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Seduction Roadmap Report

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The Simple, Scientifically Proven,

4-Step Process For GETTING LAID

As Much As You Want!

Hey there, my name is Jon Sinn; though some people refer to me simply
as Sinn. Im the author of such works as The Game Acceleration Doctrine
and The Lay Reports Book.
For the past few years I've been rated one of the top pick up artists in the
entire world, by leading authorities like TSB Magazine and Joseph Matthews'
Annual Top 10 Pick up Artists list.
More importantly, I've helped literally thousands of men just like you all
around the world, get the results with women they desire through my clear,
easy to follow Dating and Seduction Teachings.
I first did this when I was the head instructor for the largest pick up
training company in the world, Love Systems, which was formerly known as
Mystery Method Corporation; and later, through my own company, Sinn's of
I'll give you a lot more details about my background in a moment, but
first, I want to let you know that you're going to be really glad you're watching
this video today, because it contains something very important, that I want to
share with you. It's this: there is a very good chance that everything you
know or have been taught about dating, picking up women, and sex, is
I know that may sound like a very bold claim, even shocking, but dont
worry, this is definitely not your fault, and you may actually be better off
because of this. I actually made a short presentation that explains this all in
much greater detail. Let's check it out.

How Do I Pick Up Girls?

If you're like a lot of people, you were probably first
exposed to this idea of learning how to pick up girls and
the idea that seduction can be learned from a book
called The Game, by a guy named Neil Strauss.
Or, maybe you might have first been exposed to it
by a TV show called The Pick Up Artist, starring a guy

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named Mystery, who was featured very prominently in that book, The Game.
Now, whether you know who I'm talking about or not is unimportant,
because the book: The Game, as well as the TV show introduced a method
or model for picking up girls and seducing women that's been accepted as
correct for many, many years. No one even really argues with it any more.

The Incorrect Model

Unfortunately, the model is incorrect, and the incorrect model goes
something like this: When you see a girl you like you must first start a
conversation with her, then get her attracted to you. After you get her
attracted to you, it's time to build comfort and get rapport with her and then
after you've built comfort, it's then time to start seducing the girl.
Well I have another surprise for you. I'm here to tell you that that model
for seduction that has been taught for years is flat out WRONG.
Not only is this model wrong, it doesnt work in the real world either.
The truth is that seduction starts at "Hello!" That's right, seduction starts
at hello. This is a crucial understanding and I want to take a minute or two
now to explain why this is so important.
When you really understand this concept, your results with women can't
help but explode.
You see, most of the early systems like Mystery
Method, like the stuff Neal Strauss was teaching, were
based on the idea that entertaining girls and getting
attention and validation from girls is the most important
These systems were come up with, by guys who
really like attention from women and, you know, maybe
werent hugged enough as a kid.
What I teach differs in that everything I teach is
designed with one thing, and one thing only in mind,
and that's to get more naked women into your bed. To
get you into more sexual relationships and to get you laid faster and with less
effort than ever before.
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The Seduction Roadmap

I've actually designed a very simple four-step process that's designed to
get you laid as much as you want whenever you want
I call this scientifically proven four-step process, The Seduction
The Seduction Roadmap is great for you if you constantly run out of
things to say when talking to girls, and you dont know what to do or what to
say next.
It's also really going to help you if you have a lot of nice-guy interactions
with girls, where you are attracted to them, but they dont lead to sex. It's
even great if you're really sick of being placed into the dreaded friend-zone.
If it's hard for you to get sexual with girls because you're ashamed of
your sexual desires, The Seduction Roadmap is definitely the thing for you.
And lastly, The Seduction Roadmap is perfect if you want a clear, easy
to follow system that's going to, predictably, and consistently give you the
sexual satisfaction that you really desire.

Who is Jon Sinn?

