ea peep eran wae ay ee ctoeco A al arangemento space an walsh aie ployee ot erveetet “re cevepment pecs at Sanco stands waetl proach wth alla ne tenant ocumenaton lees he companys eploeee, Celts ecg an the wate ag aorimente.Pognmers ee Gegn diner aren peered hey ws alone oak ie eee ects toy aeons a ey ‘tere ecurages tom srg oa many. as woud nero he histo ragh wok When he ogre aches hee se wud ght potato Sone! Cos loateter Te tester wou ot tnge org wn esos, corumersn any seller a fares nab auatre The rogaine’ wos ep ‘nmureton twee poole wa econ hr tana onmuneatos a rnnzemeincrenge se cneeer ea. Pele wae eon) pyar, everyting eet ne teh econ evi te rd a ae laf here was pov change oye sbeeguent pt reospecive People wt ‘akg an nag au an he conversion Mane wonspoc. ead dies queers weep. | ead 3 BZ a hae ete Mor na pepe engage wn tach farn may warn unseating an soe posionsAconmon heme sir ep eorpecve was how much he a Means eos wg one Peck ‘Youcolse inthe nam merrs 208) rguage Everyone wastes bere, csorate wih ean iemasher aun each te Te team conti acon Lessons Learned sisanowarealpesie ove Sancets nak in and peonle stm, athe ae gle cach ar Hays ae plies oneraonsnt it pate a gag om you ca ‘eye, Paste aay unr ay earange nguyen he cates moje ed pen tees ls ae pay ey toe. He crangesite pcre nd gt aren negara He changed poses ae gt rope wnoloo rd song pin he Panga warmth her eh ard perTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Giving the Team a Chance at WebNewSite ‘Soun conbnea nh Ext Paganini, lies recip enhancing paces rrese Tea pricy Oy ars of magni. Cne ric at sy athe Swtveritean oo so. Tear member conmt seach tat ty wl sorting, ane Pap each fe ou wherever cesar. Eton. sraon oe ah hd Background Weonenate war ne fhe te punta ai nite tert oe Newsies rect. The ey comet age wae sec parang enge. Tage om many sauces wou uy pas he oration so a ade reteved by Eg Ine je Py epwoe ane est ann eee a ou sus MK. THE rane ragbeen sensed ae evepedy Jo eran, eer eso of Serum, ana Tamas Sin, arose MET PhO, eth move eno end WenheSe'= ‘cing ey ra pe ener ema VEbNewSte ha aed prenatal ou bees ew thy Sou oye ‘ype rows at Rey wate ree yeep asec Upon esse no poate te erate et pi ptznaaonhepes New: Web ann aie a lcbang age ere nee prac Forte scan Sette pope a Weatewate someting vp er sets hate competion edt aaa plete The Mwy othe eles pang age awed ‘temara pass he ws sauce. Subaru 0 they ware raves erator news oma gen we sere, nese el Ne el ee Mm aN {ue ng ne Spm pong mest, iar decide rl au resale capt bt Thomas Sun wen hare be pte eam eow comming eat tetas Spit Goal Ae come reson wt eta Thema ane er, Toa conte Mme He ene verona he wget ion the Cte ec pang eng so ha rng a exacts fmt tata cous appr ay me Spt “amas tet Me wor He anche inn a weak nd haere aoa pug He eens Mote eam apevejne ft candoae te pi golae nn the am’ rr, Tom en coped eon At ae oh fades Wether, he adh faa arson nt ss He wae ping on akg ere mh ‘etd acramplnea he war ue aware, adhe ute haoen wet rl he heres rae “ore gayest Tamas Spite eel pang eng ted Necipeng anna hada tok. New pemutens he ews es a uneotre asa Thome ‘ro Tamar was sareanernibe wane, compe urasiahe ah am, The ans non wel cea fo hy, How cau immense et Comment anacze whan acs eparmenthas aaa ben oman tote pote” How col Trmas have one ate er? Hage he nae stoos ha ey wee Coney hassel ayo beaches aha he coup am aaet amoe?