OpenCV With Python Blueprints - Sample Chapter

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OpenCV is a native cross-platform C++ library for

computer vision, machine learning, and image processing.
It is increasingly adopted in Python for development.
Developers, using OpenCV, build applications to process
visual data; this can include live streaming data from a
device such as a camera, including photographs or videos.
This book demonstrates how to develop a series
of intermediate to advanced projects using OpenCV
and Python, rather than teaching the core concepts of
OpenCV in theoretical lessons. The working projects
developed in this book teach you how to apply
their theoretical knowledge to topics such as image
manipulation, augmented reality, object tracking, 3D
scene reconstruction, statistical learning, and object
categorization. By the end of this book, you will be
an Open CV expert whose newly-acquired experience
allows you to develop your own advanced computer vision

What you will learn from this book

Generate real-time visual effects using
different filters and image manipulation
techniques such as dodging and burning
Recognize hand gestures in real time and
perform hand-shape analysis based on the
output of a Microsoft Kinect sensor
Learn feature extraction and feature matching
for tracking arbitrary objects of interest
Reconstruct a real-world 3D scene from 2D
camera motion and common camera
reprojection techniques
Track visually salient objects by searching
for and focusing on the important regions of
an image


C o m m u n i t y

E x p e r i e n c e

D i s t i l l e d

This book is for intermediate users of OpenCV who

aim to master their skills by developing advanced practical

Strengthen your OpenCV 2 skills and learn

how to use new OpenCV 3 features

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OpenCV with Python Blueprints

Michael Beyeler

Recognize street signs using a multi-class

adaptation of support vector machines (SVMs)



Detect faces using a cascade classifier and

recognize emotional expressions in human
faces using multi-layer peceptrons (MLPs)

Who this book is written for

community experience distilled

OpenCV with Python Blueprints

OpenCV with Python



Design and develop advanced computer vision projects using

OpenCV with Python

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Michael Beyeler

In this package, you will find:

The author biography

A preview chapter from the book, Chapter 1 'Fun with Filters'
A synopsis of the books content
More information on OpenCV with Python Blueprints

About the Author

Michael Beyeler is a PhD candidate in the department of computer science at

the University of California, Irvine, where he is working on computational models

of the brain as well as their integration into autonomous brain-inspired robots. His
work on vision-based navigation, learning, and cognition has been presented at IEEE
conferences and published in international journals. Currently, he is one of the main
developers of CARLsim, an open source GPGPU spiking neural network simulator.

This is his first technical book that, in contrast to his (or any) dissertation, might
actually be read.
Michael has professional programming experience in Python, C/C++, CUDA,
MATLAB, and Android. Born and raised in Switzerland, he received a BSc degree
in electrical engineering and information technology, as well as a MSc degree in
biomedical engineering from ETH Zurich. When he is not "nerding out" on robots, he
can be found on top of a snowy mountain, in front of a live band, or behind the piano.

OpenCV is a native, cross-platform C++ library for computer vision, machine learning,
and image processing. It is increasingly being adopted in Python for development.
OpenCV has C++/C, Python, and Java interfaces, with support for Windows, Linux,
Mac, iOS, and Android. Developers who use OpenCV build applications to process
visual data; this can include live streaming data such as photographs or videos from
a device such as a camera. However, as developers move beyond their first computer
vision applications, they might find it difficult to come up with solutions that are welloptimized, robust, and scalable for real-world scenarios.
This book demonstrates how to develop a series of intermediate to advanced projects
using OpenCV and Python, rather than teaching the core concepts of OpenCV in
theoretical lessons. The working projects developed in this book teach you how to
apply your theoretical knowledge to topics such as image manipulation, augmented
reality, object tracking, 3D scene reconstruction, statistical learning, and object
By the end of this book, you will be an OpenCV expert, and your newly gained
experience will allow you to develop your own advanced computer vision

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Fun with Filters, explores a number of interesting image filters (such as
a black-and-white pencil sketch, warming/cooling filters, and a cartoonizer effect),
and we apply them to the video stream of a webcam in real time.
Chapter 2, Hand Gesture Recognition Using a Kinect Depth Sensor, helps you develop an
app to detect and track simple hand gestures in real time using the output of a depth
sensor, such as a Microsoft Kinect 3D Sensor or Asus Xtion.