So who am I? I'll give you a little bit of my background story now. I got
into the whole secret underground seduction community about seven years
ago after a really bad breakup.
The only girlfriend I've ever had in my entire life dumped me and then
slept with two guys the following week.
After that I became super determined to figure out this whole dealing
with women thing. So I got online and typed in things like "How to pick up
girls, how to attract women" and the first system for meeting women that I
came across was the one taught by Mystery who I mentioned earlier in this
I was very obsessive back then, and still am today, so I took everything
that Mystery said like it was gospel.
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For example, he said to go up and talk to at least 50 women a week. So

that's what I did. I went out to the mall seven days a week, and I approached
several women for about six months.
After talking to at least 50 women a week for about six months, I finally
got my first lay. I continue to talk to 50 women every week for about another
year after that and eventually my results started to get more consistent.
I was probably having sex with one or two new girls a month on a regular
basis. But I was still approaching like 200 girls a month. So my batting
average really wasnt that great, and it was around this time, 2004, that I took
a Mystery Method Boot Camp.
And I actually impressed Mystery and Nick Savoy, who was Mystery's
business partner at the time, so much that they invited me to come and intern
for the Mystery Method Company which later became Love Systems, and
after I became an intern, I later became one of their instructors when Mystery
retired back in 2005.
So starting in 2005, I began traveling all over the United States and to
foreign countries like England, Sweden and Australia teaching Mystery's
system to guys all over the world.
Now you have to understand, this system was very dogmatic and very
rigid. By rigid I mean it had very rigid rules such as: You must first approach
the girl indirectly, meaning by not showing your interest in her right away.
Then you have to attract her, build comfort and later move into a seduction
location where you'll begin a seduction phase.
We also used to teach rules like: It takes an average of seven hours to
get a girl into bed, and never show your interest to a girl, unless she first
shows interest in you.
Eventually, I noticed that there were quite a few guys out there who were
breaking all the rules of the Mystery System left and right, and were still
getting laid like rock stars.
For example, there was one guy who I'll call "Tommy" that I hung out
with, that would never do anything indirect. And would constantly tell girls
how much he liked them and he was getting laid a lot.

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There was another guy I met named Jason that was a true master of
getting girls into bed within about four hours of meeting them. After seeing
this I finally decided that the system that I was following was flat out wrong.
So I then spent the next three years developing my own system for
getting laid. It was during this time that I developed a system for getting girls
to fall in love with you, which I created partially from looking at what Tommy
was doing.
I also moved to Dallas, Texas to learn, first-hand, from Jason how he
was able to get girls to sleep with him so quickly. This information formed
the basis of a system I came up with for getting same-night lays.
I've personally gotten over 100 same-night lays from using this system,
and I've had students such as Kevin from Austin Texas, who has used it to
lay as many as ten girls in one month.
It was also during this period of time where I perfected my system for
meeting and sleeping with women you meet in the daytime which is found in
my best selling, Day Game From A to Z Mastery Program.
One of my students, Alex, actually laid nine girls in one month last year
using my day-game system.
There was another guy named Mickey, who was a virgin when he came
to me and lost his virginity the first day I taught him the system and went on
to get over 30 lays the following year using my day-game system.
With all these systems, the focus is always on getting laid. My goal is
always to get the best results possible with the least amount of effort. So if I
were doing something that didnt lead me to the goal of getting a girl into bed,
I would throw it away.
Now you may be listening to yourself thinking, "Jon, you mentioned your
system for getting girls to fall in love with you, your system for same-night
lays and your day-game system. That's a lot of different systems for meeting
women you're talking about."
I agree with you 100 percent. I have developed quite a few seduction
systems, and to be completely honest for a while, knowing so many different
systems has been quite overwhelming for me.

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There is a lot of information to keep track of even for me and at times I

would feel really, really confused. So I decided back in January, that I was
going to simplify the process.
I wanted to break down each and every one of these systems to find out
what the commonalities were. I've also gone back through my journals to see
exactly what I was doing with my past successes, I've interviewed past
students of mine to find out what's happening when they got laid, and after
months of obsessive research I finally broke everything down into the four
simple steps that must happen before sex occurs.
These four steps form the basis of The Seduction Roadmap.
Uncovering these four steps was a huge, huge breakthrough for me and
I had originally developed the Seduction Roadmap for my own personal use,
but to make things easier for me, and believe me it worked.
It allowed me to lay five to ten new girls a month on a regular basis.
Something special was clearly happening and as much as I like to think that
there's something special about me, the truth is there isnt.
I'm a normal guy that likes to eat pizza, watch movies and surf the
Internet like everyone else.
But I had a feeling that there was something special abut this four-step
Seduction Roadmap process that I came up with. So I decided to teach it to a
few of my friends, just for fun, and they started getting really amazing results.
I'll tell you about some of these results a little bit later. But after I saw
those results I felt like I was really onto something, and I just had to share
The Seduction Roadmap with the rest of the world.
I mean, it honestly really bothers me that there is so much
misinformation out there that doesnt help guys get laid, and causes them to
stay stuck for years and years.
Guys read stuff and never take action, guys finally get the guts to talk to
girls but these conversations dont go anywhere.
Some guys even get phone numbers but they rarely, if ever, actually get
laid. Other guys may get laid once in a while, but it's luck and not
repeatable. And this frustrates me to no end. I want to finally set the record
straight by getting this information out to as many people as I possibly can.
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Why You're Not Getting Laid as Much as You Can

