9th Syllabus Scitech
9th Syllabus Scitech
9th Syllabus Scitech
Classroom Procedures: Students are expected to do their best at all times, to respect
others, and to exhibit Christ-like character. Class will begin promptly when the bell rings,
and students should have all the materials they need for class upon arrival. In the interest
of safety, there shall be no food, drink, permitted in the classroom. Since the classroom
also serves as a laboratory, it is important that students respect the equipment by not
touching it and/or student projects that are in the room, unless otherwise instructed. All
students will sign a lab safety contract.
Blended Classroom: We will be using an online class to support our learning in the
classroom by using SCHOOLOGY.COM as our main hub of information. Directions,
videos, notes, resources and online textbook are found on this site provided via a link
given in class. This should be your first resource if you are having difficulty or are absent
to catch up with schoolwork and materials.
Class Attendance: Attendance is very important in your academic classes. If you are
absent, check the online resources, have a study buddy, but you are responsible for missed
assignments. You may sign up after school on my extra help board to discuss missed
assignments, grades etc. During class is not the appropriate time to discuss personal
grading information.
Assessments and Grading: Grades will be recorded in e-school and updated regularly.
E=excused, missing, but will accept work; A=absent-records as a 0 until work in made up
in a reasonable amount of time when returning from absence. M=missing, not submitted
no longer accepted; 0= not submitted or done-no scored points. The letter grade will
correspond to the school wide system, please refer to student handbook. Students will be
evaluated for how well they have mastered the objectives of each lesson. Evaluation
includes the following: assignments, quizzes, labs, special projects, and tests. The grading
system is based on total points earned. Late work will not be accepted. This will severely
impact your grade. Please be sure to hand in assignments on time.
Journal/E-portfolio: At the conclusion of most lessons, you will be responsible as you
complete your Brain Warm Up assignments to reflect upon your learning that day. You are
required to synthesize, summarize or extend your knowledge of the studied content. Be
thoughtful as you reflect and complete your online journaling and e-portfolio as well.
Extra Help: I am available after school 2-3 days a week. Students must sign up with the
sign-up sheet at my door and indicate if extra help in needed beyond those days.
SciTech Universal Rules refer to handbook
No food/drink in the classroom. All food/drink
belongs in the cafeteria
Keep electronics (cell phone, mp3 etc) off and
out of sight.
Be on time( in your seat at the start of class)
Use a pass to enter and exit rooms
Use appropriate language