Cloning Am Am 75 Env
Cloning Am Am 75 Env
Cloning Am Am 75 Env
Cloning a Maximo Asset Management
7.5 environment . . . . . . . . . . . 1
This procedure is for an installation of version 7.5 of your product that was
installed in a local deployment engine environment.
This procedure references c:\ibm\smp as the installation home directory. If you did
not use the default installation path during installation, use the custom value in
place of c:\ibm\smp.
1. Log on to the source environment administrative workstation with the user ID
that was used to install the product.
2. Create a copy of the 7.5 installation directory. Ensure that all file permissions
are preserved. For default installations, this directory is C:\IBM\SMP.
3. If you are using DB2, log on to the target environment administrative
workstation using a user ID with the authority to create new system users, and
create a user named maximo. The newly created user must be a member of the
DB2 administrator group.
4. Move the copy of the 7.5 installation directory to the target environment
administrative workstation file system. Ensure that you maintain the same
drive letter and directory structure of the source environment installation. For
example, if the 7.5 installation directory on the source environment
administrative workstation is c:\ibm\smp, you cannot copy those files to
c:\NewAdminWS\ibm\smp directory on the target environment administrative
workstation. If you are reusing the source administrative workstation system to
host the target administrative workstation, the directories must be different. For
example, c:\ibm\smp\TargetAdminWS
5. Log on to the target environment administrative workstation with the same
user ID you used in step 1.
6. Update the deployment engine host name. This step is required if the target
environment administrative workstation is hosted on a different system from
the source environment administrative workstation.
Replace maxdatabase with the name of your database, for example, MAXDB75. If
the phrase (LOGRETAIN) = RECOVERY is included in the output, archive logging is
already configured for the database. If the phrase (LOGRETAIN) = OFF, is
included in the output, archive logging must be configured for the database.
5. Enable archive logging on the source database with the following command:
db2 update database configuration for
maxdatabase using LOGARCHMETH1 LOGRETAIN
Replace maxdatabase with the name of your database, for example, MAXDB71.
Replace maxdatabase with the name of your database, for example, MAXDB75.
Replace backupdir with the full path to the destination of the backup image file.
3. Copy the MAXDB75 backup file to a directory on the system, for example, db2bak.
4. Change directory to db2bak, and start the DB2 command line processor.
5. Run the following command to restore the target environment database image.
db2 restore database maxdatabase from .
Replace maxdatabase with the name of your database, for example, MAXDB75.
6. Create a new temporary directory, for example, tmpdir, and extract the
database archive logs that are bundled with the backup image.
db2 restore database maxdatabase LOGS from . LOGTARGET tmpdir
Replace maxdatabase with the name of your database, for example, MAXDB75.
7. Apply all the transactions stored in the database archive log files to the restored
db2 rollforward database maxdatabase to end of logs and complete overflow log path
Replace maxdatabase with the name of your database, for example, MAXDB75. If
you run this command on a Linux or UNIX system, you must precede the
parentheses with escape characters. For example,
db2 rollforward database maxdatabase to end of logs and complete overflow log path
There are sample input property files that can be used as input for the
reconfiguration command line interface tool. These files contain comments and
properties you can update with values used in the source environment
deployment, and then use as input for the reconfiguration command line interface
tool using the input parameter. In addition, there property files contain properties
that can only be updated through the use of this input file. Most properties cannot
be used as parameters from the command line.
Four input sample files are found in the reconfig/samples directory of the
reconfiguration command line interface tool packages.
Each of these sample files contain properties associated with a specific database or
application server type. You must define configuration property values for a new
database and new application server to be used with the deployment in the target
As a precaution, create a backup of the and files on the target environment administrative workstation.
1. Create database resources in the target environment database and update
configuration properties in the and
a. Create an input properties file to use with the reconfigpae command for
database resources. In addition to copying values from the and files from the source
environment, you must define the following properties:
Database.DB2.InstanceAdminUserName (Windows only)
Database.DB2.InstanceAdminPassword (Windows only)
v Database.DB2.FencedUserPassword
v Database.DB2.FencedGroupName
v Database.DB2.InstanceUserPassword
b. Run the reconfigpae command with the updateDatabaseConfiguration
action to update database objects in the target environment database.
-action updateDatabaseConfiguration
-dbserverhost fullyqualifiedDBhostname
-dbserverport port
-dbname name
-dbpwd password
-dbrxauser remoteuser
-dbrxapwd remotepassword
-inputfile fullyqualifiedpath