Chapter 3, Finding Objects via Feature Matching and Perspective Transforms, is where
you develop an app to detect an arbitrary object of interest in the video stream of
a webcam, even if the object is viewed from different angles or distances, or under
partial occlusion.
Chapter 4, 3D Scene Reconstruction Using Structure from Motion, shows you how to
reconstruct and visualize a scene in 3D by inferring its geometrical features from
camera motion.
Chapter 5, Tracking Visually Salient Objects, helps you develop an app to track multiple
visually salient objects in a video sequence (such as all the players on the field during
a soccer match) at once.
Chapter 6, Learning to Recognize Traffic Signs, shows you how to train a support
vector machine to recognize traffic signs from the German Traffic Sign Recognition
Benchmark (GTSRB) dataset.
Chapter 7, Learning to Recognize Emotions on Faces, is where you develop an app that
is able to both detect faces and recognize their emotional expressions in the video
stream of a webcam in real time.

Fun with Filters

The goal of this chapter is to develop a number of image processing filters and apply
them to the video stream of a webcam in real time. These filters will rely on various
OpenCV functions to manipulate matrices through splitting, merging, arithmetic
operations, and applying lookup tables for complex functions.
The three effects are as follows:

Black-and-white pencil sketch: To create this effect, we will make use of two
image blending techniques, known as dodging and burning

Warming/cooling filters: To create these effects, we will implement our own

curve filters using a lookup table

Cartoonizer: To create this effect, we will combine a bilateral filter, a median

filter, and adaptive thresholding

OpenCV is such an advanced toolchain that often the question is not how to
implement something from scratch, but rather which pre-canned implementation
to choose for your needs. Generating complex effects is not hard if you have a lot of
computing resources to spare. The challenge usually lies in finding an approach that
not only gets the job done, but also gets it done in time.
Instead of teaching the basic concepts of image manipulation through theoretical
lessons, we will take a practical approach and develop a single end-to-end app that
integrates a number of image filtering techniques. We will apply our theoretical
knowledge to arrive at a solution that not only works but also speeds up seemingly
complex effects so that a laptop can produce them in real time.


Fun with Filters

The following screenshot shows the final outcome of the three effects running
on a laptop:

All of the code in this book is targeted for OpenCV 2.4.9 and has been
tested on Ubuntu 14.04. Throughout this book, we will make extensive
use of the NumPy package ( In addition,
this chapter requires the UnivariateSpline module of the SciPy
package ( as well as the wxPython 2.8
graphical user interface (
php) for cross-platform GUI applications. We will try to avoid further
dependencies wherever possible.


Chapter 1

Planning the app

The final app will consist of the following modules and scripts:

filters: A module comprising different classes for the three different image

effects. The modular approach will allow us to use the filters independently
of any graphical user interface (GUI).

filters.PencilSketch: A class for applying the pencil sketch effect to an

RGB color image.

filters.WarmingFilter: A class for applying the warming filter to an RGB

filters.CoolingFilter: A class for applying the cooling filter to an RGB

filters.Cartoonizer: A method for applying the cartoonizer effect to an

gui: A module that provides a wxPython GUI application to access the

color image.
color image.

RGB color image.

webcam and display the camera feed, which we will make extensive use of
throughout the book.

gui.BaseLayout: A generic layout from which more complicated layouts

can be built.

chapter1: The main script for this chapter.

chapter1.FilterLayout: A custom layout based on gui.BaseLayout that

displays the camera feed and a row of radio buttons that allows the user
to select from the available image filters to be applied to each frame of the
camera feed.

chapter1.main: The main function routine for starting the GUI application

and accessing the webcam.

Creating a black-and-white pencil sketch

In order to obtain a pencil sketch (that is, a black-and-white drawing) of the camera
frame, we will make use of two image blending techniques, known as dodging and
burning. These terms refer to techniques employed during the printing process in
traditional photography; photographers would manipulate the exposure time of a
certain area of a darkroom print in order to lighten or darken it. Dodging lightens an
image, whereas burning darkens it.


Fun with Filters

Areas that were not supposed to undergo changes were protected with a mask.
Today, modern image editing programs, such as Photoshop and Gimp, offer ways to
mimic these effects in digital images. For example, masks are still used to mimic the
effect of changing exposure time of an image, wherein areas of a mask with relatively
intense values will expose the image more, thus lightening the image. OpenCV does
not offer a native function to implement these techniques, but with a little insight
and a few tricks, we will arrive at our own efficient implementation that can be used
to produce a beautiful pencil sketch effect.
If you search on the Internet, you might stumble upon the following common
procedure to achieve a pencil sketch from an RGB color image:
1. Convert the color image to grayscale.
2. Invert the grayscale image to get a negative.
3. Apply a Gaussian blur to the negative from step 2.
4. Blend the grayscale image from step 1 with the blurred negative from step 3
using a color dodge.
Whereas steps 1 to 3 are straightforward, step 4 can be a little tricky. Let's get that
one out of the way first.
OpenCV 3 comes with a pencil sketch effect right out of the
box. The cv2.pencilSketch function uses a domain filter
introduced in the 2011 paper Domain transform for edge-aware
image and video processing, by Eduardo Gastal and Manuel
Oliveira. However, for the purpose of this book, we will develop
our own filter.

