Costing of A Small Hydropower Projects: Sachin Mishra, S. K. Singal, and D. K. Khatod

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IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4, No.

3, June 2012

Costing of a Small Hydropower Projects

Sachin Mishra, S. K. Singal, and D. K. Khatod
be submerged, shifting of people etc. from the sites. Political
and environmental implications have made planners to think
for some other alternative to the large hydro. Thus comes the
concept of small hydro. Small hydro technology is extremely
robust (systems can last for 50 years or more with little
maintenance) and is also one of the most environmentally
benign energy technologies available [1].

AbstractHydropower, large and small, remains by far the

most important of the renewable sources for electrical power
generation worldwide, providing 19% of the planets electricity.
Small hydro is one of the cost-effective and environmentally
benign energy technologies to be considered for rural
electrification in less developed countries. The installation cost
of the small hydropower project is mainly divided into two
parts - Civil works and electromechanical equipment. One of
the most important element on the recovery of a small
hydro-power plant is the electromechanical equipment
(turbinealternator). The cost of the equipment means a high
percentage of the total budget of the plant. The present paper
intends to develop a correlation to determine the cost based on
the influencing parameters such as power and head. An attempt
has been made to develop the trend of the cost of
electromechanical equipment with the increase in head of the
hydropower plant.


Hydro-turbines convert water pressure into mechanical
shaft power, which can be used to drive an electricity
generator, or other machinery. The power available is
proportional to the product of pressure head and volume flow
rate. The general formula for any hydro systems power
output is given in Eq. (1).

Index TermsSmall hydropower, cost, electromechanical



where, P is the mechanical power produced at the turbine

shaft (Watts), h is the hydraulic efficiency of the turbine, is
the density of water (kg/m3), g is the acceleration due to
gravity (m/s2), Q is the volume flow rate passing through the
turbine (m3/s), and h is the effective pressure head of water
across the turbine (m). The best turbines can have hydraulic
efficiencies in the range 80 to over 90% (higher than most
other prime movers). Fig 1 illustrates a typical small hydro
scheme [3].

Increasing global awareness of the negative impacts fossil
fuels on the environment has given the boost on the
exploitation of available renewable energy resources having
obvious benefits for developing countries. Small hydropower
is considered to be an attractive source of non-conventional
renewable energy as it avoids the pollution associated with
burning fossil fuels. Out of the all non-conventional
renewable energy technologies, small hydro represents
highest density resource. Small hydro stands first place in the
generation of electricity from non-conventional renewable
sources throughout the world. The first small hydro project in
India having 130 kW capacity was commissioned in the hills
of Darjeeling in West Bengal state in 1897. The
Sivasamudram project of 4500 kW was the next to come up
in Mysore district of Karnataka in 1902. The pace of power
development including hydro projects in India was taken up
in the post independence era. 1362 MW capacity (including
508 MW hydropower) installed in the country before
independence was mainly coming from small and medium
size projects. After independence in 1947, the need was felt
for speedy development of infrastructure especially the
power sector and the planners choose the large hydroelectric
projects to augment the capacity. The establishment of over
20,500 MW of hydro power stations was significant in 50
years compared to 500 MW of previous 50 years [1], [2].
The inherent drawbacks associated with large hydro are;
large gestation period, large area along with vegetation has to

Fig. 1. A typical layout of a SHP scheme [4]


The basic components of small hydro scheme can be
broadly classified as (i) civil works and (ii)
electro-mechanical equipments.
A. Civil Works
In SHP projects the major components of civil works are
diversion channel, spillway and power house building.
Spilling arrangement is generally carried out through existing
canal. It is easier and economical to built small hydropower
plant while new irrigation channels being planned or built,

Manuscript received April 6, 2012; revised May 10, 2012.

The authors are with the Alternate Hydro Energy Centre at I. I. T. Roorkee
India (email:


IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 3, June 2012

P = Installed capacity in kilo Watt (kW)

H =Head in meter (m).

civil works of small hydro should be taken up side by side to

make works economical.

A. Cost Estimation at Different Heads

The cost of SHP scheme depends on the physical sizes of
electro-mechanical equipments. The cost sensitive
parameters are head and installed capacity.
Plots of the Ln (C) vs Ln (P) for different sets of heads (H)
were drawn and it was observed that in all the cases, the
values of slope of different lines are nearly same while the
value of intercept of each line is different. The functional
relationship between Cost and installed capacity of the
hydropower was found to follow the equation given below

B. Electro-Mechanical Equipment
The Electro-mechanical equipment is considered to be the
equipment and system required to develop the energy
available in impound or flowing water to convert it into
electric al energy, to control it and to transmit it to the power
grid. The major Electro-mechanical component of power
plant is the inlet valve, turbine, draft tube, gates, generator,
control and protection equipment and substation for
transformation of power to the transmission line. In terms of
space requirement and cost the major items are the turbine
and generator. Types of turbine and generator used under
different operating conditions are available in the literature
[IS: 12800, 1991]. There are varieties of turbines available in
the low head range such as propeller, open pit, tubular, bulb,
vertical siphon and Kaplan. Double regulated Kaplan is being
used only when there is large variation in discharge and unit
capacity are over 1 MW. All active indigenous turbine
manufacturers offer these turbines. Tubular turbine is the
most commonly used turbine in the low head range [1], [5].
The cost of the electro-mechanical equipment (turbine,
alternator and regulator) means a high percentage of a small
hydropower plant budget (around 30% and 40% of the total
sum). It stems from this the importance of the determination
of that cost, which could directly influence the project
feasibility (Fig. 2) [6].

