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2013 - 2014 7-12 Student Expectations Middle School 2

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Sidney Central School District

Middle School Physical Education


Student Expectations and Responsibilities

Page 1

Grading Policy & Locker Responsibility

Page 2

Disciplinary Action

Page 3

National Physical Education Standards

Page 4

Teacher Contact Information

Page 5

Adaptive Physical Education Recommendation Form

Page 6

***Student/Parent Handbook Contract Form

Page 8

Please sign and return PAGE 8 by Wednesday, Sept 16, 2015

Student Expectations
1. Students are expected to attend, dress appropriately, and participate with an honest effort in
all Physical Education classes.
2. Students are expected to wear clean shorts, t-shirts, sweat clothing (if necessary), socks, and
sneakers. Cleats are encouraged outside for better traction. Boots, dress shoes, and sandals
are NOT to be worn due to safety factors.
3. Twice a year students are expected to swim in class. Girls are required to wear one piece
suits and boys are required to wear bermuda shorts.
4. Students should be prepared with sweatshirts and pants for classes held outdoors in cool
5. Students are required to not wear jewelry in class.
6. Dressing time at the beginning and end of class is approximately 5 minutes.
7. Students must remain in the locker room until they have been dismissed by their teacher.
8. If you are injured or sick, you are allowed up to a week of excused absences with a
parent/guardian note. After a week, you must have a doctors note. If a doctor excuses you
from participating for more than 2 weeks your doctor must fill out an Adaptive Physical
Education Recommendation Form (Page 6). These forms can be found in the nurses office
and must be filled out by your doctor.
9. Students will receive a numerical grade each quarter. Please refer to pages 3 & 4 for the
grading policy.
10. Students may be required to complete out of class assignments.
11. Students participating on an interscholastic team must be prepared and participate in all
aspects of their scheduled Physical Education class in order to practice or compete on that
Student Responsibilities


Students are required:

To be considerate of the welfare and safety of all students in the class.
To demonstrate appropriate hygiene and health practices by changing clothes, using
deodorant products, and laundering clothes.
To be courteous and respectful to the teacher and all classmates.
To show respect for equipment, facilities, and property of others.
To be on time for class.
To refrain from chewing gum.
To show self control and refrain from using vulgar or profane language, signs or gestures,
wearing inappropriate clothing.
Complete assignments on time.
Have fun
Grading Policy

Personal and Social Responsibility and Safety 40%


A student may earn up to four points daily.

To receive a grade of 4:
Student changes and participates in the class.
Student meets all expectations asked of them throughout the class.
o The student follows all rules including listening to instruction, talking at
appropriate times, uses time appropriately, uses appropriate language, and
cooperates with fellow classmates and teachers.
Student was actively involved throughout the entire class.
Any of the following actions will result in the loss of a point:
Student comes to class unprepared.
Student was warned about his/her behavior during the class and he/she corrected that
behavior for the remainder of the class.
Student participation and energy level was inconsistent throughout the class.
To receive no credit for the day:
Student attitude and behavior was a disruption throughout the class.
Student lacked self-control during the class.
Student put forth no effort in class.
Any actions resulting in a referral.
Locker Responsibility
Students are required to keep a clean and orderly gym locker. Students are not allowed to share
lockers. Students must bring home bathing suits and towels after the Aquatics unit. Lockers
must be locked at all times. Failure to keep a clean locker will result in disciplinary
action. Students who fail more than one locker inspection may have their locker taken away
from them.
Written Assignments and Formative Assessments 25%
Students will participate in ongoing assessments throughout the year. All material tested will be
presented to students during class instruction. If a student misses a class when an assessment
takes place, they must make up the assessment within two weeks to receive credit.
Students will receive assignments that must be completed during and outside of class. Details of
each assignment will be given out throughout the year.
Cumulative/Summative Assessments 35%
Each marking period, students will participate in a summative assessment. All material tested
will be presented to students during the marking period. Students will review in class and also
be given review sheets to help prepare for this assessment.

Unexcused Class Absence Policy - Students who miss a physical education class for any
unexcused reason will have one week to make up the missed class(es) during another PE class.
These make up classes will be held during the regular school day, when the PE teacher(s) and
student schedules permit. Students should not be missing class for a band lesson as they should
be participating in band lessons on their study hall days (opposite day of scheduled PE class). It
is the students responsibility to schedule the make-up class with their teacher.

Every attempt will be made to keep students with the same grade level for their make-up
class. However, there may be instances when this will not be possible. In this case,
students will be placed in another section of PE.

After a one week period, students will be required to make up the class outside of the school day.
Students will make arrangements with their PE teacher to come to school early, or stay after
school to complete the make-up class. Students may also have to complete a written assignment
to receive full credit.
If a PE class is not made up within the two week time period, the student will not receive
credit for the class.

Disciplinary Action
Students that have violated one and/or a combination of the following actions listed below
could be subject to a lunch detention and/or principal referral.

Two unprepared classes within a five week block.

Chronically late to class.
Leaving class before being dismissed.
Fighting in class.
Disrespect toward teacher or classmates.
Misuse, theft of, and/or destruction of PE equipment.
Stealing property belonging to others.
Using vulgar or profane language.
Anything else deemed inappropriate by the teacher.

National Physical Education Standards

The goal of physical education is to develop physically literate individuals who have the
knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.
To pursue a lifetime of healthful physical activity, a physically literate individual:

Has learned the skills necessary to participate in a variety of physical activities.

Knows the implications of and the benefits from involvement in various types of physical

Participates regularly in physical activity.

Is physically fit.

Values physical activity and its contributions to a healthful lifestyle.

Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor
skills and movement patterns.
Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles,
strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
Standard 3 - The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve
and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
Standard 4 - The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior
that respects self and others.
Standard 5 - The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for
health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.

Contact Information

Suzanne Leslie


607-563-2135 ext: 4972

Dale Beckwith


607-563-2135 ext: 4208

Please review the handbook with your parent/guardian. Please fill

out and return this sheet to your PE teacher by Wednesday,
September 16, 2015.
I __________________________(print students name), have read and understand the Middle
School Physical Education Handbook. I am aware of what is to be expected of me and what I can
expect from my Physical Education Teacher.

Student Signature:___________________________________________________________

Parent Signature:___________________________________________________________

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