Graduate KSC 2015

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Graduate KSC Sept 2015

SC1 Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of initiatives in student learning including

the Principles of Learning and Teaching P-12 and the Assessment and Reporting Advice and
the ability to implement curriculum programs consistent with their intent.
In the position of Classroom Teacher I bring proven capability of my understanding and
ability to implement current initiatives in student learning.
The Principle of Learning and Teaching P- 12 reinforces the importance of knowing students
how they learn best and what you need to consider when planning, teaching and assessing. I
run a classroom that is supportive and encouraging by creating a classroom culture that is
valuing, respectful, confidence building and supportive, I have done this through modelling
the behaviour myself, praising students who display that behaviour and not tolerating
behaviour that is hurtful or disrespectful to others.
I promote student independence, interdependence and self-motivation by encouraging
students to take responsibility for their learning. I have done this through encouraging
students to take their homework home on Monday and return it Friday afternoon, students are
responsible for changing their readers, students also are responsible for weekly jobs that are
rotated through the class.
Students needs, backgrounds, perspective and interests are reflected in the learning program
by including a range of teaching approaches. I have worked in a classes where a lot of
differentiation was required, due to the variety of student backgrounds, abiltiies and needs. I
include a number of teaching methods in my lessons including, oral, visual and tactile to
accommodate for the different needs of students from different backgrounds. Having a range
of teaching formats keeps students interested, engaged and focused.
Use progression point examples
I challenge and support students to develop deeper skills of thinking and application by
setting appropriate work. Work that is challenging but achievable to build confidence as well
as work that is heavily scaffolded to support students learning needs. An example is in
literacy; I promote higher order thinking by asking focused but open questions that enable
students to identify literal and implied meaning.
Assessment for, as and of learning are an integral part my teaching practice. I collect
assessment data throughout any lesson sequence to ascertain Zone of Actual Development
Zone of Proximal Development. I design assessment tasks that take into account the varied
learning styles and abilities (do/say/make/write) in the class. I have done this through
designing assessments that are not solely reliant on reading and writing. Assessment activities
have included physical task of showing how they solved a problem, verbally explaining, 1:1
discussions, visual and written. Assessment can also be and informal and ongoing, an
example I have used is using a checklist and ticking off when I have seen a student display an
understanding of the concept having a formal assessment task and an informal checklist gives
a good picture of where the student is in their learning.
I encourage learning that connects strongly with communities beyond the classroom through
providing the reasons behind the content an example from my teaching is asking students
why do you think you need to learn this? Where have you seen someone use this skill outside
of school? Asking these questions allows students to understand the purpose behind the

SC2 Demonstrated understanding of how students learn and effective classroom teaching
strategies and the capacity to work with colleagues to continually improve teaching and
I have a demonstrated understanding of how students learn and effective teaching strategies
by always being mindful that students learn in different ways and need different approaches.
In lessons I provide for a variety of learning styles; visual, oral, tactile. When explaining a
task to my Year 1 students I ask them to show my using their thumbs how confident they are
with the concept or task. If I see that the majority of students are giving me the indication that
they are not confident I adjust the lesson and try another approach to reach all the students
and make them feel confident that they can achieve the task.
In my role as a Year 4 Classroom teacher at a school in a low SES area, with a high number
of EAL students and Special Education students I was a member of the year 3-4 phase group
in which we had team meetings separate from whole school staff meetings to plan for the
needs of our particular students. When I arrived in the final term of 2014 (April) the
classroom culture was one of disengagement and disinterest, this was not an effective
learning environment for any of the students and I found it impossible to build their capacity
while this continued. My first intervention was to change the previous behaviour
management system in which the students had little interest and little incentive. Through a
class discussion I learned the students intersts and developed a point system, and students
were rewarded for positive behaviour and attitude to learning.
My class had three Special education students that required individualised support and
Individual education plans (IEPs) which in consultation with the Special Eeducational Needs
Coordinator (SENCO) I developed to help those students achieve their full potential and to
make class accessible and an enjoyable place to be. I found that the SEN students were far
too reliant on the teacher assistants, and had not developed any learning strategies of their
own. Most importantly they had no motivation to do anything for themselves. I instigated
visual aids, specialised time tables and checklists to encourage and develop independence
and over the course of the term these students began to develop indepence and feel a sense of
achievement and accomplishment within themselves. By the end of the term the class had
made significant improvement in their behaviour and to their academic levels, their results
indicated an average of three points progress.
I also had a student with behavioural concerns who required behaviour management
planning. In negotiation with the parents, the SENCO and the student we collaboratively
developed both behaviour management contracts and learning goals.When the behavioural
issues were managed he was able to be in class and included in lessons. He required effective
strategies to enable him to focus, manage his behaviour and be a full member of the class.
This student finished the year having made 1 point progress and his behaviour was
SC3 Demonstrated capacity to monitor and assess student learning data and to use this data
to inform teaching for improved student learning.
Data informs your programming, planning and teaching as it gives an understanding of where
your students are at and where to start from. This means that you will be teaching at your
students level and that students and teachers can set goals. Assessment is ongoing and can be
both formal and informal; assessment should include oral, written and physical aspects so that
you can get a clear picture of the students understanding