Implementing dodging and burning in

In modern image editing tools, such as Photoshop, color dodging of an image A with
a mask B is implemented as the following ternary statement acting on every pixel
index, called idx:
((B[idx] == 255) ? B[idx] :
min(255, ((A[idx] << 8) / (255-B[idx]))))

This essentially divides the value of an A[idx] image pixel by the inverse of the
B[idx] mask pixel value, while making sure that the resulting pixel value will be
in the range of [0, 255] and that we do not divide by zero.


Chapter 1

We could translate this into the following nave Python function, which accepts two
OpenCV matrices (image and mask) and returns the blended image:
def dodgeNaive(image, mask):
# determine the shape of the input image
width,height = image.shape[:2]
# prepare output argument with same size as image
blend = np.zeros((width,height), np.uint8)
for col in xrange(width):
for row in xrange(height):
# shift image pixel value by 8 bits
# divide by the inverse of the mask
tmp = (image[c,r] << 8) / (255.-mask)
# make sure resulting value stays within bounds
if tmp > 255:
tmp = 255
blend[c,r] = tmp
return blend

As you might have guessed, although this code might be functionally correct, it will
undoubtedly be horrendously slow. Firstly, the function uses for loops, which are
almost always a bad idea in Python. Secondly, NumPy arrays (the underlying format
of OpenCV images in Python) are optimized for array calculations, so accessing and
modifying each image[c,r] pixel separately will be really slow.
Instead, we should realize that the <<8 operation is the same as multiplying the pixel
value with the number 2^8=256, and that pixel-wise division can be achieved with
the cv2.divide function. Thus, an improved version of our dodge function could
look like this:
import cv2
def dodgeV2(image, mask):
return cv2.divide(image, 255-mask, scale=256)

We have reduced the dodge function to a single line! The dodgeV2 function produces
the same result as dodgeNaive but is orders of magnitude faster. In addition, cv2.
divide automatically takes care of division by zero, making the result 0 where 255mask is zero.


Fun with Filters

Now, it is straightforward to implement an analogous burning function,

which divides the inverted image by the inverted mask and inverts the result:
import cv2
def burnV2(image, mask):
return 255 cv2.divide(255-image, 255-mask, scale=256)

Pencil sketch transformation

With these tricks in our bag, we are now ready to take a look at the entire procedure.
The final code will be in its own class in the filters module. After we have converted
a color image to grayscale, we aim to blend this image with its blurred negative:
1. We import the OpenCV and numpy modules:
import cv2
import numpy as np

2. Instantiate the PencilSketch class:

class PencilSketch:
def __init__(self, (width, height),

The constructor of this class will accept the image dimensions as well as an
optional background image, which we will make use of in just a bit. If the file
exists, we will open it and scale it to the right size:
self.width = width
self.height = height
# try to open background canvas (if it exists)
self.canvas = cv2.imread(bg_gray, cv2.CV_8UC1)
if self.canvas is not None:
self.canvas = cv2.resize(self.canvas,
(self.width, self.height))

3. Add a render method that will perform the pencil sketch:

def renderV2(self, img_rgb):

4. Converting an RGB image (imgRGB) to grayscale is straightforward:

img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_rgb, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)

Note that it does not matter whether the input image is RGB or BGR.


Chapter 1

5. We then invert the image and blur it with a large Gaussian kernel of size
img_gray_inv = 255 img_gray
img_blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(img_gray_inv, (21,21), 0, 0)

6. We use our dodgeV2 dodging function from the aforementioned code to

blend the original grayscale image with the blurred inverse:
img_blend = dodgeV2(mg_gray, img_blur)
return cv2.cvtColor(img_blend, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

The resulting image looks like this:

Did you notice that our code can be optimized further?

