Medicinal Uses of Cannabis
Medicinal Uses of Cannabis
Medicinal Uses of Cannabis
Cannabis is a yearly flowering herb with distinctive male and female individual species
also known as dioecious. This herb is more famously known as the marijuana plant. Though the
physical description of Cannabis is an often used as a symbol in media ranging from music, art
and other means of expression in pop culture; it is still one of the most misunderstood plants in
the world. If you stumbled upon this article, it only means one thing; you are in search for
knowledge and education with regard to Cannabis. This series of articles will help enlighten you
about this plant and why it has captivated a lot of people through the years.
By eating or drinking
When you use the first method which is inhalation of cannabis smoke, it quickly travels
your blood stream and marches towards other bodily organs. The second method is through
eating cannabis laden food. There are many preparations of cannabis such as cannabis butter and
oil which is used to make foods and are labelled as medibles. This method of transmission
however, is the slowest among the three pathways.
The third pathway is direct application to the skin or other body parts. The seed part of
cannabis is preferred in making ointments and lotions. It has been discovered that the cannabis
seed contains a fatty acid known as glinoleic acid which has a powerful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect.
The beneficial effects of cannabis to the human body can no longer be denied. The
manner and frequency of use as well as the amount you take may influence its long-term effects.
Extensive research about cannabis has been very scarce due to the stringent laws and regulations
upon it. This has certainly dissuaded some sectors in the scientific community to engage in more
thorough experiments with cannabis.
Down to its basic elements cannabis chemical composition does not stray too far from
tobacco but modern research taught us that the body has cannabinoid receptors which are more
accepting to cannabis than tobacco. Initially when you puff cannabis smoke, your lungs are the
first ones to respond swiftly. However, like other things in life, the manner of use can directly
correlate to how cannabis smoke may or may not be detrimental to your health. In a recent study
published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, scientists observed for two
decades more than 5,000 men and women and subjected them to cannabis smoking. It appeared
in the study that occasional use of cannabis increased their lung airflow as well as lung air
The National Eye Institute has been quoted as saying that the use of cannabis may relieve
the intraocular pressure (IOP) caused by glaucoma. The implication of this is that it will help
slow down the progression of glaucoma and possibly prevent premature blindness. In the
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, an experiment was conducted wherein
cannabis extract was applied to epileptic mice. The result of such experiment resulted in no
reported seizures from the epileptic mice for a full 10 hours! It is believed that the chemical
compound THC latches to the brain and helps it relax and regulates the excitability of the
epileptic subject. This result can be very helpful for epileptic patients who are still slapped with
synthetic chemicals to achieve the same results.
THC travels to your lungs via the bloodstream and quickly goes to other parts of the
body. Through observation, a recent user of cannabis will exhibit bloodshot eyes. The eyes
appear red because cannabis can make the blood vessels within the eyes dilated. On the flip side
of this effect, cannabis may help curtail the development of cancerous tumors that may pass
through the blood vessels. Meanwhile, cannabis consumption may boost a persons appetite
which is helpful for cancer and AIDS patients who need to put on some weight under doctors
Long before cannabis reached the shores of the western world, cannabis has been widely
utilized and famous among some of the worlds first civilizations. Ancient history is replete of
evidence that cannabis was used in making rope and other woven fabrics as early as 7000 B.C.
due to its inherent fiber-rich properties. Cannabis was also used for medical purposes in the
early days. There have been ancient writings from China and India that supports this. The
western civilization was not aware of cannabis until Christopher Columbus time. By the time
America caught on, it was used as an essential raw material for industrial goods. In the early part
of the 20th century it began to take a different treatment. It was then used as a recreational drug.
The New Impact of Cannabis
Today there has been a resurgence of interest towards cannabis and how it can make a
positive impact in the human body. Even previous oppositors of cannabis are turning 180
degrees to look at the more important aspects and medicinal applications of cannabis. So far, the
many illnesses that cannabis can treat are promising. With proper assistance and regulation,
cannabis can become a feasible alternative to synthetic drugs. While there are camps that say
that cannabis smoke is a catalyst for lung cancer, the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA)
directly oppose this by saying that the direct link of cannabis to cancer is vague and no
conclusive evidence will show otherwise.
