28 - Ignition System VW Abf

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Engine 28 Ignition system: 2.01 16 V engine DIGIFANT 2.01 16 V IGNITION SYSTEM: EXPLODED VIEW 123456 4 7 8 9101112 8 139 le 9 A é al 19 20 17 19 18 17 1610 2 1415 14 (28AD23] 4. Spark plugs. 90 Nm. Remove and instal with the U-90037 too. 2. Ignition cables. heck the resistance. 3, Spark plug connectors. Resistance between 4 and 6 KQ. Remove only wth extractor ng. 4. Extractor ng. 5. Oving. Replace if damaged. 6. Ignition distributor with Hall gonerator. Resistance between 08 and 114 KO. (0.1 cylinder mark. Connector iO Nm. 10, interference suppression connector. Fesistance between 0.8 and 1.4 KA. 11. Ground stip. 42. lgntion transformer. 48, lgnition transformer final stage. 7 “| 14. Cap. 18. Distributor cover. Must not be cracked nor show curent leak marks, {Check the woar and that tho brush stree to operate Dust boot. “Triple connector for pinking sensor. For pining sensor 1: brown Fer pnking sensor 2: black. 418, Pinking sensor 1. ‘Seon on the right in the direction of travel. +19, Pinking sensor fixing bolt. 20 Nm. The tightening torque affects the operation ofthe pinking sensor. 20. Pinking sensor 2 ‘Seen of the lft nthe irection of travel 16 7 (12.96) Engine 28 Ignition system: 2.0 1 16 V engine IGNITION DISTRIBUTOR: EXPLODED VIEW 1. Ignition distributor shaft With laptragm of ignition cistibutor rotor Disassemble the pin (7) and remove i. 2. Washerts). 5. Plastic washer. Bolt. 3 Nm. Note |When assembling, check thatthe coupling (7) sides smoothly on the pin (8) and that the clearance between the ignition ‘dstibutor shaft (1) isnot reduces, (12.96) SAFETY MEASURES REGARDING THE DIGIFANT INJECTION AND IGNITION SYSTEM ‘To prevent personal injuries and damages to the in tion and ignition system, take into account the follow- ing rues: — The injection and ignition system cables, including the high voltage cables, can only be plugged and Lunplugged with the ignition turned off. — Ifthe engine must rotate without starting up, unplug the Hall generator connector ignition distributor). — The starting help with a quick charger is only allo- Wed for 1 minute as a maximum and without exce- eding 16.5 V. — Washing of the engine must be carried out with the ignition disconnected oniy —When performing electric welding or spot welding {ully disconnect both battery terminal leads. —Do not connect any capacitor to terminal 1 Do not replace the 1 K2 ignition distributor rotor (code Ri) for other, not even to protect the radio trom statics. —To protect the radio from slates, use only 1 K& re- sistances for the high voltage cables and 5 Kia spark plug connectors. Engine 28 Ignition system: 2.0116 V engine ADJUSTMENT DATA AND SPARK PLUGS ——— — al ENGINE ARF Ignition timing 629 ‘Speed RPM 770 = 870 Ignition order 1942 Spark plugs (manufacturer's 08 vpvc. designation) Electrode ‘gap in mm 08 Tightening torque ‘20 Nm IGNITION DISTRIBUTOR ROTOR: REPLACEMENT The rotor of the ignition distributor is fixed tothe shat. Wits to be replaced. it must be destroyed, by crush- ing it with pliers. for example. Oo not reak it wil a hammer as this could destroy the distributer shaft or the bearing, Remove any traces which may remain on the shaft ‘and stick the new rotor in place with AMV 185 101 AL. IGNITION TIMING Checking —All equipment must be connected with the ignition ‘switched off, — Engine ol minimum temperature 80 °C. Al electrical loads disconnected, (12.96) 3 248008 — Correct functioning og the lambda probe. — Connect the faut detector equipment VAG 1581 to the 16 pin connector located at the right of the ste- ering column on the dashboard lower part, using the Cable VAG 1851/3. — Consult and erase the faults memory, as described in this group, but do not end transmission with the Oand 6 keys, 20010 — Connect the equipment VAG 1367 using the pick Up clamp VAG 1376/8, or connect directly’ the ‘equipment VAG 1767, to check the igrition timing and the engine speed — Start up the engine and let it run at the idle speed. Use the fauit detector equipment VAG 1551 in the fol lowing way: —Press the key 1 to enter the mode “Quick data transmission” Engine 28 Ignition system: 2.0 1 16 V engine — Press the keys 01 to select the “Engine electronics” function and confirm by pressing the Q key. — Press the key —. — Press the 04 keys to enter the function “Start basic adjustment” and confirm by pressing Q. ‘The display will show: HELP ‘System in basic adjustment Input the value group number XX — Press the keys 00 to enter the measurement values ‘group number. Confirm the selection by pressing the G key, ‘he display will how: [System in basic adjustment 123 45 6 7 8 9 10 we] (The numbers which appear on the display do not hhave any meaning for this test © With TDC transmitter. The ignition timing is indicated directly ‘Test value: 6 = 3° before TDC. ‘At the fault detector equipment VAG 1551: press the key. — Type 06 to select the function “End data transmis sion” and confirm the selection by pressing the key Q. IGNITION TIMING ADJUSTMENT CHECKING ‘© Engine oil minimum temperature: 80 °C. — Connect the equipment VAG 1367 using the pick up clamp VAG 1367/8 or directly connect the ‘equipment VAG 1767. — Start up the engine and tet it run at the idle speed, ‘Adjust the ignition checking equipment for’ 3500 ‘pm. — Increase the engine speed slowly to over 3500 rpm, Lunt the ignition timing value is shown, ‘Theoretical value: 32 + 36° before TOC. CHECKING THE HALL PULSE GENERATOR ‘The electrical checking of the functioning and cabling of the Hall pulse generator is given in the self-diagno- sis tables for the VAG 1851 fault-finder and the VAG. 1698/18 tester, described in Group 24 ‘As well as testing with this equipment the following is ‘caried out 4 (12.96) ‘Checking the power supply — Unplug the Hall pulse generator connector. a5 Connect the digital tester VAG 1526, set for mea- suring DC voltage, to the connector outer pins Using the auxiliary cables VAG 1594 A, Turron ignition. Rated value: 10 volts minimum, I there is voltage: — Change the Hall transmitter. It there is no voltage: — Change the Digitant control unit (CHECKING THE IGNITION TRANSFORMER — Remove the triple connector and the high tension Cable from the ignition transformer. 88005 — Check the primary winding resistance using the dt ital tester VAG 1826, between the pins 1 and 15. Engine 28 Ignition system: 2.0 1 16 V engine Rated value: 0.5 + 0.7 0. — heck the secondary winding resistance between the pins 4 and 15, Rated value: 34 Ka, I the above rated values are not met: — Remove the ignition transformer. 98006 — Remove the bolts fixing the power stage to the ig- nition transformer housing and loosen the nuts of the terminals 1 and 15, — Remove the power stage, — Repeat the checking, (CHECKING THE IGNITION TRANSFORMER FINAL STAGE Ignition transformer OK. Hall generator, correct. Engine speed transmitier correct. (12.98) 5 8007 ~ Unplug the final power stage connector from the ig nition transformer. — Connect the digital tester VAG 1826, using the au- xillary cables VAG 1594 A. to the connector pins 7 and 3. — Turn on ignition ‘Nominal va Turn the igni approximately battery voltage, mn oft Operation checking — Remove the $-pin connector from the common in: Jectors connection. (No fuel must enter the cylinders as the catalyst could be damaged) 268008 —Connect the voltage checking lamp VAG 1527 using the auxiliary Cables VAG 1594 A and the in- termediate connectors VAG 1594/15, to the ignition transformer final stage connector pins 2 and 3, — Operate the starter motor and check that the LEDs flash, Ifthe LED does not flash: — Change the Digitant control unit — Connect the triple connector and the ignition cable to the transformer — Connect the VAG 1827 voltage test lamp using the clips from the VAG 1884 A between contacts 1 and 418 of the ignition transformer. 6 (12.96) : Engine 28 Ignition system: 2.01 16 V engine = Tum the ignition on: ‘The LED should light up for between 1 and 2 seconds. — Activate starter motor: ‘The LEDs should flash; if necessary, replace the fi- ral stage. CAUTION During the above test, do not touch the terminals of the ignition transformer not the test equipment cables,

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