A Gaussian blur is basically a convolution with a Gaussian function. One of the
beauties of convolutions is their associative property. This means that it does not
matter whether we first invert the image and then blur it, or first blur the image and
then invert it.
"Then what matters?" you might ask. Well, if we start with a blurred image and pass
its inverse to the dodgeV2 function, then within that function, the image will get
inverted again (the 255-mask part), essentially yielding the original image. If we get
rid of these redundant operations, an optimized render method would look like this:
def render(img_rgb):
img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_rgb, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
img_blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(img_gray, (21,21), 0, 0)
img_blend = cv2.divide(img_gray, img_blur, scale=256)
return img_blend


Fun with Filters

For kicks and giggles, we want to lightly blend our transformed image (img_blend)
with a background image (self.canvas) that makes it look as if we drew the image
on a canvas:
if self.canvas is not None:
img_blend = cv2.multiply(img_blend, self.canvas, scale=1./256)
return cv2.cvtColor(img_blend, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

And we're done! The final output looks like what is shown here:

Generating a warming/cooling filter

When we perceive images, our brain picks up on a number of subtle clues to infer
important details about the scene. For example, in broad daylight, highlights may
have a slightly yellowish tint because they are in direct sunlight, whereas shadows
may appear slightly bluish due to the ambient light of the blue sky. When we view
an image with such color properties, we might immediately think of a sunny day.
This effect is no mystery to photographers, who sometimes purposely manipulate
the white balance of an image to convey a certain mood. Warm colors are generally
perceived as more pleasant, whereas cool colors are associated with night and
To manipulate the perceived color temperature of an image, we will implement
a curve filter. These filters control how color transitions appear between different
regions of an image, allowing us to subtly shift the color spectrum without adding
an unnatural-looking overall tint to the image.

Chapter 1

Color manipulation via curve shifting

A curve filter is essentially a function, y = f(x), that maps an input pixel value x to
an output pixel value y. The curve is parameterized by a set of n+1 anchor points,
as follows: {(x_0,y_0), (x_1,y_1), ..., (x_n, y_n)}.
Each anchor point is a pair of numbers that represent the input and output pixel
values. For example, the pair (30, 90) means that an input pixel value of 30 is
increased to an output value of 90. Values between anchor points are interpolated
along a smooth curve (hence the name curve filter).
Such a filter can be applied to any image channel, be it a single grayscale channel or
the R, G, and B channels of an RGB color image. Thus, for our purposes, all values of
x and y must stay between 0 and 255.
For example, if we wanted to make a grayscale image slightly brighter, we could use
a curve filter with the following set of control points: {(0,0), (128, 192), (255,255)}. This
would mean that all input pixel values except 0 and 255 would be increased slightly,
resulting in an overall brightening effect of the image.
If we want such filters to produce natural-looking images, it is important to respect
the following two rules:

Every set of anchor points should include (0,0) and (255,255). This is
important in order to prevent the image from appearing as if it has an
overall tint, as black remains black and white remains white.

The function f(x) should be monotonously increasing. In other words,

with increasing x, f(x) either stays the same or increases (that is, it never
decreases). This is important for making sure that shadows remain shadows
and highlights remain highlights.

Implementing a curve filter by using lookup

Curve filters are computationally expensive, because the values of f(x) must be
interpolated whenever x does not coincide with one of the prespecified anchor
points. Performing this computation for every pixel of every image frame that we
encounter would have dramatic effects on performance.


Fun with Filters

Instead, we make use of a lookup table. Since there are only 256 possible pixel
values for our purposes, we need to calculate f(x) only for all the 256 possible values
of x. Interpolation is handled by the UnivariateSpline function of the scipy.
interpolate module, as shown in the following code snippet:
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
def _create_LUT_8UC1(self, x, y):
spl = UnivariateSpline(x, y)
return spl(xrange(256))

The return argument of the function is a 256-element list that contains the
interpolated f(x) values for every possible value of x.
All we need to do now is come up with a set of anchor points, (x_i, y_i), and we are
ready to apply the filter to a grayscale input image (img_gray):
import cv2
import numpy as np
x = [0, 128, 255]
y = [0, 192, 255]
myLUT = _create_LUT_8UC1(x, y)
img_curved = cv2.LUT(img_gray, myLUT).astype(np.uint8)

The result looks like this (the original image is on the left, and the transformed image
is on the right):

Designing the warming/cooling effect

With the mechanism to quickly apply a generic curve filter to any image channel
in place, we now turn to the question of how to manipulate the perceived color
temperature of an image. Again, the final code will have its own class in the filters
[ 10 ]

Chapter 1

If you have a minute to spare, I advise you to play around with the different curve
settings for a while. You can choose any number of anchor points and apply the
curve filter to any image channel you can think of (red, green, blue, hue, saturation,
brightness, lightness, and so on). You could even combine multiple channels, or
decrease one and shift another to a desired region. What will the result look like?
However, if the number of possibilities dazzles you, take a more conservative
approach. First, by making use of our _create_LUT_8UC1 function developed in the
preceding steps, let's define two generic curve filters, one that (by trend) increases all
pixel values of a channel, and one that generally decreases them:
class WarmingFilter:
def __init__(self):
self.incr_ch_lut = _create_LUT_8UC1([0, 64, 128, 192, 256],
[0, 70, 140, 210, 256])
self.decr_ch_lut = _create_LUT_8UC1([0, 64, 128, 192, 256],
[0, 30, 80, 120, 192])

The easiest way to make an image appear as if it was taken on a hot, sunny day
(maybe close to sunset), is to increase the reds in the image and make the colors
appear vivid by increasing the color saturation. We will achieve this in two steps:
1. Increase the pixel values in the R channel and decrease the pixel values in
the B channel of an RGB color image using incr_ch_lut and decr_ch_lut,
def render(self, img_rgb):
c_r, c_g, c_b = cv2.split(img_rgb)
c_r = cv2.LUT(c_r, self.incr_ch_lut).astype(np.uint8)
c_b = cv2.LUT(c_b, self.decr_ch_lut).astype(np.uint8)
img_rgb = cv2.merge((c_r, c_g, c_b))

2. Transform the image into the HSV color space (H means hue, S means
saturation, and V means value), and increase the S channel using incr_ch_
lut. This can be achieved with the following function, which expects an RGB
color image as input:
c_b = cv2.LUT(c_b, decrChLUT).astype(np.uint8)
# increase color saturation
c_h, c_s, c_v = cv2.split(cv2.cvtColor(img_rgb,
c_s = cv2.LUT(c_s, self.incr_ch_lut).astype(np.uint8)
return cv2.cvtColor(cv2.merge((c_h, c_s, c_v)),
[ 11 ]

Fun with Filters

The result looks like what is shown here:

Analogously, we can define a cooling filter that increases the pixel values in the B
channel, decreases the pixel values in the R channel of an RGB image, converts the
image into the HSV color space, and decreases color saturation via the S channel:
class CoolingFilter:
def render(self, img_rgb):
c_r, c_g, c_b = cv2.split(img_rgb)
c_r = cv2.LUT(c_r, self.decr_ch_lut).astype(np.uint8)
c_b = cv2.LUT(c_b, self.incr_ch_lut).astype(np.uint8)
img_rgb = cv2.merge((c_r, c_g, c_b))
# decrease color saturation
c_h, c_s, c_v = cv2.split(cv2.cvtColor(img_rgb,
c_s = cv2.LUT(c_s, self.decr_ch_lut).astype(np.uint8)
return cv2.cvtColor(cv2.merge((c_h, c_s, c_v)),

Now, the result looks like this:

[ 12 ]

Chapter 1

Cartoonizing an image
Over the past few years, professional cartoonizer software has popped up all over
the place. In order to achieve the basic cartoon effect, all that we need is a bilateral
filter and some edge detection. The bilateral filter will reduce the color palette, or
the numbers of colors that are used in the image. This mimics a cartoon drawing,
wherein a cartoonist typically has few colors to work with. Then we can apply edge
detection to the resulting image to generate bold silhouettes. The real challenge,
however, lies in the computational cost of bilateral filters. We will thus use some
tricks to produce an acceptable cartoon effect in real time.
We will adhere to the following procedure to transform an RGB color image into
a cartoon:
1. Apply a bilateral filter to reduce the color palette of the image.
2. Convert the original color image into grayscale.
3. Apply a median blur to reduce image noise.
4. Use adaptive thresholding to detect and emphasize the edges in an
edge mask.
5. Combine the color image from step 1 with the edge mask from step 4.

Using a bilateral filter for edge-aware

A strong bilateral filter is ideally suitable for converting an RGB image into a color
painting or a cartoon, because it smoothens flat regions while keeping edges sharp.
It seems that the only drawback of this filter is its computational cost, as it is orders
of magnitude slower than other smoothing operations, such as a Gaussian blur.
The first measure to take when we need to reduce the computational cost is to
perform an operation on an image of low resolution. In order to downscale an RGB
image (imgRGB) to a quarter of its size (reduce the width and height to half), we could
use cv2.resize:
import cv2
img_small = cv2.resize(img_rgb, (0,0), fx=0.5, fy=0.5)

A pixel value in the resized image will correspond to the pixel average of a small
neighborhood in the original image. However, this process may produce image
artifacts, which is also known as aliasing. While this is bad enough on its own, the
effect might be enhanced by subsequent processing, for example, edge detection.
[ 13 ]