The 10 Most Common Illnesses That Cannabis Can Heal
This is the point where we show how cannabis is important in medicine. Now is the time
to put cannabis in a better light. Below are some of the illnesses that cannabis has shown to be
effective against:
1. Nausea.
This malady may sound common among patients. Nevertheless, its impact on patient care
cannot be disregarded. When encountering nausea, the pharmaceutical remedy is usually a
synthetic drug. The current medicines used for nausea block receptors related to the onset of
nausea, and they also trigger other issues like constipation, nightmares, and Parkinsons-like
signs. At this juncture, the use of synthetic drugs becomes more of a gamble. The side effects
just mentioned are not worth the relief it promises. The use of cannabis yields more positive
results because it can help the body relax and therefore heal itself in the long run. Cannabis
dilutes the effects of nausea and then it eases your stomach so your ability to eat and drink goes
back to normal.
2. Depression.
Depression in itself is a growing concern in the Western world and even other parts of the globe.
The deleterious effects of depression are an often debated topic within the scientific community
and there seem to be no end to it any time soon. Scientists are looking into it more intently than
ever before. At present, doctors rely on what is known as anti-depressants to alleviate the
condition of depressed patients. These types of medicines treat depression through a mechanism
that raises the levels of serotonin in the cerebrum. It is believed that the heightened levels of
serotonin may curb the early stages of depression. Research indicates however, that the results
are not 100% guaranteed and some even reporting that it is a mixed bag. If you gaze over the
side effects of anti-depressants it is like looking at a shopping list; the bad thing however, is that
nobody would want it even for a second. Side effects like erectile dysfunction, new-born defects
and increased suicidal tendencies are just to name a few. A promising new study on cannabis
and its beneficial effects in fighting depression has recently been published by University of
Buffalo stating that a natural compound that is produced by the brain which drops down
dramatically when depression sets in can be restored by cannabis . The restoration of a chemical
compound in the brain known as endocannabinoids helps address depression caused by chronic
pain or post- traumatic stress disorder among other things.
3. Insomnia.
Anti-insomnia medications are described as terrifying by some but it can be an understatement if
you know how it affects the body. More often than not they give you weird dreams. The
medications are also prone to abuse. Somnombialism or sleepwalking is also another side effect
to look out for. For patients, this can be a risk for injury. Cannabis has a very good plant
variety known as indica which can induce blissful sleep with no accompanying problems
whatsoever. The next day you will not feel any hangover as some medicines touted to handle
insomnia may produce.
4. Glaucoma.
This debilitating disease can be a traitor. If left unchecked, the sufferer may face the possibility
of turning blind. Moreover, glaucoma puts a tremendous burden in the eyes in what is termed as
intraocular pressure (IOP). Once the eyes go past the normal IOP, the threat of permanent vision
impairment becomes serious. Cannabis gives the individual a chance for relief because it has the
ability to minimize the IOP in the eyes. The only drawback would be reddening of the eyes
temporarily. Ill take that any day over vision loss!
5. Heart disease.
A group of drugs that are able to bring down the levels of cholesterol in the body is called statins.
Another common drug administered to people with cardiovascular issues is aspirin. And if you
havent seen the pattern yet, there are side effects to watch out for cause by these synthesized
medicines. Patients complain about weakness, nausea, recurring headaches and other infections.
Hemorrhage in the stomach is a risk when taking aspirin if you are not careful enough. Medical
studies in mice show that cannabis can prevent the clogging of arteries and protect the heart.
6. Asthma.
In a recent study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology, cannabis was tested on a few
samples of lung tissue and the effect found is similar to what common asthma medications do to
asthma patients. The lung passages are controlled by a molecule called acetylcholine. This
molecule is contributory in the contractions during asthma attacks. What cannabis does is that it
blocks acetylcholine from being released and thereby allowing the lungs to relax; an effect that
asthma drugs are known to do. Though asthma pain is not as common, the general application of
cannabis for pain management could help asthma patients. Cannabis can also regulate
involuntary spasms during an asthma attack.
pain especially during surgery. Modern medicine is only rediscovering cannabis potential in
dealing with short-term and chronic pain. Experiments on lab rats have yielded positive results
when it was given cannabis and it didnt budge when its tail was left in a hot plate. This means
that the pain signals that would have reached the brain were effectively shut off by cannabis. The
Mayo clinic stated in an online article that cannabis may be used to ease cancer pain with the
same effects as a mild pain reliever just like codeine.
Historically, cannabis has adopted several names through the passage of time but what
stands out the most is the term marijuana. To people who are in the know, this term is rather
racist and has no place in modern society. Marijuana has always been referred to as cannabis. It
was only at the time of the great immigration of Mexicans to America and their stark habits of
using cannabis for recreation that it began to be called as marijuana. This was bolstered by the
fact that African-Americans also started using cannabis to extract their creative juices in making
jazz music. Several government authorities began to issue statements with a racist tone saying
that only Mexicans and blacks with their devil inspired music would use cannabis. This bit of
history will have its bearing when you compare it to the current state of things. Data and
statistics show that blacks and whites use cannabis are relatively the same rates!