“re cpt ea, A Suse, cone clad fan abramalteminton ot Spt Camatarces had sarge otha! he pint gol appears be nana. |Mstcoucr a th, nuh Vebhewte Pt staid wh Sun; rage ta he Serum enore npr, Tis wes ea an npn Trae Ceuta resene. Te mare ough anal hemor etna! he was unaecepabe ven how Thomas naahet a rene rman wae 2 athe wader wt ese ‘peteamin tne sch aah hewousarta Ini care team's ane ny raw ai predeamar But Now cu ana i? ‘torre for Thea ection plane man ot mye rov Ot cou aU he phe dtcve to Tam" Ae ane earch 29 fr Fblagem eo haan ce Bling, eran, He wae echo net worn oan Wert aru He buns Tomar wn wo day Toa war ale fart he wa, ‘ne cpt goa war met gre at hasbeen prety Ienive spend ny era antes Solr gel wend a aor npearat man ssonertons Mame Lessons Learned nag tne eam an eae a 3 no ann was nade Me pany Who wae Gre Ni Ferznl mao an ir? (ad Gen Mere rsd {eury mate ah pt eect) na wa iv erove i ana vacation he ue? Camearces we vais ya ee opr nine ond Tomas and agen i ages, ed ye eau tena te mee wee poy eee, Thom etd hale mess, athagh nconeae ‘ahcpes ne conpany ane em met an rnparat cen ae Sundae od wee veal Team go apne al god and cove, a hoo=t Coney? Evora had ater oprion bayou maken iar hacer aoe Tears wl [raves ne][raves ne] Conclusions hen cone sted sg Sete argnzton coated of nse Weng one aregred ssn ole Wovepaces Area min. rg aot ne esa nen people ate ates achieve ne pose, ey ony. Wen peel ae aaa 9c tees han he Fost hey wl corte oy ey sen pune or nat acheig everyting When people ste gen lhe he they reed nan or when pepe are enuurnge ana esata ey aos say apn rg hte. nen geo wont emsaves. ay an ateve lat hinge ne eel wrk in mts, ay en aeheve synergy whether a excede ese ot Insel otone nny exfeenceniexponen nefearem poauctiny ctr unl ean reaches even people, ge erat We. ial pt te shareware, Concepts equ don suppor. sacha eosumetaon Regus teeing mechan bore a made! ner ke ven, me poasy = Teams ‘Sumner acing renin complex tates Ung races cha he Prosi asl. he el an be pts eso, ut Seti vey mach seit peopl. Sounosis bea ceded ther tune becnae eas ne nigroooee a peoples te Sener ew hon int ates Senco. as a goad cela atc wah people nga ingot he aguante ea ensees ah ert Iwas po Be ‘serve wn nem, nave ape npoment seen nnucdsoergnzatre aver et Seca, a ou eae 3 emanate What mae can [rss [ves]Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Chapter 9: Scaling Projects Using Scrum ‘Many poet requte moe efi thane Sum Team an prov. nese heisanes, lp Teae sane employed Waring pre eer thee Team re ceorarated rouge of econo mge to ro oe, mre an one Scum Team wars smuanecii ana oe tees m3 aed [poet anatne mecarers arpljes io conan erha ese tae e clea song mecha Cre scsea peta man cplsie cach whch sialy ‘tes own uneue sous Sena sles ibe she Maret a any ier evlspent acess zig patel he sue rang esrana heer athe ‘pri pctes nati coe Tacha poise gees cng poe arg Scum ten para tener alee sce on heat 3 need Poet But hep in mind sen con be ace emer at ie cps ee ee any mamas aan prscrons “reheat acu ch a clog scr th erm Tea. Aa o-peren poet Wl cand tone need -peon ean ne cape we xara wo ona he rr nese tu nearing he rout of each eu Tes Wea examine Row tae pes regards enue peopl fe he, 2 Wrote a appeaton the pe oyster he munaeal pares mic eveopetts occur athe! erat sclng ameristar he ‘rpoyent ot erm aang pacar na misono projec woah pressure seaeto age ec wae merce, hu cace he seal tee support muni ean ‘rong zmitaneauny on ane stare tom am mls gee gape enon Scaling at MegaFund