Fun with Filters

A better alternative might be to use the Gaussian pyramid for downscaling (again to
a quarter of the original size). The Gaussian pyramid consists of a blur operation that
is performed before the image is resampled, which reduces aliasing effects:
img_small = cv2.pyrDown(img_rgb)

However, even at this scale, the bilateral filter might still be too slow to run in real
time. Another trick is to repeatedly (say, five times) apply a small bilateral filter to
the image instead of applying a large bilateral filter once:
num_iter = 5
for _ in xrange(num_iter):
img_small = cv2.bilateralFilter(img_small, d=9, sigmaColor=9,

The three parameters in cv2.bilateralFilter control the diameter of the

pixel neighborhood (d) and the standard deviation of the filter in the color space
(sigmaColor) and coordinate space (sigmaSpace).
Don't forget to restore the image to its original size:
img_rgb = cv2.pyrUp(img_small)

The result looks like a blurred color painting of a creepy programmer, as follows:

Detecting and emphasizing prominent edges

Again, when it comes to edge detection, the challenge often does not lie in how the
underlying algorithm works, but instead which particular algorithm to choose for
the task at hand. You might already be familiar with a variety of edge detectors.
For example, Canny edge detection (cv2.Canny) provides a relatively simple and
effective method to detect edges in an image, but it is susceptible to noise.

[ 14 ]

Chapter 1

The Sobel operator (cv2.Sobel) can reduce such artifacts, but it is not rotationally
symmetric. The Scharr operator (cv2.Scharr) was targeted at correcting this, but
only looks at the first image derivative. If you are interested, there are even more
operators for you, such as the Laplacian or ridge operator (which includes the
second derivative), but they are far more complex. And in the end, for our specific
purposes, they might not look better, maybe because they are as susceptible to
lighting conditions as any other algorithm.
For the purpose of this project, we will choose a function that might not even be
associated with conventional edge detectioncv2.adaptiveThreshold. Like cv2.
threshold, this function uses a threshold pixel value to convert a grayscale image into
a binary image. That is, if a pixel value in the original image is above the threshold,
then the pixel value in the final image will be 255. Otherwise, it will be 0. However,
the beauty of adaptive thresholding is that it does not look at the overall properties
of the image. Instead, it detects the most salient features in each small neighborhood
independently, without regard to the global image optima. This makes the algorithm
extremely robust to lighting conditions, which is exactly what we want when we seek
to draw bold, black outlines around objects and people in a cartoon.
However, it also makes the algorithm susceptible to noise. To counteract this, we
will preprocess the image with a median filter. A median filter does what its name
suggests; it replaces each pixel value with the median value of all the pixels in a
small pixel neighborhood. We first convert the RGB image (img_rgb) to grayscale
(img_gray) and then apply a median blur with a seven-pixel local neighborhood:
# convert to grayscale and apply median blur
img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_rgb, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
img_blur = cv2.medianBlur(img_gray, 7)

After reducing the noise, it is now safe to detect and enhance the edges using
adaptive thresholding. Even if there is some image noise left, the cv2.ADAPTIVE_
THRESH_MEAN_C algorithm with blockSize=9 will ensure that the threshold is
applied to the mean of a 9 x 9 neighborhood minus C=2:
img_edge = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(img_blur, 255,
cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 9, 2)

Downloading the example code

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[ 15 ]

Fun with Filters

The result of the adaptive thresholding looks like this:

Combining colors and outlines to produce

a cartoon
The last step is to combine the two. Simply fuse the two effects together into a single
image using cv2.bitwise_and. The complete function is as follows:
def render(self, img_rgb):
numDownSamples = 2 # number of downscaling steps
numBilateralFilters = 7 # number of bilateral filtering steps
# -- STEP 1 -# downsample image using Gaussian pyramid
img_color = img_rgb
for _ in xrange(numDownSamples):
img_color = cv2.pyrDown(img_color)
# repeatedly apply small bilateral filter instead of applying
# one large filter
for _ in xrange(numBilateralFilters):
img_color = cv2.bilateralFilter(img_color, 9, 9, 7)
# upsample image to original size
for _ in xrange(numDownSamples):
img_color = cv2.pyrUp(img_color)
# -- STEPS 2 and 3 -# convert to grayscale and apply median blur
img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_rgb, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
img_blur = cv2.medianBlur(img_gray, 7)
[ 16 ]

Chapter 1

# -- STEP 4 -# detect and enhance edges

img_edge = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(img_blur, 255,
# -- STEP 5 -# convert back to color so that it can be bit-ANDed
# with color image
img_edge = cv2.cvtColor(img_edge, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
return cv2.bitwise_and(img_color, img_edge)

The result looks like what is shown here:

Putting it all together

Before we can make use of the designed image filter effects in an interactive way,
we need to set up the main script and design a GUI application.

Running the app

To run the application, we will turn to the script, which we will start
by importing all the necessary modules:
import numpy as np
import wx
import cv2

[ 17 ]

Fun with Filters

We will also have to import a generic GUI layout (from gui) and all the designed
image effects (from filters):
from gui import BaseLayout
from filters import PencilSketch, WarmingFilter, CoolingFilter,

OpenCV provides a straightforward way to access a computer's webcam or camera

device. The following code snippet opens the default camera ID (0) of a computer
using cv2.VideoCapture:
def main():
capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

On some platforms, the first call to cv2.VideoCapture fails to open a channel.

In that case, we provide a workaround by opening the channel ourselves:
if not(capture.isOpened()):

In order to give our application a fair chance to run in real time, we will limit the size
of the video stream to 640 x 480 pixels:
capture.set(, 640)
capture.set(, 480)

If you are using OpenCV 3, the constants that you are looking for
might be called cv3.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH and cv3.CAP_

Then the capture stream can be passed to our GUI application, which is an instance
of the FilterLayout class:
# start graphical user interface
app = wx.App()
layout = FilterLayout(None, -1, 'Fun with Filters', capture)

The only thing left to do now is design the said GUI.

The GUI base class

The FilterLayout GUI will be based on a generic, plain layout class called
BaseLayout, which we will be able to use in subsequent chapters as well.

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Chapter 1

The BaseLayout class is designed as an abstract base class. You can think of this class
as a blueprint or recipe that will apply to all the layouts that we are yet to designa
skeleton class, if you will, that will serve as the backbone for all of our future GUI code.
In order to use abstract classes, we need the following import statement:
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

We also include some other modules that will be helpful, especially the wx Python
module and OpenCV (of course):
import time
import wx
import cv2

The class is designed to be derived from the blueprint or skeleton, that is, the
wx.Frame class. We also mark the class as abstract by adding the __metaclass__
class BaseLayout(wx.Frame):
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta

Later on, when we write our own custom layout (FilterLayout), we will use the
same notation to specify that the class is based on the BaseLayout blueprint (or
skeleton) class, for example, in class FilterLayout(BaseLayout):. But for now,
let's focus on the BaseLayout class.
An abstract class has at least one abstract method. An abstract method is akin to
specifying that a certain method must exist, but we are not sure at that time what
it should look like. For example, suppose BaseLayout contains a method specified
as follows:
def _init_custom_layout(self):

Then any class deriving from it, such as FilterLayout, must specify a fully
fleshed-out implementation of a method with that exact signature. This will
allow us to create custom layouts, as you will see in a moment.
But first, let's proceed to the GUI constructor.

[ 19 ]

Fun with Filters

The GUI constructor

The BaseLayout constructor accepts an ID (-1), a title string ('Fun with Filters'),
a video capture object, and an optional argument that specifies the number of frames
per second. Then, the first thing to do in the constructor is try and read a frame from
the captured object in order to determine the image size:
def __init__(self, parent, id, title, capture, fps=10):
self.capture = capture
# determine window size and init wx.Frame
_, frame =
self.imgHeight,self.imgWidth = frame.shape[:2]

We will use the image size to prepare a buffer that will store each video frame as
a bitmap, and to set the size of the GUI. Because we want to display a bunch of
control buttons below the current video frame, we set the height of the GUI to self.
self.bmp = wx.BitmapFromBuffer(self.imgWidth,
self.imgHeight, frame)
wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title,
size=(self.imgWidth, self.imgHeight+20))

We then provide two methods to initialize some more parameters and create the
actual layout of the GUI:

Handling video streams

The video stream of the webcam is handled by a series of steps that begin with the
_init_base_layout method. These steps might appear overly complicated at first,
but they are necessary in order to allow the video to run smoothly, even at higher
frame rates (that is, to counteract flicker).
The wxPython module works with events and callback methods. When a certain
event is triggered, it can cause a certain class method to be executed (in other words,
a method can bind to an event). We will use this mechanism to our advantage and
display a new frame every so often using the following steps:
1. We create a timer that will generate a wx.EVT_TIMER event whenever 1000./
fps milliseconds have passed:
def _init_base_layout(self):
self.timer = wx.Timer(self)
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Chapter 1

2. Whenever the timer is up, we want the _on_next_frame method to be called.

It will try to acquire a new video frame:
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self._on_next_frame)