Putting the Hammer on Cannabis
One can also say that cannabis had been a victim of circumstance. Around the middle of
the 19th century, America began to use morphine more frequently. It did not matter from which
section of society you belong. There were morphine addicts from all walks of life. Professionals,
women and even children used morphine. This will have a strong impact on cannabis use later
As a knee jerk response to this situation, the Pure Food and Drug Act was passed and the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was formed. The objectives of this law and the FDA were
to formulate measures and initiatives to help subvert and control the addiction which plagued the
American population. Labelling of the contents of medicinal merchandise was also enforced
and nothing was spared including cannabis-based medicines. This marked the steady decline in
the public perception of cannabis.
Revisting the Past
Cannabis did not always have a bad reputation. In fact, it was once listed as a medicine
in the United States in the middle of the nineteenth century. Early pharmacological companies
adopted cannabis and made extracts from it to treat common illnesses. The awareness of
cannabis in the medical community was so great that one famous medical practitioner at the time
called it as the best concoction to help relieve migraine. In contrast, migraine treatment today
and the science around it are still shaky. Imagine if cannabis is openly used for migraine
management; experts today would find no need to wrestle or engage in guesswork as to what is
the best way to handle migraines.
With the acceptance of cannabis as a medicinal product during the early days, it found
different applications for different maladies at the time. It was prescribed for nausea and
rheumatism. Women who undergone birth pains were administered with cannabis to help ease
the stress associated with pregnancy. There was no shortage of academic publications in support
of cannabis as a medicinal substance. As if that was not enough, the famous physician of the
Queen of England even said that cannabis had fantastic properties to cure different maladies!
The public response to this statement by the good doctor is that cannabis began to be commonly
sold in markets and access to it was easy.
The Need to Legalize Today
There are still forces out there who vehemently oppose the legalization of cannabis.
Notwithstanding the fact that more than 20 states in the U.S. declassified cannabis as a
dangerous substance, other states remain opposed to it. Some states also embraced reforms
legalizing it. Debates have been waged and the war on words and actions towards cannabis does
not seem to halt at any moment. Given this situation, it is pertinent for us to gaze upon the
arguments towards legalization. Note that cannabis has been with us for a very long time yet
research on its positive effects are rare. A number of Federal regulations effectively, though
indirectly, put a cork stop at attempts to conduct studies on medicinal aspects of cannabis. The
following arguments seek to make a case for cannabis legalization:
First Argument: Revenue Generating
One strong argument for legalization of cannabis is the potential tax revenue that it can
project for the country. According to a report from a Harvard University economist, the potential
dollar revenues from tax measures aimed at regulating cannabis is at the region of $40 billion a
year! These tax dollars can surely be of great help to the government for other useful public
Second Argument: Decriminalization is not Equal to Promotion
The decriminalization of cannabis will not result to a sudden surge of cannabis users and
addicts. We can learn a thing or two from our experience with alcohol legislation. When the
liquor ban of the early days was lifted; people did not rush to consume more alcohol. The liquor
industry suffered a downhill in sales at that time.
Third Argument: Cannabis can help in the Budget Deficit
Did you know that the government of the U.S. spends billions of tax dollars in
maintaining its correctional facilities including the care of its prisoners? To put it in proper
perspective, there have been almost 800 thousand arrests for cannabis possession alone; a total
that far outweighs the number of arrests for all types of violent crimes recorded within a period
of one year.
The U.S. has a stern policy against cannabis use and its possession. On a yearly basis,
there is an increase in the number of arrests and then jailed from mere possession of cannabis.
As stated earlier, this is an economic burden to the government because keeping more prisoners
eats a chunk in the State budget. The operating costs of the U.S. penitentiary system is not
something it can maintain for a very long time without affecting other public welfare services.
immediately created thousands of jobs for its people. The job creation in Colorado was evident
as their unemployment rate has become one of the lowest in the country so far. This spelled an
economic boost for the state which would otherwise be impossible had the ban continued.
Environmentalists will also have a field day once cannabis ban is lifted. There are a
myriad of industrial applications for cannabis ranging from making rope to creating fabrics for
clothing. This will reduce the reliance of the country to trees. Cannabis is very easy to grow and
may also be an alternative source of raw materials that farmers can provide for industrial use.
Some ingenious people have even made cannabis oil that can be a renewable source of fuel.
