Presentation 1
Presentation 1
Presentation 1
The Daily 5
will help establish
A sense of trust
A freedom for choice
A sense of community
A sense of urgency
Routines for Independence
A Sense of TRUST
We all know and realize that we need and love structure and
routine. These are very much needed in the classroom.
In terms of The Daily 5, you will have a choice in your learning.
You will ask yourself questions such as What are my goals in
reading and writing?, What will I do first?, Whom will I
choose to work with?, What will I accomplish?, and What
was I working on yesterday that I want to continue today?.
Purpose + Choice= MOTIVATION!
It is choice that will motivate you and put you in charge of
your own learning!
A Sense of Community
A Sense of Urgency
In terms of The Daily 5, creating urgency in the classroom establishes
a community where every moment of learning is important.
There is a reason why you do certain tasks, and you will be taught
why you do things. An example of why is something like this.
Why do we read? Well research says that reading each day is the
best way to become a better reader- its as simple as that!
When a person understands the reason for a task, it motivates that
person to persevere.
In terms of The Daily 5, you will need to build up stamina in
order to be successful readers and writers. Just think of the
process as a runner training for a marathon.
If you dont have the stamina to read for thirty minutes, you
will not be successful. In fact, you may even become
frustrated and lose motivation to succeed.
Therefore, it is important that you are taught how to be
successful at each of the five key components of The Daily 5.
Other Daily 5
Establishing a Gathering Place
Finding Good-Fit Books
Book Boxes
Anchor Charts
Signals & Check-in
~Muscle Memory~
10 Steps
1. Identify what is to be taught.
2. Set a purpose and a sense of urgency
3. Brainstorm behaviors using I chart.
4. Model the most desirable behaviors.
5. Model the least desirable behaviors.
6. Everyone model and build stamina (3 minutes).
7. Independent work (teacher stays out of the way).
8. Quiet signal to come back to group.
9. Group check-in (How did you do?).
10.Repeat steps 1-9.
Read to self
Read to
Listen to
Work on writing
Word work
Scene One:
Read to Self
Steps to Take
Scene Two:
Read to Someone
Steps to Take
Being able to read to someone will
help you become less reliant on the
teacher for assistance.
Reading to someone will allow you to
share your thinking and learning
with a friend.
Like all of the components of The
Daily 5, the launching of read to
someone is based on the gradual
release of responsibility- eventually,
you will be able to do this
independently the right way!
Scene Three:
Steps to Take
Listen to Reading
Listening to reading is
another way to develop
fluency and vocabulary.
Listening to reading will
allow you to relax and listen
to a good story and learn
new strategies.
Like all of the components
of The Daily 5, listening to
reading is based on the
gradual release of
responsibility- eventually,
you will be able to do this
independently the right
Scene Four:
Work on Writing
Work on writing will allow you
time to spend on writing that
really matters to you:
Persuasive writing
Letters to a friend
Reports on topics of interest
Like all of the components of
The Daily 5, writing is based on
the gradual release of
responsibility- eventually, you
will be able to do this
independently the right way!
Steps to Take
Scene Five:
Word Work (Words Their Way)
Having time during a reading block
to focus on words is critical to your
development as a reader, writer, and
With word work, you will work on:
Experimenting with spelling
Memorizing high-frequency
Generalizing spelling patterns
Adding to your knowledge and
curiosity pf unique and
interesting words
Like all of the components of The
Daily 5, word work is based on the
gradual release of responsibilityeventually, you will be able to do
this independently the right way!
Steps to Take
Think-Pair-Share: Do you
know any spelling patterns?