Effective Strategies For Teaching Science Vocabulary
Effective Strategies For Teaching Science Vocabulary
Effective Strategies For Teaching Science Vocabulary
In order for students to develop scientific literacy, they need to gain a knowledge of science
content and practice scientific habits of mind. This is impossible without knowledge of science
vocabulary. This article shares research-based strategies for science vocabulary instruction that
are effective for all students, including English language learners.
By Sarah J. Carrier
Traditional science lessons have often begun with teachers presenting students with science
vocabulary words and asking them to write the words, find the definitions in a dictionary or the
glossary of the textbook, match the words to definitions, or use the words in a sentence. In this
model of instruction, words are often presented in isolation and students are tested on the words
alone, without application to concepts.
Many of us were taught this way, so we remember how little these practices contributed to
conceptual development. These traditional strategies stem from the assumption that students
absorb the meanings of many science terms simply by writing the words and their definitions. To
many English-speaking students science words seem like a new language, and to English
language learners, these words are a new language.
The job of science education is to teach students how to use thematic patterns of science to
communicate meanings, talking science to solve problems in writing or speaking about issues
in which science is relevant.1 The goal of helping students learn to communicate about science is
important, but we must also be aware of potentially harmful messages that can be unconsciously
communicated to our students. As science educators, we not only teach science but we may
communicate a mystique of science attitude, promoting the idea that science is authoritative,
impersonal and humorless, lacking creativity or values. This communicates a view that scientists
are experts or them, rather than seeing ourselves as scientists.
Scientific writing and talk often project science as a description of the way the world works
rather than as a human social activity that tries to make sense of the world. We instead should
help our students learn that science is all around us, influenced by human uncertainties,
judgments, values, and interests. Its important that we emphasize the human side of science.
These well-established ideas about the nature of science2 have a lasting effect on students, so we
need to be sensitive about the messages we communicate. Science is creative and science is
tentative, which means that scientists recognize that we understand things based on current
research. Just think how our understanding of the world has changed as a result of the invention
of telescopes or microscopes!
Science time in schools is often limited, and as a result teachers find it difficult to include science
vocabulary instruction to help students make sense of text.3 In addition, teachers are often eager
to teach content, and consequently provide only a brief introduction of science terms.
English language learners have the added burden of trying to learn science in a language they
have not yet mastered.4 The increase of English language learners in schools has spawned
research about elementary students and science vocabulary that focuses on ELL students and
curriculum.5 Many teachers mistakenly believe that ELL students must first learn English before
learning science and fail to understand cultural influences on learning.6
Through hands-on inquiry instruction, all students can develop context-based content knowledge
along with language development. Lee, Buxton, Lewis, & LeRoy identify inquiry-based science
instruction as beneficial to students in the following ways: a) students participate in activities as
they learn vocabulary, b) students work collaboratively and interact with others about science
content, and c) hands-on activities offer students written, oral, graphic, and kinesthetic forms of
expression.7 Coupled with science activities, intentional and explicit vocabulary instruction can
benefit both English proficient and ELL childrens vocabulary and literacy development as they
learn science content.8 As students combine science experiences with discussions of words uses
and meanings, their vocabulary and content knowledge can grow.
In order for students to develop scientific literacy, they need to gain a knowledge of science
content and practice scientific habits of mind. Knowing science vocabulary supports the
development of these understandings.9 As Wellington and Osborne point out, science teachers
are (among other things) language teachers.10
By using scientific terms and phrases during science activities, science educators can model
scientific thinking and questioning, including the doubts and dilemmas that are part of making
sense of the world. The more opportunities we provide for students to experience scientific
endeavors, the more natural their scientific talk will develop. Teachers can maximize these
opportunities by beginning with very young students.
Time to talk
It is important to promote students dialogue as they have instructional conversations. We need to
provide students with opportunities to use their colloquial language and translate back and forth
with scientific and technical terms. We can use this strategy, called interlanguage, to discuss the
different explanations of the students experiences in the classroom. For example:
Student: We put this smooth powder in the bag along with the crunchy powder and the
bag blew up and got hot.
Teacher: We mixed baking soda and calcium chloride with water resulting in a gas, and
heat was released.
Giving instructions
We can support students information processing by supplementing auditory information with
visual clues. When we can provide students with multi-sensory experiences observing and
communicating, it helps all students, especially emerging readers and English language learners.
Instructions should be given using a variety of visual or aural support materials:
pictures with words in stages of lab procedures that students can sequence
True/false cards. These cards include statements drawn from the text. Students sort the
cards into true and false piles. For example, when teaching a unit on plants, use statements
such as: Plants use light from the sun in the process of photosynthesis (true), and Plants
must depend on animals for food (false).
Agree/disagree cards. This format works well for more value-laden or controversial
topics. One statement (including appropriate vocabulary) is written on each card. Students
sort the cards into three categories: agree, disagree, or not sure.
Matching pairs. Students are given a stack of cards and asked to match a term with its
associated function, symbol, scientific name, etc. For example, a stack might include cards
with the names of body parts and other cards that name the body parts functions. Students
match each part to its appropriate function. Other topics for matching pairs could include:
Sequencing. For cyclical concepts like the water cycle or the seasons, create one card for
each stage in the cycle. Have students arrange the cards in a circular formation to represent
the stages of the cycle. Examples include:
Classification. Make a set of index cards naming vertebrates, for example, and another
set with characteristics of each group one characteristic per card:
feathers, beaks, lay eggs
scales, cold-blooded, leathery eggs
cold-blooded, life cycles on water/land
fur, warm-blooded, mothers provide milk for offspring
gills, cold-blooded
These cards can be used in two different ways: 1) Pass out one card to each student, and
have them find the other students who belong in their group. 2) Mix up the cards and have
students work in small groups to sort the characteristics into the appropriate groups.
Additional examples for this strategy include:
Movement words: slide, travel, roll, slow down, speed up, accelerate, sink, float
Word games
Traditional games can be adapted to help students experience the language of science. For
advanced students, making their own games using science vocabulary promotes in-depth
understanding of words and their meanings.
Trivial Pursuit
Word parts
Teachers can reinforce the structure of words as students identify and interpret prefix, suffix,
base word and their meanings:
Work with students to identify the different meanings and applications of words with multiple
Graphic organizers
When students interact with science words in multiple ways, they are able to approach words and
their meanings more fully. Graphic organizers can help to present words with a range of
contextual information.
This graphic organizer provides a template for presenting a vocabulary word with contextual
Additional strategies
The following strategies regarding vocabulary instruction were designed for English language
learners, but are helpful to all students.
Use lots of pictures and labels. The use of visual reinforcement supports comprehension
and retention.
Teach definitional information When you read definitions with students, be sure they
understand how to read pronunciation keys, parts of speech, etc.
Use repetition. Repeating words as much as possible helps clarify pronunciation and
provides opportunities to transfer words from working memory to long-term memory.
Present words in multiple contexts. Expose students to vocabulary words often, and in
various contexts. This gives students a model for how words are used appropriately.
It takes concentrated effort to fit even more time for science instruction into a school day.
Modeling the use of vocabulary words throughout instruction not only reinforces students
comprehension, but it also maximizes teachers instructional time. I try to audio record myself on
regular basis as a self-check of my vocabulary use during instruction. In addition, gestures,
dialects, intonations, semiotics, and norms specific to childrens cultural experiences, especially
English language learners, can positively affect student learning.11
Additional research-supported strategies help build depth of vocabulary knowledge and foster
word consciousness.12 Asking students to predict the meanings of words and compare their
predictions with other students and the teacher can strengthen learning. Interdisciplinary
approaches that blend literacy lessons with science can also support science literacy.
Additionally, teachers should expose students to various forms of reading and listening to text as
we provide opportunities for students to use words in speaking and writing.13 Vocabulary
instruction is effective when it includes visual, verbal, and physical support; therefore, physical
scaffolding is critical in content-area teaching. Teachers uses of nonverbal gestures or graphic
representations convey understandings of science concepts and are beneficial for all students,
including culturally and linguistically diverse students.14
It is important for young students to recognize the value of science vocabulary used in discourse.
Sutton described the path of initial communication among scientists in history such as Faraday or
Darwin that began with very personal statements such as, I am starting to think about or I
seem to wonder in letters to colleagues. Sutton laments the skewed view of science when it is
presented to children as cold and static facts rather than a dynamic discussion of wonder.15
According to Wellington and Osborne, Learning to use the language of science is fundamental
to learning science.16 When teachers and students share science vocabulary, we learn to
communicate while doing science.
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