The Final Argument: It is Now or Never
Here is something to consider for those who are still against the legalization of cannabis:
legal substances can be handled in ways illegal ones cannot. Government and science have come
up with wonderful ideas on how to maintain alcohol out of the hands of minors and the same is
true and can be applied with cannabis. To illustrate, the government campaign through laws that
zero in on underage drinking has been effective in lowering incidence rates of underage alcohol
consumption. If we are to apply the same measure to cannabis, then that is one less thing to
worry about for the government.
On the other hand, smoking among the young has been lowered thanks to municipal taxes
levied upon tobacco products which made access to tobacco steep. Tobacco consumption is at an
all-time low based on statistics. What should really be a cause of concern is the black market.
Illegal transactions of cannabis have no benchmarks, price controls or regulations. This is a
threat to public health. The existing measures of the federal government are rendered unrealistic
due to the fact that it places cannabis in the same classification as cocaine and other dangerous
drugs. A review on the drug policy of the authorities should be done now.
Amsterdam A success?
Cannabis has been tagged in many jurisdictions as a dangerous substance for a long time.
Regulations and laws which aim to subvert its use have been passed in different countries.
However, despite of the insistent aversion of some states towards cannabis, its popularity
continues. What comes to mind when we speak of having a relax stance on the topic of cannabis
use is the country of Netherlands particularly its city: Amsterdam. The historical significance of
cannabis in Netherlands dates back to thousands of years. Original settlers have been using it for
a variety of applications including industrial ones. Smoking cannabis is just one of the uses in
which it is accepted in Amsterdam. Because of this, the appeal of this Dutch country to tourists
has boosted its economy by far.
The Dutch people are pretty much straightforward. As long as you do not cross the line
between what is socially acceptable and those which are reprehensible, they will not hold
anything against you.
Freedom Unleashed
Smoking cannabis has reached an upswing thanks to the political and social restlessness
of the 1960s. The young generation at the time had an insatiable thirst for adventure and
discovery which led a lot of them to explore beyond the comforts of their homes. This sudden
liking to travel made the youth open to new and unfamiliar ways. The lure of Eastern practices
like acupuncture, vegetarian diets and even cannabis consumption trickled down to Western
Europe and the rest of the cities under it. The Dutch government was particularly not resistant to
the idea of exploring new things.
When the 70s kicked in, cannabis use has become prevalent and other drugs labelled as
psychedelics proliferated. The Dutch Minister of Health became aware of the situation and
investigated the matter. The Minister concluded that among the substances that were constantly
used at the time, it was cannabis that showed the least potential to harm. The Ministry even
quipped that the use of other drugs cannot be attributed to cannabis smoking since it was the
drug dealers themselves who pushed for this other drugs. Government crackdown on cannabis
users was halted. Following this event, several youth centers were then used as locations for
consumption of cannabis in small amounts.
The Dutch Way
The Dutch attitude towards cannabis use is unlike any other in the world. To many of
them, smoking pot is just as normal as drinking alcohol. If you abuse it, there are consequences
but if you stay within norms there shouldnt be any hassle at all. In fact, cannabis use is
marketed in ordinary locations in Netherlands like cafes and coffee shops. However, Dutch
people are sensitive when you step out of line. Public display of intoxication or stoned is
definitely frowned upon. Taking a joint in places not intended for doing such is also regulated.
You may be asked to transfer or relocate if you are caught smoking on a street corner.
everyone smokes cannabis in Netherlands but the population is well aware of its existence. It is
not taboo. The Dutch legalized cannabis a long time ago yet other nations are still adamant to
follow suit. For most Dutch people, question of legalising cannabis should not divide a nation.
Looking at available data and statistics, it is surprising to see that despite of the open
policy of Netherlands with regard to cannabis use, the use of this substance is far more over at
the United States. Maybe the lure of using a forbidden thing prompts many to use cannabis in
the U.S. but this definitely must be a trigger to revisit the laws relative to cannabis.
In a place like Amsterdam, it magnetizes tourists who stay for a number of days in the
city and then later on spend money on what the city can offer. The classification of cannabis as
a legal substance has also created a constant stream of economic activity within the area.
Tourism is now proliferating in Amsterdam.
