Central African Republic
Central African Republic
Central African Republic
(Please note the interesting measurements and then read the story below the recipe and picture) My
measurement conversions are approximate and should work just fine. If you can decipher metric, or
happen to be a truly advanced human (everyone using metric) compared to us ignorant Americans J
please follow the exact recipe using metric and send me some feedback. I lack the proper scales and
spoons to measure some of these ingredients…
Mix the yeast and white sugar into the 60ml water and leave in a warm place for 10 minutes to activate.
Combine the cassava flour, wheat flour, cayenne pepper and salt together and combine with the butter,
honey and the yeast mixture. Add the remaining water a little at a time until you have a smooth dough.
Remove this from the bowl and tip onto a floured surface and knead thoroughly (for at least 5 minutes).
Roll the dough into a ball and place in a greased bowl. Cover with a damp cloth, place in a warm spot
and allow it to rise for at least 75 minutes, or until doubled in size. Knock the dough back and knead for
a further 5 minutes then return to the bowl, cover and allow to prove for a further 45 minutes.
Knock back once more and divide the dough into 2 equal parts. Knead each dough piece well to remove
any trapped air then press the two dough pieces into greased half-loaf tins. Press down well into the tin
then cover the tins and allow the dough to raise for at least 45 minutes in a warm place (or until the
dough has risen some 2cm over the top of the tins).
Place in an oven pre-heated to 210°C (410F) and bake for about 25 minutes, or until the loaves sound
hollow when tapped. Allow to cool a little before tipping onto a wire rack to cool completely.
This recipe is from Celtnet Recipes a wonderful resource for African Recipes. Please check them out for
more great recipes. The original author found the recipe in her grandmother’s journal. Her grandmother
was a professional baker in Liberia. She had this recipe down pat I’ll bet…