Weve uote Megaunain reves chp Megafund ha apering busines warag ove ae qa pose you wee 2 MegeFie aon {a7 ara wareg totter moray. pen an accor tage toca ate aatage a a Mearns mer nl aetna Yuta wo cece yo el ter pk RE ‘aepare ane nage or oie te Megan oles he eset metoplian se due a i 270ype terial comes ough anette Megan = mares. Athough hs ecnoegyfasbeninsvaveln he 1860, Mega compet: now custrers manag aco heaves a he ame ace nuts cot panos, soe deve pagan nephone ace sepa un wy don any ay Te ese aca ee canptive apa pee compete tcinaugy as nmenae egarune Everone at Megan waren tis aroun pect an realy le compete oe Approach Megarund yrtems Cangay (MSC) pone etna serves o MegaFurd MSC detarmifed tine bs ayo sper eet compete proaics asto rk hems he Icqtoy doar aug mere sve Ever aguneaton wd wet ym burersnconay fan fe ses an MBE woo enon ea ce ‘Spstties The eves woe designe sqpe ri any tasnconvomer inact eats eonmet These go crated eat ements ‘reutement bat ere putin Pree Bane, serkcout be ean vied aang the mrp tera Wa arveupment etme nipping mune auc ge anager ard bud poezes wae a bere wk ogee ie mute Tare woul ge out ty ar wal create carting ce An sans erent led ele wr op, lneraces Between ne sessandi cet woud ay be cost. Consequently me dened x erfunons Prac Back a wd ae conint sch easy seni, A these naruto regener wee gen on roy. einen asia sma numeral ncn aus eguremete. The acount management rguzton wld ctr tie aes cesta eer ave ‘laces ana peviustaeacors oe fe Ve, We rte hes requtenets an os pect ard pared he aang te rena equtemet ong a ptr he accaunt manger! feral every Spine ping te suing acre ae mel ac, To a hee we sled are le bet oes a [Sees eperun Becae he Pedi achog requ sans se face Sevehpert we sain te et win san iar an ates. 2am cnotne at pn the tam sonore ere acount maragenettanacon-ne eam showed ang bance. wotirg Homa Web bower au ‘onraten pects nuras acs linomaton spect ata bets ew lean nas aac ee en demaretaie e tana ae erg Ne {erver woud happen nie eens an, Severs eam members haves sab tes exalt ie ptorance eg areaion aes mae anscio nett ofte seed sere technigy. Incr te ea ens eappoach as abby ung a sce once burrs Waenten “he Prodi Onna ante steno wre oer they warts meds ese aria net emcee ret Homey, ei rites remove Spit compete the acalngracture 0a ul he fh phat rare eam wee creat here wee Now seen eas sping. ach wich wae soe wn saree rh ni iam wo was age wn prvkng exper ana qucarc ee! te ean Each ar cose Daly Scns Wch Mee {stonesby 2-Day Sum of Soumya wen ne menses he iia eum met fepeseasves ol owen arenonse Ne wrk hare seven rename Te ‘ly Sc ue fotone ne see ata pu ly Sun Lessons Learned “re egpFur projet eerie anes ncn tom he ey pt Even Rouges Epi ere equa bel we ol scl ee even ae the etenalers nme pros sam progss arg mae on he pobiem om he aur They ade ha emanate uO ey were ever ery ‘tatmpotant pogest waentoning mate. Te Tae eereatsier vausta th Pred ers ater pt evew, nae Ped Oars mere sss henetes wh dit ameter tet econo rea coun compo ene uses psi no snehing acne denaratecutin «pint bt ve yet se eam ste worm undencong cv scrum prasos uenin lexan th ae crane ccs t any sag et at. tne ache oss peo ang Se et i gee i a Wt Feasvis] nex]Ts eocamer wae rested by ature Chg peace gots Mpa ener com eptert Thanks [raves ne] ‘Scrum Sealing rere sang any pet an apropienfsicre mt be pli pace Far strc, afc wl employ alps colestas eames mecha er reguenty ‘ytonng her Work mute dese riper Aro, ne elle prot nace cece mat be coteaced ro tahe wr an Be ey aes rang ees thse nara oe grogapcly sana Ngrbaravian enna suce cade share, sftrnaes uli, ana sea conmnistion esa meesagg must be eye vert spprs sean lon must ne deed arpa pre sing othe proc al Wok ene Spin. ut Sean eqs vey Spat roa an erento eta pseu urea ar You rgh bear how hs equa cane met mon ate eee es an npr 3 89 Ineacuste.Insed even ogy es buoneesuncterly wl zie ang tose il pie obubs face, Mel ace omens se ushers ‘ureteral athe end ot eve Sete nt tia ne mere petro dos beeura he sows he rca sed wen ncn aevepen wok eee ‘Semontnng tet reteset ne peducten te Hoes a oe Predict One a anette aie My om bevy a goes ang ‘sy nwarteong hom engagedin me ost “re romuncna gure bul he sng astucire te en gh roy ite Posi Backlog bei heya be complete zag beget eae ‘ctu tunnersnconaty nate dean a te ao eer pit, hese nanctonaleqerent ae mined win pry shes cna, ae eaetines ‘crenoutank atten. apace nes tnctealy le epedet on xpasictenaequrenet he orca! ure be pte Whe Pret ‘Steg ts reap prota orn palin he bss contre are zag reutes he mre the opty Prosi! Bate wl be heat seed ‘svar rorunctonlequremerts cal nauch tae more flow lle expended on reparation ar ar net bnnezs ae nthe sing acre “eros at tig ae pig he onal queens sng cae sag, Sgr ecrs fhe ofthe te Spt anne on sy Datg (he ay. the ontntonal sein requests parr poet fe eine ang lace e Peat cog Foren, yo re sealing he Peso ue me ‘eum ne ong recon equa hausae aaa he rect Bac eres ertuncsonl requirements: se pce nite Poa! Baslog Sp can Beg ty one ea can pn csr iat ple, {roe ot core wt be ro mecanisn fr aoeraing ewe muses me mere, Se ae fra operon of etal Pre! easy wih teeuetenaretemetspoon re peo agg ansone. The Pct anes ana Team et tpee ats Spt ain retng ee oboe eet comonaton turetona! na nrtncona egies. The Tea en spits a man ees 6 equal he aero gn space A pa, he Spr ‘anonyme roach emp pi Team cane ot Enron Tenn soaea wha met te orga Tee, wa et she ew Ta ete oe Poets acct ard wotecuread > Inewat ot me ancora Pee Scay Spe secon sneer erssnstuneer soem eclavee==merencaTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Scaling at Medcinsoft Son war uate manage a V2 pet ned a making Meso procs Vcomp ovr else en ota ver S80 maj Nee ‘ruratoe ana acing oe (comes tet ain eee inns bere Ole, 998 MeGone's stare rate arnt pet heaters ‘turastos ncn darone aches, lng rurnce, patent ec a cele. Thee ch oar wud hae ha exaropec coneeqenes fo ese Couraston anne poplin ey sre. Uni accel aepeg Sum aren ung Gan arse manage he oe ey Pa proven neal Magra othe {ibe Custer wre estate bectraeleaces rogue arved morn le, were Monscaly bg, a an coin ares cares “eps was carpe ana requedcalng number amertnesulneouy. The aware devepen 2K reeds. a bug ang ofr 20 evap ot ‘Soransna. Over 609 enpoyeee te 25 itn eenzaonsredeaa te abo corenaat ae and charge nae plane eMedia. Canes wee ops ‘cs eletaes of Mecano twat rt of nen ete cnorzes oer seatneeds Aloe casters aa Geena he mplemeraton he Ye pga ot nce etwas cao une oko seaun lars o upgrade cnr state hay ted ale, Gurars ka ha epee chee fr xeeg ‘rene eninge he pow sere. sum, came ettes, none baer eve va wo, ‘Soumnasbeen usd scans aloere wn Maseniah so management ated Jick Ha. he manager tine Y2K poet weer aude Sen alae poet song Temes presen pels a Jak hat ages were he cle of eoranang aie warbling done 2 eval ing he tet pate ‘Suwon Te cana ne wo oe deehe nasa scaae, tay tmaton. Pann Worms one alone cane peed and was atin cra Feces rormaton wa nett aenane olen rete wks fe tay woe sggoen be sippee. Cure andl see pera! wera Commuretng wih each era at or weren cormnesing tie in each the. Pitre at ot wichnadtote compat tert ot V2 eset a's seve ene atone, aaa nb slo change ee eet carers. ‘ipeerced ny changer ithe scheaue Each Heal ae aa ie otra wos corsa tele wl a the ou ax omen Wot compe, th ‘tea aa grey ge eee, na wih any ous cet ocmerea Tose aioe npr eens te ny reo came de ‘uit ena an mpemereg nha eazy Hegarat fearsome! Final, he Megonet rear haa beat wh anecdote awaein sea ‘Astra wren Jack na ter completone.Cesptehavng roy conan rere YK ects acaaane wns 2 ea (cin. row 2k eects were al ing fund an afer ace Azo, Mearian larne rege aw Wed acess feral me the Yak reas. person etc ‘ung tam he Web concent rove eta et, nase tects ware ete, tebe waren ised Pas te stare re sly ce eee stern crveopete ne oes nta hasten he coger lange ura owas tsays developers Aad one cose she pynses Farmer never pane sch an entenve pace oe etre an se rd wee age} unprepaeao 6. Aung ruber aa ave eg and quay msurance ‘hanes or procesee nn wc spay te nw alae,Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane Approach ‘Sou proves adept guy er pediniy cane chaste enone teat ot he Macias Vek poe Jack ele egy Scum o spec he Poet even aeter nh els and acne ter Jac sree ears ih each Sit Every 20dbs ens woud pose mec castor wh aren Tease ‘tecture cao pi wou eens oar he actesse op pray oss Bacieg a ny ie bg nun cr he Spit However Jack ound act argue ‘Scare remain egaran sateen aie, ens tee stay mare Peeper pene proved tn sn ach ater eet, naar pope tie ester eunzaton consis win then sk needed snrmat teas trate, amy mate 8 ey. rece a este Taser estes ly Sets or cstamerr ne were nn fee anne! ren a 2k eeare tom Meco and einai wee version he Daly Scum or cusonars wre eene ce mar se he ree marin wneowAteach Daly Scrum meet he uso nae Medonso elt ip pera! Sete {nu ard uses, They antares an pane rosea lao eee er he Masi sawn rect cstamaton ores a perspec ‘rorcenet or tctoray tata be nee ne sn nung ca andere ar oe ata caste (eae 3) en ter acount or Pract Sactog a eaves aces tne SAGE COST DICE BST — FE] + smotemartaton ates J—* testre anos gre #2 curemer rose Basa enever ne cuter Paaict cg changed ma red ne Mcneela hana Proc Rsgs ne Mea fe ere apenizaton.T comtines Proc Busing war hen prrtze oolet sceaing mang te cstomers. Th sania Pad! cng wa town a te et ee Poa acing Pt eV “he Meno rvtepent Prec Boon needa YK Res pat hancement. ge nang, nd ier gh iy development enon! wok When he ‘ne ova 2k efor Development wan wae plfzedbareonVakenjeives an opete at et, WE pris een ee Te Pode! Sachng ‘ippaedtne vatour itoneInplnrtaters nares a Medonet ard csoner werk (SeeFize |) Te Ment 2K Proce acay War ups ae) oyTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane ge 2 yo ena ac “ecu tet avn, evlpment ne overall YK Post Baslogs were marian on sreaseheton 2 uD ever nacoul be cesasougt he WebTs eocamer wae rested by ature Chg peace gots Mpa ener com eptert Thanks crayons nevi th project Te aquest cooperation an communion ashe presses cul ony te pe yore wonton ate, Hower, people st Hasna ft a hs oon ware we neu rey aptecle a mace ek commitments na plies vite Creyone appreesBerg a6 10 nyse now wer as necateg nano eles crt warseneduee “re itcence ganz wae repartee cota a ening al ar alco tes July waa ditt manager wh habeen ugha acu thalp ne YE poste aun te Scum Pet Guero ard aan te esa YE Poa age woo an epi pena She antares ya ‘stoning gueson wren cuore ned alesse wth V2 defes has a an te request unten Fr hae, Ne une ep panyProait acto tne ‘a ota pir mina he 1 west tenon nese peng te neat mae orepa. 