E Rigau Resume 2015

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Emma M.



Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC


Bachelor of Arts
Communication Major, Entrepreneurship Minor, Religion and Public Engagement Certifi cate

Deans List
3.4 or better for a full-time course load in the semester and who have earned no grade below C during the
Worrell Professional Center, Winston-Salem, NC
Library Assistant

Processed new materials including books, audiovisuals, and computer software.

Instructed patrons on use of reference sources, catalogs, and information systems.

Facilitated 2 new shelving and space-saving projects.


Project Pearl, Winston-Salem NC

Communication Intern

Completed grant research for Project Pearl to gain funds.

Supported Board of Directors with fundraising ideas and execution.

Implemented new communication strategy to receive consistent donations.

Greenwork, Blacksburg, VA
Communication and Marketing Intern

Researched opportunities for Greenwork to access new clients and promote services.

Supported the creation and management of Greenworks 3 social media platforms.

Compiled information for 12 relevant grants and assisted in 3 grant application processes.


Kappa Alpha Theta, Wake Forest University


Maintained organizations historical records, pictures, and signifi cant possessions.

Organized composite picture for 150+ members with photography company.

Created offi cial chapter scrapbook for the 2014 year.

Marketing Chair for CASA Royale
December 2014January 2015

Produced correspondence for corporate sponsors, donors, and alumni. Resulted in over 50 prizes being
donated and over $14,000 in donations to CASA.

Designed fl yers and logo for fundraising event for a successful marketing campaign, resulting in over
200 people in attendance.

Educated local community about event via Facebook and Twitter accounts as well as our website.
Maintained these sights to post about ticket sales and raffl e winners.
Head Chairperson for CASA Royale

Oversaw entire CASA Royale fundraiser to ensure successful philanthropy event.

Presented fundraiser details and updates to 150+ members on weekly basis.

Formulated 6 specifi c committees and delegated roles of all 150+ sorority members.
Pro Humanitate Institute, Wake Forest University
Public Engagement Fellow

Engaged in discussion groups to defi ne and act upon purposeful engagement.

Delivered notes about public engagement through 11 public blog posts.

Argued for an increase in engagement opportunities on campus to administration.

Pro Humanitate Day Leader
May 2015

Recruited 10 Wake Forest students to become part of my student volunteer group.

Communicated with volunteer group on a daily basis via email and physical meetings.

Planned meaningful volunteer experience for volunteer group at First Harvest Food Bank to sort over
200 cans.
Communiation Department, Wake Forest University
Research Assistant

Scheduled over 50 participants for a research study on coping roles in dyadic relationships.

Facilitated the study three days a week by informing participants of risks and study setup.

Emma M. Rigau

Supervised couples while they completed the study and answered questions frequently.

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