Why are you not getting laid as much as you want?
I'm going to give you the reasons right now and break it down so that we
have laid it out so you can understand it.
The number one reason guys are not getting laid as much as they want
to because guys are not taught to be sexual. Guys are taught to kind of be
indirect, or to never bring up sexuality because it could offend women, or
they might not like it, or you're going to come off corny, or this that or the
But being able to express sexuality with women is one of, if not the most
important things you can do for getting yourself laid. If you're not talking
about sex with girls, if you're not communicating in a sexual way, you're not
going to get laid.
The second major problem that leads guys to not getting laid as much as
they want, is most of the information out there isnt focused on getting laid.
It's about stuff like attraction, mind reading, inner game and opening. These
things mean nothing if they dont lead to sex.
A lot of the times guys out there are learning what I like to call the attract
and open skill set as opposed to the get-laid skill set.
It's really easy to start conversations with girls to get women attracted to
you, to have them giggling and willing to talk to you, but that doesnt
necessarily get you laid.
There is a whole other skill set that leads to actually getting laid, and it
consists of things generating sexual attraction, escalating the interaction
physically, escalating verbally, that is not really mentioned in most of these
In fact, most guys are doing things that arent getting them the results
they want; they're playing validation-based games.
They're trying to prove to the girl that they're really cool, or get the girl to
really give them a lot of attention, and kind of energy, but not actually moving

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Or, they're focusing too much on attraction.

Guys will sit there and they really think they have to attract a woman
every single minute of the interaction. You only need enough attraction to
move forward, attraction only exists to get you into the later phases where we
can move forward.
Guys need to have sexual conversations. This is a really, really big one. I
know so many guys who talk to girls and never bring up sex, never tease the
girl about sexuality, never bring up the idea of them getting together, never
demonstrate any interest in her as a man in a woman, and all of those things
lead to these asexual conversations that are bland and quite frankly, boring.
And lastly, there's an information overload that results in not taking
action, because guys want to read and read and read and they want to learn
as much as they possibly can and you can learn as much as you want, but
it's still not going to actually mean you can go out and do these tactics and
techniques in the real world. Youve got to actually get out there and get real
world experience.
So what's the end result?
The end result is that you end up feeling frustrated, lonely and let's face
it, like a loser, because you're not getting the result with women you want.
Trust me; I know exactly what those lonely Friday and Saturday nights
are like. I know what it's like to never have gotten laid or to have no idea
when my next opportunity to have sex is going to come about. I know the
pain of seeing a hot girl walk hand-in-hand with some guy who I know is no
better than me.
What happens when you change your approach?
I'm here to tell you that when you start using The Seduction Roadmap,
and start focusing on getting laid, a lot of good things happen.
I want to give you a couple of examples: One, you're going to start
having conversations with girls you're attracted to that lead to sex. You're
going to start getting a lot more dates and those dates are going to turn into
lays regularly.

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Basically, you're going to be a guy that gets laid as much as you want,
whenever you want, and eventually you're going to be the guy walking handin-hand down the street with the hot girl that everybody else is going to be
jealous of.