I have demonstrated my capacity to monitor and assess student learning data and use this data
to inform my teaching through the use of a data tracking system (itrack). I used the modes to
look at curriculum objectives and assign a level of achievement for each student. Using this
system I was able to look at a glance at the progress of my students and see if they were
meeting the expected progress or what areas needed further attention.
Another way in which I have demonstrated my capacity to monitor and assess student
learning data is through the creation and use of a class context document, which provides a
overview of the context of your cohort of students. The class context explains the context in
which the students are coming into education for example; socio economic status, special
educational needs, English as a second language etc. This document enables anyone to
understand the backgrounds of the students and factors that may influence their educational
attainment, which allows you as a teacher to plan and adjust according to their individual
needs. With this background in creating a useful classroom assessment document I am very
well placed to commence teaching in any Victorian school that values differentiated teaching
and learning. Other forms of data and monitoring I have use are: reports, phonics, formative
and summative, indirect and observational.
SC4 Demonstrated high level written and verbal communication skills and high level
interpersonal skills including a capacity to develop constructive relationships with students,
parents and other staff.
Having a high level of interpersonal skills and the ability to develop constructive relations
with students, parents and colleagues is vital for a successful classroom and school
environment. Working in partnership and collabortation with all stakeholders creates a sense
of community and belonging to the school. As teachers we are always modelling behavior to
our students and it is important that students are exposed to constructive relationships and
communication skills for them to know understand how to interact with others throughout
their lives.
In both of my teaching positions in London I came into the school half way through the year
and quickly built collegiate relationships with the staff, and importantly, built rapport with all
my students and their families such that I could understand their learning needs. My openness
and approachability allow me to have good relationships with parents, such that they feel
comfortable to discuss any concerns or issues with me and visa versa so that as a team we can
work together to achieve the best outcomes for the student. My easy going and fun nature
enable me to build strong rapport with my students.
I demonstrate my high level written and verbal communication skills and high level
interpersonal skills including a capacity to develop constructive relationships with students,
parents and other staff in the following ways; I have written professional documentation to
communicate valuable information to parents or guardians as well as undertaken and engaged
in professional and informal discussions with parents regarding their child to improve
learning and well being. I have deveopled Individual Education Plans, Behaviour
management plans and contracts, input of student data and statisics and report writing.
SC5 Demonstrated commitment and capacity to actively contribute to a broad range of
school activities and a capacity to reflect on, evaluate and improve professional knowledge
and practice.

The capacity to be involved in all aspects of school life is an important element of working in
a school. I have great memories from my time as student of extra curricular activities such as
sport, camps, excursions and school productions. I believe involvement in these sorts of
actives strengthens a students overall experience of school and facilitates important aspects
of personal growth. Extra curricular programs offer students a chance to be apart of a wider
community and bring together teachers, parents and students.
In my role as Classroom teacher I was a member of the school community and responsible
for organising school events. These included
sports days
afterschool clubs/ activities
Liaising with parent reps
School fetes
School farmers market
I was also given the opportunity to attend Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) professional
development courses and training as well as all staff PD and meetings. I was involved in
regional moderation and attented child safety and reporting professional development aswell
as phonics and reading intervention courses.
I have willingness to improve and learn more. I seek feedback to improve my planning,
teaching and assessing and implement the ideas given in feedback. I think that being open
and willing to receive feedback and be open to implement this feedback this important for
continued learning.

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