Ap Syllabus
Ap Syllabus
Ap Syllabus
Period: 1
Room B-10
Email: reedm@dcpsmd.org
Course Description
AP English Literature and Composition is designed to be a college/university-level course, thus the AP
designation on a transcript rather than H (Honors) or CP (College Prep). This course will provide you with the
intellectual challenges and workload consistent with a typical undergraduate university English
literature/Humanities course. As a culmination of the course, you will take the AP English Literature and
Composition Examination given in May (required). A grade of a 4 or 5 on this exam is considered equivalent to a
3.3-4.0 for comparable courses at the college or university level. A student who earns a grade of 3 or above on the
exam will be granted college credit at most colleges and universities throughout the United States.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of AP Language/teacher recommendation
Course Goals
To carefully read and critically analyze imaginative literature.
To understand the way writers use language to provide meaning and pleasure.
To consider a works structure, style, and themes as well as such smaller scale elements as the use of
figurative language, symbolism, and tone.
To study representative works from the carious genres and a period (from the sixteenth century to the
twentieth century) but to know a few works extremely well.
To understand a works complexity, to absorb the richness of meaning, and to analyze how meaning is
embodied in literary form.
To consider the social and historical values a work reflects and embodies.
To write focusing on critical analysis of literature including expository, analytical, and argumentative
essays as well as creative writing to sharpen understanding of writers accomplishments and deepen
appreciation of literary history.
To become aware of, through speaking, listening, reading, and chiefly writing, the resources of language:
connotation, metaphor, irony, syntax, and tone.
Course Requirements
Students must complete the following activities:
1. Two 4-5 page papers which will analyze a work through at least one theoretical lens. One will be due
before Christmas break. The other will be due before spring break.
2. In-class essays on selected novels, writing experiences, comparison and contrast compositions,
character analyses, informative essays, personal narratives, and persuasive essays
3. Submissions of a short story, essay, article, or poem that you have found.
4. Independent novel analysis.
5. Participate in class discussion. You will receive a test grade for participation.
6. Journal entries: You will prepare a total of 12 (twelve) journal entries this school year. A single journal
entry must be 2 written pages in length, in which you respond informally, but thoughtfully on the work
assigned for the next day or write original thoughts related to a particular days class. You may
comment on characters, themes, connections between texts, etc. Of the twelve, four of the entries can be
creative (poems, short stories, observations about something youve read or seen outside of school).
You may comment or respond to an article that has been assigned or one that you locate on your own.
Format the entry correctly and follow the Six+1 traits of writing. Your entries should be thoughtprovoking and original! You will receive a test grade for each entry.
7. 15-20 minute partner presentation. You will receive a test grade for your presentation.
8. You will assume full responsibility for one regular class during the school year; you lead discussion.
You will receive a test grade.
9. Complete a personal essay for college admission/scholarship entry.
10. AP Literature and Composition practice tests.
11. Pop Reading Quizzes. I would prefer not to resort to giving you pop quizzes in an AP class; however, if
I feel that you are not keeping up with the reading, be prepared.
Required Materials:
In order to be prepared for class, you must have these items with you everyday:
The Awakening, Chopin
The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne
The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Twain
The Invisible Man, Ellison
Death of a Salesman, Miller
An American Tragedy, Dreiser
The Bedford Introduction to Literature, Meyer
Modern novels, short stories, and poems as selected
One novel of American Literature you will select
Guidelines for Success
them in your locker because anything brought into the classroom that is unnecessary will be
confiscated for the remainder of the school year. *
Use only your materials and the materials Mrs. Landolt gives you permission to use.
When we do projects in class, I will supply you with materials. If you forget a pencil, I will be
happy to lend you one for the class period. However, I expect the things I loan out to be returned. If
you dont return it or you destroy it, the chances of me providing for the class materials lessen for
you and your peers. Return borrowed objects to their place in the condition you found them in.
Be respectful.
Be respectful to one another, adults, and objects at all times. Do not touch things in the classroom
that are not yours. Do not interrupt me or each other. Do not use profanity in the classroom. Do not
destroy or vandalize objects in the classroom. Remember the Golden Rules: Treat others as you
would like to be treated, and if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all. Failure
to display respectful behavior will result in consequences.
Be honest.
Cheating/disruptive/questionable behavior will not be tolerated in the classroom. Use your own
agenda to gain access to the hallway and the bathroom. Using someone elses is the same as lying to
Test-Taking Policy: If you display any of the behaviors listed (cheating, disruptive, questionable
behavior) during a test, your test will be collected and you will receive no grade until you make
arrangements to make-up the test after school. Its rude and disrespectful to interrupt distract others
when they are testing. Your best bet is to keep your eyes on your paper when testing.
Promptly follow instructions.
Raise your hand to be called upon.
Unless you are working in groups, raise your hand to be recognized and called upon. There is to be
no talking or getting out of your seat unless Mrs. Landolt grants you permission.
Follow directions/NDHS policies.
Come to class alert and ready to learn.
Laying your head on the desk is not an effective way to learn. Keep your head up!
Try your best, every day.
If for some reason you break one of the above stated guidelines, which I do not foresee because youre seniors in
an AP class, the following actions will be taken:
Homework must be completed! Assigned homework shall be completed and handed in the next day. Students will
receive 100% if the work is completed and handed in or a 0% if it is not. You may turn homework assignments in
up to three days late for partial credit. Not only will completing your homework enhance your ability to do what is
required of you, it will add to your grade, and allow me to see how youre progressing in class.
Attend class everyday. If you are absent and it is excused, you may have access to make-up work. You are
responsible for collecting your make-up work. It will be placed in a folder in the back of the classroom. The makeup work shall be completed and handed in the next day for full credit. If more time is needed, students may turn in
make-up work up to three days after its due date. However, each day an assignment is late, 10 points will be
deducted from the grade. If you miss a day and it is not excused, you may not make up the work, and it will be
counted as a zero.
Depending on the material covered throughout the week, there will be a test or quiz each week. Quizzes and tests
make up 70% of your final grade, so you will need to be prepared. I will give you proper notice for each test or
quiz beforehand.
Participation Expectations
Writing Format
For all assignments, unless otherwise noted, you will need to follow this heading.
Name, class, assignment, and date must be written of typed in the upper left hand corner.
Paragraphs must be indented.
All written assignments must be edited for spelling and other corrections before they are turned into Mrs.
All writing assignments that are handwritten should be legible and written in ink. If I cant read it, I cant
grade it.
Grading Policy
All assignments will be graded using a point system. Assignments are broken down into the following categories
and weighed in the following manner: