Community Outreach Rubric

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Student finishs a

typed mission
statement. Mission
Statement is turned in
on time going by
guidelines on
checklist. Mission
statement illustrates
comprehension and
creativity of

25 points
Student has updated
their webpage every
2-3 days. Student
posted detailed
journals and
statements recording
what group members
have done as well as a
minimum of 2-3
photos relating to the

25 points

Student finishs a
typed mission
statement. Mission
Statement is turned in
on time going by half
of the items on the
checklist. Mission
statement illustrates
some comprehension
of assignment.

Student does not

finish typed mission

Student has updated

their webpage every 3
days. Student posted
journals and
statements recording
what group members
have done as well as a
minimum of 2 photos
relating to the project.

Student updated
their webpage
minimally. Student
journals are lacking
in content. Student
did not post photos.

15 points

15 points

5 points

5 points

Student worked
constructively in the
group. Student gave
group feedback, was
flexible with the group,
and put in time and

Student was
constructive in the
group. Student put in
time and effort.

Student did not

work well in the
group and did not
put in time and

25 points

15 points

5 points

Student put together a

well-designed and
creative presentation
using the weebly site.
Presentation goes over
the cause, history,
reasoning for their
choice, how art was
used, their goal for
their chosen cause,
and make a judgment
as to the success of
their project.

Student put together a

presentation using the
weebly site.
Presentation goes over
the cause, history,
reasoning for their
choice, how art was
used, their goal for
their chosen cause,
and make a judgment
as to the success of
their project.

Student does not

have a completed
Student does not go
over the cause,
history, reasoning
for their choice, how
art was used, their
goal for their
chosen cause, and
make a judgment as
to the success of
their project.

25 points

15 points

(-10 points a

5 points



Student being evaluated:

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