Ln(C ) = nLn(P ) + A1


Eq. (3) can be written as:

C = Ao (P )


where, Ao is anti-Ln(A1)
The least square method is used to fit the best curve
through the all the data points pertaining to thirty three
different installed capacities (Fig. 3) and the relationship
obtained is as

Ln C





Ln P

Fig. 2. Distribution of investments on a hydro-power plant [6]

Fig. 3. Plot of Ln (C) as function of Ln (P)

C = Ao (P )



In Eq. (5), the value of constant A0 is a function of head of

the small hydro power plant. As with the effect of increase in
the head the cost of the electromechanical equipment
decreases. The functional relationship between cost of
electromechanical equipment and the Head (H) was found to
follow the equation given below:

The cost estimation process starts with the collection of

data required for this process, which involves various
components of civil works and electromechanical equipment
of different projects, executed recently. The cost components
are then inflated considering inflation rates over the years.
This data set is then screened to detect outliners which have
unreasonable installation cost. The parameters on which the
civil and E ang M cost depends are identified. These are
installed capacity, head and year of commissioning etc.
The mathematical model for these costs in terms of
identified parameters is selected which is defined as [4], [5],
C (a, b, c ) = a (P ) (H )


Ln( Ao ) = nLn(H ) + B1


Eq. (6) can be written as

Ao = Bo (H )


where, Bo is anti-Ln(B1)
A regression analysis to fit a straight line through data
points yields:


a, b and c are coefficients,
C= Cost in rupees (Rs.)

Ao = Bo (H )
Eq. (8) can be written as:



IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 3, June 2012

= Bo H

B. Cost Variation w.r.t Head

As mentioned that the cost of electro-mechanical
equipments constitute high percentage of budget of small
hydropower plant. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate the
cost of the electro-mechanical equipments before
construction of the small hydropower plant. In this section an
effort is made to analyze the variation of cost per kW with
respect to different heads. For computing the cost per kW of a
small hydropower the above developed co-relation is used.
The variation of cost per kW with respect to the head is
shown in Fig. 6.


C = Bo H




where, Bo is anti-Ln(B1)
Co is a function of Head and installed capacity of small
hydropower plant.




Ln (C/P













Fig. 6. Vartion of cost per kW with respect to heads

Ln H

Fig. 4. Plot of Ln (C/P0.6369) as function of Ln (H)

The cost function has been developed which is sensitive to

the installed capacity and head parameters. The exponents for
these parameters have been obtained by regression analysis.
In the first step, analysis is done between installation cost and
head to find out the exponent of head. Then results were
analysed with the installed capacity in second step to find out
the coefficient and exponent of installed capacity. The
developed co-relation is as given by Eq. (11).
C = 6.882 H



An analysis of cost of electro-mechanical equipment for
small hydropower has been made and a co-relation is
developed to determine the cost of electro-mechanical
equipment. This can be useful for the prediction of cost of
electro-mechanical equipment for the new sites. This
co-relation gives the cost estimation with in 10% accuracy.
By using developed co-relation it has been found that the cost
of the electro-mechanical equipment decreases with increase
in the head. This is because the size of the electro-mechanical
equipment reduces with increase in the head. That is for high
head small hydropower the cost of electro-mechanical
equipment will be less as compared to the small head SHPs
for the same capacity.


C = Cost per kW in Indian Rupees
P = Capacity in kW
H = Head in m
The developed co-relation has been verified with cost data
through which it has been developed as shown in Fig. 5. A
maximum deviation of 10% has been observed which may
be considered as a good prediction for cost estimate of SHP
projects at the planning stage.

The authors greatly acknowledge the financial support
from Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of
India in the form of research scholarship to carry out this

Fig. 5. Error analysis of analysed cost and actual project cost


Guidelines for Development of Small Hydro Electric Scheme, CEA,

Govt. of India, 1982.
B.S.K.Naidu, Small Hydro, NPTI Publication, Faridabad, India,
P. S.Nigam, Hand Book of Hydro Electric Engineering, Nem Chand
and Brothers, Roorkee, India, 1985.
S. K. Singal, R.P. Saini, and C.S. Raghuvanshi, Analysis for cost
estimation of low head run-of-river small hydropower schemes,
Journal of Energy for Sustainable Development, Vol. 14, pp. 117 126,
S. K. Singal and R.P. Saini, Analytical Approach for Cost Estimation
of Low Head Small
Hydro Power Schemes, International
Conference on Small Hydropower - Hydro Sri Lanka, pp. 1 6, 2007.

IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 3, June 2012

B. Ogayar and P.G. Vidal, Cost determination of the

electro-mechanical equipment of a small hydro-power plant, Journal
of Renewable Energy, Vol. 34, pp. 6 13, 2009.

S. K. Singal is Senior Scientific Officer at the

Alternate Hydro Energy Centre at I.I.T. Roorkee. His
areas of interests are Planning and Design of Civil
Works of SHP, Financing and Economics of SHP and
renewable energy technologies etc.

Sachin Mishra is currently a research scholar at the

Alternate Hydro Energy Centre at I.I.T. Roorkee. He
did B. Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
M. Tech in Control Systems from J.N.V. University,
Jodhpur. His areas of interests are reliability, control
system and artificial intelligence applications in
control systems, renewable energy technologies etc.
Currently he is doing his research in the field of
optimum installation of small hydro power plants.

Dheeraj Kumar Khatod is Assistant Professor at the

Alternate Hydro Energy Centre at I.I.T. Roorkee. His
research areas are the distributed-generation planning
studies and renewable energy systems.


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