Intergard 475HS: Primed Surfaces
Intergard 475HS: Primed Surfaces
Intergard 475HS: Primed Surfaces
All surfaces to be coated should be clean, dry and free from contamination. Prior to paint
application all surfaces should be assessed and treated in accordance with ISO 8504:2000.
Primed Surfaces
Intergard 475HS should always be applied over a recommended anti-corrosive coating scheme.
The primer surface should be dry and free from all contamination and Intergard 475HS must be
applied within the overcoating intervals specified (consult the relevant product data sheet).
Areas of breakdown, damage etc., should be prepared to the specified standard (e.g. Sa2 (ISO
8501-1:2007) or SSPC-SP6, Abrasive Blasting, or SSPC-SP11, Power Tool Cleaning) and patch
primed prior to the application of Intergard 475HS.
Metallic Zinc Primed Surfaces
Ensure that the surface of the primer is clean, dry and free from contamination and zinc salts before
application of Intergard 475HS. Ensure zinc primers are fully cured before overcoating.
Mix Ratio
-5C (23F)
3 hours
Airless Spray
Air Spray
(Pressure Pot)
Air Cap
Fluid Tip
International GTA007
Work Stoppages
Clean Up
5C (41F)
3 hours
15C (59F)
2.5 hours
25C (77F)
2 hours
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Intergard 475HS
Intergard 475HS is primarily designed for use as a high build barrier coat to impart barrier
protection to a coating system. It is recommended that it should be overcoated with a durable finish
from the Interfine or Interthane range when appearance is important.
Maximum film build in one coat is best attained by airless spray. When applying by methods other
than airless spray, the required film build is unlikely to be achieved. Application by air spray may
require a multiple cross spray pattern to attain maximum film build. Low or high temperatures may
require specific application techniques to achieve maximum film build.
When applying Intergard 475HS by brush or roller, it may be necessary to apply multiple coats to
achieve the total specified system dry film thickness.
Surface temperature must always be a minimum of 3C above dew point. When applying Intergard
475HS in confined spaces ensure adequate ventilation. Exposure to unacceptably low
temperatures and/or high humidities during or immediately after application may result in
incomplete cure and surface contamination that could jeopardise subsequent intercoat adhesion.
Elevated Temperature Curing
An alternative curing agent is available for applications at temperatures greater than 25C (77F).
Touch Dry
Hard Dry
25C (77F)
40C (104F)
90 minutes
60 minutes
6 hours
2 hours
6 hours
2 hours
Extended *
Extended *
Intergard 475HS is designed for use over correctly primed steel. Suitable primers are:
Intercure 200
Intergard 251
Intergard 269
Interfine 629HS
Intergard 475HS
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Intergard 475HS
Further information regarding industry standards, terms and abbreviations used in this data sheet
can be found in the following documents available at
Definitions & Abbreviations
Surface Preparation
Paint Application
Theoretical & Practical Coverage
Individual copies of these information sections are available upon request.
This product is intended for use only by professional applicators in industrial situations in
accordance with the advice given on this sheet, the Material Safety Data Sheet and the
container(s), and should not be used without reference to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
which International Protective Coatings has provided to its customers.
All work involving the application and use of this product should be performed in compliance with all
relevant national, Health, Safety & Environmental standards and regulations.
In the event welding or flame cutting is performed on metal coated with this product, dust and
fumes will be emitted which will require the use of appropriate personal protective equipment and
adequate local exhaust ventilation.
If in doubt regarding the suitability of use of this product, consult International Protective Coatings
for further advice.
Rect Top
Unit Size
Part A
Part B
20 litre
15 litre
20 litre
5 litre
5 litre
5 US gal
3 US gal
5 US gal
1 US gal
1 US gal
Unit Size
Part A
Part B
20 litre
29.3 kg
9.3 kg
5 US gal
57.1 lb
8.4 lb
Shelf Life
Important Note
The information in this data sheet is not intended to be exhaustive; any person using the product for any purpose other than that specifically recommended in this data sheet without first
obtaining written confirmation from us as to the suitability of the product for the intended purpose does so at their own risk. All advice given or statements made about the product
(whether in this data sheet or otherwise) is correct to the best of our knowledge but we have no control over the quality or the condition of the substrate or the many factors affecting the
use and application of the product. Therefore, unless we specifically agree in writing to do so, we do not accept any liability at all for the performance of the product or for (subject to the
maximum extent permitted by law) any loss or damage arising out of the use of the product. We hereby disclaim any warranties or representations, express or implied, by operation of
law or otherwise, including, without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. All products supplied and technical advice given are subject to
our Conditions of Sale. You should request a copy of this document and review it carefully. The information contained in this data sheet is liable to modification from time to time in the
light of experience and our policy of continuous development. It is the user's responsibility to check with their local International Paint representative that this data sheet is current prior to
using the product.
This Technical Data Sheet is available on our website at or, and should be the same as this document. Should there be any
discrepancies between this document and the version of the Technical Data Sheet that appears on the website, then the version on the website will take precedence.
Copyright AkzoNobel, 23/07/2012.
, International and all product names mentioned in this publication are trademarks of, or licensed to, AkzoNobel.
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