How to Get Started

How are we going to get started?
In a minute I'm going to reveal to you the first step of The Seduction
Roadmap, but before I do, here are a few concepts that I want to bring to
your attention that are going to help you get a lot more sexual satisfaction
than you're getting right now.
Number one, I want to talk about dealing with sexual anxiety.
Sexual anxiety is nervousness or discomfort feelings that are associated
with anything sexual. It could be talking about sex, it could be making a move
on a girl, it could be being alone in a bedroom, it could be talking to a girl in
dirty talk, or demonstrating what you want to do to her physically. But sexual
anxiety is a major, major factor in why a lot of guys never get good.
It cripples your game because it leads to approach anxiety, because
when you're worried about what would happen with sex, it's really easy to
justify not approaching girls.
In fact, subconsciously, your mind will start to generate all sorts of
different crazy scenarios and excuses not to approach because your mind
doesnt want to put you in that uncomfortable situation, where that sexual
anxiety kicks in and you feel like a loser because you are in a situation
sexually with a girl that you can't do anything about.
It also leads to escalation anxiety.
A lot of guys are good at talking to girls but they never make a move,
they never physically touch her, they never try to escalate the interaction
verbally, they never push forward, they never try to set up a date, they never
express any interest because, again, they're terrified of demonstrating
sexuality and being thought of as a pervert, or horny, or whatever stereotype
you want to think of.

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Sexual anxiety is a real killer of a lot of guys' games so you should have
a basic idea of whether or not you have it.
I advocate a two-part solution, through education and experience. In
education I recommend that you guys all read a book called The Guide to
Getting it On, which is the best, most well-written, funny, entertaining book
about sex out therehighly recommended.
If you have any misunderstandings about sex, if you dont know where
the clitoris is, if you dont know where the G-spot is, if you dont know what
different sexual techniques are or, you know, anythingthen I highly
recommend you pick up that book.
And I also recommend that you find the experience with women sexually
as quickly as you can. It doesnt need to be your dream girl, doesn't need to
be your, you know, ten, but ideally you dont pay for it. But you'd want to get
some sexual experience because you'll start to get an idea of what you're
into sexually.
A lot of sexual anxiety comes from a lack of understanding, a lack of
experience and a lack of knowledge.
Now I also want to give you an exercise. If you're worried about sexual
anxiety, then I want you to just kind of write out the process of how sex will
go down.
So I want you to get out a piece of notebook paper and on the front of
the paper, I want you to write: I meet a girl and start a conversation" and
end at the bottom of the paper with, and then we have sex.
Then, fill in what you think the step-by-step parts that go through this
process are. Do you go on a date? Do you meet her at a bar and take her
home that night? Do you take her shirt off first? Get an idea of how the
process goes down with exercises before you start to worry about how it
goes down in real life.

Bringing Up Sexual Subjects

I also want to talk about bringing up sexual subjects. Let's talk about sex
baby, as Salt and Pepper once said.

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You have to talk about sex and sexual subjects. In fact, I would even say
that if youve been talking to a woman for 25 to 30 minutes, and you havent
brought up sex at all, you're shooting yourself in the foot.
You have to acknowledge the inherent tension that exists between men
and women when there is an attraction, and that is sexual tension.
I personally like to do this for you through humor, so in the first five
minutes. I'll tease a girl about something sexual or make some sort of sexual
joke, or joke about hitting on her, or her hitting on me, or you know, her being
my new girlfriend.
But something that gets sex on the table in the least threatening way
possible. But also gets it on the subject early so that I'm not talking to a girl
for 45, 50 minutes, 2 hours and we've never talked about anything sexual,
and then when I make a move its likeAh, what's going on?
Keep all of that in mind. You have to bring up sex you have to be able to
talk about sex in a normal adult way. You should be able to talk about it with
some humor and in a way that is not creepy. You definitely want to
experiment with that.

