Digital Signal Processing (Old) April2013

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Code No.

2128 / O
B.E. 3/4 (EE/Inst.) II Semester (Old) Examination, April / May 2013
Subject: Digital Signal Processing
Time: 3 Hours

Max.Marks: 75

Note : Answer all questions from Part A. Answer any Five questions from Part B.
PART A (25 Marks)
1. Represent discrete time signal x(n)={1,2,4,6} in terms of unit step sequence.
2. y(n) = Trun(x(n)); Trun is truncation of x(n), determine whether the signal y(n)
linear or non-linear and also time variant or time invariant.
3. Write the two properties of twiddle factor.
4. How to determine IDFT using FFT algorithms?
5. X(z)=z / (z-1)(z-2), determine all possible inverse Z transforms.
6. Write stability conditions in Z-domain.
7. What is prewarping?
8. How to convert analog filter in to a digital filter by using impulse invariant method?
9. Write expression for triangular window and hamming window.
10. What are the names of the manufacturers of digital signal processors?


PART B (50 Marks)

11.(a) State and prove the sampling theorem.
(b) Write symmetry properties of DTFT.


12.(a) Casual LTI system is represented by difference equation

y(n) 0.7y(n-1) + 0.12y(n-2) = x(n-1) + x(n-2)
Determine impulse response of the system.
(b) Impulse response of a system is h(n)=(n) (n-1), determine the frequency
response of the system.




Obtain radix 2 DITFFT algorithm and find DFT of the following signal
x(n) = {1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1}.



Obtain the direct form II, cascade and parallel form realizations for the following
transfer function.
1 -1
(1+ z )
H(z) =
1 -1
(1+ z ) (1+ z -1 + z -2 )


Design a Butterworth low pass filter for the specifications given below:
-3db cut off frequency of 100 rad/sec
-25 db cutoff frequency of 250 rad/sec.


16.(a) Find the digital filter H(z) from given analog filter below using step invariant
H(s) =
s(s +1)
(b) Draw the architecture of TMS 320C5X processor.
17.(a) State and prove necessary and sufficient condition for FIR filters to have linear
phase characteristics.
(b) Write the differences between FIR and IIR filters.


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