1 xe teen in mote pent denopapie dang year eae. 1 hae ptt demapaph ess when yar 2010 arerain et 1 ew pugin mele tom stare vensrt eloter te obi ' eug-soeen asses carge of moa ple emegapeceen tanta cre Por page ' cunomer eae ques lease lr planer (caer nang ee 8) 1 cuomerMescinereques release ornamentation eens ing renee 72, evapner ane were pe by cory ste A tng Ase ecb). SCHED bean ans (ee Faz) Ap paring mest ‘Cavinqcte mtd tn oy ttc soe te Pe eg ween ir acra oT ten mend wee esas gong = ‘teres etptle ms oy hips emg wot war rane nineteen tee we aa cas prnett e e a protetaurg but pod wed nonce peas ys ona teeth spree harp won pee my scopes eae renee {late sunny wry he Pea ay Tee ene ae hc ane bean, ea sen tou ay mane) eeeTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane es Sn pong map ae “Te same scat mechani te zea the Web ace poe whch coneidat comply hw cot a cde at war lobe ic nh Vn oleate. T est oxpan win aor enna ym ecu Sri The et uch St wa se wag hay aon eng eae ese ‘Salwar wed app the vars Web acer ae om tpg or each the. 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Er he Sout can pon at Cepenerey tote Feam ore Team can cor soee the efeaste mth au aeveupme When a Team shrses ve he spenseny Henn sa pease to nea chctenson he Gly ccm tine ter Team wang onthe pendent et Team edt he Team wth he faaresedSopeneny can equa! at | ‘ig pony Pott cg tem be cet natese The Stas can en eter tens Te ace pena rom ante Tamo do 2 ‘Tne ma niireng bcevaton Sun let on sargsatlon aswel inp, guang res. Which me appteabe to coca anda reject? He hed nm an ‘ainda ne pope coun depends ante conpeay ches When ne compos nso gest al se atunsaton oer ocar quan ncugh spins phe cruraaton een et recolzon Hasrganzaon corn tyme peter ap Rbeauze management rhe ie asap Hoque er wel at ‘pe Teamcan Sortie ie Sermace cna tegen by svn ae spe ee, bul nearer he Seana overs an oe, [raves ne]Te scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. 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The ‘ermine canmte hs arg i ra on scar er ae requesngby he Teamorne Pedic Gur The Spe can veto be a ae he ‘ccmougy prove rweraie he ures conaone cage a ale Swab va tne Bsns. ote Tea eed wen cg he Spire anyone ele ne Tea 1 rime Teom tek tat nal compete th ormtes Pedi acog aug ne Spent ca ona win th race area whch tone remove fromthe ier Spent 20 ar ne requ rereva hate Spt has ae na mearing he Sutera one emia Sp oe ppewuny ates 1 me eum seteins at can aes mote Proaict Bag rg he pit han etc urge St peg mean, ea con win the Pract (careron ih asatonl ree accey Ho canbe ae he St. 1 Team menoeranave io saninrasve responses cng ihe Spiny ete anne Oa enum mesing.anahy aes kept Spt acl {pte ad natn in ution ape on, ea a New atm ean one Spr slg at ya once, ae ng (hysoay erties rare orang reach not mut beep poeTe scene ae reste yan etegtered Chnage laze goo hip err oma reer 8. Thane [raves ne] Sprint Review Meeting “he cpr even mesg mesoudta 4s 15 re ream stou nt epend moe tha teu peptone Spite: 1 re pupoe othe Spt eve fore Taam pecent tne Past une an aknets ronal halide. Alheug te earings
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