3. The _on_next_frame method will process the new video frame and store the
processed frame in a bitmap. This will trigger another event, wx.EVT_PAINT.
We want to bind this event to the _on_paint method, which will paint the
display the new frame:
self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self._on_paint)

The _on_next_frame method grabs a new frame and, once done, sends the frame to
another method, __process_frame, for further processing:
def _on_next_frame(self, event):
ret, frame =
if ret:
frame = self._process_frame(cv2.cvtColor(frame,

The processed frame (frame) is then stored in a bitmap buffer (self.bmp):


Calling Refresh triggers the aforementioned wx.EVT_PAINT event, which binds to


The paint method then grabs the frame from the buffer and displays it:
def _on_paint(self, event):
deviceContext = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self.pnl)
deviceContext.DrawBitmap(self.bmp, 0, 0)

A basic GUI layout

The creation of the generic layout is done by a method called _create_base_layout.
The most basic layout consists of only a large black panel that provides enough room
to display the video feed:
def _create_base_layout(self):
self.pnl = wx.Panel(self, -1,
size=(self.imgWidth, self.imgHeight))

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Fun with Filters

In order for the layout to be extendable, we add it to a vertically arranged

wx.BoxSizer object:
self.panels_vertical = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
self.panels_vertical.Add(self.pnl, 1, flag=wx.EXPAND)

Next, we specify an abstract method, _create_custom_layout, for which we will

not fill in any code. Instead, any user of our base class can make their own custom
modifications to the basic layout:

Then, we just need to set the minimum size of the resulting layout and center it:
self.SetMinSize((self.imgWidth, self.imgHeight))

A custom filter layout

Now we are almost done! If we want to use the BaseLayout class, we need to
provide code for the three methods that were left blank previously:

_init_custom_layout: This is where we can initialize task-specific

_create_custom_layout: This is where we can make task-specific

_process_frame: This is where we perform task-specific processing on each

captured frame of the camera feed


modifications to the GUI layout

At this point, initializing the image filters is self-explanatory, as it only requires us to

instantiate the corresponding classes:
def _init_custom_layout(self):
self.pencil_sketch = PencilSketch((self.imgWidth,
self.warm_filter = WarmingFilter()
self.cool_filter = CoolingFilter()
self.cartoonizer = Cartoonizer()

To customize the layout, we arrange a number of radio buttons horizontally,

one button per image effect mode:
def _create_custom_layout(self):
# create a horizontal layout with all filter modes
pnl = wx.Panel(self, -1 )
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Chapter 1
self.mode_warm = wx.RadioButton(pnl, -1, 'Warming Filter',
(10, 10), style=wx.RB_GROUP)
self.mode_cool = wx.RadioButton(pnl, -1, 'Cooling Filter',
(10, 10))
self.mode_sketch = wx.RadioButton(pnl, -1, 'Pencil Sketch',
(10, 10))
self.mode_cartoon = wx.RadioButton(pnl, -1, 'Cartoon',
(10, 10))
hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
hbox.Add(self.mode_warm, 1)
hbox.Add(self.mode_cool, 1)
hbox.Add(self.mode_sketch, 1)
hbox.Add(self.mode_cartoon, 1)

Here, the style=wx.RB_GROUP option makes sure that only one of these radio
buttons can be selected at a time.
To make these changes take effect, pnl needs to be added to list of existing panels:
self.panels_vertical.Add(pnl, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.BOTTOM | wx.TOP,

The last method to be specified is _process_frame. Recall that this method is

triggered whenever a new camera frame is received. All that we need to do is
pick the right image effect to be applied, which depends on the radio button
configuration. We simply check which of the buttons is currently selected and call
the corresponding render method:
def _process_frame(self, frame_rgb):
if self.mode_warm.GetValue():
frame = self.warm_filter.render(frame_rgb)
elif self.mode_cool.GetValue():
frame = self.cool_filter.render(frame_rgb)
elif self.mode_sketch.GetValue():
frame = self.pencil_sketch.render(frame_rgb)
elif self.mode_cartoon.GetValue():
frame = self.cartoonizer.render(frame_rgb)

Don't forget to return the processed frame:

return frame

[ 23 ]

Fun with Filters

And we're done!

Here is the result:

In this chapter, we explored a number of interesting image processing effects. We
used dodging and burning to create a black-and-white pencil sketch effect, explored
lookup tables to arrive at an efficient implementation of curve filters, and got creative
to produce a cartoon effect.
In the next chapter, we will shift gears a bit and explore the use of depth sensors,
such as Microsoft Kinect 3D, to recognize hand gestures in real time.

[ 24 ]

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