Escalating the Interaction

Escalating the interaction, if I had a dollar for every time a student on
boot camp did not escalate the interaction and would just stand there having
a nice-guy interaction with a girl, I would be a very rich man.
You have to escalate the interaction both verbally and physically. You
must be comfortable with these escalations and not flinch. I talk about the
idea of flinch points a lot, and how the flinch point is any situation where
you're escalating in an interaction and the girl is looking to see if you expect
that to happen.
It might happen when I'm trying to get a girl's phone number, it might
happen when I'm trying to go for a make out, it might happen when I'm trying
to pull a girl from a bar, or it might happen when I make a sexual comment
towards her, or talk dirty her.
But the point is you can't flinch. The girl cannot see that you dont believe
in what you're doing.
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You have to appear like everything you're doing is the most normal and
natural thing to do in the situation and that it wouldnt even occur to you to do
anything else.
It's a good idea to have kind of set waypoints. I like to have a few simple
ones, number one, isolating a girl. If you're talking to a girl in a group you
need to get her into a one-on-one conversation. So you need to have a
waypoint to escalate so that you go from a group setting to a one-on-one
interaction where you can actually get to know her.
You want to have a good way for getting a phone number, setting up a
date, inviting a girl back to your place. You know, going for a kiss, getting the
girl into your bedroom, all of these little waypoints of escalation you should
have set ways to do them.
You want to have a way to get a phone number, a way to ask a girl out; a
way to invite a girl back to your place when that situation comes, instead of
being worried and thinkingOh, my God, how am I going to escalate this
You're able to actually move it forward it forward smoothly. And the first
couple of times you will find that it's harder but it will get much, much easier
and you'll be seeing amazing results very soon.

Getting Women Aroused. Not Turned On

Getting women aroused, not turned on is one of the biggest things that is
lacking is material on physical versus verbal arousal.
Women get aroused verbally, and they get aroused physically.
Obviously, physical arousal is going to be stronger because physical
sensations are always more powerful than verbal or mental situations.
So when it comes to physically arousing girlsthings like hair pulling,
biting her neck, you know, running your fingers down her back.
All these things that really physically feel amazing for women need to be
done in a normal manner throughout the interaction. You need to get used to
touching a woman and making her feel good and then backing off. Not trying

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to constantly arouse. And you also have to get good at verbally arousing
Getting girls turned on with your words, with your images with your
sensory descriptions.
One of the big things that guys dont seem to realize is that men and
women are both interested in sex, I like to think of this as men and women
are on two separate trains bound for sex.
The difference is the woman's train is about 15 minutes behind the man's
So men, we are pretty ready to go right away. Women, it takes them a
little bit longer. I've heard it referred to as the difference between a light
switch or dimmer knob before, but you need that15 minutes to allow the
woman to get physically turned on. It takes her a little bit more time.
So if you add some extra time to your seductions and especially once
you get the girl back to your house and in your bedroom, you can really turn
women on to the point where they're ripping your clothes off, and begging
you to have sex with them.
But it's a matter of getting a woman aroused physically and verbally.
Meaning, there's a physical process that's happening.
Arousal is a physical process. The vagina gets wet, her heart rate
speeds up, and her skin flushes. There are physical things happening as a
girl is getting aroused. So because of that, arousal is the real key to sex.
Because once a girl gets past a certain point of arousal, something in her
primitive brain kicks in that saysI need sex right now, and I dont care what
the situation or consequences are to this decision. So be aware of the
arousal as well.

The First Step

Now I want to give you guys the first step of The Seduction Roadmap,
which is getting sexual attraction.

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Sexual attraction is different from social attraction, which is just kind of

polite response; where most people are pretty nice and theyll talk to you and
not be rude.
It's different from value-based attraction, which is an attraction based on
people wanting something from you, you having something that they value.
There being some sort of benefit to being around you, and physical
attraction, which is based solely on you being her physical type.
The key to generating sexual attraction is that you do the things that
generate attraction through a filter of sexuality.
Sexuality becomes a filter so that every attraction technique gets
sexualized. Meaning that you're not just building regular attraction, you're
building attraction with sexuality heaped on top of it; which is much more
useful when it comes to getting girls into bed quickly.
All right; it looks like we're running out of time for today.
In the next few days I have a lot more amazing information in store for
you. Specifically, I have two more training videos and a special teleseminar
that's going to explain The Seduction Roadmap in complete detail, and show
you how to apply it in the real world to get amazing results.
Stay tuned tomorrow! Because tomorrow I'm going to be giving you my
number one best technique for creating sexual attraction; you're going to get
laid a lot more than you are now simply by following this step.
In fact, this technique alone helped one of my students, Kenneth, to get a
23-year-old girl friend. And I should mention, he's 46, Asian, and makes less
than $30,000 a year.
I really value your feedback. It helps me to know what you want to know,
what questions you have and how I can help you better to get the results with
women that you really deserve. So if you have any questions email them to
sinn@sinnsofattraction.com. That's going to wrap it up for now. Thanks for
reading this.
Until next time!

Jon Sinn
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