Role of A Christian Husband
Role of A Christian Husband
Role of A Christian Husband
Enrichment Retreat
Talk no. 3: The Role
of a Christian
(How Husbands Care for
their Wives and Family)
1 Corinthians 11:3
Problem 1
Some women ask why man
should always be head of family.
Its Gods idea!
To exercise responsibility does
not only mean taking authority,
direction and managing things,
people and events but also
being held accountable.
Hebrews 13:17
your leaders and
follow their orders. They
watch over your souls
they must give to God an
account of their service. If
you obey them, they will
do their work gladly; if
Problem 2
What if the man refuses to head
the family?
Major cause of the weakening of
the family.
Fathers neglect can bring upon
him the Lords punishment.
1 Samuel 2 f
Reasons why? Limited
understanding, Takusa or fear
of the outcome of his decisions
Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved
the church and gave His life for it. He did this to
dedicate the church to God by His word, after
making it clear by washing it in water, in order to
present the church to Himself in all its beauty,
pure and faultless, without spot or wrinkle or
any other imperfection. Man ought to love their
wives just as they love their own bodies. A man
who loves his wife loves himself. None of us ever
hate our own bodies. Instead, we feed them &
take care of them, just as Christ does the
Church, for we are members of His body. Eph.
5: 25-30
Husband as Governor
Love and respect
Source of comfort,
encouragement & help to
all members of the family
Establish wife in a
position of honor &
Discipline, order & peace
With wife, chart direction
Husband as Provider
Bring to church &
If capable, teach
Lead members of
the family to
support group
Bible & other
Christian materials,
Husband as Protector
Lead family in
daily prayer
Bless them
everyday. Pray
and fast for them
Close windows
to evil, worldly