Indeed, the lesson in Amsterdam is that it has profited from the value of regulating
cannabis. It has translated its territory into a viable tourism hotspot. If we are to expect an
affirmative movement for cannabis in other countries; they must learn from the attitude of the
Dutch people towards cannabis. In the U.S., the lessons of drug trafficking has shown that its
concentration in a certain area gives birth to petty crimes. While it may not be completely bias to
assume that allowing traffic of cannabis may also yield the same results; what is puzzling is that
in Europe this has not been the case. The unfounded fear of the rest of the western population
towards legalization of cannabis is just one of the high hurdles that must be overcome to achieve
its legalization.
proponents of legalization, this information may be used as a spring board in order to push for
legislation that not only legalizes cannabis but could practically eliminate racial discrimination
by a wide margin. There are people both from the white and black population who are willing to
lend a hand in this march to fight ignorance and misinformation about cannabis and this group of
people must be considered seriously by cannabis proponents if victory is to be expected.
Prosperity through Economics
Driving an economic framework that revolves around cannabis legalization may also
help. There must be an information drive to educate the masses about the current knowledge
surrounding cannabis and how other countries have responded to it. A well-informed society can
make better decisions and informed conclusions through free flow of information. There are
profitable ventures that can be made with cannabis as shown by other countries who converted
its territory into tourist destinations for people who want to use cannabis without breaking the
Moreover, the economic impact of hiring people that will study cannabis and all its
positive effects can create jobs for people with the right skills to handle it. Once cannabis
medicinal properties are exploited, it will virtually stop the reliance of people from synthetic
drugs. The same kind of drugs that take more souls than alcohol addiction!
Cannabis as earlier stated in this book is also a source of industrial materials such as
paper, rope and hemp; thats exactly another revenue stream for our nations farmers. If cannabis
will be classified as a legal substance and would be taxed the same way as alcohol and tobacco,
that would easily put more tax dollars in the treasury for public welfare and service.
Participation of the Public
In this fast paced world that we live in today, no idea is so remote if you are only willing
to engage the participation of the public. This includes convincing legislators in your particular
area to heed the call of reviewing cannabis regulations. The public must also have access to
pamphlets, emails, social media posts, blog writings and journals that discuss the latest
knowledge about cannabis. You can start a signature campaign to force the hands of your
lawmakers to at least gaze upon the compelling reasons why it is high time to lift the ban on
There are groups at present like war veterans who actively promote the use of medical
marijuana to handle post-traumatic stress disorder and dementia. Talk to them or organize a
symposium that will make the country listen. The fight towards cannabis recognition as a cure
rather than a pest can only be won through collective effort.
Empowering the Youth
The bitter pill that proceeds from cannabis ban is that it restricts the potential of youth
offenders caught with cannabis possession. It puts a blemish in their records that will have long
term effects with respect to their job hunting, loan applications or even the simple act of renting a
place for his or her family. The cost of maintaining a prisoner in the prison system carries a price
tag that is mind boggling to say the least. In relation to this, the criminalization of cannabis has
not dissuaded users from it but instead creates an artificial allure of laying ones hands on a
forbidden fruit. The state run campaign on war against drugs must be clearly defined and based
on realistic grounds. More bold questions must be answered by those who oppose legalization of
cannabis as the reality of banning it can be more hurtful in the first place.
Barking at the Right Tree
If we have learned anything from civilization, it is that law and order has taught us that
men work best under the light of scrutiny than under the cloak of secrecy. By legalizing
cannabis; we could finally push the real pests out of society. Drug cartels and syndicated
activities will suffer a deafening blow as cannabis would be available to the public especially for
medication purposes. Profits from illegal drug trafficking will be cut to half. Drug money which
is used to fuel the never ending cycle of violent crimes perpetrated by the lawless elements of
society will suffer a crippling blow from the arms of the law.
Marching Into The Future
There is much to expect when we finally reach the apex of our march towards
legalization of cannabis. The truth is that it is easier to regulate, watch and establish norms upon
things which are under the careful watch of the law than those which are hidden from it. No
propaganda will succeed and lies will be revealed as cannabis will be an open book to the public.
The introduction of reforms will also be a natural progression of legalization as more experience
from lifting the ban on cannabis will educate our legislators and the people as a whole on how to
deal with it as civilized individuals. Pricing controls will be in place to quell unscrupulous
individuals who would resort to profiteering.
The mystery that surrounds cannabis will finally be removed and people will accept it
more easily. There will be product testing and strict quality checks on cannabis as it is practiced
with ordinary medicines. This will ensure that the public is safe and free from low quality
cannabis. There will be no cannabis in the market that may contain some microbial, fungal and
moldy elements. Such treatment of cannabis is not present in the illicit market today.
advent of legalization will erase the negative stigma that has pervaded cannabis. What was once
a most hated substance in law and practice will eventually be treated fairly and without bias.
Ultimately, only the pure and undiluted truth about cannabis will come forth.